reproducible construction of HOL Light export bundle;
Thu, 16 Jan 2025 23:20:44 +0100
changeset 81834 9e25f6e2748c
parent 81833 4fb4dc832c86
child 81835 35abb6dd8bd2
reproducible construction of HOL Light export bundle;
--- a/etc/build.props	Thu Jan 16 22:54:25 2025 +0100
+++ b/etc/build.props	Thu Jan 16 23:20:44 2025 +0100
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
   src/Pure/Admin/component_eptcs.scala \
   src/Pure/Admin/component_foiltex.scala \
   src/Pure/Admin/component_fonts.scala \
+  src/Pure/Admin/component_hol_light.scala \
   src/Pure/Admin/component_hugo.scala \
   src/Pure/Admin/component_javamail.scala \
   src/Pure/Admin/component_jcef.scala \
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Admin/component_hol_light.scala	Thu Jan 16 23:20:44 2025 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/Admin/component_hol_light.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Build component for HOL-Light, with export of facts and proofs, offline
+optimization, and import to Isabelle/HOL.
+package isabelle
+object Component_HOL_Light {
+  /* resources */
+  val default_hol_light_url = ""
+  val default_hol_light_rev = "Release-3.0.0"
+  val default_hol_light_patched_url = ""
+  val default_hol_light_patched_rev = "master"
+  val default_import_url = ""
+  val default_import_rev = "master"
+  def hol_light_dirs(base_dir: Path): (Path, Path) =
+    (base_dir + Path.basic("hol-light"), base_dir + Path.basic("hol-light-patched"))
+  val patched_files: List[Path] =
+    List("", "", "", "").map(Path.explode)
+  def make_patch(base_dir: Path): String = {
+    val (dir1, dir2) = hol_light_dirs(Path.current)
+    (for (path <- patched_files) yield {
+      val path1 = dir1 + path
+      val path2 = dir2 + path
+      if ((base_dir + path1).is_file || (base_dir + path2).is_file) {
+        Isabelle_System.make_patch(base_dir, path1, path2)
+      }
+      else ""
+    }).mkString
+  }
+  def build_hol_light_import(
+    only_offline: Boolean = false,
+    progress: Progress = new Progress,
+    target_dir: Path = Path.current,
+    hol_light_url: String = default_hol_light_url,
+    hol_light_rev: String = default_hol_light_rev,
+    hol_light_patched_url: String = default_hol_light_patched_url,
+    hol_light_patched_rev: String = default_hol_light_patched_rev,
+    import_url: String = default_import_url,
+    import_rev: String = default_import_rev
+  ): Unit = {
+    /* system */
+    if (!only_offline) {
+      Linux.check_system()
+      Isabelle_System.require_command("buffer", test = "-i /dev/null")
+      Isabelle_System.require_command("patch")
+    }
+    /* component */
+    val component_name = "hol_light_import-" + Date.Format.alt_date(
+    val component_dir = Components.Directory(target_dir + Path.basic(component_name)).create()
+    val platform = Isabelle_Platform.self.ISABELLE_PLATFORM(windows = true, apple = true)
+    val platform_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform))
+    /* settings */
+    component_dir.write_settings("""
+    /* README */
+    File.write(component_dir.README,
+      """Author: Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck, 2013
+Author: Alexander Krauss, QAware GmbH, 2013
+Author: Sophie Tourret, INRIA, 2024
+Author: Stéphane Glondu, INRIA, 2024
+LICENSE (export tools): BSD-3 from Isabelle
+LICENSE (HOL Light proofs): BSD-2 from HOL Light
+This is an export of primitive proofs from HOL Light """ + hol_light_rev + """.
+The original repository """ + hol_light_url + """
+has been patched in 2 stages. The overall export process works like this:
+  make
+  patch -p1 < patches/stage1.patch
+  ./ocaml-hol -I +compiler-libs
+  patch -p1 < patches/stage2.patch
+  export MAXTMS=10000
+  ./ocaml-hol -I +compiler-libs
+  gzip -d proofs.gz
+  > maps.lst
+  x86_64-linux/offline
+      Makarius
+      """ + + "\n")
+    Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir =>
+      /* OCaml setup */
+      progress.echo("Setup OCaml ...")
+      progress.bash(
+        if (only_offline) "isabelle ocaml_setup_base"
+        else "isabelle ocaml_setup && isabelle ocaml_opam install -y camlp5",
+        echo = progress.verbose).check
+      val opam_env = Isabelle_System.bash("isabelle ocaml_opam env").check.out
+      /* repository clones */
+      val (hol_light_dir, hol_light_patched_dir) = hol_light_dirs(tmp_dir)
+      val import_dir = tmp_dir + Path.basic("import")
+      if (!only_offline) {
+        Isabelle_System.git_clone(hol_light_url, hol_light_dir, checkout = hol_light_rev,
+          progress = progress)
+        Isabelle_System.git_clone(
+          hol_light_patched_url, hol_light_patched_dir, checkout = hol_light_patched_rev,
+          progress = progress)
+      }
+      Isabelle_System.git_clone(import_url, import_dir, checkout = import_rev, progress = progress)
+      /* "offline" tool */
+      progress.echo("Building offline tool ...")
