include browser_info stuff;
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:34:27 +0200
changeset 7727 b52c7d773121
parent 7726 2c7fc0ba1e12
child 7728 2e737ce3cdb5
include browser_info stuff; tex source presentation;
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML	Tue Oct 05 15:33:35 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML	Tue Oct 05 15:34:27 1999 +0200
@@ -1,43 +1,429 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/Thy/present.ML
     ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Stefan Berghofer and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Theory presentation abstract interface.
+Theory presentation (HTML, graph files, simple LaTeX documents).
 signature BASIC_PRESENT =
+  val section: string -> unit
 signature PRESENT =
-  include BROWSER_INFO
-  val theory_source_presenter:
-    (bool -> string -> (string, string list) Source.source * Position.T -> unit) -> unit
+  include BASIC_PRESENT
+  val init: bool -> string -> string list -> string -> Url.T option * bool -> unit
+  val finish: unit -> unit
+  val init_theory: string -> unit
+  val verbatim_source: string -> (unit -> string list) -> unit
+  val token_source: string -> (unit -> OuterLex.token list) -> unit
+  val begin_theory: string -> string list -> (Path.T * bool) list -> theory -> theory
+  val result: string -> string -> thm -> unit
+  val results: string -> string -> thm list -> unit
+  val theorem: string -> thm -> unit
+  val theorems: string -> thm list -> unit
+  val subsection: string -> unit
+  val subsubsection: string -> unit
+  val setup: (theory -> theory) list
 structure Present: PRESENT =
-(*mostly fall back on BrowserInfo for the time being*)
-open BrowserInfo;
+(** paths **)
+val output_path = Path.variable "ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO";
+fun top_path sess_path offset =
+  Path.append (Path.appends (replicate (offset + length sess_path) Path.parent));
+val tex_ext = Path.ext "tex";
+val tex_path = tex_ext o Path.basic;
+val html_ext = Path.ext "html";
+val html_path = html_ext o Path.basic;
+val graph_path = Path.ext "graph" o Path.basic;
+val index_path = Path.basic "index.html";
+val doc_path = Path.basic "document";
+val doc_index_path = tex_path "session";
+val session_path = Path.basic ".session";
+val session_entries_path = Path.unpack ".session/entries";
+val pre_index_path = Path.unpack ".session/pre-index";
+(** additional theory data **)
+structure BrowserInfoArgs =
+  val name = "Pure/browser_info";
+  type T = {session: string list, is_local: bool};
+  val empty = {session = [], is_local = false};
+  val copy = I;
+  val prep_ext  = I;
+  fun merge _ = empty;
+  fun print _ _ = ();
+structure BrowserInfoData = TheoryDataFun(BrowserInfoArgs);
+fun get_info thy =
+  if Theory.eq_thy (thy, ProtoPure.thy) then BrowserInfoArgs.empty
+  else BrowserInfoData.get thy;
+(** graphs **)
+type graph_node =
+  {name: string, ID: string, dir: string, unfold: bool,
+   path: string, parents: string list};
+fun get_graph path = map (fn (a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: r) =>
+  {name = unenclose a, ID = unenclose b,
+   dir = unenclose c, unfold = (d = "+"),
+   path = unenclose (if d = "+" then e else d),
+   parents = map unenclose (fst (split_last (if d = "+" then tl r else r)))})
+     (map (filter_out (equal "") o space_explode " ") (split_lines ( path)));
+fun put_graph gr path =
+    File.write path (cat_lines (map (fn {name, ID, dir, unfold, path, parents} =>
+      "\"" ^ name ^ "\" \"" ^ ID ^ "\" \"" ^ dir ^ (if unfold then "\" + \"" else "\" \"") ^
+      path ^ "\" > " ^ space_implode " " (map quote parents) ^ " ;") gr));
+fun dir_of sess = space_implode "/" (case sess of
+  [] => ["Pure"] | [x] => [x, "base"] | xs => xs);
+fun ID_of sess s = dir_of sess ^ "/" ^ s;
+(* retrieve graph data from theory loader database *)
+fun make_graph remote_path unfold curr_sess = map (fn name =>
+  let
+    val {session, is_local} = get_info (ThyInfo.theory name);
+    val path' = Path.append (Path.make session) (html_path name)
+  in
+    {name = name, ID = ID_of session name, dir = dir_of session,
+     path = if null session then "" else
+            if is_some remote_path andalso not is_local then
+              Url.pack (Url.append (the remote_path) (Url.file path'))
+            else Path.pack (top_path curr_sess 2 path'),
