--- a/src/Pure/Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML Fri Aug 09 10:30:54 2019 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML Fri Aug 09 15:58:26 2019 +0200
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
val equal_elim_axm = ax Proofterm.equal_elim_axm [];
val symmetric_axm = ax Proofterm.symmetric_axm [propT];
- fun rew' (PThm (_, (("Pure.protectD", _, _, _), _)) % _ %%
- (PThm (_, (("Pure.protectI", _, _, _), _)) % _ %% prf)) = SOME prf
- | rew' (PThm (_, (("Pure.conjunctionD1", _, _, _), _)) % _ % _ %%
- (PThm (_, (("Pure.conjunctionI", _, _, _), _)) % _ % _ %% prf %% _)) = SOME prf
- | rew' (PThm (_, (("Pure.conjunctionD2", _, _, _), _)) % _ % _ %%
- (PThm (_, (("Pure.conjunctionI", _, _, _), _)) % _ % _ %% _ %% prf)) = SOME prf
+ fun rew' (PThm ({name = "Pure.protectD", ...}, _) % _ %%
+ (PThm ({name = "Pure.protectI", ...}, _) % _ %% prf)) = SOME prf
+ | rew' (PThm ({name = "Pure.conjunctionD1", ...}, _) % _ % _ %%
+ (PThm ({name = "Pure.conjunctionI", ...}, _) % _ % _ %% prf %% _)) = SOME prf
+ | rew' (PThm ({name = "Pure.conjunctionD2", ...}, _) % _ % _ %%
+ (PThm ({name = "Pure.conjunctionI", ...}, _) % _ % _ %% _ %% prf)) = SOME prf
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.equal_intr", _, _) % _ % _ %% prf %% _)) = SOME prf
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME (_ $ A) % SOME (_ $ B) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.prop", _)) %
_ % _ % _ %% (PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1) %%
- ((tg as PThm (_, (("Pure.protectI", _, _, _), _))) % _ %% prf2)) =
+ ((tg as PThm ({name = "Pure.protectI", ...}, _)) % _ %% prf2)) =
SOME (tg %> B %% (equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %% prf1 %% prf2))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME (_ $ A) % SOME (_ $ B) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.prop", _)) %
_ % _ % _ %% (PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1)) %%
- ((tg as PThm (_, (("Pure.protectI", _, _, _), _))) % _ %% prf2)) =
+ ((tg as PThm ({name = "Pure.protectI", ...}, _)) % _ %% prf2)) =
SOME (tg %> B %% (equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %%
(symmetric_axm % ?? B % ?? A %% prf1) %% prf2))
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
(AbsP (s, t, fst (insert_refl defs Ts prf)), false)
| insert_refl defs Ts prf =
(case Proofterm.strip_combt prf of
- (PThm (_, ((s, prop, SOME Ts, _), _)), ts) =>
+ (PThm ({name = s, prop, types = SOME Ts, ...}, _), ts) =>
if member (op =) defs s then
val vs = vars_of prop;
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
val cnames = map (fst o dest_Const o fst) defs';
val thms = Proofterm.fold_proof_atoms true
- (fn PThm (_, ((name, prop, _, _), _)) =>
+ (fn PThm ({name, prop, ...}, _) =>
if member (op =) defnames name orelse
not (exists_Const (member (op =) cnames o #1) prop)
then I
--- a/src/Pure/proofterm.ML Fri Aug 09 10:30:54 2019 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/proofterm.ML Fri Aug 09 15:58:26 2019 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
