tuned ML file name
Fri, 31 Jan 2014 10:23:32 +0100
changeset 55199 ba93ef2c0d27
parent 55198 7a538e58b64e
child 55200 777328c9f1ea
tuned ML file name
--- a/src/HOL/Mutabelle/mutabelle_extra.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Mutabelle/mutabelle_extra.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
     val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
     val state = Proof.init ctxt
     val (res, _) = Nitpick.pick_nits_in_term state
-      (Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy []) Nitpick.Normal 1 1 1 [] [] [] t
+      (Nitpick_Commands.default_params thy []) Nitpick.Normal 1 1 1 [] [] [] t
     val _ = Output.urgent_message ("Nitpick: " ^ res)
     (rpair []) (case res of
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick.thy	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick.thy	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
 ML_file "Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_kodkod.ML"
 ML_file "Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML"
 ML_file "Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML"
-ML_file "Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_isar.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_commands.ML"
 ML_file "Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML"
 setup {*
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/minipick.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/minipick.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
 fun solve_any_kodkod_problem thy problems =
-    val {debug, overlord, timeout, ...} = Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy []
+    val {debug, overlord, timeout, ...} = Nitpick_Commands.default_params thy []
     val max_threads = 1
     val max_solutions = 1
@@ -450,13 +450,13 @@
 fun minipick ctxt n t =
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
-    val {total_consts, ...} = Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy []
+    val {total_consts, ...} = Nitpick_Commands.default_params thy []
     val totals =
       total_consts |> Option.map single |> the_default [true, false]
     fun problem_for (total, k) =
       kodkod_problem_from_term ctxt total (K k) default_raw_infinite t
-    (totals, 1 upto n)
+    (totalsNitpick_Commands, 1 upto n)
     |-> map_product pair
     |> map problem_for
     |> solve_any_kodkod_problem (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_problem_import.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_problem_import.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/TPTP/atp_problem_import.ML
+Nitpick_Commands(*  Title:      HOL/TPTP/atp_problem_import.ML
     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     Copyright   2012
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
        ("max_potential", "0"),
        ("timeout", string_of_int timeout),
        ("tac_timeout", string_of_int ((timeout + 49) div 50))]
-      |> Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy
+      |> Nitpick_Commands.default_params thy
     val i = 1
     val n = 1
     val step = 0
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
            ("overlord", if overlord then "true" else "false"),
            ("max_potential", "0"),
            ("timeout", string_of_int timeout)]
-          |> Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy
+          |> Nitpick_Commands.default_params thy
         val i = 1
         val n = 1
         val step = 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_commands.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_commands.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+    Copyright   2008, 2009, 2010
+Adds the "nitpick" and "nitpick_params" commands to Isabelle/Isar's outer
+  type params = Nitpick.params
+  val nitpickN : string
+  val nitpick_paramsN : string
+  val default_params : theory -> (string * string) list -> params
+structure Nitpick_Commands : NITPICK_Commands =
+open Nitpick_Util
+open Nitpick_HOL
+open Nitpick_Rep
+open Nitpick_Nut
+open Nitpick
+val nitpickN = "nitpick"
+val nitpick_paramsN = "nitpick_params"
+(* Maximum number of scopes for Auto Nitpick. Be frugal since it has to share
+   its time slot with several other automatic tools. *)
+val auto_try_max_scopes = 6
+val _ =
+  ProofGeneral.preference_option ProofGeneral.category_tracing
+    NONE
+    @{option auto_nitpick}
+    "auto-nitpick"
+    "Run Nitpick automatically"
+type raw_param = string * string list
+val default_default_params =
+  [("card", "1\<emdash>10"),
+   ("iter", "0,1,2,4,8,12,16,20,24,28"),
+   ("bits", "1\<emdash>10"),
+   ("bisim_depth", "9"),
+   ("box", "smart"),
+   ("finitize", "smart"),
+   ("mono", "smart"),
+   ("std", "true"),
+   ("wf", "smart"),
+   ("sat_solver", "smart"),
+   ("batch_size", "smart"),
+   ("blocking", "true"),
+   ("falsify", "true"),
+   ("user_axioms", "smart"),
+   ("assms", "true"),
+   ("merge_type_vars", "false"),
+   ("binary_ints", "smart"),
+   ("destroy_constrs", "true"),
+   ("specialize", "true"),
+   ("star_linear_preds", "true"),
+   ("total_consts", "smart"),
+   ("peephole_optim", "true"),
+   ("datatype_sym_break", "5"),