+     unfold = unfold andalso (length session = 1),
+     parents = map (fn s => ID_of (#session (get_info (ThyInfo.theory s))) s)
+       (ThyInfo.get_preds name)}
+  end) (ThyInfo.names ());
+fun add_graph_entry' (entry as {ID, ...}) (gr : graph_node list) =
+  filter_out (fn entry' => #ID entry' = ID) gr @ [entry];
+(** global browser info state **)
+(* type theory_info *)
+type theory_info = {tex_source: Buffer.T, html_source: Buffer.T, html: Buffer.T};
+fun make_theory_info (tex_source, html_source, html) =
+  {tex_source = tex_source, html_source = html_source, html = html}: theory_info;
+val empty_theory_info = make_theory_info (Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty);
+fun map_theory_info f {tex_source, html_source, html} =
+  make_theory_info (f (tex_source, html_source, html));
+(* type browser_info *)
+type browser_info = {theories: theory_info Symtab.table, tex_index: Buffer.T,
+  html_index: Buffer.T, graph: graph_node list, all_graph: graph_node list};
+fun make_browser_info (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph) =
+  {theories = theories, tex_index = tex_index, html_index = html_index,
+    graph = graph, all_graph = all_graph}: browser_info;
+val empty_browser_info = make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, [], []);
+fun initial_browser_info remote_path graph_path curr_sess = make_browser_info
+  (Symtab.empty, Buffer.empty, Buffer.empty, make_graph remote_path false curr_sess,
+   if_none (try get_graph graph_path) (make_graph remote_path true [""]));
+fun map_browser_info f {theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph} =
+  make_browser_info (f (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph));
+(* state *)
+val browser_info = ref empty_browser_info;
+fun change_browser_info f = browser_info := map_browser_info f (! browser_info);
+fun init_theory_info name info =
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph) =>
+    (Symtab.update ((name, info), theories), tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph));
+fun change_theory_info name f =
+  change_browser_info (fn (info as (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph)) =>
+    (case Symtab.lookup (theories, name) of
+      None => (warning ("Browser info: cannot access theory document " ^ quote name); info)
+    | Some info => (Symtab.update ((name, map_theory_info f info), theories),
+        tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph)));
+fun add_tex_index txt =
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph) =>
+    (theories, Buffer.add txt tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph));
+fun add_html_index txt =
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph) =>
+    (theories, tex_index, Buffer.add txt html_index, graph, all_graph));
+(*add entry to graph for current session*)
+fun add_graph_entry e =
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph) =>
+    (theories, tex_index, html_index, add_graph_entry' e graph, all_graph));
+(*add entry to graph for all sessions*)
+fun add_all_graph_entry e =
+  change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph) =>
+    (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, add_graph_entry' e all_graph));
+fun add_tex_source name txt = change_theory_info name (fn (tex_source, html_source, html) =>
+  (Buffer.add txt tex_source, html_source, html));
+fun add_html_source name txt = change_theory_info name (fn (tex_source, html_source, html) =>
+  (tex_source, Buffer.add txt html_source, html));
+fun add_html name txt = change_theory_info name (fn (tex_source, html_source, html) =>
+  (tex_source, html_source, Buffer.add txt html));
+(** global session state **)
+(* session_info *)
+type session_info =
+  {name: string, parent: string, session: string, path: string list, html_prefix: Path.T,
+    doc_prefix: Path.T option, graph_path: Path.T, all_graph_path: Path.T,
+    remote_path: Url.T option};
+fun make_session_info (name, parent, session, path, html_prefix, doc_prefix,
+    graph_path, all_graph_path, remote_path) =
+  {name = name, parent = parent, session = session, path = path,
+    html_prefix = html_prefix, doc_prefix = doc_prefix, graph_path = graph_path,
+    all_graph_path = all_graph_path, remote_path = remote_path}: session_info;
-(* theory source presenters *)
+(* state *)
+val session_info = ref (None: session_info option);
