Added some optimized versions of functions dealing with sets
Thu, 14 Mar 1996 10:40:21 +0100
changeset 1576 af8f43f742a0
parent 1575 4118fb066ba9
child 1577 a84cc626ea69
Added some optimized versions of functions dealing with sets (i.e. mem, ins, eq_set etc.) which do not use the polymorphic = operator
--- a/src/Pure/library.ML	Wed Mar 13 11:56:15 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/library.ML	Thu Mar 14 10:40:21 1996 +0100
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
 input / output, timing, filenames, misc functions.
-infix |> ~~ \ \\ orelf ins orf andf prefix upto downto mem union inter subset
-      subdir_of;
+infix |> ~~ \ \\ orelf ins ins_string ins_int orf andf prefix upto downto
+      mem mem_int mem_string union union_string union_int inter inter_int
+      inter_string subset subset_int subset_string subdir_of;
 structure Library =
@@ -430,6 +431,14 @@
 fun x mem [] = false
   | x mem (y :: ys) = x = y orelse x mem ys;
+(*membership in a list, optimized version for int lists*)
+fun (x:int) mem_int [] = false
+  | x mem_int (y :: ys) = x = y orelse x mem_int ys;
+(*membership in a list, optimized version for string lists*)
+fun (x:string) mem_string [] = false
+  | x mem_string (y :: ys) = x = y orelse x mem_string ys;
 (*generalized membership test*)
 fun gen_mem eq (x, []) = false
   | gen_mem eq (x, y :: ys) = eq (x, y) orelse gen_mem eq (x, ys);
@@ -438,6 +447,12 @@
 (*insertion into list if not already there*)
 fun x ins xs = if x mem xs then xs else x :: xs;
+(*insertion into list if not already there, optimized version for int lists*)
+fun (x:int) ins_int xs = if x mem_int xs then xs else x :: xs;
+(*insertion into list if not already there, optimized version for string lists*)
+fun (x:string) ins_string xs = if x mem_string xs then xs else x :: xs;
 (*generalized insertion*)
 fun gen_ins eq (x, xs) = if gen_mem eq (x, xs) then xs else x :: xs;
@@ -447,6 +462,16 @@
   | [] union ys = ys
   | (x :: xs) union ys = xs union (x ins ys);
+(*union of sets represented as lists: no repetitions, optimized version for int lists*)
+fun (xs:int list) union_int [] = xs
+  | [] union_int ys = ys
+  | (x :: xs) union_int ys = xs union_int (x ins_int ys);
+(*union of sets represented as lists: no repetitions, optimized version for string lists*)
+fun (xs:string list) union_string [] = xs
+  | [] union_string ys = ys
+  | (x :: xs) union_string ys = xs union_string (x ins_string ys);
 (*generalized union*)
 fun gen_union eq (xs, []) = xs
   | gen_union eq ([], ys) = ys
@@ -458,11 +483,29 @@
   | (x :: xs) inter ys =
       if x mem ys then x :: (xs inter ys) else xs inter ys;
+(*intersection, optimized version for int lists*)
+fun ([]:int list) inter_int ys = []
+  | (x :: xs) inter_int ys =
+      if x mem_int ys then x :: (xs inter_int ys) else xs inter_int ys;
+(*intersection, optimized version for string lists *)
+fun ([]:string list) inter_string ys = []
+  | (x :: xs) inter_string ys =
+      if x mem_string ys then x :: (xs inter_string ys) else xs inter_string ys;
 fun [] subset ys = true
   | (x :: xs) subset ys = x mem ys andalso xs subset ys;
+(*subset, optimized version for int lists*)
+fun ([]:int list) subset_int ys = true
+  | (x :: xs) subset_int ys = x mem_int ys andalso xs subset_int ys;
+(*subset, optimized version for string lists*)
+fun ([]:string list) subset_string ys = true
+  | (x :: xs) subset_string ys = x mem_string ys andalso xs subset_string ys;
 fun gen_subset eq (xs, ys) = forall (fn x => gen_mem eq (x, ys)) xs;
@@ -471,6 +514,16 @@
 fun eq_set (xs, ys) =
   xs = ys orelse (xs subset ys andalso ys subset xs);
+(*eq_set, optimized version for int lists*)
+fun eq_set_int ((xs:int list), ys) =
+  xs = ys orelse (xs subset_int ys andalso ys subset_int xs);
+(*eq_set, optimized version for string lists*)
+fun eq_set_string ((xs:string list), ys) =
+  xs = ys orelse (xs subset_string ys andalso ys subset_string xs);
 (*removing an element from a list WITHOUT duplicates*)
 fun (y :: ys) \ x = if x = y then ys else y :: (ys \ x)
@@ -532,6 +585,21 @@
   | assoc ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) =
       if key = keyi then Some xi else assoc (pairs, key);
+(*association list lookup, optimized version for int lists*)
+fun assoc_int ([], (key:int)) = None
+  | assoc_int ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) =
+      if key = keyi then Some xi else assoc_int (pairs, key);
+(*association list lookup, optimized version for string lists*)
+fun assoc_string ([], (key:string)) = None
+  | assoc_string ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) =
+      if key = keyi then Some xi else assoc_string (pairs, key);
+(*association list lookup, optimized version for string*int lists*)
+fun assoc_string_int ([], (key:string*int)) = None
+  | assoc_string_int ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) =
+      if key = keyi then Some xi else assoc_string_int (pairs, key);
 fun assocs ps x =
   (case assoc (ps, x) of
     None => []
--- a/src/Pure/pattern.ML	Wed Mar 13 11:56:15 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/pattern.ML	Thu Mar 14 10:40:21 1996 +0100
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 fun ints_of []             = []
   | ints_of (Bound i ::bs) = 
       let val is = ints_of bs
