--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/mlworks.ML Wed Dec 17 15:43:22 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ML-Systems/mlworks.ML Wed Dec 17 15:43:54 1997 +0100
@@ -6,9 +6,26 @@
Compatibility file for MLWorks version 1.0r2 or later.
-(*** Poly/ML emulation ***)
+(** ML system related **)
+(* restore old-style character / string functions *)
+fun ord s = Char.ord (String.sub (s, 0));
+val chr = str o Char.chr;
+val explode = (map str) o String.explode;
+val implode = String.concat;
-(*Just for versions of MLWorks that don't provide the Option structure*)
+(* MLWorks parameters *)
+ (fn () => MLWorks.Internal.Runtime.Memory.max_stack_blocks :=
+ ! MLWorks.Internal.Runtime.Memory.max_stack_blocks + 20);
+(* Poly/ML emulation *)
+(*just for versions of MLWorks that don't provide the Option structure*)
structure Option = General;
(*To exit the system with an exit code -- an alternative to ^D *)
@@ -16,23 +33,15 @@
| exit _ = OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;
fun quit () = exit 0;
-(*To limit the printing depth [divided by 2 for comparibility with Poly/ML]*)
fun print_depth n = ();
-(*Interface for toplevel pretty printers, see also Pure/install_pp.ML
+(*interface for toplevel pretty printers, see also Pure/install_pp.ML*)
fun make_pp path pprint = ();
fun install_pp _ = ();
-(*** Character/string functions which are compatible with 0.93 and Poly/ML ***)
-fun ord s = Char.ord (String.sub(s,0));
-val chr = str o Char.chr;
-val explode = (map str) o String.explode;
-val implode = String.concat;
(** Compiler-independent timing functions **)
(*Note start point for timing*)
@@ -53,42 +62,47 @@
-(*** File handling ***)
-(*Get time of last modification; if file doesn't exist return an empty string*)
-fun file_info "" = ""
- | file_info name = Time.toString (OS.FileSys.modTime name) handle _ =>"";
-(*** ML command execution ***)
-val tmpName = OS.FileSys.tmpName();
+(* ML command execution *)
(*Can one redirect 'use' directly to an instream?*)
-fun use_strings slist =
- let val tmpFile = TextIO.openOut tmpName
- in app (fn s => TextIO.output (tmpFile, s)) slist;
- TextIO.closeOut tmpFile;
- use tmpName
+fun use_strings strs =
+ let
+ val tmp_name = OS.FileSys.tmpName ();
+ val tmp_file = TextIO.openOut tmp_name;
+ in app (fn s => TextIO.output (tmp_file, s)) strs;
+ TextIO.closeOut tmp_file;
+ use tmp_name;
+ OS.FileSys.remove tmp_name
-(*** System command execution ***)
+(** OS related **)
-(*Execute an Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and
- sends its output to stdout.
- This could be done more easily by Unix.execute, but that function
- doesn't use the PATH.*)
+(* system command execution *)
+(*execute Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and
+ sends its output to stdout; could be done more easily by Unix.execute,
+ but that function doesn't use the PATH*)
fun execute command =
- let val is = (OS.Process.system (command ^ " > " ^ tmpName);
- TextIO.openIn tmpName);
- val result = TextIO.inputAll is;
- in TextIO.closeIn is;
- OS.FileSys.remove tmpName;
- result
+ let
+ val tmp_name = OS.FileSys.tmpName ();
+ val is = (OS.Process.system (command ^ " > " ^ tmp_name); TextIO.openIn tmp_name);
+ val result = TextIO.inputAll is;
+ in
+ TextIO.closeIn is;
+ OS.FileSys.remove tmp_name;
+ result
+(* file handling *)
+(*get time of last modification; if file doesn't exist return an empty string*)
+fun file_info "" = "" (* FIXME !? *)
+ | file_info name = Time.toString (OS.FileSys.modTime name) handle _ => "";
(* getenv *)
fun getenv var =
@@ -97,6 +111,6 @@
| SOME txt => txt);
-(*Non-printing and 8-bit chars are forbidden in string constants*)
-val needs_filtered_use = true;
+(* non-ASCII input (see also Thy/use.ML) *)
+val needs_filtered_use = false;