+fun with_session x f = (case ! session_info of None => x | Some info => f info);
+fun with_context f = f (PureThy.get_name (Context.the_context ()));
+(** HTML output **)
+(* maintain index *)
+val session_entries =
+  HTML.session_entries o
+    map (fn name => (Url.file (Path.append (Path.basic name) index_path), name));
+fun get_entries dir =
+  split_lines ( (Path.append dir session_entries_path));
+fun put_entries entries dir =
+  File.write (Path.append dir session_entries_path) (cat_lines entries);
+fun create_index dir =
+ (Path.append dir pre_index_path) ^
+    session_entries (get_entries dir) ^ HTML.end_index
+  |> File.write (Path.append dir index_path);
+fun update_index dir name =
+  (case try get_entries dir of
+    None => warning ("Browser info: cannot access session index of " ^ quote (Path.pack dir))
+  | Some es => (put_entries ((es \ name) @ [name]) dir; create_index dir));
+(* init session *)
+fun name_of_session elems = space_implode "/" ("Isabelle" :: elems);
+fun could_copy inpath outpath =
+  if File.exists inpath then (File.copy inpath outpath; true)
+  else false;
+fun init false _ _ _ _ = (browser_info := empty_browser_info; session_info := None)
+  | init true doc path name (remote_path, first_time) =
+      let
+        val parent_name = name_of_session (take (length path - 1, path));
+        val session_name = name_of_session path;
+        val sess_prefix = Path.make path;
+        val out_path = Path.expand output_path;
+        val html_prefix = Path.append out_path sess_prefix;
+        val (doc_prefix, document_path) =
+          if doc = "" then (None, None)
+          else (Some (Path.append html_prefix doc_path), Some (Path.ext doc doc_path));
+        val graph_prefix = Path.appends [out_path, Path.unpack "graph/data", sess_prefix];
+        val graph_path = Path.append graph_prefix (Path.basic "session.graph");
+        val graph_lnk = Url.file (top_path path 0 (Path.appends
+          [Path.unpack "graph/data", sess_prefix, Path.basic "medium.html"]));
+        val graph_up_lnk =
+          (Url.file (top_path path 2 (Path.append sess_prefix index_path)), session_name);
+        val codebase = Url.file (top_path path 1 Path.current);
+        val all_graph_path = Path.appends [out_path, Path.unpack "graph/data",
+          Path.basic (hd path), Path.basic "all_sessions.graph"];
+        val _ = (File.mkdir html_prefix; File.mkdir graph_prefix);
+        fun prep_readme readme =
+          let val readme_path = Path.basic readme in
+            if could_copy readme_path (Path.append html_prefix readme_path) then Some readme_path
+            else None
+          end;
+        val opt_readme =
+          (case prep_readme "README.html" of None => prep_readme "README" | some => some);
+        val parent_index_path = Path.append Path.parent index_path;
+        val index_up_lnk = if first_time then
+            Url.append (the remote_path) (Url.file (Path.append sess_prefix parent_index_path))
+          else Url.file parent_index_path;
+        val index_text = HTML.begin_index (index_up_lnk, parent_name)
+          (Url.file index_path, session_name) (apsome Url.file opt_readme)
+            (apsome Url.file document_path) graph_lnk;
+      in
+        File.mkdir (Path.append html_prefix session_path);
+        File.write (Path.append html_prefix session_entries_path) "";
+        if is_some doc_prefix then File.copy_all doc_path html_prefix else ();
+        seq (fn (name, txt) => File.write (Path.append graph_prefix (Path.basic name)) txt)
+          (HTML.applet_pages session_name codebase graph_up_lnk (length path = 1));
+        session_info := Some (make_session_info (name, parent_name, session_name, path,
+          html_prefix, doc_prefix, graph_path, all_graph_path, remote_path));
+        browser_info := initial_browser_info remote_path all_graph_path path;
+        add_html_index index_text
+      end;
+(* finish session *)
-  val presenters =
-    ref ([]: (bool -> string -> (string, string list) Source.source  * Position.T -> unit) list);
-  fun theory_source_presenter f = presenters := f :: ! presenters;
-  fun theory_source is_old name src = seq (fn f => f is_old name src) (! presenters);
+fun finish () = with_session ()
+    (fn {name, html_prefix, doc_prefix, graph_path, all_graph_path, path, ...} =>
+  let
+    val {theories, tex_index, html_index, graph, all_graph} = ! browser_info;
