--- a/src/HOL/Probability/Lebesgue_Integration.thy Wed Dec 05 13:25:06 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Probability/Lebesgue_Integration.thy Tue Dec 04 20:44:18 2012 +0100
@@ -2274,6 +2274,87 @@
using int(2) by simp
+lemma integrable_mult_indicator:
+ "A \<in> sets M \<Longrightarrow> integrable M f \<Longrightarrow> integrable M (\<lambda>x. f x * indicator A x)"
+ by (rule integrable_bound[where f="\<lambda>x. \<bar>f x\<bar>"])
+ (auto intro: integrable_abs split: split_indicator)
+lemma tendsto_integral_at_top:
+ fixes M :: "real measure"
+ assumes M: "sets M = sets borel" and f[measurable]: "integrable M f"
+ shows "((\<lambda>y. \<integral> x. f x * indicator {.. y} x \<partial>M) ---> \<integral> x. f x \<partial>M) at_top"
+proof -
+ have M_measure[simp]: "borel_measurable M = borel_measurable borel"
+ using M by (simp add: sets_eq_imp_space_eq measurable_def)
+ { fix f assume f: "integrable M f" "\<And>x. 0 \<le> f x"
+ then have [measurable]: "f \<in> borel_measurable borel"
+ by (simp add: integrable_def)
+ have "((\<lambda>y. \<integral> x. f x * indicator {.. y} x \<partial>M) ---> \<integral> x. f x \<partial>M) at_top"
+ proof (rule tendsto_at_topI_sequentially)
+ have "\<And>j. AE x in M. \<bar>f x * indicator {.. j} x\<bar> \<le> f x"
+ using f(2) by (intro AE_I2) (auto split: split_indicator)
+ have int: "\<And>n. integrable M (\<lambda>x. f x * indicator {.. n} x)"
+ by (rule integrable_mult_indicator) (auto simp: M f)
+ show "(\<lambda>n. \<integral> x. f x * indicator {..real n} x \<partial>M) ----> integral\<^isup>L M f"
+ proof (rule integral_dominated_convergence)
+ { fix x have "eventually (\<lambda>n. f x * indicator {..real n} x = f x) sequentially"
+ by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[of "natceiling x"])
+ (auto split: split_indicator simp: natceiling_le_eq) }
+ from filterlim_cong[OF refl refl this]
+ show "AE x in M. (\<lambda>n. f x * indicator {..real n} x) ----> f x"
+ by (simp add: tendsto_const)
+ qed (fact+, simp)
+ show "mono (\<lambda>y. \<integral> x. f x * indicator {..y} x \<partial>M)"
+ by (intro monoI integral_mono int) (auto split: split_indicator intro: f)
+ qed }
+ note nonneg = this
+ let ?P = "\<lambda>y. \<integral> x. max 0 (f x) * indicator {..y} x \<partial>M"
+ let ?N = "\<lambda>y. \<integral> x. max 0 (- f x) * indicator {..y} x \<partial>M"
+ let ?p = "integral\<^isup>L M (\<lambda>x. max 0 (f x))"
+ let ?n = "integral\<^isup>L M (\<lambda>x. max 0 (- f x))"
+ have "(?P ---> ?p) at_top" "(?N ---> ?n) at_top"
+ by (auto intro!: nonneg integrable_max f)
+ note tendsto_diff[OF this]
+ also have "(\<lambda>y. ?P y - ?N y) = (\<lambda>y. \<integral> x. f x * indicator {..y} x \<partial>M)"
+ by (subst integral_diff(2)[symmetric])
+ (auto intro!: integrable_mult_indicator integrable_max f integral_cong ext
+ simp: M split: split_max)
+ also have "?p - ?n = integral\<^isup>L M f"
+ by (subst integral_diff(2)[symmetric])
+ (auto intro!: integrable_max f integral_cong ext simp: M split: split_max)
+ finally show ?thesis .
+lemma integral_monotone_convergence_at_top:
+ fixes M :: "real measure"
+ assumes M: "sets M = sets borel"
+ assumes nonneg: "AE x in M. 0 \<le> f x"
+ assumes borel: "f \<in> borel_measurable borel"
+ assumes int: "\<And>y. integrable M (\<lambda>x. f x * indicator {.. y} x)"
+ assumes conv: "((\<lambda>y. \<integral> x. f x * indicator {.. y} x \<partial>M) ---> x) at_top"
+ shows "integrable M f" "integral\<^isup>L M f = x"
+proof -
+ from nonneg have "AE x in M. mono (\<lambda>n::nat. f x * indicator {..real n} x)"
+ by (auto split: split_indicator intro!: monoI)
+ { fix x have "eventually (\<lambda>n. f x * indicator {..real n} x = f x) sequentially"
+ by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[of "natceiling x"])
+ (auto split: split_indicator simp: natceiling_le_eq) }
+ from filterlim_cong[OF refl refl this]
+ have "AE x in M. (\<lambda>i. f x * indicator {..real i} x) ----> f x"
+ by (simp add: tendsto_const)
+ have "(\<lambda>i. \<integral> x. f x * indicator {..real i} x \<partial>M) ----> x"
+ using conv filterlim_real_sequentially by (rule filterlim_compose)
+ have M_measure[simp]: "borel_measurable M = borel_measurable borel"
+ using M by (simp add: sets_eq_imp_space_eq measurable_def)
+ have "f \<in> borel_measurable M"
+ using borel by simp
+ show "integrable M f"
+ by (rule integral_monotone_convergence) fact+
+ show "integral\<^isup>L M f = x"
+ by (rule integral_monotone_convergence) fact+
section "Lebesgue integration on countable spaces"
lemma integral_on_countable:
--- a/src/HOL/SEQ.thy Wed Dec 05 13:25:06 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SEQ.thy Tue Dec 04 20:44:18 2012 +0100
@@ -911,4 +911,33 @@
lemma LIMSEQ_rabs_realpow_zero2: "\<bar>c\<bar> < 1 \<Longrightarrow> (\<lambda>n. c ^ n :: real) ----> 0"
by (rule LIMSEQ_power_zero) simp
+lemma tendsto_at_topI_sequentially:
+ fixes f :: "real \<Rightarrow> real"
+ assumes mono: "mono f"
+ assumes limseq: "(\<lambda>n. f (real n)) ----> y"
+ shows "(f ---> y) at_top"
+proof (rule tendstoI)
+ fix e :: real assume "0 < e"
+ with limseq obtain N :: nat where N: "\<And>n. N \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> \<bar>f (real n) - y\<bar> < e"
+ by (auto simp: LIMSEQ_def dist_real_def)
+ { fix x :: real
+ from ex_le_of_nat[of x] guess n ..
+ note monoD[OF mono this]
+ also have "f (real_of_nat n) \<le> y"
+ by (rule LIMSEQ_le_const[OF limseq])
+ (auto intro: exI[of _ n] monoD[OF mono] simp: real_eq_of_nat[symmetric])
+ finally have "f x \<le> y" . }
+ note le = this
+ have "eventually (\<lambda>x. real N \<le> x) at_top"
+ by (rule eventually_ge_at_top)
+ then show "eventually (\<lambda>x. dist (f x) y < e) at_top"
+ proof eventually_elim
+ fix x assume N': "real N \<le> x"
+ with N[of N] le have "y - f (real N) < e" by auto
+ moreover note monoD[OF mono N']
+ ultimately show "dist (f x) y < e"
+ using le[of x] by (auto simp: dist_real_def field_simps)
+ qed