Removed an old bug which made some simultaneous instantiations fail if they
Tue, 14 Mar 1995 10:40:04 +0100
changeset 952 9e10962866b0
parent 951 682139612060
child 953 17d7fad9c9a2
Removed an old bug which made some simultaneous instantiations fail if they were given in the "wrong" order. Rewrote sign/infer_types. Fixed some comments.
--- a/src/Pure/drule.ML	Tue Mar 14 09:47:28 1995 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/drule.ML	Tue Mar 14 10:40:04 1995 +0100
@@ -249,6 +249,11 @@
 fun inst_failure ixn =
   error("Instantiation of " ^ Syntax.string_of_vname ixn ^ " fails");
+(* this code is a bit of a mess. add_cterm could be simplified greatly if
+   simultaneous instantiations were read or at least type checked
+   simultaneously rather than one after the other. This would make the tricky
+   composition of implicit type instantiations (parameter tye) superfluous.
 fun read_insts sign (rtypes,rsorts) (types,sorts) used insts =
 let val {tsig,...} = Sign.rep_sg sign
     fun split([],tvs,vs) = (tvs,vs)
@@ -269,11 +274,14 @@
                       Some T => typ_subst_TVars tye T
                     | None => absent ixn;
             val (ct,tye2) = read_def_cterm(sign,types,sorts) used false (st,T);
-            val cv = cterm_of sign (Var(ixn,typ_subst_TVars tye2 T))
+            val cts' = (ixn,T,ct)::cts
+            fun inst(ixn,T,ct) = (ixn,typ_subst_TVars tye2 T,ct)
             val used' = add_term_tvarnames(term_of ct,used);
-        in ((cv,ct)::cts,tye2 @ tye,used') end
+        in (map inst cts',tye2 @ tye,used') end
     val (cterms,tye',_) = foldl add_cterm (([],tye,used), vs);
-in (map (fn (ixn,T) => (ixn,ctyp_of sign T)) tye', cterms) end;
+in (map (fn (ixn,T) => (ixn,ctyp_of sign T)) tye',
+    map (fn (ixn,T,ct) => (cterm_of sign (Var(ixn,T)), ct)) cterms)
@@ -585,7 +593,8 @@
 (*Instantiate theorem th, reading instantiations under signature sg*)
 fun read_instantiate_sg sg sinsts th =
     let val ts = types_sorts th;
-    in  instantiate (read_insts sg ts ts [] sinsts) th  end;
+        val used = add_term_tvarnames(#prop(rep_thm th),[]);
+    in  instantiate (read_insts sg ts ts used sinsts) th  end;
 (*Instantiate theorem th, reading instantiations under theory of th*)
 fun read_instantiate sinsts th =
--- a/src/Pure/sign.ML	Tue Mar 14 09:47:28 1995 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/sign.ML	Tue Mar 14 10:40:04 1995 +0100
@@ -272,52 +272,47 @@
     val ct = const_type sg;
-    fun process_terms (t::ts) (idx, infrd_t, tye) msg n =
-         let val (infrd_t', tye', msg') = 
-              let val (T,tye) =
-                    Type.infer_types(tsig,ct,types,sorts,used,freeze,T',t)
-              in (Some T, Some tye, msg) end
-              handle TYPE arg => (None, None, exn_type_msg arg)
-             val old_show_brackets = !show_brackets;
+    fun warn() =
+      if length ts > 1 andalso length ts <= !Syntax.ambiguity_level
+      then (*no warning shown yet*)
+           writeln "Warning: Currently parsed input \
+                   \produces more than one parse tree.\n\
+                   \For more information lower Syntax.ambiguity_level."
+      else ();
-             val _ = (show_brackets := true);
-             val msg'' = 
-               if is_none idx then (if is_none infrd_t' then msg' else "")
-               else if is_none infrd_t' then "" 
-               else (if msg' = "" then 
-                "Error: More than one term is type correct:\n" ^
-                (show_term (the infrd_t)) else msg') ^ "\n" ^ 
-                (show_term (the infrd_t')) ^ "\n";
+    datatype result = One of int * term * (indexname * typ) list
+                    | Errs of (string * typ list * term list)list
+                    | Ambigs of term list;
-         in show_brackets := old_show_brackets;
-            if is_none infrd_t' then
-              process_terms ts (idx, infrd_t, tye) msg'' (n+1)
-            else
-              process_terms ts (Some n, infrd_t', tye') msg'' (n+1)
-         end
-      | process_terms [] (idx, infrd_t, tye) msg _ = 
-          if msg = "" then (the idx, the infrd_t, the tye) 
-          else
-            (if length ts > 1 andalso length ts <= !Syntax.ambiguity_level then
-                                                      (*no warning shown yet?*)
-               writeln "Warning: Currently parsed input \
-                       \produces more than one parse tree.\n\
-                       \For more information lower Syntax.ambiguity_level."
-             else ();
-             error msg)
+    fun process_term(res,(t,i)) =
+       let val (u,tye) = Type.infer_types(tsig,ct,types,sorts,used,freeze,T',t)
+       in case res of
+            One(_,t0,_) => Ambigs([u,t0])
+          | Errs _ => One(i,u,tye)
+          | Ambigs(us) => Ambigs(u::us)
+       end
+       handle TYPE arg => (case res of Errs(errs) => Errs(arg::errs)
+                                     | _ => res);
-    val (idx, infrd_t, tye) = process_terms ts (None, None, None) "" 0;
-  in if print_msg andalso length ts > !Syntax.ambiguity_level then
-       writeln "Fortunately, only one parse tree is type correct.\n\
-         \It helps (speed!) if you disambiguate your grammar or your input."
-     else ();
-     (idx, infrd_t, tye)
+  in case foldl process_term (Errs[], ts ~~ (0 upto (length ts - 1))) of
+       One(res) =>
+         (if length ts > !Syntax.ambiguity_level
+          then writeln "Fortunately, only one parse tree is type correct.\n\
+            \It helps (speed!) if you disambiguate your grammar or your input."
+          else ();
+          res)
+     | Errs(errs) => (warn(); error(cat_lines(map exn_type_msg errs)))
+     | Ambigs(us) =>
+         (warn();
+          let val old_show_brackets = !show_brackets
+              val _ = show_brackets := true;
+              val errs = cat_lines(map show_term us)
+          in show_brackets := old_show_brackets;
+             error("Error: More than one term is type correct:\n" ^ errs)
+          end)
 (** extend signature **)    (*exception ERROR*)
 (** signature extension functions **)  (*exception ERROR*)
--- a/src/Pure/tactic.ML	Tue Mar 14 09:47:28 1995 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/tactic.ML	Tue Mar 14 10:40:04 1995 +0100
@@ -220,15 +220,10 @@
   terms that are substituted contain (term or type) unknowns from the
   goal, because it is unable to instantiate goal unknowns at the same time.
-  The type checker freezes all flexible type vars that were introduced during
-  type inference and still remain in the term at the end.  This avoids the
-  introduction of flexible type vars in goals and other places where they
-  could cause complications.  If you really want a flexible type var, you
-  have to put it in yourself as a constraint.
-  This policy breaks down when a list of substitutions is type checked: later
-  pairs may force type instantiations in earlier pairs, which is impossible,
-  because the type vars in the earlier pairs are already frozen.
+  The type checker is instructed not to freezes flexible type vars that
+  were introduced during type inference and still remain in the term at the
+  end.  This increases flexibility but can introduce schematic type vars in
+  goals.
 fun res_inst_tac sinsts rule i =
     compose_inst_tac sinsts (false, rule, nprems_of rule) i;