type thm_node
type proof_serial = int
+ type thm_header =
+ {serial: proof_serial, name: string, prop: term, types: typ list option}
+ type thm_body
datatype proof =
| PBound of int
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@
| PAxm of string * term * typ list option
| OfClass of typ * class
| Oracle of string * term * typ list option
- | PThm of proof_serial * ((string * term * typ list option * (proof -> proof)) * proof_body future)
+ | PThm of thm_header * thm_body
and proof_body = PBody of
{oracles: (string * term) Ord_List.T,
thms: (proof_serial * thm_node) Ord_List.T,
@@ -37,6 +40,10 @@
type oracle = string * term
val proof_of: proof_body -> proof
val map_proof_of: (proof -> proof) -> proof_body -> proof_body
+ val thm_header: proof_serial -> string -> term -> typ list option -> thm_header
+ val thm_body: (proof -> proof) -> proof_body future -> thm_body
+ val thm_body_proof_raw: thm_body -> proof
+ val thm_body_proof_open: thm_body -> proof
val thm_node_name: thm_node -> string
val thm_node_prop: thm_node -> term
val thm_node_body: thm_node -> proof_body future
@@ -173,6 +180,9 @@
type proof_serial = int;
+type thm_header =
+ {serial: proof_serial, name: string, prop: term, types: typ list option};
datatype proof =
| PBound of int
@@ -184,11 +194,13 @@
| PAxm of string * term * typ list option
| OfClass of typ * class
| Oracle of string * term * typ list option
- | PThm of proof_serial * ((string * term * typ list option * (proof -> proof)) * proof_body future)
+ | PThm of thm_header * thm_body
and proof_body = PBody of
{oracles: (string * term) Ord_List.T,
thms: (proof_serial * thm_node) Ord_List.T,
proof: proof}
+and thm_body =
+ Thm_Body of {open_proof: proof -> proof, body: proof_body future}
and thm_node =
Thm_Node of {name: string, prop: term, body: proof_body future, consolidate: unit lazy};
@@ -201,6 +213,14 @@
fun map_proof_of f (PBody {oracles, thms, proof}) =
PBody {oracles = oracles, thms = thms, proof = f proof};
+fun thm_header serial name prop types : thm_header =
+ {serial = serial, name = name, prop = prop, types = types};
+fun thm_body open_proof body =
+ Thm_Body {open_proof = open_proof, body = body};
+fun thm_body_proof_raw (Thm_Body {body, ...}) = join_proof body;
+fun thm_body_proof_open (Thm_Body {open_proof, body}) = open_proof (join_proof body);
fun rep_thm_node (Thm_Node args) = args;
val thm_node_name = #name o rep_thm_node;
val thm_node_prop = #prop o rep_thm_node;
@@ -230,7 +250,7 @@
| app (AbsP (_, _, prf)) = app prf
| app (prf % _) = app prf
| app (prf1 %% prf2) = app prf1 #> app prf2
- | app (prf as PThm (i, (_, body))) = (fn (x, seen) =>
+ | app (prf as PThm ({serial = i, ...}, Thm_Body {body, ...})) = (fn (x, seen) =>
if Inttab.defined seen i then (x, seen)
let val (x', seen') =
@@ -300,7 +320,8 @@
val (oracles, thms) = fold_proof_atoms false
(fn Oracle (s, prop, _) => apfst (cons (s, prop))
- | PThm (i, ((name, prop, _, _), body)) => apsnd (cons (i, make_thm_node name prop body))
