Mon, 23 May 2005 16:57:02 +0200
changeset 16049 9bfb016cb35e
parent 16048 25cb0fe2e1c6
child 16050 828fc32f390f
--- a/src/Provers/simp.ML	Mon May 23 15:16:36 2005 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Provers/simp
-    Author:     Tobias Nipkow
-    Copyright   1993  University of Cambridge
-Generic simplifier, suitable for most logics.  The only known exception is
-Constructive Type Theory.  The reflexivity axiom must be unconditional,
-namely a=a not a:A ==> a=a:A.  Used typedsimp.ML otherwise.  
-signature SIMP_DATA =
-  val dest_red     : term -> term * term * term
-  val mk_rew_rules : thm -> thm list
-  val norm_thms    : (thm*thm) list (* [(?x>>norm(?x), norm(?x)>>?x), ...] *)
-  val red1         : thm        (*  ?P>>?Q  ==>  ?P  ==>  ?Q  *)
-  val red2         : thm        (*  ?P>>?Q  ==>  ?Q  ==>  ?P  *)
-  val refl_thms    : thm list
-  val subst_thms   : thm list   (* [ ?a>>?b ==> ?P(?a) ==> ?P(?b), ...] *)
-  val trans_thms   : thm list
-infix 4 addrews addcongs addsplits delrews delcongs setauto;
-signature SIMP =
-  type simpset
-  val empty_ss  : simpset
-  val addcongs  : simpset * thm list -> simpset
-  val addrews   : simpset * thm list -> simpset
-  val addsplits : simpset * thm list -> simpset
-  val delcongs  : simpset * thm list -> simpset
-  val delrews   : simpset * thm list -> simpset
-  val dest_ss   : simpset -> thm list * thm list
-  val print_ss  : simpset -> unit
-  val setauto   : simpset * (thm list -> int -> tactic) -> simpset
-  val ASM_SIMP_TAC      : simpset -> int -> tactic
-  val SPLIT_TAC          : simpset -> int -> tactic
-  val SIMP_SPLIT2_TAC    : simpset -> int -> tactic
-  val SIMP_THM          : simpset -> thm -> thm
-  val SIMP_TAC          : simpset -> int -> tactic
-  val mk_congs          : theory -> string list -> thm list
-  val mk_typed_congs    : theory -> (string * string) list -> thm list
-(* temporarily disabled:
-  val extract_free_congs        : unit -> thm list
-  val tracing   : bool ref
-functor SimpFun (Simp_data: SIMP_DATA) : SIMP = 
-local open Simp_data Logic in
-(*For taking apart reductions into left, right hand sides*)
-val lhs_of = #2 o dest_red;
-val rhs_of = #3 o dest_red;
-(*** Indexing and filtering of theorems ***)
-fun eq_brl ((b1,th1),(b2,th2)) = b1=b2 andalso Drule.eq_thm_prop(th1,th2);
-(*insert a thm in a discrimination net by its lhs*)
-fun lhs_insert_thm (th,net) =
-    Net.insert_term((lhs_of (concl_of th), (false,th)), net, eq_brl)
-    handle  Net.INSERT => net;
-(*match subgoal i against possible theorems in the net.
