LazyScroller: rendering messages only when needed
Thu, 23 Oct 2008 14:16:04 +0200
changeset 34342 b2781f2cd80a
parent 34341 6df5642a2204
child 34343 4a3bdb561d11
LazyScroller: rendering messages only when needed - very basic functionallity
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/IsabellePlugin.props	Wed Oct 22 23:52:40 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/IsabellePlugin.props	Thu Oct 23 14:16:04 2008 +0200
@@ -7,14 +7,16 @@
 plugin.isabelle.jedit.Plugin.option-pane=isabelle Isabelle.activate Isabelle.activate Output State Scroller
 Isabelle.activate.label=Activate current buffer
 Isabelle_output.title=Isabelle Output
 Isabelle_state.title=Isabelle State
+Isabelle_scroller.title=Isabelle Scroller
 options.isabelle.code=new isabelle.jedit.OptionPane();
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/actions.xml	Wed Oct 22 23:52:40 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/actions.xml	Thu Oct 23 14:16:04 2008 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
+    <ACTION NAME="">
+		<CODE>
+			wm.addDockableWindow("Isabelle_scroller");
+		</CODE>
 	<ACTION NAME="Isabelle.activate">
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/dockables.xml	Wed Oct 22 23:52:40 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/dockables.xml	Thu Oct 23 14:16:04 2008 +0200
@@ -9,4 +9,7 @@
 	<DOCKABLE NAME="Isabelle_state">
 		new isabelle.jedit.StateViewDockable(view, position);
+	<DOCKABLE NAME="Isabelle_scroller">
+		new isabelle.jedit.XMLScroller(view, position);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/LazyScroller.scala	Thu Oct 23 14:16:04 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ * LazyScroller.scala
+ *
+ *
+ */
+package isabelle.jedit
+import{ ByteArrayInputStream, FileInputStream, InputStream }
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import scala.collection.jcl.ArrayList
+import java.awt.{ BorderLayout, GridLayout, Adjustable, Rectangle, Scrollbar }
+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
+import java.awt.event.{ AdjustmentListener, AdjustmentEvent }
+import javax.swing.{ JScrollBar, JPanel, JScrollPane, ScrollPaneConstants }
+import isabelle.IsabelleSystem.getenv
+import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document
+import org.xhtmlrenderer.simple.XHTMLPanel
+import org.xhtmlrenderer.context.AWTFontResolver
+import org.xhtmlrenderer.swing.NaiveUserAgent
+import org.xhtmlrenderer.resource.CSSResource
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
+object LazyScroller {
+  val baseURL = "file://localhost" + getenv("ISABELLE_HOME") + "/lib/html/"
+  val userStylesheet = 
+    "file://localhost" + getenv("ISABELLE_HOME_USER") + "/etc/user.css";
+  val stylesheet = """
+@import "isabelle.css";
+@import '""" + userStylesheet + """';
+messages, message {
+  display: block;
+  white-space: pre-wrap;
+  font-family: Isabelle;
+abstract class LazyScroller[T] extends JPanel with AdjustmentListener{
+  //holding the unrendered messages
+  val message_buffer = new ArrayBuffer[T]()
+  // defining the current view
+  val scrollunit = 10 //TODO: not used
+  var message_offset = 0 //TODO: not used; how many pixels of the topmost message are hidden
+  var message_no = 0  //index of the topmost message
+  var message_view = new JPanel
+  message_view.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1))
+  // setting up view
+  setLayout(new BorderLayout())
+  val pane = new JScrollPane(message_view, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS)
+  val vscroll = new JScrollBar(Adjustable.VERTICAL, 0, 1, 0, 1)
+  vscroll.addAdjustmentListener(this)
+  add (vscroll, BorderLayout.EAST)
+  add (pane, BorderLayout.CENTER)
+  // subclasses should implement this
+  def render (message : T) : JPanel
+  //TODO: - add more than one message
+  //      - render only when necessary
+  def update_view = {
+    message_view.removeAll()
+    message_view.add (render (message_buffer(message_no)))
+  }
+  def update_scrollbar = {
+    vscroll.setValue (message_no)
+    vscroll.setMaximum (Math.max(1, message_buffer.length))
+  }
+  def add_message (message : T) = {
+    message_buffer += message
+  }
+  override def adjustmentValueChanged (e : AdjustmentEvent) = {
+    //TODO: find out if all Swing-Implementations handle scrolling as *only* TRACK
+    e.getAdjustmentType match {
+      //Scroll shown messages up
+      case AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_INCREMENT =>
+      //Scroll shown messages down
+      case AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_DECREMENT =>
+      // Jump to next message
+      case AdjustmentEvent.BLOCK_INCREMENT =>
+      //Jump to previous message
+      case AdjustmentEvent.BLOCK_DECREMENT =>
+      //Jump to message
+      case AdjustmentEvent.TRACK =>
+        message_no = e.getValue
+        update_view
+      case _ =>
+    }
+  }
+class XMLScroller(view : View, position : String) extends LazyScroller[Document] {
+    Plugin.plugin.stateUpdate.add(state => {
+        var i = 0
+        if(state != null) while (i < 10000) {
+          add_message(state.document)
+          i += 1
+        }
+        //TODO: only a hack:
+        update_scrollbar
+    })
+    def render (message: Document): JPanel = {
+      val panel = new XHTMLPanel(new UserAgent())
+      val fontResolver =
+        panel.getSharedContext.getFontResolver.asInstanceOf[AWTFontResolver]
+      if (Plugin.plugin.viewFont != null)
+        fontResolver.setFontMapping("Isabelle", Plugin.plugin.viewFont)
+      Plugin.plugin.viewFontChanged.add(font => {
+        if (Plugin.plugin.viewFont != null)
+          fontResolver.setFontMapping("Isabelle", Plugin.plugin.viewFont)
+        panel.relayout()
+      })
+      panel.setDocument(message, LazyScroller.baseURL)
+      panel
+    }
+ }