tune filename
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 17:02:56 +0200
changeset 72400 abfeed05c323
parent 72399 f8900a5ad4a7
child 72401 2783779b7dd3
tune filename
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -373,11 +373,11 @@
       |> Proof.map_context
            (set_file_name dir
-            #> (Option.map (Config.put ATP_Systems.e_selection_heuristic)
+            #> (Option.map (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.e_selection_heuristic)
                   e_selection_heuristic |> the_default I)
-            #> (Option.map (Config.put ATP_Systems.term_order)
+            #> (Option.map (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.term_order)
                   term_order |> the_default I)
-            #> (Option.map (Config.put ATP_Systems.force_sos)
+            #> (Option.map (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.force_sos)
                   force_sos |> the_default I))
     val params as {max_facts, minimize, preplay_timeout, ...} =
       Sledgehammer_Commands.default_params thy
--- a/src/HOL/Sledgehammer.thy	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Sledgehammer.thy	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 lemma size_ne_size_imp_ne: "size x \<noteq> size y \<Longrightarrow> x \<noteq> y"
   by (erule contrapos_nn) (rule arg_cong)
-ML_file \<open>Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML\<close> (* TODO: rename and move to Tools/Sledgehammer *)
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/async_manager_legacy.ML\<close>
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML\<close>
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact.ML\<close>
@@ -27,6 +26,7 @@
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar_compress.ML\<close>
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar_minimize.ML\<close>
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML\<close>
+ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_systems.ML\<close>
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover.ML\<close>
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_atp.ML\<close>
 ML_file \<open>Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_smt.ML\<close>
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_problem_import.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_problem_import.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 open ATP_Problem
 open ATP_Proof
 open ATP_Problem_Generate
-open ATP_Systems
 val debug = false
 val overlord = false
@@ -316,7 +315,7 @@
         lam_trans uncurried_aliases readable_names presimp [] conj facts
-    val ord = effective_term_order lthy spassN
+    val ord = Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.effective_term_order lthy spassN
     val ord_info = K []
     val lines = lines_of_atp_problem format ord ord_info atp_problem
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_theory_export.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_theory_export.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 open ATP_Problem
 open ATP_Proof
 open ATP_Problem_Generate
-open ATP_Systems
+open Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems
 val max_dependencies = 100
 val max_facts = 512
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,744 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML
-    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-Setup for supported ATPs.
-signature ATP_SYSTEMS =
-  type term_order = ATP_Problem.term_order
-  type atp_format = ATP_Problem.atp_format
-  type atp_formula_role = ATP_Problem.atp_formula_role
-  type atp_failure = ATP_Proof.atp_failure
-  type slice_spec = (int * string) * atp_format * string * string * bool
-  type atp_config =
-    {exec : bool -> string list * string list,
-     arguments : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> Time.time -> string ->
-       term_order * (unit -> (string * int) list) * (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
-     proof_delims : (string * string) list,
-     known_failures : (atp_failure * string) list,
-     prem_role : atp_formula_role,
-     best_slices : Proof.context -> (real * (slice_spec * string)) list,
-     best_max_mono_iters : int,
-     best_max_new_mono_instances : int}
-  val default_max_mono_iters : int
-  val default_max_new_mono_instances : int
-  val force_sos : bool Config.T
-  val term_order : string Config.T
-  val e_smartN : string
-  val e_autoN : string
-  val e_fun_weightN : string
-  val e_sym_offset_weightN : string
-  val e_selection_heuristic : string Config.T
-  val e_default_fun_weight : real Config.T
-  val e_fun_weight_base : real Config.T
-  val e_fun_weight_span : real Config.T
-  val e_default_sym_offs_weight : real Config.T
-  val e_sym_offs_weight_base : real Config.T
-  val e_sym_offs_weight_span : real Config.T
-  val spass_H1SOS : string
-  val spass_H2 : string
-  val spass_H2LR0LT0 : string
-  val spass_H2NuVS0 : string
-  val spass_H2NuVS0Red2 : string
-  val spass_H2SOS : string
-  val is_vampire_noncommercial_license_accepted : unit -> bool option
-  val remote_atp : string -> string -> string list -> (string * string) list ->
-    (atp_failure * string) list -> atp_formula_role -> (Proof.context -> slice_spec * string) ->
-    string * (unit -> atp_config)
-  val add_atp : string * (unit -> atp_config) -> theory -> theory
-  val get_atp : theory -> string -> (unit -> atp_config)
-  val supported_atps : theory -> string list
-  val is_atp_installed : theory -> string -> bool
-  val refresh_systems_on_tptp : unit -> unit
-  val effective_term_order : Proof.context -> string -> term_order
-structure ATP_Systems : ATP_SYSTEMS =
-open ATP_Problem
-open ATP_Proof
-open ATP_Problem_Generate
-(* ATP configuration *)
-val default_max_mono_iters = 3 (* FUDGE *)
-val default_max_new_mono_instances = 100 (* FUDGE *)
-type slice_spec = (int * string) * atp_format * string * string * bool
-type atp_config =
-  {exec : bool -> string list * string list,
-   arguments : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> Time.time -> string ->
-     term_order * (unit -> (string * int) list) * (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
-   proof_delims : (string * string) list,
-   known_failures : (atp_failure * string) list,
-   prem_role : atp_formula_role,
-   best_slices : Proof.context -> (real * (slice_spec * string)) list,
-   best_max_mono_iters : int,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances : int}
-(* "best_slices" must be found empirically, taking a wholistic approach since
-   the ATPs are run in parallel. Each slice has the format
-     (time_frac, ((max_facts, fact_filter), format, type_enc,
-                  lam_trans, uncurried_aliases), extra)
-   where
-     time_frac = faction of the time available given to the slice (which should
-       add up to 1.0)
-     extra = extra information to the prover (e.g., SOS or no SOS).
-   The last slice should be the most "normal" one, because it will get all the
-   time available if the other slices fail early and also because it is used if
-   slicing is disabled (e.g., by the minimizer). *)
-val mepoN = "mepo"
-val mashN = "mash"
-val meshN = "mesh"
-val tstp_proof_delims =
-  [("% SZS output start CNFRefutation", "% SZS output end CNFRefutation"),
-   ("% SZS output start Refutation", "% SZS output end Refutation"),
-   ("% SZS output start Proof", "% SZS output end Proof")]
-val known_perl_failures =
-  [(CantConnect, "HTTP error"),
-   (NoPerl, "env: perl"),
-   (NoLibwwwPerl, "Can't locate HTTP")]
-fun known_szs_failures wrap =
-  [(Unprovable, wrap "CounterSatisfiable"),
-   (Unprovable, wrap "Satisfiable"),
-   (GaveUp, wrap "GaveUp"),
-   (GaveUp, wrap "Unknown"),
-   (GaveUp, wrap "Incomplete"),
-   (ProofMissing, wrap "Theorem"),
-   (ProofMissing, wrap "Unsatisfiable"),
-   (TimedOut, wrap "Timeout"),
-   (Inappropriate, wrap "Inappropriate"),
-   (OutOfResources, wrap "ResourceOut"),
-   (OutOfResources, wrap "MemoryOut"),
-   (Interrupted, wrap "Forced"),
-   (Interrupted, wrap "User")]
-val known_szs_status_failures = known_szs_failures (prefix "SZS status ")
-val known_says_failures = known_szs_failures (prefix " says ")
-structure Data = Theory_Data
-  type T = ((unit -> atp_config) * stamp) Symtab.table
-  val empty = Symtab.empty
-  val extend = I
-  fun merge data : T =
-    Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) data
-    handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name)
-fun to_secs min time = Int.max (min, (Time.toMilliseconds time + 999) div 1000)
-val sosN = "sos"
-val no_sosN = "no_sos"
-val force_sos = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>atp_force_sos\<close> (K false)
-val smartN = "smart"
-(* val kboN = "kbo" *)
-val lpoN = "lpo"
-val xweightsN = "_weights"
-val xprecN = "_prec"
-val xsimpN = "_simp" (* SPASS-specific *)
-(* Possible values for "atp_term_order":
-   "smart", "(kbo|lpo)(_weights)?(_prec|_simp)?" *)
-val term_order =
-  Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>atp_term_order\<close> (K smartN)
-(* agsyHOL *)
-val agsyhol_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["AGSYHOL_HOME"], ["agsyHOL"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     "--proof --time-out " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
-   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