-  Similar to match_from_nat_tac, but the net does not contain numbers;
-  rewrite rules are not ordered.*)
-fun net_tac net =
-  SUBGOAL(fn (prem,i) => 
-	  match_tac (Net.match_term net (strip_assums_concl prem)) i);
-(*match subgoal i against possible theorems indexed by lhs in the net*)
-fun lhs_net_tac net =
-  SUBGOAL(fn (prem,i) => 
-	  bimatch_tac (Net.match_term net
-		       (lhs_of (strip_assums_concl prem))) i);
-fun nth_subgoal i thm = List.nth(prems_of thm,i-1);
-fun goal_concl i thm = strip_assums_concl(nth_subgoal i thm);
-fun lhs_of_eq i thm = lhs_of(goal_concl i thm)
-and rhs_of_eq i thm = rhs_of(goal_concl i thm);
-fun var_lhs(thm,i) =
-let fun var(Var _) = true
-      | var(Abs(_,_,t)) = var t
-      | var(f$_) = var f
-      | var _ = false;
-in var(lhs_of_eq i thm) end;
-fun contains_op opns =
-    let fun contains(Const(s,_)) = s mem opns |
-            contains(s$t) = contains s orelse contains t |
-            contains(Abs(_,_,t)) = contains t |
-            contains _ = false;
-    in contains end;
-fun may_match(match_ops,i) = contains_op match_ops o lhs_of_eq i;
-val (normI_thms,normE_thms) = split_list norm_thms;
-(*Get the norm constants from norm_thms*)
-val norms =
-  let fun norm thm = 
-      case lhs_of(concl_of thm) of
-	  Const(n,_)$_ => n
-	| _ => (prths normE_thms; error"No constant in lhs of a norm_thm")
-  in map norm normE_thms end;
-fun lhs_is_NORM(thm,i) = case lhs_of_eq i thm of
-	Const(s,_)$_ => s mem norms | _ => false;
-val refl_tac = resolve_tac refl_thms;
-fun find_res thms thm =
-    let fun find [] = (prths thms; error"Check Simp_Data")
-          | find(th::thms) = thm RS th handle THM _ => find thms
-    in find thms end;
-val mk_trans = find_res trans_thms;
-fun mk_trans2 thm =
-let fun mk[] = error"Check transitivity"
-      | mk(t::ts) = (thm RSN (2,t))  handle THM _  => mk ts
-in mk trans_thms end;
-(*Applies tactic and returns the first resulting state, FAILS if none!*)
-fun one_result(tac,thm) = case Seq.pull(tac thm) of
-	SOME(thm',_) => thm'
-      | NONE => raise THM("Simplifier: could not continue", 0, [thm]);
-fun res1(thm,thms,i) = one_result(resolve_tac thms i,thm);
-(**** Adding "NORM" tags ****)
-(*get name of the constant from conclusion of a congruence rule*)
-fun cong_const cong = 
-    case head_of (lhs_of (concl_of cong)) of
-	Const(c,_) => c
-      | _ => ""			(*a placeholder distinct from const names*);
-(*true if the term is an atomic proposition (no ==> signs) *)
-val atomic = null o strip_assums_hyp;
-(*ccs contains the names of the constants possessing congruence rules*)
-fun add_hidden_vars ccs =
-  let fun add_hvars(tm,hvars) = case tm of
-	      Abs(_,_,body) => add_term_vars(body,hvars)
-	    | _$_ => let val (f,args) = strip_comb tm 
-		     in case f of
-			    Const(c,T) => 
-				if c mem ccs
-				then foldr add_hvars hvars args
-				else add_term_vars(tm,hvars)
-			  | _ => add_term_vars(tm,hvars)
-		     end
-	    | _ => hvars;
-  in add_hvars end;
-fun add_new_asm_vars new_asms =
-    let fun itf((tm,at),vars) =
-		if at then vars else add_term_vars(tm,vars)
-	fun add_list(tm,al,vars) = let val (_,tml) = strip_comb tm
-		in if length(tml)=length(al)
-		   then foldr itf vars (tml~~al)
-		   else vars
-		end
-	fun add_vars (tm,vars) = case tm of
-		  Abs (_,_,body) => add_vars(body,vars)
-		| r$s => (case head_of tm of
