--- a/src/Pure/proofterm.ML Thu Jul 16 21:29:02 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/proofterm.ML Thu Jul 16 22:22:03 2009 +0200
@@ -266,38 +266,31 @@
val mk_Abst = fold_rev (fn (s, T:typ) => fn prf => Abst (s, NONE, prf));
fun mk_AbsP (i, prf) = funpow i (fn prf => AbsP ("H", NONE, prf)) prf;
-fun apsome f NONE = raise Same.SAME
- | apsome f (SOME x) = (case f x of NONE => raise Same.SAME | some => some);
-fun apsome' f NONE = raise Same.SAME
- | apsome' f (SOME x) = SOME (f x);
fun map_proof_terms_option f g =
- fun map_typs (T :: Ts) =
- (case g T of
- NONE => T :: map_typs Ts
- | SOME T' => T' :: (map_typs Ts handle Same.SAME => Ts))
- | map_typs [] = raise Same.SAME;
+ val term = Same.function f;
+ val typ = Same.function g;
+ val typs = Same.map typ;
- fun mapp (Abst (s, T, prf)) = (Abst (s, apsome g T, mapph prf)
- handle Same.SAME => Abst (s, T, mapp prf))
- | mapp (AbsP (s, t, prf)) = (AbsP (s, apsome f t, mapph prf)
- handle Same.SAME => AbsP (s, t, mapp prf))
- | mapp (prf % t) = (mapp prf % (apsome f t handle Same.SAME => t)
- handle Same.SAME => prf % apsome f t)
- | mapp (prf1 %% prf2) = (mapp prf1 %% mapph prf2
- handle Same.SAME => prf1 %% mapp prf2)
- | mapp (PAxm (a, prop, SOME Ts)) = PAxm (a, prop, SOME (map_typs Ts))
- | mapp (OfClass (T, c)) = OfClass (apsome g (SOME T) |> the, c)
- | mapp (Oracle (a, prop, SOME Ts)) = Oracle (a, prop, SOME (map_typs Ts))
- | mapp (Promise (i, prop, Ts)) = Promise (i, prop, map_typs Ts)
- | mapp (PThm (i, ((a, prop, SOME Ts), body))) =
- PThm (i, ((a, prop, SOME (map_typs Ts)), body))
- | mapp _ = raise Same.SAME
- and mapph prf = (mapp prf handle Same.SAME => prf)
- in mapph end;
+ fun proof (Abst (s, T, prf)) =
+ (Abst (s, Same.map_option typ T, Same.commit proof prf)
+ handle Same.SAME => Abst (s, T, proof prf))
+ | proof (AbsP (s, t, prf)) =
+ (AbsP (s, Same.map_option term t, Same.commit proof prf)
+ handle Same.SAME => AbsP (s, t, proof prf))
+ | proof (prf % t) =
+ (proof prf % Same.commit (Same.map_option term) t
+ handle Same.SAME => prf % Same.map_option term t)
+ | proof (prf1 %% prf2) =
+ (proof prf1 %% Same.commit proof prf2
+ handle Same.SAME => prf1 %% proof prf2)
+ | proof (PAxm (a, prop, SOME Ts)) = PAxm (a, prop, SOME (typs Ts))
+ | proof (OfClass (T, c)) = OfClass (typ T, c)
+ | proof (Oracle (a, prop, SOME Ts)) = Oracle (a, prop, SOME (typs Ts))
+ | proof (Promise (i, prop, Ts)) = Promise (i, prop, typs Ts)
+ | proof (PThm (i, ((a, prop, SOME Ts), body))) = PThm (i, ((a, prop, SOME (typs Ts)), body))
+ | proof _ = raise Same.SAME;
+ in Same.commit proof end;
fun same eq f x =
let val x' = f x
@@ -361,15 +354,15 @@
and absth' lev t = (abst' lev t handle Same.SAME => t);
fun abst lev (AbsP (a, t, prf)) =
- (AbsP (a, apsome' (abst' lev) t, absth lev prf)
+ (AbsP (a, Same.map_option (abst' lev) t, absth lev prf)
handle Same.SAME => AbsP (a, t, abst lev prf))
| abst lev (Abst (a, T, prf)) = Abst (a, T, abst (lev + 1) prf)
| abst lev (prf1 %% prf2) = (abst lev prf1 %% absth lev prf2
handle Same.SAME => prf1 %% abst lev prf2)
| abst lev (prf % t) = (abst lev prf % Option.map (absth' lev) t
- handle Same.SAME => prf % apsome' (abst' lev) t)
+ handle Same.SAME => prf % Same.map_option (abst' lev) t)
| abst _ _ = raise Same.SAME
- and absth lev prf = (abst lev prf handle Same.SAME => prf)
+ and absth lev prf = (abst lev prf handle Same.SAME => prf);
in absth 0 end;
@@ -384,7 +377,7 @@