+ | PThm ({serial = i, name, prop, ...}, Thm_Body {body, ...}) =>
+ apsnd (cons (i, make_thm_node name prop body))
| _ => I) [prf] ([], []);
@@ -310,21 +331,21 @@
fun no_proof_body proof = PBody {oracles = [], thms = [], proof = proof};
-val no_body = Future.value (no_proof_body MinProof);
+val no_thm_body = Thm_Body {open_proof = I, body = Future.value (no_proof_body MinProof)};
-fun no_thm_proofs (PThm (i, (a, _))) = PThm (i, (a, no_body))
- | no_thm_proofs (Abst (x, T, prf)) = Abst (x, T, no_thm_proofs prf)
+fun no_thm_proofs (Abst (x, T, prf)) = Abst (x, T, no_thm_proofs prf)
| no_thm_proofs (AbsP (x, t, prf)) = AbsP (x, t, no_thm_proofs prf)
| no_thm_proofs (prf % t) = no_thm_proofs prf % t
| no_thm_proofs (prf1 %% prf2) = no_thm_proofs prf1 %% no_thm_proofs prf2
+ | no_thm_proofs (PThm (header, _)) = PThm (header, no_thm_body)
| no_thm_proofs a = a;
-fun no_body_proofs (PThm (i, (a, body))) =
- PThm (i, (a, Future.value (no_proof_body (join_proof body))))
- | no_body_proofs (Abst (x, T, prf)) = Abst (x, T, no_body_proofs prf)
+fun no_body_proofs (Abst (x, T, prf)) = Abst (x, T, no_body_proofs prf)
| no_body_proofs (AbsP (x, t, prf)) = AbsP (x, t, no_body_proofs prf)
| no_body_proofs (prf % t) = no_body_proofs prf % t
| no_body_proofs (prf1 %% prf2) = no_body_proofs prf1 %% no_body_proofs prf2
+ | no_body_proofs (PThm (header, Thm_Body {open_proof, body})) =
+ PThm (header, Thm_Body {open_proof = open_proof, body = Future.value (no_proof_body (join_proof body))})
| no_body_proofs a = a;
@@ -348,9 +369,9 @@
fn PAxm (a, b, c) => ([a], pair term (option (list typ)) (b, c)),
fn OfClass (a, b) => ([b], typ a),
fn Oracle (a, b, c) => ([a], pair term (option (list typ)) (b, c)),
- fn PThm (a, ((b, c, d, open_proof), body)) =>
- ([int_atom a, b], triple term (option (list typ)) proof_body
- (c, d, map_proof_of open_proof (Future.join body)))]
+ fn PThm ({serial, name, prop, types}, Thm_Body {open_proof, body}) =>
+ ([int_atom serial, name], triple term (option (list typ)) proof_body
+ (prop, types, map_proof_of open_proof (Future.join body)))]
and proof_body (PBody {oracles, thms, proof = prf}) =
triple (list (pair string term)) (list pthm) proof (oracles, thms, prf)
and pthm (a, thm_node) =
@@ -384,7 +405,7 @@
fn ([a], b) => let val (c, d) = pair term (option (list typ)) b in Oracle (a, c, d) end,
fn ([a, b], c) =>
let val (d, e, f) = triple term (option (list typ)) proof_body c
- in PThm (int_atom a, ((b, d, e, I), Future.value f)) end]
+ in PThm (thm_header (int_atom a) b d e, thm_body I (Future.value f)) end]
and proof_body x =
let val (a, b, c) = triple (list (pair string term)) (list pthm) proof x
in PBody {oracles = a, thms = b, proof = c} end
@@ -432,8 +453,8 @@
in stripc (prf, []) end;
fun strip_thm (body as PBody {proof, ...}) =
- (case strip_combt (fst (strip_combP proof)) of
- (PThm (_, (_, body')), _) => Future.join body'
+ (case fst (strip_combt (fst (strip_combP proof))) of
+ PThm (_, Thm_Body {body = body', ...}) => Future.join body'