-   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Hypothesis,
-   best_slices =
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     K [(1.0, (((60, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters - 1 (* FUDGE *),
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val agsyhol = (agsyholN, fn () => agsyhol_config)
-(* Alt-Ergo *)
-val alt_ergo_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["WHY3_HOME"], ["why3"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     "--format tptp --prover 'Alt-Ergo,0.95.2,' --timelimit " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^
-     " " ^ file_name,
-   proof_delims = [],
-   known_failures =
-     [(ProofMissing, ": Valid"),
-      (TimedOut, ": Timeout"),
-      (GaveUp, ": Unknown")],
-   prem_role = Hypothesis,
-   best_slices = fn _ =>
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     [(1.0, (((100, ""), TFF Polymorphic, "poly_native", liftingN, false), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val alt_ergo = (alt_ergoN, fn () => alt_ergo_config)
-(* E *)
-val e_smartN = "smart"
-val e_autoN = "auto"
-val e_fun_weightN = "fun_weight"
-val e_sym_offset_weightN = "sym_offset_weight"
-val e_selection_heuristic =
-  Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_selection_heuristic\<close> (K e_smartN)
-(* FUDGE *)
-val e_default_fun_weight =
-  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_default_fun_weight\<close> (K 20.0)
-val e_fun_weight_base =
-  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_fun_weight_base\<close> (K 0.0)
-val e_fun_weight_span =
-  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_fun_weight_span\<close> (K 40.0)
-val e_default_sym_offs_weight =
-  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_default_sym_offs_weight\<close> (K 1.0)
-val e_sym_offs_weight_base =
-  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_sym_offs_weight_base\<close> (K ~20.0)
-val e_sym_offs_weight_span =
-  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_sym_offs_weight_span\<close> (K 60.0)
-fun e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic fw sow =
-  if heuristic = e_fun_weightN then fw
-  else if heuristic = e_sym_offset_weightN then sow
-  else raise Fail ("unexpected " ^ quote heuristic)
-fun scaled_e_selection_weight ctxt heuristic w =
-  w * Config.get ctxt (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
-                           e_fun_weight_span e_sym_offs_weight_span)
-  + Config.get ctxt (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
-                         e_fun_weight_base e_sym_offs_weight_base)
-  |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int
-fun e_selection_weight_arguments ctxt heuristic sel_weights =
-  if heuristic = e_fun_weightN orelse heuristic = e_sym_offset_weightN then
-    (* supplied by Stephan Schulz *)
-    "--split-clauses=4 --split-reuse-defs --simul-paramod --forward-context-sr \
-    \--destructive-er-aggressive --destructive-er --presat-simplify \
-    \--prefer-initial-clauses -winvfreqrank -c1 -Ginvfreqconjmax -F1 \
-    \--delete-bad-limit=150000000 -WSelectMaxLComplexAvoidPosPred -H'(4*" ^
-    e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic "FunWeight" "SymOffsetWeight" ^
-    "(SimulateSOS," ^
-    (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
-         e_default_fun_weight e_default_sym_offs_weight
-     |> Config.get ctxt |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int) ^
-    ",20,1.5,1.5,1" ^
-    (sel_weights ()
-     |> map (fn (s, w) => "," ^ s ^ ":" ^
-                          scaled_e_selection_weight ctxt heuristic w)
-     |> implode) ^
-    "),3*ConjectureGeneralSymbolWeight(PreferNonGoals,200,100,200,50,50,1,100,\
-    \1.5,1.5,1),1*Clauseweight(PreferProcessed,1,1,1),1*\
-    \FIFOWeight(PreferProcessed))' "
-  else
-    "-xAuto "
-val e_ord_weights = map (fn (s, w) => s ^ ":" ^ string_of_int w) #> space_implode ","
-fun e_ord_precedence [_] = ""
-  | e_ord_precedence info = info |> map fst |> space_implode "<"
-fun e_term_order_info_arguments false false _ = ""
-  | e_term_order_info_arguments gen_weights gen_prec ord_info =
-    let val ord_info = ord_info () in
-      (if gen_weights then "--order-weights='" ^ e_ord_weights ord_info ^ "' " else "") ^
-      (if gen_prec then "--precedence='" ^ e_ord_precedence ord_info ^ "' " else "")
-    end
-val e_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = fn _ => (["E_HOME"], ["eprover"]),
-   arguments = fn ctxt => fn _ => fn heuristic => fn timeout => fn file_name =>
-     fn ({is_lpo, gen_weights, gen_prec, ...}, ord_info, sel_weights) =>
-       "--auto-schedule --tstp-in --tstp-out --silent " ^
-       e_selection_weight_arguments ctxt heuristic sel_weights ^
-       e_term_order_info_arguments gen_weights gen_prec ord_info ^
-       "--term-ordering=" ^ (if is_lpo then "LPO4" else "KBO6") ^ " " ^
-       "--cpu-limit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 2 timeout) ^
-       " --proof-object=1 " ^
-       file_name,
-   proof_delims =
-     [("# SZS output start CNFRefutation", "# SZS output end CNFRefutation")] @
-     tstp_proof_delims,
-   known_failures =
-     [(TimedOut, "Failure: Resource limit exceeded (time)"),
-      (TimedOut, "time limit exceeded")] @
-     known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Conjecture,
-   best_slices = fn ctxt =>
-     let
-       val heuristic = Config.get ctxt e_selection_heuristic
-       val ehoh = string_ord (getenv "E_VERSION", "2.3") <> LESS
-       val (format, enc) =
-         if ehoh then (THF (Monomorphic, THF_Predicate_Free), "mono_native_higher")
-         else (TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native")
-     in
-       (* FUDGE *)
-       if heuristic = e_smartN then
-         [(0.15, (((128, meshN), format, enc, combsN, false), e_fun_weightN)),
-          (0.15, (((128, mashN), format, enc, combsN, false), e_sym_offset_weightN)),
-          (0.15, (((91, mepoN), format, enc, combsN, false), e_autoN)),
-          (0.15, (((1000, meshN), format, "poly_guards??", combsN, false), e_sym_offset_weightN)),
-          (0.15, (((256, mepoN), format, enc, liftingN, false), e_fun_weightN)),
-          (0.25, (((64, mashN), format, enc, combsN, false), e_fun_weightN))]
-       else
-         [(1.0, (((500, ""), format, enc, combsN, false), heuristic))]
-     end,
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val e = (eN, fn () => e_config)
-(* E-Par *)
-val e_par_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["E_HOME"], ["runepar.pl"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " 1 " (* SInE *) ^ file_name ^ " 2" (* proofs *),
-   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
-   known_failures = #known_failures e_config,
-   prem_role = Conjecture,
-   best_slices =
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     K [(0.25, (((500, meshN), FOF, "mono_guards??", combs_or_liftingN, false), "")),
-        (0.25, (((150, meshN), FOF, "poly_tags??", combs_or_liftingN, false), "")),
-        (0.25, (((50, meshN), FOF, "mono_tags??", combs_or_liftingN, false), "")),
-        (0.25, (((1000, meshN), FOF, "poly_guards??", combsN, false), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val e_par = (e_parN, fn () => e_par_config)
-(* iProver *)
-val iprover_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["IPROVER_HOME"], ["iproveropt", "iprover"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     "--clausifier \"$E_HOME\"/eprover " ^
-     "--clausifier_options \"--tstp-format --silent --cnf\" " ^
-     "--time_out_real " ^ string_of_real (Time.toReal timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
-   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
-   known_failures =
-     [(ProofIncomplete, "% SZS output start CNFRefutation")] @
-     known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Hypothesis,
-   best_slices =
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     K [(1.0, (((150, ""), FOF, "mono_guards??", liftingN, false), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val iprover = (iproverN, fn () => iprover_config)
-(* LEO-II *)
-val leo2_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["LEO2_HOME"], ["leo.opt", "leo"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     "--foatp e --atp e=\"$E_HOME\"/eprover \
-     \--atp epclextract=\"$E_HOME\"/epclextract \
-     \--proofoutput 1 --timeout " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^
-     (if full_proofs then "--notReplLeibnizEQ --notReplAndrewsEQ --notUseExtCnfCmbd " else "") ^
-     file_name,
-   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
-   known_failures =
-     [(TimedOut, "CPU time limit exceeded, terminating"),
-      (GaveUp, "No.of.Axioms")] @
-     known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Hypothesis,
-   best_slices =
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     K [(1.0, (((40, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters - 1 (* FUDGE *),
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val leo2 = (leo2N, fn () => leo2_config)
-(* Leo-III *)
-(* Include choice? Disabled now since it's disabled for Satallax as well. *)
-val leo3_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["LEO3_HOME"], ["leo3"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     file_name ^ " " ^ "--atp cvc=$CVC4_SOLVER --atp e=\"$E_HOME\"/eprover \
