lucas - improved interface to isand.ML and cleaned up clean-unification code, and added some better comments.
Tue, 03 May 2005 02:45:55 +0200
changeset 15915 b0e8b37642a4
parent 15914 2a8f86685745
child 15916 1314ef1e49dd
lucas - improved interface to isand.ML and cleaned up clean-unification code, and added some better comments.
--- a/src/Provers/eqsubst.ML	Tue May 03 02:44:10 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/eqsubst.ML	Tue May 03 02:45:55 2005 +0200
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
   type match = 
-       ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list (* type instantiations *)
-        * (Term.indexname * Term.term) list) (* term instantiations *)
+       ((Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list (* type instantiations *)
+        * (Term.indexname * (Term.typ * Term.term)) list) (* term instantiations *)
        * (string * Term.typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
        * (string * Term.typ) list (* type abs env *)
        * Term.term (* outer term *)
@@ -122,13 +122,13 @@
 = struct
-  (* a type abriviation for match infomration *)
+  (* a type abriviation for match information *)
   type match = 
-       ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list (* type instantiations *)
-         * (Term.indexname * Term.term) list) (* term instantiations *)
-        * (string * Term.typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
-        * (string * Term.typ) list (* type abs env *)
-        * Term.term (* outer term *)
+       ((Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list (* type instantiations *)
+        * (Term.indexname * (Term.typ * Term.term)) list) (* term instantiations *)
+       * (string * Term.typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
+       * (string * Term.typ) list (* type abs env *)
+       * Term.term (* outer term *)
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 fun apply_subst_in_concl i th (cfvs, conclthm) rule m = 
     ( m rule conclthm)
       |> IsaND.unfix_frees cfvs
-      |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract_tac
+      |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract
       |> (fn r => Tactic.rtac r i th);
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
     ( m rule pth)
       |> Thm.permute_prems 0 ~1
       |> IsaND.unfix_frees cfvs
-      |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract_tac
+      |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract
       |> (fn r => Tactic.dtac r i th);
--- a/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/isa_fterm.ML	Tue May 03 02:44:10 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/isa_fterm.ML	Tue May 03 02:45:55 2005 +0200
@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@
        Term.term ->
        FcTerm ->
-       ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list * (Term.indexname * Term.term) list)
-       * (string * Term.typ) list * (string * Term.typ) list * Term.term)
+       ((Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list 
+        * (Term.indexname * (Term.typ * Term.term)) list)
+       * (string * Term.typ) list 
+       * (string * Term.typ) list 
+       * Term.term)
     val clean_unify_ft : ->
@@ -43,7 +46,8 @@
        Term.term ->
        FcTerm ->
-       ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list * (Term.indexname * Term.term) list)
+       ((Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list 
+        * (Term.indexname * (Term.typ * Term.term)) list)
        * (string * Term.typ) list * (string * Term.typ) list * Term.term)
     val enc_appl :
--- a/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/isand.ML	Tue May 03 02:44:10 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/isand.ML	Tue May 03 02:45:55 2005 +0200
@@ -54,14 +54,26 @@
       (string * Term.typ) list -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm * Thm.cterm list
   val allify_conditions' :
       (string * Term.typ) list -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm * Thm.cterm list
+  val assume_allified :
+ -> (string * Term.typ) list * (string * Term.sort) list 
+      -> Term.term -> (Thm.cterm * Thm.thm)
   (* meta level fixed params (i.e. !! vars) *)
+  val fix_alls_in_term : Term.term -> Term.term * Term.term list
   val fix_alls_term : int -> Term.term -> Term.term * Term.term list
   val fix_alls_cterm : int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.cterm * Thm.cterm list
   val fix_alls' : int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm * Thm.cterm list
   val fix_alls : int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm * export
   (* meta variables in types and terms *)
+  val fix_tvars_to_tfrees_in_terms 
+      : string list (* avoid these names *)
+        -> Term.term list -> 
+        (((string * int) * Term.sort) * (string * Term.sort)) list (* renamings *)
+  val fix_vars_to_frees_in_terms
+      : string list (* avoid these names *)
+        -> Term.term list ->
+        (((string * int) * Term.typ) * (string * Term.typ)) list (* renamings *)
   val fix_tvars_to_tfrees : Thm.thm -> Thm.ctyp list * Thm.thm
   val fix_vars_to_frees : Thm.thm -> Thm.cterm list * Thm.thm
   val fix_vars_and_tvars : 
@@ -144,60 +156,89 @@
 fun allify_conditions' Ts th = 
     allify_conditions (Thm.cterm_of (Thm.sign_of_thm th)) Ts th;
+(* allify types *)
+fun allify_typ ts ty = 
+    let 
+      fun trec (x as (TFree (s,srt))) = 
+          (case Library.find_first (fn (s2,srt2) => s = s2) ts
+            of NONE => x
+             | SOME (s2,_) => TVar ((s,0),srt))
+            (*  Maybe add in check here for bad sorts? 
