fixed maxs bug
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 23:02:58 +0100 (2001-11-16)
changeset 12230 b06cc3834ee5
parent 12229 bfba0eb5124b
child 12231 4a25f04bea61
fixed maxs bug
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/BV/BVSpecTypeSafe.thy	Fri Nov 16 22:11:19 2001 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/BV/BVSpecTypeSafe.thy	Fri Nov 16 23:02:58 2001 +0100
@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@
   from phi_pc ins wt
   obtain ST' LT' where
     is_class_X: "is_class G X" and
-    maxs:       "maxs < length ST" and
     suc_pc:     "Suc pc < length ins" and
     phi_suc:    "phi C sig ! Suc pc = Some (ST', LT')" and
     less:       "G \<turnstile> (Class X # ST, LT) <=s (ST', LT')"
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/BV/JVM.thy	Fri Nov 16 22:11:19 2001 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/BV/JVM.thy	Fri Nov 16 23:02:58 2001 +0100
@@ -47,15 +47,13 @@
  apply clarify
  apply (case_tac "bs!p")
+ apply (fastsimp simp add: not_Err_eq dest: subsetD nth_mem)
  apply fastsimp
+ apply (fastsimp simp add: not_None_eq typeof_empty_is_type)
  apply fastsimp
+ apply (fastsimp dest: field_fields fields_is_type)
  apply fastsimp
  apply fastsimp
- apply clarsimp
- defer
- apply fastsimp
- apply fastsimp
- apply clarsimp
  apply fastsimp
  apply fastsimp
@@ -66,21 +64,11 @@
  apply fastsimp
  apply fastsimp
  apply fastsimp
- defer
  (* Invoke *)
- apply (simp add: Un_subset_iff)
+ apply (clarsimp simp add: Un_subset_iff)
  apply (drule method_wf_mdecl, assumption+)
  apply (simp add: wf_mdecl_def wf_mhead_def)
- (* Getfield *)
- apply (rule_tac fn = "(vname,cname)" in fields_is_type)
- defer
- apply assumption+
- apply (simp add: field_def)
- apply (drule map_of_SomeD)
- apply (rule map_of_SomeI)
- apply (auto simp add: unique_fields)
--- a/src/HOL/MicroJava/BV/Step.thy	Fri Nov 16 22:11:19 2001 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/MicroJava/BV/Step.thy	Fri Nov 16 23:02:58 2001 +0100
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
 recdef app' "{}"
 "app' (Load idx, G, maxs, rT, s)                  = (idx < length (snd s) \<and> 
                                                     (snd s) ! idx \<noteq> Err \<and> 
-                                                    maxs < length (fst s))"
+                                                    length (fst s) < maxs)"
 "app' (Store idx, G, maxs, rT, (ts#ST, LT))       = (idx < length LT)"
-"app' (LitPush v, G, maxs, rT, s)                  = (maxs < length (fst s) \<and> typeof (\<lambda>t. None) v \<noteq> None)"
+"app' (LitPush v, G, maxs, rT, s)                  = (length (fst s) < maxs \<and> typeof (\<lambda>t. None) v \<noteq> None)"
 "app' (Getfield F C, G, maxs, rT, (oT#ST, LT))    = (is_class G C \<and>
                                               field (G,C) F \<noteq> None \<and>
                                               fst (the (field (G,C) F)) = C \<and>
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@
                                               fst (the (field (G,C) F)) = C \<and>
                                               G \<turnstile> oT \<preceq> (Class C) \<and>
                                               G \<turnstile> vT \<preceq> (snd (the (field (G,C) F))))" 