-     \-p -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^
-     (if full_proofs then "--nleq --naeq " else ""),
-   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
-   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Hypothesis,
-   best_slices =
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     K [(1.0, (((150, ""), THF (Polymorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters - 1 (* FUDGE *),
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val leo3 = (leo3N, fn () => leo3_config)
-(* Satallax *)
-(* Choice is disabled until there is proper reconstruction for it. *)
-val satallax_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["SATALLAX_HOME"], ["satallax.opt", "satallax"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     (case getenv "E_HOME" of
-       "" => ""
-     | home => "-E " ^ home ^ "/eprover ") ^
-     "-p tstp -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
-   proof_delims =
-     [("% SZS output start Proof", "% SZS output end Proof")],
-   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Hypothesis,
-   best_slices =
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     K [(1.0, (((150, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters - 1 (* FUDGE *),
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val satallax = (satallaxN, fn () => satallax_config)
-(* SPASS *)
-val spass_H1SOS = "-Heuristic=1 -SOS"
-val spass_H2 = "-Heuristic=2"
-val spass_H2LR0LT0 = "-Heuristic=2 -LR=0 -LT=0"
-val spass_H2NuVS0 = "-Heuristic=2 -RNuV=1 -Sorts=0"
-val spass_H2NuVS0Red2 = "-Heuristic=2 -RNuV=1 -Sorts=0 -RFRew=2 -RBRew=2 -RTaut=2"
-val spass_H2SOS = "-Heuristic=2 -SOS"
-val spass_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["SPASS_HOME"], ["SPASS"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn extra_options => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     "-Isabelle=1 " ^ (if full_proofs then "-CNFRenaming=0 -Splits=0 " else "") ^
-     "-TimeLimit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name
-     |> extra_options <> "" ? prefix (extra_options ^ " "),
-   proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
-   known_failures =
-     [(GaveUp, "SPASS beiseite: Completion found"),
-      (TimedOut, "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time"),
-      (OutOfResources, "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded"),
-      (MalformedInput, "Undefined symbol"),
-      (MalformedInput, "Free Variable"),
-      (Unprovable, "No formulae and clauses found in input file"),
-      (InternalError, "Please report this error")] @
-      known_perl_failures,
-   prem_role = Conjecture,
-   best_slices = fn _ =>
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     [(0.1667, (((150, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, true), "")),
-      (0.1667, (((500, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", liftingN, true), spass_H2SOS)),
-      (0.1666, (((50, meshN), DFG Monomorphic,  "mono_native", liftingN, true), spass_H2LR0LT0)),
-      (0.1000, (((250, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, true), spass_H2NuVS0)),
-      (0.1000, (((1000, mepoN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", liftingN, true), spass_H1SOS)),
-      (0.1000, (((150, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "poly_guards??", liftingN, false), spass_H2NuVS0Red2)),
-      (0.1000, (((300, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, true), spass_H2SOS)),
-      (0.1000, (((100, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", combs_and_liftingN, true), spass_H2))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val spass = (spassN, fn () => spass_config)
-(* Vampire *)
-fun is_vampire_noncommercial_license_accepted () =
-  let
-    val flag = Options.default_string \<^system_option>\<open>vampire_noncommercial\<close>
-      |> String.map Char.toLower
-  in
-    if flag = "yes" then
-      SOME true
-    else if flag = "no" then
-      SOME false
-    else
-      NONE
-  end
-fun check_vampire_noncommercial () =
-  (case is_vampire_noncommercial_license_accepted () of
-    SOME true => ()
-  | SOME false =>
-    error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.para
-      "The Vampire prover may be used only for noncommercial applications"))
-  | NONE =>
-    error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.para
-      "The Vampire prover is not activated; to activate it, set the Isabelle system option \
-      \\"vampire_noncommercial\" to \"yes\" (e.g. via the Isabelle/jEdit menu Plugin Options \
-      \/ Isabelle / General)")))
-val vampire_basic_options = "--proof tptp --output_axiom_names on $VAMPIRE_EXTRA_OPTIONS"
-val vampire_full_proof_options =
-  " --proof_extra free --forced_options avatar=off:equality_proxy=off:general_splitting=off:inequality_splitting=0:naming=0"
-val remote_vampire_command =
-  "vampire " ^ vampire_basic_options ^ " " ^ vampire_full_proof_options ^ " -t %d %s"
-val vampire_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["VAMPIRE_HOME"], ["vampire"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn sos => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     (check_vampire_noncommercial ();
-      vampire_basic_options ^ (if full_proofs then " " ^ vampire_full_proof_options else "") ^
-      " -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " --input_file " ^ file_name
-      |> sos = sosN ? prefix "--sos on "),
-   proof_delims =
-     [("=========== Refutation ==========",
-       "======= End of refutation =======")] @
-     tstp_proof_delims,
-   known_failures =
-     [(GaveUp, "UNPROVABLE"),
-      (GaveUp, "CANNOT PROVE"),
-      (Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
-      (Unprovable, "Termination reason: Satisfiable"),
-      (Interrupted, "Aborted by signal SIGINT")] @
-     known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Hypothesis,
-   best_slices = fn ctxt =>
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     [(0.333, (((500, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combs_or_liftingN, false), sosN)),
-      (0.333, (((150, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "poly_tags??", combs_or_liftingN, false), sosN)),
-      (0.334, (((50, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combs_or_liftingN, false), no_sosN))]
-     |> Config.get ctxt force_sos ? (hd #> apfst (K 1.0) #> single),
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = 2 * default_max_new_mono_instances (* FUDGE *)}
-val vampire = (vampireN, fn () => vampire_config)
-(* Z3 with TPTP syntax (half experimental, half legacy) *)
-val z3_tptp_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["Z3_TPTP_HOME"], ["z3_tptp"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     "-proof -t:" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " -file:" ^ file_name,
-   proof_delims = [("SZS status Theorem", "")],
-   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Hypothesis,
-   best_slices =
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     K [(0.5, (((250, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), "")),
-        (0.25, (((125, mepoN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), "")),
-        (0.125, (((62, mashN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), "")),
-        (0.125, (((31, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = 2 * default_max_new_mono_instances (* FUDGE *)}
-val z3_tptp = (z3_tptpN, fn () => z3_tptp_config)
-(* Zipperposition *)
-val zipperposition_blsimp = "--mode ho-pragmatic --max-inferences 3 --ho-max-app-projections 0 --ho-max-elims 0 --ho-max-rigid-imitations 2 --ho-max-identifications 0 --ho-unif-max-depth 2 --boolean-reasoning no-cases --ext-rules ext-family --ext-rules-max-depth 1 --kbo-weight-fun invdocc --ho-prim-enum tf --ho-prim-enum-early-bird true --tptp-def-as-rewrite --ho-unif-level pragmatic-framework -q '1|const|conjecture-relative-var(1,s,f)' -q '1|prefer-processed|pnrefined(1,1,1,2,2,2,0.5)' -q '1|prefer-sos|staggered(1)' -q '2|prefer-fo|default' -q '1|prefer-neg-unit|orient-lmax(2,1,2,1,1)' -q '2|prefer-easy-ho|conjecture-relative-struct(1.5,3.5,2,3)' --ho-elim-leibniz 2 --ho-fixpoint-decider true --ho-pattern-decider false --ho-solid-decider true --ho-max-solidification 12  --select e-selection11 --solve-formulas true --sup-at-vars false --sup-at-var-headed false --lazy-cnf true --lazy-cnf-kind simp --lazy-cnf-renaming-threshold 4 --sine 50 --sine-tolerance 1.7 --sine-depth-max 3 --sine-depth-min 1 --sine-trim-implications true --ho-selection-restriction none --sup-from-var-headed false --sine-trim-implications true"
-val zipperposition_s6 = "--tptp-def-as-rewrite --rewrite-before-cnf true --mode ho-competitive --boolean-reasoning no-cases --ext-rules off --ho-prim-enum none --recognize-injectivity true --ho-elim-leibniz off --ho-unif-level full-framework --no-max-vars -q '3|const|conjecture-relative-var(1.02,l,f)' -q '1|prefer-ho-steps|conjecture-relative-var(1,s,f)' -q '1|prefer-processed|fifo' -q '3|by-app-var-num|pnrefined(2,1,1,1,2,2,2)' --select ho-selection5 --prec-gen-fun unary_first --solid-subsumption false --ignore-orphans false --ho-solid-decider true --ho-fixpoint-decider true --ho-pattern-decider true --sup-at-vars false --sup-at-var-headed false --sup-from-var-headed false --ho-neg-ext-simpl true"