+   ("kodkod_sym_break", "15"),
+   ("timeout", "30"),
+   ("tac_timeout", "0.5"),
+   ("max_threads", "0"),
+   ("debug", "false"),
+   ("verbose", "false"),
+   ("overlord", "false"),
+   ("spy", "false"),
+   ("show_datatypes", "false"),
+   ("show_skolems", "true"),
+   ("show_consts", "false"),
+   ("format", "1"),
+   ("max_potential", "1"),
+   ("max_genuine", "1"),
+   ("check_potential", "false"),
+   ("check_genuine", "false")]
+val negated_params =
+  [("dont_box", "box"),
+   ("dont_finitize", "finitize"),
+   ("non_mono", "mono"),
+   ("non_std", "std"),
+   ("non_wf", "wf"),
+   ("non_blocking", "blocking"),
+   ("satisfy", "falsify"),
+   ("no_user_axioms", "user_axioms"),
+   ("no_assms", "assms"),
+   ("dont_merge_type_vars", "merge_type_vars"),
+   ("unary_ints", "binary_ints"),
+   ("dont_destroy_constrs", "destroy_constrs"),
+   ("dont_specialize", "specialize"),
+   ("dont_star_linear_preds", "star_linear_preds"),
+   ("partial_consts", "total_consts"),
+   ("no_peephole_optim", "peephole_optim"),
+   ("no_debug", "debug"),
+   ("quiet", "verbose"),
+   ("no_overlord", "overlord"),
+   ("dont_spy", "spy"),
+   ("hide_datatypes", "show_datatypes"),
+   ("hide_skolems", "show_skolems"),
+   ("hide_consts", "show_consts"),
+   ("trust_potential", "check_potential"),
+   ("trust_genuine", "check_genuine")]
+fun is_known_raw_param s =
+  AList.defined (op =) default_default_params s orelse
+  AList.defined (op =) negated_params s orelse
+  member (op =) ["max", "show_all", "whack", "eval", "need", "atoms",
+                 "expect"] s orelse
+  exists (fn p => String.isPrefix (p ^ " ") s)
+         ["card", "max", "iter", "box", "dont_box", "finitize", "dont_finitize",
+          "mono", "non_mono", "std", "non_std", "wf", "non_wf", "format",
+          "atoms"]
+fun check_raw_param (s, _) =
+  if is_known_raw_param s then ()
+  else error ("Unknown parameter: " ^ quote s ^ ".")
+fun unnegate_param_name name =
+  case AList.lookup (op =) negated_params name of
+    NONE => if String.isPrefix "dont_" name then SOME (unprefix "dont_" name)
+            else if String.isPrefix "non_" name then SOME (unprefix "non_" name)
+            else NONE
+  | some_name => some_name
+fun normalize_raw_param (name, value) =
+  case unnegate_param_name name of
+    SOME name' => [(name', case value of
+                             ["false"] => ["true"]
+                           | ["true"] => ["false"]
+                           | [] => ["false"]
+                           | _ => value)]
+  | NONE => if name = "show_all" then
+              [("show_datatypes", value), ("show_skolems", value),
+               ("show_consts", value)]
+            else
+              [(name, value)]
+structure Data = Theory_Data
+  type T = raw_param list
+  val empty = default_default_params |> map (apsnd single)
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge data = AList.merge (op =) (K true) data
+val set_default_raw_param =
+  Data.map o fold (AList.update (op =)) o normalize_raw_param
+val default_raw_params = Data.get
+fun is_punctuation s = (s = "," orelse s = "-" orelse s = "\<emdash>")
+fun stringify_raw_param_value [] = ""
+  | stringify_raw_param_value [s] = s
+  | stringify_raw_param_value (s1 :: s2 :: ss) =
+    s1 ^ (if is_punctuation s1 orelse is_punctuation s2 then "" else " ") ^
+    stringify_raw_param_value (s2 :: ss)
+fun maxed_int_from_string min_int s = Int.max (min_int, the (Int.fromString s))
+fun extract_params ctxt mode default_params override_params =
+  let
+    val override_params = maps normalize_raw_param override_params
+    val raw_params = rev override_params @ rev default_params
+    val raw_lookup = AList.lookup (op =) raw_params
+    val lookup = Option.map stringify_raw_param_value o raw_lookup
+    val lookup_string = the_default "" o lookup
+    fun general_lookup_bool option default_value name =
+      case lookup name of
+        SOME s => parse_bool_option option name s
+      | NONE => default_value
+    val lookup_bool = the o general_lookup_bool false (SOME false)
+    val lookup_bool_option = general_lookup_bool true NONE
+    fun do_int name value =
+      case value of
+        SOME s => (case Int.fromString s of
+                     SOME i => i
+                   | NONE => error ("Parameter " ^ quote name ^
+                                    " must be assigned an integer value."))
+      | NONE => 0
+    fun lookup_int name = do_int name (lookup name)
+    fun lookup_int_option name =
+      case lookup name of
+        SOME "smart" => NONE
+      | value => SOME (do_int name value)
+    fun int_range_from_string name min_int s =
+      let
+        val (k1, k2) =
+          (case space_explode "-" s of
+             [s] => the_default (s, s) (first_field "\<emdash>" s)
+           | ["", s2] => ("-" ^ s2, "-" ^ s2)
+           | [s1, s2] => (s1, s2)
+           | _ => raise Option.Option)
+          |> pairself (maxed_int_from_string min_int)
+      in if k1 <= k2 then k1 upto k2 else k1 downto k2 end
+      handle Option.Option =>
+             error ("Parameter " ^ quote name ^
+                    " must be assigned a sequence of integers.")
