modernized setup;
Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:42:38 +0100
changeset 58816 aab139c0003f
parent 58815 fd3f893a40ea
child 58817 4cd778c91fdc
modernized setup; more standard module name;
--- a/src/HOL/Fun_Def_Base.thy	Wed Oct 29 11:41:54 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Fun_Def_Base.thy	Wed Oct 29 13:42:38 2014 +0100
@@ -11,8 +11,12 @@
 ML_file "Tools/Function/function_lib.ML"
 named_theorems termination_simp "simplification rules for termination proofs"
 ML_file "Tools/Function/function_common.ML"
-ML_file "Tools/Function/context_tree.ML"
-setup Function_Ctx_Tree.setup
+ML_file "Tools/Function/function_context_tree.ML"
+attribute_setup fundef_cong =
+  \<open>Attrib.add_del Function_Context_Tree.cong_add Function_Context_Tree.cong_del\<close>
+  "declaration of congruence rule for function definitions"
 ML_file "Tools/Function/sum_tree.ML"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Function/context_tree.ML	Wed Oct 29 11:41:54 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Function/context_tree.ML
-    Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
-Construction and traversal of trees of nested contexts along a term.
-  (* poor man's contexts: fixes + assumes *)
-  type ctxt = (string * typ) list * thm list
-  type ctx_tree
-  (* FIXME: This interface is a mess and needs to be cleaned up! *)
-  val get_function_congs : Proof.context -> thm list
-  val add_function_cong : thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
-  val map_function_congs : (thm list -> thm list) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
-  val cong_add: attribute
-  val cong_del: attribute
-  val mk_tree: (string * typ) -> term -> Proof.context -> term -> ctx_tree
-  val inst_tree: theory -> term -> term -> ctx_tree -> ctx_tree
-  val export_term : ctxt -> term -> term
-  val export_thm : theory -> ctxt -> thm -> thm
-  val import_thm : theory -> ctxt -> thm -> thm
-  val traverse_tree :
-   (ctxt -> term ->
-   (ctxt * thm) list ->
-   (ctxt * thm) list * 'b ->
-   (ctxt * thm) list * 'b)
-   -> ctx_tree -> 'b -> 'b
-  val rewrite_by_tree : Proof.context -> term -> thm -> (thm * thm) list ->
-    ctx_tree -> thm * (thm * thm) list
-  val setup : theory -> theory
-structure Function_Ctx_Tree : FUNCTION_CTXTREE =
-type ctxt = (string * typ) list * thm list
-open Function_Common
-open Function_Lib
-structure FunctionCongs = Generic_Data
-  type T = thm list
-  val empty = []
-  val extend = I
-  val merge = Thm.merge_thms
-val get_function_congs = FunctionCongs.get o Context.Proof
-val map_function_congs =
-val add_function_cong = o Thm.add_thm
-(* congruence rules *)
-val cong_add = Thm.declaration_attribute (map_function_congs o Thm.add_thm o safe_mk_meta_eq);
-val cong_del = Thm.declaration_attribute (map_function_congs o Thm.del_thm o safe_mk_meta_eq);
-type depgraph = int Int_Graph.T
-datatype ctx_tree =
-  Leaf of term
-  | Cong of (thm * depgraph * (ctxt * ctx_tree) list)
-  | RCall of (term * ctx_tree)
-(* Maps "Trueprop A = B" to "A" *)
-val rhs_of = snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
-(*** Dependency analysis for congruence rules ***)
-fun branch_vars t =
-  let
-    val t' = snd (dest_all_all t)
-    val (assumes, concl) = Logic.strip_horn t'
-  in
-    (fold Term.add_vars assumes [], Term.add_vars concl [])
-  end
-fun cong_deps crule =
-  let
-    val num_branches = map_index (apsnd branch_vars) (prems_of crule)
-  in
-    Int_Graph.empty
-    |> fold (fn (i,_)=> Int_Graph.new_node (i,i)) num_branches
-    |> fold_product (fn (i, (c1, _)) => fn (j, (_, t2)) =>
-         if i = j orelse null (inter (op =) c1 t2)
-         then I else Int_Graph.add_edge_acyclic (i,j))
-       num_branches num_branches
-    end
-val default_congs =
-  map (fn c => c RS eq_reflection) [@{thm "cong"}, @{thm "ext"}]
-(* Called on the INSTANTIATED branches of the congruence rule *)
-fun mk_branch ctxt t =
-  let