-      in if i mem is then raise Pattern else i::is end
+      in if i mem_int is then raise Pattern else i::is end
   | ints_of _              = raise Pattern;
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
 fun flexflex2(env,binders,F,Fty,is,G,Gty,js) =
   let fun ff(F,Fty,is,G as (a,_),Gty,js) =
-            if js subset is
+            if js subset_int is
             then let val t= mkabs(binders,is,app(Var(G,Gty),map (idx is) js))
                  in Envir.update((F,t),env) end
-            else let val ks = is inter js
+            else let val ks = is inter_int js
                      val Hty = type_of_G(Fty,length is,map (idx is) ks)
                      val (env',H) = Envir.genvar a (env,Hty)
                      fun lam(is) = mkabs(binders,is,app(H,map (idx is) ks));
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
 fun eta_contract (Abs(a,T,body)) = 
       (case eta_contract body  of
         body' as (f $ Bound i) => 
-	  if i=0 andalso not (0 mem loose_bnos f) then incr_boundvars ~1 f 
+	  if i=0 andalso not (0 mem_int loose_bnos f) then incr_boundvars ~1 f 
 	  else Abs(a,T,body')
       | body' => Abs(a,T,body'))
   | eta_contract(f$t) = eta_contract f $ eta_contract t
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
       fun mtch (tyinsts,insts) = fn
 	(Var(ixn,T), t)  =>
 	  if loose_bvar(t,0) then raise MATCH
-	  else (case assoc(insts,ixn) of
+	  else (case assoc_string_int(insts,ixn) of
 		  None => (typ_match (tyinsts, (T, fastype_of t)), 
 		| Some u => if t aconv u then (tyinsts,insts) else raise MATCH)
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
   let val js = loose_bnos t
   in if null is
      then if null js then (ixn,t)::itms else raise MATCH
-     else if js subset is
+     else if js subset_int is
           then let val t' = if downto0(is,length binders - 1) then t
                             else mapbnd (idx is) t
                in (ixn, mkabs(binders,is,t')) :: itms end
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
       in case ph of
            Var(ixn,_) =>
              let val is = ints_of pargs
-             in case assoc(itms,ixn) of
+             in case assoc_string_int(itms,ixn) of
                   None => (iTs,match_bind(itms,binders,ixn,is,obj))
                 | Some u => if obj aeconv (red u is []) then env
                             else raise MATCH
--- a/src/Pure/sign.ML	Wed Mar 13 11:56:15 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/sign.ML	Thu Mar 14 10:40:21 1996 +0100
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
       Type(_,Ts) => foldl nodup_TVars (tvars,Ts)
     | TFree _ => tvars
     | TVar(v as (a,S)) =>
-        (case assoc(tvars,a) of
+        (case assoc_string_int(tvars,a) of
            Some(S') => if S=S' then tvars
                        else raise_type
                             ("Type variable "^Syntax.string_of_vname a^
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
           Const(c,T) => (vars, nodup_TVars(tvars,T))
         | Free(a,T) => (vars, nodup_TVars(tvars,T))
         | Var(v as (ixn,T)) =>
-            (case assoc(vars,ixn) of
+            (case assoc_string_int(vars,ixn) of
                Some(T') => if T=T' then (vars,nodup_TVars(tvars,T))
                            else raise_type
                              ("Variable "^Syntax.string_of_vname ixn^
--- a/src/Pure/thm.ML	Wed Mar 13 11:56:15 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/thm.ML	Thu Mar 14 10:40:21 1996 +0100
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@
   case findrep cs of
      c::_ => error ("Bound variables not distinct: " ^ c)
-   | [] => (case cs inter freenames of
+   | [] => (case cs inter_string freenames of
        a::_ => error ("Bound/Free variable clash: " ^ a)
      | [] => fix_shyps [state] []
 		(Thm{sign = sign,
@@ -1173,11 +1173,11 @@
         val vids = map (#1 o #1 o dest_Var) vars;
         fun rename(t as Var((x,i),T)) =
                 (case assoc(al,x) of
-                   Some(y) => if x mem vids orelse y mem vids then t
+                   Some(y) => if x mem_string vids orelse y mem_string vids then t
                               else Var((y,i),T)
                  | None=> t)
           | rename(Abs(x,T,t)) =
-              Abs(case assoc(al,x) of Some(y) => y | None => x,
+              Abs(case assoc_string(al,x) of Some(y) => y | None => x,
                   T, rename t)
           | rename(f$t) = rename f $ rename t
           | rename(t) = t;
@@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@
 fun ren_inst(insts,prop,pat,obj) =
   let val ren = match_bvs(pat,obj,[])
       fun renAbs(Abs(x,T,b)) =
-            Abs(case assoc(ren,x) of None => x | Some(y) => y, T, renAbs(b))
+            Abs(case assoc_string(ren,x) of None => x | Some(y) => y, T, renAbs(b))
         | renAbs(f$t) = renAbs(f) $ renAbs(t)
         | renAbs(t) = t
   in subst_vars insts (if null(ren) then prop else renAbs(prop)) end;
@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@
 		   val (h,ts) = strip_comb t
 	       in case h of
 		    Const(a,_) =>
-		      (case assoc(congs,a) of
+		      (case assoc_string(congs,a) of
 			 None => appc()
 		       | Some(cong) => (congc (prover mss,sign) cong trec
                                         handle Pattern.MATCH => appc() ) )