--- a/src/HOL/Arith.ML Tue Sep 21 11:11:09 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Arith.ML Tue Sep 21 14:13:45 1999 +0200
@@ -895,45 +895,6 @@
val lessD = [Suc_leI];
-val dest_plus = HOLogic.dest_bin "op +" HOLogic.natT;
-(* Turn term into list of summand * multiplicity plus a constant *)
-fun poly(Const("Suc",_)$t, (p,i)) = poly(t, (p,i+1))
- | poly(Const("op +",_) $ s $ t, pi) = poly(s,poly(t,pi))
- | poly(t,(p,i)) =
- if t = Const("0",HOLogic.natT) then (p,i)
- else (case assoc(p,t) of None => ((t,1)::p,i)
- | Some m => (overwrite(p,(t,m+1)), i))
-fun poly(t, pi as (p,i)) =
- if HOLogic.is_zero t then pi else
- (case try HOLogic.dest_Suc t of
- Some u => poly(u, (p,i+1))
- | None => (case try dest_plus t of
- Some(r,s) => poly(r,poly(s,pi))
- | None => (case assoc(p,t) of None => ((t,1)::p,i)
- | Some m => (overwrite(p,(t,m+1)), i))))
-fun nnb T = T = ([HOLogic.natT,HOLogic.natT] ---> HOLogic.boolT);
-fun decomp2(rel,lhs,rhs) =
- let val (p,i) = poly(lhs,([],0)) and (q,j) = poly(rhs,([],0))
- in case rel of
- "op <" => Some(p,i,"<",q,j)
- | "op <=" => Some(p,i,"<=",q,j)
- | "op =" => Some(p,i,"=",q,j)
- | _ => None
- end;
-fun negate(Some(x,i,rel,y,j)) = Some(x,i,"~"^rel,y,j)
- | negate None = None;
-fun decomp1(T,xxx) = if nnb T then decomp2 xxx else None;
-fun decomp(_$(Const(rel,T)$lhs$rhs)) = decomp1(T,(rel,lhs,rhs))
- | decomp(_$(Const("Not",_)$(Const(rel,T)$lhs$rhs))) =
- negate(decomp1(T,(rel,lhs,rhs)))
- | decomp _ = None
(* reduce contradictory <= to False.
Most of the work is done by the cancel tactics.
@@ -953,14 +914,70 @@
"(i = j) & (k = l) ==> i + k = j + (l::nat)"
+(* Decomposition of terms *)
+fun nT (Type("fun",[N,_])) = N = HOLogic.natT
+ | nT _ = false;
+fun add_atom(t,m,(p,i)) = (case assoc(p,t) of None => ((t,m)::p,i)
+ | Some n => (overwrite(p,(t,n+m:int)), i));
+(* Turn term into list of summand * multiplicity plus a constant *)
+fun poly(Const("op +",_) $ s $ t, m, pi) = poly(s,m,poly(t,m,pi))
+ | poly(all as Const("op -",T) $ s $ t, m, pi) =
+ if nT T then add_atom(all,m,pi)
+ else poly(s,m,poly(t,~1*m,pi))
+ | poly(Const("uminus",_) $ t, m, pi) = poly(t,~1*m,pi)
+ | poly(Const("0",_), _, pi) = pi
+ | poly(Const("Suc",_)$t, m, (p,i)) = poly(t, m, (p,i+m))
+ | poly(all as Const("op *",_) $ (Const("Numeral.number_of",_)$c) $ t, m, pi)=
+ (poly(t,m*HOLogic.dest_binum c,pi)
+ handle TERM _ => add_atom(all,m,pi))
+ | poly(all as Const("op *",_) $ t $ (Const("Numeral.number_of",_)$c), m, pi)=
+ (poly(t,m*HOLogic.dest_binum c,pi)
+ handle TERM _ => add_atom(all,m,pi))
+ | poly(all as Const("Numeral.number_of",_)$t,m,(p,i)) =
+ ((p,i + m*HOLogic.dest_binum t)
+ handle TERM _ => add_atom(all,m,(p,i)))
+ | poly x = add_atom x;
+fun decomp2(rel,lhs,rhs) =
+ let val (p,i) = poly(lhs,1,([],0)) and (q,j) = poly(rhs,1,([],0))
+ in case rel of
+ "op <" => Some(p,i,"<",q,j)
+ | "op <=" => Some(p,i,"<=",q,j)
+ | "op =" => Some(p,i,"=",q,j)
+ | _ => None
+ end;
+fun negate(Some(x,i,rel,y,j,d)) = Some(x,i,"~"^rel,y,j,d)
+ | negate None = None;
+fun decomp1 tab (T,xxx) =
+ (case T of
+ Type("fun",[Type(D,[]),_]) =>
+ (case assoc(!tab,D) of
+ None => None
+ | Some d => (case decomp2 xxx of
+ None => None
+ | Some(p,i,rel,q,j) => Some(p,i,rel,q,j,d)))
+ | _ => None);
+(* tab: (string * bool)list ref contains the discreteneness flag *)
+fun decomp tab (_$(Const(rel,T)$lhs$rhs)) = decomp1 tab (T,(rel,lhs,rhs))
+ | decomp tab (_$(Const("Not",_)$(Const(rel,T)$lhs$rhs))) =
+ negate(decomp1 tab (T,(rel,lhs,rhs)))
+ | decomp _ _ = None
structure LA_Data_Ref =
val add_mono_thms = ref Nat_LA_Data.add_mono_thms
val lessD = ref Nat_LA_Data.lessD
- val decomp = ref Nat_LA_Data.decomp
val simp = ref Nat_LA_Data.simp
+ val discrete = ref [("nat",true)]
+ val decomp = Nat_LA_Data.decomp discrete
structure Fast_Arith =