-val zipperposition_cdots = "--mode ho-competitive --boolean-reasoning cases-simpl --ext-rules ext-family --ext-rules-max-depth 1 --ho-prim-enum pragmatic --ho-prim-max 1 --bool-subterm-selection A --avatar off --recognize-injectivity true --ho-elim-leibniz 1 --ho-unif-level full-framework --no-max-vars -q '6|prefer-sos|pnrefined(1,1,1,2,2,2,0.5)' -q '6|const|conjecture-relative-var(1.02,l,f)' -q '1|prefer-processed|fifo' -q '1|prefer-non-goals|conjecture-relative-var(1,l,f)' -q '4|prefer-easy-ho|conjecture-relative-var(1.01,s,f)' --select e-selection7 --ho-choice-inst true --sine 50 --sine-tolerance 2 --sine-depth-max 4 --sine-depth-min 1 --scan-clause-ac true --lambdasup 0 --kbo-weight-fun invfreqrank"
-val zipperposition_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["ZIPPERPOSITION_HOME"], ["zipperposition"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn extra_options => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     "--input tptp --output tptp --timeout " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name
-     |> extra_options <> "" ? prefix (extra_options ^ " "),
-   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
-   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = Conjecture,
-   best_slices = fn _ =>
-     (* FUDGE *)
-     [(0.333, (((128, "meshN"), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), zipperposition_blsimp)),
-      (0.333, (((32, "meshN"), THF (Polymorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "poly_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), zipperposition_s6)),
-      (0.334, (((512, "meshN"), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), zipperposition_cdots))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val zipperposition = (zipperpositionN, fn () => zipperposition_config)
-(* Remote Pirate invocation *)
-val remote_pirate_config : atp_config =
-  {exec = K (["ISABELLE_ATP"], ["scripts/remote_pirate"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
-   proof_delims = [("Involved clauses:", "Involved clauses:")],
-   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
-   prem_role = #prem_role spass_config,
-   best_slices = K [(1.0, (((200, ""), DFG Polymorphic, "tc_native", combsN, true), ""))],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
-val remote_pirate = (remote_prefix ^ pirateN, fn () => remote_pirate_config)
-(* Remote ATP invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
-val remote_systems = Synchronized.var "atp_remote_systems" ([] : string list)
-fun get_remote_systems () =
-  Timeout.apply (seconds 10.0) (fn () =>
-    (case Isabelle_System.bash_output "\"$ISABELLE_ATP/scripts/remote_atp\" -w 2>&1" of
-      (output, 0) => split_lines output
-    | (output, _) =>
-      (warning
-         (case extract_known_atp_failure known_perl_failures output of
-           SOME failure => string_of_atp_failure failure
-         | NONE => trim_line output); []))) ()
-  handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => []
-fun find_remote_system name [] systems =
-    find_first (String.isPrefix (name ^ "---")) systems
-  | find_remote_system name (version :: versions) systems =
-    case find_first (String.isPrefix (name ^ "---" ^ version)) systems of
-      NONE => find_remote_system name versions systems
-    | res => res
-fun get_remote_system name versions =
-  Synchronized.change_result remote_systems (fn systems =>
-    (if null systems then get_remote_systems () else systems)
-    |> `(`(find_remote_system name versions)))
-fun the_remote_system name versions =
-  (case get_remote_system name versions of
-    (SOME sys, _) => sys
-  | (NONE, []) => error "SystemOnTPTP is currently not available"
-  | (NONE, syss) =>
-    (case syss |> filter_out (String.isPrefix "%") |> filter_out (curry (op =) "") of
-      [] => error "SystemOnTPTP is currently not available"
-    | [msg] => error ("SystemOnTPTP is currently not available: " ^ msg)
-    | syss =>
-      error ("System " ^ quote name ^ " is not available at SystemOnTPTP.\n(Available systems: " ^
-        commas_quote syss ^ ".)")))
-val max_remote_secs = 1000   (* give Geoff Sutcliffe's servers a break *)
-fun remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures prem_role best_slice =
-  {exec = K (["ISABELLE_ATP"], ["scripts/remote_atp"]),
-   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn command => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
-     (if command <> "" then "-c " ^ quote command ^ " " else "") ^
-     "-s " ^ the_remote_system system_name system_versions ^ " " ^
-     "-t " ^ string_of_int (Int.min (max_remote_secs, to_secs 1 timeout)) ^
-     " " ^ file_name,
-   proof_delims = union (op =) tstp_proof_delims proof_delims,
-   known_failures = known_failures @ known_perl_failures @ known_says_failures,
-   prem_role = prem_role,
-   best_slices = fn ctxt => [(1.0, best_slice ctxt)],
-   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
-   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances} : atp_config
-fun remotify_config system_name system_versions best_slice
-    ({proof_delims, known_failures, prem_role, ...} : atp_config) =
-  remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures prem_role best_slice
-fun remote_atp name system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures prem_role best_slice =
-  (remote_prefix ^ name, fn () =>
-     remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures prem_role best_slice)
-fun remotify_atp (name, config) system_name system_versions best_slice =
-  (remote_prefix ^ name, remotify_config system_name system_versions best_slice o config)
-fun gen_remote_waldmeister name type_enc =
-  remote_atp name "Waldmeister" ["710"] tstp_proof_delims
-    ([(OutOfResources, "Too many function symbols"),
-      (Inappropriate, "****  Unexpected end of file."),
-      (Crashed, "Unrecoverable Segmentation Fault")]
-     @ known_szs_status_failures)
-    Hypothesis
-    (K (((50, ""), CNF_UEQ, type_enc, combsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_agsyhol =
-  remotify_atp agsyhol "agsyHOL" ["1.0", "1"]
-    (K (((60, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_alt_ergo =
-  remotify_atp alt_ergo "Alt-Ergo" ["0.95.2"]
-    (K (((250, ""), TFF Polymorphic, "poly_native", keep_lamsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_e =
-  remotify_atp e "E" ["2.0", "1.9.1", "1.8"]
-    (K (((750, ""), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_iprover =
-  remotify_atp iprover "iProver" ["0.99"]
-    (K (((150, ""), FOF, "mono_guards??", liftingN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_leo2 =
-  remotify_atp leo2 "LEO-II" ["1.5.0", "1.4", "1.3", "1.2", "1"]
-    (K (((40, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", liftingN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_leo3 =
-  remotify_atp leo3 "Leo-III" ["1.1"]
-    (K (((150, ""), THF (Polymorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "poly_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_snark =
-  remote_atp snarkN "SNARK" ["20120808r022", "20080805r029", "20080805r024"]
-    [("refutation.", "end_refutation.")] [] Hypothesis
-    (K (((100, ""), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", liftingN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_vampire =
-  remotify_atp vampire "Vampire" ["THF-4.4"]
-    (K (((400, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), remote_vampire_command) (* FUDGE *))
-val remote_waldmeister = gen_remote_waldmeister waldmeisterN "raw_mono_tags??"
-val remote_zipperposition =
-  remotify_atp zipperposition "Zipperpin" ["2.0"]
-    (K (((512, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
-(* Setup *)
-fun add_atp (name, config) thy =
-  Data.map (Symtab.update_new (name, (config, stamp ()))) thy
-  handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name)
-fun get_atp thy name =
-  fst (the (Symtab.lookup (Data.get thy) name))
-  handle Option.Option => error ("Unknown ATP: " ^ name)
-val supported_atps = Symtab.keys o Data.get
-fun is_atp_installed thy name =
-  let val {exec, ...} = get_atp thy name () in
-    exists (fn var => getenv var <> "") (fst (exec false))
-  end
-fun refresh_systems_on_tptp () =
-  Synchronized.change remote_systems (fn _ => get_remote_systems ())
-fun effective_term_order ctxt atp =
-  let val ord = Config.get ctxt term_order in
-    if ord = smartN then
-      {is_lpo = false, gen_weights = (atp = spassN), gen_prec = (atp = spassN),
-       gen_simp = String.isSuffix pirateN atp}
-    else
-      let val is_lpo = String.isSubstring lpoN ord in
-        {is_lpo = is_lpo, gen_weights = not is_lpo andalso String.isSubstring xweightsN ord,
-         gen_prec = String.isSubstring xprecN ord, gen_simp = String.isSubstring xsimpN ord}
-      end
-  end
-val atps =
-  [agsyhol, alt_ergo, e, e_par, iprover, leo2, leo3, satallax, spass, vampire, z3_tptp,
-   zipperposition, remote_agsyhol, remote_alt_ergo, remote_e, remote_iprover, remote_leo2,
-   remote_leo3, remote_pirate, remote_snark, remote_vampire, remote_waldmeister,
-   remote_zipperposition]
-val _ = Theory.setup (fold add_atp atps)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_systems.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+Setup for supported ATPs.
