configuration file for mira
Fri, 14 Jan 2011 13:59:06 +0100
changeset 41542 a5478b1c8b8a
parent 41541 1fa4725c4656
child 41547 4638b1210d26
configuration file for mira
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Admin/	Fri Jan 14 13:59:06 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+    Test configuration descriptions for mira.
+import os
+from os import path
+from glob import glob
+import subprocess
+import re
+import util
+from mira.environment import configuration
+from repositories import *
+# build and evaluation tools
+def prepare_isabelle_repository(loc_isabelle, loc_contrib, loc_dependency_heaps, parallelism = True):
+    loc_contrib = path.expanduser(loc_contrib)
+    if not path.exists(loc_contrib):
+        raise IOError('Bad file: %s' % loc_contrib)
+    subprocess.check_call(['ln', '-s', loc_contrib, '%s/contrib' % loc_isabelle])
+    contributed_components = path.join(loc_isabelle, 'Admin', 'contributed_components')
+    if path.exists(contributed_components):
+        components = []
+        for component in util.readfile_lines(contributed_components):
+            loc_component = path.join(loc_isabelle, component)
+            if path.exists(loc_component):
+                components.append(loc_component)
+        writer = open(path.join(loc_isabelle, 'etc', 'components'), 'a')
+        for component in components:
+            writer.write(component + '\n')
+        writer.close()
+    if loc_dependency_heaps:
+        isabelle_path = loc_dependency_heaps + '/$ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER:$ISABELLE_OUTPUT'
+    else:
+        isabelle_path = '$ISABELLE_OUTPUT'
+    if parallelism:
+        parallelism_options = '-M max'
+    else:
+        parallelism_options = '-M 1 -q 0'
+    extra_settings = '''
+ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS="$ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS %s -t true -v true -d pdf -g true -i true"
+''' % (isabelle_path, parallelism_options)
+    writer = open(path.join(loc_isabelle, 'etc', 'settings'), 'a')
+    writer.write(extra_settings)
+    writer.close()
+def extract_isabelle_run_timing(logdata):
+    def to_secs(h, m, s):
+        return (int(h) * 60 + int(m)) * 60 + int(s)
+    pat = r'Finished (\S+) \((\d+):(\d+):(\d+) elapsed time, (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) cpu time'
+    pat2 = r'Timing (\S+) \((\d+) threads, (\d+\.\d+)s elapsed time, (\d+\.\d+)s cpu time, (\d+\.\d+)s GC time\)'
+    t = dict((name, {'elapsed': to_secs(eh,em,es), 'cpu': to_secs(ch,cm,cs)})
+             for name, eh, em, es, ch, cm, cs in re.findall(pat, logdata))
+    for name, threads, elapsed, cpu, gc in re.findall(pat2, logdata):
+        if name not in t:
+            t[name] = {}
+        t[name]['threads'] = int(threads)
+        t[name]['elapsed_inner'] = elapsed
+        t[name]['cpu_inner'] = cpu
+        t[name]['gc'] = gc
+    return t
+def extract_isabelle_run_summary(logdata):
+    re_error = re.compile(r'^\*\*\* (.*)$', re.MULTILINE)
+    summary = '\n'.join(re_error.findall(logdata))
+    if summary == '':
+        summary = 'ok'
+    return summary
+def isabelle_usedir(env, isa_path, isabelle_usedir_opts, base_image, dir_name):
+    return env.run_process('%s/bin/isabelle' % isa_path, 'usedir',
+        isabelle_usedir_opts, base_image, dir_name)
+def isabelle_dependency_only(env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):
+    p = paths[0]
+    result = path.join(p, 'heaps')
+    os.makedirs(result)
+    for dep_path in dep_paths:
+        subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-R'] + glob(dep_path + '/*') + [result])
+    return (True, 'ok', {}, {}, result)
+def build_isabelle_image(subdir, base, img, env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):
+    p = paths[0]
+    dep_path = dep_paths[0]
+    prepare_isabelle_repository(p, env.settings.contrib, dep_path)
+    os.chdir(path.join(p, 'src', subdir))
+    (return_code, log) = isabelle_usedir(env, p, '-b', base, img)
+    result = path.join(p, 'heaps')
+    return (return_code == 0, extract_isabelle_run_summary(log),
+      {'timing': extract_isabelle_run_timing(log)}, {'log': log}, result)
+def isabelle_makeall(env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):
