--- a/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML Sat Dec 18 18:43:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML Sat Dec 18 18:43:16 2010 +0100
@@ -92,6 +92,26 @@
(*** Locales ***)
+type mixins = (((morphism * bool) * serial) list) Inttab.table;
+ (* table of mixin lists, per list mixins in reverse order of declaration;
+ lists indexed by registration/dependency serial,
+ entries for empty lists may be omitted *)
+fun lookup_mixins serial' mixins = the_default [] (Inttab.lookup mixins serial');
+fun merge_mixins (mix1, mix2) = Inttab.join (K (Library.merge (eq_snd op =))) (mix1, mix2);
+fun insert_mixin serial' mixin =
+ Inttab.map_default (serial', []) (cons (mixin, serial ()));
+fun rename_mixin (old, new) mix =
+ case Inttab.lookup mix old of
+ NONE => mix |
+ SOME mxs => Inttab.delete old mix |> Inttab.update_new (new, mxs);
+fun compose_mixins mixins =
+ fold_rev Morphism.compose (map (fst o fst) mixins) Morphism.identity;
datatype locale = Loc of {
(** static part **)
parameters: (string * sort) list * ((string * typ) * mixfix) list,
@@ -106,24 +126,31 @@
notes: ((string * (Attrib.binding * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list) * serial) list,
(* theorem declarations *)
dependencies: ((string * (morphism * morphism)) * serial) list
- (* locale dependencies (sublocale relation) *)
+ (* locale dependencies (sublocale relation) in reverse order *),
+ mixins: mixins
+ (* mixin part of dependencies *)
-fun mk_locale ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms), ((syntax_decls, notes), dependencies)) =
+fun mk_locale ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms),
+ ((syntax_decls, notes), (dependencies, mixins))) =
Loc {parameters = parameters, intros = intros, axioms = axioms, spec = spec,
- syntax_decls = syntax_decls, notes = notes, dependencies = dependencies};
+ syntax_decls = syntax_decls, notes = notes, dependencies = dependencies, mixins = mixins};
-fun map_locale f (Loc {parameters, spec, intros, axioms, syntax_decls, notes, dependencies}) =
- mk_locale (f ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms), ((syntax_decls, notes), dependencies)));
+fun map_locale f (Loc {parameters, spec, intros, axioms,
+ syntax_decls, notes, dependencies, mixins}) =
+ mk_locale (f ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms),
+ ((syntax_decls, notes), (dependencies, mixins))));
fun merge_locale
- (Loc {parameters, spec, intros, axioms, syntax_decls, notes, dependencies},
- Loc {syntax_decls = syntax_decls', notes = notes', dependencies = dependencies', ...}) =
+ (Loc {parameters, spec, intros, axioms, syntax_decls, notes, dependencies, mixins},
+ Loc {syntax_decls = syntax_decls', notes = notes',
+ dependencies = dependencies', mixins = mixins', ...}) =
((parameters, spec, intros, axioms),
((merge (eq_snd op =) (syntax_decls, syntax_decls'),
merge (eq_snd op =) (notes, notes')),
- merge (eq_snd op =) (dependencies, dependencies')));
+ (merge (eq_snd op =) (dependencies, dependencies'),
+ (merge_mixins (mixins, mixins')))));
structure Locales = Theory_Data
@@ -149,8 +176,9 @@
mk_locale ((parameters, spec, intros, axioms),
((map (fn decl => (decl, serial ())) syntax_decls, map (fn n => (n, serial ())) notes),
- map (fn d => (d |> apsnd (rpair Morphism.identity), serial ())) dependencies))) #> snd);
- (* FIXME *)
+ (map (fn d => (d |> apsnd (rpair Morphism.identity), serial ())) dependencies,
+ Inttab.empty)))) #> snd);
+ (* FIXME Morphism.identity *)
fun change_locale name =
Locales.map o apsnd o Symtab.map_entry name o map_locale o apsnd;
@@ -170,7 +198,17 @@
fun specification_of thy = #spec o the_locale thy;
fun dependencies_of thy name = the_locale thy name |>
- #dependencies |> map fst;
+ #dependencies;
+fun mixins_of thy name serial = the_locale thy name |>
+ #mixins |> lookup_mixins serial;
+(* unused *)
+fun identity_on thy name morph =
+ let val mk_instance = instance_of thy name
+ in
+ forall2 (curry Term.aconv_untyped) (mk_instance Morphism.identity) (mk_instance morph)
+ end;
(* Print instance and qualifiers *)
@@ -244,24 +282,28 @@
val roundup_bound = 120;
-fun add thy depth export (name, morph) (deps, marked) =
+fun add thy depth stem export (name, morph, mixins) (deps, marked) =
if depth > roundup_bound
then error "Roundup bound exceeded (sublocale relation probably not terminating)."
