Removed unused res_atp_setup.ML, since its functions have been put in res_atp.ML.
Sat, 07 Oct 2006 02:47:33 +0200
changeset 20895 ac772d489fde
parent 20894 784eefc906aa
child 20896 1484c7af6d68
Removed unused res_atp_setup.ML, since its functions have been put in res_atp.ML.
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp_setup.ML	Sat Oct 07 01:31:23 2006 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-(* ID: $Id$ 
-   Author: Jia Meng, NICTA
-structure ResAtpSetup =
-val keep_atp_input = ref false;
-val debug = ref true;
-val fol_keep_types = ResClause.keep_types;
-(* use them to set and find type levels of HOL clauses *)
-val hol_full_types = ResHolClause.full_types;
-val hol_partial_types = ResHolClause.partial_types;
-val hol_const_types_only = ResHolClause.const_types_only;
-val hol_no_types = ResHolClause.no_types;
-fun hol_typ_level () = ResHolClause.find_typ_level ();
-fun is_typed_hol () = 
-    let val tp_level = hol_typ_level()
-    in
-	not (tp_level = ResHolClause.T_NONE)
-    end;
-val include_combS = ResHolClause.include_combS;
-val include_min_comb = ResHolClause.include_min_comb;
-(* set up the output paths                             *)
-fun full_typed_comb () =
-    if !ResHolClause.include_combS then 
-	(ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/full_comb_inclS"
-	 handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/full_comb_inclS")
-    else 
-	(ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/full_comb_noS"
-	 handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/full_comb_noS");
-fun partial_typed_comb () = 
-    if !ResHolClause.include_combS then 
-	(ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/par_comb_inclS"
-	 handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/par_comb_inclS")
-    else 
-	(ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/par_comb_noS"
-	 handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/par_comb_noS");
-fun const_typed_comb () =
-    if !ResHolClause.include_combS then 
-	(ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/const_comb_inclS"
-	 handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/const_comb_inclS")
-    else 
-	(ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/const_comb_noS"
-	 handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/const_comb_noS");
-fun untyped_comb () = 
-    if !ResHolClause.include_combS then 
-	(ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/u_comb_inclS"
-	 handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/u_comb_inclS")
-    else
-	(ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/u_comb_noS"
-	 handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/u_comb_noS");
-fun full_typed_HOL_helper1 () =
-    ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/full_helper1"
-    handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/full_helper1";
-fun partial_typed_HOL_helper1 () = 
-    ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/par_helper1"
-    handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/par_helper1";
-fun const_typed_HOL_helper1 () = 
-    ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/const_helper1"
-    handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/const_helper1";
-fun untyped_HOL_helper1 () = 
-    ResAtp.helper_path "E_HOME" "additionals/u_helper1"
-    handle _ => ResAtp.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "additionals/u_helper1";
-fun HOL_helper1 () =
