--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ComputeHOL.ML Mon Jul 09 17:38:40 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+signature ComputeHOL =
+ val prep_thms : thm list -> thm list
+ val to_meta_eq : thm -> thm
+ val to_hol_eq : thm -> thm
+ val symmetric : thm -> thm
+ val trans : thm -> thm -> thm
+structure ComputeHOL : ComputeHOL =
+fun all_prems_conv ci ct = Conv.prems_conv (Logic.count_prems (term_of ct)) ci ct
+fun lhs_of eq = fst (Thm.dest_equals (cprop_of eq));
+fun rewrite_conv [] ct = raise CTERM ("rewrite_conv", [])
+ | rewrite_conv (eq :: eqs) ct =
+ Thm.instantiate (Thm.match (lhs_of eq, ct)) eq
+ handle Pattern.MATCH => rewrite_conv eqs ct;
+val convert_conditions = Conv.fconv_rule (all_prems_conv (fn _ => Conv.else_conv (rewrite_conv [@{thm "Trueprop_eq_eq"}], Conv.all_conv)))
+val eq_th = @{thm "HOL.eq_reflection"}
+val meta_eq_trivial = @{thm "ComputeHOL.meta_eq_trivial"}
+val bool_to_true = @{thm "ComputeHOL.bool_to_true"}
+fun to_meta_eq th = eq_th OF [th] handle THM _ => meta_eq_trivial OF [th] handle THM _ => bool_to_true OF [th]
+fun to_hol_eq th = @{thm "meta_eq_imp_eq"} OF [th] handle THM _ => @{thm "eq_trivial"} OF [th]
+fun prep_thms ths = map (convert_conditions o to_meta_eq) ths
+ val sym_HOL = @{thm "HOL.sym"}
+ val sym_Pure = @{thm "ProtoPure.symmetric"}
+ fun symmetric th = ((sym_HOL OF [th]) handle THM _ => (sym_Pure OF [th]))
+ val trans_HOL = @{thm "HOL.trans"}
+ val trans_HOL_1 = @{thm "ComputeHOL.transmeta_1"}
+ val trans_HOL_2 = @{thm "ComputeHOL.transmeta_2"}
+ val trans_HOL_3 = @{thm "ComputeHOL.transmeta_3"}
+ fun tr [] th1 th2 = trans_HOL OF [th1, th2]
+ | tr (t::ts) th1 th2 = (t OF [th1, th2] handle THM _ => tr ts th1 th2)
+ fun trans th1 th2 = tr [trans_HOL, trans_HOL_1, trans_HOL_2, trans_HOL_3] th1 th2
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ComputeHOL.thy Mon Jul 09 17:38:40 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+theory ComputeHOL
+imports Main "~~/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle"
+lemma Trueprop_eq_eq: "Trueprop X == (X == True)" by (simp add: atomize_eq)
+lemma meta_eq_trivial: "x == y \<Longrightarrow> x == y" by simp
+lemma meta_eq_imp_eq: "x == y \<Longrightarrow> x = y" by auto
+lemma eq_trivial: "x = y \<Longrightarrow> x = y" by auto
+lemma bool_to_true: "x :: bool \<Longrightarrow> x == True" by simp
+lemma transmeta_1: "x = y \<Longrightarrow> y == z \<Longrightarrow> x = z" by simp
+lemma transmeta_2: "x == y \<Longrightarrow> y = z \<Longrightarrow> x = z" by simp
+lemma transmeta_3: "x == y \<Longrightarrow> y == z \<Longrightarrow> x = z" by simp
+(**** compute_if ****)
+lemma If_True: "If True = (\<lambda> x y. x)" by ((rule ext)+,auto)
+lemma If_False: "If False = (\<lambda> x y. y)" by ((rule ext)+, auto)
+lemmas compute_if = If_True If_False
+(**** compute_bool ****)
+lemma bool1: "(\<not> True) = False" by blast
+lemma bool2: "(\<not> False) = True" by blast
+lemma bool3: "(P \<and> True) = P" by blast
+lemma bool4: "(True \<and> P) = P" by blast
+lemma bool5: "(P \<and> False) = False" by blast
+lemma bool6: "(False \<and> P) = False" by blast
+lemma bool7: "(P \<or> True) = True" by blast
+lemma bool8: "(True \<or> P) = True" by blast
+lemma bool9: "(P \<or> False) = P" by blast
+lemma bool10: "(False \<or> P) = P" by blast
+lemma bool11: "(True \<longrightarrow> P) = P" by blast
+lemma bool12: "(P \<longrightarrow> True) = True" by blast
+lemma bool13: "(True \<longrightarrow> P) = P" by blast
+lemma bool14: "(P \<longrightarrow> False) = (\<not> P)" by blast