+    fun int_seq_from_string name min_int s =
+      maps (int_range_from_string name min_int) (space_explode "," s)
+    fun lookup_int_seq name min_int =
+      case lookup name of
+        SOME s => (case int_seq_from_string name min_int s of
+                     [] => [min_int]
+                   | value => value)
+      | NONE => [min_int]
+    fun lookup_assigns read prefix default convert =
+      (NONE, convert (the_default default (lookup prefix)))
+      :: map (fn (name, value) =>
+                 (SOME (read (String.extract (name, size prefix + 1, NONE))),
+                  convert (stringify_raw_param_value value)))
+             (filter (String.isPrefix (prefix ^ " ") o fst) raw_params)
+    fun lookup_ints_assigns read prefix min_int =
+      lookup_assigns read prefix (signed_string_of_int min_int)
+                     (int_seq_from_string prefix min_int)
+    fun lookup_bool_assigns read prefix =
+      lookup_assigns read prefix "" (the o parse_bool_option false prefix)
+    fun lookup_bool_option_assigns read prefix =
+      lookup_assigns read prefix "" (parse_bool_option true prefix)
+    fun lookup_strings_assigns read prefix =
+      lookup_assigns read prefix "" (space_explode " ")
+    fun lookup_time name =
+      case lookup name of
+        SOME s => parse_time name s
+      | NONE => Time.zeroTime
+    val read_type_polymorphic =
+      Syntax.read_typ ctxt #> Logic.mk_type
+      #> singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) #> Logic.dest_type
+    val read_term_polymorphic =
+      Syntax.read_term ctxt #> singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt)
+    val lookup_term_list_option_polymorphic =
+      AList.lookup (op =) raw_params #> Option.map (map read_term_polymorphic)
+    val read_const_polymorphic = read_term_polymorphic #> dest_Const
+    val cards_assigns =
+      lookup_ints_assigns read_type_polymorphic "card" 1
+      |> mode = Auto_Try ? map (apsnd (take auto_try_max_scopes))
+    val maxes_assigns = lookup_ints_assigns read_const_polymorphic "max" ~1
+    val iters_assigns = lookup_ints_assigns read_const_polymorphic "iter" 0
+    val bitss = lookup_int_seq "bits" 1
+    val bisim_depths = lookup_int_seq "bisim_depth" ~1
+    val boxes = lookup_bool_option_assigns read_type_polymorphic "box"
+    val finitizes = lookup_bool_option_assigns read_type_polymorphic "finitize"
+    val monos = if mode = Auto_Try then [(NONE, SOME true)]
+                else lookup_bool_option_assigns read_type_polymorphic "mono"
+    val stds = lookup_bool_assigns read_type_polymorphic "std"
+    val wfs = lookup_bool_option_assigns read_const_polymorphic "wf"
+    val sat_solver = lookup_string "sat_solver"
+    val blocking = mode <> Normal orelse lookup_bool "blocking"
+    val falsify = lookup_bool "falsify"
+    val debug = (mode <> Auto_Try andalso lookup_bool "debug")
+    val verbose = debug orelse (mode <> Auto_Try andalso lookup_bool "verbose")
+    val overlord = lookup_bool "overlord"
+    val spy = getenv "NITPICK_SPY" = "yes" orelse lookup_bool "spy"
+    val user_axioms = lookup_bool_option "user_axioms"
+    val assms = lookup_bool "assms"
+    val whacks = lookup_term_list_option_polymorphic "whack" |> these
+    val merge_type_vars = lookup_bool "merge_type_vars"
+    val binary_ints = lookup_bool_option "binary_ints"
+    val destroy_constrs = lookup_bool "destroy_constrs"
+    val specialize = lookup_bool "specialize"
+    val star_linear_preds = lookup_bool "star_linear_preds"
+    val total_consts = lookup_bool_option "total_consts"
+    val needs = lookup_term_list_option_polymorphic "need"
+    val peephole_optim = lookup_bool "peephole_optim"
+    val datatype_sym_break = lookup_int "datatype_sym_break"
+    val kodkod_sym_break = lookup_int "kodkod_sym_break"
+    val timeout = lookup_time "timeout"
+    val tac_timeout = lookup_time "tac_timeout"
+    val max_threads =
+      if mode = Normal then Int.max (0, lookup_int "max_threads") else 1
+    val show_datatypes = debug orelse lookup_bool "show_datatypes"
+    val show_skolems = debug orelse lookup_bool "show_skolems"
+    val show_consts = debug orelse lookup_bool "show_consts"
