--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML Mon May 02 12:09:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML Mon May 02 12:09:33 2011 +0200
@@ -317,33 +317,33 @@
(* Syntax: (cnf|fof|tff)\(<num>, <formula_role>, <formula> <extra_arguments>\).
The <num> could be an identifier, but we assume integers. *)
-val parse_tstp_line =
- ((Scan.this_string "cnf" || Scan.this_string "fof" || Scan.this_string "tff")
- -- $$ "(")
- |-- scan_general_id --| $$ "," -- Symbol.scan_id --| $$ ","
- -- parse_formula -- parse_tstp_extra_arguments --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
- >> (fn (((num, role), phi), deps) =>
- let
- val (name, deps) =
- case deps of
- ["file", _, s] =>
- ((num,
- if s = vampire_unknown_fact then NONE
- else SOME (s |> perhaps (try (unprefix tofof_fact_prefix)))),
- [])
- | _ => ((num, NONE), deps)
- in
- case role of
- "definition" =>
- (case phi of
- AConn (AIff, [phi1 as AAtom _, phi2]) =>
- Definition (name, phi1, phi2)
- | AAtom (ATerm ("c_equal", _)) =>
- (* Vampire's equality proxy axiom *)
- Inference (name, phi, map (rpair NONE) deps)
- | _ => raise Fail "malformed definition")
- | _ => Inference (name, phi, map (rpair NONE) deps)
- end)
+fun parse_tstp_line x =
+ (((Scan.this_string "cnf" || Scan.this_string "fof" || Scan.this_string "tff")
+ -- $$ "(")
+ |-- scan_general_id --| $$ "," -- Symbol.scan_id --| $$ ","
+ -- parse_formula -- parse_tstp_extra_arguments --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
+ >> (fn (((num, role), phi), deps) =>
+ let
+ val (name, deps) =
+ case deps of
+ ["file", _, s] =>
+ ((num,
+ if s = vampire_unknown_fact then NONE
+ else SOME (s |> perhaps (try (unprefix tofof_fact_prefix)))),
+ [])
+ | _ => ((num, NONE), deps)
+ in
+ case role of
+ "definition" =>
+ (case phi of
+ AConn (AIff, [phi1 as AAtom _, phi2]) =>
+ Definition (name, phi1, phi2)
+ | AAtom (ATerm ("c_equal", _)) =>
+ (* Vampire's equality proxy axiom *)
+ Inference (name, phi, map (rpair NONE) deps)
+ | _ => raise Fail "malformed definition")
+ | _ => Inference (name, phi, map (rpair NONE) deps)
+ end)) x
@@ -353,13 +353,13 @@
$$ "(" |-- parse_vampire_detritus --| $$ ")"
(* Syntax: <num>. <formula> <annotation> *)
-val parse_vampire_line =
- scan_general_id --| $$ "." -- parse_formula
- --| Scan.option parse_vampire_braced_stuff
- --| Scan.option parse_vampire_parenthesized_detritus
- -- parse_annotation
- >> (fn ((num, phi), deps) =>
- Inference ((num, NONE), phi, map (rpair NONE) deps))
+fun parse_vampire_line x =
+ (scan_general_id --| $$ "." -- parse_formula
+ --| Scan.option parse_vampire_braced_stuff
+ --| Scan.option parse_vampire_parenthesized_detritus
+ -- parse_annotation
+ >> (fn ((num, phi), deps) =>
+ Inference ((num, NONE), phi, map (rpair NONE) deps))) x