authorFabian Huch <>
Sat, 08 Feb 2025 17:44:04 +0100
changeset 82115 bb6a3b379f6a
parent 82114 1126ee407227 (current diff)
parent 82103 eebb8270b3cc (diff)
child 82117 0c54f3c06174
--- a/NEWS	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/NEWS	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -343,6 +343,8 @@
 * Theory "HOL-Library.Suc_Notation" provides compact notation for
 iterated Suc terms.
+* Theory "HOL.Nat": of_nat_diff is now a simprule, minor INCOMPATIBILITY.
 * Theory "HOL-Library.Adhoc_Overloading" has been moved to Pure. Minor
 INCOMPATIBILITY: need to adjust theory imports.
--- a/src/Doc/Isar_Ref/HOL_Specific.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Doc/Isar_Ref/HOL_Specific.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -1653,7 +1653,6 @@
     @@{command (HOL) try0} ( ( ( 'simp' | 'intro' | 'elim' | 'dest' ) ':' @{syntax thms} ) + ) ?
-      @{syntax nat}?
     @@{command (HOL) sledgehammer} ( '[' args ']' )? facts? @{syntax nat}?
--- a/src/Doc/Sugar/Sugar.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Doc/Sugar/Sugar.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -486,8 +486,7 @@
 lemma True
 proof -
-  \<comment> \<open>pretty trivial\<close>
-  show True by force
+  show True by (rule TrueI)
 text_raw \<open>
@@ -498,21 +497,20 @@
-\verb!text_raw {!\verb!*!\\
+\verb!text_raw \!\verb!<open>!\\
 \verb!  \begin{figure}!\\
 \verb!  \begin{center}\begin{minipage}{0.6\textwidth}!\\
 \verb!  \isastyleminor\isamarkuptrue!\\
 \verb!lemma True!\\
 \verb!proof -!\\
-\verb!  -- "pretty trivial"!\\
-\verb!  show True by force!\\
+\verb!  show True by (rule TrueI)!\\
-\verb!text_raw {!\verb!*!\\
+\verb!text_raw \!\verb!<open>!\\
 \verb!  \end{minipage}\end{center}!\\
 \verb!  \caption{Example proof in a figure.}\label{fig:proof}!\\
 \verb!  \end{figure}!\\
 Other theory text, e.g.\ definitions, can be put in figures, too.
@@ -535,9 +533,9 @@
 You have to place the following lines before and after the snippet, where snippets must always be
 consecutive lines of theory text:
 \emph{theory text}\\
 where \emph{snippetname} should be a unique name for the snippet. The numbers \texttt{1}
 and \texttt{2} are explained in a moment.
--- a/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Define_Time_Function.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Define_Time_Function.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -26,13 +26,21 @@
 val print_timing':  Proof.context -> pfunc -> pfunc -> unit
 val print_timing:  Proof.context -> -> -> unit
+type time_config = {
+  print: bool,
+  simp: bool,
+  partial: bool
+datatype result = Function of | PartialFunction of thm
 val reg_and_proove_time_func: local_theory -> term list -> term list
-      -> bool -> bool -> * local_theory
+      -> time_config -> result * local_theory
 val reg_time_func: local_theory -> term list -> term list
-      -> bool -> bool -> * local_theory
+      -> time_config -> result * local_theory
 val time_dom_tac: Proof.context -> thm -> thm list -> int -> tactic
 structure Timing_Functions : TIMING_FUNCTIONS =
@@ -43,9 +51,6 @@
 (* Configure config variable to adjust the suffix *)
 val bsuffix = Attrib.setup_config_string @{binding "time_suffix"} (K "")
-(* some default values to build terms easier *)
-val zero = Const (@{const_name ""}, HOLogic.natT)
-val one = Const (@{const_name ""}, HOLogic.natT)
 (* Extracts terms from function info *)
 fun terms_of_info (info: =
   map Thm.prop_of (case #simps info of SOME s => s
@@ -132,15 +137,6 @@
 (* returns true if it's a let term *)
 fun is_let (Const (@{const_name "HOL.Let"},_)) = true
   | is_let _ = false
-(* change type of original function to new type (_ \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> _ to _ \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> nat)
-    and replace all function arguments f with (t*T_f) if used *)
-fun change_typ' used (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) = 
-      Type ("fun", [check_for_fun' (used 0) T1, change_typ' (fn i => used (i+1)) T2])
-  | change_typ' _ _ = HOLogic.natT
-and check_for_fun' true (f as Type ("fun", [_,_])) = HOLogic.mk_prodT (f, change_typ' (K false) f)
