--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML Tue Apr 19 14:20:13 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML Tue Apr 19 14:52:22 2011 +0200
@@ -1264,35 +1264,6 @@
boring <> is_funky_typedef_name ctxt s andalso is_typedef ctxt s
| is_typedef_axiom _ _ _ = false
-(* Distinguishes between (1) constant definition axioms, (2) type arity and
- typedef axioms, and (3) other axioms, and returns the pair ((1), (3)).
- Typedef axioms are uninteresting to Nitpick, because it can retrieve them
- using "typedef_info". *)
-fun filter_defs def_names =
- sort (fast_string_ord o pairself fst)
- #> Ord_List.inter (fast_string_ord o apsnd fst) def_names
- #> map snd
-(* Ideally we would check against "Complex_Main", not "Refute", but any theory
- will do as long as it contains all the "axioms" and "axiomatization"
- commands. *)
-fun is_built_in_theory thy = Theory.subthy (thy, @{theory Refute})
-val is_trivial_definition =
- the_default false o try (op aconv o Logic.dest_equals)
-val is_plain_definition =
- let
- fun do_lhs t1 =
- case strip_comb t1 of
- (Const _, args) =>
- forall is_Var args andalso not (has_duplicates (op =) args)
- | _ => false
- fun do_eq (Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ t1 $ _) = do_lhs t1
- | do_eq (@{const Trueprop} $ (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _) $ t1 $ _)) =
- do_lhs t1
- | do_eq _ = false
- in do_eq end
fun all_defs_of thy subst =
val def_names =
@@ -1300,19 +1271,20 @@
|> Defs.all_specifications_of
|> maps snd |> map_filter #def
|> Ord_List.make fast_string_ord
- val thys = thy :: Theory.ancestors_of thy
- (* FIXME: avoid relying on "Thm.definitionK" *)
- (thy |> Global_Theory.all_thms_of
- |> filter (curry (op =) Thm.definitionK o Thm.get_kind o snd)
- |> map (subst_atomic subst o prop_of o snd)
- |> filter_out is_trivial_definition
- |> filter is_plain_definition) @
- (thys |> maps Thm.axioms_of
- |> map (apsnd (subst_atomic subst o prop_of))
- |> filter_defs def_names)
+ thy :: Theory.ancestors_of thy
+ |> maps Thm.axioms_of
+ |> map (apsnd (subst_atomic subst o prop_of))
+ |> sort (fast_string_ord o pairself fst)
+ |> Ord_List.inter (fast_string_ord o apsnd fst) def_names
+ |> map snd
+(* Ideally we would check against "Complex_Main", not "Refute", but any theory
+ will do as long as it contains all the "axioms" and "axiomatization"
+ commands. *)
+fun is_built_in_theory thy = Theory.subthy (thy, @{theory Refute})
fun all_nondefs_of ctxt subst =
ctxt |> Spec_Rules.get
|> filter (curry (op =) Spec_Rules.Unknown o fst)