Mon, 29 Sep 2014 12:30:09 +0200
changeset 58479 d15707791817
parent 58478 999adf103930 (diff)
parent 58471 ab4b94892c4c (current diff)
child 58480 9953ab32d9c2
--- a/src/Doc/Datatypes/Datatypes.thy	Mon Sep 29 11:18:25 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Datatypes/Datatypes.thy	Mon Sep 29 12:30:09 2014 +0200
@@ -900,9 +900,8 @@
 @{thm list.rel_intros(1)[no_vars]} \\
 @{thm list.rel_intros(2)[no_vars]}
-% FIXME (and add @ before antiquotation below)
-%\item[@{text "t."}\hthm{rel_cases} @{text "[consumes 1, case_names t\<^sub>1 \<dots> t\<^sub>m, cases pred]"}\rm:] ~ \\
-%{thm list.rel_cases[no_vars]}
+\item[@{text "t."}\hthm{rel_cases} @{text "[consumes 1, case_names t\<^sub>1 \<dots> t\<^sub>m, cases pred]"}\rm:] ~ \\
+@{thm list.rel_cases[no_vars]}
 \item[@{text "t."}\hthm{rel_sel}\rm:] ~ \\
 @{thm list.rel_sel[no_vars]}
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Mon Sep 29 11:18:25 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Mon Sep 29 12:30:09 2014 +0200
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 val max_callsK = "max_calls" (*=NUM: max. no. of calls to sledgehammer*)
 val preplay_timeoutK = "preplay_timeout" (*=TIME: timeout for finding reconstructed proof*)
 val isar_proofsK = "isar_proofs" (*: enable Isar proof generation*)
+val smt_proofsK = "smt_proofs" (*: enable SMT proof generation*)
 val minimizeK = "minimize" (*: instruct sledgehammer to run its minimizer*)
 val check_trivialK = "check_trivial" (*: check if goals are "trivial" (false by default)*)
@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@
 type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature
-fun good_line s =
+fun is_good_line s =
   (String.isSubstring " ms)" s orelse String.isSubstring " s)" s)
   andalso not (String.isSubstring "(> " s)
   andalso not (String.isSubstring ", > " s)
@@ -325,9 +326,16 @@
 (* Fragile hack *)
 fun proof_method_from_msg args msg =
   (case AList.lookup (op =) args proof_methodK of
-    SOME name => name
+    SOME name =>
+    if name = "smart" then
+      if exists is_good_line (split_lines msg) then
+        "none"
+      else
+        "fail"
+    else
+      name
   | NONE =>
-    if exists good_line (split_lines msg) then
+    if exists is_good_line (split_lines msg) then
       "none" (* trust the preplayed proof *)
     else if String.isSubstring "metis (" msg then
       msg |> Substring.full
@@ -349,8 +357,8 @@
 fun run_sh prover_name fact_filter type_enc strict max_facts slice
       lam_trans uncurried_aliases e_selection_heuristic term_order force_sos
-      hard_timeout timeout preplay_timeout isar_proofsLST minimizeLST
-      max_new_mono_instancesLST max_mono_itersLST dir pos st =
+      hard_timeout timeout preplay_timeout isar_proofsLST smt_proofsLST
+      minimizeLST max_new_mono_instancesLST max_mono_itersLST dir pos st =
     val thy = Proof.theory_of st
     val {context = ctxt, facts = chained_ths, goal} = Proof.goal st
@@ -375,7 +383,7 @@
                   force_sos |> the_default I))
     val params as {max_facts, minimize, preplay_timeout, ...} =
       Sledgehammer_Commands.default_params thy
-         ([("verbose", "true"),
+         ([(* ("verbose", "true"), *)
            ("fact_filter", fact_filter),
            ("type_enc", type_enc),
            ("strict", strict),
@@ -386,6 +394,7 @@
            ("timeout", string_of_int timeout),
            ("preplay_timeout", preplay_timeout)]
           |> isar_proofsLST
+          |> smt_proofsLST
           |> minimizeLST (*don't confuse the two minimization flags*)
           |> max_new_mono_instancesLST
           |> max_mono_itersLST)
@@ -471,6 +480,7 @@
     val preplay_timeout = AList.lookup (op =) args preplay_timeoutK
       |> the_default preplay_timeout_default
     val isar_proofsLST = available_parameter args isar_proofsK "isar_proofs"
+    val smt_proofsLST = available_parameter args smt_proofsK "smt_proofs"
     val minimizeLST = available_parameter args minimizeK "minimize"
     val max_new_mono_instancesLST =
       available_parameter args max_new_mono_instancesK max_new_mono_instancesK
@@ -479,8 +489,8 @@
     val (msg, result) =
