original HOL Light "offline" material by Cezary Kaliszyk and Alexander Krauss, from http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/cek/import/holimport.tgz 27-Nov-2013 (37372 bytes);
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/offline/README Sat Jan 18 16:26:43 2025 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+* Compile and run "offline/offline.ml" (warning, this uses a lot of memory)
+ ocamlopt offline.ml -o offline
+ > maps.lst
+ ./offline
+* Format of maps.lst:
+ - THM1 THM2 map HOL Light THM1 to Isabelle/HOL THM2 and forget its deps
+ - THM - do not record THM and make sure it is not used (its deps must be mapped)
+ - THM the definition of constant/type is mapped in Isabelle/HOL, so forget
+ its deps and look its map up when defining (may fail at import time)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/offline/maps.lst Sat Jan 18 16:26:43 2025 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ETA_AX hl_ax1
+SELECT_AX hl_ax2
+TYDEF_num -
+num_Axiom num_Axiom
+DEF_+ -
+DEF_* -
+DEF_<= -
+DEF_< -
+DEF_- -
+TYDEF_sum -
+TYDEF_list -
+list_INDUCT list_INDUCT
+REVERSE_conjunct0 REVERSE(0)
+REVERSE_conjunct1 REVERSE(1)
+BUTLAST_conjunct0 BUTLAST(0)
+BUTLAST_conjunct1 BUTLAST(1)
+NULL_conjunct0 NULL(0)
+NULL_conjunct1 NULL(1)
+ALL_conjunct0 ALL(0)
+ALL_conjunct1 ALL(1)
+EX_conjunct0 EX(0)
+EX_conjunct1 EX(1)
+ITLIST_conjunct0 ITLIST(0)
+ITLIST_conjunct1 ITLIST(1)
+ALL2_DEF_conjunct0 ALL2_DEF(0)
+ALL2_DEF_conjunct1 ALL2_DEF(1)
+FILTER_conjunct0 FILTER(0)
+FILTER_conjunct1 FILTER(1)
+ZIP_DEF_conjunct0 -
+ZIP_DEF_conjunct1 -
+ZIP_conjunct0 ZIP(0)
+ZIP_conjunct1 ZIP(1)
+TYDEF_real -
+DEF_real_of_num -
+real_of_num -
+real_of_num_th -
+DEF_real_neg -
+real_neg -
+real_neg_th -
+DEF_real_add -
+real_add -
+real_add_th -
+DEF_real_mul -
+real_mul -
+real_mul_th -
+DEF_real_le -
+real_le -
+real_le_th -
+DEF_real_inv -
+real_inv -
+real_inv_th -
+DEF_real_sub -
+real_sub real_sub
+DEF_real_lt -
+real_lt real_lt
+DEF_real_ge -
+real_ge real_ge
+DEF_real_gt -
+real_gt real_gt
+DEF_real_abs -
+real_abs real_abs
+DEF_real_pow -
+DEF_real_div -
+real_div real_div
+DEF_real_max -
+real_max real_max
+DEF_real_min -
+real_min real_min
+DEF_real_sgn -
+real_sgn real_sgn
+TYDEF_int -
+DEF_integer -
+integer integer
+int_rep int_rep
+int_abstr int_abstr
+dest_int_rep dest_int_rep
+int_eq int_eq
+DEF_int_le -
+int_le int_le
+DEF_int_ge -
+int_ge int_ge
+DEF_int_lt -
+int_lt int_lt
+DEF_int_gt -
+int_gt int_gt
+DEF_int_of_num -
+int_of_num int_of_num
+int_of_num_th int_of_num_th
+int_neg -
+int_neg_th int_neg_th
+DEF_int_add -
+int_add -
+int_add_th int_add_th
+DEF_int_sub -
+int_sub -
+int_sub_th int_sub_th
+DEF_int_mul -
+int_mul -
+int_mul_th int_mul_th
+DEF_int_abs -
+int_abs -
+int_abs_th int_abs_th
+DEF_int_sgn -
+int_sgn -
+int_sgn_th int_sgn_th
+DEF_int_max -
+int_max -
+int_max_th int_max_th
+DEF_int_min -
+int_min -
+int_min_th int_min_th
+DEF_int_pow -
+int_pow -
+int_pow_th int_pow_th
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/offline/offline.ml Sat Jan 18 16:26:43 2025 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+let output_int oc i = output_string oc (string_of_int i);;
+let string_list_of_string str sep =
+ let rec slos_aux str ans =
+ if str = "" then ans else
+ try
+ let first_space = String.index str sep in
+ if first_space = 0 then
+ slos_aux (String.sub str 1 (String.length str - 1)) ans
+ else
+ slos_aux
+ (String.sub str (first_space + 1)(String.length str - 1 - first_space))
+ ((String.sub str 0 (first_space)) :: ans)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ List.rev (str :: ans)
