arith method setup: proper context;
Tue, 31 Jul 2007 00:56:29 +0200
changeset 24076 ae946f751c44
parent 24075 366d4d234814
child 24077 e7ba448bc571
arith method setup: proper context; turned fast_arith_split/neq_limit into configuration options; tuned signatures; misc cleanup;
--- a/src/HOL/arith_data.ML	Tue Jul 31 00:56:26 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/arith_data.ML	Tue Jul 31 00:56:29 2007 +0200
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
 val mk_Trueprop = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop;
-fun atomize thm = case #prop(rep_thm thm) of
+fun atomize thm = case Thm.prop_of thm of
     Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op &",_) $ _ $ _) =>
     atomize(thm RS conjunct1) @ atomize(thm RS conjunct2)
   | _ => [thm];
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
   | neg_prop t = raise TERM ("neg_prop", [t]);
 fun is_False thm =
-  let val _ $ t = #prop(rep_thm thm)
+  let val _ $ t = Thm.prop_of thm
   in t = Const("False",HOLogic.boolT) end;
 fun is_nat(t) = fastype_of1 t = HOLogic.natT;
@@ -206,14 +206,13 @@
 fun eq_arith_tactic (ArithTactic {id = id1, ...}, ArithTactic {id = id2, ...}) = (id1 = id2);
-structure ArithTheoryData = TheoryDataFun
+structure ArithContextData = GenericDataFun
   type T = {splits: thm list,
             inj_consts: (string * typ) list,
             discrete: string list,
             tactics: arithtactic list};
   val empty = {splits = [], inj_consts = [], discrete = [], tactics = []};
-  val copy = I;
   val extend = I;
   fun merge _ ({splits= splits1, inj_consts= inj_consts1, discrete= discrete1, tactics= tactics1},
              {splits= splits2, inj_consts= inj_consts2, discrete= discrete2, tactics= tactics2}) =
@@ -223,29 +222,41 @@
     tactics = Library.merge eq_arith_tactic (tactics1, tactics2)};
+val get_arith_data = ArithContextData.get o Context.Proof;
 val arith_split_add = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn thm =>
-  Context.mapping ( (fn {splits,inj_consts,discrete,tactics} =>
-    {splits= insert Thm.eq_thm_prop thm splits, inj_consts= inj_consts, discrete= discrete, tactics= tactics})) I);
+ (fn {splits, inj_consts, discrete, tactics} =>
+    {splits = insert Thm.eq_thm_prop thm splits,
+     inj_consts = inj_consts, discrete = discrete, tactics = tactics}));
-fun arith_discrete d = (fn {splits,inj_consts,discrete,tactics} =>
-  {splits = splits, inj_consts = inj_consts, discrete = insert (op =) d discrete, tactics= tactics});
+fun arith_discrete d = (fn {splits, inj_consts, discrete, tactics} =>
+  {splits = splits, inj_consts = inj_consts,
+   discrete = insert (op =) d discrete, tactics = tactics});
-fun arith_inj_const c = (fn {splits,inj_consts,discrete,tactics} =>
-  {splits = splits, inj_consts = insert (op =) c inj_consts, discrete = discrete, tactics= tactics});
+fun arith_inj_const c = (fn {splits, inj_consts, discrete, tactics} =>
+  {splits = splits, inj_consts = insert (op =) c inj_consts,
+   discrete = discrete, tactics= tactics});
-fun arith_tactic_add tac = (fn {splits,inj_consts,discrete,tactics} =>
-  {splits= splits, inj_consts= inj_consts, discrete= discrete, tactics= insert eq_arith_tactic tac tactics});
+fun arith_tactic_add tac = (fn {splits, inj_consts, discrete, tactics} =>
+  {splits = splits, inj_consts = inj_consts, discrete = discrete,
+   tactics = insert eq_arith_tactic tac tactics});
 signature HOL_LIN_ARITH_DATA =
   include LIN_ARITH_DATA
-  val fast_arith_split_limit : int ref
+  val fast_arith_split_limit: int ConfigOption.T
+  val setup_options: theory -> theory
 structure LA_Data_Ref: HOL_LIN_ARITH_DATA =
+val (fast_arith_split_limit, setup1) = "fast_arith_split_limit" 9;
+val (fast_arith_neq_limit, setup2) = "fast_arith_neq_limit" 9;
+val setup_options = setup1 #> setup2;
 (* internal representation of linear (in-)equations *)
 type decompT = ((term * Rat.rat) list * Rat.rat * string * (term * Rat.rat) list * Rat.rat * bool);
@@ -387,10 +398,10 @@
   | allows_lin_arith sg discrete U =
   (of_lin_arith_sort sg U, false);
-fun decomp_typecheck (sg, discrete, inj_consts) (T : typ, xxx) : decompT option =
+fun decomp_typecheck (thy, discrete, inj_consts) (T : typ, xxx) : decompT option =
   case T of
     Type ("fun", [U, _]) =>
-      (case allows_lin_arith sg discrete U of
+      (case allows_lin_arith thy discrete U of
         (true, d) =>
           (case decomp0 inj_consts xxx of
             NONE                   => NONE
@@ -411,12 +422,11 @@
   | decomp_negation data _ =
-fun decomp sg : term -> decompT option =
-  val {discrete, inj_consts, ...} = ArithTheoryData.get sg
-  decomp_negation (sg, discrete, inj_consts)
+fun decomp ctxt : term -> decompT option =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val {discrete, inj_consts, ...} = get_arith_data ctxt
+  in decomp_negation (thy, discrete, inj_consts) end;
