removed redundant modules;
Sat, 11 May 2013 20:10:24 +0200
changeset 51933 a60c6c90a447
parent 51932 f196352201d6
child 51934 203a9528bf7a
removed redundant modules;
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip.ML	Sat May 11 18:45:38 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip.ML
-    Author:     David Aspinall
-Prover-side PGIP abstraction.  
-Not too closely tied to Isabelle, to help with reuse/porting.
-signature PGIP =
-    include PGIPTYPES
-    include PGIPMARKUP
-    include PGIPINPUT
-    include PGIPOUTPUT
-structure Pgip : PGIP = 
-   open PgipTypes
-   open PgipMarkup
-   open PgipInput
-   open PgipOutput
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML	Sat May 11 18:45:38 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML
-    Author:     David Aspinall
-A test suite for the PGIP abstraction code (in progress).
-Run to provide some mild insurance against breakage in Isabelle here.
-(** pgip_types.ML **)
-fun asseq_p toS a b =
-    if a=b then ()
-    else error("PGIP test: expected these two values to be equal:\n" ^
-               (toS a) ^"\n and: \n" ^ (toS b))
-val asseqx = asseq_p XML.string_of
-val asseqs = asseq_p I
-val asseqb = asseq_p (fn b=>if b then "true" else "false")
-open PgipTypes;
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml Pgipnull) (XML.parse "<pgipnull/>");
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml Pgipbool) (XML.parse "<pgipbool/>");
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipint (NONE,NONE))) (XML.parse "<pgipint/>");
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipint (SOME 5,SOME 7))) (XML.parse "<pgipint min='5' max='7'/>");
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipint (NONE,SOME 7))) (XML.parse "<pgipint max='7'/>");
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipint (SOME ~5,NONE))) (XML.parse "<pgipint min='-5'/>");
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml Pgipstring) (XML.parse "<pgipstring/>");
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipconst "radio1"))  (XML.parse "<pgipconst name='radio1'/>");
-val _ = asseqx (pgiptype_to_xml (Pgipchoice [Pgipdtype (SOME "the best choice",Pgipbool)]))
-       (XML.parse "<pgipchoice><pgipbool descr='the best choice'/></pgipchoice>");
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval Pgipbool "true")) "true";
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval Pgipbool "false")) "false";
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval (Pgipint(NONE,NONE)) "-37")) "-37";
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval Pgipnat "45")) "45";
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval Pgipstring "stringvalue")) "stringvalue";
-    val choices = Pgipchoice [Pgipdtype (NONE,Pgipbool), Pgipdtype (NONE,Pgipnat), 
-                              Pgipdtype (NONE,Pgipnull), Pgipdtype (NONE,Pgipconst "foo")]
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "45")) "45";
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "foo")) "foo";
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "true")) "true";
-val _ = asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "")) "";
-val _ = (asseqs (pgval_to_string (read_pgval choices "-37")) "-37"; 
-         error "pgip_tests: should fail") handle PGIP _ => ()
-val _ = asseqx (haspref {name="provewithgusto",descr=SOME "use energetic proofs",
-                 default=SOME "true", pgiptype=Pgipbool})
-       (XML.parse "<haspref name='provewithgusto' descr='use energetic proofs' default='true'><pgipbool/></haspref>");
-(** pgip_input.ML **)
-fun e str = case XML.parse str of 
-                (XML.Elem args) => args
-              | _ => error("Expected to get an XML Element")
-open PgipInput;
-open PgipTypes;
-open PgipIsabelle;
-fun asseqi a b =
-    if input (e a) = b then ()
-    else error("PGIP test: expected two inputs to be equal, for input:\n" ^ a)
-val _ = asseqi "<askpgip/>" (SOME (Askpgip()));
-val _ = asseqi "<askpgml/>" (SOME (Askpgml()));
-val _ = asseqi "<askconfig/>" (SOME (Askconfig()));
-(* FIXME: new tests:
-val _ = asseqi "<pgmlsymbolson/>" (SOME (Pgmlsymbolson()));
-val _ = asseqi "<pgmlsymbolsoff/>" (SOME (Pgmlsymbolsoff()));
-val _ = asseqi "<startquiet/>" (SOME (Startquiet()));
-val _ = asseqi "<stopquiet/>" (SOME (Stopquiet()));
-val _ = asseqi "<askrefs thyname='foo' objtype='theory'/>" (SOME (Askrefs {url=NONE, thyname=SOME "foo",
-                                                                          objtype=SOME ObjTheory,name=NONE}));
-val _ = asseqi "<otherelt/>" NONE;
-(** pgip_markup.ML **)
-open PgipMarkup
-val _ = ()
-(** pgip_output.ML **)
-open PgipOutput
-val _ = ()
-(** pgip_parser.ML **)
-open PgipMarkup
-open PgipParser
-open PgipIsabelle
-fun asseqp a b =
-    if pgip_parser Position.none a = b then ()
-    else error("PGIP test: expected two parses to be equal, for input:\n" ^ a)
-val _ = 
-    asseqp "theory A imports Bthy Cthy Dthy begin"
-    [Opentheory
-         {text = "theory A imports Bthy Cthy Dthy begin",
-          thyname = SOME "A",
-          parentnames = ["Bthy", "Cthy", "Dthy"]},
-     Openblock {metavarid=NONE,name=NONE,objtype=SOME ObjTheoryBody}];
-val _ = 
-    asseqp "end" 
-   [Closeblock {}, Closetheory {text = "end"}];
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Sat May 11 18:45:38 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Sat May 11 20:10:24 2013 +0200
