--- a/doc-src/ZF/ZF.tex Sat Aug 12 21:42:12 2000 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/ZF/ZF.tex Sat Aug 12 21:42:51 2000 +0200
@@ -1086,6 +1086,8 @@
+\subsection{Disjoint unions}
Theory \thydx{Sum} defines the disjoint union of two sets, with
injections and a case analysis operator (Fig.\ts\ref{zf-sum}). Disjoint
unions play a role in datatype definitions, particularly when there is
@@ -1107,6 +1109,9 @@
\caption{Non-standard pairs, products and sums} \label{zf-qpair}
+\subsection{Non-standard ordered pairs}
Theory \thydx{QPair} defines a notion of ordered pair that admits
non-well-founded tupling (Fig.\ts\ref{zf-qpair}). Such pairs are written
{\tt<$a$;$b$>}. It also defines the eliminator \cdx{qsplit}, the
@@ -1165,6 +1170,9 @@
\caption{Least and greatest fixedpoints} \label{zf-fixedpt}
+\subsection{Least and greatest fixedpoints}
The Knaster-Tarski Theorem states that every monotone function over a
complete lattice has a fixedpoint. Theory \thydx{Fixedpt} proves the
Theorem only for a particular lattice, namely the lattice of subsets of a
@@ -1184,143 +1192,7 @@
file \texttt{ZF/mono.ML}.
- \it symbol & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
- \sdx{O} & $[i,i]\To i$ & Right 60 & composition ($\circ$) \\
- \cdx{id} & $i\To i$ & & identity function \\
- \cdx{inj} & $[i,i]\To i$ & & injective function space\\
- \cdx{surj} & $[i,i]\To i$ & & surjective function space\\
- \cdx{bij} & $[i,i]\To i$ & & bijective function space
-\tdx{comp_def} r O s == {\ttlbrace}xz : domain(s)*range(r) .
- EX x y z. xz=<x,z> & <x,y>:s & <y,z>:r{\ttrbrace}
-\tdx{id_def} id(A) == (lam x:A. x)
-\tdx{inj_def} inj(A,B) == {\ttlbrace} f: A->B. ALL w:A. ALL x:A. f`w=f`x --> w=x {\ttrbrace}
-\tdx{surj_def} surj(A,B) == {\ttlbrace} f: A->B . ALL y:B. EX x:A. f`x=y {\ttrbrace}
-\tdx{bij_def} bij(A,B) == inj(A,B) Int surj(A,B)
-\tdx{left_inverse} [| f: inj(A,B); a: A |] ==> converse(f)`(f`a) = a
-\tdx{right_inverse} [| f: inj(A,B); b: range(f) |] ==>
- f`(converse(f)`b) = b
-\tdx{inj_converse_inj} f: inj(A,B) ==> converse(f): inj(range(f), A)
-\tdx{bij_converse_bij} f: bij(A,B) ==> converse(f): bij(B,A)
-\tdx{comp_type} [| s<=A*B; r<=B*C |] ==> (r O s) <= A*C
-\tdx{comp_assoc} (r O s) O t = r O (s O t)
-\tdx{left_comp_id} r<=A*B ==> id(B) O r = r
-\tdx{right_comp_id} r<=A*B ==> r O id(A) = r
-\tdx{comp_func} [| g:A->B; f:B->C |] ==> (f O g):A->C
-\tdx{comp_func_apply} [| g:A->B; f:B->C; a:A |] ==> (f O g)`a = f`(g`a)
-\tdx{comp_inj} [| g:inj(A,B); f:inj(B,C) |] ==> (f O g):inj(A,C)
-\tdx{comp_surj} [| g:surj(A,B); f:surj(B,C) |] ==> (f O g):surj(A,C)
-\tdx{comp_bij} [| g:bij(A,B); f:bij(B,C) |] ==> (f O g):bij(A,C)
-\tdx{left_comp_inverse} f: inj(A,B) ==> converse(f) O f = id(A)
-\tdx{right_comp_inverse} f: surj(A,B) ==> f O converse(f) = id(B)
- [| f: bij(A,B); g: bij(C,D); A Int C = 0; B Int D = 0 |] ==>
- (f Un g) : bij(A Un C, B Un D)
-\tdx{restrict_bij} [| f:inj(A,B); C<=A |] ==> restrict(f,C): bij(C, f``C)
-\caption{Permutations} \label{zf-perm}
-The theory \thydx{Perm} is concerned with permutations (bijections) and
-related concepts. These include composition of relations, the identity
-relation, and three specialized function spaces: injective, surjective and
-bijective. Figure~\ref{zf-perm} displays many of their properties that
-have been proved. These results are fundamental to a treatment of
-equipollence and cardinality.
