only one internal coinduction rule
Fri, 21 Feb 2014 12:33:49 +0100
changeset 55644 b657146dc030
parent 55643 18fe288f6801
child 55655 af028f35af60
only one internal coinduction rule
--- a/src/HOL/BNF_GFP.thy	Fri Feb 21 00:18:40 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF_GFP.thy	Fri Feb 21 12:33:49 2014 +0100
@@ -140,14 +140,13 @@
 lemma subst_Pair: "P x y \<Longrightarrow> a = (x, y) \<Longrightarrow> P (fst a) (snd a)"
 by simp
-lemma fst_diag_id: "(fst \<circ> (%x. (x, x))) z = id z"
-by simp
+lemma fst_diag_id: "(fst \<circ> (%x. (x, x))) z = id z" by simp
+lemma snd_diag_id: "(snd \<circ> (%x. (x, x))) z = id z" by simp
-lemma snd_diag_id: "(snd \<circ> (%x. (x, x))) z = id z"
-by simp
-lemma image_convolD: "\<lbrakk>(a, b) \<in> <f, g> ` X\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>x. x \<in> X \<and> a = f x \<and> b = g x"
-unfolding convol_def by auto
+lemma fst_diag_fst: "fst o ((\<lambda>x. (x, x)) o fst) = fst" by auto
+lemma snd_diag_fst: "snd o ((\<lambda>x. (x, x)) o fst) = fst" by auto
+lemma fst_diag_snd: "fst o ((\<lambda>x. (x, x)) o snd) = snd" by auto
+lemma snd_diag_snd: "snd o ((\<lambda>x. (x, x)) o snd) = snd" by auto
 definition Succ where "Succ Kl kl = {k . kl @ [k] \<in> Kl}"
 definition Shift where "Shift Kl k = {kl. k # kl \<in> Kl}"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp.ML	Fri Feb 21 00:18:40 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp.ML	Fri Feb 21 12:33:49 2014 +0100
@@ -1500,15 +1500,8 @@
     val UNIVs = map HOLogic.mk_UNIV Ts;
     val FTs = mk_FTs (passiveAs @ Ts);
-    val prodTs = map (HOLogic.mk_prodT o `I) Ts;
-    val prodFTs = mk_FTs (passiveAs @ prodTs);
     val FTs_setss = mk_setss (passiveAs @ Ts);
-    val prodFT_setss = mk_setss (passiveAs @ prodTs);
     val map_FTs = map2 (fn Ds => mk_map_of_bnf Ds treeQTs (passiveAs @ Ts)) Dss bnfs;
-    val map_FT_nths = map2 (fn Ds =>
-      mk_map_of_bnf Ds (passiveAs @ prodTs) (passiveAs @ Ts)) Dss bnfs;
-    val fstsTs = map fst_const prodTs;
-    val sndsTs = map snd_const prodTs;
     val unfold_fTs = map2 (curry op -->) activeAs Ts;
     val corec_sTs = map (Term.typ_subst_atomic (activeBs ~~ Ts)) sum_sTs;
     val corec_maps = map (Term.subst_atomic_types (activeBs ~~ Ts)) map_Inls;
@@ -1516,8 +1509,8 @@
     val corec_Inls = map (Term.subst_atomic_types (activeBs ~~ Ts)) Inls;
     val corec_UNIVs = map2 (HOLogic.mk_UNIV oo curry mk_sumT) Ts activeAs;
-    val (((((((((((((Jzs, Jzs'), Jz's), Jzs_copy), Jz's_copy), Jzs1), Jzs2),
-      FJzs), TRs), unfold_fs), corec_ss), phis), dtor_set_induct_phiss),
+    val ((((((((((((Jzs, Jzs'), Jz's), Jzs_copy), Jz's_copy), Jzs1), Jzs2),
+      TRs), unfold_fs), corec_ss), phis), dtor_set_induct_phiss),
       names_lthy) = names_lthy
       |> mk_Frees' "z" Ts
       ||>> mk_Frees "y" Ts'
@@ -1525,7 +1518,6 @@
       ||>> mk_Frees "y'" Ts'
       ||>> mk_Frees "z1" Ts
       ||>> mk_Frees "z2" Ts
-      ||>> mk_Frees "x" prodFTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "r" (map (mk_relT o `I) Ts)
       ||>> mk_Frees "f" unfold_fTs
       ||>> mk_Frees "s" corec_sTs
@@ -1814,7 +1806,7 @@
     val timer = time (timer "corec definitions & thms");
-    val (dtor_map_coinduct_thm, coinduct_params, dtor_coinduct_thm) =
+    val (coinduct_params, dtor_coinduct_thm) =
         val zs = Jzs1 @ Jzs2;
         val frees = phis @ zs;
@@ -1842,37 +1834,8 @@
           Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] dtor_coinduct_goal
             (K (mk_dtor_coinduct_tac m raw_coind_thm bis_rel_thm rel_congs))
           |> Thm.close_derivation;
-        fun mk_prem phi dtor map_nth sets Jz Jz_copy FJz =
-          let
-            val xs = [Jz, Jz_copy];
-            fun mk_map_conjunct nths x =
-              HOLogic.mk_eq (Term.list_comb (map_nth, passive_ids @ nths) $ FJz, dtor $ x);
-            fun mk_set_conjunct set phi z1 z2 =
