--- a/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML Tue Sep 10 15:35:51 2024 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML Tue Sep 10 16:03:42 2024 +0200
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@
type T
val to_ML: T -> ML_Pretty.pretty
val from_ML: ML_Pretty.pretty -> T
- val make_block: {markup: Markup.output, consistent: bool, indent: int} ->
- T list -> T
+ val make_block: {markup: Markup.output, consistent: bool, indent: int} -> T list -> T
val markup_block: {markup: Markup.T, consistent: bool, indent: int} -> T list -> T
val str: string -> T
val dots: T
@@ -75,6 +74,9 @@
margin: int}
val output_ops: int option -> output_ops
val markup_output_ops: int option -> output_ops
+ val symbolic_output: T -> Output.output list
+ val symbolic_string_of: T -> string
+ val unformatted_string_of: T -> string
val regularN: string
val symbolicN: string
val output_buffer: output_ops -> T -> Buffer.T
@@ -82,9 +84,6 @@
val string_of_ops: output_ops -> T -> string
val string_of: T -> string
val writeln: T -> unit
- val symbolic_output: T -> Output.output list
- val symbolic_string_of: T -> string
- val unformatted_string_of: T -> string
val markup_chunks: Markup.T -> T list -> T
val chunks: T list -> T
val chunks2: T list -> T
@@ -100,8 +99,8 @@
type ops = {markup: Markup.output -> Markup.output, indent: string -> int -> string};
-val markup_ops : ops = {markup = I, indent = K Symbol.spaces};
-val no_markup_ops : ops = {markup = K Markup.no_output, indent = #indent markup_ops};
+val markup_ops: ops = {markup = I, indent = K Symbol.spaces};
+val no_markup_ops: ops = {markup = K Markup.no_output, indent = #indent markup_ops};
val modes = Synchronized.var "Pretty.modes" (Symtab.make [("", no_markup_ops)]);
@@ -118,27 +117,22 @@
-(** printing items: compound phrases, strings, and breaks **)
+(** Pretty.T **)
+(* abstype: ML_Pretty.pretty without (op =) *)
+abstype T = T of ML_Pretty.pretty
+ fun to_ML (T prt) = prt;
+ val from_ML = T;
val force_nat = Integer.max 0;
val short_nat = FixedInt.fromInt o force_nat;
val long_nat = force_nat o FixedInt.toInt;
-datatype tree =
- Block of Markup.output * bool * int * tree list * int
- (*markup output, consistent, indentation, body, length*)
- | Break of bool * int * int (*mandatory flag, width if not taken, extra indentation if taken*)
- | Str of Output.output * int; (*string output, length*)
-fun tree_length (Block (_, _, _, _, len)) = len
- | tree_length (Break (_, wd, _)) = wd
- | tree_length (Str (_, len)) = len;
-abstype T = T of ML_Pretty.pretty
-fun to_ML (T prt) = prt;
-val from_ML = T;
+(* primitives *)
fun make_block {markup = (bg, en), consistent, indent} body =
@@ -146,21 +140,20 @@
(if bg = "" then [] else [ML_Pretty.ContextProperty ("begin", bg)]) @
(if en = "" then [] else [ML_Pretty.ContextProperty ("end", en)]);
val ind = short_nat indent;
- in T (ML_Pretty.PrettyBlock (ind, consistent, context, map to_ML body)) end;
+ in from_ML (ML_Pretty.PrettyBlock (ind, consistent, context, map to_ML body)) end;
fun markup_block {markup, consistent, indent} body =
make_block {markup = YXML.output_markup markup, consistent = consistent, indent = indent} body;
+val str = from_ML o ML_Pretty.str;
+val dots = from_ML ML_Pretty.dots;
+fun brk_indent wd ind = from_ML (ML_Pretty.PrettyBreak (short_nat wd, short_nat ind));
+fun brk wd = brk_indent wd 0;
+val fbrk = from_ML ML_Pretty.PrettyLineBreak;
-(** derived operations to create formatting expressions **)
-val str = T o ML_Pretty.str;
-val dots = T ML_Pretty.dots;
-fun brk_indent wd ind = T (ML_Pretty.PrettyBreak (short_nat wd, short_nat ind));
-fun brk wd = brk_indent wd 0;
-val fbrk = T ML_Pretty.PrettyLineBreak;
+(* derived operations to create formatting expressions *)
fun breaks prts = Library.separate (brk 1) prts;
fun fbreaks prts = Library.separate fbrk prts;
@@ -263,6 +256,64 @@
fun output_spaces_buffer ops = Buffer.add o #1 o output_spaces ops;
+(* output tree *)
+datatype tree =
+ Block of Markup.output * bool * int * tree list * int
+ (*markup output, consistent, indentation, body, length*)
+ | Break of bool * int * int (*mandatory flag, width if not taken, extra indentation if taken*)
+ | Str of Output.output * int; (*string output, length*)
+fun tree_length (Block (_, _, _, _, len)) = len
+ | tree_length (Break (_, wd, _)) = wd
+ | tree_length (Str (_, len)) = len;