| _ => body);
val mk_Abst = fold_rev (fn (s, _: typ) => fn prf => Abst (s, NONE, prf));
@@ -458,8 +479,8 @@
| proof (PAxm (a, prop, SOME Ts)) = PAxm (a, prop, SOME (typs Ts))
| proof (OfClass T_c) = ofclass T_c
| proof (Oracle (a, prop, SOME Ts)) = Oracle (a, prop, SOME (typs Ts))
- | proof (PThm (i, ((a, prop, SOME Ts, open_proof), body))) =
- PThm (i, ((a, prop, SOME (typs Ts), open_proof), body))
+ | proof (PThm ({serial, name, prop, types = SOME Ts}, thm_body)) =
+ PThm (thm_header serial name prop (SOME (typs Ts)), thm_body)
| proof _ = raise Same.SAME;
in proof end;
@@ -484,7 +505,7 @@
| fold_proof_terms _ g (PAxm (_, _, SOME Ts)) = fold g Ts
| fold_proof_terms _ g (OfClass (T, _)) = g T
| fold_proof_terms _ g (Oracle (_, _, SOME Ts)) = fold g Ts
- | fold_proof_terms _ g (PThm (_, ((_, _, SOME Ts, _), _))) = fold g Ts
+ | fold_proof_terms _ g (PThm ({types = SOME Ts, ...}, _)) = fold g Ts
| fold_proof_terms _ _ _ = I;
fun maxidx_proof prf = fold_proof_terms Term.maxidx_term Term.maxidx_typ prf;
@@ -498,8 +519,8 @@
fun change_types types (PAxm (name, prop, _)) = PAxm (name, prop, types)
| change_types (SOME [T]) (OfClass (_, c)) = OfClass (T, c)
| change_types types (Oracle (name, prop, _)) = Oracle (name, prop, types)
- | change_types types (PThm (i, ((name, prop, _, open_proof), body))) =
- PThm (i, ((name, prop, types, open_proof), body))
+ | change_types types (PThm ({serial, name, prop, ...}, thm_body)) =
+ PThm (thm_header serial name prop types, thm_body)
| change_types _ prf = prf;
@@ -646,8 +667,8 @@
OfClass (htypeT Envir.norm_type_same T, c)
| norm (Oracle (s, prop, Ts)) =
Oracle (s, prop, Same.map_option (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts)
- | norm (PThm (i, ((s, t, Ts, open_proof), body))) =
- PThm (i, ((s, t, Same.map_option (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts, open_proof), body))
+ | norm (PThm ({serial = i, name = a, prop = t, types = Ts}, thm_body)) =
+ PThm (thm_header i a t (Same.map_option (htypeTs Envir.norm_types_same) Ts), thm_body)
| norm _ = raise Same.SAME;
in Same.commit norm end;
@@ -799,7 +820,7 @@
{thm_const: proof_serial -> string -> string,
axm_const: string -> string} =
- fun term _ (PThm (i, ((name, _, Ts, _), _))) =
+ fun term _ (PThm ({serial = i, name, types = Ts, ...}, _)) =
fold AppT (these Ts) (Const (thm_const i name, proofT))
| term _ (PAxm (name, _, Ts)) =
fold AppT (these Ts) (Const (axm_const name, proofT))
@@ -971,8 +992,9 @@
OfClass (Logic.incr_tvar_same inc T, c)
| lift' _ _ (Oracle (s, prop, Ts)) =
Oracle (s, prop, (Same.map_option o Same.map) (Logic.incr_tvar_same inc) Ts)
- | lift' _ _ (PThm (i, ((s, prop, Ts, open_proof), body))) =
- PThm (i, ((s, prop, (Same.map_option o Same.map) (Logic.incr_tvar inc) Ts, open_proof), body))
+ | lift' _ _ (PThm ({serial = i, name = s, prop, types = Ts}, thm_body)) =
+ PThm (thm_header i s prop ((Same.map_option o Same.map) (Logic.incr_tvar inc) Ts),
+ thm_body)
| lift' _ _ _ = raise Same.SAME