+             if srt = srt2 then TVar ((s,0),srt) 
+               else raise  ("thaw_typ", ts, ty) *)
+          | trec (Type (s,typs)) = Type (s, map trec typs)
+          | trec (v as TVar _) = v;
+    in trec ty end;
-(* These should be defined in term.ML *)
-fun dest_TVar (TVar x) = x
-  | dest_TVar T = raise TYPE ("dest_TVar", [T], []);
-fun dest_TFree (TFree x) = x
-  | dest_TFree T = raise TYPE ("dest_TFree", [T], []);
+(* implicit typ's and term *)
+val allify_term_typs = Term.map_term_types o allify_typ;
+(* allified version of term, given frees and types to allify over *)
+fun assume_allified sgn (vs,tyvs) t = 
+    let
+      fun allify_var (vt as (n,ty),t)  = 
+          (Term.all ty) $ (Abs(n,ty,Term.abstract_over (Free vt, t)))
+      fun allify Ts p = List.foldr allify_var p Ts
+      val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+      val cvars = map (fn (n,ty) => ctermify (Var ((n,0),ty))) vs
+      val allified_term = t |> allify vs;
+      val ct = ctermify allified_term;
+      val typ_allified_ct = ctermify (allify_term_typs tyvs allified_term);
+    in (typ_allified_ct, 
+        Drule.forall_elim_vars 0 (Thm.assume ct)) end;
 (* change type-vars to fresh type frees *)
-fun fix_tvars_to_tfrees th = 
+fun fix_tvars_to_tfrees_in_terms names ts = 
-      val sign = Thm.sign_of_thm th
-      val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sign
-      val ctypify = Thm.ctyp_of sign
-      val prop = Thm.prop_of th;
-      val tfree_names = map fst (Term.add_term_tfrees (prop,[]));
-      val tvars = Term.add_term_tvars (prop, []);
+      val tfree_names = map fst (List.foldr Term.add_term_tfrees [] ts);
+      val tvars = List.foldr Term.add_term_tvars [] ts;
       val (names',renamings) = 
           List.foldr (fn (tv as ((n,i),s),(Ns,Rs)) => 
                          let val n2 = Term.variant Ns n in 
-                           (n2::Ns, (ctypify (TVar tv),
-                                     ctypify (TFree (n2,s)))::Rs)
-                         end) (tfree_names,[]) tvars;
+                           (n2::Ns, (tv, (n2,s))::Rs)
+                         end) (tfree_names @ names,[]) tvars;
+    in renamings end;
+fun fix_tvars_to_tfrees th = 
+    let 
+      val sign = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
+      val ctypify = Thm.ctyp_of sign;
+      val renamings = fix_tvars_to_tfrees_in_terms [] [Thm.prop_of th];
+      val crenamings = 
+          map (fn (v,f) => (ctypify (TVar v), ctypify (TFree f)))
+              renamings;
+      val fixedfrees = map snd crenamings;
+    in (fixedfrees, Thm.instantiate (crenamings, []) th) end;
-      val fixedfrees = map snd renamings;
-    in
-      (fixedfrees, Thm.instantiate (renamings, []) th)
-    end;
 (* change type-free's to type-vars *)
 fun unfix_tfrees ns th = 
-    fst (Thm.varifyT' (map (fn x => dest_TFree (Thm.typ_of x)) ns) th);
+    let 
+      val varfiytfrees = (map (fn x => Term.dest_TFree (Thm.typ_of x)) ns)
+      val skiptfrees = Term.add_term_tfrees (Thm.prop_of th,[]) \\ varfiytfrees;
+    in fst (Thm.varifyT' skiptfrees th) end;
-(* change schematic vars to fresh free vars *)
+(* change schematic/meta vars to fresh free vars *)
+fun fix_vars_to_frees_in_terms names ts = 
+    let 
+      val vars = map Term.dest_Var (List.foldr Term.add_term_vars [] ts);