-\index{#*@{\tt\#*} symbol}
-\index{*div symbol}
-\index{*mod symbol}
-\index{#+@{\tt\#+} symbol}
-\index{#-@{\tt\#-} symbol}
- \it symbol & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
- \cdx{nat} & $i$ & & set of natural numbers \\
- \cdx{nat_case}& $[i,i\To i,i]\To i$ & & conditional for $nat$\\
- \tt \#* & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 70 & multiplication \\
- \tt div & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 70 & division\\
- \tt mod & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 70 & modulus\\
- \tt \#+ & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 65 & addition\\
- \tt \#- & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 65 & subtraction
-\tdx{nat_def} nat == lfp(lam r: Pow(Inf). {\ttlbrace}0{\ttrbrace} Un {\ttlbrace}succ(x). x:r{\ttrbrace}
-\tdx{mod_def} m mod n == transrec(m, \%j f. if j:n then j else f`(j#-n))
-\tdx{div_def} m div n == transrec(m, \%j f. if j:n then 0
- else succ(f`(j#-n)))
-\tdx{nat_case_def} nat_case(a,b,k) ==
- THE y. k=0 & y=a | (EX x. k=succ(x) & y=b(x))
-\tdx{nat_0I} 0 : nat
-\tdx{nat_succI} n : nat ==> succ(n) : nat
- [| n: nat; P(0); !!x. [| x: nat; P(x) |] ==> P(succ(x))
- |] ==> P(n)
-\tdx{nat_case_0} nat_case(a,b,0) = a
-\tdx{nat_case_succ} nat_case(a,b,succ(m)) = b(m)
-\tdx{add_0} 0 #+ n = n
-\tdx{add_succ} succ(m) #+ n = succ(m #+ n)
-\tdx{mult_type} [| m:nat; n:nat |] ==> m #* n : nat
-\tdx{mult_0} 0 #* n = 0
-\tdx{mult_succ} succ(m) #* n = n #+ (m #* n)
-\tdx{mult_commute} [| m:nat; n:nat |] ==> m #* n = n #* m
-\tdx{add_mult_dist} [| m:nat; k:nat |] ==>
- (m #+ n) #* k = (m #* k) #+ (n #* k)
- [| m:nat; n:nat; k:nat |] ==> (m #* n) #* k = m #* (n #* k)
- [| 0:n; m:nat; n:nat |] ==> (m div n)#*n #+ m mod n = m
-\caption{The natural numbers} \label{zf-nat}
-Theory \thydx{Nat} defines the natural numbers and mathematical
-induction, along with a case analysis operator. The set of natural
-numbers, here called \texttt{nat}, is known in set theory as the ordinal~$\omega$.
-Theory \thydx{Arith} develops arithmetic on the natural numbers
-(Fig.\ts\ref{zf-nat}). Addition, multiplication and subtraction are defined
-by primitive recursion. Division and remainder are defined by repeated
-subtraction, which requires well-founded recursion; the termination argument
-relies on the divisor's being non-zero. Many properties are proved:
-commutative, associative and distributive laws, identity and cancellation
-laws, etc. The most interesting result is perhaps the theorem $a \bmod b +
-(a/b)\times b = a$.
