Fri, 18 Feb 2005 11:48:42 +0100
changeset 15535 a0cf3a19ee36
parent 15534 fad04f5f822f
child 15536 3ce1cb7a24f0
--- a/src/HOL/Finite_Set.thy	Wed Feb 16 19:00:49 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Finite_Set.thy	Fri Feb 18 11:48:42 2005 +0100
@@ -673,6 +673,17 @@
     cong add: conj_cong simp add: fold_def [symmetric] fold_equality)
+lemma (in ACf) fold_rec:
+assumes fin: "finite A" and a: "a:A"
+shows "fold f g z A = f (g a) (fold f g z (A - {a}))"
+  have A: "A = insert a (A - {a})" using a by blast
+  hence "fold f g z A = fold f g z (insert a (A - {a}))" by simp
+  also have "\<dots> = f (g a) (fold f g z (A - {a}))"
+    by(rule fold_insert) (simp add:fin)+
+  finally show ?thesis .
 text{* A simplified version for idempotent functions: *}
@@ -1064,29 +1075,48 @@
   finally show ?thesis .
-lemma setsum_negf: "finite A ==> setsum (%x. - (f x)::'a::ab_group_add) A =
-  - setsum f A"
-  by (induct set: Finites, auto)
+lemma setsum_negf:
+ "setsum (%x. - (f x)::'a::ab_group_add) A = - setsum f A"
+proof (cases "finite A")
+  case True thus ?thesis by (induct set: Finites, auto)
+  case False thus ?thesis by (simp add: setsum_def)
-lemma setsum_subtractf: "finite A ==> setsum (%x. ((f x)::'a::ab_group_add) - g x) A =
+lemma setsum_subtractf:
+ "setsum (%x. ((f x)::'a::ab_group_add) - g x) A =
   setsum f A - setsum g A"
-  by (simp add: diff_minus setsum_addf setsum_negf)
+proof (cases "finite A")
+  case True thus ?thesis by (simp add: diff_minus setsum_addf setsum_negf)
+  case False thus ?thesis by (simp add: setsum_def)
-lemma setsum_nonneg: "[| finite A;
-    \<forall>x \<in> A. (0::'a::{pordered_ab_semigroup_add, comm_monoid_add}) \<le> f x |] ==>
-    0 \<le> setsum f A";
+lemma setsum_nonneg:
+assumes nn: "\<forall>x\<in>A. (0::'a::{pordered_ab_semigroup_add,comm_monoid_add}) \<le> f x"
+shows "0 \<le> setsum f A"
+proof (cases "finite A")
+  case True thus ?thesis using nn
   apply (induct set: Finites, auto)
   apply (subgoal_tac "0 + 0 \<le> f x + setsum f F", simp)
   apply (blast intro: add_mono)
+  case False thus ?thesis by (simp add: setsum_def)
-lemma setsum_nonpos: "[| finite A;
-    \<forall>x \<in> A. f x \<le> (0::'a::{pordered_ab_semigroup_add, comm_monoid_add}) |] ==>
-    setsum f A \<le> 0";
+lemma setsum_nonpos:
+assumes np: "\<forall>x\<in>A. f x \<le> (0::'a::{pordered_ab_semigroup_add,comm_monoid_add})"
+shows "setsum f A \<le> 0"
+proof (cases "finite A")
+  case True thus ?thesis using np
   apply (induct set: Finites, auto)
   apply (subgoal_tac "f x + setsum f F \<le> 0 + 0", simp)
   apply (blast intro: add_mono)
+  case False thus ?thesis by (simp add: setsum_def)
 lemma setsum_mult: 
   fixes f :: "'a => ('b::semiring_0_cancel)"
@@ -1103,27 +1133,35 @@
   case False thus ?thesis by (simp add: setsum_def)
-lemma setsum_abs: 
+lemma setsum_abs[iff]: 
   fixes f :: "'a => ('b::lordered_ab_group_abs)"
-  assumes fin: "finite A" 
   shows "abs (setsum f A) \<le> setsum (%i. abs(f i)) A"
-using fin 
-proof (induct) 
-  case empty thus ?case by simp
+proof (cases "finite A")
+  case True
+  thus ?thesis