+      val Ns = List.foldr Term.add_term_names names ts;
+      val (_,renamings) = 
+          Library.foldl (fn ((Ns,Rs),v as ((n,i),ty)) => 
+                    let val n2 = Term.variant Ns n in
+                      (n2 :: Ns, (v, (n2,ty)) :: Rs)
+                    end) ((Ns,[]), vars);
+    in renamings end;
 fun fix_vars_to_frees th = 
       val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of (Thm.sign_of_thm th)
-      val prop = Thm.prop_of th
-      val vars = map Term.dest_Var (Term.term_vars prop)
-      val names = Term.add_term_names (prop, [])
+      val renamings = fix_vars_to_frees_in_terms [] [Thm.prop_of th];
+      val crenamings = 
+          map (fn (v,f) => (ctermify (Var v), ctermify (Free f)))
+              renamings;
+      val fixedfrees = map snd crenamings;
+    in (fixedfrees, Thm.instantiate ([], crenamings) th) end;
-      val (insts,names2) = 
-          Library.foldl (fn ((insts,names),v as ((n,i),ty)) => 
-                    let val n2 = Term.variant names n in
-                      ((ctermify (Var v), ctermify (Free(n2,ty))) :: insts, 
-                       n2 :: names)
-                    end)
-                (([],names), vars)
-      val fixedfrees = map snd insts;
-    in (fixedfrees, Thm.instantiate ([], insts) th) end;
 (* make free vars into schematic vars with index zero *)
  fun unfix_frees frees = 
@@ -333,8 +374,11 @@
 Note, an advantage of this over Isar is that it supports instantiation
 of unkowns in the earlier theorem, ie we can do instantiation of meta
-vars! *)
-(* loosely corresponds to:
+avoids constant, free and vars names. 
+loosely corresponds to:
 Given "[| SG0; ... !! x. As ==> SGi x; ... SGm |] ==> G" : thm
   ("(As ==> SGi x') ==> (As ==> SGi x')" : thm, 
@@ -342,9 +386,21 @@
      ("As ==> SGi x'" : thm) -> 
      ("[| SG0; ... SGi-1; SGi+1; ... SGm |] ==> G") : thm)
+fun fix_alls_in_term alledt = 
+    let
+      val t = Term.strip_all_body alledt;
+      val alls = rev (Term.strip_all_vars alledt);
+      val varnames = map (fst o fst o Term.dest_Var) (Term.term_vars t)
+      val names = Term.add_term_names (t,varnames);
+      val fvs = map Free 
+                    ((Term.variantlist (map fst alls, names)) 
+                       ~~ (map snd alls));
+    in ((subst_bounds (fvs,t)), fvs) end;
 fun fix_alls_term i t = 
-      val names = Term.add_term_names (t,[]);
+      val varnames = map (fst o fst o Term.dest_Var) (Term.term_vars t)
+      val names = Term.add_term_names (t,varnames);
       val gt = Logic.get_goal t i;
       val body = Term.strip_all_body gt;
       val alls = rev (Term.strip_all_vars gt);
@@ -407,13 +463,14 @@
 back a new goal thm and an exporter, the new goalthm is as the old
 one, but without the premices, and the exporter will use a proof of
 the new goalthm, possibly using the assumed premices, to shoe the
-orginial goal. *)
+orginial goal.
-(* Note: Dealing with meta vars, need to meta-level-all them in the
+Note: Dealing with meta vars, need to meta-level-all them in the
 shyps, which we can later instantiate with a specific value.... ? 
 think about this... maybe need to introduce some new fixed vars and
-then remove them again at the end... like I do with rw_inst. *)
-(* loosely corresponds to:
+then remove them again at the end... like I do with rw_inst. 