+ in slos_aux str []
+module SM = Map.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end);;
+module IM = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end);;
+let facts = ref SM.empty;;
+let maps = ref IM.empty;;
+let facts_rev = ref IM.empty;;
+let rec addfact s n =
+ if SM.mem s (!facts) then failwith ("addfact:" ^ s) else
+ if IM.mem n (!facts_rev) then () else (
+ facts := SM.add s n (!facts);
+ facts_rev := IM.add n s (!facts_rev));;
+let read_facts () =
+ let inc = open_in "facts.lst" in
+ (try
+ while true do
+ let l = (string_list_of_string (input_line inc) ' ') in
+ let no = int_of_string (List.nth l 1) in
+ addfact (List.hd l) no
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> close_in inc);
+ (let inc = open_in "maps.lst" in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let (hl_name :: t) = (string_list_of_string (input_line inc) ' ') in
+ let no = try SM.find hl_name (!facts) with Not_found -> failwith ("read facts: " ^ hl_name) in
+ facts := SM.remove hl_name (!facts);
+ let isa_name = if t = [] then "" else List.hd t in
+ maps := IM.add no isa_name (!maps);
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> close_in inc);;
+let tyno = ref 0;;
+let tmno = ref 0;;
+let thno = ref 0;;
+let ios s = abs(int_of_string s);;
+let process thth thtm tmtm thty tmty tyty = function
+ ('R', [t]) -> incr thno; thtm (ios t)
+| ('B', [t]) -> incr thno; thtm (ios t)
+| ('T', [p; q]) -> incr thno; thth (ios p); thth (ios q)
+| ('C', [p; q]) -> incr thno; thth (ios p); thth (ios q)
+| ('L', [t; p]) -> incr thno; thth (ios p); thtm (ios t)
+| ('H', [t]) -> incr thno; thtm (ios t)
+| ('E', [p; q]) -> incr thno; thth (ios p); thth (ios q)
+| ('D', [p; q]) -> incr thno; thth (ios p); thth (ios q)
+| ('Q', ((h :: t) as l)) -> incr thno; thth (ios (List.hd (List.rev l)));
+ List.iter thty (List.map ios (List.tl (List.rev l)))
+| ('S', ((h :: t) as l)) -> incr thno; thth (ios (List.hd (List.rev l)));
+ List.iter thtm (List.map ios (List.tl (List.rev l)))
+| ('A', [_; t]) -> incr thno; thtm (ios t)
+| ('F', [_; t]) -> incr thno; thtm (ios t)
+| ('Y', [_; _; _; t; s; p]) -> incr thno; thth (ios p); thtm (ios t); thtm (ios s)
+| ('1', [p]) -> incr thno; thth (ios p)
+| ('2', [p]) -> incr thno; thth (ios p)
+| ('t', [_]) -> incr tyno
+| ('a', (h :: t)) -> incr tyno; List.iter tyty (List.map ios t)
+| ('v', [_; ty]) -> incr tmno; tmty (ios ty)
+| ('c', [_; ty]) -> incr tmno; tmty (ios ty)
+| ('f', [t; s]) -> incr tmno; tmtm (ios t); tmtm (ios s)
+| ('l', [t; s]) -> incr tmno; tmtm (ios t); tmtm (ios s)
+| (c, l) -> failwith ((String.make 1 c) ^ (String.concat " " l))
+let thth = Array.create 155097624 [];;
+let tmth = Array.create 55000000 [];;
+let tmtm = Array.create 55000000 [];;
+let tyth = Array.create 200000 [];;
+let tytm = Array.create 200000 [];;
+let tyty = Array.create 200000 [];;
+let needth no = not (IM.mem no !maps);;
+let addthth s = if needth !thno then thth.(s) <- !thno :: thth.(s);;
+let addtmth s = if needth !thno then tmth.(s) <- !thno :: tmth.(s);;
+let addtyth s = if needth !thno then tyth.(s) <- !thno :: tyth.(s);;
+let addtmtm s = tmtm.(s) <- !tmno :: tmtm.(s);;
+let addtytm s = tytm.(s) <- !tmno :: tytm.(s);;
+let addtyty s = tyty.(s) <- !tyno :: tyty.(s);;
+let add_facts_deps () =
+ thth.(0) <- 0 :: thth.(0);
+ SM.iter (fun _ n -> thth.(n) <- 0 :: thth.(n)) !facts
+let process_all thth thtm tmtm thty tmty tyty =
+ tyno := 0; tmno := 0; thno := 0;
+ let inc = open_in "proofs" in
+ try while true do
+ let c = input_char inc in
+ let s = input_line inc in