-			  Const(c,T) => (case assoc(new_asms,c) of
-				  NONE => add_vars(r,add_vars(s,vars))
-				| SOME(al) => add_list(tm,al,vars))
-			| _ => add_vars(r,add_vars(s,vars)))
-		| _ => vars
-    in add_vars end;
-fun add_norms(congs,ccs,new_asms) thm =
-let val thm' = mk_trans2 thm;
-(* thm': [?z -> l; Prems; r -> ?t] ==> ?z -> ?t *)
-    val nops = nprems_of thm'
-    val lhs = rhs_of_eq 1 thm'
-    val rhs = lhs_of_eq nops thm'
-    val asms = tl(rev(tl(prems_of thm')))
-    val hvars = foldr (add_hidden_vars ccs) [] (lhs::rhs::asms)
-    val hvars = add_new_asm_vars new_asms (rhs,hvars)
-    fun it_asms (asm,hvars) =
-	if atomic asm then add_new_asm_vars new_asms (asm,hvars)
-	else add_term_frees(asm,hvars)
-    val hvars = foldr it_asms hvars asms
-    val hvs = map (#1 o dest_Var) hvars
-    val refl1_tac = refl_tac 1
-    fun norm_step_tac st = st |>
-	 (case head_of(rhs_of_eq 1 st) of
-	    Var(ixn,_) => if ixn mem hvs then refl1_tac
-			  else resolve_tac normI_thms 1 ORELSE refl1_tac
-	  | Const _ => resolve_tac normI_thms 1 ORELSE
-		       resolve_tac congs 1 ORELSE refl1_tac
-	  | Free _ => resolve_tac congs 1 ORELSE refl1_tac
-	  | _ => refl1_tac))
-    val add_norm_tac = DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems nops) norm_step_tac
-    val SOME(thm'',_) = Seq.pull(add_norm_tac thm')
-in thm'' end;
-fun add_norm_tags congs =
-    let val ccs = map cong_const congs
-	val new_asms = List.filter (exists not o #2)
-		(ccs ~~ (map (map atomic o prems_of) congs));
-    in add_norms(congs,ccs,new_asms) end;
-fun normed_rews congs =
-  let val add_norms = add_norm_tags congs;
-  in fn thm => map (varifyT o add_norms o mk_trans) (mk_rew_rules(freezeT thm))
-  end;
-fun NORM norm_lhs_tac = EVERY'[resolve_tac [red2], norm_lhs_tac, refl_tac];
-val trans_norms = map mk_trans normE_thms;
-(* SIMPSET *)
-datatype simpset =
-	SS of {auto_tac: thm list -> int -> tactic,
-	       congs: thm list,
-	       cong_net: thm Net.net,
-	       mk_simps: thm -> thm list,
-	       simps: (thm * thm list) list,
-	       simp_net: thm Net.net,
-               splits: thm list,
-               split_consts: string list}
-val empty_ss = SS{auto_tac= K (K no_tac), congs=[], cong_net=Net.empty,
-		  mk_simps=normed_rews[], simps=[], simp_net=Net.empty,
-                  splits=[], split_consts=[]};
-(** Insertion of congruences, rewrites and case splits **)
-(*insert a thm in a thm net*)
-fun insert_thm_warn (th,net) = 
-  Net.insert_term((concl_of th, th), net, Drule.eq_thm_prop)
-  handle Net.INSERT => 
-    (writeln"\nDuplicate rewrite or congruence rule:"; print_thm th;
-     net);
-val insert_thms = foldr insert_thm_warn;
-fun addrew(SS{auto_tac,congs,cong_net,mk_simps,simps,simp_net,
-              splits,split_consts}, thm) =
-let val thms = mk_simps thm
-in SS{auto_tac=auto_tac,congs=congs, cong_net=cong_net, mk_simps=mk_simps,
-      simps = (thm,thms)::simps, simp_net = insert_thms simp_net thms,
-      splits=splits,split_consts=split_consts}
-val op addrews = Library.foldl addrew;
-fun op addcongs(SS{auto_tac,congs,cong_net,mk_simps,simps,simp_net,
-                   splits,split_consts}, thms) =
-let val congs' = thms @ congs;
-in SS{auto_tac=auto_tac, congs= congs',
-      cong_net= insert_thms cong_net (map mk_trans thms),
-      mk_simps= normed_rews congs', simps=simps, simp_net=simp_net,
-      splits=splits,split_consts=split_consts}