and lifth' Us Ts prf = (lift' Us Ts prf handle Same.SAME => prf);
@@ -1178,7 +1200,7 @@
(case prf of
PAxm (_, prop, _) => prop
| Oracle (_, prop, _) => prop
- | PThm (_, ((_, prop, _, _), _)) => prop
+ | PThm ({prop, ...}, _) => prop
| _ => raise Fail "shrink: proof not in normal form");
val vs = vars_of prop;
val (ts', ts'') = chop (length vs) ts;
@@ -1354,9 +1376,10 @@
if c1 = c2 then matchT inst (T1, T2)
else raise PMatch
| mtch Ts i j inst
- (PThm (_, ((name1, prop1, opTs, _), _)), PThm (_, ((name2, prop2, opUs, _), _))) =
- if name1 = name2 andalso prop1 = prop2 then
- optmatch matchTs inst (opTs, opUs)
+ (PThm ({name = name1, prop = prop1, types = types1, ...}, _),
+ PThm ({name = name2, prop = prop2, types = types2, ...}, _)) =
+ if name1 = name2 andalso prop1 = prop2
+ then optmatch matchTs inst (types1, types2)
else raise PMatch
| mtch _ _ _ inst (PBound i, PBound j) = if i = j then inst else raise PMatch
| mtch _ _ _ _ _ = raise PMatch
@@ -1400,8 +1423,8 @@
| subst _ _ (PAxm (id, prop, Ts)) = PAxm (id, prop, Same.map_option substTs Ts)
| subst _ _ (OfClass (T, c)) = OfClass (substT T, c)
| subst _ _ (Oracle (id, prop, Ts)) = Oracle (id, prop, Same.map_option substTs Ts)
- | subst _ _ (PThm (i, ((id, prop, Ts, open_proof), body))) =
- PThm (i, ((id, prop, Same.map_option substTs Ts, open_proof), body))
+ | subst _ _ (PThm ({serial = i, name = id, prop, types}, thm_body)) =
+ PThm (thm_header i id prop (Same.map_option substTs types), thm_body)
| subst _ _ _ = raise Same.SAME;
in fn t => subst 0 0 t handle Same.SAME => t end;
@@ -1425,7 +1448,7 @@
| (Hyp (Var _), _) => true
| (PAxm (a, _, _), PAxm (b, _, _)) => a = b andalso matchrands prf1 prf2
| (OfClass (_, c), OfClass (_, d)) => c = d andalso matchrands prf1 prf2
- | (PThm (_, ((a, propa, _, _), _)), PThm (_, ((b, propb, _, _), _))) =>
+ | (PThm ({name = a, prop = propa, ...}, _), PThm ({name = b, prop = propb, ...}, _)) =>
a = b andalso propa = propb andalso matchrands prf1 prf2
| (PBound i, PBound j) => i = j andalso matchrands prf1 prf2
| (AbsP _, _) => true (*because of possible eta equality*)
@@ -1570,7 +1593,7 @@
fun varify (v as (a, S)) = if member (op =) tfrees v then TVar ((a, ~1), S) else TFree v;
in map_proof_types (typ_subst_TVars (vs ~~ Ts) o map_type_tfree varify) prf end;
-fun guess_name (PThm (_, ((name, _, _, _), _))) = name
+fun guess_name (PThm ({name, ...}, _)) = name
| guess_name (prf %% Hyp _) = guess_name prf
| guess_name (prf %% OfClass _) = guess_name prf
| guess_name (prf % NONE) = guess_name prf
@@ -1761,7 +1784,7 @@
add_cnstrt Ts (v $ t) (prf % SOME t) cnstrts env3 vTs'
(u, Const ("Pure.all", (T --> propT) --> propT) $ v)
- | mk_cnstrts env _ _ vTs (prf as PThm (_, ((_, prop, opTs, _), _))) =
+ | mk_cnstrts env _ _ vTs (prf as PThm ({prop, types = opTs, ...}, _)) =
mk_cnstrts_atom env vTs prop opTs prf
| mk_cnstrts env _ _ vTs (prf as PAxm (_, prop, opTs)) =
mk_cnstrts_atom env vTs prop opTs prf
@@ -1862,7 +1885,7 @@
Const ("Pure.imp", _) $ _ $ Q => Q
| _ => error "prop_of: ==> expected")
