--- a/src/Pure/thm.ML Fri Dec 10 10:39:12 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/thm.ML Fri Dec 10 13:46:38 1993 +0100
@@ -440,28 +440,36 @@
let val {T,sign} = Sign.rep_ctyp ctyp
in (Sign.merge(sign,sign'), (v,T)::vTs) end;
-fun duplicates t = findrep (map (#1 o dest_Var) (term_vars t));
(*Left-to-right replacements: ctpairs = [...,(vi,ti),...].
Instantiates distinct Vars by terms of same type.
Normalizes the new theorem! *)
fun instantiate (vcTs,ctpairs) (th as Thm{sign,maxidx,hyps,prop}) =
let val (newsign,tpairs) = foldr add_ctpair (ctpairs, (sign,[]));
val (newsign,vTs) = foldr add_ctyp (vcTs, (newsign,[]));
- val prop = Type.inst_term_tvars(#tsig(Sign.rep_sg newsign),vTs) prop;
- val newprop = Envir.norm_term (Envir.empty 0) (subst_atomic tpairs prop)
+ val newprop =
+ Envir.norm_term (Envir.empty 0)
+ (subst_atomic tpairs
+ (Type.inst_term_tvars(#tsig(Sign.rep_sg newsign),vTs) prop))
val newth = Thm{sign= newsign, hyps= hyps,
maxidx= maxidx_of_term newprop, prop= newprop}
- in if not(instl_ok(map #1 tpairs)) orelse not(null(findrep(map #1 vTs)))
- then raise THM("instantiate: not distinct Vars", 0, [th])
- else case duplicates newprop of
- [] => newth
- | ix::_ => raise THM("instantiate: conflicting types for " ^
- Syntax.string_of_vname ix ^ "\n", 0, [newth])
+ in if not(instl_ok(map #1 tpairs))
+ then raise THM("instantiate: variables not distinct", 0, [th])
+ else if not(null(findrep(map #1 vTs)))
+ then raise THM("instantiate: type variables not distinct", 0, [th])
+ else (*Check types of Vars for agreement*)
+ case findrep (map (#1 o dest_Var) (term_vars newprop)) of
+ ix::_ => raise THM("instantiate: conflicting types for variable " ^
+ Syntax.string_of_vname ix ^ "\n", 0, [newth])
+ | [] =>
+ case findrep (map #1 (term_tvars newprop)) of
+ ix::_ => raise THM
+ ("instantiate: conflicting sorts for type variable " ^
+ Syntax.string_of_vname ix ^ "\n", 0, [newth])
+ | [] => newth
handle TERM _ =>
raise THM("instantiate: incompatible signatures",0,[th])
- | TYPE _ => raise THM("instantiate: types", 0, [th]);
+ | TYPE _ => raise THM("instantiate: type conflict", 0, [th]);
(*The trivial implication A==>A, justified by assume and forall rules.