-    let val tp_level = !ResHolClause.typ_level
-    in
-	case tp_level of ResHolClause.T_PARTIAL => (warning "Partial type helper"; partial_typed_HOL_helper1 ())
-		       | ResHolClause.T_FULL => (warning "Full type helper"; full_typed_HOL_helper1 ())
-		       | ResHolClause.T_CONST => (warning "Const type helper"; const_typed_HOL_helper1 ())
-		       | ResHolClause.T_NONE => (warning "Untyped helper"; untyped_HOL_helper1 ())
-    end;
-fun HOL_comb () =
-    let val tp_level = !ResHolClause.typ_level
-    in
-	case tp_level of ResHolClause.T_FULL => (warning "Full type comb"; full_typed_comb ())
-		       | ResHolClause.T_PARTIAL => (warning "Partial type comb"; partial_typed_comb ())
-		       | ResHolClause.T_CONST => (warning "Const type comb"; const_typed_comb ())
-		       | ResHolClause.T_NONE => (warning "Untyped comb"; untyped_comb ())
-    end;
-fun atp_input_file file =
-    let val file' = !ResAtp.problem_name ^ "_" ^ file
-    in
-	if !ResAtp.destdir = "" then File.platform_path (File.tmp_path (Path.basic file'))
-	else if File.exists (File.unpack_platform_path (!ResAtp.destdir))
-	then !ResAtp.destdir ^ "/" ^ file'
-	else error ("No such directory: " ^ !ResAtp.destdir)
-    end;
-fun claset_file () = atp_input_file "claset";
-fun simpset_file () = atp_input_file "simp";
-fun local_lemma_file () = atp_input_file "locallemmas";
-fun hyps_file () = atp_input_file "hyps";
-fun prob_file _ = atp_input_file "";
-fun types_sorts_file () = atp_input_file "typesorts";
-(* operations on Isabelle theorems:                    *)
-(* retrieving from ProofContext,                       *)
-(* modifying local theorems,                           *)
-(* CNF                                                 *)
-val include_simpset = ref false;
-val include_claset = ref false; 
-val add_simpset = (fn () => include_simpset:=true);
-val add_claset = (fn () => include_claset:=true);
-val add_clasimp = (fn () => include_simpset:=true;include_claset:=true);
-val rm_simpset = (fn () => include_simpset:=false);
-val rm_claset = (fn () => include_claset:=false);
-val rm_clasimp = (fn () => include_simpset:=false;include_claset:=false);
-(* detect whether a given problem (clauses) is FOL/HOL/HOLC/HOLCS *)
-datatype logic = FOL | HOL | HOLC | HOLCS;
-fun string_of_logic FOL = "FOL"
-  | string_of_logic HOL = "HOL"
-  | string_of_logic HOLC = "HOLC"
-  | string_of_logic HOLCS = "HOLCS";
-fun is_fol_logic FOL = true
-  | is_fol_logic  _ = false
-(*HOLCS will not occur here*)
-fun upgrade_lg HOLC _ = HOLC
-  | upgrade_lg HOL HOLC = HOLC
-  | upgrade_lg HOL _ = HOL
-  | upgrade_lg FOL lg = lg; 
-(* check types *)
-fun has_bool (Type("bool",_)) = true
-  | has_bool (Type(_, Ts)) = exists has_bool Ts
-  | has_bool _ = false;
-fun has_bool_arg tp = 
-    let val (targs,tr) = strip_type tp
-    in
-	exists has_bool targs
-    end;
-fun is_fn_tp (Type("fun",_)) = true
-  | is_fn_tp _ = false;
-exception FN_LG of term;
-fun fn_lg (t as Const(f,tp)) (lg,seen) = 
-    if has_bool tp then (upgrade_lg HOL lg, insert (op =) t seen) else (lg, insert (op =) t seen) 
-  | fn_lg (t as Free(f,tp)) (lg,seen) = 
-    if has_bool tp then (upgrade_lg HOL lg, insert (op =) t seen) else (lg, insert (op =) t seen) 
-  | fn_lg (t as Var(f,tp)) (lg,seen) =
-    if is_fn_tp tp orelse has_bool tp then (upgrade_lg HOL lg, insert (op =) t seen)
-    else (lg, insert (op =) t seen)
-  | fn_lg (t as Abs(_,_,_)) (lg,seen) = (upgrade_lg HOLC lg, insert (op =) t seen)
-  | fn_lg f _ = raise FN_LG(f); 