+    fun finish_node (a, {tex_source, html_source = _, html}) =
+     (apsome (fn p => Buffer.write (Path.append p (tex_path a)) tex_source) doc_prefix;
+      Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix (html_path a)) (Buffer.add HTML.end_theory html));
+  in
+    seq finish_node (Symtab.dest theories);
+    Buffer.write (Path.append html_prefix pre_index_path) html_index;
+    apsome (fn p => Buffer.write (Path.append p doc_index_path) tex_index) doc_prefix;
+    put_graph graph graph_path;
+    put_graph all_graph all_graph_path;
+    create_index html_prefix;
+    update_index (Path.append html_prefix Path.parent) name;
+    browser_info := empty_browser_info;
+    session_info := None
+  end);
+(* theory elements *)
+fun init_theory name = with_session () (fn _ => init_theory_info name empty_theory_info);
+fun verbatim_source name mk_text =
+  with_session () (fn _ => add_html_source name (HTML.verbatim_source (mk_text ())));
+fun token_source name mk_toks =
+  with_session () (fn _ => add_tex_source name (Latex.token_source (mk_toks ())));
+fun parent_link remote_path curr_session name =
+  let
+    val {session, is_local} = get_info (ThyInfo.theory name);
+    val path = Path.append (Path.make session) (html_path name)
+  in (if null session then None else
+     Some (if is_some remote_path andalso not is_local then
+       Url.append (the remote_path) (Url.file path)
+     else Url.file (top_path curr_session 0 path)), name)
+  end;
+fun begin_theory name raw_parents orig_files thy =
+  with_session thy (fn {session, path, html_prefix, remote_path, ...} =>
+  let
+    val parents = map (parent_link remote_path path) raw_parents;
+    val ml_path = ThyLoad.ml_path name;
+    val files = map (apsnd Some) orig_files @
+      (if is_some (ThyLoad.check_file ml_path) then [(ml_path, None)] else []);
+    fun prep_file (raw_path, loadit) =
+      (case ThyLoad.check_file raw_path of
+        Some (path, _) =>
+          let
+            val base = Path.base path;
+            val base_html = html_ext base;
+          in
+            File.write (Path.append html_prefix base_html)
+              (HTML.ml_file (Url.file base) ( path));
+            (Some (Url.file base_html), Url.file raw_path, loadit)
+          end
+      | None => (warning ("Browser info: expected to find ML file" ^ quote (Path.pack raw_path));
+          (None, Url.file raw_path, loadit)));
+    val files_html = map prep_file files;
+    fun prep_html_source (tex_source, html_source, html) =
+      let
+        val txt = HTML.begin_theory (Url.file index_path, session)
+          name parents files_html (Buffer.content html_source)
+      in (tex_source, Buffer.empty, Buffer.add txt html) end;
+    fun make_entry unfold all =
+      {name = name, ID = ID_of path name, dir = dir_of path, unfold = unfold,
+       path = Path.pack (top_path (if all then [""] else path) 2
+         (Path.append (Path.make path) (html_path name))),
+       parents = map (fn s => ID_of (#session (get_info (ThyInfo.theory s))) s) raw_parents};
+  in
+    change_theory_info name prep_html_source;
+    add_all_graph_entry (make_entry (length path = 1) true);
+    add_graph_entry (make_entry true false);
+    add_html_index (HTML.theory_entry (Url.file (html_path name), name));
+    add_tex_index (Latex.theory_entry name);
+    BrowserInfoData.put {session = path, is_local = is_some remote_path} thy
+  end);
+fun result k a thm = with_session () (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.result k a thm));
+fun results k a thms = with_session () (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.results k a thms));
+fun theorem a thm = with_session () (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.theorem a thm));
+fun theorems a thms = with_session () (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.theorems a thms));
+fun section s = with_session () (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.section s));
+fun subsection s = with_session () (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.subsection s));
+fun subsubsection s = with_session () (fn _ => with_context add_html (HTML.subsubsection s));
+(** theory setup **)
+val setup = [BrowserInfoData.init];
-Present.theory_source_presenter BrowserInfo.theory_source;
 structure BasicPresent: BASIC_PRESENT = Present;
 open BasicPresent;