-  | check_for_fun' false (f as Type ("fun", [_,_])) = change_typ' (K true) f
-  | check_for_fun' _ t = t
-val change_typ = change_typ' (K true)
 (* Convert string name of function to its timing equivalent *)
 fun fun_name_to_time' ctxt s second name =
@@ -186,28 +182,6 @@
 fun const_comp (Const (nm,T)) (Const (nm',T')) = nm = nm' andalso typ_comp T T'
   | const_comp _ _ = false
-fun time_term ctxt s (Const (nm,T)) =
-  val T_nm = fun_name_to_time ctxt s nm
-  val T_T = change_typ T
-(SOME (Syntax.check_term ctxt (Const (T_nm,T_T))))
-  handle (ERROR _) =>
-    case Syntax.read_term ctxt (Long_Name.base_name T_nm)
-      of (Const (T_nm,T_T)) =>
-        let
-          fun col_Used i (Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", _), Ts])) (Type ("fun", [T', Ts'])) =
-            (if is_Used T' then [i] else []) @ col_Used (i+1) Ts Ts'
-            | col_Used i (Type ("fun", [_, Ts])) (Type ("fun", [_, Ts'])) = col_Used (i+1) Ts Ts'
-            | col_Used _ _ _ = []
-        in
-          SOME (Const (T_nm,change_typ' (contains (col_Used 0 T T_T)) T))
-        end
-       | _ => error ("Timing function of " ^ nm ^ " is not defined")
-  | time_term _ _ _ = error "Internal error: No valid function given"
 type 'a wctxt = {
   ctxt: local_theory,
   origins: term list,
@@ -262,6 +236,23 @@
   | freeTerms t = t
 fun freeTypes (TVar ((t, _), T)) = TFree (t, T)
   | freeTypes t = t
+fun fix_definition (Const ("Pure.eq", _) $ l $ r) = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (l,r))
+  | fix_definition t = t
+fun check_definition [t] = [t]
+  | check_definition _ = error "Only a single definition is allowed"
+fun get_terms theory (term: term) =
+  val equations = Spec_Rules.retrieve theory term
+      |> map #rules
+      |> map (map Thm.prop_of)
+   handle Empty => error "Function or terms of function not found"
+  equations
+    |> map (map fix_definition)
+    |> filter (List.exists
+        (fn t => typ_comp (t |> get_l |> strip_comb |> fst |> dest_Const |> snd) (term |> strip_comb |> fst |> dest_Const |> snd)))
+    |> hd
 fun fixCasecCases _ [t] = [t]
   | fixCasecCases wctxt (t::ts) =
@@ -348,193 +339,6 @@
       }) o get_r
 fun is_rec ctxt (term: term list) = List.foldr (or (find_rec ctxt term)) false
-(* 3. Convert equations *)
-(* Some Helper *)
-val plusTyp = @{typ "nat => nat => nat"}
-fun plus (SOME a) (SOME b) = SOME (Const (@{const_name ""}, plusTyp) $ a $ b)
-  | plus (SOME a) NONE = SOME a
-  | plus NONE (SOME b) = SOME b
-  | plus NONE NONE = NONE
-fun opt_term NONE =
-  | opt_term (SOME t) = t
-fun use_origin (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) = HOLogic.mk_fst (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T)))
-  | use_origin t = t
-(* Conversion of function term *)
-fun fun_to_time' ctxt (origin: term list) second (func as Const (nm,T)) =
-  val origin' = map (fst o strip_comb) origin
-  if contains' const_comp origin' func then SOME (Free (func |> Term.term_name |> fun_name_to_time' ctxt true second, change_typ T)) else
-  if Zero_Funcs.is_zero (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (nm,T) then NONE else
-    time_term ctxt false func
-  | fun_to_time' _ _ _ (Free (nm,T)) =
-      SOME (HOLogic.mk_snd (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T))))
-  | fun_to_time' _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: invalid function to convert"
-fun fun_to_time context origin func = fun_to_time' context origin false func
-(* Convert arguments of left side of a term *)
-fun conv_arg _ (Free (nm,T as Type("fun",_))) =
-    Free (nm, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ' (K false) T))
-  | conv_arg _ x = x
-fun conv_args ctxt = map (conv_arg ctxt)
-(* Handle function calls *)
-fun build_zero (Type ("fun", [T, R])) = Abs ("uu", T, build_zero R)
-  | build_zero _ = zero
-fun funcc_use_origin (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) =
-    HOLogic.mk_fst (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T)))
-  | funcc_use_origin t = t
-fun funcc_conv_arg _ _ (t as (_ $ _)) = map_aterms funcc_use_origin t
-  | funcc_conv_arg _ u (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) =
-      if u then Free (nm, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T))