+ process thth thtm tmtm thty tmty tyty (c, (string_list_of_string s ' '))
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> close_in inc;;
+let count_nonnil l =
+ Array.fold_left (fun n l -> if l = [] then n else n + 1) 0 l;;
+let clean tab filter =
+ for i = Array.length tab - 1 downto 1 do
+ tab.(i) <- List.filter filter tab.(i)
+ done;;
+let clean_all () =
+ clean thth (fun j -> not (thth.(j) = []));
+ clean tmth (fun j -> not (thth.(j) = []));
+ clean tmtm (fun j -> not (tmth.(j) = [] && tmtm.(j) = []));
+ clean tyth (fun j -> not (thth.(j) = []));
+ clean tytm (fun j -> not (tmth.(j) = [] && tmtm.(j) = []));
+ clean tyty (fun j -> not (tyth.(j) = [] && tytm.(j) = [] && tyty.(j) = []))
+read_facts ();;
+let facts_rev = !facts_rev;;
+add_facts_deps ();;
+process_all addthth addtmth addtmtm addtyth addtytm addtyty;;
+print_string "thms: "; print_int !thno;
+print_string " tms: "; print_int !tmno;
+print_string " tys: "; print_int !tyno; print_newline (); flush stdout;;
+print_string "Direct uses: th->th th->tm tm->tm th->ty tm->ty ty->ty: \n";
+print_int (count_nonnil thth); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tmth); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tmtm); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tyth); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tytm); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tyty); print_newline (); flush stdout;;
+clean_all ();;
+print_string "After removing:\n";
+print_string "Depends: th->th th->tm tm->tm th->ty tm->ty ty->ty: \n";
+print_int (count_nonnil thth); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tmth); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tmtm); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tyth); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tytm); print_char ' ';
+print_int (count_nonnil tyty); print_newline (); flush stdout;;
+let rev_tables () =
+ let rev_tab t =
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t - 1 do
+ t.(i) <- List.rev (t.(i));
+ done
+ in
+ rev_tab thth; rev_tab tmth; rev_tab tyth;
+ rev_tab tmtm; rev_tab tytm; rev_tab tyty
+print_char 'c'; flush stdout;;
+rev_tables ();;
+print_char 'C'; flush stdout;;
+let othnth = Array.create 155300000 0;;
+let otmntm = Array.create 55000000 0;;
+let otynty = Array.create 200000 0;;
+let outl oc tag ss is =
+ let ss = ss @ (List.map string_of_int is) in
+ output_char oc tag; output_string oc (String.concat " " ss); output_char oc '\n'
+let ntyno = ref 0;; let ntmno = ref 0;; let nthno = ref 0;;
+let ty t i = (*!ntyno -*)
+ t.(i) <- List.tl t.(i);
+ if tyth.(i) = [] && tytm.(i) = [] && tyty.(i) = [] then (- otynty.(i)) else otynty.(i);;
+let tm t i = (*!ntmno -*)
+ t.(i) <- List.tl t.(i);
+ if tmth.(i) = [] && tmtm.(i) = [] then (- otmntm.(i)) else otmntm.(i);;
+let th i = (*!nthno -*)
+(* (if List.hd thth.(i) = 0 then (print_int !thno));*)
+ thth.(i) <- List.tl thth.(i);
+ if thth.(i) = [] then (- othnth.(i)) else othnth.(i);;
+let rec itlist f l b =
+ match l with
+ [] -> b
+ | (h::t) -> f h (itlist f t b);;
+let insert x l =
+ if List.mem x l then l else x::l;;
+let union l1 l2 = itlist insert l1 l2;;
+let rec neededby l acc =
+ match l with [] -> acc
+ | h :: t ->
+ try if List.length acc > 10 then acc else
+ neededby t (insert (IM.find h facts_rev) acc)
+ with Not_found -> neededby (union thth.(h) t) acc
+let neededby l = String.concat " " (neededby l [])
+let outt oc tag ss tys tms ths =
+ if thth.(!thno) = [] then () else
+ begin
+ incr nthno;
+ othnth.(!thno) <- !nthno;
+ begin
+ try
