--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Sat Dec 30 12:33:27 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Sat Dec 30 12:33:28 2006 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
val cases_node: (generic_theory -> 'a) -> (Proof.state -> 'a) -> node -> 'a
val presentation_context: node option -> xstring option -> Proof.context
type state
- val toplevel: state
val is_toplevel: state -> bool
val is_theory: state -> bool
val is_proof: state -> bool
@@ -59,9 +58,10 @@
val three_buffersN: string
val print3: transition -> transition
val no_timing: transition -> transition
- val reset: transition -> transition
val init: (bool -> node) -> (node -> unit) -> (node -> unit) -> transition -> transition
+ val init_empty: (state -> unit) -> transition -> transition
val exit: transition -> transition
+ val undo_exit: transition -> transition
val kill: transition -> transition
val history: (node History.T -> node History.T) -> transition -> transition
val keep: (state -> unit) -> transition -> transition
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
val exn: unit -> (exn * string) option
val >> : transition -> bool
val >>> : transition list -> unit
+ val init_state: unit -> unit
type 'a isar
val loop: 'a isar -> unit
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@
structure Toplevel: TOPLEVEL =
(** toplevel state **)
exception UNDEF;
@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@
| loc_finish (SOME _) (Context.Proof lthy) = Context.Proof o LocalTheory.reinit lthy o loc_exit;
-(* datatype state *)
+(* datatype node *)
datatype node =
Theory of generic_theory * Proof.context option | (*theory with presentation context*)
@@ -150,22 +152,29 @@
loc_init (SOME loc) (cases_node Context.theory_of Proof.theory_of node)
| presentation_context NONE _ = raise UNDEF;
-datatype state = State of (node History.T * ((node -> unit) * (node -> unit))) option;
+(* datatype state *)
+type state_info = node History.T * ((node -> unit) * (node -> unit));
-val toplevel = State NONE;
+datatype state =
+ Toplevel of state_info option | (*outer toplevel, leftover end state*)
+ State of state_info;
-fun is_toplevel (State NONE) = true
+val toplevel = Toplevel NONE;
+fun is_toplevel (Toplevel _) = true
| is_toplevel _ = false;
-fun level (State NONE) = 0
- | level (State (SOME (node, _))) =
+fun level (Toplevel _) = 0
+ | level (State (node, _)) =
(case History.current node of
Theory _ => 0
| Proof (prf, _) => Proof.level (ProofHistory.current prf)
| SkipProof (h, _) => History.current h + 1); (*different notion of proof depth!*)
-fun str_of_state (State NONE) = "at top level"
- | str_of_state (State (SOME (node, _))) =
+fun str_of_state (Toplevel _) = "at top level"
+ | str_of_state (State (node, _)) =
(case History.current node of
Theory (Context.Theory _, _) => "in theory mode"
| Theory (Context.Proof _, _) => "in local theory mode"
@@ -175,8 +184,8 @@
(* top node *)
-fun node_history_of (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
- | node_history_of (State (SOME (node, _))) = node;
+fun node_history_of (Toplevel _) = raise UNDEF
+ | node_history_of (State (node, _)) = node;
val node_of = History.current o node_history_of;
@@ -199,7 +208,7 @@
(* prompt state *)
-fun prompt_state_default (State _) = Source.default_prompt;
+fun prompt_state_default (_: state) = Source.default_prompt;
val prompt_state_fn = ref prompt_state_default;
fun prompt_state state = ! prompt_state_fn state;
@@ -360,7 +369,7 @@
val cont_node = map_theory Theory.checkpoint node;
val back_node = map_theory Theory.copy cont_node;
- fun state nd = State (SOME (nd, term));
+ fun state nd = State (nd, term);
fun normal_state nd = (state nd, NONE);
fun error_state nd exn = (state nd, SOME exn);
@@ -388,36 +397,39 @@
datatype trans =
- Reset | (*empty toplevel*)
Init of (bool -> node) * ((node -> unit) * (node -> unit)) |
- (*init node; with exit/kill operation*)
- Exit | (*conclude node*)
- Kill | (*abort node*)
- History of node History.T -> node History.T | (*history operation (undo etc.)*)
- Keep of bool -> state -> unit | (*peek at state*)
- Transaction of bool * (bool -> node -> node); (*node transaction*)
