--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML Wed May 17 01:23:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML Wed May 17 12:28:47 2006 +0200
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
Proof.context ->
Term.term list ->
(string * Thm.thm) list ->
- (bool * bool * bool) -> bool -> string Array.array * (thm * (string * int)) list
+ (bool * bool * bool) -> bool -> (thm * (string * int)) list
structure ResClasimp : RES_CLASIMP =
@@ -281,10 +281,12 @@
if run_filter
then ReduceAxiomsN.relevance_filter (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) cls_thms_list goals
else cls_thms_list
- val all_relevant_cls_thms_list = insert_thms (List.concat user_cls_thms) relevant_cls_thms_list (*ensure all user supplied rules are output*)
+ val all_relevant_cls_thms_list =
+ insert_thms (List.concat user_cls_thms) relevant_cls_thms_list
+ (*ensure all user supplied rules are output*)
- (Array.fromList (map fst (map snd all_relevant_cls_thms_list)), all_relevant_cls_thms_list)
+ all_relevant_cls_thms_list
+ end;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML Wed May 17 01:23:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML Wed May 17 12:28:47 2006 +0200
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
val hyp_cls = cnf_hyps_thms ctxt
val goal_cls = conj_cls@hyp_cls
val user_rules = map ResAxioms.pairname user_thms
- val (names_arr,axclauses_as_thms) = ResClasimp.get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt (map prop_of goal_cls) user_rules (!include_claset,!include_simpset,!include_atpset) (!run_relevance_filter)
+ val axclauses_as_thms = ResClasimp.get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt (map prop_of goal_cls) user_rules (!include_claset,!include_simpset,!include_atpset) (!run_relevance_filter)
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
val prob_logic = case mode of Auto => problem_logic_goals [map prop_of goal_cls]
| Fol => FOL
@@ -398,9 +398,9 @@
fun write_problem_files pf (ctxt,th) =
let val goals = Thm.prems_of th
val _ = Output.debug ("number of subgoals = " ^ Int.toString (length goals))
- val (names_arr, axclauses) = ResClasimp.get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt goals [] (true,true,true) (!run_relevance_filter) (* no user supplied rules here, because no user invocation *)
+ val axclauses = ResClasimp.get_clasimp_atp_lemmas ctxt goals [] (true,true,true) (!run_relevance_filter) (* no user supplied rules here, because no user invocation *)
val _ = Output.debug ("claset, simprules and atprules total clauses = " ^
- Int.toString (Array.length names_arr))
+ Int.toString (length axclauses))
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
fun get_neg_subgoals n =
if n=0 then []
@@ -425,8 +425,9 @@
fun write_all [] _ = []
| write_all (subgoal::subgoals) k =
(writer goals_logic subgoal (pf k) (axclauses,classrel_clauses,arity_clauses); pf k):: (write_all subgoals (k - 1))
+ val thm_names = Array.fromList (map (#1 o #2) axclauses)
- (write_all neg_subgoals (length goals), names_arr)
+ (write_all neg_subgoals (length goals), thm_names)
val last_watcher_pid = ref (NONE : (TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream *
@@ -449,8 +450,8 @@
val _ = kill_last_watcher()
- val (files,names_arr) = write_problem_files prob_pathname (ctxt,th)
- val (childin, childout, pid) = Watcher.createWatcher (th, names_arr)
+ val (files,thm_names) = write_problem_files prob_pathname (ctxt,th)
+ val (childin, childout, pid) = Watcher.createWatcher (th, thm_names)
last_watcher_pid := SOME (childin, childout, pid, files);
Output.debug ("problem files: " ^ space_implode ", " files);