-    val ((params, impl), ctxt') = Variable.focus t ctxt
-    val (assms, concl) = Logic.strip_horn impl
-  in
-    (ctxt', map #2 params, assms, rhs_of concl)
-  end
-fun find_cong_rule ctxt fvar h ((r,dep)::rs) t =
-     (let
-        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
-        val tt' = Logic.mk_equals (Pattern.rewrite_term thy [(Free fvar, h)] [] t, t)
-        val (c, subs) = (concl_of r, prems_of r)
-        val subst =
-          Pattern.match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (c, tt') (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
-        val branches = map (mk_branch ctxt o Envir.beta_norm o Envir.subst_term subst) subs
-        val inst = map (fn v =>
-            (cterm_of thy (Var v), cterm_of thy (Envir.subst_term subst (Var v))))
-          (Term.add_vars c [])
-      in
-         (cterm_instantiate inst r, dep, branches)
-      end
-      handle Pattern.MATCH => find_cong_rule ctxt fvar h rs t)
-  | find_cong_rule _ _ _ [] _ = raise General.Fail "No cong rule found!"
-fun mk_tree fvar h ctxt t =
-  let
-    val congs = get_function_congs ctxt
-    (* FIXME: Save in theory: *)
-    val congs_deps = map (fn c => (c, cong_deps c)) (congs @ default_congs)
-    fun matchcall (a $ b) = if a = Free fvar then SOME b else NONE
-      | matchcall _ = NONE
-    fun mk_tree' ctxt t =
-      case matchcall t of
-        SOME arg => RCall (t, mk_tree' ctxt arg)
-      | NONE =>
-        if not (exists_subterm (fn Free v => v = fvar | _ => false) t) then Leaf t
-        else
-          let
-            val (r, dep, branches) = find_cong_rule ctxt fvar h congs_deps t
-            fun subtree (ctxt', fixes, assumes, st) =
-              ((fixes,
-                map (Thm.assume o cterm_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) assumes),
-               mk_tree' ctxt' st)
-          in
-            Cong (r, dep, map subtree branches)
-          end
-  in
-    mk_tree' ctxt t
-  end
-fun inst_tree thy fvar f tr =
-  let
-    val cfvar = cterm_of thy fvar
-    val cf = cterm_of thy f
-    fun inst_term t =
-      subst_bound(f, abstract_over (fvar, t))
-    val inst_thm = Thm.forall_elim cf o Thm.forall_intr cfvar
-    fun inst_tree_aux (Leaf t) = Leaf t
-      | inst_tree_aux (Cong (crule, deps, branches)) =
-        Cong (inst_thm crule, deps, map inst_branch branches)
-      | inst_tree_aux (RCall (t, str)) =
-        RCall (inst_term t, inst_tree_aux str)
-    and inst_branch ((fxs, assms), str) =
-      ((fxs, map (Thm.assume o cterm_of thy o inst_term o prop_of) assms),
-       inst_tree_aux str)
-  in
-    inst_tree_aux tr
-  end
-(* Poor man's contexts: Only fixes and assumes *)
-fun compose (fs1, as1) (fs2, as2) = (fs1 @ fs2, as1 @ as2)
-fun export_term (fixes, assumes) =
- fold_rev (curry Logic.mk_implies o prop_of) assumes
- #> fold_rev (Logic.all o Free) fixes
-fun export_thm thy (fixes, assumes) =
- fold_rev (Thm.implies_intr o cprop_of) assumes
- #> fold_rev (Thm.forall_intr o cterm_of thy o Free) fixes
-fun import_thm thy (fixes, athms) =
- fold (Thm.forall_elim o cterm_of thy o Free) fixes
- #> fold Thm.elim_implies athms
-(* folds in the order of the dependencies of a graph. *)
-fun fold_deps G f x =
-  let
-    fun fill_table i (T, x) =
-      case Inttab.lookup T i of
-        SOME _ => (T, x)
-      | NONE =>
-        let
-          val (T', x') = Int_Graph.Keys.fold fill_table (Int_Graph.imm_succs G i) (T, x)
-          val (v, x'') = f (the o Inttab.lookup T') i x'
-        in
-          (Inttab.update (i, v) T', x'')
-        end
-    val (T, x) = fold fill_table (Int_Graph.keys G) (Inttab.empty, x)
-  in
-    (Inttab.fold (cons o snd) T [], x)
-  end
-fun traverse_tree rcOp tr =
-  let
-    fun traverse_help ctxt (Leaf _) _ x = ([], x)
-      | traverse_help ctxt (RCall (t, st)) u x =
-          rcOp ctxt t u (traverse_help ctxt st u x)
-      | traverse_help ctxt (Cong (_, deps, branches)) u x =