| prop_of0 _ (Hyp t) = t
- | prop_of0 _ (PThm (_, ((_, prop, SOME Ts, _), _))) = prop_of_atom prop Ts
+ | prop_of0 _ (PThm ({prop, types = SOME Ts, ...}, _)) = prop_of_atom prop Ts
| prop_of0 _ (PAxm (_, prop, SOME Ts)) = prop_of_atom prop Ts
| prop_of0 _ (OfClass (T, c)) = Logic.mk_of_class (T, c)
| prop_of0 _ (Oracle (_, prop, SOME Ts)) = prop_of_atom prop Ts
@@ -1890,7 +1913,7 @@
| expand maxidx prfs (prf % t) =
let val (maxidx', prfs', prf') = expand maxidx prfs prf
in (maxidx', prfs', prf' % t) end
- | expand maxidx prfs (prf as PThm (_, ((a, prop, SOME Ts, open_proof), body))) =
+ | expand maxidx prfs (prf as PThm ({name = a, prop, types = SOME Ts, ...}, thm_body)) =
if not (exists
(fn (b, NONE) => a = b
| (b, SOME prop') => a = b andalso prop = prop') thms)
@@ -1901,8 +1924,7 @@
val prf' =
- join_proof body
- |> open_proof
+ thm_body_proof_open thm_body
|> reconstruct_proof thy prop
|> forall_intr_vfs_prf prop;
val (maxidx', prfs', prf) = expand (maxidx_proof prf' ~1) prfs prf'
@@ -1986,11 +2008,11 @@
| add_proof_boxes (Abst (_, _, prf)) = add_proof_boxes prf
| add_proof_boxes (prf1 %% prf2) = add_proof_boxes prf1 #> add_proof_boxes prf2
| add_proof_boxes (prf % _) = add_proof_boxes prf
- | add_proof_boxes (PThm (i, (("", prop, _, open_proof), body))) =
+ | add_proof_boxes (PThm ({serial = i, name = "", prop, ...}, thm_body)) =
(fn boxes =>
if Inttab.defined boxes i then boxes
- let val prf = open_proof (join_proof body) |> reconstruct_proof thy prop;
+ let val prf = thm_body_proof_open thm_body |> reconstruct_proof thy prop;
in add_proof_boxes prf boxes |> Inttab.update (i, prf) end)
| add_proof_boxes _ = I;
@@ -2045,15 +2067,16 @@
val (i, body') =
(*non-deterministic, depends on unknown promises*)
(case strip_combt (fst (strip_combP prf)) of
- (PThm (i, ((a, prop', NONE, _), body')), args') =>
- if (a = "" orelse a = name) andalso prop' = prop1 andalso args' = args
- then (i, body' |> (a = "" andalso named) ? Future.map (publish i))
+ (PThm ({serial = i, name = a, prop = prop', types = NONE}, thm_body'), args') =>
+ if (a = "" orelse a = name) andalso prop' = prop1 andalso args' = args then
+ let val Thm_Body {body = body', ...} = thm_body';
+ in (i, body' |> (a = "" andalso named) ? Future.map (publish i)) end
else new_prf ()
| _ => new_prf ());
val pthm = (i, make_thm_node name prop1 body');
- val head = PThm (i, ((name, prop1, NONE, open_proof), body'));
+ val head = PThm (thm_header i name prop1 NONE, thm_body open_proof body');
val proof =
if unconstrain then
proof_combt' (head, (map o Option.map o Term.map_types) (#map_atyps ucontext) args)
@@ -2076,8 +2099,8 @@
fun get_name shyps hyps prop prf =
let val (_, prop) = Logic.unconstrainT shyps (Logic.list_implies (hyps, prop)) in
- (case strip_combt (fst (strip_combP prf)) of
- (PThm (_, ((name, prop', _, _), _)), _) => if prop = prop' then name else ""
+ (case fst (strip_combt (fst (strip_combP prf))) of
+ PThm ({name, prop = prop', ...}, _) => if prop = prop' then name else ""
| _ => "")