+lemma bool15: "(False \<longrightarrow> P) = True" by blast
+lemma bool16: "(False = False) = True" by blast
+lemma bool17: "(True = True) = True" by blast
+lemma bool18: "(False = True) = False" by blast
+lemma bool19: "(True = False) = False" by blast
+lemmas compute_bool = bool1 bool2 bool3 bool4 bool5 bool6 bool7 bool8 bool9 bool10 bool11 bool12 bool13 bool14 bool15 bool16 bool17 bool18 bool19
+(*** compute_pair ***)
+lemma compute_fst: "fst (x,y) = x" by simp
+lemma compute_snd: "snd (x,y) = y" by simp
+lemma compute_pair_eq: "((a, b) = (c, d)) = (a = c \<and> b = d)" by auto
+lemma prod_case_simp: "prod_case f (x,y) = f x y" by simp
+lemmas compute_pair = compute_fst compute_snd compute_pair_eq prod_case_simp
+(*** compute_option ***)
+lemma compute_the: "the (Some x) = x" by simp
+lemma compute_None_Some_eq: "(None = Some x) = False" by auto
+lemma compute_Some_None_eq: "(Some x = None) = False" by auto
+lemma compute_None_None_eq: "(None = None) = True" by auto
+lemma compute_Some_Some_eq: "(Some x = Some y) = (x = y)" by auto
+ option_case_compute :: "'b option \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a"
+ "option_case_compute opt a f = option_case a f opt"
+lemma option_case_compute: "option_case = (\<lambda> a f opt. option_case_compute opt a f)"
+ by (simp add: option_case_compute_def)
+lemma option_case_compute_None: "option_case_compute None = (\<lambda> a f. a)"
+ apply (rule ext)+
+ apply (simp add: option_case_compute_def)
+ done
+lemma option_case_compute_Some: "option_case_compute (Some x) = (\<lambda> a f. f x)"
+ apply (rule ext)+
+ apply (simp add: option_case_compute_def)
+ done
+lemmas compute_option_case = option_case_compute option_case_compute_None option_case_compute_Some
+lemmas compute_option = compute_the compute_None_Some_eq compute_Some_None_eq compute_None_None_eq compute_Some_Some_eq compute_option_case
+(**** compute_list_length ****)
+lemma length_cons:"length (x#xs) = 1 + (length xs)"
+ by simp
+lemma length_nil: "length [] = 0"
+ by simp
+lemmas compute_list_length = length_nil length_cons
+(*** compute_list_case ***)
+ list_case_compute :: "'b list \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> 'b list \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a"
+ "list_case_compute l a f = list_case a f l"
+lemma list_case_compute: "list_case = (\<lambda> (a::'a) f (l::'b list). list_case_compute l a f)"
+ apply (rule ext)+
+ apply (simp add: list_case_compute_def)
+ done
+lemma list_case_compute_empty: "list_case_compute ([]::'b list) = (\<lambda> (a::'a) f. a)"
+ apply (rule ext)+
+ apply (simp add: list_case_compute_def)
+ done
+lemma list_case_compute_cons: "list_case_compute (u#v) = (\<lambda> (a::'a) f. (f (u::'b) v))"
+ apply (rule ext)+
+ apply (simp add: list_case_compute_def)
+ done
+lemmas compute_list_case = list_case_compute list_case_compute_empty list_case_compute_cons
+(*** compute_list_nth ***)
+(* Of course, you will need computation with nats for this to work \<dots> *)
+lemma compute_list_nth: "((x#xs) ! n) = (if n = 0 then x else (xs ! (n - 1)))"
+ by (cases n, auto)
+(*** compute_list ***)
+lemmas compute_list = compute_list_case compute_list_length compute_list_nth
+(*** compute_let ***)
+lemmas compute_let = Let_def
+(* Everything together *)
+lemmas compute_hol = compute_if compute_bool compute_pair compute_option compute_list compute_let
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ComputeNumeral.thy Mon Jul 09 17:38:40 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+theory ComputeNumeral