       run_sh prover_name fact_filter type_enc strict max_facts slice lam_trans
         uncurried_aliases e_selection_heuristic term_order force_sos
-        hard_timeout timeout preplay_timeout isar_proofsLST minimizeLST
-        max_new_mono_instancesLST max_mono_itersLST dir pos st
+        hard_timeout timeout preplay_timeout isar_proofsLST smt_proofsLST
+        minimizeLST max_new_mono_instancesLST max_mono_itersLST dir pos st
     (case result of
       SH_OK (time_isa, time_prover, names) =>
@@ -559,8 +569,12 @@
           in Metis_Tactic.metis_tac type_encs lam_trans ctxt thms end
         else if !meth = "metis" then
           Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.default_metis_lam_trans ctxt thms
+        else if !meth = "none" then
+          K all_tac
+        else if !meth = "fail" then
+          K no_tac
-          K all_tac
+          (warning ("Unknown method " ^ quote (!meth)); K no_tac)
     fun apply_method named_thms =
       Mirabelle.can_apply timeout (do_method named_thms) st
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem_generate.ML	Mon Sep 29 11:18:25 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem_generate.ML	Mon Sep 29 12:30:09 2014 +0200
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
   val mk_aconns :
     atp_connective -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) atp_formula list
     -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) atp_formula
+  val unmangled_type : string -> (string, 'a) ATP_Problem.atp_term
   val unmangled_const : string -> string * (string, 'b) atp_term list
   val unmangled_const_name : string -> string list
   val helper_table : ((string * bool) * (status * thm) list) list
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML	Mon Sep 29 11:18:25 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML	Mon Sep 29 12:30:09 2014 +0200
@@ -348,17 +348,22 @@
    >> AType) x
 and parse_types x = (parse_type ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_type)) x
-(* We currently ignore TFF and THF types. *)
-fun parse_type_signature x = Scan.repeat (($$ tptp_has_type || $$ tptp_fun_type) |-- parse_arg) x
+(* We currently half ignore types. *)
+fun parse_optional_type_signature x =
+  Scan.option ($$ tptp_has_type |-- parse_type) x
 and parse_arg x =
-  ($$ "(" |-- parse_term --| $$ ")" --| parse_type_signature
-   || scan_general_id --| parse_type_signature
+  ($$ "(" |-- parse_term --| $$ ")" --| parse_optional_type_signature
+   || scan_general_id -- parse_optional_type_signature
        -- Scan.optional ($$ "<" |-- parse_types --| $$ ">") []
        -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_terms --| $$ ")") []
-     >> ATerm) x
+     >> (fn (((s, ty_opt), tyargs), args) =>
+       if is_tptp_variable s andalso null tyargs andalso null args andalso is_some ty_opt then
+         ATerm ((s, the_list ty_opt), [])
+       else
+         ATerm ((s, tyargs), args))) x
 and parse_term x =
   (parse_arg -- Scan.repeat ($$ tptp_app |-- parse_arg)
-   --| Scan.option parse_type_signature >> list_app) x
+   --| parse_optional_type_signature >> list_app) x
 and parse_terms x = (parse_term ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_term)) x
 fun parse_atom x =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_reconstruct.ML	Mon Sep 29 11:18:25 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_reconstruct.ML	Mon Sep 29 12:30:09 2014 +0200
@@ -156,27 +156,6 @@
     SOME s => s
   | NONE => raise ATP_CLASS [cls])
-(* Type variables are given the basic sort "HOL.type". Some will later be constrained by information
-   from type literals, or by type inference. *)
-fun typ_of_atp_type ctxt (ty as AType ((a, clss), tys)) =
-    let val Ts = map (typ_of_atp_type ctxt) tys in
-      (case unprefix_and_unascii type_const_prefix a of
-        SOME b => Type (invert_const b, Ts)
-      | NONE =>
-        if not (null tys) then
-          raise ATP_TYPE [ty] (* only "tconst"s have type arguments *)
-        else
-          (case unprefix_and_unascii tfree_prefix a of
-            SOME b => make_tfree ctxt b
-          | NONE =>
-            (* The term could be an Isabelle variable or a variable from the ATP, say "X1" or "_5018".