 fun domain_is_nat (_ $ (Const (_, T) $ _ $ _))                      = nT T
   | domain_is_nat (_ $ (Const ("Not", _) $ (Const (_, T) $ _ $ _))) = nT T
@@ -425,23 +435,11 @@
 fun number_of (n, T) = HOLogic.mk_number T n;
-(* code that performs certain goal transformations for linear arithmetic     *)
-(* A "do nothing" variant of pre_decomp and pre_tac:
-fun pre_decomp sg Ts termitems = [termitems];
-fun pre_tac i = all_tac;
 (* the following code performs splitting of certain constants (e.g. min,     *)
 (* max) in a linear arithmetic problem; similar to what split_tac later does *)
 (* to the proof state                                                        *)
-val fast_arith_split_limit = ref 9;
 (* checks if splitting with 'thm' is implemented                             *)
 fun is_split_thm (thm : thm) : bool =
@@ -493,24 +491,24 @@
 (*        former can have a faster implementation as it does not need to be  *)
 (*        proof-producing).                                                  *)
-fun split_once_items (sg : theory) (Ts : typ list, terms : term list) :
+fun split_once_items ctxt (Ts : typ list, terms : term list) :
                      (typ list * term list) list option =
+  val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
   (* takes a list  [t1, ..., tn]  to the term                                *)
   (*   tn' --> ... --> t1' --> False  ,                                      *)
   (* where ti' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop ti                                    *)
-  (* term list -> term *)
   fun REPEAT_DETERM_etac_rev_mp terms' =
     fold (curry HOLogic.mk_imp) (map HOLogic.dest_Trueprop terms') HOLogic.false_const
-  val split_thms = filter is_split_thm (#splits (ArithTheoryData.get sg))
+  val split_thms = filter is_split_thm (#splits (get_arith_data ctxt))
   val cmap       = Splitter.cmap_of_split_thms split_thms
-  val splits     = Splitter.split_posns cmap sg Ts (REPEAT_DETERM_etac_rev_mp terms)
+  val splits     = Splitter.split_posns cmap thy Ts (REPEAT_DETERM_etac_rev_mp terms)
+  val split_limit = ConfigOption.get ctxt fast_arith_split_limit
-  if length splits > !fast_arith_split_limit then (
-    tracing ("fast_arith_split_limit exceeded (current value is " ^
-              string_of_int (!fast_arith_split_limit) ^ ")");
-    NONE
-  ) else (
+  if length splits > split_limit then
+   (tracing ("fast_arith_split_limit exceeded (current value is " ^
+      string_of_int split_limit ^ ")"); NONE)
+  else (
   case splits of [] =>
     (* split_tac would fail: no possible split *)
@@ -784,8 +782,8 @@
     (* implemented above, or 'is_split_thm' should be modified to filter it  *)
     (* out                                                                   *)
     | (t, ts) => (
-      warning ("Lin. Arith.: split rule for " ^ Sign.string_of_term sg t ^
-               " (with " ^ Int.toString (length ts) ^
+      warning ("Lin. Arith.: split rule for " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t ^
+               " (with " ^ string_of_int (length ts) ^
                " argument(s)) not implemented; proof reconstruction is likely to fail");
@@ -813,17 +811,17 @@
       | _                                   => false)
-fun pre_decomp sg (Ts : typ list, terms : term list) : (typ list * term list) list =
+fun pre_decomp ctxt (Ts : typ list, terms : term list) : (typ list * term list) list =
   (* repeatedly split (including newly emerging subgoals) until no further   *)
   (* splitting is possible                                                   *)
   fun split_loop ([] : (typ list * term list) list) = ([] : (typ list * term list) list)
     | split_loop (subgoal::subgoals)                = (
-        case split_once_items sg subgoal of
+        case split_once_items ctxt subgoal of
           SOME new_subgoals => split_loop (new_subgoals @ subgoals)
         | NONE              => subgoal :: split_loop subgoals
-  fun is_relevant t  = isSome (decomp sg t)
+  fun is_relevant t  = isSome (decomp ctxt t)
   (* filter_prems_tac is_relevant: *)
   val relevant_terms = filter_prems_tac_items is_relevant terms
   (* split_tac, NNF normalization: *)
@@ -855,30 +853,29 @@
     full_simp_tac (Simplifier.theory_context (Thm.theory_of_thm st) nnf_simpset) i st
-fun split_once_tac (split_thms : thm list) (i : int) : tactic =
-  fun cond_split_tac i st =
-    let
-      val subgoal = Logic.nth_prem (i, Thm.prop_of st)
-      val Ts      = rev (map snd (Logic.strip_params subgoal))
-      val concl   = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_assums_concl subgoal)
-      val cmap    = Splitter.cmap_of_split_thms split_thms
-      val splits  = Splitter.split_posns cmap (theory_of_thm st) Ts concl
-    in
-      if length splits > !fast_arith_split_limit then
-        no_tac st
-      else
-        split_tac split_thms i st
-    end
-  EVERY' [
-    REPEAT_DETERM o etac rev_mp,
-    cond_split_tac,