-              list_all_free [z1, z2]
-                (HOLogic.mk_imp (HOLogic.mk_mem (HOLogic.mk_prod (z1, z2), set $ FJz),
-                  phi $ z1 $ z2));
-            val concl = list_exists_free [FJz] (HOLogic.mk_conj
-              (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map2 mk_map_conjunct [fstsTs, sndsTs] xs),
-              Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
-                (map4 mk_set_conjunct (drop m sets) phis Jzs1 Jzs2)));
-          in
-            fold_rev Logic.all xs (Logic.mk_implies
-              (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Term.list_comb (phi, xs)), HOLogic.mk_Trueprop concl))
-          end;
-        val prems = map7 mk_prem phis dtors map_FT_nths prodFT_setss Jzs Jzs_copy FJzs;
-        val dtor_map_coinduct_goal = fold_rev Logic.all frees (Logic.list_implies (prems, concl));
-        val dtor_map_coinduct =
-          Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] dtor_map_coinduct_goal
-            (K (mk_dtor_map_coinduct_tac m ks raw_coind_thm bis_def))
-          |> Thm.close_derivation;
-        (dtor_map_coinduct, rev (Term.add_tfrees dtor_map_coinduct_goal []), dtor_coinduct)
+        (rev (Term.add_tfrees dtor_coinduct_goal []), dtor_coinduct)
     val timer = time (timer "coinduction");
@@ -2339,7 +2302,7 @@
               Jsetss_by_bnf Jzs' Jzs fs_Jmaps fs_copy_Jmaps Jys' Jys Jys'_copy Jys_copy;
             val coinduct = unfold_thms lthy Jset_defs
-              (Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis) dtor_map_coinduct_thm);
+              (Drule.instantiate' cTs (map SOME cphis) dtor_coinduct_thm);
             val goal =
               HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
@@ -2349,7 +2312,7 @@
               (Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal
                 (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => unfold_thms_tac ctxt Jset_defs THEN
                   mk_mcong_tac lthy m (rtac coinduct) map_comps dtor_Jmap_thms map_cong0s
-                    set_mapss set_hset_thmss set_hset_hset_thmsss))
+                    set_mapss set_hset_thmss set_hset_hset_thmsss in_rels))
               |> Thm.close_derivation
             split_conj_thm thm
@@ -2458,17 +2421,17 @@
             HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
               (map3 mk_helper_coind_concl Jz's Jz's_copy coind2_phis));
-          fun mk_helper_coind_thms concl cts =
+          fun mk_helper_coind_thms fst concl cts =
             Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] (Logic.list_implies (helper_prems, concl))
-              (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => mk_rel_coinduct_coind_tac ctxt m
-                (cterm_instantiate_pos cts dtor_map_coinduct_thm) ks map_comps map_cong0s
-                map_arg_cong_thms set_mapss dtor_unfold_thms dtor_Jmap_thms)
+              (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => mk_rel_coinduct_coind_tac ctxt fst m
+                (cterm_instantiate_pos cts dtor_coinduct_thm) ks map_comps map_cong0s
+                map_arg_cong_thms set_mapss dtor_unfold_thms dtor_Jmap_thms in_rels)
             |> Thm.close_derivation
             |> split_conj_thm
             |> Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy;
-          val helper_coind1_thms = mk_helper_coind_thms helper_coind1_concl cts1;
-          val helper_coind2_thms = mk_helper_coind_thms helper_coind2_concl cts2;
+          val helper_coind1_thms = mk_helper_coind_thms true helper_coind1_concl cts1;
+          val helper_coind2_thms = mk_helper_coind_thms false helper_coind2_concl cts2;
           fun mk_helper_ind_phi phi ab fst snd z active_phi x y zip_unfold =
             list_all_free [x, y] (HOLogic.mk_imp
@@ -2617,7 +2580,6 @@
       val common_notes =
         [(dtor_coinductN, [dtor_coinduct_thm]),