-fun split_err() = error("split rule not of the form ?P(c(...)) = ...");
-fun split_const(_ $ t) =
-       (case head_of t of Const(a,_) => a | _ => split_err())
-  | split_const _ = split_err();
-fun addsplit(SS{auto_tac,congs,cong_net,mk_simps,simps,simp_net,
-                splits,split_consts}, thm) =
-let val a = split_const(lhs_of(concl_of thm))
-in SS{auto_tac=auto_tac,congs=congs,cong_net=cong_net,
-      mk_simps=mk_simps,simps=simps,simp_net=simp_net,
-      splits=splits@[mk_trans thm],split_consts=split_consts@[a]} end;
-val op addsplits = Library.foldl addsplit;
-(** Deletion of congruences and rewrites **)
-(*delete a thm from a thm net*)
-fun delete_thm_warn (th,net) = 
-  Net.delete_term((concl_of th, th), net, Drule.eq_thm_prop)
-  handle Net.DELETE => 
-    (writeln"\nNo such rewrite or congruence rule:";  print_thm th;
-     net);
-val delete_thms = foldr delete_thm_warn;
-fun op delcongs(SS{auto_tac,congs,cong_net,mk_simps,simps,simp_net,
-                   splits,split_consts}, thms) =
-let val congs' = Library.foldl (gen_rem Drule.eq_thm_prop) (congs,thms)
-in SS{auto_tac=auto_tac, congs= congs',
-      cong_net= delete_thms cong_net (map mk_trans thms),
-      mk_simps= normed_rews congs', simps=simps, simp_net=simp_net,
-      splits=splits,split_consts=split_consts}
-fun delrew(SS{auto_tac,congs,cong_net,mk_simps,simps,simp_net,
-              splits,split_consts}, thm) =
-let fun find((p as (th,ths))::ps',ps) =
-	  if Drule.eq_thm_prop(thm,th) then (ths,ps@ps') else find(ps',p::ps)
-      | find([],simps') = (writeln"\nNo such rewrite or congruence rule:";
-			   print_thm thm;
-			   ([],simps'))
-    val (thms,simps') = find(simps,[])
-in SS{auto_tac=auto_tac, congs=congs, cong_net=cong_net, mk_simps=mk_simps,
-      simps = simps', simp_net = delete_thms simp_net thms,
-      splits=splits,split_consts=split_consts}
-val op delrews = Library.foldl delrew;
-fun op setauto(SS{congs,cong_net,mk_simps,simps,simp_net,
-                  splits,split_consts,...}, auto_tac) =
-    SS{auto_tac=auto_tac, congs=congs, cong_net=cong_net, mk_simps=mk_simps,
-       simps=simps, simp_net=simp_net,splits=splits,split_consts=split_consts};
-(** Inspection of a simpset **)
-fun dest_ss(SS{congs,simps,...}) = (congs, map #1 simps);
-fun print_ss(SS{congs,simps,splits,...}) =
-	(writeln"Congruences:"; prths congs;
-         writeln"Case Splits"; prths splits;
-	 writeln"Rewrite Rules:"; prths (map #1 simps); ());
-(* Rewriting with case splits *)
-fun splittable a i thm =
-    let val tm = goal_concl i thm
-	fun nobound(Abs(_,_,tm),j,k) = nobound(tm,j,k+1)
-	  | nobound(s$t,j,k) = nobound(s,j,k) andalso nobound(t,j,k)
-	  | nobound(Bound n,j,k) = n < k orelse k+j <= n
-	  | nobound(_) = true;
-	fun check_args(al,j) = forall (fn t => nobound(t,j,0)) al
-	fun find_if(Abs(_,_,tm),j) = find_if(tm,j+1)
-	  | find_if(tm as s$t,j) = let val (f,al) = strip_comb tm in
-		case f of Const(c,_) =>	if c=a then check_args(al,j)
-			else find_if(s,j) orelse find_if(t,j)
-		| _ => find_if(s,j) orelse find_if(t,j) end
-	  | find_if(_) = false;
-    in find_if(tm,0) end;
-fun split_tac (cong_tac,splits,split_consts) i =
-    let fun seq_try (split::splits,a::bs) thm = tapply(
-		COND (splittable a i) (DETERM(resolve_tac[split]i))
-			((seq_try(splits,bs))), thm)
-	      | seq_try([],_) thm = no_tac thm