+  type term_order = ATP_Problem.term_order
+  type atp_format = ATP_Problem.atp_format
+  type atp_formula_role = ATP_Problem.atp_formula_role
+  type atp_failure = ATP_Proof.atp_failure
+  type slice_spec = (int * string) * atp_format * string * string * bool
+  type atp_config =
+    {exec : bool -> string list * string list,
+     arguments : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> Time.time -> string ->
+       term_order * (unit -> (string * int) list) * (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
+     proof_delims : (string * string) list,
+     known_failures : (atp_failure * string) list,
+     prem_role : atp_formula_role,
+     best_slices : Proof.context -> (real * (slice_spec * string)) list,
+     best_max_mono_iters : int,
+     best_max_new_mono_instances : int}
+  val default_max_mono_iters : int
+  val default_max_new_mono_instances : int
+  val force_sos : bool Config.T
+  val term_order : string Config.T
+  val e_smartN : string
+  val e_autoN : string
+  val e_fun_weightN : string
+  val e_sym_offset_weightN : string
+  val e_selection_heuristic : string Config.T
+  val e_default_fun_weight : real Config.T
+  val e_fun_weight_base : real Config.T
+  val e_fun_weight_span : real Config.T
+  val e_default_sym_offs_weight : real Config.T
+  val e_sym_offs_weight_base : real Config.T
+  val e_sym_offs_weight_span : real Config.T
+  val spass_H1SOS : string
+  val spass_H2 : string
+  val spass_H2LR0LT0 : string
+  val spass_H2NuVS0 : string
+  val spass_H2NuVS0Red2 : string
+  val spass_H2SOS : string
+  val is_vampire_noncommercial_license_accepted : unit -> bool option
+  val remote_atp : string -> string -> string list -> (string * string) list ->
+    (atp_failure * string) list -> atp_formula_role -> (Proof.context -> slice_spec * string) ->
+    string * (unit -> atp_config)
+  val add_atp : string * (unit -> atp_config) -> theory -> theory
+  val get_atp : theory -> string -> (unit -> atp_config)
+  val supported_atps : theory -> string list
+  val is_atp_installed : theory -> string -> bool
+  val refresh_systems_on_tptp : unit -> unit
+  val effective_term_order : Proof.context -> string -> term_order
+structure Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems : SLEDGEHAMMER_ATP_SYSTEMS =
+open ATP_Problem
+open ATP_Proof
+open ATP_Problem_Generate
+(* ATP configuration *)
+val default_max_mono_iters = 3 (* FUDGE *)
+val default_max_new_mono_instances = 100 (* FUDGE *)
+type slice_spec = (int * string) * atp_format * string * string * bool
+type atp_config =
+  {exec : bool -> string list * string list,
+   arguments : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> Time.time -> string ->
+     term_order * (unit -> (string * int) list) * (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
+   proof_delims : (string * string) list,
+   known_failures : (atp_failure * string) list,
+   prem_role : atp_formula_role,
+   best_slices : Proof.context -> (real * (slice_spec * string)) list,
+   best_max_mono_iters : int,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances : int}
+(* "best_slices" must be found empirically, taking a wholistic approach since
+   the ATPs are run in parallel. Each slice has the format
+     (time_frac, ((max_facts, fact_filter), format, type_enc,
+                  lam_trans, uncurried_aliases), extra)
+   where
+     time_frac = faction of the time available given to the slice (which should
+       add up to 1.0)
+     extra = extra information to the prover (e.g., SOS or no SOS).
+   The last slice should be the most "normal" one, because it will get all the
+   time available if the other slices fail early and also because it is used if
+   slicing is disabled (e.g., by the minimizer). *)
+val mepoN = "mepo"
+val mashN = "mash"
+val meshN = "mesh"
+val tstp_proof_delims =
+  [("% SZS output start CNFRefutation", "% SZS output end CNFRefutation"),
+   ("% SZS output start Refutation", "% SZS output end Refutation"),
+   ("% SZS output start Proof", "% SZS output end Proof")]
+val known_perl_failures =
+  [(CantConnect, "HTTP error"),
+   (NoPerl, "env: perl"),
+   (NoLibwwwPerl, "Can't locate HTTP")]
+fun known_szs_failures wrap =
+  [(Unprovable, wrap "CounterSatisfiable"),
+   (Unprovable, wrap "Satisfiable"),
+   (GaveUp, wrap "GaveUp"),
+   (GaveUp, wrap "Unknown"),
+   (GaveUp, wrap "Incomplete"),
+   (ProofMissing, wrap "Theorem"),
+   (ProofMissing, wrap "Unsatisfiable"),
+   (TimedOut, wrap "Timeout"),
+   (Inappropriate, wrap "Inappropriate"),
+   (OutOfResources, wrap "ResourceOut"),
+   (OutOfResources, wrap "MemoryOut"),
+   (Interrupted, wrap "Forced"),
+   (Interrupted, wrap "User")]
+val known_szs_status_failures = known_szs_failures (prefix "SZS status ")
+val known_says_failures = known_szs_failures (prefix " says ")
+structure Data = Theory_Data
+  type T = ((unit -> atp_config) * stamp) Symtab.table
+  val empty = Symtab.empty
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge data : T =
+    Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) data
+    handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name)
+fun to_secs min time = Int.max (min, (Time.toMilliseconds time + 999) div 1000)
+val sosN = "sos"
+val no_sosN = "no_sos"
+val force_sos = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>atp_force_sos\<close> (K false)
+val smartN = "smart"
+(* val kboN = "kbo" *)
+val lpoN = "lpo"
+val xweightsN = "_weights"
+val xprecN = "_prec"
+val xsimpN = "_simp" (* SPASS-specific *)
+(* Possible values for "atp_term_order":
+   "smart", "(kbo|lpo)(_weights)?(_prec|_simp)?" *)
+val term_order =
+  Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>atp_term_order\<close> (K smartN)
+(* agsyHOL *)
+val agsyhol_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["AGSYHOL_HOME"], ["agsyHOL"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     "--proof --time-out " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
+   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
+   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Hypothesis,
+   best_slices =
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     K [(1.0, (((60, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters - 1 (* FUDGE *),
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val agsyhol = (agsyholN, fn () => agsyhol_config)
+(* Alt-Ergo *)
+val alt_ergo_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["WHY3_HOME"], ["why3"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     "--format tptp --prover 'Alt-Ergo,0.95.2,' --timelimit " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^
+     " " ^ file_name,
+   proof_delims = [],
+   known_failures =
+     [(ProofMissing, ": Valid"),
+      (TimedOut, ": Timeout"),
+      (GaveUp, ": Unknown")],
+   prem_role = Hypothesis,
+   best_slices = fn _ =>
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     [(1.0, (((100, ""), TFF Polymorphic, "poly_native", liftingN, false), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val alt_ergo = (alt_ergoN, fn () => alt_ergo_config)
+(* E *)
+val e_smartN = "smart"
+val e_autoN = "auto"
+val e_fun_weightN = "fun_weight"
+val e_sym_offset_weightN = "sym_offset_weight"
+val e_selection_heuristic =
+  Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_selection_heuristic\<close> (K e_smartN)
+(* FUDGE *)
+val e_default_fun_weight =
+  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_default_fun_weight\<close> (K 20.0)
+val e_fun_weight_base =
+  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_fun_weight_base\<close> (K 0.0)
+val e_fun_weight_span =
+  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_fun_weight_span\<close> (K 40.0)
+val e_default_sym_offs_weight =
+  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_default_sym_offs_weight\<close> (K 1.0)
+val e_sym_offs_weight_base =
+  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_sym_offs_weight_base\<close> (K ~20.0)
+val e_sym_offs_weight_span =
+  Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>atp_e_sym_offs_weight_span\<close> (K 60.0)
+fun e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic fw sow =
+  if heuristic = e_fun_weightN then fw
+  else if heuristic = e_sym_offset_weightN then sow
+  else raise Fail ("unexpected " ^ quote heuristic)
+fun scaled_e_selection_weight ctxt heuristic w =
+  w * Config.get ctxt (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
+                           e_fun_weight_span e_sym_offs_weight_span)
+  + Config.get ctxt (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
+                         e_fun_weight_base e_sym_offs_weight_base)
+  |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int
+fun e_selection_weight_arguments ctxt heuristic sel_weights =
+  if heuristic = e_fun_weightN orelse heuristic = e_sym_offset_weightN then
+    (* supplied by Stephan Schulz *)
+    "--split-clauses=4 --split-reuse-defs --simul-paramod --forward-context-sr \
+    \--destructive-er-aggressive --destructive-er --presat-simplify \
+    \--prefer-initial-clauses -winvfreqrank -c1 -Ginvfreqconjmax -F1 \
+    \--delete-bad-limit=150000000 -WSelectMaxLComplexAvoidPosPred -H'(4*" ^
+    e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic "FunWeight" "SymOffsetWeight" ^
+    "(SimulateSOS," ^
+    (e_selection_heuristic_case heuristic
+         e_default_fun_weight e_default_sym_offs_weight
+     |> Config.get ctxt |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int) ^
+    ",20,1.5,1.5,1" ^
+    (sel_weights ()
+     |> map (fn (s, w) => "," ^ s ^ ":" ^
+                          scaled_e_selection_weight ctxt heuristic w)
