--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML Fri Aug 19 15:37:46 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML Fri Aug 19 15:38:18 1994 +0200
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
signature TYPE_EXT0 =
- val typ_of_term: (indexname -> sort) -> term -> typ
+ val raw_term_sorts: term -> (indexname * sort) list
+ val typ_of_term: (indexname * sort) list -> (indexname -> sort) -> term -> typ
signature TYPE_EXT =
@@ -31,80 +32,70 @@
open Lexicon SynExt SynExt.Ast;
-(** typ_of_term **)
-fun typ_of_term def_sort t =
- let
- fun sort_err (xi as (x, i)) =
- error ("Inconsistent sort constraints for type variable " ^
- quote (if i < 0 then x else string_of_vname xi));
+(** raw_term_sorts **)
- fun put_sort scs xi s =
- (case assoc (scs, xi) of
- None => (xi, s) :: scs
- | Some s' => if s = s' then scs else sort_err xi);
- fun insert x [] = [x: string]
- | insert x (lst as y :: ys) =
- if x > y then y :: insert x ys
- else if x = y then lst
- else x :: lst;
+fun raw_term_sorts tm =
+ let
+ fun show_var (xi as (x, i)) = if i < 0 then x else string_of_vname xi;
fun classes (Const (c, _)) = [c]
| classes (Free (c, _)) = [c]
- | classes (Const ("_classes", _) $ Const (c, _) $ cls) =
- insert c (classes cls)
- | classes (Const ("_classes", _) $ Free (c, _) $ cls) =
- insert c (classes cls)
- | classes tm = raise_term "typ_of_term: bad encoding of classes" [tm];
+ | classes (Const ("_classes", _) $ Const (c, _) $ cls) = c :: classes cls
+ | classes (Const ("_classes", _) $ Free (c, _) $ cls) = c :: classes cls
+ | classes tm = raise_term "raw_term_sorts: bad encoding of classes" [tm];
fun sort (Const ("_emptysort", _)) = []
| sort (Const (s, _)) = [s]
| sort (Free (s, _)) = [s]
| sort (Const ("_sort", _) $ cls) = classes cls
- | sort tm = raise_term "typ_of_term: bad encoding of sort" [tm];
+ | sort tm = raise_term "raw_term_sorts: bad encoding of sort" [tm];
+ fun env_of (Const ("_ofsort", _) $ Free (x, _) $ srt) = [((x, ~1), sort srt)]
+ | env_of (Const ("_ofsort", _) $ Var (xi, _) $ srt) = [(xi, sort srt)]
+ | env_of (Abs (_, _, t)) = env_of t
+ | env_of (t1 $ t2) = env_of t1 @ env_of t2
+ | env_of t = [];
+ val env = distinct (env_of tm);
+ in
+ (case gen_duplicates eq_fst env of
+ [] => env
+ | dups => error ("Inconsistent sort constraints for type variable(s) " ^
+ commas (map (quote o show_var o #1) dups)))
+ end;
- fun typ (Free (x, _), scs) =
- (if is_tid x then TFree (x, []) else Type (x, []), scs)
- | typ (Var (xi, _), scs) = (TVar (xi, []), scs)
- | typ (Const ("_ofsort", _) $ Free (x, _) $ st, scs) =
- (TFree (x, []), put_sort scs (x, ~1) (sort st))
- | typ (Const ("_ofsort", _) $ Var (xi, _) $ st, scs) =
- (TVar (xi, []), put_sort scs xi (sort st))
- | typ (Const (a, _), scs) = (Type (a, []), scs)
- | typ (tm as _ $ _, scs) =
+(** typ_of_term **)
+fun typ_of_term sort_env def_sort t =
+ let
+ fun get_sort xi =
+ (case assoc (sort_env, xi) of
+ None => def_sort xi
+ | Some s => s);
+ fun typ_of (Free (x, _)) =
+ if is_tid x then TFree (x, get_sort (x, ~1))
+ else Type (x, [])
+ | typ_of (Var (xi, _)) = TVar (xi, get_sort xi)
+ | typ_of (Const ("_ofsort", _) $ Free (x, _) $ _) =
+ TFree (x, get_sort (x, ~1))
+ | typ_of (Const ("_ofsort", _) $ Var (xi, _) $ _) =
+ TVar (xi, get_sort xi)
+ | typ_of tm =
val (t, ts) = strip_comb tm;
val a =
(case t of
Const (x, _) => x
| Free (x, _) => x
- | _ => raise_term "typ_of_term: bad type application" [tm]);
- val (tys, scs') = typs (ts, scs);
+ | _ => raise_term "typ_of_term: bad encoding of type" [tm]);
- (Type (a, tys), scs')
- end
- | typ (tm, _) = raise_term "typ_of_term: bad encoding of typ" [tm]
- and typs (t :: ts, scs) =
- let
- val (ty, scs') = typ (t, scs);
- val (tys, scs'') = typs (ts, scs');
- in (ty :: tys, scs'') end
- | typs ([], scs) = ([], scs);
- val (ty, scs) = typ (t, []);
- fun get_sort xi =
- (case assoc (scs, xi) of
- None => def_sort xi
- | Some s => s);
- fun add_sorts (Type (a, tys)) = Type (a, map add_sorts tys)
- | add_sorts (TVar (xi, _)) = TVar (xi, get_sort xi)
- | add_sorts (TFree (x, _)) = TFree (x, get_sort (x, ~1));
+ Type (a, map typ_of ts)
+ end;
- add_sorts ty
+ typ_of t
@@ -113,10 +104,6 @@
fun term_of_typ show_sorts ty =
- fun const x = Const (x, dummyT);
- fun free x = Free (x, dummyT);
- fun var xi = Var (xi, dummyT);
fun classes [] = raise Match
| classes [c] = free c
| classes (c :: cs) = const "_classes" $ free c $ classes cs;