+  proof (induct)
+    case empty thus ?case by simp
+  next
+    case (insert x A)
+    thus ?case by (auto intro: abs_triangle_ineq order_trans)
+  qed
-  case (insert x A)
-  thus ?case by (auto intro: abs_triangle_ineq order_trans)
+  case False thus ?thesis by (simp add: setsum_def)
-lemma setsum_abs_ge_zero: 
+lemma setsum_abs_ge_zero[iff]: 
   fixes f :: "'a => ('b::lordered_ab_group_abs)"
-  assumes fin: "finite A" 
   shows "0 \<le> setsum (%i. abs(f i)) A"
-using fin 
-proof (induct) 
-  case empty thus ?case by simp
+proof (cases "finite A")
+  case True
+  thus ?thesis
+  proof (induct)
+    case empty thus ?case by simp
+  next
+    case (insert x A) thus ?case by (auto intro: order_trans)
+  qed
-  case (insert x A) thus ?case by (auto intro: order_trans)
+  case False thus ?thesis by (simp add: setsum_def)
--- a/src/HOL/Set.thy	Wed Feb 16 19:00:49 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Set.thy	Fri Feb 18 11:48:42 2005 +0100
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
   "@Finset"     :: "args => 'a set"                       ("{(_)}")
   "@Coll"       :: "pttrn => bool => 'a set"              ("(1{_./ _})")
   "@SetCompr"   :: "'a => idts => bool => 'a set"         ("(1{_ |/_./ _})")
+  "@Collect"    :: "idt => 'a set => bool => 'a set"      ("(1{_ :/ _./ _})")
   "@INTER1"     :: "pttrns => 'b set => 'b set"           ("(3INT _./ _)" 10)
   "@UNION1"     :: "pttrns => 'b set => 'b set"           ("(3UN _./ _)" 10)
   "@INTER"      :: "pttrn => 'a set => 'b set => 'b set"  ("(3INT _:_./ _)" 10)
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
   "{x, xs}"     == "insert x {xs}"
   "{x}"         == "insert x {}"
   "{x. P}"      == "Collect (%x. P)"
+  "{x:A. P}"    => "{x. x:A & P}"
   "UN x y. B"   == "UN x. UN y. B"
   "UN x. B"     == "UNION UNIV (%x. B)"
   "UN x. B"     == "UN x:UNIV. B"
@@ -123,6 +124,7 @@
   "_Bex"        :: "pttrn => 'a set => bool => bool"      ("(3\<exists>_\<in>_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10)
 syntax (xsymbols)
+  "@Collect"    :: "idt => 'a set => bool => 'a set"      ("(1{_ \<in>/ _./ _})")
   "@UNION1"     :: "pttrns => 'b set => 'b set"           ("(3\<Union>_./ _)" 10)
   "@INTER1"     :: "pttrns => 'b set => 'b set"           ("(3\<Inter>_./ _)" 10)
   "@UNION"      :: "pttrn => 'a set => 'b set => 'b set"  ("(3\<Union>_\<in>_./ _)" 10)
@@ -282,8 +284,15 @@
           let val _ $ idts $ (_ $ (_ $ _ $ e) $ Q) = ex_tr' [abs]
           in Syntax.const "@SetCompr" $ e $ idts $ Q end;
     in if check (P, 0) then tr' P
-       else let val (x,t) = atomic_abs_tr' abs
-            in Syntax.const "@Coll" $ x $ t end
+       else let val (x as _ $ Free(xN,_), t) = atomic_abs_tr' abs
+                val M = Syntax.const "@Coll" $ x $ t
+            in case t of
+                 Const("op &",_)
+                   $ (Const("op :",_) $ (Const("_bound",_) $ Free(yN,_)) $ A)
+                   $ P =>
+                   if xN=yN then Syntax.const "@Collect" $ x $ A $ P else M
+               | _ => M
+            end
   in [("Collect", setcompr_tr')] end;