+     |> implode) ^
+    "),3*ConjectureGeneralSymbolWeight(PreferNonGoals,200,100,200,50,50,1,100,\
+    \1.5,1.5,1),1*Clauseweight(PreferProcessed,1,1,1),1*\
+    \FIFOWeight(PreferProcessed))' "
+  else
+    "-xAuto "
+val e_ord_weights = map (fn (s, w) => s ^ ":" ^ string_of_int w) #> space_implode ","
+fun e_ord_precedence [_] = ""
+  | e_ord_precedence info = info |> map fst |> space_implode "<"
+fun e_term_order_info_arguments false false _ = ""
+  | e_term_order_info_arguments gen_weights gen_prec ord_info =
+    let val ord_info = ord_info () in
+      (if gen_weights then "--order-weights='" ^ e_ord_weights ord_info ^ "' " else "") ^
+      (if gen_prec then "--precedence='" ^ e_ord_precedence ord_info ^ "' " else "")
+    end
+val e_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = fn _ => (["E_HOME"], ["eprover"]),
+   arguments = fn ctxt => fn _ => fn heuristic => fn timeout => fn file_name =>
+     fn ({is_lpo, gen_weights, gen_prec, ...}, ord_info, sel_weights) =>
+       "--auto-schedule --tstp-in --tstp-out --silent " ^
+       e_selection_weight_arguments ctxt heuristic sel_weights ^
+       e_term_order_info_arguments gen_weights gen_prec ord_info ^
+       "--term-ordering=" ^ (if is_lpo then "LPO4" else "KBO6") ^ " " ^
+       "--cpu-limit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 2 timeout) ^
+       " --proof-object=1 " ^
+       file_name,
+   proof_delims =
+     [("# SZS output start CNFRefutation", "# SZS output end CNFRefutation")] @
+     tstp_proof_delims,
+   known_failures =
+     [(TimedOut, "Failure: Resource limit exceeded (time)"),
+      (TimedOut, "time limit exceeded")] @
+     known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Conjecture,
+   best_slices = fn ctxt =>
+     let
+       val heuristic = Config.get ctxt e_selection_heuristic
+       val ehoh = string_ord (getenv "E_VERSION", "2.3") <> LESS
+       val (format, enc) =
+         if ehoh then (THF (Monomorphic, THF_Predicate_Free), "mono_native_higher")
+         else (TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native")
+     in
+       (* FUDGE *)
+       if heuristic = e_smartN then
+         [(0.15, (((128, meshN), format, enc, combsN, false), e_fun_weightN)),
+          (0.15, (((128, mashN), format, enc, combsN, false), e_sym_offset_weightN)),
+          (0.15, (((91, mepoN), format, enc, combsN, false), e_autoN)),
+          (0.15, (((1000, meshN), format, "poly_guards??", combsN, false), e_sym_offset_weightN)),
+          (0.15, (((256, mepoN), format, enc, liftingN, false), e_fun_weightN)),
+          (0.25, (((64, mashN), format, enc, combsN, false), e_fun_weightN))]
+       else
+         [(1.0, (((500, ""), format, enc, combsN, false), heuristic))]
+     end,
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val e = (eN, fn () => e_config)
+(* E-Par *)
+val e_par_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["E_HOME"], ["runepar.pl"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " 1 " (* SInE *) ^ file_name ^ " 2" (* proofs *),
+   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
+   known_failures = #known_failures e_config,
+   prem_role = Conjecture,
+   best_slices =
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     K [(0.25, (((500, meshN), FOF, "mono_guards??", combs_or_liftingN, false), "")),
+        (0.25, (((150, meshN), FOF, "poly_tags??", combs_or_liftingN, false), "")),
+        (0.25, (((50, meshN), FOF, "mono_tags??", combs_or_liftingN, false), "")),
+        (0.25, (((1000, meshN), FOF, "poly_guards??", combsN, false), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val e_par = (e_parN, fn () => e_par_config)
+(* iProver *)
+val iprover_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["IPROVER_HOME"], ["iproveropt", "iprover"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     "--clausifier \"$E_HOME\"/eprover " ^
+     "--clausifier_options \"--tstp-format --silent --cnf\" " ^
+     "--time_out_real " ^ string_of_real (Time.toReal timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
+   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
+   known_failures =
+     [(ProofIncomplete, "% SZS output start CNFRefutation")] @
+     known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Hypothesis,
+   best_slices =
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     K [(1.0, (((150, ""), FOF, "mono_guards??", liftingN, false), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val iprover = (iproverN, fn () => iprover_config)
+(* LEO-II *)
+val leo2_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["LEO2_HOME"], ["leo.opt", "leo"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     "--foatp e --atp e=\"$E_HOME\"/eprover \
+     \--atp epclextract=\"$E_HOME\"/epclextract \
+     \--proofoutput 1 --timeout " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^
+     (if full_proofs then "--notReplLeibnizEQ --notReplAndrewsEQ --notUseExtCnfCmbd " else "") ^
+     file_name,
+   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
+   known_failures =
+     [(TimedOut, "CPU time limit exceeded, terminating"),
+      (GaveUp, "No.of.Axioms")] @
+     known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Hypothesis,
+   best_slices =
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     K [(1.0, (((40, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters - 1 (* FUDGE *),
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val leo2 = (leo2N, fn () => leo2_config)
+(* Leo-III *)
+(* Include choice? Disabled now since it's disabled for Satallax as well. *)
+val leo3_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["LEO3_HOME"], ["leo3"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     file_name ^ " " ^ "--atp cvc=$CVC4_SOLVER --atp e=\"$E_HOME\"/eprover \
+     \-p -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^
+     (if full_proofs then "--nleq --naeq " else ""),
+   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
+   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Hypothesis,
+   best_slices =
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     K [(1.0, (((150, ""), THF (Polymorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters - 1 (* FUDGE *),
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val leo3 = (leo3N, fn () => leo3_config)
+(* Satallax *)
+(* Choice is disabled until there is proper reconstruction for it. *)
+val satallax_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["SATALLAX_HOME"], ["satallax.opt", "satallax"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     (case getenv "E_HOME" of
+       "" => ""
+     | home => "-E " ^ home ^ "/eprover ") ^
+     "-p tstp -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
+   proof_delims =
+     [("% SZS output start Proof", "% SZS output end Proof")],
+   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Hypothesis,
+   best_slices =
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     K [(1.0, (((150, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters - 1 (* FUDGE *),
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val satallax = (satallaxN, fn () => satallax_config)
+(* SPASS *)
+val spass_H1SOS = "-Heuristic=1 -SOS"
+val spass_H2 = "-Heuristic=2"
+val spass_H2LR0LT0 = "-Heuristic=2 -LR=0 -LT=0"
+val spass_H2NuVS0 = "-Heuristic=2 -RNuV=1 -Sorts=0"
+val spass_H2NuVS0Red2 = "-Heuristic=2 -RNuV=1 -Sorts=0 -RFRew=2 -RBRew=2 -RTaut=2"
+val spass_H2SOS = "-Heuristic=2 -SOS"
+val spass_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["SPASS_HOME"], ["SPASS"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn extra_options => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     "-Isabelle=1 " ^ (if full_proofs then "-CNFRenaming=0 -Splits=0 " else "") ^
+     "-TimeLimit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name
+     |> extra_options <> "" ? prefix (extra_options ^ " "),
+   proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
+   known_failures =
+     [(GaveUp, "SPASS beiseite: Completion found"),
+      (TimedOut, "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time"),
+      (OutOfResources, "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded"),
+      (MalformedInput, "Undefined symbol"),
+      (MalformedInput, "Free Variable"),
+      (Unprovable, "No formulae and clauses found in input file"),
+      (InternalError, "Please report this error")] @
+      known_perl_failures,
+   prem_role = Conjecture,
+   best_slices = fn _ =>
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     [(0.1667, (((150, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, true), "")),
+      (0.1667, (((500, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", liftingN, true), spass_H2SOS)),
+      (0.1666, (((50, meshN), DFG Monomorphic,  "mono_native", liftingN, true), spass_H2LR0LT0)),
+      (0.1000, (((250, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, true), spass_H2NuVS0)),
+      (0.1000, (((1000, mepoN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", liftingN, true), spass_H1SOS)),
+      (0.1000, (((150, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "poly_guards??", liftingN, false), spass_H2NuVS0Red2)),
+      (0.1000, (((300, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, true), spass_H2SOS)),
+      (0.1000, (((100, meshN), DFG Monomorphic, "mono_native", combs_and_liftingN, true), spass_H2))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val spass = (spassN, fn () => spass_config)
+(* Vampire *)
+fun is_vampire_noncommercial_license_accepted () =
+  let
+    val flag = Options.default_string \<^system_option>\<open>vampire_noncommercial\<close>