-        (dtor_map_coinductN, [dtor_map_coinduct_thm]),
         (rel_coinductN, [Jrel_coinduct_thm]),
         (dtor_unfold_transferN, dtor_unfold_transfer_thms)]
         |> map (fn (thmN, thms) =>
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_tactics.ML	Fri Feb 21 00:18:40 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_tactics.ML	Fri Feb 21 12:33:49 2014 +0100
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
   val mk_congruent_str_final_tac: int -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_corec_tac: Proof.context -> int -> thm list -> thm -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_corec_unique_mor_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> thm list -> thm -> tactic
-  val mk_dtor_map_coinduct_tac: int -> int list -> thm -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_dtor_coinduct_tac: int -> thm -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_dtor_rel_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm list ->
     thm -> thm -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list list -> tactic
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@
   val mk_length_Lev_tac: Proof.context -> cterm option list -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_map_comp0_tac: thm list -> thm list -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_mcong_tac: Proof.context -> int -> (int -> tactic) -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list ->
-    thm list list -> thm list list -> thm list list list -> tactic
+    thm list list -> thm list list -> thm list list list -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_map_id0_tac: thm list -> thm -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_map_tac: int -> int -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_dtor_map_unique_tac: Proof.context -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
@@ -67,8 +66,8 @@
     thm list -> thm list -> thm -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_rel_coinduct_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list list ->
     thm list -> thm list -> tactic
-  val mk_rel_coinduct_coind_tac: Proof.context -> int -> thm -> int list -> thm list -> thm list ->
-    thm list -> thm list list -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
+  val mk_rel_coinduct_coind_tac: Proof.context -> bool -> int -> thm -> int list -> thm list ->
+    thm list -> thm list -> thm list list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
   val mk_rel_coinduct_ind_tac: Proof.context -> int -> int list -> thm list -> thm list list ->
     int -> thm -> tactic
   val mk_rv_last_tac: ctyp option list -> cterm option list -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
@@ -97,13 +96,13 @@
 open BNF_FP_Util
 open BNF_GFP_Util
-val fst_convol_fun_cong_sym = @{thm fst_convol} RS fun_cong RS sym;
+val fst_convol_fun_cong_sym = @{thm fst_convol[unfolded convol_def]} RS fun_cong RS sym;
 val list_inject_iffD1 = @{thm list.inject[THEN iffD1]};
 val nat_induct = @{thm nat_induct};
 val o_apply_trans_sym = o_apply RS trans RS sym;
 val ord_eq_le_trans = @{thm ord_eq_le_trans};
 val ordIso_ordLeq_trans = @{thm ordIso_ordLeq_trans};
-val snd_convol_fun_cong_sym = @{thm snd_convol} RS fun_cong RS sym;
+val snd_convol_fun_cong_sym = @{thm snd_convol[unfolded convol_def]} RS fun_cong RS sym;
 val sum_weak_case_cong = @{thm sum.weak_case_cong};
 val trans_fun_cong_image_id_id_apply = @{thm trans[OF fun_cong[OF image_id] id_apply]};
 val Collect_splitD_set_mp = @{thm Collect_splitD[OF set_mp]};
@@ -774,27 +773,6 @@
     CONJ_WRAP' (K (EVERY' [rtac impI, rtac @{thm IdD}, etac set_mp,
       rtac CollectI, etac @{thm case_prodI}])) rel_congs] 1;
-fun mk_dtor_map_coinduct_tac m ks raw_coind bis_def =
-  let
-    val n = length ks;
-  in
-    EVERY' [rtac rev_mp, rtac raw_coind, rtac ssubst, rtac bis_def, rtac conjI,