-          let
-            fun sub_step lu i x =
-              let
-                val (ctxt', subtree) = nth branches i
-                val used = Int_Graph.Keys.fold_rev (append o lu) (Int_Graph.imm_succs deps i) u
-                val (subs, x') = traverse_help (compose ctxt ctxt') subtree used x
-                val exported_subs = map (apfst (compose ctxt')) subs (* FIXME: Right order of composition? *)
-              in
-                (exported_subs, x')
-              end
-          in
-            fold_deps deps sub_step x
-            |> apfst flat
-          end
-  in
-    snd o traverse_help ([], []) tr []
-  end
-fun rewrite_by_tree ctxt h ih x tr =
-  let
-    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
-    fun rewrite_help _ _ x (Leaf t) = (Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy t), x)
-      | rewrite_help fix h_as x (RCall (_ $ arg, st)) =
-        let
-          val (inner, (lRi,ha)::x') = rewrite_help fix h_as x st (* "a' = a" *)
-          val iha = import_thm thy (fix, h_as) ha (* (a', h a') : G *)
-            |> Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.comb_conv (Conv.arg_conv (K inner))))
-                                                    (* (a, h a) : G   *)
-          val inst_ih = instantiate' [] [SOME (cterm_of thy arg)] ih
-          val eq = Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_elim inst_ih lRi) iha (* h a = f a *)
-          val h_a'_eq_h_a = Thm.combination (Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy h)) inner
-          val h_a_eq_f_a = eq RS eq_reflection
-          val result = Thm.transitive h_a'_eq_h_a h_a_eq_f_a
-        in
-          (result, x')
-        end
-      | rewrite_help fix h_as x (Cong (crule, deps, branches)) =
-        let
-          fun sub_step lu i x =
-            let
-              val ((fixes, assumes), st) = nth branches i
-              val used = map lu (Int_Graph.immediate_succs deps i)
-                |> map (fn u_eq => (u_eq RS sym) RS eq_reflection)
-                |> filter_out Thm.is_reflexive
-              val assumes' = map (simplify (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss  ctxt addsimps used)) assumes
-              val (subeq, x') =
-                rewrite_help (fix @ fixes) (h_as @ assumes') x st
-              val subeq_exp =
-                export_thm thy (fixes, assumes) (subeq RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)
-            in
-              (subeq_exp, x')
-            end
-          val (subthms, x') = fold_deps deps sub_step x
-        in
-          (fold_rev (curry op COMP) subthms crule, x')
-        end
-  in
-    rewrite_help [] [] x tr
-  end
-val setup =
-  Attrib.setup @{binding fundef_cong} (Attrib.add_del cong_add cong_del)
-    "declaration of congruence rule for function definitions"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Function/function.ML	Wed Oct 29 11:41:54 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Function/function.ML	Wed Oct 29 13:42:38 2014 +0100
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
       |> safe_mk_meta_eq
-      (Function_Ctx_Tree.map_function_congs (Thm.add_thm cong)) thy
+      (Function_Context_Tree.map_function_congs (Thm.add_thm cong)) thy
 val setup_case_cong = Old_Datatype_Data.interpretation (K (fold add_case_cong))
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
 val setup = setup_case_cong
-val get_congs = Function_Ctx_Tree.get_function_congs
+val get_congs = Function_Context_Tree.get_function_congs
 fun get_info ctxt t = Item_Net.retrieve (get_function ctxt) t
   |> the_single |> snd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Function/function_context_tree.ML	Wed Oct 29 13:42:38 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Function/function_context_tree.ML
+    Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
+Construction and traversal of trees of nested contexts along a term.