+    p = paths[0]
+    dep_path = dep_paths[0]
+    prepare_isabelle_repository(p, env.settings.contrib, dep_path)
+    os.chdir(p)
+    (return_code, log) = env.run_process('%s/bin/isabelle' % p, 'makeall', '-k', 'all')
+    return (return_code == 0, extract_isabelle_run_summary(log),
+      {'timing': extract_isabelle_run_timing(log)}, {'log': log}, None)
+# Isabelle configurations
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [])
+def Pure(env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):
+    """Pure image"""
+    p = paths[0]
+    prepare_isabelle_repository(p, env.settings.contrib, '')
+    os.chdir(path.join(p, 'src', 'Pure'))
+    (return_code, log) = env.run_process('%s/bin/isabelle' % p, 'make', 'Pure')
+    result = path.join(p, 'heaps')
+    return (return_code == 0, extract_isabelle_run_summary(log),
+      {'timing': extract_isabelle_run_timing(log)}, {'log': log}, result)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(Pure, [0])])
+def FOL(*args):
+    """FOL image"""
+    return build_isabelle_image('FOL', 'Pure', 'FOL', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(Pure, [0])])
+def HOL(*args):
+    """HOL image"""
+    return build_isabelle_image('HOL', 'Pure', 'HOL', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def HOL_HOLCF(*args):
+    """HOL-HOLCF image"""
+    return build_isabelle_image('HOL/HOLCF', 'HOL', 'HOLCF', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def HOL_Nominal(*args):
+    """HOL-Nominal image"""
+    return build_isabelle_image('HOL/Nominal', 'HOL', 'HOL-Nominal', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def HOL_Word(*args):
+    """HOL-Word image"""
+    return build_isabelle_image('HOL/Word', 'HOL', 'HOL-Word', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [
+    (HOL, [0]),
+    (HOL_HOLCF, [0]),
+    (HOL_Nominal, [0]),
+    (HOL_Word, [0])
+  ])
+def AFP_images(*args):
+    """Isabelle images needed for the AFP"""
+    return isabelle_dependency_only(*args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [
+    (AFP_images, [0])
+  ])
+def Isabelle_makeall(*args):
+    """Isabelle makeall"""
+    return isabelle_makeall(*args)
+# Mutabelle configurations
+def invoke_mutabelle(theory, env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):
+    """Mutant testing for counterexample generators in Isabelle"""
+    (loc_isabelle,) = paths
+    (dep_isabelle,) = dep_paths
+    prepare_isabelle_repository(loc_isabelle, env.settings.contrib, dep_isabelle)
+    os.chdir(loc_isabelle)
+    (return_code, log) = env.run_process('bin/isabelle',
+      'mutabelle', '-O', playground, theory)
+    try:
+        mutabelle_log = util.readfile(path.join(playground, 'log'))
+    except IOError:
+        mutabelle_log = ''
+    attachments = { 'log': log, 'mutabelle_log': mutabelle_log}
+    return (return_code == 0 and mutabelle_log != '', extract_isabelle_run_summary(log),
+      {'timing': extract_isabelle_run_timing(log)}, {'log': log}, None)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def Mutabelle_Relation(*args):
+    """Mutabelle regression suite on Relation theory"""
+    return invoke_mutabelle('Relation', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def Mutabelle_List(*args):
+    """Mutabelle regression suite on List theory"""
+    return invoke_mutabelle('List', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def Mutabelle_Set(*args):
+    """Mutabelle regression suite on Set theory"""
+    return invoke_mutabelle('Set', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def Mutabelle_Map(*args):
+    """Mutabelle regression suite on Map theory"""
+    return invoke_mutabelle('Map', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def Mutabelle_Divides(*args):
+    """Mutabelle regression suite on Divides theory"""
+    return invoke_mutabelle('Divides', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def Mutabelle_MacLaurin(*args):
+    """Mutabelle regression suite on MacLaurin theory"""
+    return invoke_mutabelle('MacLaurin', *args)
+@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
+def Mutabelle_Fun(*args):
+    """Mutabelle regression suite on Fun theory"""
+    return invoke_mutabelle('Fun', *args)