--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_thy.ML Mon Feb 08 17:33:24 1999 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_thy.ML Mon Feb 08 17:33:47 1999 +0100
@@ -174,24 +174,8 @@
(* use ML text *)
-fun use_mltext txt opt_thy =
- let
- val save_context = Context.get_context ();
- val _ = Context.set_context opt_thy;
- val opt_exn = (transform_error (use_text false) txt; None) handle exn => Some exn;
- val opt_thy' = Context.get_context ();
- in
- Context.set_context save_context;
- (case opt_exn of
- None => opt_thy'
- | Some exn => raise exn)
- end;
-fun use_mltext_theory txt thy =
- (case use_mltext txt (Some thy) of
- Some thy' => thy'
- | None => error "Missing result ML theory context");
+fun use_mltext txt opt_thy = #2 (Context.fetch opt_thy (use_text false) txt);
+fun use_mltext_theory txt thy = #2 (Context.fetch_theory thy (use_text false) txt);
fun use_context txt = use_mltext_theory ("Context.>> (" ^ txt ^ ");");
@@ -241,8 +225,10 @@
(* theory init and exit *)
fun begin_theory (name, parents, files) () =
- let val thy = ThyInfo.begin_theory name parents
- in seq ThyInfo.use (mapfilter (fn (x, true) => Some x | _ => None) files); thy end;
+ let
+ val thy = ThyInfo.begin_theory name parents;
+ val names = mapfilter (fn (x, true) => Some x | _ => None) files;
+ in Context.setmp (Some thy) (seq ThyInfo.use) names; thy end;
fun end_theory thy =
let val thy' = PureThy.end_theory thy in