+ let s = IM.find (!thno) (!maps) in
+ if s = "-" then failwith ("removed thm:" ^ IM.find !thno facts_rev ^ " around:" ^ neededby (thth.(!thno)))
+ else if s = "" then outl oc tag ss []
+ else outl oc 'M' [s] []
+ with Not_found ->
+ outl oc tag ss
+ (List.map (fun i -> ty tyth (ios i)) tys @ List.map
+ (fun i -> tm tmth (ios i)) tms @ List.map (fun i -> th (ios i)) ths)
+ end;
+ try outl oc '+' [IM.find (!thno) facts_rev] []
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ end
+let outtm oc tag ss tys tms =
+ if tmth.(!tmno) = [] && tmtm.(!tmno) = [] then () else
+ (incr ntmno; otmntm.(!tmno) <- !ntmno; outl oc tag ss (List.map (fun i -> ty tytm (ios i)) tys @ List.map (fun i -> tm tmtm (ios i)) tms))
+let outty oc tag ss tys =
+ if tyth.(!tyno) = [] && tytm.(!tyno) = [] && tyty.(!tyno) = [] then () else
+ (incr ntyno; otynty.(!tyno) <- !ntyno; outl oc tag ss (List.map (fun i -> ty tyty (ios i)) tys))
+let printer oc = function
+ ('R', [t]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'R' [] [] [t] []
+| ('B', [t]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'B' [] [] [t] []
+| ('T', [p; q]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'T' [] [] [] [p; q]
+| ('C', [p; q]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'C' [] [] [] [p; q]
+| ('L', [t; p]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'L' [] [] [t] [p]
+| ('H', [t]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'H' [] [] [t] []
+| ('E', [p; q]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'E' [] [] [] [p; q]
+| ('D', [p; q]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'D' [] [] [] [p; q]
+| ('Q', ((h :: t) as l)) -> incr thno;
+ let (th, tys) = (List.hd (List.rev l), List.rev (List.tl (List.rev l))) in
+ outt oc 'Q' [] tys [] [th]
+| ('S', ((h :: t) as l)) -> incr thno;
+ let (th, tms) = (List.hd (List.rev l), List.rev (List.tl (List.rev l))) in
+ outt oc 'S' [] [] tms [th]
+| ('A', [n; t]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'A' [n] [] [t] []
+| ('F', [n; t]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'F' [n] [] [t] []
+| ('Y', [n1; n2; n3; t; s; p]) -> incr thno; outt oc 'Y' [n1; n2; n3] [] [t; s] [p]
+| ('1', [p]) -> incr thno; outt oc '1' [] [] [] [p]
+| ('2', [p]) -> incr thno; outt oc '2' [] [] [] [p]
+| ('t', [n]) -> incr tyno; outty oc 't' [n] []
+| ('a', (h :: t)) -> incr tyno; outty oc 'a' [h] t
+| ('v', [n; ty]) -> incr tmno; outtm oc 'v' [n] [ty] []
+| ('c', [n; ty]) -> incr tmno; outtm oc 'c' [n] [ty] []
+| ('f', [t; s]) -> incr tmno; outtm oc 'f' [] [] [t; s]
+| ('l', [t; s]) -> incr tmno; outtm oc 'l' [] [] [t; s]
+| (c, l) -> failwith ((String.make 1 c) ^ (String.concat " " l))
+let print_all () =
+ tyno := 0; tmno := 0; thno := 0;
+ let inc = open_in "proofs" in
+ let oc = open_out "proofsN" in
+ try while true do
+ let c = input_char inc in
+ let s = input_line inc in
+ printer oc (c, string_list_of_string s ' ')
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> (close_in inc; close_out oc);;
+print_all ();;
+print_string "thms: "; print_int !nthno;
+print_string " tms: "; print_int !ntmno;
+print_string " tys: "; print_int !ntyno; print_newline (); flush stdout;;
+let inc = open_in "facts.lst" in
+let oc = open_out "facts.lstN" in
+ while true do
+ let [name; no] = string_list_of_string (input_line inc) ' ' in
+ let no = int_of_string no in
+ try if IM.find no facts_rev = name then (
+ output_string oc name; output_char oc ' ';
+ output_int oc othnth.(no); output_char oc '\n'
+ ) else ()
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> (close_in inc; close_out oc);;