+imports ComputeHOL Float
+(* normalization of bit strings *)
+lemmas bitnorm = Pls_0_eq Min_1_eq
+(* neg for bit strings *)
+lemma neg1: "neg Numeral.Pls = False" by (simp add: Numeral.Pls_def)
+lemma neg2: "neg Numeral.Min = True" apply (subst Numeral.Min_def) by auto
+lemma neg3: "neg (x BIT Numeral.B0) = neg x" apply (simp add: neg_def) apply (subst Bit_def) by auto
+lemma neg4: "neg (x BIT Numeral.B1) = neg x" apply (simp add: neg_def) apply (subst Bit_def) by auto
+lemmas bitneg = neg1 neg2 neg3 neg4
+(* iszero for bit strings *)
+lemma iszero1: "iszero Numeral.Pls = True" by (simp add: Numeral.Pls_def iszero_def)
+lemma iszero2: "iszero Numeral.Min = False" apply (subst Numeral.Min_def) apply (subst iszero_def) by simp
+lemma iszero3: "iszero (x BIT Numeral.B0) = iszero x" apply (subst Numeral.Bit_def) apply (subst iszero_def)+ by auto
+lemma iszero4: "iszero (x BIT Numeral.B1) = False" apply (subst Numeral.Bit_def) apply (subst iszero_def)+ apply simp by arith
+lemmas bitiszero = iszero1 iszero2 iszero3 iszero4
+(* lezero for bit strings *)
+ "lezero x == (x \<le> 0)"
+lemma lezero1: "lezero Numeral.Pls = True" unfolding Numeral.Pls_def lezero_def by auto
+lemma lezero2: "lezero Numeral.Min = True" unfolding Numeral.Min_def lezero_def by auto
+lemma lezero3: "lezero (x BIT Numeral.B0) = lezero x" unfolding Numeral.Bit_def lezero_def by auto
+lemma lezero4: "lezero (x BIT Numeral.B1) = neg x" unfolding Numeral.Bit_def lezero_def neg_def by auto
+lemmas bitlezero = lezero1 lezero2 lezero3 lezero4
+(* equality for bit strings *)
+lemma biteq1: "(Numeral.Pls = Numeral.Pls) = True" by auto
+lemma biteq2: "(Numeral.Min = Numeral.Min) = True" by auto
+lemma biteq3: "(Numeral.Pls = Numeral.Min) = False" unfolding Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma biteq4: "(Numeral.Min = Numeral.Pls) = False" unfolding Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma biteq5: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 = y BIT Numeral.B0) = (x = y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma biteq6: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 = y BIT Numeral.B1) = (x = y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma biteq7: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 = y BIT Numeral.B1) = False" unfolding Bit_def by (simp, arith)
+lemma biteq8: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 = y BIT Numeral.B0) = False" unfolding Bit_def by (simp, arith)
+lemma biteq9: "(Numeral.Pls = x BIT Numeral.B0) = (Numeral.Pls = x)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma biteq10: "(Numeral.Pls = x BIT Numeral.B1) = False" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by (simp, arith)
+lemma biteq11: "(Numeral.Min = x BIT Numeral.B0) = False" unfolding Bit_def Min_def by (simp, arith)
+lemma biteq12: "(Numeral.Min = x BIT Numeral.B1) = (Numeral.Min = x)" unfolding Bit_def Min_def by auto
+lemma biteq13: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 = Numeral.Pls) = (x = Numeral.Pls)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma biteq14: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 = Numeral.Pls) = False" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by (simp, arith)
+lemma biteq15: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 = Numeral.Min) = False" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def Min_def by (simp, arith)
+lemma biteq16: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 = Numeral.Min) = (x = Numeral.Min)" unfolding Bit_def Min_def by (simp, arith)
