actually removed old stuff;
Tue, 02 May 2006 20:42:34 +0200
changeset 19538 ae6d01fa2d8a
parent 19537 213ff8b0c60c
child 19539 5b37bb0ad964
actually removed old stuff;
--- a/src/HOL/SetInterval.thy	Tue May 02 20:42:33 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/SetInterval.thy	Tue May 02 20:42:34 2006 +0200
@@ -38,21 +38,6 @@
   atLeastAtMost :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"        ("(1{_.._})")
   "{l..u} == {l..} Int {..u}"
-(* Old syntax, no longer supported:
-  "_lessThan"    :: "('a::ord) => 'a set"	("(1{.._'(})")
-  "_greaterThan" :: "('a::ord) => 'a set"	("(1{')_..})")
-  "_greaterThanLessThan" :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"  ("(1{')_.._'(})")
-  "_atLeastLessThan" :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"      ("(1{_.._'(})")
-  "_greaterThanAtMost" :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"    ("(1{')_.._})")
-  "{..m(}" => "{..<m}"
-  "{)m..}" => "{m<..}"
-  "{)m..n(}" => "{m<..<n}"
-  "{m..n(}" => "{m..<n}"
-  "{)m..n}" => "{m<..n}"
 text{* A note of warning when using @{term"{..<n}"} on type @{typ
 nat}: it is equivalent to @{term"{0::nat..<n}"} but some lemmas involving
 @{term"{m..<n}"} may not exist in @{term"{..<n}"}-form as well. *}