+loosely corresponds to:
 Given "[| SG0; ... [| A0; ... An |] ==> SGi; ... SGm |] ==> G" : thm
 (["A0" [A0], ... ,"An" [An]] : thm list, -- assumptions
@@ -508,14 +565,8 @@
 fun hide_prems th = 
-      val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
-      val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
-      val t = (prop_of th);
-      val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems t;
-      val cprems = map ctermify prems;
-      val aprems = map Thm.trivial cprems;
+      val cprems = Drule.cprems_of th;
+      val aprems = map Thm.assume cprems;
     (*   val unhidef = Drule.implies_intr_list cprems; *)
       (Drule.implies_elim_list th aprems, cprems)
--- a/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML	Tue May 03 02:44:10 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML	Tue May 03 02:45:55 2005 +0200
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
   (* Rewrite: give it instantiation infromation, a rule, and the
   target thm, and it will return the rewritten target thm *)
   val rw :
-      ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list *  (* type var instantiations *)
-       (Term.indexname * Term.term) list)  (* schematic var instantiations *)
+      ((Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list *  (* type var instantiations *)
+       (Term.indexname * (Term.typ * Term.term)) list)  (* schematic var instantiations *)
       * (string * Term.typ) list           (* Fake named bounds + types *)
       * (string * Term.typ) list           (* names of bound + types *)
       * Term.term ->                       (* outer term for instantiation *)
@@ -35,32 +35,36 @@
       -> (string * Term.typ) list (* hopeful name of outer bounds *)
       -> Thm.thm -> Thm.cterm list * Thm.thm
   val mk_fixtvar_tyinsts :
-      Term.indexname list ->
-      Term.term list -> ((string * int) * Term.typ) list * (string * sort) list
+      (Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list ->
+      Term.term list -> ((string * int) * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list 
+                        * (string * Term.sort) list
   val mk_renamings :
       Term.term -> Thm.thm -> (((string * int) * Term.typ) * Term.term) list
   val new_tfree :
       ((string * int) * Term.sort) *
-      (((string * int) * Term.typ) list * string list) ->
-      ((string * int) * Term.typ) list * string list
-  val cross_inst : (Term.indexname * Term.term) list 
-                   -> (Term.indexname * Term.term) list
+      (((string * int) * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list * string list) ->
+      ((string * int) * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list * string list
+  val cross_inst : (Term.indexname * (Term.typ * Term.term)) list 
+                   -> (Term.indexname *(Term.typ * Term.term)) list
+  val cross_inst_typs : (Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list 
+                   -> (Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list
-  val beta_contract_tac : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
-  val beta_eta_contract_tac : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
+  val beta_contract : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
+  val beta_eta_contract : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
-structure RWInst : RW_INST= 
+structure RWInst 
+(* : RW_INST *)
+= struct
 (* beta contract the theorem *)
-fun beta_contract_tac thm = 
+fun beta_contract thm = 
     equal_elim (Thm.beta_conversion true (Thm.cprop_of thm)) thm;
 (* beta-eta contract the theorem *)
-fun beta_eta_contract_tac thm = 
+fun beta_eta_contract thm = 
       val thm2 = equal_elim (Thm.beta_conversion true (Thm.cprop_of thm)) thm
       val thm3 = equal_elim (Thm.eta_conversion (Thm.cprop_of thm2)) thm2
@@ -149,18 +153,21 @@
 (* make a new fresh typefree instantiation for the given tvar *)
 fun new_tfree (tv as (ix,sort), (pairs,used)) =
       let val v = variant used (string_of_indexname ix)