+ (*init node; with exit/kill operation*)
+ InitEmpty of state -> unit | (*init empty toplevel*)
+ Exit | (*conclude node -- deferred until init*)
+ UndoExit | (*continue after conclusion*)
+ Kill | (*abort node*)
+ History of node History.T -> node History.T | (*history operation (undo etc.)*)
+ Keep of bool -> state -> unit | (*peek at state*)
+ Transaction of bool * (bool -> node -> node); (*node transaction*)
fun undo_limit int = if int then NONE else SOME 0;
+fun apply_exit (Toplevel (SOME (node, (exit, _)))) = exit (History.current node)
+ | apply_exit _ = ();
-fun apply_tr _ Reset _ = toplevel
- | apply_tr int (Init (f, term)) (State NONE) =
- State (SOME (History.init (undo_limit int) (f int), term))
- | apply_tr _ (Init _ ) (State (SOME _)) = raise UNDEF
- | apply_tr _ Exit (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
- | apply_tr _ Exit (State (SOME (node, (exit, _)))) =
- (exit (History.current node); State NONE)
- | apply_tr _ Kill (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
- | apply_tr _ Kill (State (SOME (node, (_, kill)))) =
- (kill (History.current node); State NONE)
- | apply_tr _ (History _) (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
- | apply_tr _ (History f) (State (SOME (node, term))) = State (SOME (f node, term))
- | apply_tr int (Keep f) state =
- controlled_execution (fn x => tap (f int) x) state
- | apply_tr _ (Transaction _) (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
- | apply_tr int (Transaction (hist, f)) (State (SOME state)) =
- transaction hist (fn x => f int x) state;
+fun keep_state int f = controlled_execution (fn x => tap (f int) x);
+fun apply_tr int (Init (f, term)) (state as Toplevel _) =
+ let val node = f int
+ in apply_exit state; State (History.init (undo_limit int) node, term) end
+ | apply_tr int (InitEmpty f) state =
+ (keep_state int (K f) state; apply_exit state; toplevel)
+ | apply_tr _ Exit (State state) = Toplevel (SOME state)
+ | apply_tr _ UndoExit (Toplevel (SOME state)) = State state
+ | apply_tr _ Kill (State (node, (_, kill))) =
+ (kill (History.current node); toplevel)
+ | apply_tr _ (History f) (State (node, term)) = State (f node, term)
+ | apply_tr int (Keep f) state = keep_state int f state
+ | apply_tr int (Transaction (hist, f)) (State state) =
+ transaction hist (fn x => f int x) state
+ | apply_tr _ _ _ = raise UNDEF;
fun apply_union _ [] state = raise FAILURE (state, UNDEF)
| apply_union int (tr :: trs) state =
@@ -501,9 +513,10 @@
(* basic transitions *)
-val reset = add_trans Reset;
fun init f exit kill = add_trans (Init (f, (exit, kill)));
+val init_empty = add_trans o InitEmpty;
val exit = add_trans Exit;
+val undo_exit = add_trans UndoExit;
val kill = add_trans Kill;
val history = add_trans o History;
val keep' = add_trans o Keep;
@@ -694,8 +707,8 @@
fun present_excursion trs res =
- (case excur trs (State NONE, res) of
- (State NONE, res') => res'
+ (case excur trs (toplevel, res) of
+ (state as Toplevel _, res') => (apply_exit state; res')
| _ => error "Unfinished development at end of input")
handle exn => error (exn_message exn);
@@ -716,15 +729,6 @@
fun exn () = snd (! global_state);
-(* the Isar source of transitions *)
-type 'a isar =
- (transition, (transition option,
- (OuterLex.token, (OuterLex.token option, (OuterLex.token, (OuterLex.token,
- Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, (string, 'a) Source.source) Source.source)
- Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source;
(* apply transformers to global state *)
nonfix >> >>>;
@@ -740,6 +744,17 @@
fun >>> [] = ()
| >>> (tr :: trs) = if >> tr then >>> trs else ();
+fun init_state () = (>> (init_empty (K ()) empty); ());
+(* the Isar source of transitions *)
+type 'a isar =
+ (transition, (transition option,
+ (OuterLex.token, (OuterLex.token option, (OuterLex.token, (OuterLex.token,
+ Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, (string, 'a) Source.source) Source.source)
+ Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source;
(*Spurious interrupts ahead! Race condition?*)
fun get_interrupt src = SOME (Source.get_single src) handle Interrupt => NONE;