-Theory \thydx{Univ} defines a `universe' $\texttt{univ}(A)$, which is used by
-the datatype package. This set contains $A$ and the
-natural numbers. Vitally, it is closed under finite products: ${\tt
- univ}(A)\times{\tt univ}(A)\subseteq{\tt univ}(A)$. This theory also
-defines the cumulative hierarchy of axiomatic set theory, which
-traditionally is written $V@\alpha$ for an ordinal~$\alpha$. The
-`universe' is a simple generalization of~$V@\omega$.
-Theory \thydx{QUniv} defines a `universe' ${\tt quniv}(A)$, which is used by
-the datatype package to construct codatatypes such as streams. It is
-analogous to ${\tt univ}(A)$ (and is defined in terms of it) but is closed
-under the non-standard product and sum.
+\subsection{Finite sets and lists}
Theory \texttt{Finite} (Figure~\ref{zf-fin}) defines the finite set operator;
${\tt Fin}(A)$ is the set of all finite sets over~$A$. The theory employs
@@ -1395,6 +1267,80 @@
list functions by primitive recursion. See theory \texttt{List}.
+ \it symbol & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
+ \sdx{O} & $[i,i]\To i$ & Right 60 & composition ($\circ$) \\
+ \cdx{id} & $i\To i$ & & identity function \\
+ \cdx{inj} & $[i,i]\To i$ & & injective function space\\
+ \cdx{surj} & $[i,i]\To i$ & & surjective function space\\
+ \cdx{bij} & $[i,i]\To i$ & & bijective function space
+\tdx{comp_def} r O s == {\ttlbrace}xz : domain(s)*range(r) .
+ EX x y z. xz=<x,z> & <x,y>:s & <y,z>:r{\ttrbrace}
+\tdx{id_def} id(A) == (lam x:A. x)
+\tdx{inj_def} inj(A,B) == {\ttlbrace} f: A->B. ALL w:A. ALL x:A. f`w=f`x --> w=x {\ttrbrace}
+\tdx{surj_def} surj(A,B) == {\ttlbrace} f: A->B . ALL y:B. EX x:A. f`x=y {\ttrbrace}
+\tdx{bij_def} bij(A,B) == inj(A,B) Int surj(A,B)
+\tdx{left_inverse} [| f: inj(A,B); a: A |] ==> converse(f)`(f`a) = a
+\tdx{right_inverse} [| f: inj(A,B); b: range(f) |] ==>
+ f`(converse(f)`b) = b
+\tdx{inj_converse_inj} f: inj(A,B) ==> converse(f): inj(range(f), A)
+\tdx{bij_converse_bij} f: bij(A,B) ==> converse(f): bij(B,A)
+\tdx{comp_type} [| s<=A*B; r<=B*C |] ==> (r O s) <= A*C
+\tdx{comp_assoc} (r O s) O t = r O (s O t)
+\tdx{left_comp_id} r<=A*B ==> id(B) O r = r
+\tdx{right_comp_id} r<=A*B ==> r O id(A) = r
+\tdx{comp_func} [| g:A->B; f:B->C |] ==> (f O g):A->C
+\tdx{comp_func_apply} [| g:A->B; f:B->C; a:A |] ==> (f O g)`a = f`(g`a)
+\tdx{comp_inj} [| g:inj(A,B); f:inj(B,C) |] ==> (f O g):inj(A,C)
+\tdx{comp_surj} [| g:surj(A,B); f:surj(B,C) |] ==> (f O g):surj(A,C)
+\tdx{comp_bij} [| g:bij(A,B); f:bij(B,C) |] ==> (f O g):bij(A,C)
+\tdx{left_comp_inverse} f: inj(A,B) ==> converse(f) O f = id(A)
+\tdx{right_comp_inverse} f: surj(A,B) ==> f O converse(f) = id(B)
+ [| f: bij(A,B); g: bij(C,D); A Int C = 0; B Int D = 0 |] ==>
+ (f Un g) : bij(A Un C, B Un D)
+\tdx{restrict_bij} [| f:inj(A,B); C<=A |] ==> restrict(f,C): bij(C, f``C)
+\caption{Permutations} \label{zf-perm}
+The theory \thydx{Perm} is concerned with permutations (bijections) and
+related concepts. These include composition of relations, the identity
+relation, and three specialized function spaces: injective, surjective and
+bijective. Figure~\ref{zf-perm} displays many of their properties that
+have been proved. These results are fundamental to a treatment of
+equipollence and cardinality.
