Elimination of fully-functorial style.
Fri, 16 Feb 1996 12:19:47 +0100
changeset 1500 b2de3b3277b8
parent 1499 01fdd1ea6324
child 1501 bb7f99a0a6f0
Elimination of fully-functorial style. Type tactic changed to a type abbrevation (from a datatype). Constructor tactic and function apply deleted.
--- a/src/Pure/envir.ML	Fri Feb 16 12:08:49 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/envir.ML	Fri Feb 16 12:19:47 1996 +0100
@@ -33,10 +33,9 @@
   val vupdate		: (indexname * term) * env -> env
-functor EnvirFun () : ENVIR =
+structure Envir : ENVIR =
 (*association lists with keys in ascending order, no repeated keys*)
 datatype 'a xolist = Olist of (indexname * 'a) list;
@@ -154,69 +153,61 @@
 fun alist_of (Envir{maxidx,asol,...}) = alist_of_olist asol;
-(*Beta normal form for terms (not eta normal form).
-  Chases variables in env;  Does not exploit sharing of variable bindings
-  Does not check types, so could loop. *)
-      (*raised when norm has no effect on a term,
-        to encourage sharing instead of copying*)
-  exception SAME;
+(*** Beta normal form for terms (not eta normal form).
+     Chases variables in env;  Does not exploit sharing of variable bindings
+     Does not check types, so could loop. ***)
+(*raised when norm has no effect on a term, to do sharing instead of copying*)
+exception SAME;
-  fun norm_term1 (asol,t) : term =
-    let fun norm (Var (w,T)) =
-              (case xsearch(asol,w) of
-                  Some u => normh u
-                | None   => raise SAME)
-          | norm (Abs(a,T,body)) =  Abs(a, T, norm body)
-          | norm (Abs(_,_,body) $ t) = normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
-          | norm (f $ t) =
-              ((case norm f of
-                 Abs(_,_,body) => normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
-               | nf => nf $ normh t)
-              handle SAME => f $ norm t)
-          | norm _ =  raise SAME
-        and normh t = (norm t) handle SAME => t
-    in normh t end
+fun norm_term1 (asol,t) : term =
+  let fun norm (Var (w,T)) =
+	    (case xsearch(asol,w) of
+		Some u => normh u
+	      | None   => raise SAME)
+	| norm (Abs(a,T,body)) =  Abs(a, T, norm body)
+	| norm (Abs(_,_,body) $ t) = normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
+	| norm (f $ t) =
+	    ((case norm f of
+	       Abs(_,_,body) => normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
+	     | nf => nf $ normh t)
+	    handle SAME => f $ norm t)
+	| norm _ =  raise SAME
+      and normh t = (norm t) handle SAME => t
+  in normh t end
-  and norm_term2(asol,iTs,t) : term =
-    let fun normT(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a, normTs Ts)
-          | normT(TFree _) = raise SAME
-          | normT(TVar(v,_)) = (case assoc(iTs,v) of
-                  Some(U) => normTh U
-                | None => raise SAME)
-        and normTh T = ((normT T) handle SAME => T)
-        and normTs([]) = raise SAME
-          | normTs(T::Ts) = ((normT T :: normTsh Ts)
-                             handle SAME => T :: normTs Ts)
-        and normTsh Ts = ((normTs Ts) handle SAME => Ts)
-        and norm(Const(a,T)) = Const(a, normT T)
-          | norm(Free(a,T)) = Free(a, normT T)
-          | norm(Var (w,T)) =
-              (case xsearch(asol,w) of
-                  Some u => normh u
-                | None   => Var(w,normT T))
-          | norm(Abs(a,T,body)) =
-                (Abs(a,normT T,normh body) handle SAME => Abs(a, T, norm body))
-          | norm(Abs(_,_,body) $ t) = normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
-          | norm(f $ t) =
-              ((case norm f of
-                 Abs(_,_,body) => normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
-               | nf => nf $ normh t)
-              handle SAME => f $ norm t)
-          | norm _ =  raise SAME
-        and normh t = (norm t) handle SAME => t
-    in normh t end;
+and norm_term2(asol,iTs,t) : term =
+  let fun normT(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a, normTs Ts)
+	| normT(TFree _) = raise SAME
+	| normT(TVar(v,_)) = (case assoc(iTs,v) of
+		Some(U) => normTh U
+	      | None => raise SAME)
+      and normTh T = ((normT T) handle SAME => T)
+      and normTs([]) = raise SAME