-    rtac ccontr,
-    prem_nnf_tac,
-    TRY o REPEAT_ALL_NEW (DETERM o (eresolve_tac [conjE, exE] ORELSE' etac disjE))
-  ] i
+fun split_once_tac ctxt split_thms =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val cond_split_tac = SUBGOAL (fn (subgoal, i) =>
+      let
+        val Ts = rev (map snd (Logic.strip_params subgoal))
+        val concl = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_assums_concl subgoal)
+        val cmap = Splitter.cmap_of_split_thms split_thms
+        val splits = Splitter.split_posns cmap thy Ts concl
+        val split_limit = ConfigOption.get ctxt fast_arith_split_limit
+      in
+        if length splits > split_limit then no_tac
+        else split_tac split_thms i
+      end)
+  in
+    EVERY' [
+      REPEAT_DETERM o etac rev_mp,
+      cond_split_tac,
+      rtac ccontr,
+      prem_nnf_tac,
+      TRY o REPEAT_ALL_NEW (DETERM o (eresolve_tac [conjE, exE] ORELSE' etac disjE))
+    ]
+  end;
 end;  (* local *)
@@ -887,22 +884,21 @@
 (* subgoals and finally attempt to solve them by finding an immediate        *)
 (* contradiction (i.e. a term and its negation) in their premises.           *)
-fun pre_tac i st =
+fun pre_tac ctxt i =
-  val sg            = theory_of_thm st
-  val split_thms    = filter is_split_thm (#splits (ArithTheoryData.get sg))
-  fun is_relevant t = isSome (decomp sg t)
+  val split_thms = filter is_split_thm (#splits (get_arith_data ctxt))
+  fun is_relevant t = isSome (decomp ctxt t)
     TRY (filter_prems_tac is_relevant i)
       THEN (
-        (TRY o REPEAT_ALL_NEW (split_once_tac split_thms))
+        (TRY o REPEAT_ALL_NEW (split_once_tac ctxt split_thms))
             (CONVERSION Drule.beta_eta_conversion
             (TRY o (etac notE THEN' eq_assume_tac)))
       ) i
-  ) st
+  )
 end;  (* LA_Data_Ref *)
@@ -911,16 +907,14 @@
 structure Fast_Arith =
   Fast_Lin_Arith(structure LA_Logic=LA_Logic and LA_Data=LA_Data_Ref);
-val fast_arith_tac         = Fast_Arith.lin_arith_tac false;
+fun fast_arith_tac ctxt    = Fast_Arith.lin_arith_tac ctxt false;
 val fast_ex_arith_tac      = Fast_Arith.lin_arith_tac;
 val trace_arith            = Fast_Arith.trace;
-val fast_arith_neq_limit   = Fast_Arith.fast_arith_neq_limit;
-val fast_arith_split_limit = LA_Data_Ref.fast_arith_split_limit;
 (* reduce contradictory <= to False.
    Most of the work is done by the cancel tactics. *)
-val init_lin_arith_data =
+val init_arith_data =
  Fast_Arith.map_data (fn {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, ...} =>
    {add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms @
     @{thms add_mono_thms_ordered_semiring} @ @{thms add_mono_thms_ordered_field},
@@ -929,7 +923,9 @@
     lessD = lessD @ [thm "Suc_leI"],
     neqE = [@{thm linorder_neqE_nat}, @{thm linorder_neqE_ordered_idom}],
     simpset = HOL_basic_ss
-      addsimps [@{thm "monoid_add_class.zero_plus.add_0_left"}, @{thm "monoid_add_class.zero_plus.add_0_right"},
+      addsimps
+       [@{thm "monoid_add_class.zero_plus.add_0_left"},
+        @{thm "monoid_add_class.zero_plus.add_0_right"},
         @{thm "Zero_not_Suc"}, @{thm "Suc_not_Zero"}, @{thm "le_0_eq"}, @{thm "One_nat_def"},
         @{thm "order_less_irrefl"}, @{thm "zero_neq_one"}, @{thm "zero_less_one"},
         @{thm "zero_le_one"}, @{thm "zero_neq_one"} RS not_sym, @{thm "not_one_le_zero"},
@@ -941,7 +937,7 @@
 val fast_nat_arith_simproc =
   Simplifier.simproc (the_context ()) "fast_nat_arith"
-    ["(m::nat) < n","(m::nat) <= n", "(m::nat) = n"] Fast_Arith.lin_arith_prover;
+    ["(m::nat) < n","(m::nat) <= n", "(m::nat) = n"] (K Fast_Arith.lin_arith_simproc);
 (* Because of fast_nat_arith_simproc, the arithmetic solver is really only
 useful to detect inconsistencies among the premises for subgoals which are
@@ -954,7 +950,7 @@
-fun raw_arith_tac ex i st =
+fun raw_arith_tac ctxt ex =
   (* FIXME: K true should be replaced by a sensible test (perhaps "isSome o
      decomp sg"? -- but note that the test is applied to terms already before
      they are split/normalized) to speed things up in case there are lots of
@@ -969,32 +965,30 @@
     (* fast_arith_split_limit may trigger.                                   *)
     (* Therefore splitting outside of fast_arith_tac may allow us to prove   *)
     (* some goals that fast_arith_tac alone would fail on.                   *)
-    (REPEAT_DETERM o split_tac (#splits (ArithTheoryData.get (Thm.theory_of_thm st))))
-    (fast_ex_arith_tac ex)
-    i st;
+    (REPEAT_DETERM o split_tac (#splits (get_arith_data ctxt)))
+    (fast_ex_arith_tac ctxt ex);
-fun arith_theory_tac i st =
-  val tactics = #tactics (ArithTheoryData.get (Thm.theory_of_thm st))
-  FIRST' (map (fn ArithTactic {tactic, ...} => tactic) tactics) i st
+fun more_arith_tacs ctxt =
+  let val tactics = #tactics (get_arith_data ctxt)
+  in FIRST' (map (fn ArithTactic {tactic, ...} => tactic) tactics) end;
