--- a/NEWS Fri Jan 06 17:44:42 2012 +0100
+++ b/NEWS Fri Jan 06 10:53:52 2012 +0100
@@ -101,10 +101,15 @@
* 'set' is now a proper type constructor. Definitions mem_def and Collect_def
-have disappeared. INCOMPATIBILITY, rephrase sets S used as predicates by
-"%x. x : S" and predicates P used as sets by "{x. P x}". For typical proofs,
-it is often sufficent to prune any tinkering with former theorems mem_def
+have disappeared. INCOMPATIBILITY.
+For developments keeping predicates and sets
+separate, it is often sufficient to rephrase sets S accidentally used as predicates by
+"%x. x : S" and predicates P accidentally used as sets by "{x. P x}". Corresponding
+proofs in a first step should be pruned from any tinkering with former theorems mem_def
and Collect_def.
+For developments which deliberately mixed predicates and sets, a planning step is
+necessary to determine what should become a predicate and what a set. It can be helpful
+to carry out that step in Isabelle 2011-1 before jumping to the current release.
* Theory HOL/Library/AList has been renamed to AList_Impl. INCOMPATIBILITY.