+    val evals = lookup_term_list_option_polymorphic "eval" |> these
+    val formats = lookup_ints_assigns read_term_polymorphic "format" 0
+    val atomss = lookup_strings_assigns read_type_polymorphic "atoms"
+    val max_potential =
+      if mode = Normal then Int.max (0, lookup_int "max_potential") else 0
+    val max_genuine = Int.max (0, lookup_int "max_genuine")
+    val check_potential = lookup_bool "check_potential"
+    val check_genuine = lookup_bool "check_genuine"
+    val batch_size =
+      case lookup_int_option "batch_size" of
+        SOME n => Int.max (1, n)
+      | NONE => if debug then 1 else 50
+    val expect = lookup_string "expect"
+  in
+    {cards_assigns = cards_assigns, maxes_assigns = maxes_assigns, iters_assigns = iters_assigns,
+     bitss = bitss, bisim_depths = bisim_depths, boxes = boxes, finitizes = finitizes,
+     monos = monos, stds = stds, wfs = wfs, sat_solver = sat_solver, blocking = blocking,
+     falsify = falsify, debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord, spy = spy,
+     user_axioms = user_axioms, assms = assms, whacks = whacks, merge_type_vars = merge_type_vars,
+     binary_ints = binary_ints, destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs, specialize = specialize,
+     star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, total_consts = total_consts, needs = needs,
+     peephole_optim = peephole_optim, datatype_sym_break = datatype_sym_break,
+     kodkod_sym_break = kodkod_sym_break, timeout = timeout, tac_timeout = tac_timeout,
+     max_threads = max_threads, show_datatypes = show_datatypes, show_skolems = show_skolems,
+     show_consts = show_consts, evals = evals, formats = formats, atomss = atomss,
+     max_potential = max_potential, max_genuine = max_genuine, check_potential = check_potential,
+     check_genuine = check_genuine, batch_size = batch_size, expect = expect}
+  end
+fun default_params thy =
+  extract_params (Proof_Context.init_global thy) Normal (default_raw_params thy)
+  o map (apsnd single)
+val parse_key = Scan.repeat1 Parse.typ_group >> space_implode " "
+val parse_value =
+  Scan.repeat1 (Parse.minus >> single
+                || Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless Parse.minus
+                                             (Parse.name || Parse.float_number))
+                || @{keyword ","} |-- Parse.number >> prefix "," >> single)
+  >> flat
+val parse_param = parse_key -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "="} |-- parse_value) []
+val parse_params =
+  Scan.optional (@{keyword "["} |-- Parse.list parse_param --| @{keyword "]"}) []
+fun handle_exceptions ctxt f x =
+  f x
+  handle ARG (loc, details) =>
+         error ("Bad argument(s) to " ^ quote loc ^ ": " ^ details ^ ".")
+       | BAD (loc, details) =>
+         error ("Internal error (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ details ^ ".")
+       | NOT_SUPPORTED details =>
+         (warning ("Unsupported case: " ^ details ^ "."); x)
+       | NUT (loc, us) =>
+         error ("Invalid intermediate term" ^ plural_s_for_list us ^
+                " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
+                commas (map (string_for_nut ctxt) us) ^ ".")
+       | REP (loc, Rs) =>
+         error ("Invalid representation" ^ plural_s_for_list Rs ^
+                " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ commas (map string_for_rep Rs) ^ ".")
+       | TERM (loc, ts) =>
+         error ("Invalid term" ^ plural_s_for_list ts ^
+                " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
+                commas (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts) ^ ".")
+       | TYPE (loc, Ts, ts) =>
+         error ("Invalid type" ^ plural_s_for_list Ts ^
+                (if null ts then
+                   ""
+                 else
+                   " for term" ^ plural_s_for_list ts ^ " " ^
+                   commas (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts)) ^
+                " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
+                commas (map (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt) Ts) ^ ".")