+lemmas biteq = biteq1 biteq2 biteq3 biteq4 biteq5 biteq6 biteq7 biteq8 biteq9 biteq10 biteq11 biteq12 biteq13 biteq14 biteq15 biteq16
+(* x < y for bit strings *)
+lemma bitless1: "(Numeral.Pls < Numeral.Min) = False" unfolding Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitless2: "(Numeral.Pls < Numeral.Pls) = False" by auto
+lemma bitless3: "(Numeral.Min < Numeral.Pls) = True" unfolding Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitless4: "(Numeral.Min < Numeral.Min) = False" unfolding Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitless5: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 < y BIT Numeral.B0) = (x < y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma bitless6: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 < y BIT Numeral.B1) = (x < y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma bitless7: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 < y BIT Numeral.B1) = (x \<le> y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma bitless8: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 < y BIT Numeral.B0) = (x < y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma bitless9: "(Numeral.Pls < x BIT Numeral.B0) = (Numeral.Pls < x)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma bitless10: "(Numeral.Pls < x BIT Numeral.B1) = (Numeral.Pls \<le> x)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma bitless11: "(Numeral.Min < x BIT Numeral.B0) = (Numeral.Pls \<le> x)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitless12: "(Numeral.Min < x BIT Numeral.B1) = (Numeral.Min < x)" unfolding Bit_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitless13: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 < Numeral.Pls) = (x < Numeral.Pls)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma bitless14: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 < Numeral.Pls) = (x < Numeral.Pls)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma bitless15: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 < Numeral.Min) = (x < Numeral.Pls)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitless16: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 < Numeral.Min) = (x < Numeral.Min)" unfolding Bit_def Min_def by auto
+lemmas bitless = bitless1 bitless2 bitless3 bitless4 bitless5 bitless6 bitless7 bitless8
+ bitless9 bitless10 bitless11 bitless12 bitless13 bitless14 bitless15 bitless16
+(* x \<le> y for bit strings *)
+lemma bitle1: "(Numeral.Pls \<le> Numeral.Min) = False" unfolding Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitle2: "(Numeral.Pls \<le> Numeral.Pls) = True" by auto
+lemma bitle3: "(Numeral.Min \<le> Numeral.Pls) = True" unfolding Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitle4: "(Numeral.Min \<le> Numeral.Min) = True" unfolding Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitle5: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 \<le> y BIT Numeral.B0) = (x \<le> y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma bitle6: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 \<le> y BIT Numeral.B1) = (x \<le> y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma bitle7: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 \<le> y BIT Numeral.B1) = (x \<le> y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma bitle8: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 \<le> y BIT Numeral.B0) = (x < y)" unfolding Bit_def by auto