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
 structure ProofGeneralPgip : PROOF_GENERAL_PGIP =
-open Pgip;
+open PgipTypes;
+open PgipMarkup;
+open PgipInput;
+open PgipOutput;
 (** print mode **)
@@ -845,50 +848,50 @@
 fun quitpgip _ = raise PGIP_QUIT
 fun process_input inp = case inp
- of Pgip.Askpgip _          => askpgip inp
-  | Pgip.Askpgml _          => askpgml inp
-  | Pgip.Askprefs _         => askprefs inp
-  | Pgip.Askconfig _        => askconfig inp
-  | Pgip.Getpref _          => getpref inp
-  | Pgip.Setpref _          => setpref inp
-  | Pgip.Proverinit _       => proverinit inp
-  | Pgip.Proverexit _       => proverexit inp
-  | Pgip.Setproverflag _    => setproverflag inp
-  | Pgip.Dostep _           => dostep inp
-  | Pgip.Undostep _         => undostep inp
-  | Pgip.Redostep _         => redostep inp
-  | Pgip.Forget _           => error "<forget> not implemented by Isabelle"
-  | Pgip.Restoregoal _      => error "<restoregoal> not implemented by Isabelle"
-  | Pgip.Abortgoal _        => abortgoal inp
-  | Pgip.Askids _           => askids inp
-  | Pgip.Askrefs _          => askrefs inp
-  | Pgip.Showid _           => showid inp
-  | Pgip.Askguise _         => askguise inp
-  | Pgip.Parsescript _      => parsescript inp
-  | Pgip.Showproofstate _   => showproofstate inp
-  | Pgip.Showctxt _         => showctxt inp
-  | Pgip.Searchtheorems _   => searchtheorems inp
-  | Pgip.Setlinewidth _     => setlinewidth inp
-  | Pgip.Viewdoc _          => viewdoc inp
-  | Pgip.Doitem _           => doitem inp
-  | Pgip.Undoitem _         => undoitem inp
-  | Pgip.Redoitem _         => redoitem inp
-  | Pgip.Aborttheory _      => aborttheory inp
-  | Pgip.Retracttheory _    => retracttheory inp
-  | Pgip.Loadfile _         => loadfile inp
-  | Pgip.Openfile _         => openfile inp
-  | Pgip.Closefile _        => closefile inp
-  | Pgip.Abortfile _        => abortfile inp
-  | Pgip.Retractfile _      => retractfile inp
-  | Pgip.Changecwd _        => changecwd inp
-  | Pgip.Systemcmd _        => systemcmd inp
-  | Pgip.Quitpgip _         => quitpgip inp
+ of PgipInput.Askpgip _          => askpgip inp
+  | PgipInput.Askpgml _          => askpgml inp
+  | PgipInput.Askprefs _         => askprefs inp
+  | PgipInput.Askconfig _        => askconfig inp
+  | PgipInput.Getpref _          => getpref inp
+  | PgipInput.Setpref _          => setpref inp
+  | PgipInput.Proverinit _       => proverinit inp
+  | PgipInput.Proverexit _       => proverexit inp
+  | PgipInput.Setproverflag _    => setproverflag inp
+  | PgipInput.Dostep _           => dostep inp
+  | PgipInput.Undostep _         => undostep inp
+  | PgipInput.Redostep _         => redostep inp
+  | PgipInput.Forget _           => error "<forget> not implemented by Isabelle"
+  | PgipInput.Restoregoal _      => error "<restoregoal> not implemented by Isabelle"
+  | PgipInput.Abortgoal _        => abortgoal inp
+  | PgipInput.Askids _           => askids inp
+  | PgipInput.Askrefs _          => askrefs inp
+  | PgipInput.Showid _           => showid inp
+  | PgipInput.Askguise _         => askguise inp
+  | PgipInput.Parsescript _      => parsescript inp
+  | PgipInput.Showproofstate _   => showproofstate inp
+  | PgipInput.Showctxt _         => showctxt inp
+  | PgipInput.Searchtheorems _   => searchtheorems inp
+  | PgipInput.Setlinewidth _     => setlinewidth inp
+  | PgipInput.Viewdoc _          => viewdoc inp
+  | PgipInput.Doitem _           => doitem inp
+  | PgipInput.Undoitem _         => undoitem inp
+  | PgipInput.Redoitem _         => redoitem inp
+  | PgipInput.Aborttheory _      => aborttheory inp
+  | PgipInput.Retracttheory _    => retracttheory inp
+  | PgipInput.Loadfile _         => loadfile inp
+  | PgipInput.Openfile _         => openfile inp
+  | PgipInput.Closefile _        => closefile inp
+  | PgipInput.Abortfile _        => abortfile inp
+  | PgipInput.Retractfile _      => retractfile inp
+  | PgipInput.Changecwd _        => changecwd inp
+  | PgipInput.Systemcmd _        => systemcmd inp
+  | PgipInput.Quitpgip _         => quitpgip inp
 fun process_pgip_element pgipxml =
     case pgipxml of
         xml as (XML.Elem elem) =>
-        (case Pgip.input elem of
+        (case PgipInput.input elem of
              NONE => warning ("Unrecognized PGIP command, ignored: \n" ^
                               (XML.string_of xml))
            | SOME inp => (process_input inp)) (* errors later; packet discarded *)
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT	Sat May 11 18:45:38 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT	Sat May 11 20:10:24 2013 +0200
@@ -160,13 +160,11 @@
-    "ProofGeneral/pgip.ML"
-    "ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML"
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sat May 11 18:45:38 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sat May 11 20:10:24 2013 +0200
@@ -302,7 +302,6 @@
 use "ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML";
 use "ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML";
 use "ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML";
-use "ProofGeneral/pgip.ML";
 use "ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML";
@@ -348,8 +347,6 @@
 toplevel_pp ["typ"] "Proof_Display.pp_typ Pure.thy";
-use "ProofGeneral/pgip_tests.ML";
 (* ML toplevel commands *)