Allows more backtracking in proof reconstruction, making it slower but more
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 17:33:09 +0200
changeset 5463 a5479f5cd482
parent 5462 7c5b2a8adbf0
child 5464 47d0d906b39a
Allows more backtracking in proof reconstruction, making it slower but more robust (avoiding PROOF FAILED) Record type of branches, better tracing, etc.
--- a/src/Provers/blast.ML	Thu Sep 10 17:32:07 1998 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/blast.ML	Thu Sep 10 17:33:09 1998 +0200
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
     | nNewHyps (Const "*Goal*" $ _ :: Ps) = nNewHyps Ps
     | nNewHyps (P::Ps)                    = 1 + nNewHyps Ps;
-  fun rot_tac [] i st      = Seq.single (Seq.hd (flexflex_rule st))
+  fun rot_tac [] i st      = Seq.single st
     | rot_tac (0::ks) i st = rot_tac ks (i+1) st
     | rot_tac (k::ks) i st = rot_tac ks (i+1) (rotate_rule (~k) i st);
@@ -562,11 +562,12 @@
 (*Pending formulae carry md (may duplicate) flags*)
-type branch = ((term*bool) list *	(*safe formulae on this level*)
-               (term*bool) list) list * (*haz formulae  on this level*)
-	      term list *               (*literals: irreducible formulae*)
-	      term option ref list *    (*variables occurring in branch*)
-	      int;                      (*resource limit*)
+type branch = 
+    {pairs: ((term*bool) list *	(*safe formulae on this level*)
+               (term*bool) list) list,  (*haz formulae  on this level*)
+     lits:   term list,                 (*literals: irreducible formulae*)
+     vars:   term option ref list,      (*variables occurring in branch*)
+     lim:    int};                      (*resource limit*)
 val fullTrace = ref[] : branch list list ref;
@@ -575,8 +576,11 @@
 fun normLev (Gs,Hs) = (map norm2 Gs, map norm2 Hs);
-fun normBr (br, lits, vars, lim) =
-     (map normLev br, map norm lits, vars, lim);
+fun normBr {pairs, lits, vars, lim} =
+     {pairs = map normLev pairs, 
+      lits  = map norm lits, 
+      vars  = vars, 
+      lim   = lim};
 val dummyTVar = Term.TVar(("a",0), []);
@@ -629,7 +633,7 @@
   let fun printPairs (((G,_)::_,_)::_)  = prs(traceTerm sign G)
 	| printPairs (([],(H,_)::_)::_) = prs(traceTerm sign H ^ "\t (Unsafe)")
 	| printPairs _                 = ()
-      fun printBrs (brs0 as (pairs, lits, _, lim) :: brs) =
+      fun printBrs (brs0 as {pairs, lits, lim, ...} :: brs) =
 	    (fullTrace := brs0 :: !fullTrace;
 	     seq (fn _ => prs "+") brs;
 	     prs (" [" ^ Int.toString lim ^ "] ");
@@ -735,7 +739,7 @@
 (*Substitute through the branch if an equality goal (else raise DEST_EQ).
   Moves affected literals back into the branch, but it is not clear where
   they should go: this could make proofs fail.*)
-fun equalSubst sign (G, pairs, lits, vars, lim) = 
+fun equalSubst sign (G, {pairs, lits, vars, lim}) = 
   let val (t,u) = orientGoal(dest_eq G)
       val subst = subst_atomic (t,u)
       fun subst2(G,md) = (subst G, md)
@@ -761,9 +765,10 @@
   in  if !trace then writeln ("Substituting " ^ traceTerm sign u ^
 			      " for " ^ traceTerm sign t ^ " in branch" )
       else ();
-      ((changed',[])::pairs',	(*affected formulas, and others*)
-       lits',			(*unaffected literals*)
-       vars, lim)
+      {pairs = (changed',[])::pairs',	(*affected formulas, and others*)
+       lits  = lits',			(*unaffected literals*)
+       vars  = vars, 
+       lim   = lim}
@@ -856,8 +861,8 @@
   in  traceIt (pruneAux (choices, !ntrail, !trail, choices))  end;
-fun nextVars ((br, lits, vars, lim) :: _) = map Var vars
-  | nextVars []                           = [];
+fun nextVars ({pairs, lits, vars, lim} :: _) = map Var vars
+  | nextVars []                              = [];
 fun backtrack (choices as (ntrl, nbrs, exn)::_) = 
       (if !trace then (writeln ("Backtracking; now there are " ^ 
@@ -932,7 +937,8 @@
 	        (printStats (!trace orelse !stats, start, tacs); 