-      in  ((ix,TFree(v,sort))::pairs, v::used)  end;
+      in  ((ix,(sort,TFree(v,sort)))::pairs, v::used)  end;
 (* make instantiations to fix type variables that are not 
    already instantiated (in ignore_ixs) from the list of terms. *)
-fun mk_fixtvar_tyinsts ignore_ixs ts = 
-    let val (tvars, tfrees) = 
+fun mk_fixtvar_tyinsts ignore_insts ts = 
+    let 
+      val ignore_ixs = map fst ignore_insts;
+      val (tvars, tfrees) = 
             foldr (fn (t, (varixs, tfrees)) => 
                       (Term.add_term_tvars (t,varixs),
                        Term.add_term_tfrees (t,tfrees)))
                   ([],[]) ts;
-        val unfixed_tvars = List.filter (fn (ix,s) => not (ix mem ignore_ixs)) tvars;
+        val unfixed_tvars = 
+            List.filter (fn (ix,s) => not (ix mem ignore_ixs)) tvars;
         val (fixtyinsts, _) = foldr new_tfree ([], map fst tfrees) unfixed_tvars
     in (fixtyinsts, tfrees) end;
@@ -170,19 +177,22 @@
 and thus only one-parsing of the instantiations is necessary. *)
 fun cross_inst insts = 
-      fun instL (ix, t) = 
-          map (fn (ix2,t2) => (ix2, Term.subst_vars ([], [(ix, t)]) t2));
+      fun instL (ix, (ty,t)) = 
+          map (fn (ix2,(ty2,t2)) => 
+                  (ix2, (ty2,Term.subst_vars ([], [(ix, t)]) t2)));
       fun cross_instL ([], l) = rev l
         | cross_instL ((ix, t) :: insts, l) = 
           cross_instL (instL (ix, t) insts, (ix, t) :: (instL (ix, t) l));
     in cross_instL (insts, []) end;
 (* as above but for types -- I don't know if this is needed, will we ever incur mixed up types? *)
 fun cross_inst_typs insts = 
-      fun instL (ix, ty) = 
-          map (fn (ix2,ty2) => (ix2, Term.typ_subst_TVars [(ix, ty)] ty2));
+      fun instL (ix, (srt,ty)) = 
+          map (fn (ix2,(srt2,ty2)) => 
+                  (ix2, (srt2,Term.typ_subst_TVars [(ix, ty)] ty2)));
       fun cross_instL ([], l) = rev l
         | cross_instL ((ix, t) :: insts, l) = 
@@ -207,30 +217,27 @@
       (* fix all non-instantiated tvars *)
       val (fixtyinsts, othertfrees) = 
-          mk_fixtvar_tyinsts (map fst nonfixed_typinsts) 
+          mk_fixtvar_tyinsts nonfixed_typinsts
                              [Thm.prop_of rule, Thm.prop_of target_thm];
       val typinsts = cross_inst_typs (nonfixed_typinsts @ fixtyinsts);
       (* certified instantiations for types *)
-      val ctyp_insts = map (apsnd ctypeify) typinsts;
+      val ctyp_insts = 
+          map (fn (ix,(s,ty)) => (ctypeify (TVar (ix,s)), ctypeify ty)) typinsts;
       (* type instantiated versions *)
-      fun tyinst insts rule =
-        let val (_, rsorts) = types_sorts rule
-        in Thm.instantiate (List.mapPartial (fn (ixn, cT) =>
-          (fn S => (ctypeify (TVar (ixn, S)), cT)) (rsorts ixn)) insts, []) rule
-        end;
-      val tgt_th_tyinst = tyinst ctyp_insts target_thm;
-      val rule_tyinst = tyinst ctyp_insts rule;
+      val tgt_th_tyinst = Thm.instantiate (ctyp_insts,[]) target_thm;
+      val rule_tyinst =  Thm.instantiate (ctyp_insts,[]) rule;
+      val term_typ_inst = map (fn (ix,(srt,ty)) => (ix,ty)) typinsts;
       (* type instanitated outer term *)
-      val outerterm_tyinst = 
-          Term.subst_vars (typinsts,[]) outerterm;
+      val outerterm_tyinst = Term.subst_TVars term_typ_inst outerterm;
       (* type-instantiate the var instantiations *)
-      val insts_tyinst = foldr (fn ((ix,t),insts_tyinst) => 
-                            (ix, Term.subst_vars (typinsts,[]) t)
+      val insts_tyinst = foldr (fn ((ix,(ty,t)),insts_tyinst) => 
+                            (ix, (Term.typ_subst_TVars term_typ_inst ty, 
+                                  Term.subst_TVars term_typ_inst t))
                             :: insts_tyinst)
                         [] unprepinsts;
@@ -239,8 +246,8 @@
       (* create certms of instantiations *)
       val cinsts_tyinst = 
-          map (fn (ix,t) => (ctermify (Var (ix, Term.type_of t)), 
-                             ctermify t)) insts_tyinst_inst;