-               Sometimes variables from the ATP are indistinguishable from Isabelle variables, which
-               forces us to use a type parameter in all cases. *)
-            Type_Infer.param 0 ("'" ^ perhaps (unprefix_and_unascii tvar_prefix) a,
-              (if null clss then @{sort type} else map class_of_atp_class clss))))
-    end
-  | typ_of_atp_type ctxt (AFun (ty1, ty2)) = typ_of_atp_type ctxt ty1 --> typ_of_atp_type ctxt ty2
 fun atp_type_of_atp_term (ATerm ((s, _), us)) =
   let val tys = map atp_type_of_atp_term us in
     if s = tptp_fun_type then
@@ -187,6 +166,30 @@
       AType ((s, []), tys)
+(* Type variables are given the basic sort "HOL.type". Some will later be constrained by information
+   from type literals, or by type inference. *)
+fun typ_of_atp_type ctxt (ty as AType ((a, clss), tys)) =
+    let val Ts = map (typ_of_atp_type ctxt) tys in
+      (case unprefix_and_unascii native_type_prefix a of
+        SOME b => typ_of_atp_type ctxt (atp_type_of_atp_term (unmangled_type b))
+      | NONE =>
+        (case unprefix_and_unascii type_const_prefix a of
+          SOME b => Type (invert_const b, Ts)
+        | NONE =>
+          if not (null tys) then
+            raise ATP_TYPE [ty] (* only "tconst"s have type arguments *)
+          else
+            (case unprefix_and_unascii tfree_prefix a of
+              SOME b => make_tfree ctxt b
+            | NONE =>
+              (* The term could be an Isabelle variable or a variable from the ATP, say "X1" or "_5018".
+                 Sometimes variables from the ATP are indistinguishable from Isabelle variables, which
+                 forces us to use a type parameter in all cases. *)
+              Type_Infer.param 0 ("'" ^ perhaps (unprefix_and_unascii tvar_prefix) a,
+                (if null clss then @{sort type} else map class_of_atp_class clss)))))
+    end
+  | typ_of_atp_type ctxt (AFun (ty1, ty2)) = typ_of_atp_type ctxt ty1 --> typ_of_atp_type ctxt ty2
 fun typ_of_atp_term ctxt = typ_of_atp_type ctxt o atp_type_of_atp_term
 (* Type class literal applied to a type. Returns triple of polarity, class, type. *)
@@ -337,7 +340,7 @@
           error "Isar proof reconstruction failed because the ATP proof contains unparsable \
         else if String.isPrefix native_type_prefix s then
-          @{const True} (* ignore TPTP type information *)
+          @{const True} (* ignore TPTP type information (needed?) *)
         else if s = tptp_equal then
           list_comb (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type_Infer.anyT @{sort type}),
             map (do_term [] NONE) us)
@@ -620,10 +623,6 @@
   #> map_proof_terms (infer_formulas_types ctxt #> map HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
   #> local_prover = waldmeisterN ? repair_waldmeister_endgame
-fun take_distinct_vars seen ((t as Var _) :: ts) =
-    if member (op aconv) seen t then rev seen else take_distinct_vars (t :: seen) ts
-  | take_distinct_vars seen _ = rev seen
 fun unskolemize_term skos =
     val is_skolem = member (op =) skos
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Mon Sep 29 11:18:25 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Mon Sep 29 12:30:09 2014 +0200