-  val simple_arith_tac = FIRST' [fast_arith_tac,
-    ObjectLogic.full_atomize_tac THEN' (REPEAT_DETERM o rtac impI) THEN' raw_arith_tac true];
+fun simple_arith_tac ctxt = FIRST' [fast_arith_tac ctxt,
+  ObjectLogic.full_atomize_tac THEN' (REPEAT_DETERM o rtac impI) THEN' raw_arith_tac ctxt true];
-  val arith_tac = FIRST' [fast_arith_tac,
-    ObjectLogic.full_atomize_tac THEN' (REPEAT_DETERM o rtac impI) THEN' raw_arith_tac true,
-    arith_theory_tac];
+fun arith_tac ctxt = FIRST' [fast_arith_tac ctxt,
+  ObjectLogic.full_atomize_tac THEN' (REPEAT_DETERM o rtac impI) THEN' raw_arith_tac ctxt true,
+  more_arith_tacs ctxt];
-  val silent_arith_tac = FIRST' [fast_arith_tac,
-    ObjectLogic.full_atomize_tac THEN' (REPEAT_DETERM o rtac impI) THEN' raw_arith_tac false,
-    arith_theory_tac];
+fun silent_arith_tac ctxt = FIRST' [fast_arith_tac ctxt,
+  ObjectLogic.full_atomize_tac THEN' (REPEAT_DETERM o rtac impI) THEN' raw_arith_tac ctxt false,
+  more_arith_tacs ctxt];
-  fun arith_method prems =
-    Method.METHOD (fn facts => HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac (prems @ facts) THEN' arith_tac));
+fun arith_method src =
+  Method.syntax Args.bang_facts src
+  #> (fn (prems, ctxt) => Method.METHOD (fn facts =>
+      HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac (prems @ facts) THEN' arith_tac ctxt)));
@@ -1045,12 +1039,14 @@
 (* theory setup *)
 val arith_setup =
-  init_lin_arith_data #>
-  (fn thy => (Simplifier.change_simpset_of thy (fn ss => ss
+  init_arith_data #>
+  Simplifier.map_ss (fn ss => ss
     addsimprocs (nat_cancel_sums @ [fast_nat_arith_simproc])
-    addSolver (mk_solver' "lin. arith." Fast_Arith.cut_lin_arith_tac)); thy)) #>
-  Method.add_methods
-    [("arith", (arith_method o fst) oo Method.syntax Args.bang_facts,
-      "decide linear arithmethic")] #>
-  Attrib.add_attributes [("arith_split", Attrib.no_args arith_split_add,
-    "declaration of split rules for arithmetic procedure")];
+    addSolver (mk_solver' "lin. arith." Fast_Arith.cut_lin_arith_tac)) #>
+  Context.mapping
+   (LA_Data_Ref.setup_options #>
+    Method.add_methods
+      [("arith", arith_method,
+        "decide linear arithmethic")] #>
+    Attrib.add_attributes [("arith_split", Attrib.no_args arith_split_add,
+      "declaration of split rules for arithmetic procedure")]) I;
--- a/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML	Tue Jul 31 00:56:26 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML	Tue Jul 31 00:56:29 2007 +0200
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
 (*  Title:      Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML
     ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Tobias Nipkow
-    Copyright   1998  TU Munich
-A generic linear arithmetic package.
-It provides two tactics
+    Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Tjark Weber
-    lin_arith_tac:         int -> tactic
-cut_lin_arith_tac: thms -> int -> tactic
-and a simplification procedure
+A generic linear arithmetic package.  It provides two tactics
+(cut_lin_arith_tac, lin_arith_tac) and a simplification procedure
-    lin_arith_prover: theory -> simpset -> term -> thm option
-Only take premises and conclusions into account that are already (negated)
-(in)equations. lin_arith_prover tries to prove or disprove the term.
+Only take premises and conclusions into account that are already
+(negated) (in)equations. lin_arith_simproc tries to prove or disprove
+the term.
 (* Debugging: set Fast_Arith.trace *)
@@ -54,15 +48,21 @@
 signature LIN_ARITH_DATA =
-  (* internal representation of linear (in-)equations: *)
+  (*internal representation of linear (in-)equations:*)
   type decompT = (term * Rat.rat) list * Rat.rat * string * (term * Rat.rat) list * Rat.rat * bool
-  val decomp: theory -> term -> decompT option
-  val domain_is_nat : term -> bool
-  (* preprocessing, performed on a representation of subgoals as list of premises: *)
-  val pre_decomp: theory -> typ list * term list -> (typ list * term list) list
-  (* preprocessing, performed on the goal -- must do the same as 'pre_decomp': *)
-  val pre_tac   : int -> Tactical.tactic
-  val number_of : * typ -> term
+  val decomp: Proof.context -> term -> decompT option
+  val domain_is_nat: term -> bool
+  (*preprocessing, performed on a representation of subgoals as list of premises:*)
+  val pre_decomp: Proof.context -> typ list * term list -> (typ list * term list) list
+  (*preprocessing, performed on the goal -- must do the same as 'pre_decomp':*)
+  val pre_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+  val number_of: * typ -> term
+  (*the limit on the number of ~= allowed; because each ~= is split
+    into two cases, this can lead to an explosion*)
+  val fast_arith_neq_limit: int ConfigOption.T
 decomp(`x Rel y') should yield (p,i,Rel,q,j,d)
@@ -92,31 +92,33 @@
                  lessD: thm list, neqE: thm list, simpset: Simplifier.simpset}