-"app' (New C, G, maxs, rT, s)                     = (is_class G C \<and> maxs < length (fst s))"
+"app' (New C, G, maxs, rT, s)                     = (is_class G C \<and> length (fst s) < maxs)"
 "app' (Checkcast C, G, maxs, rT, (RefT rt#ST,LT)) = (is_class G C)"
 "app' (Pop, G, maxs, rT, (ts#ST,LT))              = True"
-"app' (Dup, G, maxs, rT, (ts#ST,LT))              = (maxs < Suc (length ST))"
-"app' (Dup_x1, G, maxs, rT, (ts1#ts2#ST,LT))      = (maxs < Suc (Suc (length ST)))"
-"app' (Dup_x2, G, maxs, rT, (ts1#ts2#ts3#ST,LT))  = (maxs < Suc (Suc (Suc (length ST))))"
+"app' (Dup, G, maxs, rT, (ts#ST,LT))              = (1+length ST < maxs)"
+"app' (Dup_x1, G, maxs, rT, (ts1#ts2#ST,LT))      = (2+length ST < maxs)"
+"app' (Dup_x2, G, maxs, rT, (ts1#ts2#ts3#ST,LT))  = (3+length ST < maxs)"
 "app' (Swap, G, maxs, rT, (ts1#ts2#ST,LT))        = True"
 "app' (IAdd, G, maxs, rT, (PrimT Integer#PrimT Integer#ST,LT)) 
                                                  = True"
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 lemma appLoad[simp]:
-"(app (Load idx) G maxs rT (Some s)) = (idx < length (snd s) \<and> (snd s) ! idx \<noteq> Err \<and> maxs < length (fst s))"
+"(app (Load idx) G maxs rT (Some s)) = (idx < length (snd s) \<and> (snd s) ! idx \<noteq> Err \<and> length (fst s) < maxs)"
   by (simp add: app_def)
 lemma appStore[simp]:
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
   by (cases s, cases "Suc (Suc 0) < length (fst s)", auto dest: 1 2 simp add: app_def)
 lemma appLitPush[simp]:
-"(app (LitPush v) G maxs rT (Some s)) = (maxs < length (fst s) \<and> typeof (\<lambda>v. None) v \<noteq> None)"
+"(app (LitPush v) G maxs rT (Some s)) = (length (fst s) < maxs \<and> typeof (\<lambda>v. None) v \<noteq> None)"
   by (cases s, simp add: app_def)
 lemma appGetField[simp]:
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
   by (cases s, cases "Suc (Suc 0) < length (fst s)", auto dest!: 1 2 simp add: app_def)
 lemma appNew[simp]:
-"(app (New C) G maxs rT (Some s)) = (is_class G C \<and> maxs < length (fst s))"
+"(app (New C) G maxs rT (Some s)) = (is_class G C \<and> length (fst s) < maxs)"
   by (simp add: app_def)
 lemma appCheckcast[simp]:
@@ -185,17 +185,17 @@
 lemma appDup[simp]:
-"(app Dup G maxs rT (Some s)) = (\<exists>ts ST LT. s = (ts#ST,LT) \<and> maxs < Suc (length ST))" 
+"(app Dup G maxs rT (Some s)) = (\<exists>ts ST LT. s = (ts#ST,LT) \<and> 1+length ST < maxs)" 
   by (cases s, cases "Suc (Suc 0) < length (fst s)", auto dest: 1 2 simp add: app_def)
 lemma appDup_x1[simp]:
-"(app Dup_x1 G maxs rT (Some s)) = (\<exists>ts1 ts2 ST LT. s = (ts1#ts2#ST,LT) \<and> maxs < Suc (Suc (length ST)))" 
+"(app Dup_x1 G maxs rT (Some s)) = (\<exists>ts1 ts2 ST LT. s = (ts1#ts2#ST,LT) \<and> 2+length ST < maxs)" 
   by (cases s, cases "Suc (Suc 0) < length (fst s)", auto dest: 1 2 simp add: app_def)
 lemma appDup_x2[simp]:
-"(app Dup_x2 G maxs rT (Some s)) = (\<exists>ts1 ts2 ts3 ST LT. s = (ts1#ts2#ts3#ST,LT) \<and> maxs < Suc (Suc (Suc (length ST))))"
+"(app Dup_x2 G maxs rT (Some s)) = (\<exists>ts1 ts2 ts3 ST LT. s = (ts1#ts2#ts3#ST,LT) \<and> 3+length ST < maxs)"
   by (cases s, cases "Suc (Suc 0) < length (fst s)", auto dest: 1 2 simp add: app_def)