- val dependencies = dependencies_of thy name;
- val instance = instance_of thy name (morph $> export);
+ val instance = instance_of thy name (morph $> stem $> export);
if member (ident_le thy) marked (name, instance)
then (deps, marked)
- val dependencies' =
- map (fn (name, (morph', export')) => (name, morph' $> export' $> morph)) dependencies;
+ val full_morph = morph $> compose_mixins mixins $> stem;
+ (* no inheritance of mixins, regardless of requests by clients *)
+ val dependencies = dependencies_of thy name |>
+ map (fn ((name', (morph', export')), serial') =>
+ (name', morph' $> export', mixins_of thy name serial'));
val marked' = (name, instance) :: marked;
- val (deps', marked'') = fold_rev (add thy (depth + 1) export) dependencies' ([], marked');
+ val (deps', marked'') =
+ fold_rev (add thy (depth + 1) full_morph export) dependencies
+ ([], marked');
- ((name, morph) :: deps' @ deps, marked'')
+ ((name, full_morph) :: deps' @ deps, marked'')
@@ -272,9 +314,10 @@
fun roundup thy activate_dep export (name, morph) (marked, input) =
- (* Find all dependencies incuding new ones (which are dependencies enriching
+ (* Find all dependencies including new ones (which are dependencies enriching
existing registrations). *)
- val (dependencies, marked') = add thy 0 export (name, morph) ([], []);
+ val (dependencies, marked') =
+ add thy 0 Morphism.identity export (name, morph, []) ([], []);
(* Filter out fragments from marked; these won't be activated. *)
val dependencies' = filter_out (fn (name, morph) =>
member (ident_le thy) marked (name, instance_of thy name (morph $> export))) dependencies;
@@ -291,33 +334,25 @@
structure Registrations = Generic_Data
- type T = ((morphism * morphism) * serial) Idtab.table *
+ type T = ((morphism * morphism) * serial) Idtab.table * mixins;
(* registrations, indexed by locale name and instance;
- unique serial, points to mixin list *)
- (((morphism * bool) * serial) list) Inttab.table;
- (* table of mixin lists, per list mixins in reverse order of declaration;
- lists indexed by registration serial,
- entries for empty lists may be omitted *)
+ unique registration serial points to mixin list *)
val empty = (Idtab.empty, Inttab.empty);
val extend = I;
fun merge ((reg1, mix1), (reg2, mix2)) : T =
(Idtab.join (fn id => fn (r1 as (_, s1), r2 as (_, s2)) =>
if s1 = s2 then raise Idtab.SAME else raise Idtab.DUP id) (reg1, reg2),
- Inttab.join (K (Library.merge (eq_snd op =))) (mix1, mix2))
+ merge_mixins (mix1, mix2))
handle Idtab.DUP id =>
(* distinct interpretations with same base: merge their mixins *)
val (_, s1) = Idtab.lookup reg1 id |> the;
val (morph2, s2) = Idtab.lookup reg2 id |> the;
val reg2' = Idtab.update (id, (morph2, s1)) reg2;
- val mix2' =
- (case Inttab.lookup mix2 s2 of
- NONE => mix2
- | SOME mxs => Inttab.delete s2 mix2 |> Inttab.update_new (s1, mxs));
val _ = warning "Removed duplicate interpretation after retrieving its mixins.";
(* FIXME print interpretations,
which is not straightforward without theory context *)