-	and try_rew thm = tapply((seq_try(splits,split_consts))
-				 ORELSE one_subt, thm)
-	and one_subt thm =
-		let val test = has_fewer_prems (nprems_of thm + 1)
-		    fun loop thm = tapply(COND test no_tac
-			((try_rew THEN DEPTH_FIRST test (refl_tac i))
-			 ORELSE (refl_tac i THEN loop)), thm)
-		in (cong_tac THEN loop) thm end
-    in if null splits then no_tac
-       else COND (may_match(split_consts,i)) try_rew no_tac
-    end;
-fun SPLIT_TAC (SS{cong_net,splits,split_consts,...}) i =
-let val cong_tac = net_tac cong_net i
-in NORM (split_tac (cong_tac,splits,split_consts)) i end;
-(* Rewriting Automaton *)
-datatype cntrl = STOP | MK_EQ | ASMS of int | SIMP_LHS | REW | REFL | TRUE
-	       | PROVE | POP_CS | POP_ARTR | SPLIT;
-fun pr_cntrl c = case c of STOP => std_output("STOP") | MK_EQ => std_output("MK_EQ") |
-ASMS i => print_int i | POP_ARTR => std_output("POP_ARTR") |
-SIMP_LHS => std_output("SIMP_LHS") | REW => std_output("REW") | REFL => std_output("REFL") |
-TRUE => std_output("TRUE") | PROVE => std_output("PROVE") | POP_CS => std_output("POP_CS") | SPLIT
-=> std_output("SPLIT");
-fun simp_refl([],_,ss) = ss
-  | simp_refl(a'::ns,a,ss) = if a'=a then simp_refl(ns,a,SIMP_LHS::REFL::ss)
-	else simp_refl(ns,a,ASMS(a)::SIMP_LHS::REFL::POP_ARTR::ss);
-(** Tracing **)
-val tracing = ref false;
-(*Replace parameters by Free variables in P*)
-fun variants_abs ([],P) = P
-  | variants_abs ((a,T)::aTs, P) =
-      variants_abs (aTs, #2 (variant_abs(a,T,P)));
-(*Select subgoal i from proof state; substitute parameters, for printing*)
-fun prepare_goal i st =
-    let val subgi = nth_subgoal i st
-	val params = rev(strip_params subgi)
-    in variants_abs (params, strip_assums_concl subgi) end;
-(*print lhs of conclusion of subgoal i*)
-fun pr_goal_lhs i st =
-    writeln (Sign.string_of_term (#sign(rep_thm st)) 
-	     (lhs_of (prepare_goal i st)));
-(*print conclusion of subgoal i*)
-fun pr_goal_concl i st =
-    writeln (Sign.string_of_term (#sign(rep_thm st)) (prepare_goal i st)) 
-(*print subgoals i to j (inclusive)*)
-fun pr_goals (i,j) st =
-    if i>j then ()
-    else (pr_goal_concl i st;  pr_goals (i+1,j) st);
-(*Print rewrite for tracing; i=subgoal#, n=number of new subgoals,
-  thm=old state, thm'=new state *)
-fun pr_rew (i,n,thm,thm',not_asms) =
-    if !tracing
-    then (if not_asms then () else writeln"Assumption used in";
-          pr_goal_lhs i thm; writeln"->"; pr_goal_lhs (i+n) thm';
-	  if n>0 then (writeln"Conditions:"; pr_goals (i, i+n-1) thm')
-          else ();
-          writeln"" )
-    else ();
-(* Skip the first n hyps of a goal, and return the rest in generalized form *)
-fun strip_varify(Const("==>", _) $ H $ B, n, vs) =
-	if n=0 then subst_bounds(vs,H)::strip_varify(B,0,vs)
-	else strip_varify(B,n-1,vs)
-  | strip_varify(Const("all",_)$Abs(_,T,t), n, vs) =
-	strip_varify(t,n,Var(("?",length vs),T)::vs)
-  | strip_varify  _  = [];
-fun execute(ss,if_fl,auto_tac,cong_tac,splits,split_consts,net,i) thm = let
-fun simp_lhs(thm,ss,anet,ats,cs) =
-    if var_lhs(thm,i) then (ss,thm,anet,ats,cs) else
-    if lhs_is_NORM(thm,i) then (ss, res1(thm,trans_norms,i), anet,ats,cs)
-    else case Seq.pull(cong_tac i thm) of
-	    SOME(thm',_) =>
-		    let val ps = prems_of thm and ps' = prems_of thm';
-			val n = length(ps')-length(ps);
-			val a = length(strip_assums_hyp(List.nth(ps,i-1)))
-			val l = map (fn p => length(strip_assums_hyp(p)))
