add_axclass(_i): return class name only;
Mon, 10 Apr 2006 00:33:51 +0200
changeset 19392 a631cd2117a8
parent 19391 4812d28c90a6
child 19393 78d6b7a01b12
add_axclass(_i): return class name only; subclass/arity statements: require actual TVars, store raw data; tuned;
--- a/src/Pure/axclass.ML	Mon Apr 10 00:33:49 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/axclass.ML	Mon Apr 10 00:33:51 2006 +0200
@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@
   val mk_arities: string * sort list * sort -> term list
   val dest_arity: term -> string * sort list * class
   val print_axclasses: theory -> unit
-  val get_info: theory -> string -> {super_classes: class list, intro: thm, axioms: thm list}
+  val get_info: theory -> class -> {super_classes: class list, intro: thm, axioms: thm list}
+  val get_instances: theory ->
+    {classrel: unit Graph.T, subsorts: ((sort * sort) * thm) list, arities: (arity * thm) list}
   val class_intros: theory -> thm list
   val add_axclass: bstring * xstring list -> ((bstring * string) * Attrib.src list) list ->
-    theory -> {intro: thm, axioms: thm list} * theory
+    theory -> class * theory
   val add_axclass_i: bstring * class list -> ((bstring * term) * attribute list) list ->
-    theory -> {intro: thm, axioms: thm list} * theory
+    theory -> class * theory
   val add_classrel: thm list -> theory -> theory
   val add_arity: thm list -> theory -> theory
   val prove_subclass: class * class -> tactic -> theory -> theory
@@ -31,23 +33,16 @@
 (** abstract syntax operations **)
-fun aT S = TFree ("'a", S);
-fun dest_varT (TFree (x, S)) = ((x, ~1), S)
-  | dest_varT (TVar a) = a
-  | dest_varT T = raise TYPE ("AxClass.dest_varT", [T], []);
 (* subclass propositions *)
-fun mk_classrel (c1, c2) = Logic.mk_inclass (aT [c1], c2);
+fun mk_classrel (c1, c2) = Logic.mk_inclass (Term.aT [c1], c2);
 fun dest_classrel tm =
     fun err () = raise TERM ("AxClass.dest_classrel", [tm]);
     val (ty, c2) = Logic.dest_inclass tm handle TERM _ => err ();
-    val c1 = (case dest_varT ty of (_, [c]) => c | _ => err ())
+    val c1 = (case dest_TVar ty of (_, [c]) => c | _ => err ())
       handle TYPE _ => err ();
   in (c1, c2) end;
@@ -68,7 +63,7 @@
     val (ty, c) = Logic.dest_inclass tm handle TERM _ => err ();
     val (t, tvars) =
       (case ty of
-        Type (t, tys) => (t, map dest_varT tys handle TYPE _ => err ())
+        Type (t, tys) => (t, map dest_TVar tys handle TYPE _ => err ())
       | _ => err ());
     val ss =
       if has_duplicates (eq_fst (op =)) tvars then err ()
@@ -77,27 +72,59 @@
-(** axclass info **)
+(** theory data **)
+(* axclass *)
 val introN = "intro";
 val axiomsN = "axioms";
-type axclass_info =
-  {super_classes: class list,
-    intro: thm,
-    axioms: thm list};
+datatype axclass = AxClass of
+ {super_classes: class list,
+  intro: thm,
+  axioms: thm list};
+fun make_axclass (super_classes, intro, axioms) =
+  AxClass {super_classes = super_classes, intro = intro, axioms = axioms};
+(* instances *)
+datatype instances = Instances of
+ {classrel: unit Graph.T,                 (*raw relation -- no closure!*)
+  subsorts: ((sort * sort) * thm) list,
+  arities: (arity * thm) list};
+fun make_instances (classrel, subsorts, arities) =
+  Instances {classrel = classrel, subsorts = subsorts, arities = arities};
-structure AxclassesData = TheoryDataFun
+fun map_instances f (Instances {classrel, subsorts, arities}) =
+  make_instances (f (classrel, subsorts, arities));
+fun merge_instances
+   (Instances {classrel = classrel1, subsorts = subsorts1, arities = arities1},
+    Instances {classrel = classrel2, subsorts = subsorts2, arities = arities2}) =
+  make_instances
+   (Graph.merge (K true) (classrel1, classrel2),
+    merge (eq_fst op =) (subsorts1, subsorts2),
+    merge (eq_fst op =) (arities1, arities2));
+(* setup data *)
+structure AxClassData = TheoryDataFun
-  val name = "Pure/axclasses";
-  type T = axclass_info Symtab.table;
+  val name = "Pure/axclass";
+  type T = axclass Symtab.table * instances;
-  val empty = Symtab.empty;
+  val empty = (Symtab.empty, make_instances (Graph.empty, [], []));
   val copy = I;
   val extend = I;
-  fun merge _ = Symtab.merge (K true);
-  fun print thy tab =
+  fun merge _ ((axclasses1, instances1), (axclasses2, instances2)) =
+    (Symtab.merge (K true) (axclasses1, axclasses2), merge_instances (instances1, instances2));
+  fun print thy (axclasses, _) =
       fun pretty_class c cs = Pretty.block
         (Pretty.str (Sign.extern_class thy c) :: Pretty.str " <" :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
@@ -106,31 +133,39 @@
       fun pretty_thms name thms = Pretty.big_list (name ^ ":")
         (map (Display.pretty_thm_sg thy) thms);
-      fun pretty_axclass (name, {super_classes, intro, axioms}) = Pretty.block (Pretty.fbreaks