                  -> {add_mono_thms: thm list, mult_mono_thms: thm list, inj_thms: thm list,
                      lessD: thm list, neqE: thm list, simpset: Simplifier.simpset})
-                -> theory -> theory
+                -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val trace: bool ref
-  val fast_arith_neq_limit: int ref
-  val lin_arith_prover: theory -> simpset -> term -> thm option
-  val     lin_arith_tac:    bool -> int -> tactic
   val cut_lin_arith_tac: simpset -> int -> tactic
+  val lin_arith_tac: Proof.context -> bool -> int -> tactic
+  val lin_arith_simproc: simpset -> term -> thm option
-functor Fast_Lin_Arith(structure LA_Logic:LIN_ARITH_LOGIC
-                       and       LA_Data:LIN_ARITH_DATA) : FAST_LIN_ARITH =
+functor Fast_Lin_Arith
+  (structure LA_Logic: LIN_ARITH_LOGIC and LA_Data: LIN_ARITH_DATA): FAST_LIN_ARITH =
 (** theory data **)
-structure Data = TheoryDataFun
+structure Data = GenericDataFun
-  type T = {add_mono_thms: thm list, mult_mono_thms: thm list, inj_thms: thm list,
-            lessD: thm list, neqE: thm list, simpset: Simplifier.simpset};
+  type T =
+   {add_mono_thms: thm list,
+    mult_mono_thms: thm list,
+    inj_thms: thm list,
+    lessD: thm list,
+    neqE: thm list,
+    simpset: Simplifier.simpset};
   val empty = {add_mono_thms = [], mult_mono_thms = [], inj_thms = [],
                lessD = [], neqE = [], simpset = Simplifier.empty_ss};
-  val copy = I;
   val extend = I;
   fun merge _
     ({add_mono_thms= add_mono_thms1, mult_mono_thms= mult_mono_thms1, inj_thms= inj_thms1,
       lessD = lessD1, neqE=neqE1, simpset = simpset1},
@@ -131,6 +133,7 @@
 val map_data =;
+val get_data = Data.get o Context.Proof;
@@ -409,11 +412,14 @@
 (* Translate back a proof.                                                   *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun trace_thm (msg : string) (th : thm) : thm =
-    (if !trace then (tracing msg; tracing (Display.string_of_thm th)) else (); th);
+fun trace_thm msg th =
+  (if !trace then (tracing msg; tracing (Display.string_of_thm th)) else (); th);
-fun trace_msg (msg : string) : unit =
-    if !trace then tracing msg else ();
+fun trace_term ctxt msg t =
+  (if !trace then tracing (cat_lines [msg, ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t]) else (); t)
+fun trace_msg msg =
+  if !trace then tracing msg else ();
 (* FIXME OPTIMIZE!!!! (partly done already)
    Addition/Multiplication need i*t representation rather than t+t+...
@@ -425,16 +431,18 @@
 with 0 <= n.
- exception FalseE of thm
+  exception FalseE of thm
-fun mkthm (sg:theory, ss) (asms:thm list) (just:injust) : thm =
-  let val {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, simpset, ...} =
-          Data.get sg;
-      val simpset' = Simplifier.inherit_context ss simpset;
-      val atoms = Library.foldl (fn (ats, (lhs,_,_,rhs,_,_)) =>
+fun mkthm ss asms (just: injust) =
+  let
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+    val {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, simpset, ...} = get_data ctxt;
+    val simpset' = Simplifier.inherit_context ss simpset;
+    val atoms = Library.foldl (fn (ats, (lhs,_,_,rhs,_,_)) =>
                             map fst lhs  union  (map fst rhs  union  ats))
                         ([], List.mapPartial (fn thm => if Thm.no_prems thm
-                                              then LA_Data.decomp sg (concl_of thm)
+                                              then LA_Data.decomp ctxt (Thm.concl_of thm)
                                               else NONE) asms)
       fun add2 thm1 thm2 =
@@ -465,15 +473,15 @@
               get_first (fn th => SOME(thm RS th) handle THM _ => NONE) mult_mono_thms
             fun cvar(th,_ $ (_ $ _ $ var)) = cterm_of (Thm.theory_of_thm th) var;
             val cv = cvar(mth, hd(prems_of mth));
-            val ct = cterm_of sg (LA_Data.number_of(n,#T(rep_cterm cv)))
+            val ct = cterm_of thy (LA_Data.number_of(n,#T(rep_cterm cv)))
         in instantiate ([],[(cv,ct)]) mth end
       fun simp thm =
         let val thm' = trace_thm "Simplified:" (full_simplify simpset' thm)
         in if LA_Logic.is_False thm' then raise FalseE thm' else thm' end
-      fun mk (Asm i)              = trace_thm ("Asm " ^ Int.toString i) (nth asms i)
-        | mk (Nat i)              = trace_thm ("Nat " ^ Int.toString i) (LA_Logic.mk_nat_thm sg (nth atoms i))
+      fun mk (Asm i) = trace_thm ("Asm " ^ string_of_int i) (nth asms i)
+        | mk (Nat i) = trace_thm ("Nat " ^ string_of_int i) (LA_Logic.mk_nat_thm thy (nth atoms i))
         | mk (LessD j)            = trace_thm "L" (hd ([mk j] RL lessD))
         | mk (NotLeD j)           = trace_thm "NLe" (mk j RS LA_Logic.not_leD)
         | mk (NotLeDD j)          = trace_thm "NLeD" (hd ([mk j RS LA_Logic.not_leD] RL lessD))
@@ -550,22 +558,24 @@
   #> commas