- in merge ((reg1, mix1), (reg2', mix2')) end;
+ in merge ((reg1, mix1), (reg2', rename_mixin (s2, s1) mix2)) end;
(* FIXME consolidate with dependencies, consider one data slot only *)
@@ -330,7 +365,7 @@
fun add_mixin serial' mixin =
(* registration to be amended identified by its serial id *)
- Registrations.map (apsnd (Inttab.map_default (serial', []) (cons (mixin, serial ()))));
+ Registrations.map (apsnd (insert_mixin serial' mixin));
fun get_mixins context (name, morph) =
@@ -339,12 +374,9 @@
(case Idtab.lookup regs (name, instance_of thy name morph) of
NONE => []
- | SOME (_, serial) => the_default [] (Inttab.lookup mixins serial))
+ | SOME (_, serial) => lookup_mixins serial mixins)
-fun compose_mixins mixins =
- fold_rev Morphism.compose (map (fst o fst) mixins) Morphism.identity;
fun collect_mixins context (name, morph) =
val thy = Context.theory_of context;
@@ -450,7 +482,7 @@
(case Idtab.lookup regs (name, base) of
error ("No interpretation of locale " ^
- quote (extern thy name) ^ " and\nparameter instantiation " ^
+ quote (extern thy name) ^ " with\nparameter instantiation " ^
space_implode " " (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_term_global thy) base) ^
" available")
| SOME (_, serial') => add_mixin serial' mixin context)
@@ -467,7 +499,7 @@
val inst = instance_of thy name morph;
if member (ident_le thy) (get_idents context) (name, inst)
- then context
+ then context (* FIXME amend mixins? *)
(get_idents context, context)
(* add new registrations with inherited mixins *)
@@ -485,9 +517,28 @@
(*** Dependencies ***)
+fun amend_dependency loc (name, morph) mixin export thy =
+ let
+ val deps = dependencies_of thy loc;
+ in
+ case AList.lookup (fn ((name, morph), ((name', (morph', _)), _)) =>
+ ident_ord ((name, instance_of thy name morph), (name', instance_of thy name' morph')) = EQUAL) deps (name, morph) of
+ NONE => error ("Locale " ^
+ quote (extern thy name) ^ " with\parameter instantiation " ^
+ space_implode " " (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_term_global thy) morph) ^
+ " not a sublocale of " ^ quote (extern thy loc))
+ | SOME (_, serial') => change_locale ...
+ end;
fun add_dependency loc (name, morph) mixin export thy =
- val thy' = (change_locale loc o apsnd) (cons ((name, (morph, export)), serial ())) thy;
+ val serial' = serial ();
+ val thy' = thy |>
+ (change_locale loc o apsnd)
+ (apfst (cons ((name, (morph, export)), serial')) #>
+ apsnd (case mixin of NONE => I | SOME mixin => insert_mixin serial' mixin));
val context' = Context.Theory thy';
val (_, regs) = fold_rev (roundup thy' cons export)
(registrations_of context' loc) (get_idents (context'), []);
@@ -620,7 +671,7 @@
fun add_locale_deps name =
val dependencies =
- (map o apsnd) (instance_of thy name o op $>) (dependencies_of thy name);
+ (map o apsnd) (instance_of thy name o op $>) (dependencies_of thy name |> map fst);
fold (fn (super, ts) => fn (gr, deps) => (gr |> Graph.add_edge (super, name),
deps |> Symtab.map_default (super, Symtab.empty) (Symtab.cons_list (name, ts))))