--- a/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML Sun Jan 21 19:52:32 2001 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML Sun Jan 21 19:53:29 2001 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* Title: Pure/General/pretty.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Munich
+ Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Munich
Generic pretty printing module.
@@ -56,51 +56,53 @@
structure Pretty : PRETTY =
-(*printing items: compound phrases, strings, and breaks*)
+(** printing items: compound phrases, strings, and breaks **)
datatype T =
Block of T list * int * int | (*body, indentation, length*)
String of string * int | (*text, length*)
Break of bool * int; (*mandatory flag, width if not taken*);
-(*Add the lengths of the expressions until the next Break; if no Break then
- include "after", to account for text following this block. *)
-fun breakdist (Block(_,_,len)::es, after) = len + breakdist(es, after)
- | breakdist (String (s, len) :: es, after) = len + breakdist (es, after)
- | breakdist (Break _ :: es, after) = 0
- | breakdist ([], after) = after;
-fun repstring a 0 = ""
- | repstring a 1 = a
- | repstring a k =
- if k mod 2 = 0 then repstring(a^a) (k div 2)
- else repstring(a^a) (k div 2) ^ a;
-val spaces = repstring " ";
-(*** Type for lines of text: string, # of lines, position on line ***)
+(** output text **)
+val output_spaces = Symbol.output o Symbol.spaces;
+val add_indent = Buffer.add o output_spaces;
+fun set_indent wd = Buffer.empty |> add_indent wd;
-type text = {tx: Buffer.T, nl: int, pos: int};
-val emptytext = {tx = Buffer.empty, nl = 0, pos = 0};
+val empty =
+ {tx = Buffer.empty,
+ ind = Buffer.empty,
+ pos = 0,
+ nl = 0};
-fun blanks wd {tx, nl, pos} =
- {tx = Buffer.add (Symbol.output (spaces wd)) tx,
- nl = nl,
- pos = pos+wd};
+fun newline {tx, ind, pos, nl} =
+ {tx = Buffer.add (Symbol.output "\n") tx,
+ ind = Buffer.empty,
+ pos = 0,
+ nl = nl + 1};
-fun newline {tx, nl, pos} =
- {tx = Buffer.add (Symbol.output "\n") tx,
- nl = nl + 1,
- pos = 0};
+fun string (s, len) {tx, ind, pos: int, nl} =
+ {tx = Buffer.add s tx,
+ ind = Buffer.add s ind,
+ pos = pos + len,
+ nl = nl};
+fun blanks wd = string (output_spaces wd, wd);
-fun string s len {tx, nl, pos:int} =
- {tx = Buffer.add s tx,
- nl = nl,
- pos = pos + len};
+fun indentation (buf, len) {tx, ind, pos, nl} =
+ let val s = Buffer.content buf in
+ {tx = Buffer.add (Symbol.indent (s, len)) tx,
+ ind = Buffer.add s ind,
+ pos = pos + len,
+ nl = nl}
+ end;
-(*** Formatting ***)
+(** formatting **)
(* margin *)
@@ -113,32 +115,50 @@
fun setmargin m = margin_info := make_margin_info m;
fun setmp_margin m f = setmp margin_info (make_margin_info m) f;
-(*Search for the next break (at this or higher levels) and force it to occur*)
+(* format *)
+(*Add the lengths of the expressions until the next Break; if no Break then
+ include "after", to account for text following this block.*)
+fun breakdist (Block (_, _, len) :: es, after) = len + breakdist (es, after)
+ | breakdist (String (s, len) :: es, after) = len + breakdist (es, after)
+ | breakdist (Break _ :: es, after) = 0
+ | breakdist ([], after) = after;
+(*Search for the next break (at this or higher levels) and force it to occur.*)
fun forcenext [] = []
- | forcenext (Break(_,wd) :: es) = Break(true,0) :: es
+ | forcenext (Break (_, wd) :: es) = Break (true, 0) :: es
| forcenext (e :: es) = e :: forcenext es;
(*es is list of expressions to print;
blockin is the indentation of the current block;
- after is the width of the following context until next break. *)
+ after is the width of the following context until next break.*)
fun format ([], _, _) text = text
- | format (e::es, blockin, after) (text as {pos,nl,...}) =
- (case e of
- Block(bes,indent,wd) =>
- let val blockin' = (pos + indent) mod #emergencypos (! margin_info)
- val btext = format(bes, blockin', breakdist(es,after)) text
- (*If this block was broken then force the next break.*)
- val es2 = if nl < #nl(btext) then forcenext es else es
- in format (es2,blockin,after) btext end
- | String (s, len) => format (es,blockin,after) (string s len text)
- | Break(force,wd) => (*no break if text to next break fits on this line
- or if breaking would add only breakgain to space *)
- format (es,blockin,after)
- (if not force andalso
- pos+wd <= Int.max(#margin (! margin_info) - breakdist(es,after),
- blockin + #breakgain (! margin_info))
- then blanks wd text (*just insert wd blanks*)
- else blanks blockin (newline text)));
+ | format (e :: es, block as (blockind, blockin), after) (text as {ind, pos, nl, ...}) =
+ (case e of
+ Block (bes, indent, wd) =>
+ let
+ val {emergencypos, ...} = ! margin_info;
+ val pos' = pos + indent;
+ val pos'' = pos' mod emergencypos;
+ val block' =
+ if pos' < emergencypos then (ind |> add_indent indent, pos')
+ else (set_indent pos'', pos'');
+ val btext = format (bes, block', breakdist (es, after)) text;
+ (*if this block was broken then force the next break*)
+ val es2 = if nl < #nl btext then forcenext es else es;
+ in format (es2, block, after) btext end
+ | String str => format (es, block, after) (string str text)
+ | Break (force, wd) =>
+ let val {margin, breakgain, ...} = ! margin_info in
+ (*no break if text to next break fits on this line
+ or if breaking would add only breakgain to space*)
+ format (es, block, after)
+ (if not force andalso
+ pos + wd <= Int.max (margin - breakdist (es, after), blockin + breakgain)
+ then text |> blanks wd (*just insert wd blanks*)
+ else text |> newline |> indentation block)
+ end);
(*** Exported functions to create formatting expressions ***)
@@ -184,7 +204,7 @@
fun chunks prts = blk (0, fbreaks prts);
fun indent 0 prt = prt
- | indent n prt = blk (0, [str (spaces n), prt]);
+ | indent n prt = blk (0, [str (Symbol.spaces n), prt]);
(*** Pretty printing with depth limitation ***)
@@ -199,11 +219,9 @@
else str "..."
| pruning dp e = e;
-fun prune dp e = if dp>0 then pruning dp e else e;
+fun prune dp e = if dp > 0 then pruning dp e else e;
-fun string_of e = Buffer.content (#tx (format ([prune (! depth) e], 0, 0) emptytext));
+fun string_of e = Buffer.content (#tx (format ([prune (! depth) e], (Buffer.empty, 0), 0) empty));
val writeln = writeln o string_of;
@@ -212,8 +230,8 @@
fun s_of (Block (prts, _, _)) = implode (map s_of prts)
| s_of (String (s, _)) = s
- | s_of (Break (false, wd)) = Symbol.output (spaces wd)
- | s_of (Break (true, _)) = Symbol.output " ";
+ | s_of (Break (false, wd)) = output_spaces wd
+ | s_of (Break (true, _)) = output_spaces 1;
in s_of (prune (! depth) prt) end;
(*part of the interface to the ML toplevel pretty printers*)