-fun term_lg [] (lg,seen) = (lg,seen)
-  | term_lg (tm::tms) (FOL,seen) =
-    let val (f,args) = strip_comb tm
-	val (lg',seen') = if f mem seen then (FOL,seen) 
-			  else fn_lg f (FOL,seen)
-	 in
-	     term_lg (args@tms) (lg',seen')
-    end
-  | term_lg _ (lg,seen) = (lg,seen)
-exception PRED_LG of term;
-fun pred_lg (t as Const(P,tp)) (lg,seen)= 
-    if has_bool_arg tp then (upgrade_lg HOL lg, insert (op =) t seen) else (lg, insert (op =) t seen)
-  | pred_lg (t as Free(P,tp)) (lg,seen) =
-    if has_bool_arg tp then (upgrade_lg HOL lg, insert (op =) t seen) else (lg,insert (op =) t seen)
-  | pred_lg (t as Var(_,_)) (lg,seen) = (upgrade_lg HOL lg, insert (op =) t seen)
-  | pred_lg P _ = raise PRED_LG(P);
-fun lit_lg (Const("Not",_) $ P) (lg,seen) = lit_lg P (lg,seen)
-  | lit_lg P (lg,seen) =
-    let val (pred,args) = strip_comb P
-	val (lg',seen') = if pred mem seen then (lg,seen) 
-			  else pred_lg pred (lg,seen)
-    in
-	term_lg args (lg',seen')
-    end;
-fun lits_lg [] (lg,seen) = (lg,seen)
-  | lits_lg (lit::lits) (FOL,seen) =
-    lits_lg lits (lit_lg lit (FOL,seen))
-  | lits_lg lits (lg,seen) = (lg,seen);
-fun logic_of_clause tm (lg,seen) =
-    let val tm' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop tm
-	val disjs = HOLogic.dest_disj tm'
-    in
-	lits_lg disjs (lg,seen)
-    end;
-fun lits_lg [] (lg,seen) = (lg,seen)
-  | lits_lg (lit::lits) (FOL,seen) =
-    lits_lg lits (lit_lg lit (FOL,seen))
-  | lits_lg lits (lg,seen) = (lg,seen);
-fun logic_of_clause tm (lg,seen) =
-    let val tm' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop tm
-	val disjs = HOLogic.dest_disj tm'
-    in
-	lits_lg disjs (lg,seen)
-    end;
-fun logic_of_clauses [] (lg,seen) = (lg,seen)
-  | logic_of_clauses (cls::clss) (FOL,seen) =
-    logic_of_clauses clss (logic_of_clause cls (FOL,seen))
-  | logic_of_clauses (cls::clss) (lg,seen) = (lg,seen);
-fun logic_of_nclauses [] (lg,seen) = (lg,seen)
-  | logic_of_nclauses (cls::clss) (FOL,seen) =
-    logic_of_nclauses clss (logic_of_clauses (snd cls) (FOL,seen))
-  | logic_of_nclauses clss (lg,seen) = (lg,seen);
-fun problem_logic (conj_cls,hyp_cls,userR,claR,simpR) =
-    let val (lg1,seen1) = logic_of_clauses conj_cls (FOL,[])
-	val (lg2,seen2) = logic_of_clauses hyp_cls (lg1,seen1)
-	val (lg3,seen3) = logic_of_nclauses userR (lg2,seen2)
-	val (lg4,seen4) = logic_of_nclauses claR (lg3,seen3)
-	val (lg5,seen5) = logic_of_nclauses simpR (lg4,seen4)
-    in
-	lg5
-    end;
-(* Clauses used by FOL ATPs                                    *)
-datatype clause = FOLClause of ResClause.clause 
-		| HOLClause of ResHolClause.clause
-fun isTaut (FOLClause cls) = ResClause.isTaut cls
-  | isTaut (HOLClause cls) = ResHolClause.isTaut cls
-fun clause2tptp (FOLClause cls) = ResClause.clause2tptp cls
-  | clause2tptp (HOLClause cls) = ResHolClause.clause2tptp cls
-fun make_clause_fol cls = FOLClause cls
-fun make_clause_hol cls = HOLClause cls
-fun make_conjecture_clauses is_fol terms =
-    if is_fol then map make_clause_fol (ResClause.make_conjecture_clauses terms)
-    else
-	map make_clause_hol (ResHolClause.make_conjecture_clauses terms)
-(* prover-specific output format:                              *)
-(* TPTP                                                        *)
-(**** CNF rules and hypothesis ****)
-fun cnf_rules_tms ctxt ths (include_claset,include_simpset) =
-    let val local_claR = if include_claset then ResAxioms.claset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt else []