-      CONJ_WRAP' (K (rtac @{thm ord_le_eq_trans[OF subset_UNIV UNIV_Times_UNIV[THEN sym]]})) ks,
-      CONJ_WRAP' (fn i => EVERY' [select_prem_tac n (dtac asm_rl) i, REPEAT_DETERM o rtac allI,
-        rtac impI, REPEAT_DETERM o dtac @{thm meta_spec}, etac CollectE, etac @{thm meta_impE},
-        atac, etac exE, etac conjE, etac conjE, rtac bexI, rtac conjI,
-        etac @{thm fst_conv[THEN subst]}, etac @{thm snd_conv[THEN subst]},
-        rtac CollectI, REPEAT_DETERM_N m o (rtac conjI THEN' rtac subset_UNIV),
-        CONJ_WRAP' (fn i' => EVERY' [rtac subsetI, rtac CollectI, dtac (mk_conjunctN n i'),
-          REPEAT_DETERM o etac allE, etac mp, rtac @{thm ssubst_mem[OF pair_collapse]}, atac])
-        ks])
-      ks,
-      rtac impI,
-      CONJ_WRAP' (fn i => EVERY' [rtac impI, dtac (mk_conjunctN n i),
-        rtac @{thm subst[OF pair_in_Id_conv]}, etac set_mp,
-        rtac CollectI, etac (refl RSN (2, @{thm subst_Pair}))]) ks] 1
-  end;
 fun mk_map_tac m n map_arg_cong unfold map_comp map_cong0 =
   EVERY' [rtac ext, rtac (o_apply RS trans RS sym), rtac (o_apply RS trans RS sym),
     rtac (unfold RS trans), rtac (Thm.permute_prems 0 1 (map_comp RS box_equals)), rtac map_cong0,
@@ -833,34 +811,40 @@
     maps map_comp0s)] 1;
 fun mk_mcong_tac ctxt m coinduct_tac map_comps dtor_maps map_cong0s set_map0ss set_hsetss
-  set_hset_hsetsss =
+  set_hset_hsetsss in_rels =
     val n = length map_comps;
     val ks = 1 upto n;
-    EVERY' ([rtac rev_mp,
-      coinduct_tac] @
-      maps (fn (((((map_comp_trans, dtor_maps_trans), map_cong0), set_map0s), set_hsets),
-        set_hset_hsetss) =>
-        [REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [exE, conjE], hyp_subst_tac ctxt, rtac exI, rtac conjI,
+    EVERY' ([rtac rev_mp, coinduct_tac] @
+      maps (fn ((((((map_comp_trans, dtor_maps_trans), map_cong0), set_map0s), set_hsets),
+        set_hset_hsetss), in_rel) =>
+        [REPEAT_DETERM o resolve_tac [allI, impI, in_rel RS iffD2],
+         REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [exE, conjE], hyp_subst_tac ctxt, rtac exI,
+         rtac (Drule.rotate_prems 1 conjI),
          rtac conjI, rtac map_comp_trans, rtac sym, rtac dtor_maps_trans, rtac map_cong0,
-         REPEAT_DETERM_N m o (rtac o_apply_trans_sym THEN' rtac id_apply),
+         REPEAT_DETERM_N m o (rtac o_apply_trans_sym THEN' rtac @{thm fst_conv}),
          REPEAT_DETERM_N n o rtac fst_convol_fun_cong_sym,
          rtac map_comp_trans, rtac sym, rtac dtor_maps_trans, rtac map_cong0,
          EVERY' (maps (fn set_hset =>
-           [rtac o_apply_trans_sym, rtac (id_apply RS trans), etac CollectE,
+           [rtac o_apply_trans_sym, rtac (@{thm snd_conv} RS trans), etac CollectE,
            REPEAT_DETERM o etac conjE, etac bspec, etac set_hset]) set_hsets),
          REPEAT_DETERM_N n o rtac snd_convol_fun_cong_sym,
+         rtac CollectI,
+         EVERY' (map (fn set_map0 => EVERY' [rtac conjI, rtac ord_eq_le_trans, rtac set_map0,
+           rtac @{thm image_subsetI}, rtac CollectI, rtac @{thm case_prodI}, rtac refl])
+        (take m set_map0s)),
          CONJ_WRAP' (fn (set_map0, set_hset_hsets) =>
-           EVERY' [REPEAT_DETERM o rtac allI, rtac impI, rtac @{thm image_convolD},
-             etac set_rev_mp, rtac ord_eq_le_trans, rtac set_map0,
-             rtac @{thm image_mono}, rtac subsetI, rtac CollectI, etac CollectE,
+           EVERY' [rtac ord_eq_le_trans, rtac set_map0,
+             rtac @{thm image_subsetI}, rtac CollectI, rtac @{thm case_prodI}, rtac exI, rtac conjI,
+             rtac CollectI, etac CollectE,
              REPEAT_DETERM o etac conjE,
              CONJ_WRAP' (fn set_hset_hset =>
-               EVERY' [rtac ballI, etac bspec, etac set_hset_hset, atac]) set_hset_hsets])
+               EVERY' [rtac ballI, etac bspec, etac set_hset_hset, atac]) set_hset_hsets,
+             rtac (conjI OF [refl, refl])])