+  (* poor man's contexts: fixes + assumes *)
+  type ctxt = (string * typ) list * thm list
+  type ctx_tree
+  (* FIXME: This interface is a mess and needs to be cleaned up! *)
+  val get_function_congs : Proof.context -> thm list
+  val add_function_cong : thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  val map_function_congs : (thm list -> thm list) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  val cong_add: attribute
+  val cong_del: attribute
+  val mk_tree: (string * typ) -> term -> Proof.context -> term -> ctx_tree
+  val inst_tree: theory -> term -> term -> ctx_tree -> ctx_tree
+  val export_term : ctxt -> term -> term
+  val export_thm : theory -> ctxt -> thm -> thm
+  val import_thm : theory -> ctxt -> thm -> thm
+  val traverse_tree :
+   (ctxt -> term ->
+   (ctxt * thm) list ->
+   (ctxt * thm) list * 'b ->
+   (ctxt * thm) list * 'b)
+   -> ctx_tree -> 'b -> 'b
+  val rewrite_by_tree : Proof.context -> term -> thm -> (thm * thm) list ->
+    ctx_tree -> thm * (thm * thm) list
+structure Function_Context_Tree : FUNCTION_CONTEXT_TREE =
+type ctxt = (string * typ) list * thm list
+open Function_Common
+open Function_Lib
+structure FunctionCongs = Generic_Data
+  type T = thm list
+  val empty = []
+  val extend = I
+  val merge = Thm.merge_thms
+val get_function_congs = FunctionCongs.get o Context.Proof
+val map_function_congs =
+val add_function_cong = o Thm.add_thm
+(* congruence rules *)
+val cong_add = Thm.declaration_attribute (map_function_congs o Thm.add_thm o safe_mk_meta_eq);
+val cong_del = Thm.declaration_attribute (map_function_congs o Thm.del_thm o safe_mk_meta_eq);
+type depgraph = int Int_Graph.T
+datatype ctx_tree =
+  Leaf of term
+  | Cong of (thm * depgraph * (ctxt * ctx_tree) list)
+  | RCall of (term * ctx_tree)
+(* Maps "Trueprop A = B" to "A" *)
+val rhs_of = snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
+(*** Dependency analysis for congruence rules ***)
+fun branch_vars t =
+  let
+    val t' = snd (dest_all_all t)
+    val (assumes, concl) = Logic.strip_horn t'
+  in
+    (fold Term.add_vars assumes [], Term.add_vars concl [])
+  end
+fun cong_deps crule =
+  let
+    val num_branches = map_index (apsnd branch_vars) (prems_of crule)
+  in
+    Int_Graph.empty
+    |> fold (fn (i,_)=> Int_Graph.new_node (i,i)) num_branches
+    |> fold_product (fn (i, (c1, _)) => fn (j, (_, t2)) =>
+         if i = j orelse null (inter (op =) c1 t2)
+         then I else Int_Graph.add_edge_acyclic (i,j))
+       num_branches num_branches
+    end
+val default_congs =
+  map (fn c => c RS eq_reflection) [@{thm "cong"}, @{thm "ext"}]
+(* Called on the INSTANTIATED branches of the congruence rule *)
+fun mk_branch ctxt t =
+  let
+    val ((params, impl), ctxt') = Variable.focus t ctxt
+    val (assms, concl) = Logic.strip_horn impl
+  in
+    (ctxt', map #2 params, assms, rhs_of concl)
+  end
+fun find_cong_rule ctxt fvar h ((r,dep)::rs) t =
+     (let
+        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+        val tt' = Logic.mk_equals (Pattern.rewrite_term thy [(Free fvar, h)] [] t, t)
+        val (c, subs) = (concl_of r, prems_of r)
+        val subst =
+          Pattern.match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (c, tt') (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