+          map (fn (ix,(ty,t)) => (ctermify (Var (ix, ty)), 
+                                  ctermify t)) insts_tyinst_inst;
       (* The instantiated rule *)
       val rule_inst = rule_tyinst |> Thm.instantiate ([], cinsts_tyinst);
@@ -256,15 +263,14 @@
       (* Create the specific version of the rule for this target application *)
       val outerterm_inst = 
-            |> Term.subst_vars ([], insts_tyinst_inst)
-            |> Term.subst_vars ([], map (fn ((ix,ty),t) => (ix,t)) 
-                                        renamings);
+            |> Term.subst_Vars (map (fn (ix,(ty,t)) => (ix,t)) insts_tyinst_inst)
+            |> Term.subst_Vars (map (fn ((ix,ty),t) => (ix,t)) renamings);
       val couter_inst = Thm.reflexive (ctermify outerterm_inst);
       val (cprems, abstract_rule_inst) = 
           rule_inst |> Thm.instantiate ([], cterm_renamings)
                     |> mk_abstractedrule FakeTs Ts;
       val specific_tgt_rule = 
-          beta_eta_contract_tac
+          beta_eta_contract
             (Thm.combination couter_inst abstract_rule_inst);
       (* create an instantiated version of the target thm *)
@@ -275,7 +281,7 @@
       val (vars,frees_of_fixed_vars) = Library.split_list cterm_renamings;
-      (beta_eta_contract_tac tgt_th_inst)
+      (beta_eta_contract tgt_th_inst)
         |> Thm.equal_elim specific_tgt_rule
         |> Drule.implies_intr_list cprems
         |> Drule.forall_intr_list frees_of_fixed_vars
--- a/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/term_lib.ML	Tue May 03 02:44:10 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/term_lib.ML	Tue May 03 02:45:55 2005 +0200
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
     (* Matching/unification with exceptions handled *)
     val clean_match : Type.tsig -> Term.term * Term.term 
-                      -> ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list 
-                         * (Term.indexname * Term.term) list) option
+                      -> ((Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list 
+                         * (Term.indexname * (Term.typ * Term.term)) list) option
     val clean_unify : -> int -> Term.term * Term.term 
-                      -> ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list 
-                         * (Term.indexname * Term.term) list) Seq.seq
+                      -> ((Term.indexname * (Term.sort * Term.typ)) list 
+                         * (Term.indexname * (Term.typ * Term.term)) list) Seq.seq
     (* managing variables in terms, can doing conversions *)
     val bounds_to_frees : Term.term -> Term.term
@@ -151,8 +151,7 @@
 (* returns optional instantiation *)
 fun clean_match tsig (a as (pat, t)) = 
   let val (tyenv, tenv) = Pattern.match tsig a
-  in SOME (map (apsnd snd) (Vartab.dest tyenv),
-    map (apsnd snd) (Vartab.dest tenv))
+  in SOME (Vartab.dest tyenv, Vartab.dest tenv)
   end handle Pattern.MATCH => NONE;
 (* Higher order unification with exception handled, return the instantiations *)
 (* given Signature, max var index, pat, tgt *)
@@ -176,8 +175,8 @@
       (* is it right to throw away the flexes? 
          or should I be using them somehow? *)
           fun mk_insts (env,flexflexes) = 
-            (map (apsnd snd) (Vartab.dest (Envir.type_env env)),
-             map (apsnd snd) (Envir.alist_of env));
+            (Vartab.dest (Envir.type_env env),
+             Envir.alist_of env);
           val initenv = Envir.Envir {asol = Vartab.empty, 
                                      iTs = typinsttab, maxidx = ix2};
           val useq = (Unify.unifiers (sgn,initenv,[a]))
@@ -265,8 +264,8 @@
 (*  functions *)
 (* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
-fun current_sign () = sign_of (the_context());
-fun cterm_of_term (t : term) = cterm_of (current_sign()) t;
+fun current_sign () = Theory.sign_of (the_context());
+fun cterm_of_term (t : term) = Thm.cterm_of (current_sign()) t;
 fun term_of_thm t = (Thm.prop_of t);
 (* little function to make a trueprop of anything by putting a P