            (drop m set_map0s ~~ set_hset_hsetss)])
         (map (fn th => th RS trans) map_comps ~~ map (fn th => th RS trans) dtor_maps ~~
-          map_cong0s ~~ set_map0ss ~~ set_hsetss ~~ set_hset_hsetsss) @
+          map_cong0s ~~ set_map0ss ~~ set_hsetss ~~ set_hset_hsetsss ~~ in_rels) @
       [rtac impI,
        CONJ_WRAP' (fn k =>
          EVERY' [rtac impI, dtac (mk_conjunctN n k), etac mp, rtac exI, rtac conjI, etac CollectI,
@@ -1014,36 +998,38 @@
     EVERY' [rtac iffI, if_tac, only_if_tac] 1
-fun mk_rel_coinduct_coind_tac ctxt m coinduct ks map_comp0s map_congs map_arg_congs set_map0ss 
-  dtor_unfolds dtor_maps =
-  let val n = length ks;
+fun mk_rel_coinduct_coind_tac ctxt fst m coinduct ks map_comp0s map_congs map_arg_congs set_map0ss 
+  dtor_unfolds dtor_maps in_rels =
+  let
+    val n = length ks;
+    val fst_diag_nth = if fst then @{thm fst_diag_fst} else @{thm fst_diag_snd};
+    val snd_diag_nth = if fst then @{thm snd_diag_fst} else @{thm snd_diag_snd};
     EVERY' [rtac coinduct,
-      EVERY' (map7 (fn i => fn map_comp0 => fn map_cong => fn map_arg_cong => fn set_map0s =>
-          fn dtor_unfold => fn dtor_map =>
-        EVERY' [REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [exE, conjE],
+      EVERY' (map8 (fn i => fn map_comp0 => fn map_cong => fn map_arg_cong => fn set_map0s =>
+          fn dtor_unfold => fn dtor_map => fn in_rel =>
+        EVERY' [REPEAT_DETERM o resolve_tac [allI, impI, in_rel RS iffD2],
+          REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [exE, conjE],
           select_prem_tac (length ks) (dtac @{thm spec2}) i, dtac mp, atac,
           REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac [CollectE, conjE], hyp_subst_tac ctxt,
-          rtac exI, rtac conjI, rtac conjI,
+          rtac exI, rtac (Drule.rotate_prems 1 conjI), rtac conjI,
           rtac (map_comp0 RS trans), rtac (dtor_map RS trans RS sym),
           rtac (dtor_unfold RS map_arg_cong RS trans), rtac (trans OF [map_comp0, map_cong]),
-          REPEAT_DETERM_N m o
-            rtac @{thm trans[OF fun_cong[OF comp_id] sym[OF fun_cong[OF id_comp]]]},
+          REPEAT_DETERM_N m o rtac (fst_diag_nth RS @{thm fun_cong[OF trans[OF o_id sym]]}),
           REPEAT_DETERM_N n o (rtac @{thm sym[OF trans[OF o_apply]]} THEN' rtac @{thm fst_conv}),
           rtac (map_comp0 RS trans), rtac (map_cong RS trans),
-          REPEAT_DETERM_N m o rtac @{thm fun_cong[OF id_comp]},
+          REPEAT_DETERM_N m o rtac (snd_diag_nth RS fun_cong),
           REPEAT_DETERM_N n o (rtac @{thm trans[OF o_apply]} THEN' rtac @{thm snd_conv}),
           etac (@{thm} RS map_arg_cong RS trans),
-          SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt @{thms}), 
+          SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt @{thms o_def fst_conv snd_conv}),
+          rtac CollectI,
           CONJ_WRAP' (fn set_map0 =>
-            EVERY' [REPEAT_DETERM o resolve_tac [allI, impI],
-              dtac (set_map0 RS equalityD1 RS set_mp),
-              REPEAT_DETERM o
-                eresolve_tac (imageE :: conjE :: @{thms iffD1[OF Pair_eq, elim_format]}),
-              hyp_subst_tac ctxt, rtac exI, rtac conjI, etac Collect_splitD_set_mp, atac,
-              rtac (o_apply RS trans), rtac (@{thm surjective_pairing} RS arg_cong)])
-          (drop m set_map0s)])
-      ks map_comp0s map_congs map_arg_congs set_map0ss dtor_unfolds dtor_maps)] 1
+            EVERY' [rtac (set_map0 RS ord_eq_le_trans),
+              rtac @{thm image_subsetI}, rtac CollectI, rtac @{thm case_prodI},
+              FIRST' [rtac refl, EVERY'[rtac exI, rtac conjI, etac Collect_splitD_set_mp, atac,
+                rtac (@{thm surjective_pairing} RS arg_cong)]]])
+          set_map0s])
+      ks map_comp0s map_congs map_arg_congs set_map0ss dtor_unfolds dtor_maps in_rels)] 1
 val split_id_unfolds = @{thms image_id id_apply};