   #> curry (op ^) "Counterexample (possibly spurious):\n";
-fun trace_ex (sg, params, atoms, discr, n, hist : history) =
+fun trace_ex ctxt params atoms discr n (hist: history) =
   case hist of
     [] => ()
   | (v, lineqs) :: hist' =>
-    let val frees = map Free params
-        fun s_of_t t = Sign.string_of_term sg (subst_bounds (frees, t))
-        val start = if v = ~1 then (hist', findex0 discr n lineqs)
+      let
+        val frees = map Free params
+        fun show_term t = ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt (subst_bounds (frees, t))
+        val start =
+          if v = ~1 then (hist', findex0 discr n lineqs)
           else (hist, replicate n
-        val ex = SOME (produce_ex ((map s_of_t atoms) ~~ discr)
-          (uncurry (fold (findex1 discr)) start))
+        val ex = SOME (produce_ex (map show_term atoms ~~ discr)
+            (uncurry (fold (findex1 discr)) start))
           handle NoEx => NONE
-    in
-      case ex of
-        SOME s => (warning "arith failed - see trace for a counterexample"; tracing s)
-      | NONE => warning "arith failed"
-    end;
+      in
+        case ex of
+          SOME s => (warning "arith failed - see trace for a counterexample"; tracing s)
+        | NONE => warning "arith failed"
+      end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -594,8 +604,7 @@
 (*        failure as soon as a case could not be refuted; i.e. delay further *)
 (*        splitting until after a refutation for other cases has been found. *)
-fun split_items sg (do_pre : bool) (Ts, terms) :
-                (typ list * (LA_Data.decompT * int) list) list =
+fun split_items ctxt do_pre (Ts, terms) : (typ list * (LA_Data.decompT * int) list) list =
   (* splits inequalities '~=' into '<' and '>'; this corresponds to *)
   (* 'REPEAT_DETERM (eresolve_tac neqE i)' at the theorem/tactic    *)
@@ -632,11 +641,11 @@
   val result = (Ts, terms)
     |> (* user-defined preprocessing of the subgoal *)
-       (if do_pre then LA_Data.pre_decomp sg else Library.single)
+       (if do_pre then LA_Data.pre_decomp ctxt else Library.single)
     |> tap (fn subgoals => trace_msg ("Preprocessing yields " ^
          string_of_int (length subgoals) ^ " subgoal(s) total."))
     |> (* produce the internal encoding of (in-)equalities *)
-       map (apsnd (map (fn t => (LA_Data.decomp sg t, LA_Data.domain_is_nat t))))
+       map (apsnd (map (fn t => (LA_Data.decomp ctxt t, LA_Data.domain_is_nat t))))
     |> (* splitting of inequalities *)
        map (apsnd elim_neq)
     |> maps (fn (Ts, subgoals) => map (pair Ts o map fst) subgoals)
@@ -658,21 +667,22 @@
 fun discr (initems : (LA_Data.decompT * int) list) : bool list =
   map fst (Library.foldl add_datoms ([],initems));
-fun refutes (sg : theory) (params : (string * typ) list) (show_ex : bool) :
+fun refutes ctxt params show_ex :
   (typ list * (LA_Data.decompT * int) list) list -> injust list -> injust list option =
   fun refute ((Ts : typ list, initems : (LA_Data.decompT * int) list)::initemss)
              (js : injust list) : injust list option =
-    let val atoms = Library.foldl add_atoms ([], initems)
-        val n = length atoms
-        val mkleq = mklineq n atoms
-        val ixs = 0 upto (n-1)
-        val iatoms = atoms ~~ ixs
-        val natlineqs = List.mapPartial (mknat Ts ixs) iatoms
-        val ineqs = map mkleq initems @ natlineqs
+    let
+      val atoms = Library.foldl add_atoms ([], initems)
+      val n = length atoms
+      val mkleq = mklineq n atoms
+      val ixs = 0 upto (n - 1)
+      val iatoms = atoms ~~ ixs
+      val natlineqs = List.mapPartial (mknat Ts ixs) iatoms
+      val ineqs = map mkleq initems @ natlineqs
     in case elim (ineqs, []) of
          Success j =>
-           (trace_msg ("Contradiction! (" ^ Int.toString (length js + 1) ^ ")");
+           (trace_msg ("Contradiction! (" ^ string_of_int (length js + 1) ^ ")");
             refute initemss (js@[j]))
        | Failure hist =>
            (if not show_ex then
@@ -685,25 +695,18 @@
               val new_names = map Name.bound (0 upto new_count)
               val params'   = (new_names @ map fst params) ~~ Ts
-              trace_ex (sg, params', atoms, discr initems, n, hist)
+              trace_ex ctxt params' atoms (discr initems) n hist
             end; NONE)
     | refute [] js = SOME js
 in refute end;
-fun refute (sg : theory) (params : (string * Term.typ) list) (show_ex : bool)
-           (do_pre : bool) (terms : term list) : injust list option =
-  refutes sg params show_ex (split_items sg do_pre (map snd params, terms)) [];
+fun refute ctxt params show_ex do_pre terms : injust list option =
+  refutes ctxt params show_ex (split_items ctxt do_pre (map snd params, terms)) [];
 fun count P xs = length (filter P xs);
-(* The limit on the number of ~= allowed.
-   Because each ~= is split into two cases, this can lead to an explosion.