+fun pick_nits override_params mode i step state =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof.theory_of state
+    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
+    val _ = List.app check_raw_param override_params
+    val params as {blocking, debug, ...} =
+      extract_params ctxt mode (default_raw_params thy) override_params
+    fun go () =
+      (unknownN, state)
+      |> (if mode = Auto_Try then perhaps o try
+          else if debug then fn f => fn x => f x
+          else handle_exceptions ctxt)
+         (fn (_, state) => pick_nits_in_subgoal state params mode i step)
+  in if blocking then go () else Future.fork (tap go) |> K (unknownN, state) end
+  |> `(fn (outcome_code, _) => outcome_code = genuineN)
+fun string_for_raw_param (name, value) =
+  name ^ " = " ^ stringify_raw_param_value value
+fun nitpick_params_trans params =
+  Toplevel.theory
+      (fold set_default_raw_param params
+       #> tap (fn thy =>
+                  writeln ("Default parameters for Nitpick:\n" ^
+                           (case rev (default_raw_params thy) of
+                              [] => "none"
+                            | params =>
+                              (map check_raw_param params;
+                               params |> map string_for_raw_param
+                                      |> sort_strings |> cat_lines)))))
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.improper_command @{command_spec "nitpick"}
+    "try to find a counterexample for a given subgoal using Nitpick"
+    (parse_params -- Scan.optional Parse.nat 1 >> (fn (params, i) =>
+      Toplevel.unknown_proof o
+      Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
+        ignore (pick_nits params Normal i (Toplevel.proof_position_of state)
+          (Toplevel.proof_of state)))))
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "nitpick_params"}
+    "set and display the default parameters for Nitpick"
+    (parse_params #>> nitpick_params_trans)
+fun try_nitpick auto = pick_nits [] (if auto then Auto_Try else Try) 1 0
+val _ = Try.tool_setup (nitpickN, (50, @{option auto_nitpick}, try_nitpick))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_isar.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_isar.ML
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-    Copyright   2008, 2009, 2010
-Adds the "nitpick" and "nitpick_params" commands to Isabelle/Isar's outer
-signature NITPICK_ISAR =
-  type params = Nitpick.params
-  val nitpickN : string
-  val nitpick_paramsN : string
-  val default_params : theory -> (string * string) list -> params
-structure Nitpick_Isar : NITPICK_ISAR =
-open Nitpick_Util
-open Nitpick_HOL
-open Nitpick_Rep
-open Nitpick_Nut
-open Nitpick
-val nitpickN = "nitpick"
-val nitpick_paramsN = "nitpick_params"
-(* Maximum number of scopes for Auto Nitpick. Be frugal since it has to share
-   its time slot with several other automatic tools. *)
-val auto_try_max_scopes = 6
-val _ =
-  ProofGeneral.preference_option ProofGeneral.category_tracing
-    NONE
-    @{option auto_nitpick}
-    "auto-nitpick"
-    "Run Nitpick automatically"
-type raw_param = string * string list
-val default_default_params =
-  [("card", "1\<emdash>10"),
-   ("iter", "0,1,2,4,8,12,16,20,24,28"),
-   ("bits", "1\<emdash>10"),
-   ("bisim_depth", "9"),
-   ("box", "smart"),
-   ("finitize", "smart"),
-   ("mono", "smart"),
-   ("std", "true"),
-   ("wf", "smart"),
-   ("sat_solver", "smart"),
-   ("batch_size", "smart"),
-   ("blocking", "true"),
-   ("falsify", "true"),
-   ("user_axioms", "smart"),
-   ("assms", "true"),
-   ("merge_type_vars", "false"),
-   ("binary_ints", "smart"),
-   ("destroy_constrs", "true"),
-   ("specialize", "true"),
-   ("star_linear_preds", "true"),
-   ("total_consts", "smart"),
-   ("peephole_optim", "true"),
-   ("datatype_sym_break", "5"),
-   ("kodkod_sym_break", "15"),
-   ("timeout", "30"),
-   ("tac_timeout", "0.5"),
-   ("max_threads", "0"),
-   ("debug", "false"),
-   ("verbose", "false"),
-   ("overlord", "false"),
-   ("spy", "false"),
-   ("show_datatypes", "false"),
-   ("show_skolems", "true"),
-   ("show_consts", "false"),
-   ("format", "1"),
-   ("max_potential", "1"),
-   ("max_genuine", "1"),
-   ("check_potential", "false"),
-   ("check_genuine", "false")]
-val negated_params =
-  [("dont_box", "box"),
-   ("dont_finitize", "finitize"),
-   ("non_mono", "mono"),
-   ("non_std", "std"),
-   ("non_wf", "wf"),
-   ("non_blocking", "blocking"),
-   ("satisfy", "falsify"),
-   ("no_user_axioms", "user_axioms"),
-   ("no_assms", "assms"),
-   ("dont_merge_type_vars", "merge_type_vars"),
-   ("unary_ints", "binary_ints"),
-   ("dont_destroy_constrs", "destroy_constrs"),
-   ("dont_specialize", "specialize"),
-   ("dont_star_linear_preds", "star_linear_preds"),
-   ("partial_consts", "total_consts"),
-   ("no_peephole_optim", "peephole_optim"),
-   ("no_debug", "debug"),
-   ("quiet", "verbose"),
-   ("no_overlord", "overlord"),
-   ("dont_spy", "spy"),
-   ("hide_datatypes", "show_datatypes"),
-   ("hide_skolems", "show_skolems"),
-   ("hide_consts", "show_consts"),
-   ("trust_potential", "check_potential"),
-   ("trust_genuine", "check_genuine")]
-fun is_known_raw_param s =
-  AList.defined (op =) default_default_params s orelse
-  AList.defined (op =) negated_params s orelse
-  member (op =) ["max", "show_all", "whack", "eval", "need", "atoms",
-                 "expect"] s orelse
-  exists (fn p => String.isPrefix (p ^ " ") s)
-         ["card", "max", "iter", "box", "dont_box", "finitize", "dont_finitize",
-          "mono", "non_mono", "std", "non_std", "wf", "non_wf", "format",
-          "atoms"]
-fun check_raw_param (s, _) =
-  if is_known_raw_param s then ()
-  else error ("Unknown parameter: " ^ quote s ^ ".")