+	| normTs(T::Ts) = ((normT T :: normTsh Ts)
+			   handle SAME => T :: normTs Ts)
+      and normTsh Ts = ((normTs Ts) handle SAME => Ts)
+      and norm(Const(a,T)) = Const(a, normT T)
+	| norm(Free(a,T)) = Free(a, normT T)
+	| norm(Var (w,T)) =
+	    (case xsearch(asol,w) of
+		Some u => normh u
+	      | None   => Var(w,normT T))
+	| norm(Abs(a,T,body)) =
+	      (Abs(a,normT T,normh body) handle SAME => Abs(a, T, norm body))
+	| norm(Abs(_,_,body) $ t) = normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
+	| norm(f $ t) =
+	    ((case norm f of
+	       Abs(_,_,body) => normh(subst_bounds([t], body))
+	     | nf => nf $ normh t)
+	    handle SAME => f $ norm t)
+	| norm _ =  raise SAME
+      and normh t = (norm t) handle SAME => t
+  in normh t end;
 (*curried version might be slower in recursive calls*)
 fun norm_term (env as Envir{asol,iTs,...}) t : term =
         if null iTs then norm_term1(asol, t) else norm_term2(asol,iTs, t)
-fun norm_ter (env as Envir{asol,iTs,...}) t : term =
-        if null iTs then norm_term1(asol, t) else norm_term2(asol,iTs, t)
--- a/src/Pure/goals.ML	Fri Feb 16 12:08:49 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/goals.ML	Fri Feb 16 12:19:47 1996 +0100
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
 signature GOALS =
-  structure Tactical: TACTICAL
-  local open Tactical Tactical.Thm in
   type proof
   val ba		: int -> unit
   val back		: unit -> unit
@@ -66,17 +64,10 @@
   val save_proof	: unit -> proof
   val topthm		: unit -> thm
   val undo		: unit -> unit
-  end
-functor GoalsFun (structure Logic: LOGIC and Drule: DRULE and Tactic: TACTIC
-                        and Pattern:PATTERN
-	  sharing type Pattern.type_sig = Drule.Thm.Sign.Type.type_sig
-              and Drule.Thm = Tactic.Tactical.Thm) : GOALS =
+structure Goals : GOALS =
-structure Tactical = Tactic.Tactical
-local open Tactic Tactic.Tactical Tactic.Tactical.Thm Drule
 (*Each level of goal stack includes a proof state and alternative states,
   the output of the tactic applied to the preceeding level.  *)
@@ -154,7 +145,7 @@
                  cat_lines (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) hyps))
 	    else if not (null xshyps) then result_error state
                 ("Extra sort hypotheses: " ^
-                 commas (map Sign.Type.str_of_sort xshyps))
+                 commas (map Type.str_of_sort xshyps))
 	    else if Pattern.matches (#tsig(Sign.rep_sg sign)) 
 			            (term_of chorn, prop)
 		 then  standard th 
@@ -199,7 +190,7 @@
   let val (prems, st0, mkresult) = prepare_proof rths chorn
       val tac = EVERY (tacsf prems)
       fun statef() = 
-	  (case Sequence.pull (tapply(tac,st0)) of 
+	  (case Sequence.pull (tac st0) of 
 	       Some(st,_) => st
 	     | _ => error ("prove_goal: tactic failed"))
   in  mkresult (true, cond_timeit (!proof_timing) statef)  end
@@ -270,7 +261,7 @@
 local exception GETHYPS of thm list
 fun gethyps i = 
-    (tapply(METAHYPS (fn hyps => raise (GETHYPS hyps)) i, topthm());  [])
+    (METAHYPS (fn hyps => raise (GETHYPS hyps)) i (topthm());  [])
     handle GETHYPS hyps => hyps
@@ -316,7 +307,7 @@
 (*Proof step "by" the given tactic -- apply tactic to the proof state*)
 fun by_com tac ((th,ths), pairs) : gstack =
-  (case  Sequence.pull(tapply(tac, th))  of
+  (case  Sequence.pull(tac th)  of
      None      => error"by: tactic failed"
    | Some(th2,ths2) => 
        (if eq_thm(th,th2) 
@@ -444,4 +435,5 @@
 fun print_exn e = (print_sign_exn_unit (top_sg()) e;  raise e);
+open Goals;
--- a/src/Pure/logic.ML	Fri Feb 16 12:08:49 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/logic.ML	Fri Feb 16 12:19:47 1996 +0100
@@ -49,12 +49,9 @@
   val varify		: term -> term  
-functor LogicFun (structure Unify: UNIFY and Net:NET): LOGIC =
+structure Logic : LOGIC =
-structure Sign = Unify.Sign;
-structure Type = Sign.Type;
 (*** Abstract syntax operations on the meta-connectives ***)
 (** equality **)
--- a/src/Pure/net.ML	Fri Feb 16 12:08:49 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/net.ML	Fri Feb 16 12:19:47 1996 +0100
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-functor NetFun () : NET = 
+structure Net : NET = 
 datatype key = CombK | VarK | AtomK of string;