-        [pretty_class name super_classes, pretty_thms introN [intro], pretty_thms axiomsN axioms]);
-    in Pretty.writeln (Pretty.chunks (map pretty_axclass (Symtab.dest tab))) end;
+      fun pretty_axclass (name, AxClass {super_classes, intro, axioms}) =
+        Pretty.block (Pretty.fbreaks
+          [pretty_class name super_classes, pretty_thms introN [intro], pretty_thms axiomsN axioms]);
+    in Pretty.writeln (Pretty.chunks (map pretty_axclass (Symtab.dest axclasses))) end;
-val _ = Context.add_setup AxclassesData.init;
-val print_axclasses = AxclassesData.print;
+val _ = Context.add_setup AxClassData.init;
+val print_axclasses = AxClassData.print;
+val get_instances = AxClassData.get #> (fn (_, Instances insts) => insts);
-val lookup_info = Symtab.lookup o AxclassesData.get;
+(** axclass definitions **)
+(* lookup *)
+val lookup_info = Symtab.lookup o #1 o AxClassData.get;
 fun get_info thy c =
   (case lookup_info thy c of
-    NONE => error ("Unknown axclass " ^ quote c)
-  | SOME info => info);
+    SOME (AxClass info) => info
+  | NONE => error ("Unknown axclass " ^ quote c));
 fun class_intros thy =
-  let val classes = Sign.classes thy in
-    map (Thm.class_triv thy) classes @
-    List.mapPartial ( #intro o lookup_info thy) classes
-  end;
+  let
+    fun add_intro c =
+      (case lookup_info thy c of SOME (AxClass {intro, ...}) => cons intro | _ => I);
+    val classes = Sign.classes thy;
+  in map (Thm.class_triv thy) classes @ fold add_intro classes [] end;
-(** add axiomatic type classes **)
+(* add_axclass(_i) *)
@@ -157,8 +192,8 @@
     (*prepare abstract axioms*)
     fun abs_axm ax =
       if null (term_tfrees ax) then
-        Logic.mk_implies (Logic.mk_inclass (aT [], class), ax)
-      else replace_tfree (aT [class]) ax;
+        Logic.mk_implies (Logic.mk_inclass (Term.aT [], class), ax)
+      else replace_tfree (Term.aT [class]) ax;
     val abs_axms = map (abs_axm o snd) axms;
     fun axm_sort (name, ax) =
@@ -168,8 +203,8 @@
       | _ => err_bad_tfrees name);
     val axS = Sign.certify_sort class_thy (List.concat (map axm_sort axms));
-    val int_axm = Logic.close_form o replace_tfree (aT axS);
-    fun inclass c = Logic.mk_inclass (aT axS, c);
+    val int_axm = Logic.close_form o replace_tfree (Term.aT axS);
+    fun inclass c = Logic.mk_inclass (Term.aT axS, c);
     val intro_axm = Logic.list_implies
       (map inclass super_classes @ map (int_axm o #2) axms, inclass class);
@@ -180,16 +215,16 @@
       |> Theory.add_path (Logic.const_of_class bclass)
       |> PureThy.add_axioms_i [Thm.no_attributes (introN, intro_axm)]
       ||>> PureThy.add_axiomss_i [Thm.no_attributes (axiomsN, abs_axms)];
-    val info = {super_classes = super_classes, intro = intro, axioms = axioms};
+    val info = make_axclass (super_classes, intro, axioms);
     (*store info*)
     val (_, final_thy) =
-      |> Theory.add_finals_i false [Const (Logic.const_of_class class, a_itselfT --> propT)]
+      |> Theory.add_finals_i false [Const (Logic.const_of_class class, Term.a_itselfT --> propT)]
       |> PureThy.add_thms ((map #1 axms ~~ axioms) ~~ atts)
       ||> Theory.restore_naming class_thy
-      ||> (Symtab.update (class, info));
-  in ({intro = intro, axioms = axioms}, final_thy) end;
+      ||> (apfst (Symtab.update (class, info)));
+  in (class, final_thy) end;
@@ -200,29 +235,41 @@
-(** proven class instantiation **)
+(** instantiation proofs **)
-(* primitive rules *)
+(* primitives *)
 fun add_classrel ths thy =
-    fun prep_thm th =
+    fun add_rel (c1, c2) =
+      Graph.default_node (c1, ()) #> Graph.default_node (c2, ()) #> Graph.add_edge (c1, c2);
+    val rels = ths |> map (fn th =>
         val prop = Drule.plain_prop_of (Thm.transfer thy th);
         val (c1, c2) = dest_classrel prop handle TERM _ =>
           raise THM ("AxClass.add_classrel: not a class relation", 0, [th]);
-      in (c1, c2) end;
-  in Theory.add_classrel_i (map prep_thm ths) thy end;
+      in (c1, c2) end);
+  in
+    thy
+    |> Theory.add_classrel_i rels
+    |> (apsnd (map_instances (fn (classrel, subsorts, arities) =>
+        (classrel |> fold add_rel rels, (map (pairself single) rels ~~ ths) @ subsorts, arities))))
+  end;
 fun add_arity ths thy =
-    fun prep_thm th =
+    val ars = ths |> map (fn th =>
         val prop = Drule.plain_prop_of (Thm.transfer thy th);
         val (t, ss, c) = dest_arity prop handle TERM _ =>
           raise THM ("AxClass.add_arity: not a type arity", 0, [th]);
-      in (t, ss, [c]) end;
-  in Theory.add_arities_i (map prep_thm ths) thy end;
+      in (t, ss, [c]) end);
+  in
+    thy
+    |> Theory.add_arities_i ars
+    |> (apsnd (map_instances (fn (classrel, subsorts, arities) =>
+      (classrel, subsorts, (ars ~~ ths) @ arities))))
+  end;
 (* tactical proofs *)
@@ -245,4 +292,5 @@
           quote (Sign.string_of_arity thy arity));
   in add_arity ths thy end;