-fun unnegate_param_name name =
-  case AList.lookup (op =) negated_params name of
-    NONE => if String.isPrefix "dont_" name then SOME (unprefix "dont_" name)
-            else if String.isPrefix "non_" name then SOME (unprefix "non_" name)
-            else NONE
-  | some_name => some_name
-fun normalize_raw_param (name, value) =
-  case unnegate_param_name name of
-    SOME name' => [(name', case value of
-                             ["false"] => ["true"]
-                           | ["true"] => ["false"]
-                           | [] => ["false"]
-                           | _ => value)]
-  | NONE => if name = "show_all" then
-              [("show_datatypes", value), ("show_skolems", value),
-               ("show_consts", value)]
-            else
-              [(name, value)]
-structure Data = Theory_Data
-  type T = raw_param list
-  val empty = default_default_params |> map (apsnd single)
-  val extend = I
-  fun merge data = AList.merge (op =) (K true) data
-val set_default_raw_param =
-  Data.map o fold (AList.update (op =)) o normalize_raw_param
-val default_raw_params = Data.get
-fun is_punctuation s = (s = "," orelse s = "-" orelse s = "\<emdash>")
-fun stringify_raw_param_value [] = ""
-  | stringify_raw_param_value [s] = s
-  | stringify_raw_param_value (s1 :: s2 :: ss) =
-    s1 ^ (if is_punctuation s1 orelse is_punctuation s2 then "" else " ") ^
-    stringify_raw_param_value (s2 :: ss)
-fun maxed_int_from_string min_int s = Int.max (min_int, the (Int.fromString s))
-fun extract_params ctxt mode default_params override_params =
-  let
-    val override_params = maps normalize_raw_param override_params
-    val raw_params = rev override_params @ rev default_params
-    val raw_lookup = AList.lookup (op =) raw_params
-    val lookup = Option.map stringify_raw_param_value o raw_lookup
-    val lookup_string = the_default "" o lookup
-    fun general_lookup_bool option default_value name =
-      case lookup name of
-        SOME s => parse_bool_option option name s
-      | NONE => default_value
-    val lookup_bool = the o general_lookup_bool false (SOME false)
-    val lookup_bool_option = general_lookup_bool true NONE
-    fun do_int name value =
-      case value of
-        SOME s => (case Int.fromString s of
-                     SOME i => i
-                   | NONE => error ("Parameter " ^ quote name ^
-                                    " must be assigned an integer value."))
-      | NONE => 0
-    fun lookup_int name = do_int name (lookup name)
-    fun lookup_int_option name =
-      case lookup name of
-        SOME "smart" => NONE
-      | value => SOME (do_int name value)
-    fun int_range_from_string name min_int s =
-      let
-        val (k1, k2) =
-          (case space_explode "-" s of
-             [s] => the_default (s, s) (first_field "\<emdash>" s)
-           | ["", s2] => ("-" ^ s2, "-" ^ s2)
-           | [s1, s2] => (s1, s2)
-           | _ => raise Option.Option)
-          |> pairself (maxed_int_from_string min_int)
-      in if k1 <= k2 then k1 upto k2 else k1 downto k2 end
-      handle Option.Option =>
-             error ("Parameter " ^ quote name ^
-                    " must be assigned a sequence of integers.")