+        val branches = map (mk_branch ctxt o Envir.beta_norm o Envir.subst_term subst) subs
+        val inst = map (fn v =>
+            (cterm_of thy (Var v), cterm_of thy (Envir.subst_term subst (Var v))))
+          (Term.add_vars c [])
+      in
+         (cterm_instantiate inst r, dep, branches)
+      end
+      handle Pattern.MATCH => find_cong_rule ctxt fvar h rs t)
+  | find_cong_rule _ _ _ [] _ = raise General.Fail "No cong rule found!"
+fun mk_tree fvar h ctxt t =
+  let
+    val congs = get_function_congs ctxt
+    (* FIXME: Save in theory: *)
+    val congs_deps = map (fn c => (c, cong_deps c)) (congs @ default_congs)
+    fun matchcall (a $ b) = if a = Free fvar then SOME b else NONE
+      | matchcall _ = NONE
+    fun mk_tree' ctxt t =
+      case matchcall t of
+        SOME arg => RCall (t, mk_tree' ctxt arg)
+      | NONE =>
+        if not (exists_subterm (fn Free v => v = fvar | _ => false) t) then Leaf t
+        else
+          let
+            val (r, dep, branches) = find_cong_rule ctxt fvar h congs_deps t
+            fun subtree (ctxt', fixes, assumes, st) =
+              ((fixes,
+                map (Thm.assume o cterm_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) assumes),
+               mk_tree' ctxt' st)
+          in
+            Cong (r, dep, map subtree branches)
+          end
+  in
+    mk_tree' ctxt t
+  end
+fun inst_tree thy fvar f tr =
+  let
+    val cfvar = cterm_of thy fvar
+    val cf = cterm_of thy f
+    fun inst_term t =
+      subst_bound(f, abstract_over (fvar, t))
+    val inst_thm = Thm.forall_elim cf o Thm.forall_intr cfvar
+    fun inst_tree_aux (Leaf t) = Leaf t
+      | inst_tree_aux (Cong (crule, deps, branches)) =
+        Cong (inst_thm crule, deps, map inst_branch branches)
+      | inst_tree_aux (RCall (t, str)) =
+        RCall (inst_term t, inst_tree_aux str)
+    and inst_branch ((fxs, assms), str) =
+      ((fxs, map (Thm.assume o cterm_of thy o inst_term o prop_of) assms),
+       inst_tree_aux str)
+  in
+    inst_tree_aux tr
+  end
+(* Poor man's contexts: Only fixes and assumes *)
+fun compose (fs1, as1) (fs2, as2) = (fs1 @ fs2, as1 @ as2)
+fun export_term (fixes, assumes) =
+ fold_rev (curry Logic.mk_implies o prop_of) assumes
+ #> fold_rev (Logic.all o Free) fixes
+fun export_thm thy (fixes, assumes) =
+ fold_rev (Thm.implies_intr o cprop_of) assumes
+ #> fold_rev (Thm.forall_intr o cterm_of thy o Free) fixes
+fun import_thm thy (fixes, athms) =
+ fold (Thm.forall_elim o cterm_of thy o Free) fixes
+ #> fold Thm.elim_implies athms
+(* folds in the order of the dependencies of a graph. *)
+fun fold_deps G f x =
+  let
+    fun fill_table i (T, x) =
+      case Inttab.lookup T i of
+        SOME _ => (T, x)
+      | NONE =>
+        let
+          val (T', x') = Int_Graph.Keys.fold fill_table (Int_Graph.imm_succs G i) (T, x)
+          val (v, x'') = f (the o Inttab.lookup T') i x'
+        in
+          (Inttab.update (i, v) T', x'')
+        end
+    val (T, x) = fold fill_table (Int_Graph.keys G) (Inttab.empty, x)
+  in
+    (Inttab.fold (cons o snd) T [], x)
+  end
+fun traverse_tree rcOp tr =
+  let
+    fun traverse_help ctxt (Leaf _) _ x = ([], x)
+      | traverse_help ctxt (RCall (t, st)) u x =
+          rcOp ctxt t u (traverse_help ctxt st u x)
+      | traverse_help ctxt (Cong (_, deps, branches)) u x =
+          let