-	val (local_claR_cls,err1) = ResAxioms.cnf_rules2 local_claR []
-	val local_simpR = if include_simpset then ResAxioms.simpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt else []
-	val (local_simpR_cls,err2) = ResAxioms.cnf_rules2 local_simpR []
-	val (user_ths_cls,err3) = ResAxioms.cnf_rules2 (map ResAxioms.pairname ths) []
-	val errs = err3 @ err2 @ err1
-    in
-	(user_ths_cls,local_simpR_cls,local_claR_cls,errs)
-    end;
-fun cnf_hyps_thms ctxt = 
-    let val ths = ProofContext.prems_of ctxt
-    in
-	ResClause.union_all (map ResAxioms.skolem_thm ths)
-    end;
-(**** clausification ****)
-fun cls_axiom _ _ _ [] = []
-  | cls_axiom is_fol name i (tm::tms) =
-    if is_fol then 
-	(case ResClause.make_axiom_clause tm (name,i) of 
-             SOME cls => (FOLClause cls) :: cls_axiom true  name (i+1) tms
-           | NONE => cls_axiom true name i tms)
-    else
-	HOLClause (ResHolClause.make_axiom_clause tm (name,i)) :: 
-	cls_axiom false name (i+1) tms;
-fun filtered_tptp_axiom is_fol name clss =
-  (fst
-   (ListPair.unzip 
-    (map clause2tptp (filter (fn c => not (isTaut c)) (cls_axiom is_fol name 0 clss)))),
-   [])   handle _ => ([],[name]);
-fun tptp_axioms_aux _ [] err = ([],err)
-  | tptp_axioms_aux is_fol ((name,clss)::nclss) err =
-    let val (nclss1,err1) = tptp_axioms_aux is_fol nclss err
-	val (clsstrs,err_name_list) = filtered_tptp_axiom is_fol name clss
-    in
-	case clsstrs of [] => (nclss1,err_name_list @ err1) 
-		      | _ => (clsstrs::nclss1,err1)
-    end;
-fun tptp_axioms is_fol rules = tptp_axioms_aux is_fol rules [];
-fun atp_axioms is_fol rules file = 
-    let val out = TextIO.openOut file
-	val (clss,errs) = tptp_axioms is_fol rules
-	val clss' = ResClause.union_all clss
-    in
-	ResClause.writeln_strs out clss';
-	TextIO.closeOut out;
-	([file],errs)
-    end;
-fun filtered_tptp_conjectures is_fol terms =
-    let val clss = make_conjecture_clauses is_fol terms
-	val clss' = filter (fn c => not (isTaut c)) clss
-    in
-	ListPair.unzip (map clause2tptp clss')
-    end;
-fun atp_conjectures_h is_fol hyp_cls =
-    let val (tptp_h_clss,tfree_litss) = filtered_tptp_conjectures is_fol hyp_cls
-	val tfree_lits = ResClause.union_all tfree_litss
-	val tfree_clss = map ResClause.tptp_tfree_clause tfree_lits 
-	val hypsfile = hyps_file ()
-        val out = TextIO.openOut(hypsfile)
-    in
-        ResClause.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ tptp_h_clss);
-        TextIO.closeOut out; warning hypsfile;
-        ([hypsfile],tfree_lits)
-    end;
-fun atp_conjectures_c is_fol conj_cls n tfrees =
-    let val (tptp_c_clss,tfree_litss) = filtered_tptp_conjectures is_fol conj_cls
-	val tfree_clss = map ResClause.tptp_tfree_clause ((ResClause.union_all tfree_litss) \\ tfrees)
-	val probfile = prob_file n
-	val out = TextIO.openOut(probfile)		 	
-    in
-	ResClause.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ tptp_c_clss);
-	TextIO.closeOut out;
-	warning probfile; 
-	probfile 
-    end;
-fun atp_conjectures is_fol [] conj_cls n =
-    let val probfile = atp_conjectures_c is_fol conj_cls n []
-    in
-	[probfile]
-    end
-  | atp_conjectures is_fol hyp_cls conj_cls n =
-    let val (hypsfile,tfree_lits) = atp_conjectures_h is_fol hyp_cls
-	val probfile = atp_conjectures_c is_fol conj_cls n tfree_lits
-    in
-	(probfile::hypsfile)
-    end;
-(**** types and sorts ****)
-fun tptp_types_sorts thy = 
-    let val classrel_clauses = ResClause.classrel_clauses_thy thy