fun prf_incr_bv' incP inct Plev tlev (PBound i) =
if i >= Plev then PBound (i+incP) else raise Same.SAME
| prf_incr_bv' incP inct Plev tlev (AbsP (a, t, body)) =
- (AbsP (a, apsome' (same (op =) (incr_bv' inct tlev)) t,
+ (AbsP (a, Same.map_option (same (op =) (incr_bv' inct tlev)) t,
prf_incr_bv incP inct (Plev+1) tlev body) handle Same.SAME =>
AbsP (a, t, prf_incr_bv' incP inct (Plev+1) tlev body))
| prf_incr_bv' incP inct Plev tlev (Abst (a, T, body)) =
@@ -394,7 +387,7 @@
handle Same.SAME => prf %% prf_incr_bv' incP inct Plev tlev prf')
| prf_incr_bv' incP inct Plev tlev (prf % t) =
(prf_incr_bv' incP inct Plev tlev prf % Option.map (incr_bv' inct tlev) t
- handle Same.SAME => prf % apsome' (same (op =) (incr_bv' inct tlev)) t)
+ handle Same.SAME => prf % Same.map_option (same (op =) (incr_bv' inct tlev)) t)
| prf_incr_bv' _ _ _ _ _ = raise Same.SAME
and prf_incr_bv incP inct Plev tlev prf =
(prf_incr_bv' incP inct Plev tlev prf handle Same.SAME => prf);
@@ -461,28 +454,29 @@
(msg s; f envT (del_conflicting_tvars envT T));
fun htypeTs f Ts = f envT Ts handle TYPE (s, _, _) =>
(msg s; f envT (map (del_conflicting_tvars envT) Ts));
fun norm (Abst (s, T, prf)) =
- (Abst (s, apsome' (htypeT Envir.norm_type_same) T, Same.commit norm prf)
+ (Abst (s, Same.map_option (htypeT Envir.norm_type_same) T, Same.commit norm prf)
handle Same.SAME => Abst (s, T, norm prf))
| norm (AbsP (s, t, prf)) =
- (AbsP (s, apsome' (htype Envir.norm_term_same) t, Same.commit norm prf)
+ (AbsP (s, Same.map_option (htype Envir.norm_term_same) t, Same.commit norm prf)
handle Same.SAME => AbsP (s, t, norm prf))
| norm (prf % t) =
(norm prf % Option.map (htype Envir.norm_term) t
- handle Same.SAME => prf % apsome' (htype Envir.norm_term_same) t)
+ handle Same.SAME => prf % Same.map_option (htype Envir.norm_term_same) t)
| norm (prf1 %% prf2) =
(norm prf1 %% Same.commit norm prf2
handle Same.SAME => prf1 %% norm prf2)
| norm (PAxm (s, prop, Ts)) =
- PAxm (s, prop, apsome' (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts)
+ PAxm (s, prop, Same.map_option (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts)
| norm (OfClass (T, c)) =
OfClass (htypeT Envir.norm_type_same T, c)
| norm (Oracle (s, prop, Ts)) =
- Oracle (s, prop, apsome' (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts)
+ Oracle (s, prop, Same.map_option (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts)
| norm (Promise (i, prop, Ts)) =
Promise (i, prop, htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same Ts)
| norm (PThm (i, ((s, t, Ts), body))) =
- PThm (i, ((s, t, apsome' (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts), body))
+ PThm (i, ((s, t, Same.map_option (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts), body))
| norm _ = raise Same.SAME;
in Same.commit norm end;
@@ -516,15 +510,15 @@
| subst' _ _ = raise Same.SAME
and substh' lev t = (subst' lev t handle Same.SAME => t);
- fun subst lev (AbsP (a, t, body)) = (AbsP (a, apsome' (subst' lev) t, substh lev body)
+ fun subst lev (AbsP (a, t, body)) = (AbsP (a, Same.map_option (subst' lev) t, substh lev body)
handle Same.SAME => AbsP (a, t, subst lev body))
| subst lev (Abst (a, T, body)) = Abst (a, T, subst (lev+1) body)
| subst lev (prf %% prf') = (subst lev prf %% substh lev prf'
handle Same.SAME => prf %% subst lev prf')
| subst lev (prf % t) = (subst lev prf % Option.map (substh' lev) t
- handle Same.SAME => prf % apsome' (subst' lev) t)