 		 cont (tacs, trs, choices))   (*all branches closed!*)
        | prv (tacs, trs, choices, 
-	      brs0 as (((G,md)::br, haz)::pairs, lits, vars, lim) :: brs) =
+	      brs0 as {pairs = ((G,md)::br, haz)::pairs, 
+		       lits, vars, lim} :: brs) =
    	     (*apply a safe rule only (possibly allowing instantiation);
                defer any haz formulae*)
 	  let exception PRV (*backtrack to precisely this recursion!*)
@@ -945,12 +951,16 @@
 	      fun newBr (vars',lim') prems =
 		  map (fn prem => 
 		       if (exists isGoal prem) 
-		       then (((joinMd md prem, []) :: 
-			      negOfGoals ((br, haz)::pairs)),
-			     map negOfGoal lits, 
-			     vars', lim') 
-		       else (((joinMd md prem, []) :: (br, haz) :: pairs),
-			     lits, vars', lim'))
+		       then {pairs = ((joinMd md prem, []) :: 
+				      negOfGoals ((br, haz)::pairs)),
+			     lits  = map negOfGoal lits, 
+			     vars  = vars', 
+			     lim   = lim'}
+		       else {pairs = ((joinMd md prem, []) :: 
+				      (br, haz) :: pairs),
+			     lits = lits, 
+			     vars = vars', 
+			     lim  = lim'})
 		  prems @
 	      (*Seek a matching rule.  If unifiable then add new premises
@@ -966,7 +976,7 @@
 			 val vars  = vars_in_vars vars
 			 val vars' = foldr add_terms_vars (prems, vars)
 			 val choices' = (ntrl, nbrs, PRV) :: choices
-			 val tacs' = (DETERM o tac(updated,false,true)) 
+			 val tacs' = (tac(updated,false,true)) 
                                      :: tacs  (*no duplication; rotate*)
 			 traceNew prems;  traceVars sign ntrl;
@@ -1021,32 +1031,44 @@
 	     prv (Data.hyp_subst_tac trace :: tacs, 
 		  brs0::trs,  choices,
-		  equalSubst sign (G, (br,haz)::pairs, lits, vars, lim) :: brs)
+		  equalSubst sign
+		    (G, {pairs = (br,haz)::pairs, 
+			 lits  = lits, vars  = vars, lim   = lim}) 
+		    :: brs)
 	     handle DEST_EQ =>   closeF lits
 	      handle CLOSEF =>   closeFl ((br,haz)::pairs)
 	        handle CLOSEF => deeper rules
 		  handle NEWBRANCHES => 
 		   (case netMkRules G vars hazList of
 		       [] => (*there are no plausible haz rules*)
-			   (traceMsg "moving goal to literals";
-			    prv (tacs, brs0::trs, choices,
-				 ((br,haz)::pairs, addLit(G,lits), vars, lim)
-				 ::brs))
+			     (traceMsg "moving formula to literals";
+			      prv (tacs, brs0::trs, choices,
+				   {pairs = (br,haz)::pairs, 
+				    lits  = addLit(G,lits), 
+				    vars  = vars, 
+				    lim   = lim}  :: brs))
 		    | _ => (*G admits some haz rules: try later*)
-			   (traceMsg "moving goal to haz list";
+			   (traceMsg "moving formula to haz list";
 			    prv (if isGoal G then negOfGoal_tac :: tacs
-				 else tacs, 
-				     brs0::trs,  choices,
-				     ((br, haz@[(negOfGoal G, md)])::pairs,
-				      lits, vars, lim)  ::  brs)))
+				             else tacs, 
+				 brs0::trs,  
+				 choices,
+				 {pairs = (br, haz@[(negOfGoal G, md)])::pairs,
+				  lits  = lits,
+				  vars  = vars, 
+				  lim   = lim}  :: brs)))
        | prv (tacs, trs, choices, 
-	      (([],haz)::(Gs,haz')::pairs, lits, vars, lim) :: brs) =
+	      {pairs = ([],haz)::(Gs,haz')::pairs, lits, vars, lim} :: brs) =
 	     (*no more "safe" formulae: transfer haz down a level*)
 	   prv (tacs, trs, choices, 
-		((Gs,haz@haz')::pairs, lits, vars, lim) :: brs)
+		{pairs = (Gs,haz@haz')::pairs, 
+		 lits  = lits, 
+		 vars  = vars, 
+		 lim    = lim} :: brs)
        | prv (tacs, trs, choices, 
-	      brs0 as ([([], (H,md)::Hs)], lits, vars, lim) :: brs) =
+	      brs0 as {pairs = [([], (H,md)::Hs)],
+		       lits, vars, lim} :: brs) =
    	     (*no safe steps possible at any level: apply a haz rule*)
 	  let exception PRV (*backtrack to precisely this recursion!*)
 	      val H = norm H
@@ -1059,14 +1081,15 @@
 		      and lits' = if (exists isGoal prem) 
 			          then map negOfGoal lits
 				  else lits
-                  in  (if exists (match P) prem
-		       then (*Recursive in this premise.