-				    (Library.take(n,Library.drop(i-1,ps')));
-		    in (simp_refl(rev(l),a,REW::ss),thm',anet,ats,cs) end
-	  | NONE => (REW::ss,thm,anet,ats,cs);
-(*NB: the "Adding rewrites:" trace will look strange because assumptions
-      are represented by rules, generalized over their parameters*)
-fun add_asms(ss,thm,a,anet,ats,cs) =
-    let val As = strip_varify(nth_subgoal i thm, a, []);
-	val thms = map (trivial o cterm_of(#sign(rep_thm(thm))))As;
-	val new_rws = flat(map mk_rew_rules thms);
-	val rwrls = map mk_trans (flat(map mk_rew_rules thms));
-	val anet' = foldr lhs_insert_thm anet rwrls
-    in  if !tracing andalso not(null new_rws)
-	then (writeln"Adding rewrites:";  prths new_rws;  ())
-	else ();
-	(ss,thm,anet',anet::ats,cs) 
-    end;
-fun rew(seq,thm,ss,anet,ats,cs, more) = case Seq.pull seq of
-      SOME(thm',seq') =>
-	    let val n = (nprems_of thm') - (nprems_of thm)
-	    in pr_rew(i,n,thm,thm',more);
-	       if n=0 then (SIMP_LHS::ss, thm', anet, ats, cs)
-	       else ((replicate n PROVE) @ (POP_CS::SIMP_LHS::ss),
-		     thm', anet, ats, (ss,thm,anet,ats,seq',more)::cs)
-	    end
-    | NONE => if more
-	    then rew(tapply(lhs_net_tac anet i THEN assume_tac i,thm),
-		     thm,ss,anet,ats,cs,false)
-	    else (ss,thm,anet,ats,cs);
-fun try_true(thm,ss,anet,ats,cs) =
-    case Seq.pull(auto_tac i thm) of
-      SOME(thm',_) => (ss,thm',anet,ats,cs)
-    | NONE => let val (ss0,thm0,anet0,ats0,seq,more)::cs0 = cs
-	      in if !tracing
-		 then (writeln"*** Failed to prove precondition. Normal form:";
-		       pr_goal_concl i thm;  writeln"")
-		 else ();
-		 rew(seq,thm0,ss0,anet0,ats0,cs0,more)
-	      end;
-fun split(thm,ss,anet,ats,cs) =
-	case Seq.pull(tapply(split_tac
-                                  (cong_tac i,splits,split_consts) i,thm)) of
-		SOME(thm',_) => (SIMP_LHS::SPLIT::ss,thm',anet,ats,cs)
-	      | NONE => (ss,thm,anet,ats,cs);
-fun step(s::ss, thm, anet, ats, cs) = case s of
-	  MK_EQ => (ss, res1(thm,[red2],i), anet, ats, cs)
-	| ASMS(a) => add_asms(ss,thm,a,anet,ats,cs)
-	| SIMP_LHS => simp_lhs(thm,ss,anet,ats,cs)
-	| REW => rew(net_tac net i thm,thm,ss,anet,ats,cs,true)
-	| REFL => (ss, res1(thm,refl_thms,i), anet, ats, cs)
-	| TRUE => try_true(res1(thm,refl_thms,i),ss,anet,ats,cs)
-	| PROVE => (if if_fl then MK_EQ::SIMP_LHS::SPLIT::TRUE::ss
-		    else MK_EQ::SIMP_LHS::TRUE::ss, thm, anet, ats, cs)
-	| POP_ARTR => (ss,thm,hd ats,tl ats,cs)
-	| POP_CS => (ss,thm,anet,ats,tl cs)
-	| SPLIT => split(thm,ss,anet,ats,cs);
-fun exec(state as (s::ss, thm, _, _, _)) =
-	if s=STOP then thm else exec(step(state));
-in exec(ss, thm, Net.empty, [], []) end;
-(*ss = list of commands (not simpset!); 
-  fl = even use case splits to solve conditional rewrite rules;
-  addhyps = add hyps to simpset*)
-fun EXEC_TAC (ss,fl,addhyps) simpset = METAHYPS 
- (fn hyps => 
-     case (if addhyps then simpset addrews hyps else simpset) of
-         (SS{auto_tac,cong_net,simp_net,splits,split_consts,...}) =>
-	     PRIMITIVE(execute(ss,fl,auto_tac hyps,
-			       net_tac cong_net,splits,split_consts,
-                               simp_net, 1))
-	     THEN TRY(auto_tac hyps 1));
-val ASM_SIMP_TAC = 
-fun REWRITE (ss,fl) (SS{auto_tac,cong_net,simp_net,splits,split_consts,...}) =
-let val cong_tac = net_tac cong_net
-in fn thm =>
-   let val state = thm RSN (2,red1)