-val fast_arith_neq_limit = ref 9;
-fun prove (sg : theory) (params : (string * Term.typ) list) (show_ex : bool)
-          (do_pre : bool) (Hs : term list) (concl : term) : injust list option =
+fun prove ctxt (params : (string * Term.typ) list) show_ex do_pre Hs concl : injust list option =
     val _ = trace_msg "prove:"
     (* append the negated conclusion to 'Hs' -- this corresponds to     *)
@@ -712,14 +715,13 @@
     val Hs' = Hs @ [LA_Logic.neg_prop concl]
     fun is_neq NONE                 = false
       | is_neq (SOME (_,_,r,_,_,_)) = (r = "~=")
+    val neq_limit = ConfigOption.get ctxt LA_Data.fast_arith_neq_limit;
-    if count is_neq (map (LA_Data.decomp sg) Hs')
-      > !fast_arith_neq_limit then (
-      trace_msg ("fast_arith_neq_limit exceeded (current value is " ^
-                   string_of_int (!fast_arith_neq_limit) ^ ")");
-      NONE
-    ) else
-      refute sg params show_ex do_pre Hs'
+    if count is_neq (map (LA_Data.decomp ctxt) Hs') > neq_limit then
+     (trace_msg ("fast_arith_neq_limit exceeded (current value is " ^
+        string_of_int neq_limit ^ ")"); NONE)
+    else
+      refute ctxt params show_ex do_pre Hs'
   end handle TERM ("neg_prop", _) =>
     (* since no meta-logic negation is available, we can only fail if   *)
     (* the conclusion is not of the form 'Trueprop $ _' (simply         *)
@@ -729,48 +731,52 @@
 fun refute_tac ss (i, justs) =
   fn state =>
-    let val _ = trace_thm ("refute_tac (on subgoal " ^ Int.toString i ^ ", with " ^
-                             Int.toString (length justs) ^ " justification(s)):") state
-        val sg          = theory_of_thm state
-        val {neqE, ...} = Data.get sg
-        fun just1 j =
-          (* eliminate inequalities *)
-          REPEAT_DETERM (eresolve_tac neqE i) THEN
-            PRIMITIVE (trace_thm "State after neqE:") THEN
-            (* use theorems generated from the actual justifications *)
-            METAHYPS (fn asms => rtac (mkthm (sg, ss) asms j) 1) i
-    in (* rewrite "[| A1; ...; An |] ==> B" to "[| A1; ...; An; ~B |] ==> False" *)
-       DETERM (resolve_tac [LA_Logic.notI, LA_Logic.ccontr] i) THEN
-       (* user-defined preprocessing of the subgoal *)
-       DETERM (LA_Data.pre_tac i) THEN
-       PRIMITIVE (trace_thm "State after pre_tac:") THEN
-       (* prove every resulting subgoal, using its justification *)
-       EVERY (map just1 justs)
+    let
+      val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss;
+      val _ = trace_thm ("refute_tac (on subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ ", with " ^
+                             string_of_int (length justs) ^ " justification(s)):") state
+      val {neqE, ...} = get_data ctxt;
+      fun just1 j =
+        (* eliminate inequalities *)
+        REPEAT_DETERM (eresolve_tac neqE i) THEN
+          PRIMITIVE (trace_thm "State after neqE:") THEN
+          (* use theorems generated from the actual justifications *)
+          METAHYPS (fn asms => rtac (mkthm ss asms j) 1) i
+    in
+      (* rewrite "[| A1; ...; An |] ==> B" to "[| A1; ...; An; ~B |] ==> False" *)
+      DETERM (resolve_tac [LA_Logic.notI, LA_Logic.ccontr] i) THEN
+      (* user-defined preprocessing of the subgoal *)
+      DETERM (LA_Data.pre_tac ctxt i) THEN
+      PRIMITIVE (trace_thm "State after pre_tac:") THEN
+      (* prove every resulting subgoal, using its justification *)
+      EVERY (map just1 justs)
     end  state;
 Fast but very incomplete decider. Only premises and conclusions
 that are already (negated) (in)equations are taken into account.
-fun simpset_lin_arith_tac (ss : simpset) (show_ex : bool) (i : int) (st : thm) =
-  SUBGOAL (fn (A,_) =>
-  let val params = rev (Logic.strip_params A)
-      val Hs     = Logic.strip_assums_hyp A
-      val concl  = Logic.strip_assums_concl A
-  in trace_thm ("Trying to refute subgoal " ^ string_of_int i) st;
-     case prove (Thm.theory_of_thm st) params show_ex true Hs concl of
-       NONE => (trace_msg "Refutation failed."; no_tac)
-     | SOME js => (trace_msg "Refutation succeeded."; refute_tac ss (i, js))
-  end) i st;
+fun simpset_lin_arith_tac ss show_ex = SUBGOAL (fn (A, i) =>
+  let
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss
+    val params = rev (Logic.strip_params A)
+    val Hs = Logic.strip_assums_hyp A
+    val concl = Logic.strip_assums_concl A
+    val _ = trace_term ctxt ("Trying to refute subgoal " ^ string_of_int i) A
+  in
+    case prove ctxt params show_ex true Hs concl of
+      NONE => (trace_msg "Refutation failed."; no_tac)
+    | SOME js => (trace_msg "Refutation succeeded."; refute_tac ss (i, js))
+  end);
-fun lin_arith_tac (show_ex : bool) (i : int) (st : thm) =
-  simpset_lin_arith_tac
-    (Simplifier.theory_context (Thm.theory_of_thm st) Simplifier.empty_ss)
-    show_ex i st;
+fun cut_lin_arith_tac ss =
+  cut_facts_tac (Simplifier.prems_of_ss ss) THEN'
+  simpset_lin_arith_tac ss false;
-fun cut_lin_arith_tac (ss : simpset) (i : int) =
-  cut_facts_tac (Simplifier.prems_of_ss ss) i THEN
-  simpset_lin_arith_tac ss false i;
+fun lin_arith_tac ctxt =
+  simpset_lin_arith_tac (Simplifier.context ctxt Simplifier.empty_ss);
 (** Forward proof from theorems **)
@@ -794,8 +800,8 @@