+Theory \thydx{Univ} defines a `universe' $\texttt{univ}(A)$, which is used by
+the datatype package. This set contains $A$ and the
+natural numbers. Vitally, it is closed under finite products: ${\tt
+ univ}(A)\times{\tt univ}(A)\subseteq{\tt univ}(A)$. This theory also
+defines the cumulative hierarchy of axiomatic set theory, which
+traditionally is written $V@\alpha$ for an ordinal~$\alpha$. The
+`universe' is a simple generalization of~$V@\omega$.
+Theory \thydx{QUniv} defines a `universe' ${\tt quniv}(A)$, which is used by
+the datatype package to construct codatatypes such as streams. It is
+analogous to ${\tt univ}(A)$ (and is defined in terms of it) but is closed
+under the non-standard product and sum.
\section{Automatic Tools}
{\ZF} provides the simplifier and the classical reasoner. Moreover it
@@ -1517,6 +1463,152 @@
+\section{Natural number and integer arithmetic}
+\index{#*@{\tt\#*} symbol}
+\index{*div symbol}
+\index{*mod symbol}
+\index{#+@{\tt\#+} symbol}
+\index{#-@{\tt\#-} symbol}
+ \it symbol & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
+ \cdx{nat} & $i$ & & set of natural numbers \\
+ \cdx{nat_case}& $[i,i\To i,i]\To i$ & & conditional for $nat$\\
+ \tt \#* & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 70 & multiplication \\
+ \tt div & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 70 & division\\
+ \tt mod & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 70 & modulus\\
+ \tt \#+ & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 65 & addition\\
+ \tt \#- & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 65 & subtraction
+\tdx{nat_def} nat == lfp(lam r: Pow(Inf). {\ttlbrace}0{\ttrbrace} Un {\ttlbrace}succ(x). x:r{\ttrbrace}
+\tdx{nat_case_def} nat_case(a,b,k) ==
+ THE y. k=0 & y=a | (EX x. k=succ(x) & y=b(x))
+\tdx{nat_0I} 0 : nat
+\tdx{nat_succI} n : nat ==> succ(n) : nat
+ [| n: nat; P(0); !!x. [| x: nat; P(x) |] ==> P(succ(x))
+ |] ==> P(n)
+\tdx{nat_case_0} nat_case(a,b,0) = a
+\tdx{nat_case_succ} nat_case(a,b,succ(m)) = b(m)
+\tdx{add_0_natify} 0 #+ n = natify(n)
+\tdx{add_succ} succ(m) #+ n = succ(m #+ n)
+\tdx{mult_type} m #* n : nat
+\tdx{mult_0} 0 #* n = 0
+\tdx{mult_succ} succ(m) #* n = n #+ (m #* n)
+\tdx{mult_commute} m #* n = n #* m
+\tdx{add_mult_dist} (m #+ n) #* k = (m #* k) #+ (n #* k)
+\tdx{mult_assoc} (m #* n) #* k = m #* (n #* k)
+\tdx{mod_div_equality} m: nat ==> (m div n)#*n #+ m mod n = m
+\caption{The natural numbers} \label{zf-nat}
+\index{natural numbers}
+Theory \thydx{Nat} defines the natural numbers and mathematical
+induction, along with a case analysis operator. The set of natural
+numbers, here called \texttt{nat}, is known in set theory as the ordinal~$\omega$.