-   in execute(ss,fl,auto_tac[],cong_tac,splits,split_consts,simp_net,1)state
-   end
-(* Compute Congruence rules for individual constants using the substition
-   rules *)
-val subst_thms = map standard subst_thms;
-fun exp_app(0,t) = t
-  | exp_app(i,t) = exp_app(i-1,t $ Bound (i-1));
-fun exp_abs(Type("fun",[T1,T2]),t,i) =
-	Abs("x"^string_of_int i,T1,exp_abs(T2,t,i+1))
-  | exp_abs(T,t,i) = exp_app(i,t);
-fun eta_Var(ixn,T) = exp_abs(T,Var(ixn,T),0);
-fun Pinst(f,fT,(eq,eqT),k,i,T,yik,Ts) =
-let fun xn_list(x,n) =
-	let val ixs = map (fn i => (x^(radixstring(26,"a",i)),0)) (0 upto n);
-	in ListPair.map eta_Var (ixs, Library.take(n+1,Ts)) end
-    val lhs = list_comb(f,xn_list("X",k-1))
-    val rhs = list_comb(f,xn_list("X",i-1) @ [Bound 0] @ yik)
-in Abs("", T, Const(eq,[fT,fT]--->eqT) $ lhs $ rhs) end;
-fun find_subst tsig T =
-let fun find (thm::thms) =
-	let val (Const(_,cT), va, vb) =	dest_red(hd(prems_of thm));
-	    val [P] = term_vars(concl_of thm) \\ [va,vb]
-	    val eqT::_ = binder_types cT
-        in if Type.typ_instance tsig (T,eqT) then SOME(thm,va,vb,P)
-	   else find thms
-	end
-      | find [] = NONE
-in find subst_thms end;
-fun mk_cong sg (f,aTs,rT) (refl,eq) =
-let val tsig = Sign.tsig_of sg;
-    val k = length aTs;
-    fun ri((subst,va as Var(_,Ta),vb as Var(_,Tb),P),i,si,T,yik) =
-	let val ca = cterm_of sg va
-	    and cx = cterm_of sg (eta_Var(("X"^si,0),T))
-	    val cb = cterm_of sg vb
-	    and cy = cterm_of sg (eta_Var(("Y"^si,0),T))
-	    val cP = cterm_of sg P
-	    and cp = cterm_of sg (Pinst(f,rT,eq,k,i,T,yik,aTs))
-	in cterm_instantiate [(ca,cx),(cb,cy),(cP,cp)] subst end;
-    fun mk(c,T::Ts,i,yik) =
-	let val si = radixstring(26,"a",i)
-	in case find_subst tsig T of
-	     NONE => mk(c,Ts,i-1,eta_Var(("X"^si,0),T)::yik)
-	   | SOME s => let val c' = c RSN (2,ri(s,i,si,T,yik))
-		       in mk(c',Ts,i-1,eta_Var(("Y"^si,0),T)::yik) end
-	end
-      | mk(c,[],_,_) = c;
-in mk(refl,rev aTs,k-1,[]) end;
-fun mk_cong_type sg (f,T) =
-let val (aTs,rT) = strip_type T;
-    val tsig = Sign.tsig_of sg;
-    fun find_refl(r::rs) =
-	let val (Const(eq,eqT),_,_) = dest_red(concl_of r)
-	in if Type.typ_instance tsig (rT, hd(binder_types eqT))
-	   then SOME(r,(eq,body_type eqT)) else find_refl rs
-	end
-      | find_refl([]) = NONE;
-in case find_refl refl_thms of
-     NONE => []  |  SOME(refl) => [mk_cong sg (f,aTs,rT) refl]
-fun mk_cong_thy thy f =
-let val sg = sign_of thy;
-    val T = case Sign.const_type sg f of
-		NONE => error(f^" not declared") | SOME(T) => T;
-    val T' = incr_tvar 9 T;
-in mk_cong_type sg (Const(f,T'),T') end;
-fun mk_congs thy = filter_out is_fact o flat o map (mk_cong_thy thy);
-fun mk_typed_congs thy =
-let val sg = sign_of thy;
-    val S0 = Sign.defaultS sg;
-    fun readfT(f,s) =
-	let val T = incr_tvar 9 (Sign.read_typ(sg,K(SOME(S0))) s);
-	    val t = case Sign.const_type sg f of
-		      SOME(_) => Const(f,T) | NONE => Free(f,T)
-	in (t,T) end
-in flat o map (mk_cong_type sg o readfT) end;
-(* This code is fishy, esp the "let val T' = ..." 
-fun extract_free_congs() =
-let val {prop,sign,...} = rep_thm(topthm());
-    val frees = add_term_frees(prop,[]);
-    fun filter(Free(a,T as Type("fun",_))) =
-	  let val T' = incr_tvar 9 (Type.varifyT T)
-	  in [(Free(a,T),T)] end
-      | filter _ = []
-in flat(map (mk_cong_type sign) (flat (map filter frees))) end;
-end (* local *)
-end (* SIMP *);