+      |> String.map Char.toLower
+  in
+    if flag = "yes" then
+      SOME true
+    else if flag = "no" then
+      SOME false
+    else
+      NONE
+  end
+fun check_vampire_noncommercial () =
+  (case is_vampire_noncommercial_license_accepted () of
+    SOME true => ()
+  | SOME false =>
+    error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.para
+      "The Vampire prover may be used only for noncommercial applications"))
+  | NONE =>
+    error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.para
+      "The Vampire prover is not activated; to activate it, set the Isabelle system option \
+      \\"vampire_noncommercial\" to \"yes\" (e.g. via the Isabelle/jEdit menu Plugin Options \
+      \/ Isabelle / General)")))
+val vampire_basic_options = "--proof tptp --output_axiom_names on $VAMPIRE_EXTRA_OPTIONS"
+val vampire_full_proof_options =
+  " --proof_extra free --forced_options avatar=off:equality_proxy=off:general_splitting=off:inequality_splitting=0:naming=0"
+val remote_vampire_command =
+  "vampire " ^ vampire_basic_options ^ " " ^ vampire_full_proof_options ^ " -t %d %s"
+val vampire_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["VAMPIRE_HOME"], ["vampire"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn full_proofs => fn sos => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     (check_vampire_noncommercial ();
+      vampire_basic_options ^ (if full_proofs then " " ^ vampire_full_proof_options else "") ^
+      " -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " --input_file " ^ file_name
+      |> sos = sosN ? prefix "--sos on "),
+   proof_delims =
+     [("=========== Refutation ==========",
+       "======= End of refutation =======")] @
+     tstp_proof_delims,
+   known_failures =
+     [(GaveUp, "UNPROVABLE"),
+      (GaveUp, "CANNOT PROVE"),
+      (Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
+      (Unprovable, "Termination reason: Satisfiable"),
+      (Interrupted, "Aborted by signal SIGINT")] @
+     known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Hypothesis,
+   best_slices = fn ctxt =>
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     [(0.333, (((500, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combs_or_liftingN, false), sosN)),
+      (0.333, (((150, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "poly_tags??", combs_or_liftingN, false), sosN)),
+      (0.334, (((50, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combs_or_liftingN, false), no_sosN))]
+     |> Config.get ctxt force_sos ? (hd #> apfst (K 1.0) #> single),
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = 2 * default_max_new_mono_instances (* FUDGE *)}
+val vampire = (vampireN, fn () => vampire_config)
+(* Z3 with TPTP syntax (half experimental, half legacy) *)
+val z3_tptp_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["Z3_TPTP_HOME"], ["z3_tptp"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     "-proof -t:" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " -file:" ^ file_name,
+   proof_delims = [("SZS status Theorem", "")],
+   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Hypothesis,
+   best_slices =
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     K [(0.5, (((250, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), "")),
+        (0.25, (((125, mepoN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), "")),
+        (0.125, (((62, mashN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), "")),
+        (0.125, (((31, meshN), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = 2 * default_max_new_mono_instances (* FUDGE *)}
+val z3_tptp = (z3_tptpN, fn () => z3_tptp_config)
+(* Zipperposition *)
+val zipperposition_blsimp = "--mode ho-pragmatic --max-inferences 3 --ho-max-app-projections 0 --ho-max-elims 0 --ho-max-rigid-imitations 2 --ho-max-identifications 0 --ho-unif-max-depth 2 --boolean-reasoning no-cases --ext-rules ext-family --ext-rules-max-depth 1 --kbo-weight-fun invdocc --ho-prim-enum tf --ho-prim-enum-early-bird true --tptp-def-as-rewrite --ho-unif-level pragmatic-framework -q '1|const|conjecture-relative-var(1,s,f)' -q '1|prefer-processed|pnrefined(1,1,1,2,2,2,0.5)' -q '1|prefer-sos|staggered(1)' -q '2|prefer-fo|default' -q '1|prefer-neg-unit|orient-lmax(2,1,2,1,1)' -q '2|prefer-easy-ho|conjecture-relative-struct(1.5,3.5,2,3)' --ho-elim-leibniz 2 --ho-fixpoint-decider true --ho-pattern-decider false --ho-solid-decider true --ho-max-solidification 12  --select e-selection11 --solve-formulas true --sup-at-vars false --sup-at-var-headed false --lazy-cnf true --lazy-cnf-kind simp --lazy-cnf-renaming-threshold 4 --sine 50 --sine-tolerance 1.7 --sine-depth-max 3 --sine-depth-min 1 --sine-trim-implications true --ho-selection-restriction none --sup-from-var-headed false --sine-trim-implications true"
+val zipperposition_s6 = "--tptp-def-as-rewrite --rewrite-before-cnf true --mode ho-competitive --boolean-reasoning no-cases --ext-rules off --ho-prim-enum none --recognize-injectivity true --ho-elim-leibniz off --ho-unif-level full-framework --no-max-vars -q '3|const|conjecture-relative-var(1.02,l,f)' -q '1|prefer-ho-steps|conjecture-relative-var(1,s,f)' -q '1|prefer-processed|fifo' -q '3|by-app-var-num|pnrefined(2,1,1,1,2,2,2)' --select ho-selection5 --prec-gen-fun unary_first --solid-subsumption false --ignore-orphans false --ho-solid-decider true --ho-fixpoint-decider true --ho-pattern-decider true --sup-at-vars false --sup-at-var-headed false --sup-from-var-headed false --ho-neg-ext-simpl true"
+val zipperposition_cdots = "--mode ho-competitive --boolean-reasoning cases-simpl --ext-rules ext-family --ext-rules-max-depth 1 --ho-prim-enum pragmatic --ho-prim-max 1 --bool-subterm-selection A --avatar off --recognize-injectivity true --ho-elim-leibniz 1 --ho-unif-level full-framework --no-max-vars -q '6|prefer-sos|pnrefined(1,1,1,2,2,2,0.5)' -q '6|const|conjecture-relative-var(1.02,l,f)' -q '1|prefer-processed|fifo' -q '1|prefer-non-goals|conjecture-relative-var(1,l,f)' -q '4|prefer-easy-ho|conjecture-relative-var(1.01,s,f)' --select e-selection7 --ho-choice-inst true --sine 50 --sine-tolerance 2 --sine-depth-max 4 --sine-depth-min 1 --scan-clause-ac true --lambdasup 0 --kbo-weight-fun invfreqrank"
+val zipperposition_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["ZIPPERPOSITION_HOME"], ["zipperposition"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn extra_options => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     "--input tptp --output tptp --timeout " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name
+     |> extra_options <> "" ? prefix (extra_options ^ " "),
+   proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
+   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = Conjecture,
+   best_slices = fn _ =>
+     (* FUDGE *)
+     [(0.333, (((128, "meshN"), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), zipperposition_blsimp)),
+      (0.333, (((32, "meshN"), THF (Polymorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "poly_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), zipperposition_s6)),
+      (0.334, (((512, "meshN"), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), zipperposition_cdots))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val zipperposition = (zipperpositionN, fn () => zipperposition_config)
+(* Remote Pirate invocation *)
+val remote_pirate_config : atp_config =
+  {exec = K (["ISABELLE_ATP"], ["scripts/remote_pirate"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^ " " ^ file_name,
+   proof_delims = [("Involved clauses:", "Involved clauses:")],
+   known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
+   prem_role = #prem_role spass_config,
+   best_slices = K [(1.0, (((200, ""), DFG Polymorphic, "tc_native", combsN, true), ""))],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances}
+val remote_pirate = (remote_prefix ^ pirateN, fn () => remote_pirate_config)
+(* Remote ATP invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
+val remote_systems = Synchronized.var "atp_remote_systems" ([] : string list)
+fun get_remote_systems () =
+  Timeout.apply (seconds 10.0) (fn () =>
+    (case Isabelle_System.bash_output "\"$ISABELLE_ATP/scripts/remote_atp\" -w 2>&1" of
+      (output, 0) => split_lines output
+    | (output, _) =>
+      (warning
+         (case extract_known_atp_failure known_perl_failures output of
+           SOME failure => string_of_atp_failure failure
+         | NONE => trim_line output); []))) ()
+  handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => []
+fun find_remote_system name [] systems =
+    find_first (String.isPrefix (name ^ "---")) systems
+  | find_remote_system name (version :: versions) systems =
+    case find_first (String.isPrefix (name ^ "---" ^ version)) systems of
+      NONE => find_remote_system name versions systems
+    | res => res
+fun get_remote_system name versions =
+  Synchronized.change_result remote_systems (fn systems =>
+    (if null systems then get_remote_systems () else systems)
+    |> `(`(find_remote_system name versions)))
+fun the_remote_system name versions =
+  (case get_remote_system name versions of
+    (SOME sys, _) => sys
+  | (NONE, []) => error "SystemOnTPTP is currently not available"
+  | (NONE, syss) =>
+    (case syss |> filter_out (String.isPrefix "%") |> filter_out (curry (op =) "") of
+      [] => error "SystemOnTPTP is currently not available"
+    | [msg] => error ("SystemOnTPTP is currently not available: " ^ msg)
+    | syss =>
+      error ("System " ^ quote name ^ " is not available at SystemOnTPTP.\n(Available systems: " ^
+        commas_quote syss ^ ".)")))