-			      Don't make new "stack frame".
-			      New haz premises will end up at the BACK of the
-				  queue, preventing exclusion of others*)
-			    [(Gs',Hs')] 
-		       else [(Gs',[]), ([],Hs')], 
-		       lits', vars, lim')
+                  in  {pairs = if exists (match P) prem then [(Gs',Hs')] 
+			       (*Recursive in this premise.  Don't make new
+				 "stack frame".  New haz premises will end up
+				 at the BACK of the queue, preventing
+				 exclusion of others*)
+			    else [(Gs',[]), ([],Hs')], 
+		       lits = lits', 
+		       vars = vars, 
+		       lim  = lim'}
 	      fun newBr x prems = map (newPrem x) prems  @  brs
 	      (*Seek a matching rule.  If unifiable then add new premises
@@ -1080,7 +1103,8 @@
 			 val vars' = foldr add_terms_vars (prems, vars)
 			    (*duplicate H if md and the subgoal has new vars*)
 			 val dup = md andalso vars' <> vars
-			     (*any instances of P in the subgoals?*)
+			     (*any instances of P in the subgoals?
+			       NB: this boolean affects tracing only!*)
 			 and recur = exists (exists (match P)) prems
 			 val lim' = (*Decrement "lim" extra if updates occur*)
 			     if updated then lim - (1+log(length rules))
@@ -1103,10 +1127,11 @@
 			     orelse vars=vars'   (*no new Vars?*)
 			 val tac' = if mayUndo then tac(updated, dup, true)
 				    else   DETERM o tac(updated, dup, true) 
-			       (*if recur then doesn't call rotate_tac: 
-				 new formulae should be last; WRONG
-                                 if the new formulae are Goals, since
-				 they remain in the first position*)
+		       (*if recur then perhaps shouldn't call rotate_tac: new
+                         formulae should be last, but that's WRONG if the new
+                         formulae are Goals, since they remain in the first
+                         position*)
 		       if lim'<0 andalso not (null prems)
 		       then (*it's faster to kill ALL the alternatives*)
@@ -1137,7 +1162,10 @@
 	     handle NEWBRANCHES => 
 		 (*cannot close branch: move H to literals*)
 		 prv (tacs,  brs0::trs,  choices,
-		      ([([], Hs)], H::lits, vars, lim)::brs)
+		      {pairs = [([], Hs)], 
+		       lits  = H::lits, 
+		       vars  = vars, 
+		       lim   = lim}  :: brs)
        | prv (tacs, trs, choices, _ :: brs) = backtrack choices
  in init_gensym();
@@ -1147,8 +1175,10 @@
 (*Construct an initial branch.*)
 fun initBranch (ts,lim) = 
-    ([(map (fn t => (t,true)) ts, [])],
-     [], add_terms_vars (ts,[]), lim);
+    {pairs = [(map (fn t => (t,true)) ts, [])],
+     lits  = [], 
+     vars  = add_terms_vars (ts,[]), 
+     lim   = lim};
 (*** Conversion & Skolemization of the Isabelle proof state ***)
@@ -1237,6 +1267,8 @@
 	  case Seq.pull(EVERY' (rev tacs) i st) of
 	      None => (writeln ("PROOF FAILED for depth " ^
 				Int.toString lim);
+		       if !trace then writeln "************************\n"
+		       else ();
 		       backtrack choices)
 	    | cell => (if (!trace orelse !stats)
 		       then writeln (endTiming start ^ " for reconstruction")
@@ -1251,7 +1283,8 @@
 fun depth_tac cs lim i st = timing_depth_tac (startTiming()) cs lim i st;
 fun blast_tac cs i st = 
-    (DEEPEN (1,20) (timing_depth_tac (startTiming()) cs) 0) i st
+    ((DEEPEN (1,20) (timing_depth_tac (startTiming()) cs) 0) i 
+     THEN flexflex_tac) st
     handle TRANS s => (warning ("Blast_tac: " ^ s); Seq.empty);
 fun Blast_tac i = blast_tac (Data.claset()) i;