--- a/src/HOL/Metis_Examples/Type_Encodings.thy Mon Jun 06 20:36:35 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Metis_Examples/Type_Encodings.thy Mon Jun 06 20:36:35 2011 +0200
@@ -22,23 +22,52 @@
lemma fork: "P \<Longrightarrow> P \<Longrightarrow> P" by assumption
ML {*
-open ATP_Translate
-val polymorphisms = [Polymorphic, Monomorphic, Mangled_Monomorphic]
-val levels =
- [All_Types, Nonmonotonic_Types, Finite_Types, Const_Arg_Types, No_Types]
-val heaviness = [Heavyweight, Lightweight]
+(* The commented-out type systems are too incomplete for our exhaustive
+ tests. *)
val type_syss =
- (levels |> map Simple_Types) @
- (map_product pair levels heaviness
- (* The following two families of type systems are too incomplete for our
- tests. *)
- |> remove (op =) (Nonmonotonic_Types, Heavyweight)
- |> remove (op =) (Finite_Types, Heavyweight)
- |> map_product pair polymorphisms
- |> map_product (fn constr => fn (poly, (level, heaviness)) =>
- constr (poly, level, heaviness))
- [Preds, Tags])
+ ["erased",
+ "poly_preds",
+ "poly_preds_heavy",
+ "poly_tags",
+ "poly_tags_heavy",
+ "poly_args",
+ "mono_preds",
+ "mono_preds_heavy",
+ "mono_tags",
+ "mono_tags_heavy",
+ "mono_args",
+ "mangled_preds",
+ "mangled_preds_heavy",
+ "mangled_tags",
+ "mangled_tags_heavy",
+ "mangled_args",
+ "simple",
+ "poly_preds?",
+(* "poly_preds_heavy?", *)
+(* "poly_tags?", *)
+(* "poly_tags_heavy?", *)
+ "mono_preds?",
+ "mono_preds_heavy?",
+ "mono_tags?",
+ "mono_tags_heavy?",
+ "mangled_preds?",
+ "mangled_preds_heavy?",
+ "mangled_tags?",
+ "mangled_tags_heavy?",
+ "simple?",
+ "poly_preds!",
+(* "poly_preds_heavy!", *)
+(* "poly_tags!", *)
+(* "poly_tags_heavy!", *)
+ "mono_preds!",
+ "mono_preds_heavy!",
+ "mono_tags!",
+ "mono_tags_heavy!",
+ "mangled_preds!",
+ "mangled_preds_heavy!",
+ "mangled_tags!",
+ "mangled_tags_heavy!",
+ "simple!"]
fun new_metis_exhaust_tac ctxt ths =