-    fun int_seq_from_string name min_int s =
-      maps (int_range_from_string name min_int) (space_explode "," s)
-    fun lookup_int_seq name min_int =
-      case lookup name of
-        SOME s => (case int_seq_from_string name min_int s of
-                     [] => [min_int]
-                   | value => value)
-      | NONE => [min_int]
-    fun lookup_assigns read prefix default convert =
-      (NONE, convert (the_default default (lookup prefix)))
-      :: map (fn (name, value) =>
-                 (SOME (read (String.extract (name, size prefix + 1, NONE))),
-                  convert (stringify_raw_param_value value)))
-             (filter (String.isPrefix (prefix ^ " ") o fst) raw_params)
-    fun lookup_ints_assigns read prefix min_int =
-      lookup_assigns read prefix (signed_string_of_int min_int)
-                     (int_seq_from_string prefix min_int)
-    fun lookup_bool_assigns read prefix =
-      lookup_assigns read prefix "" (the o parse_bool_option false prefix)
-    fun lookup_bool_option_assigns read prefix =
-      lookup_assigns read prefix "" (parse_bool_option true prefix)
-    fun lookup_strings_assigns read prefix =
-      lookup_assigns read prefix "" (space_explode " ")
-    fun lookup_time name =
-      case lookup name of
-        SOME s => parse_time name s
-      | NONE => Time.zeroTime
-    val read_type_polymorphic =
-      Syntax.read_typ ctxt #> Logic.mk_type
-      #> singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) #> Logic.dest_type
-    val read_term_polymorphic =
-      Syntax.read_term ctxt #> singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt)
-    val lookup_term_list_option_polymorphic =
-      AList.lookup (op =) raw_params #> Option.map (map read_term_polymorphic)
-    val read_const_polymorphic = read_term_polymorphic #> dest_Const
-    val cards_assigns =
-      lookup_ints_assigns read_type_polymorphic "card" 1
-      |> mode = Auto_Try ? map (apsnd (take auto_try_max_scopes))
-    val maxes_assigns = lookup_ints_assigns read_const_polymorphic "max" ~1
-    val iters_assigns = lookup_ints_assigns read_const_polymorphic "iter" 0
-    val bitss = lookup_int_seq "bits" 1
-    val bisim_depths = lookup_int_seq "bisim_depth" ~1
-    val boxes = lookup_bool_option_assigns read_type_polymorphic "box"
-    val finitizes = lookup_bool_option_assigns read_type_polymorphic "finitize"
-    val monos = if mode = Auto_Try then [(NONE, SOME true)]
-                else lookup_bool_option_assigns read_type_polymorphic "mono"
-    val stds = lookup_bool_assigns read_type_polymorphic "std"
-    val wfs = lookup_bool_option_assigns read_const_polymorphic "wf"
-    val sat_solver = lookup_string "sat_solver"
-    val blocking = mode <> Normal orelse lookup_bool "blocking"
-    val falsify = lookup_bool "falsify"
-    val debug = (mode <> Auto_Try andalso lookup_bool "debug")
-    val verbose = debug orelse (mode <> Auto_Try andalso lookup_bool "verbose")
-    val overlord = lookup_bool "overlord"
-    val spy = getenv "NITPICK_SPY" = "yes" orelse lookup_bool "spy"
-    val user_axioms = lookup_bool_option "user_axioms"
-    val assms = lookup_bool "assms"
-    val whacks = lookup_term_list_option_polymorphic "whack" |> these
-    val merge_type_vars = lookup_bool "merge_type_vars"
-    val binary_ints = lookup_bool_option "binary_ints"
-    val destroy_constrs = lookup_bool "destroy_constrs"
-    val specialize = lookup_bool "specialize"
-    val star_linear_preds = lookup_bool "star_linear_preds"
-    val total_consts = lookup_bool_option "total_consts"
-    val needs = lookup_term_list_option_polymorphic "need"
-    val peephole_optim = lookup_bool "peephole_optim"
-    val datatype_sym_break = lookup_int "datatype_sym_break"
-    val kodkod_sym_break = lookup_int "kodkod_sym_break"
-    val timeout = lookup_time "timeout"
-    val tac_timeout = lookup_time "tac_timeout"
-    val max_threads =
-      if mode = Normal then Int.max (0, lookup_int "max_threads") else 1
-    val show_datatypes = debug orelse lookup_bool "show_datatypes"
-    val show_skolems = debug orelse lookup_bool "show_skolems"
-    val show_consts = debug orelse lookup_bool "show_consts"
-    val evals = lookup_term_list_option_polymorphic "eval" |> these
-    val formats = lookup_ints_assigns read_term_polymorphic "format" 0
-    val atomss = lookup_strings_assigns read_type_polymorphic "atoms"
-    val max_potential =
-      if mode = Normal then Int.max (0, lookup_int "max_potential") else 0
-    val max_genuine = Int.max (0, lookup_int "max_genuine")
-    val check_potential = lookup_bool "check_potential"
-    val check_genuine = lookup_bool "check_genuine"
-    val batch_size =
-      case lookup_int_option "batch_size" of
-        SOME n => Int.max (1, n)
-      | NONE => if debug then 1 else 50
-    val expect = lookup_string "expect"
-  in
-    {cards_assigns = cards_assigns, maxes_assigns = maxes_assigns, iters_assigns = iters_assigns,
-     bitss = bitss, bisim_depths = bisim_depths, boxes = boxes, finitizes = finitizes,
-     monos = monos, stds = stds, wfs = wfs, sat_solver = sat_solver, blocking = blocking,
-     falsify = falsify, debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord, spy = spy,
-     user_axioms = user_axioms, assms = assms, whacks = whacks, merge_type_vars = merge_type_vars,
-     binary_ints = binary_ints, destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs, specialize = specialize,
-     star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, total_consts = total_consts, needs = needs,
-     peephole_optim = peephole_optim, datatype_sym_break = datatype_sym_break,
-     kodkod_sym_break = kodkod_sym_break, timeout = timeout, tac_timeout = tac_timeout,
-     max_threads = max_threads, show_datatypes = show_datatypes, show_skolems = show_skolems,
-     show_consts = show_consts, evals = evals, formats = formats, atomss = atomss,
-     max_potential = max_potential, max_genuine = max_genuine, check_potential = check_potential,
-     check_genuine = check_genuine, batch_size = batch_size, expect = expect}
-  end
-fun default_params thy =
-  extract_params (Proof_Context.init_global thy) Normal (default_raw_params thy)
-  o map (apsnd single)
-val parse_key = Scan.repeat1 Parse.typ_group >> space_implode " "
-val parse_value =
-  Scan.repeat1 (Parse.minus >> single
-                || Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless Parse.minus
-                                             (Parse.name || Parse.float_number))
-                || @{keyword ","} |-- Parse.number >> prefix "," >> single)
-  >> flat
-val parse_param = parse_key -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "="} |-- parse_value) []
-val parse_params =
-  Scan.optional (@{keyword "["} |-- Parse.list parse_param --| @{keyword "]"}) []
-fun handle_exceptions ctxt f x =
-  f x
-  handle ARG (loc, details) =>
-         error ("Bad argument(s) to " ^ quote loc ^ ": " ^ details ^ ".")