+lemma bitle9: "(Numeral.Pls \<le> x BIT Numeral.B0) = (Numeral.Pls \<le> x)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma bitle10: "(Numeral.Pls \<le> x BIT Numeral.B1) = (Numeral.Pls \<le> x)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma bitle11: "(Numeral.Min \<le> x BIT Numeral.B0) = (Numeral.Pls \<le> x)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitle12: "(Numeral.Min \<le> x BIT Numeral.B1) = (Numeral.Min \<le> x)" unfolding Bit_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitle13: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 \<le> Numeral.Pls) = (x \<le> Numeral.Pls)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma bitle14: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 \<le> Numeral.Pls) = (x < Numeral.Pls)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def by auto
+lemma bitle15: "(x BIT Numeral.B0 \<le> Numeral.Min) = (x < Numeral.Pls)" unfolding Bit_def Pls_def Min_def by auto
+lemma bitle16: "(x BIT Numeral.B1 \<le> Numeral.Min) = (x \<le> Numeral.Min)" unfolding Bit_def Min_def by auto
+lemmas bitle = bitle1 bitle2 bitle3 bitle4 bitle5 bitle6 bitle7 bitle8
+ bitle9 bitle10 bitle11 bitle12 bitle13 bitle14 bitle15 bitle16
+(* succ for bit strings *)
+lemmas bitsucc = succ_Pls succ_Min succ_1 succ_0
+(* pred for bit strings *)
+lemmas bitpred = pred_Pls pred_Min pred_1 pred_0
+(* unary minus for bit strings *)
+lemmas bituminus = minus_Pls minus_Min minus_1 minus_0
+(* addition for bit strings *)
+lemmas bitadd = add_Pls add_Pls_right add_Min add_Min_right add_BIT_11 add_BIT_10 add_BIT_0[where b="Numeral.B0"] add_BIT_0[where b="Numeral.B1"]
+(* multiplication for bit strings *)
+lemma mult_Pls_right: "x * Numeral.Pls = Numeral.Pls" by (simp add: Pls_def)
+lemma mult_Min_right: "x * Numeral.Min = - x" by (subst mult_commute, simp add: mult_Min)
+lemma multb0x: "(x BIT Numeral.B0) * y = (x * y) BIT Numeral.B0" unfolding Bit_def by simp
+lemma multxb0: "x * (y BIT Numeral.B0) = (x * y) BIT Numeral.B0" unfolding Bit_def by simp
+lemma multb1: "(x BIT Numeral.B1) * (y BIT Numeral.B1) = (((x * y) BIT Numeral.B0) + x + y) BIT Numeral.B1"
+ unfolding Bit_def by (simp add: ring_simps)
+lemmas bitmul = mult_Pls mult_Min mult_Pls_right mult_Min_right multb0x multxb0 multb1
+lemmas bitarith = bitnorm bitiszero bitneg bitlezero biteq bitless bitle bitsucc bitpred bituminus bitadd bitmul
+ "nat_norm_number_of (x::nat) == x"
+lemma nat_norm_number_of: "nat_norm_number_of (number_of w) = (if lezero w then 0 else number_of w)"
+ apply (simp add: nat_norm_number_of_def)
+ unfolding lezero_def iszero_def neg_def
+ apply (simp add: number_of_is_id)
+ done
+(* Normalization of nat literals *)
+lemma natnorm0: "(0::nat) = number_of (Numeral.Pls)" by auto
+lemma natnorm1: "(1 :: nat) = number_of (Numeral.Pls BIT Numeral.B1)" by auto
+lemmas natnorm = natnorm0 natnorm1 nat_norm_number_of
+(* Suc *)
+lemma natsuc: "Suc (number_of x) = (if neg x then 1 else number_of (Numeral.succ x))" by (auto simp add: number_of_is_id)
+(* Addition for nat *)
+lemma natadd: "number_of x + ((number_of y)::nat) = (if neg x then (number_of y) else (if neg y then number_of x else (number_of (x + y))))"
+ by (auto simp add: number_of_is_id)
+(* Subtraction for nat *)
+lemma natsub: "(number_of x) - ((number_of y)::nat) =
+ (if neg x then 0 else (if neg y then number_of x else (nat_norm_number_of (number_of (x + (- y))))))"
+ unfolding nat_norm_number_of
+ by (auto simp add: number_of_is_id neg_def lezero_def iszero_def Let_def nat_number_of_def)
+(* Multiplication for nat *)
+lemma natmul: "(number_of x) * ((number_of y)::nat) =
+ (if neg x then 0 else (if neg y then 0 else number_of (x * y)))"