+            fun sub_step lu i x =
+              let
+                val (ctxt', subtree) = nth branches i
+                val used = Int_Graph.Keys.fold_rev (append o lu) (Int_Graph.imm_succs deps i) u
+                val (subs, x') = traverse_help (compose ctxt ctxt') subtree used x
+                val exported_subs = map (apfst (compose ctxt')) subs (* FIXME: Right order of composition? *)
+              in
+                (exported_subs, x')
+              end
+          in
+            fold_deps deps sub_step x
+            |> apfst flat
+          end
+  in
+    snd o traverse_help ([], []) tr []
+  end
+fun rewrite_by_tree ctxt h ih x tr =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    fun rewrite_help _ _ x (Leaf t) = (Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy t), x)
+      | rewrite_help fix h_as x (RCall (_ $ arg, st)) =
+        let
+          val (inner, (lRi,ha)::x') = rewrite_help fix h_as x st (* "a' = a" *)
+          val iha = import_thm thy (fix, h_as) ha (* (a', h a') : G *)
+            |> Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.comb_conv (Conv.arg_conv (K inner))))
+                                                    (* (a, h a) : G   *)
+          val inst_ih = instantiate' [] [SOME (cterm_of thy arg)] ih
+          val eq = Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_elim inst_ih lRi) iha (* h a = f a *)
+          val h_a'_eq_h_a = Thm.combination (Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy h)) inner
+          val h_a_eq_f_a = eq RS eq_reflection
+          val result = Thm.transitive h_a'_eq_h_a h_a_eq_f_a
+        in
+          (result, x')
+        end
+      | rewrite_help fix h_as x (Cong (crule, deps, branches)) =
+        let
+          fun sub_step lu i x =
+            let
+              val ((fixes, assumes), st) = nth branches i
+              val used = map lu (Int_Graph.immediate_succs deps i)
+                |> map (fn u_eq => (u_eq RS sym) RS eq_reflection)
+                |> filter_out Thm.is_reflexive
+              val assumes' = map (simplify (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss  ctxt addsimps used)) assumes
+              val (subeq, x') =
+                rewrite_help (fix @ fixes) (h_as @ assumes') x st
+              val subeq_exp =
+                export_thm thy (fixes, assumes) (subeq RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)
+            in
+              (subeq_exp, x')
+            end
+          val (subthms, x') = fold_deps deps sub_step x
+        in
+          (fold_rev (curry op COMP) subthms crule, x')
+        end
+  in
+    rewrite_help [] [] x tr
+  end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Function/function_core.ML	Wed Oct 29 11:41:54 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Function/function_core.ML	Wed Oct 29 13:42:38 2014 +0100
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
  {no: int,
   qglr : ((string * typ) list * term list * term * term),
   cdata : clause_context,
-  tree: Function_Ctx_Tree.ctx_tree,
+  tree: Function_Context_Tree.ctx_tree,
   lGI: thm,
   RCs: rec_call_info list}
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
       ([], (fixes, assumes, arg) :: xs)
       | add_Ri _ _ _ _ = raise Match
-    rev (Function_Ctx_Tree.traverse_tree add_Ri tree [])