+      val offline_path = Path.explode("offline")
+      val offline_exe = offline_path.platform_exe
+      val import_offline_dir = import_dir + offline_path
+      Isabelle_System.copy_dir(import_offline_dir, component_dir.path)
+      (component_dir.path + Path.explode("offline/.gitignore")).file.delete
+      progress.bash("make", cwd = import_offline_dir, echo = progress.verbose).check
+      Isabelle_System.copy_file(import_offline_dir + offline_exe, platform_dir + offline_exe)
+      File.set_executable(platform_dir + offline_exe)
+      if (!only_offline) {
+        /* patches */
+        progress.echo("Preparing patches ...")
+        val patches_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic("patches"))
+        val patch1 = patches_dir + Path.basic("stage1.patch")
+        val patch2 = patches_dir + Path.basic("stage2.patch")
+        Isabelle_System.bash("git reset --hard origin/stdlib/isabelle-export-base",
+          cwd = hol_light_patched_dir).check
+        File.write(patch1, make_patch(tmp_dir))
+        Isabelle_System.bash("patch -p1 < " + File.bash_path(patch1), cwd = hol_light_dir).check
+        Isabelle_System.bash("git reset --hard origin/stdlib/isabelle-export",
+          cwd = hol_light_patched_dir).check
+        File.write(patch2, make_patch(tmp_dir))
+        /* export */
+        progress.echo("Exporting proofs ...")
+        progress.bash(
+          Library.make_lines("set -e", opam_env,
+            "make",
+            "./ocaml-hol -I +compiler-libs",
+            "patch -p1 < " + File.bash_path(patch2),
+            "export MAXTMS=10000",
+            "./ocaml-hol -I +compiler-libs",
+            "gzip -d proofs.gz",
+            "> maps.lst",
+            File.bash_path(platform_dir + offline_exe) + " proofs"
+          ),
+          cwd = hol_light_dir, echo = progress.verbose).check
+        val bundle_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.explode("bundle"))
+        Isabelle_System.copy_file(hol_light_dir + Path.explode("proofs"), bundle_dir)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Isabelle tool wrapper */
+  val isabelle_tool =
+    Isabelle_Tool("component_hol_light_import", "build Isabelle component for HOL Light import",
+      { args =>
+        var target_dir = Path.current
+        var only_offline = false
+        var hol_light_url = default_hol_light_url
+        var hol_light_patched_url = default_hol_light_patched_url
+        var hol_light_rev = default_hol_light_rev
+        var hol_light_patched_rev = default_hol_light_patched_rev
+        var import_url = default_import_url
+        var import_rev = default_import_rev
+        var verbose = false
+        val getopts = Getopts("""
+Usage: isabelle component_hol_light_import [OPTIONS]
+  Options are:
+    -D DIR       target directory (default ".")
+    -O           only build the "offline" tool
+    -U URL       git URL for original HOL Light repository, default:
+                 """ + default_hol_light_url + """
+    -V URL       git URL for patched HOL Light repository, default:
+                 """ + default_hol_light_patched_url + """
+    -W URL       git URL for import repository, default:
+                 """ + default_import_url + """
+    -r REV       revision or branch to checkout HOL Light (default: """ +
+                    default_hol_light_rev + """)
+    -s REV       revision or branch to checkout HOL-Light-to-Isabelle (default: """ +
+                    default_hol_light_patched_rev + """)
+    -t REV       revision or branch to checkout import (default: """ +
+                    default_import_rev + """)
+    -v           verbose
+  Build Isabelle component for HOL Light import.
+          "D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
+          "O" -> (_ => only_offline = true),
+          "U:" -> (arg => hol_light_url = arg),
+          "V:" -> (arg => hol_light_patched_url = arg),
+          "W:" -> (arg => import_url = arg),
+          "r:" -> (arg => hol_light_rev = arg),
+          "s:" -> (arg => hol_light_patched_rev = arg),
+          "t:" -> (arg => import_rev = arg),
+          "v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
+        val more_args = getopts(args)
+        if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
+        val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
+        build_hol_light_import(
+          only_offline = only_offline, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir,
+          hol_light_url = hol_light_url,
+          hol_light_rev = hol_light_rev,
+          hol_light_patched_url = hol_light_patched_url,
+          hol_light_patched_rev = hol_light_patched_rev,
+          import_url = import_url,
+          import_rev = import_rev)
+      })
--- a/src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala	Thu Jan 16 22:54:25 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala	Thu Jan 16 23:20:44 2025 +0100
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
+  Component_HOL_Light.isabelle_tool,