     val (_, ct2)   = Thm.dest_comb Ict2
 in (ct1, ct2) end;
-fun splitasms (sg : theory) (asms : thm list) : splittree =
-let val {neqE, ...} = Data.get sg
+fun splitasms ctxt (asms : thm list) : splittree =
+let val {neqE, ...} = get_data ctxt
     fun elim_neq (asms', []) = Tip (rev asms')
       | elim_neq (asms', asm::asms) =
       (case get_first (fn th => SOME (asm COMP th) handle THM _ => NONE) neqE of
@@ -808,70 +814,52 @@
       | NONE => elim_neq (asm::asms', asms))
 in elim_neq ([], asms) end;
-fun fwdproof (ctxt : theory * simpset) (Tip asms : splittree) (j::js : injust list) =
-    (mkthm ctxt asms j, js)
-  | fwdproof ctxt (Spl (thm, ct1, tree1, ct2, tree2)) js =
-    let val (thm1, js1) = fwdproof ctxt tree1 js
-        val (thm2, js2) = fwdproof ctxt tree2 js1
+fun fwdproof ss (Tip asms : splittree) (j::js : injust list) = (mkthm ss asms j, js)
+  | fwdproof ss (Spl (thm, ct1, tree1, ct2, tree2)) js =
+      let
+        val (thm1, js1) = fwdproof ss tree1 js
+        val (thm2, js2) = fwdproof ss tree2 js1
         val thm1' = implies_intr ct1 thm1
         val thm2' = implies_intr ct2 thm2
-    in (thm2' COMP (thm1' COMP thm), js2) end;
-(* needs handle THM _ => NONE ? *)
+      in (thm2' COMP (thm1' COMP thm), js2) end;
+      (* FIXME needs handle THM _ => NONE ? *)
-fun prover (ctxt as (sg, ss)) thms (Tconcl : term) (js : injust list) (pos : bool) : thm option =
-(* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv *)
-(* Use this code instead if lin_arith_prover calls prove with do_pre set to true *)
-(* but beware: this can be a significant performance issue.                      *)
-    (* There is no "forward version" of 'pre_tac'.  Therefore we combine the     *)
-    (* available theorems into a single proof state and perform "backward proof" *)
-    (* using 'refute_tac'.                                                       *)
-    val Hs    = map prop_of thms
-    val Prop  = fold (curry Logic.mk_implies) (rev Hs) Tconcl
-    val cProp = cterm_of sg Prop
-    val concl = Goal.init cProp
-                  |> refute_tac ss (1, js)
-                  |> Seq.hd
-                  |> Goal.finish
-                  |> fold (fn thA => fn thAB => implies_elim thAB thA) thms
-(* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *)
-    val nTconcl       = LA_Logic.neg_prop Tconcl
-    val cnTconcl      = cterm_of sg nTconcl
-    val nTconclthm    = assume cnTconcl
-    val tree          = splitasms sg (thms @ [nTconclthm])
-    val (Falsethm, _) = fwdproof ctxt tree js
-    val contr         = if pos then LA_Logic.ccontr else LA_Logic.notI
-    val concl         = implies_intr cnTconcl Falsethm COMP contr
-in SOME (trace_thm "Proved by lin. arith. prover:"
-          (LA_Logic.mk_Eq concl)) end
-(* in case concl contains ?-var, which makes assume fail: *)
-handle THM _ => NONE;
+fun prover ss thms Tconcl (js : injust list) pos : thm option =
+  let
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val nTconcl = LA_Logic.neg_prop Tconcl
+    val cnTconcl = cterm_of thy nTconcl
+    val nTconclthm = assume cnTconcl
+    val tree = splitasms ctxt (thms @ [nTconclthm])
+    val (Falsethm, _) = fwdproof ss tree js
+    val contr = if pos then LA_Logic.ccontr else LA_Logic.notI
+    val concl = implies_intr cnTconcl Falsethm COMP contr
+  in SOME (trace_thm "Proved by lin. arith. prover:" (LA_Logic.mk_Eq concl)) end
+  (*in case concl contains ?-var, which makes assume fail:*)   (* FIXME Variable.import_terms *)
+  handle THM _ => NONE;
 (* PRE: concl is not negated!
    This assumption is OK because
-   1. lin_arith_prover tries both to prove and disprove concl and
-   2. lin_arith_prover is applied by the simplifier which
+   1. lin_arith_simproc tries both to prove and disprove concl and
+   2. lin_arith_simproc is applied by the Simplifier which
       dives into terms and will thus try the non-negated concl anyway.
-fun lin_arith_prover sg ss (concl : term) : thm option =
-let val thms = List.concat (map LA_Logic.atomize (prems_of_ss ss));
-    val Hs = map prop_of thms
+fun lin_arith_simproc ss concl =
+  let
+    val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ss
+    val thms = List.concat (map LA_Logic.atomize (Simplifier.prems_of_ss ss))
+    val Hs = map Thm.prop_of thms
     val Tconcl = LA_Logic.mk_Trueprop concl
-    val _ = trace_msg "lin_arith_prover"
-    val _ = map (trace_thm "thms:") thms
-    val _ = trace_msg ("concl:" ^ Sign.string_of_term sg concl)
-in case prove sg [] false false Hs Tconcl of (* concl provable? *)
-     SOME js => prover (sg, ss) thms Tconcl js true
-   | NONE => let val nTconcl = LA_Logic.neg_prop Tconcl
-          in case prove sg [] false false Hs nTconcl of (* ~concl provable? *)
-               SOME js => prover (sg, ss) thms nTconcl js false
-             | NONE => NONE
-          end
+  in
+    case prove ctxt [] false false Hs Tconcl of (* concl provable? *)
+      SOME js => prover ss thms Tconcl js true
+    | NONE =>
+        let val nTconcl = LA_Logic.neg_prop Tconcl in
+          case prove ctxt [] false false Hs nTconcl of (* ~concl provable? *)
+            SOME js => prover ss thms nTconcl js false
+          | NONE => NONE
+        end
+  end;