+ handle Same.SAME => prf % Same.map_option (subst' lev) t)
| subst _ _ = raise Same.SAME
- and substh lev prf = (subst lev prf handle Same.SAME => prf)
+ and substh lev prf = (subst lev prf handle Same.SAME => prf);
in case args of [] => prf | _ => substh 0 prf end;
fun prf_subst_pbounds args prf =
@@ -604,12 +598,13 @@
fun abshyp i (Hyp t) = if h aconv t then PBound i else raise Same.SAME
| abshyp i (Abst (s, T, prf)) = Abst (s, T, abshyp i prf)
- | abshyp i (AbsP (s, t, prf)) = AbsP (s, t, abshyp (i+1) prf)
+ | abshyp i (AbsP (s, t, prf)) = AbsP (s, t, abshyp (i + 1) prf)
| abshyp i (prf % t) = abshyp i prf % t
- | abshyp i (prf1 %% prf2) = (abshyp i prf1 %% abshyph i prf2
- handle Same.SAME => prf1 %% abshyp i prf2)
+ | abshyp i (prf1 %% prf2) =
+ (abshyp i prf1 %% abshyph i prf2
+ handle Same.SAME => prf1 %% abshyp i prf2)
| abshyp _ _ = raise Same.SAME
- and abshyph i prf = (abshyp i prf handle Same.SAME => prf)
+ and abshyph i prf = (abshyp i prf handle Same.SAME => prf);
AbsP ("H", NONE (*h*), abshyph 0 prf)
@@ -628,7 +623,7 @@
(fn TFree v => if member (op =) fixed v then I else insert (op =) v | _ => I)) t [];
val used = Name.context
|> fold_types (fold_atyps (fn TVar ((a, _), _) => Name.declare a | _ => I)) t;
- val fmap = fs ~~ (#1 (Name.variants (map fst fs) used));
+ val fmap = fs ~~ #1 (Name.variants (map fst fs) used);
fun thaw (f as (a, S)) =
(case AList.lookup (op =) fmap f of
NONE => TFree f
@@ -709,28 +704,29 @@
fun lift_proof Bi inc prop prf =
- fun lift'' Us Ts t = strip_abs Ts (Logic.incr_indexes (Us, inc) (mk_abs Ts t));
+ fun lift'' Us Ts t =
+ strip_abs Ts (Logic.incr_indexes (Us, inc) (mk_abs Ts t));
fun lift' Us Ts (Abst (s, T, prf)) =
- (Abst (s, apsome' (same (op =) (Logic.incr_tvar inc)) T, lifth' Us (dummyT::Ts) prf)
+ (Abst (s, Same.map_option (Logic.incr_tvar_same inc) T, lifth' Us (dummyT::Ts) prf)
handle Same.SAME => Abst (s, T, lift' Us (dummyT::Ts) prf))
| lift' Us Ts (AbsP (s, t, prf)) =
- (AbsP (s, apsome' (same (op =) (lift'' Us Ts)) t, lifth' Us Ts prf)
+ (AbsP (s, Same.map_option (same (op =) (lift'' Us Ts)) t, lifth' Us Ts prf)
handle Same.SAME => AbsP (s, t, lift' Us Ts prf))
| lift' Us Ts (prf % t) = (lift' Us Ts prf % Option.map (lift'' Us Ts) t
- handle Same.SAME => prf % apsome' (same (op =) (lift'' Us Ts)) t)
+ handle Same.SAME => prf % Same.map_option (same (op =) (lift'' Us Ts)) t)
| lift' Us Ts (prf1 %% prf2) = (lift' Us Ts prf1 %% lifth' Us Ts prf2
handle Same.SAME => prf1 %% lift' Us Ts prf2)
| lift' _ _ (PAxm (s, prop, Ts)) =
- PAxm (s, prop, apsome' (same (op =) (map (Logic.incr_tvar inc))) Ts)
+ PAxm (s, prop, (Same.map_option o Same.map) (Logic.incr_tvar_same inc) Ts)
| lift' _ _ (OfClass (T, c)) =
- OfClass (same (op =) (Logic.incr_tvar inc) T, c)
+ OfClass (Logic.incr_tvar_same inc T, c)
| lift' _ _ (Oracle (s, prop, Ts)) =
- Oracle (s, prop, apsome' (same (op =) (map (Logic.incr_tvar inc))) Ts)
+ Oracle (s, prop, (Same.map_option o Same.map) (Logic.incr_tvar_same inc) Ts)
| lift' _ _ (Promise (i, prop, Ts)) =
- Promise (i, prop, same (op =) (map (Logic.incr_tvar inc)) Ts)
+ Promise (i, prop, Same.map (Logic.incr_tvar_same inc) Ts)
| lift' _ _ (PThm (i, ((s, prop, Ts), body))) =
- PThm (i, ((s, prop, apsome' (same (op =) (map (Logic.incr_tvar inc))) Ts), body))
+ PThm (i, ((s, prop, (Same.map_option o Same.map) (Logic.incr_tvar inc) Ts), body))
| lift' _ _ _ = raise Same.SAME
and lifth' Us Ts prf = (lift' Us Ts prf handle Same.SAME => prf);