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
   {exec = K (["SPASS_NEW_HOME", "SPASS_HOME"], ["SPASS"]),
    arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn extra_options => fn timeout =>
        fn file_name => fn _ =>
-       "-Isabelle=1 " ^ (if full_proofs then "-Splits=0 " else "") ^
+       "-Isabelle=1 " ^ (if full_proofs then "-CNFRenaming=0 -Splits=0 " else "") ^
        "-TimeLimit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name
        |> extra_options <> "" ? prefix (extra_options ^ " "),
    proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML	Mon Sep 29 11:18:25 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML	Mon Sep 29 12:30:09 2014 +0200
@@ -1124,8 +1124,8 @@
 fun postproc_co_induct lthy nn prop prop_conj =
   #> `(conj_dests nn)
-  #>> map (fn thm => Thm.permute_prems 0 (~1) (thm RS prop))
-  ##> (fn thm => Thm.permute_prems 0 (~nn)
+  #>> map (fn thm => Thm.permute_prems 0 ~1 (thm RS prop))
+  ##> (fn thm => Thm.permute_prems 0 (~ nn)
     (if nn = 1 then thm RS prop
      else funpow nn (fn thm => unfold_thms lthy @{thms conj_assoc} (thm RS prop_conj)) thm));
@@ -1524,12 +1524,9 @@
     val consumes_attr = Attrib.internal (K (Rule_Cases.consumes 1));
-    map (fn Asets =>
-      let
-        fun massage_thm thm = rotate_prems (~1) (thm RS bspec);
-      in
-        mk_thm lthy fpTs ctrss Asets |> nn = 1 ? map_prod massage_thm (cons consumes_attr)
-      end) (transpose setss)
+    map (mk_thm lthy fpTs ctrss
+        #> nn = 1 ? map_prod (fn thm => rotate_prems ~1 (thm RS bspec)) (cons consumes_attr))
+      (transpose setss)
 fun derive_coinduct_corecs_thms_for_types pre_bnfs (x, cs, cpss, (((pgss, _, _, _), cqgsss), _))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar_proof.ML	Mon Sep 29 11:18:25 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar_proof.ML	Mon Sep 29 12:30:09 2014 +0200
@@ -236,15 +236,24 @@
           val (xs', subst_ctxt' as (subst', _)) = rename_obtains xs subst_ctxt
           val t' = subst_atomic subst' t
-          val subs' = map (rationalize_proof subst_ctxt') subs
+          val subs' = map (rationalize_proof false subst_ctxt') subs
           (Prove (qs, xs', l, t', subs', facts, meths, comment), subst_ctxt')
-    and rationalize_proof (subst_ctxt as (subst, _)) (Proof (fix, assms, steps)) =
-      Proof (fix, map (apsnd (subst_atomic subst)) assms,
-        fst (fold_map rationalize_step steps subst_ctxt))
+    and rationalize_proof outer (subst_ctxt as (subst, ctxt)) (Proof (fix, assms, steps)) =
+      let
+        val (fix', subst_ctxt' as (subst', _)) =
+          if outer then
+            (* last call: eliminate any remaining skolem names (from SMT proofs) *)
+            (fix, (subst @ map (fn x => (Free (apfst Name.skolem x), Free x)) fix, ctxt))
+          else
+            rename_obtains fix subst_ctxt
+      in
+        Proof (fix', map (apsnd (subst_atomic subst')) assms,
+          fst (fold_map rationalize_step steps subst_ctxt'))
+      end
-    rationalize_proof ([], ctxt)
+    rationalize_proof true ([], ctxt)
 val thesis_var = ((Auto_Bind.thesisN, 0), HOLogic.boolT)