+ apply (auto simp add: number_of_is_id neg_def iszero_def)
+ apply (case_tac "x > 0")
+ apply auto
+ apply (simp add: mult_strict_left_mono[where a=y and b=0 and c=x, simplified])
+ done
+lemma nateq: "(((number_of x)::nat) = (number_of y)) = ((lezero x \<and> lezero y) \<or> (x = y))"
+ by (auto simp add: iszero_def lezero_def neg_def number_of_is_id)
+lemma natless: "(((number_of x)::nat) < (number_of y)) = ((x < y) \<and> (\<not> (lezero y)))"
+ by (auto simp add: number_of_is_id neg_def lezero_def)
+lemma natle: "(((number_of x)::nat) \<le> (number_of y)) = (y < x \<longrightarrow> lezero x)"
+ by (auto simp add: number_of_is_id lezero_def nat_number_of_def)
+fun natfac :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
+ "natfac n = (if n = 0 then 1 else n * (natfac (n - 1)))"
+lemmas compute_natarith = bitarith natnorm natsuc natadd natsub natmul nateq natless natle natfac.simps
+lemma number_eq: "(((number_of x)::'a::{number_ring, ordered_idom}) = (number_of y)) = (x = y)"
+ unfolding number_of_eq
+ apply simp
+ done
+lemma number_le: "(((number_of x)::'a::{number_ring, ordered_idom}) \<le> (number_of y)) = (x \<le> y)"
+ unfolding number_of_eq
+ apply simp
+ done
+lemma number_less: "(((number_of x)::'a::{number_ring, ordered_idom}) < (number_of y)) = (x < y)"
+ unfolding number_of_eq
+ apply simp
+ done
+lemma number_diff: "((number_of x)::'a::{number_ring, ordered_idom}) - number_of y = number_of (x + (- y))"
+ apply (subst diff_number_of_eq)
+ apply simp
+ done
+lemmas number_norm = number_of_Pls[symmetric] numeral_1_eq_1[symmetric]
+lemmas compute_numberarith = number_of_minus[symmetric] number_of_add[symmetric] number_diff number_of_mult[symmetric] number_norm number_eq number_le number_less
+lemma compute_real_of_nat_number_of: "real ((number_of v)::nat) = (if neg v then 0 else number_of v)"
+ by (simp only: real_of_nat_number_of number_of_is_id)
+lemma compute_nat_of_int_number_of: "nat ((number_of v)::int) = (number_of v)"
+ by simp
+lemmas compute_num_conversions = compute_real_of_nat_number_of compute_nat_of_int_number_of real_number_of
+lemmas zpowerarith = zpower_number_of_even
+ zpower_number_of_odd[simplified zero_eq_Numeral0_nring one_eq_Numeral1_nring]
+ zpower_Pls zpower_Min
+(* div, mod *)
+lemma adjust: "adjust b (q, r) = (if 0 \<le> r - b then (2 * q + 1, r - b) else (2 * q, r))"
+ by (auto simp only: adjust_def)
+lemma negateSnd: "negateSnd (q, r) = (q, -r)"
+ by (auto simp only: negateSnd_def)
+lemma divAlg: "divAlg (a, b) = (if 0\<le>a then
+ if 0\<le>b then posDivAlg a b
+ else if a=0 then (0, 0)
+ else negateSnd (negDivAlg (-a) (-b))
+ else
+ if 0<b then negDivAlg a b
+ else negateSnd (posDivAlg (-a) (-b)))"
+ by (auto simp only: divAlg_def)
+lemmas compute_div_mod = div_def mod_def divAlg adjust negateSnd posDivAlg.simps negDivAlg.simps
+(* collecting all the theorems *)
+lemma even_Pls: "even (Numeral.Pls) = True"
+ apply (unfold Pls_def even_def)
+ by simp
+lemma even_Min: "even (Numeral.Min) = False"
+ apply (unfold Min_def even_def)
+ by simp
+lemma even_B0: "even (x BIT Numeral.B0) = True"
+ apply (unfold Bit_def)
+ by simp
+lemma even_B1: "even (x BIT Numeral.B1) = False"
+ apply (unfold Bit_def)
+ by simp
+lemma even_number_of: "even ((number_of w)::int) = even w"
+ by (simp only: number_of_is_id)
+lemmas compute_even = even_Pls even_Min even_B0 even_B1 even_number_of
+lemmas compute_numeral = compute_if compute_let compute_pair compute_bool
+ compute_natarith compute_numberarith max_def min_def compute_num_conversions zpowerarith compute_div_mod compute_even