+fun context_property context name =
+ let
+ fun get (ML_Pretty.ContextProperty (a, b)) = if name = a then SOME b else NONE
+ | get _ = NONE;
+ in the_default "" (get_first get context) end;
+fun block_length indent =
+ let
+ fun block_len len prts =
+ let
+ val (line, rest) = chop_prefix (fn Break (true, _, _) => false | _ => true) prts;
+ val len' = Int.max (fold (Integer.add o tree_length) line 0, len);
+ in
+ (case rest of
+ Break (true, _, ind) :: rest' =>
+ block_len len' (Break (false, indent + ind, 0) :: rest')
+ | [] => len')
+ end;
+ in block_len 0 end;
+val fbreak = Break (true, 1, 0);
+fun output_tree (ops: output_ops) make_length =
+ let
+ fun out (ML_Pretty.PrettyBlock (ind, consistent, context, body)) =
+ let
+ val bg = context_property context "begin";
+ val en = context_property context "end";
+ val m = #markup ops (bg, en);
+ val indent = long_nat ind;
+ val body' = map out body;
+ val len = if make_length then block_length indent body' else ~1;
+ in Block (m, consistent, indent, body', len) end
+ | out (ML_Pretty.PrettyBreak (wd, ind)) = Break (false, long_nat wd, long_nat ind)
+ | out ML_Pretty.PrettyLineBreak = fbreak
+ | out (ML_Pretty.PrettyString s) = Str (#output ops s ||> force_nat)
+ | out (ML_Pretty.PrettyStringWithWidth (s, n)) = Str (s, long_nat n);
+ in out o to_ML end;
(* formatted output *)
@@ -299,8 +350,6 @@
| break_dist (e :: es, after) = tree_length e + break_dist (es, after)
| break_dist ([], after) = after;
-val fbreak = Break (true, 1, 0);
val force_break = fn Break (false, wd, ind) => Break (true, wd, ind) | e => e;
val force_all = map force_break;
@@ -309,45 +358,8 @@
| force_next ((e as Break _) :: es) = force_break e :: es
| force_next (e :: es) = e :: force_next es;
-fun block_length indent =
- let
- fun block_len len prts =
- let
- val (line, rest) = chop_prefix (fn Break (true, _, _) => false | _ => true) prts;
- val len' = Int.max (fold (Integer.add o tree_length) line 0, len);
- in
- (case rest of
- Break (true, _, ind) :: rest' =>
- block_len len' (Break (false, indent + ind, 0) :: rest')
- | [] => len')
- end;
- in block_len 0 end;
-fun property context name =
- let
- fun get (ML_Pretty.ContextProperty (a, b)) = if name = a then SOME b else NONE
- | get _ = NONE;
- in the_default "" (get_first get context) end;
-fun output_tree (ops: output_ops) make_length =
- let
- fun out (T (ML_Pretty.PrettyBlock (ind, consistent, context, body))) =
- let
- val bg = property context "begin";
- val en = property context "end";
- val m = #markup ops (bg, en);
- val indent = long_nat ind;
- val body' = map (out o T) body;
- val len = if make_length then block_length indent body' else ~1;
- in Block (m, consistent, indent, body', len) end
- | out (T (ML_Pretty.PrettyBreak (wd, ind))) = Break (false, long_nat wd, long_nat ind)
- | out (T ML_Pretty.PrettyLineBreak) = fbreak
- | out (T (ML_Pretty.PrettyString s)) = Str (#output ops s ||> force_nat)
- | out (T (ML_Pretty.PrettyStringWithWidth (s, n))) = Str (s, long_nat n);
- in out end;
fun format_tree (ops: output_ops) input =
val margin = #margin ops;
@@ -404,7 +416,11 @@
-(*symbolic markup -- no formatting*)
+(** no formatting **)
+(* symbolic output: XML markup for blocks/breaks + other markup *)
val symbolic =
val ops = markup_output_ops NONE;
@@ -424,7 +440,12 @@
| out (Str (s, _)) = Buffer.add s;
in Buffer.build o out o output_tree ops false end;
-(*unformatted output*)
+val symbolic_output = Buffer.contents o symbolic;
+val symbolic_string_of = implode o symbolic_output;
+(* unformatted output: other markup only *)
fun unformatted ops =
fun out (Block ((bg, en), _, _, prts, _)) = Buffer.add bg #> fold out prts #> Buffer.add en
@@ -432,6 +453,10 @@
| out (Str (s, _)) = Buffer.add s;
in Buffer.build o out o output_tree ops false end;
+fun unformatted_string_of prt =
+ let val ops = output_ops NONE
+ in implode (#escape ops (Buffer.contents (unformatted ops prt))) end;
(* output interfaces *)
@@ -452,13 +477,6 @@
let val ops = output_ops NONE
in Output.writelns (#escape ops (output ops prt)) end;
-val symbolic_output = Buffer.contents o symbolic;
-val symbolic_string_of = implode o symbolic_output;
-fun unformatted_string_of prt =
- let val ops = output_ops NONE
- in implode (#escape ops (Buffer.contents (unformatted ops prt))) end;
(* chunks *)
@@ -488,7 +506,9 @@
+(** back-patching **)
structure ML_Pretty: ML_PRETTY =