+Theory \thydx{Arith} develops arithmetic on the natural numbers
+(Fig.\ts\ref{zf-nat}). Addition, multiplication and subtraction are defined
+by primitive recursion. Division and remainder are defined by repeated
+subtraction, which requires well-founded recursion; the termination argument
+relies on the divisor's being non-zero. Many properties are proved:
+commutative, associative and distributive laws, identity and cancellation
+laws, etc. The most interesting result is perhaps the theorem $a \bmod b +
+(a/b)\times b = a$.
+To minimize the need for tedious proofs of $t\in\texttt{nat}$, the arithmetic
+operators coerce their arguments to be natural numbers. The function
+\cdx{natify} is defined such that $\texttt{natify}(n) = n$ if $n$ is a natural
+number, $\texttt{natify}(\texttt{succ}(x)) =
+\texttt{succ}(\texttt{natify}(x))$ for all $x$, and finally
+$\texttt{natify}(x)=0$ in all other cases. The benefit is that the addition,
+subtraction, multiplication, division and remainder operators always return
+natural numbers, regardless of their arguments. Algebraic laws (commutative,
+associative, distributive) are unconditional. Occurrences of \texttt{natify}
+as operands of those operators are simplified away. Any remaining occurrences
+can either be tolerated or else eliminated by proving that the argument is a
+natural number.
+The simplifier automatically cancels common terms on the opposite sides of
+subtraction and of relations ($=$, $<$ and $\le$). Here is an example:
+ 1. i #+ j #+ k #- j < k #+ l
+> by (Simp_tac 1);
+ 1. natify(i) < natify(l)
+Given the assumptions \texttt{i:nat} and \texttt{l:nat}, both occurrences of
+\cdx{natify} would be simplified away.
+\index{$*@{\tt\$*} symbol}
+\index{$+@{\tt\$+} symbol}
+\index{$-@{\tt\$-} symbol}
+ \it symbol & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
+ \cdx{int} & $i$ & & set of integers \\
+ \tt \$* & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 70 & multiplication \\
+ \tt \$+ & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 65 & addition\\
+ \tt \$- & $[i,i]\To i$ & Left 65 & subtraction\\
+ \tt \$< & $[i,i]\To o$ & Left 50 & $<$ on integers\\
+ \tt \$<= & $[i,i]\To o$ & Left 50 & $\le$ on integers
+\tdx{zadd_0_intify} 0 $+ n = intify(n)
+\tdx{zmult_type} m $* n : int
+\tdx{zmult_0} 0 $* n = 0
+\tdx{zmult_commute} m $* n = n $* m
+\tdx{zadd_zmult_dist} (m $+ n) $* k = (m $* k) $+ (n $* k)
+\tdx{zmult_assoc} (m $* n) $* k = m $* (n $* k)
+\caption{The integers} \label{zf-int}
+Theory \thydx{Int} defines the integers, as equivalence classes of natural
+numbers. Figure~\ref{zf-int} presents a tidy collection of laws. In
+fact, a large library of facts is proved, including monotonicity laws for
+addition and multiplication, covering both positive and negative operands.
+As with the natural numbers, the need for typing proofs is minimized. All the
+operators defined in Fig.\ts\ref{zf-int} coerce their operands to integers by
+applying the function \cdx{intify}. This function is the identity on integers
+and maps other operands to zero.
+Decimal notation is provided for the integers. Numbers, written as
+\texttt{\#$nnn$} or \texttt{\#-$nnn$}, are represented internally in
+two's-complement binary. Expressions involving addition, subtraction and
+multiplication of numeral constants are evaluated (with acceptable efficiency)
+by simplification. The simplifier also collects similar terms, multiplying
+them by a numerical coefficient. It also cancels occurrences of the same
+terms on the other side of the relational operators. Example:
+ 1. y $+ z $+ #-3 $* x $+ y $<= x $* #2 $+ z
+> by (Simp_tac 1);
+ 1. #2 $* y $<= #5 $* x
+For more information on the integers, please see the theories on directory
\section{Datatype definitions}