-       | BAD (loc, details) =>
-         error ("Internal error (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ details ^ ".")
-       | NOT_SUPPORTED details =>
-         (warning ("Unsupported case: " ^ details ^ "."); x)
-       | NUT (loc, us) =>
-         error ("Invalid intermediate term" ^ plural_s_for_list us ^
-                " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
-                commas (map (string_for_nut ctxt) us) ^ ".")
-       | REP (loc, Rs) =>
-         error ("Invalid representation" ^ plural_s_for_list Rs ^
-                " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ commas (map string_for_rep Rs) ^ ".")
-       | TERM (loc, ts) =>
-         error ("Invalid term" ^ plural_s_for_list ts ^
-                " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
-                commas (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts) ^ ".")
-       | TYPE (loc, Ts, ts) =>
-         error ("Invalid type" ^ plural_s_for_list Ts ^
-                (if null ts then
-                   ""
-                 else
-                   " for term" ^ plural_s_for_list ts ^ " " ^
-                   commas (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) ts)) ^
-                " (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^
-                commas (map (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt) Ts) ^ ".")
-fun pick_nits override_params mode i step state =
-  let
-    val thy = Proof.theory_of state
-    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
-    val _ = List.app check_raw_param override_params
-    val params as {blocking, debug, ...} =
-      extract_params ctxt mode (default_raw_params thy) override_params
-    fun go () =
-      (unknownN, state)
-      |> (if mode = Auto_Try then perhaps o try
-          else if debug then fn f => fn x => f x
-          else handle_exceptions ctxt)
-         (fn (_, state) => pick_nits_in_subgoal state params mode i step)
-  in if blocking then go () else Future.fork (tap go) |> K (unknownN, state) end
-  |> `(fn (outcome_code, _) => outcome_code = genuineN)
-fun string_for_raw_param (name, value) =
-  name ^ " = " ^ stringify_raw_param_value value
-fun nitpick_params_trans params =
-  Toplevel.theory
-      (fold set_default_raw_param params
-       #> tap (fn thy =>
-                  writeln ("Default parameters for Nitpick:\n" ^
-                           (case rev (default_raw_params thy) of
-                              [] => "none"
-                            | params =>
-                              (map check_raw_param params;
-                               params |> map string_for_raw_param
-                                      |> sort_strings |> cat_lines)))))
-val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.improper_command @{command_spec "nitpick"}
-    "try to find a counterexample for a given subgoal using Nitpick"
-    (parse_params -- Scan.optional Parse.nat 1 >> (fn (params, i) =>
-      Toplevel.unknown_proof o
-      Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
-        ignore (pick_nits params Normal i (Toplevel.proof_position_of state)
-          (Toplevel.proof_of state)))))
-val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "nitpick_params"}
-    "set and display the default parameters for Nitpick"
-    (parse_params #>> nitpick_params_trans)
-fun try_nitpick auto = pick_nits [] (if auto then Auto_Try else Try) 1 0
-val _ = Try.tool_setup (nitpickN, (50, @{option auto_nitpick}, try_nitpick))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML	Fri Jan 31 10:23:32 2014 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML
+Nitpick_Commands(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML
     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     Copyright   2008, 2009, 2010
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
 fun run_all_tests () =
-    val {debug, overlord, timeout, ...} = Nitpick_Isar.default_params @{theory} []
+    val {debug, overlord, timeout, ...} = Nitpick_Commands.default_params @{theory} []
     val max_threads = 1
     val max_solutions = 1