+    rev (Function_Context_Tree.traverse_tree add_Ri tree [])
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
       Thm.assume (cterm_of thy (subst_bounds (rev qs, h_assum)))) RCs
     val (eql, _) =
-      Function_Ctx_Tree.rewrite_by_tree ctxt h ih_elim_case (Ris ~~ h_assums) tree
+      Function_Context_Tree.rewrite_by_tree ctxt h ih_elim_case (Ris ~~ h_assums) tree
     val replace_lemma = (eql RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq)
       |> Thm.implies_intr (cprop_of case_hyp)
@@ -733,11 +733,11 @@
     fun step (fixes, assumes) (_ $ arg) u (sub,(hyps,thms)) =
         val used = (u @ sub)
-          |> map (fn (ctxt, thm) => Function_Ctx_Tree.export_thm thy ctxt thm)
+          |> map (fn (ctxt, thm) => Function_Context_Tree.export_thm thy ctxt thm)
         val hyp = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (R' $ arg $ lhs)
           |> fold_rev (curry Logic.mk_implies o prop_of) used (* additional hyps *)
-          |> Function_Ctx_Tree.export_term (fixes, assumes)
+          |> Function_Context_Tree.export_term (fixes, assumes)
           |> fold_rev (curry Logic.mk_implies o prop_of) ags
           |> fold_rev mk_forall_rename (map fst oqs ~~ qs)
           |> cterm_of thy
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
         val thm = Thm.assume hyp
           |> fold Thm.forall_elim cqs
           |> fold Thm.elim_implies ags
-          |> Function_Ctx_Tree.import_thm thy (fixes, assumes)
+          |> Function_Context_Tree.import_thm thy (fixes, assumes)
           |> fold Thm.elim_implies used (*  "(arg, lhs) : R'"  *)
         val z_eq_arg = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_eq (z, arg))
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@
               (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.arg_conv (K (Thm.symmetric (z_eq_arg RS eq_reflection)))))
         val ethm = z_acc_local
-          |> Function_Ctx_Tree.export_thm thy (fixes,
+          |> Function_Context_Tree.export_thm thy (fixes,
                z_eq_arg :: case_hyp :: ags @ assumes)
           |> fold_rev forall_intr_rename (map fst oqs ~~ cqs)
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
       | step _ _ _ _ = raise Match
-    Function_Ctx_Tree.traverse_tree step tree
+    Function_Context_Tree.traverse_tree step tree
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@
     val n = length abstract_qglrs
     fun build_tree (ClauseContext { ctxt, rhs, ...}) =
-       Function_Ctx_Tree.mk_tree (fname, fT) h ctxt rhs
+       Function_Context_Tree.mk_tree (fname, fT) h ctxt rhs
     val trees = map build_tree clauses
     val RCss = map find_calls trees
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@
       PROFILE "def_fun" (define_function (defname ^ "_sumC_def") (fname, mixfix) domT ranT G default) lthy
     val RCss = map (map (inst_RC (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) fvar f)) RCss
-    val trees = map (Function_Ctx_Tree.inst_tree (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) fvar f) trees
+    val trees = map (Function_Context_Tree.inst_tree (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) fvar f) trees
     val ((R, RIntro_thmss, R_elim), lthy) =
       PROFILE "def_rel" (define_recursion_relation (rel_name defname) domT abstract_qglrs clauses RCss) lthy