-	val arity_clauses = ResClause.arity_clause_thy thy
-	val classrel_cls = map ResClause.tptp_classrelClause classrel_clauses
-	val arity_cls = map ResClause.tptp_arity_clause arity_clauses
-	fun write_ts () =
-	    let val tsfile = types_sorts_file ()
-		val out = TextIO.openOut(tsfile)
-	    in
-		ResClause.writeln_strs out (classrel_cls @ arity_cls);
-		TextIO.closeOut out;
-		[tsfile]
-	    end
-    in
-	if (List.null arity_cls andalso List.null classrel_cls) then []
-	else
-	    write_ts ()
-    end;
-(******* write to files ******)
-datatype mode = Auto | Fol | Hol;
-fun write_out logic (claR,simpR,userR,hyp_cls,conj_cls,n,err) =
-  let val is_fol = is_fol_logic logic
-      val (files1,err1) = if (null claR) then ([],[]) 
-                          else (atp_axioms is_fol claR (claset_file()))
-      val (files2,err2) = if (null simpR) then ([],[]) 
-                          else (atp_axioms is_fol simpR (simpset_file ()))
-      val (files3,err3) = if (null userR) then ([],[]) 
-                          else (atp_axioms is_fol userR (local_lemma_file ()))
-      val files4 = atp_conjectures is_fol hyp_cls conj_cls n
-      val errs = err1 @ err2 @ err3 @ err
-      val logic' = if !include_combS then HOLCS 
-		   else 
-		       if !include_min_comb then HOLC else logic
-      val _ = warning ("Problems are " ^ (string_of_logic logic'))
-      val _ = if (null errs) then () else warning ("Can't clausify thms: " ^ (ResClause.paren_pack errs))
-      val helpers = case logic' of FOL => []
-				 | HOL => [HOL_helper1 ()]
-				 | _ => [HOL_helper1(),HOL_comb()] (*HOLC or HOLCS*)
-  in
-      (helpers,files4 @ files1 @ files2 @ files3)
-  end;
-fun write_out_ts is_fol ctxt (claR,simpR,userR,hyp_cls,conj_cls,n,err) =
-    let val ts_file = if ((is_fol andalso (!fol_keep_types)) orelse ((not is_fol) andalso (is_typed_hol ()))) then tptp_types_sorts (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) else []
-	val logic = if is_fol then FOL else HOL
-	val (helpers,files) = write_out logic (claR,simpR,userR,hyp_cls,conj_cls,n,err)
-    in
-	(helpers,files)
-    end;
-fun prep_atp_input mode ctxt conjectures user_thms n =
-    let val conj_cls = map prop_of (make_clauses conjectures) 
-	val (userR,simpR,claR,errs) = 
-	    cnf_rules_tms ctxt user_thms (!include_claset,!include_simpset) 
-	val hyp_cls = map prop_of (cnf_hyps_thms ctxt) 
-	val logic = case mode of Auto => problem_logic (conj_cls,hyp_cls,userR,claR,simpR)
-			       | Fol => FOL
-			       | Hol => HOL
-    in
-	case logic of FOL => write_out_ts true ctxt (claR,simpR,userR,hyp_cls,conj_cls,n,errs)
-		    | _ => write_out_ts false ctxt (claR,simpR,userR,hyp_cls,conj_cls,n,errs)
-    end;
-(* setup ATPs as Isabelle methods                              *)
-fun atp_meth' tac ths ctxt = 
-    (tac ctxt ths);
-fun atp_meth tac ths ctxt = 
-    let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-	val _ = ResClause.init thy
-	val _ = ResHolClause.init thy
-    in
-	atp_meth' tac ths ctxt
-    end;
-fun atp_method tac = Method.thms_ctxt_args (atp_meth tac);
-(*************Remove tmp files********************************)
-fun rm_tmp_files1 [] = ()
-  | rm_tmp_files1 (f::fs) =
-    (OS.FileSys.remove f; rm_tmp_files1 fs);
-fun cond_rm_tmp files = 
-    if !keep_atp_input then warning "ATP input kept..." 
-    else if !ResAtp.destdir <> "" then warning ("ATP input kept in directory " ^ (!ResAtp.destdir))
-    else (warning "deleting ATP inputs..."; rm_tmp_files1 files);