more (co)datatype documentation
Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:49:42 +0200
changeset 52794 aae782070611
parent 52793 062aa11e98e1
child 52795 126ee2abed9b
more (co)datatype documentation
--- a/src/Doc/Datatypes/Datatypes.thy	Tue Jul 30 16:22:39 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Datatypes/Datatypes.thy	Tue Jul 30 19:49:42 2013 +0200
@@ -11,52 +11,194 @@
 section {* Introduction *}
 text {*
-  * Isabelle2013 introduced new definitional package for datatypes and codatatypes
-  * datatype support is similar to old package, due to Berghofer \& Wenzel \cite{xxx}
-    * indeed, replacing \cmd{datatype} by \cmd{datatype\_new} is usually sufficient
-      to port existing specifications to the new package
-  * but it is more powerful, because it is now possible to have nested recursion
-    through a large class of non-datatypes, notably finite sets:
+The 2013 edition of Isabelle introduced new definitional package for datatypes
+and codatatypes. The datatype support is similar to that provided by the earlier
+package due to Berghofer and Wenzel \cite{Berghofer-Wenzel:1999:TPHOL};
+indeed, replacing \cmd{datatype} by \cmd{datatype\_new} is usually sufficient
+to port existing specifications to the new package. What makes the new package
+attractive is that it supports definitions with recursion through a large class
+of non-datatypes, notably finite sets:
 datatype_new 'a tree = Node 'a "('a tree fset)"
 text {*
-  * another advantage: it supports local definitions:
+Another advantage of the new package is that it supports local definitions:
 context linorder
-datatype_new flag = Less | Eq | Greater
+  datatype_new flag = Less | Eq | Greater
 text {*
+Finally, the package also provides some convenience, notably automatically
+generated destructors. For example, the command
- * in a future release, \cmd{datatype\_new} is expected to displace \cmd{datatype}
+(*<*)hide_const Nil Cons hd tl(*>*)
+datatype_new 'a list = null: Nil | Cons (hd: 'a) (tl: "'a list")
+text {*
+introduces a discriminator @{const null} and a pair of selectors @{const hd} and
+@{const tl} characterized as follows:
+@{thm [display] list.collapse[no_vars]}
+The command \cmd{datatype\_new} is expected to displace \cmd{datatype} in a future
+release. Authors of new theories are encouraged to use \cmd{datatype\_new}, and
+maintainers of older theories might want to consider upgrading now.
+The package also provides codatatypes (or ``coinductive datatypes''), which may
+have infinite values. The following command introduces a type of infinite
+codatatype 'a stream = Stream 'a "('a stream)"
+text {*
+Mixed inductive--coinductive recursion is possible via nesting.
+Compare the following four examples:
+datatype_new 'a treeFF = TreeFF 'a "('a treeFF list)"
+datatype_new 'a treeFI = TreeFI 'a "('a treeFF stream)"
+codatatype 'a treeIF = TreeIF 'a "('a treeFF list)"
+codatatype 'a treeII = TreeII 'a "('a treeFF stream)"
- * 
+text {*
+To use the package, it is necessary to import the @{theory BNF} theory, which
+can be precompiled as the \textit{HOL-BNF}:
+text {*
+\texttt{isabelle build -b HOL-BNF}
+text {*
+  * TODO: LCF tradition
+  * internals: LICS paper
+text {*
+This tutorial is organized as follows:
+  * datatypes
+  * primitive recursive functions
+  * codatatypes
+  * primitive corecursive functions
+the following sections focus on more technical aspects:
+how to register bounded natural functors (BNFs), i.e., type
+constructors via which (co)datatypes can (co)recurse,
+and how to derive convenience theorems for free constructors,
+as performed internally by \cmd{datatype\_new} and \cmd{codatatype}.
+then: Standard ML interface
+interaction with other tools
+  * code generator (and Quickcheck)
+  * Nitpick
+section {* Registering Bounded Natural Functors *}
+subsection {* Introductory Example *}
+subsection {* General Syntax *}
+section {* Generating Free Constructor Theorems *}
 section {* Defining Datatypes *}
-text {*
-  * theory to include
+subsection {* Introductory Examples *}
+subsubsection {* Nonrecursive Types *}
+subsubsection {* Simple Recursion *}
+subsubsection {* Mutual Recursion *}
+subsubsection {* Nested Recursion *}
+subsubsection {* Auxiliary Constants *}
+subsection {* General Syntax *}
+subsection {* Characteristic Theorems *}
+subsection {* Compatibility Issues *}
 section {* Defining Primitive Recursive Functions *}
+subsection {* Introductory Examples *}
+subsection {* General Syntax *}
+subsection {* Characteristic Theorems *}
+subsection {* Compatibility Issues *}
 section {* Defining Codatatypes *}
+subsection {* Introductory Examples *}
+subsection {* General Syntax *}
+subsection {* Characteristic Theorems *}
 section {* Defining Primitive Corecursive Functions *}
+subsection {* Introductory Examples *}
+subsection {* General Syntax *}
+subsection {* Characteristic Theorems *}
+subsection {* Compatibility Issues *}
 section {* Registering Bounded Natural Functors *}
+subsection {* Introductory Example *}
+subsection {* General Syntax *}
 section {* Generating Free Constructor Theorems *}
-section {* Conclusion *}
+subsection {* Introductory Example *}
+subsection {* General Syntax *}
+section {* Registering Bounded Natural Functors *}
+section {* Standard ML Interface *}
+section {* Interoperability Issues *}
+subsection {* Transfer and Lifting *}
+subsection {* Code Generator *}
+subsection {* Quickcheck *}
+subsection {* Nitpick *}
+subsection {* Nominal Isabelle *}
+section {* Known Bugs and Limitations *}
+text {*
+* slow n-ary mutual (co)datatype, avoid as much as possible (e.g. using nesting)
--- a/src/Doc/Datatypes/document/root.tex	Tue Jul 30 16:22:39 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Datatypes/document/root.tex	Tue Jul 30 19:49:42 2013 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} % fleqn
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
@@ -27,13 +30,15 @@
-This tutorial describes how to use the new package for defining
-datatypes and codatatypes in Isabelle/HOL. The package provides four
-main user-level commands: \cmd{datatype\_new}, \cmd{codatatype}, \cmd{primrec\_new}, and
-\cmd{primcorec}. The \cmd{\_new} commands are designed to subsume, and eventually
+This tutorial describes how to use the new package for defining datatypes and
+codatatypes in Isabelle/HOL. The package provides four main user-level commands:
+\cmd{datatype\_new}, \cmd{codatatype}, \cmd{primrec\_new}, and \cmd{primcorec}.
+The commands suffixed by \cmd{\_new} are intended to subsume, and eventually
 replace, the corresponding commands from the old datatype package.
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/README.html	Tue Jul 30 16:22:39 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/README.html	Tue Jul 30 19:49:42 2013 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 The package is described in the following paper:
-  <li><a href="">Foundational, Compositional (Co)datatypes for Higher-Order Logic&mdash;Category Theory Applied to Theorem Proving</a>, <br>
+  <li><a href="">Foundational, Compositional (Co)datatypes for Higher-Order Logic&mdash;Category Theory Applied to Theorem Proving</a>, <br>
   Dmitriy Traytel, Andrei Popescu, and Jasmin Christian Blanchette.<br>
   <i>Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2012)</i>, 2012.