+val max_remote_secs = 1000   (* give Geoff Sutcliffe's servers a break *)
+fun remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures prem_role best_slice =
+  {exec = K (["ISABELLE_ATP"], ["scripts/remote_atp"]),
+   arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn command => fn timeout => fn file_name => fn _ =>
+     (if command <> "" then "-c " ^ quote command ^ " " else "") ^
+     "-s " ^ the_remote_system system_name system_versions ^ " " ^
+     "-t " ^ string_of_int (Int.min (max_remote_secs, to_secs 1 timeout)) ^
+     " " ^ file_name,
+   proof_delims = union (op =) tstp_proof_delims proof_delims,
+   known_failures = known_failures @ known_perl_failures @ known_says_failures,
+   prem_role = prem_role,
+   best_slices = fn ctxt => [(1.0, best_slice ctxt)],
+   best_max_mono_iters = default_max_mono_iters,
+   best_max_new_mono_instances = default_max_new_mono_instances} : atp_config
+fun remotify_config system_name system_versions best_slice
+    ({proof_delims, known_failures, prem_role, ...} : atp_config) =
+  remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures prem_role best_slice
+fun remote_atp name system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures prem_role best_slice =
+  (remote_prefix ^ name, fn () =>
+     remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures prem_role best_slice)
+fun remotify_atp (name, config) system_name system_versions best_slice =
+  (remote_prefix ^ name, remotify_config system_name system_versions best_slice o config)
+fun gen_remote_waldmeister name type_enc =
+  remote_atp name "Waldmeister" ["710"] tstp_proof_delims
+    ([(OutOfResources, "Too many function symbols"),
+      (Inappropriate, "****  Unexpected end of file."),
+      (Crashed, "Unrecoverable Segmentation Fault")]
+     @ known_szs_status_failures)
+    Hypothesis
+    (K (((50, ""), CNF_UEQ, type_enc, combsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_agsyhol =
+  remotify_atp agsyhol "agsyHOL" ["1.0", "1"]
+    (K (((60, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_alt_ergo =
+  remotify_atp alt_ergo "Alt-Ergo" ["0.95.2"]
+    (K (((250, ""), TFF Polymorphic, "poly_native", keep_lamsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_e =
+  remotify_atp e "E" ["2.0", "1.9.1", "1.8"]
+    (K (((750, ""), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", combsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_iprover =
+  remotify_atp iprover "iProver" ["0.99"]
+    (K (((150, ""), FOF, "mono_guards??", liftingN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_leo2 =
+  remotify_atp leo2 "LEO-II" ["1.5.0", "1.4", "1.3", "1.2", "1"]
+    (K (((40, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", liftingN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_leo3 =
+  remotify_atp leo3 "Leo-III" ["1.1"]
+    (K (((150, ""), THF (Polymorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "poly_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_snark =
+  remote_atp snarkN "SNARK" ["20120808r022", "20080805r029", "20080805r024"]
+    [("refutation.", "end_refutation.")] [] Hypothesis
+    (K (((100, ""), TFF Monomorphic, "mono_native", liftingN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_vampire =
+  remotify_atp vampire "Vampire" ["THF-4.4"]
+    (K (((400, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), remote_vampire_command) (* FUDGE *))
+val remote_waldmeister = gen_remote_waldmeister waldmeisterN "raw_mono_tags??"
+val remote_zipperposition =
+  remotify_atp zipperposition "Zipperpin" ["2.0"]
+    (K (((512, ""), THF (Monomorphic, THF_Without_Choice), "mono_native_higher", keep_lamsN, false), "") (* FUDGE *))
+(* Setup *)
+fun add_atp (name, config) thy =
+  Data.map (Symtab.update_new (name, (config, stamp ()))) thy
+  handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name)
+fun get_atp thy name =
+  fst (the (Symtab.lookup (Data.get thy) name))
+  handle Option.Option => error ("Unknown ATP: " ^ name)
+val supported_atps = Symtab.keys o Data.get
+fun is_atp_installed thy name =
+  let val {exec, ...} = get_atp thy name () in
+    exists (fn var => getenv var <> "") (fst (exec false))
+  end
+fun refresh_systems_on_tptp () =
+  Synchronized.change remote_systems (fn _ => get_remote_systems ())
+fun effective_term_order ctxt atp =
+  let val ord = Config.get ctxt term_order in
+    if ord = smartN then
+      {is_lpo = false, gen_weights = (atp = spassN), gen_prec = (atp = spassN),
+       gen_simp = String.isSuffix pirateN atp}
+    else
+      let val is_lpo = String.isSubstring lpoN ord in
+        {is_lpo = is_lpo, gen_weights = not is_lpo andalso String.isSubstring xweightsN ord,
+         gen_prec = String.isSubstring xprecN ord, gen_simp = String.isSubstring xsimpN ord}
+      end
+  end
+val atps =
+  [agsyhol, alt_ergo, e, e_par, iprover, leo2, leo3, satallax, spass, vampire, z3_tptp,
+   zipperposition, remote_agsyhol, remote_alt_ergo, remote_e, remote_iprover, remote_leo2,
+   remote_leo3, remote_pirate, remote_snark, remote_vampire, remote_waldmeister,
+   remote_zipperposition]
+val _ = Theory.setup (fold add_atp atps)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_commands.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_commands.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
 open ATP_Util
-open ATP_Systems
 open ATP_Problem_Generate
 open ATP_Proof
 open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_Fact
+open Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems
 open Sledgehammer_Prover
 open Sledgehammer_Prover_Minimize
 open Sledgehammer_MaSh
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@
 open ATP_Proof
 open ATP_Util
-open ATP_Systems
 open ATP_Problem
 open ATP_Problem_Generate
 open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
 open Metis_Tactic
 open Sledgehammer_Fact
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods
+open Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems
 (* Identifier that distinguishes Sledgehammer from other tools that could use "Async_Manager". *)
 val SledgehammerN = "Sledgehammer"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_atp.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_atp.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
 open ATP_Problem_Generate
 open ATP_Proof
 open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
-open ATP_Systems
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods
 open Sledgehammer_Isar
+open Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems
 open Sledgehammer_Prover
 (* Empty string means create files in Isabelle's temporary files directory. *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_minimize.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_minimize.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
 open ATP_Proof
 open ATP_Problem_Generate
 open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
-open ATP_Systems
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_Fact
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods
 open Sledgehammer_Isar
+open Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems
 open Sledgehammer_Prover
 open Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP
 open Sledgehammer_Prover_SMT
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_smt.ML	Thu Oct 08 16:36:00 2020 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_smt.ML	Thu Oct 08 17:02:56 2020 +0200
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
 open ATP_Util
 open ATP_Proof
-open ATP_Systems
 open ATP_Problem_Generate
 open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods
 open Sledgehammer_Isar
+open Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems
 open Sledgehammer_Prover
 val smt_builtins = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>sledgehammer_smt_builtins\<close> (K true)