-      else HOLogic.mk_snd (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T)))
-  | funcc_conv_arg wctxt true (f as Const (_,Type ("fun",_))) =
-      HOLogic.mk_prod (f, funcc_conv_arg wctxt false f)
-  | funcc_conv_arg wctxt false (f as Const (_,T as Type ("fun",_))) =
-      Option.getOpt (fun_to_time (#ctxt wctxt) (#origins wctxt) f, build_zero T)
-  | funcc_conv_arg wctxt false (f as Abs _) =
-       f
-       |> Term.strip_abs_eta ((length o fst o strip_type o type_of) f)
-       ||> #f wctxt ||> opt_term
-       |> list_abs
-  | funcc_conv_arg wctxt true (f as Abs _) =
-    let
-      val f' = f
-       |> Term.strip_abs_eta ((length o fst o strip_type o type_of) f)
-       ||> map_aterms funcc_use_origin
-       |> list_abs
-    in
-      HOLogic.mk_prod (f', funcc_conv_arg wctxt false f)
-    end
-  | funcc_conv_arg _ _ t = t
-fun funcc_conv_args _ _ [] = []
-  | funcc_conv_args wctxt (Type ("fun", [t, ts])) (a::args) =
-      funcc_conv_arg wctxt (is_Used t) a :: funcc_conv_args wctxt ts args
-  | funcc_conv_args _ _ _ = error "Internal error: Non matching type"
-fun funcc wctxt func args =
-  fun get_T (Free (_,T)) = T
-    | get_T (Const (_,T)) = T
-    | get_T (_ $ (Free (_,Type (_, [_, T])))) = T (* Case of snd was constructed *)
-    | get_T _ = error "Internal error: Forgotten type"
-  List.foldr (I #-> plus)
-  (case fun_to_time (#ctxt wctxt) (#origins wctxt) func (* add case for abs *)
-    of SOME t => SOME (list_comb (t, funcc_conv_args wctxt (get_T t) args))
-     | NONE => NONE)
-  (map (#f wctxt) args)
-(* Handle case terms *)
-fun casecIsCase (Type (n1, [_,Type (n2, _)])) = (n1 = "fun" andalso n2 = "fun")
-  | casecIsCase _ = false
-fun casecLastTyp (Type (n, [T1,T2])) = Type (n, [T1, change_typ T2])
-  | casecLastTyp _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case type"
-fun casecTyp (Type (n, [T1, T2])) =
-      Type (n, [change_typ T1, (if casecIsCase T2 then casecTyp else casecLastTyp) T2])
-  | casecTyp _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case type"
-fun casecAbs f (Abs (v,Ta,t)) = (case casecAbs f (subst_bound (Free (v,Ta), t))
-                                  of (nconst,t) => (nconst,absfree (v,Ta) t))
-  | casecAbs f t = (case f t of NONE => (false, | SOME t => (true,t))
-fun casecArgs _ [t] = (false, [map_aterms use_origin t])
-  | casecArgs f (t::ar) =
-    (case casecAbs f t of (nconst, tt) =>
-      casecArgs f ar ||> (fn ar => tt :: ar) |>> (if nconst then K true else I))
-  | casecArgs _ _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case term"
-fun casec wctxt (Const (t,T)) args =
-  if not (casecIsCase T) then error "Internal error: Invalid case type" else
-    let val (nconst, args') = casecArgs (#f wctxt) args in
-      plus
-        ((#f wctxt) (List.last args))
-        (if nconst then
-          SOME (list_comb (Const (t,casecTyp T), args'))
-         else NONE)
-    end
-  | casec _ _ _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case term"
-(* Handle if terms -> drop the term if true and false terms are zero *)
-fun ifc wctxt _ cond tt ft =
-  let
-    val f = #f wctxt
-    val rcond = map_aterms use_origin cond
-    val tt = f tt
-    val ft = f ft
-  in
-    plus (f cond) (case (tt,ft) of (NONE, NONE) => NONE | _ =>
-       if tt = ft then tt else
-       (SOME ((Const (@{const_name "HOL.If"}, @{typ "bool \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"})) $ rcond $ (opt_term tt) $ (opt_term ft))))
-  end
-fun letc_lambda wctxt T (t as Abs _) =
-      HOLogic.mk_prod (map_aterms use_origin t, 
-       Term.strip_abs_eta (strip_type T |> fst |> length) t ||> #f wctxt ||> opt_term |> list_abs)
-  | letc_lambda _ _ t = map_aterms use_origin t
-fun letc wctxt expT exp ([(nm,_)]) t =
-      plus (#f wctxt exp)
-      (case #f wctxt t of SOME t' =>
-        (if Term.used_free nm t'
-         then
-          let
-            val exp' = letc_lambda wctxt expT exp
-            val t' = list_abs ([(nm,fastype_of exp')], t')
-          in
-            Const (@{const_name "HOL.Let"}, [fastype_of exp', fastype_of t'] ---> HOLogic.natT) $ exp' $ t'
-          end
-         else t') |> SOME
-      | NONE => NONE)
-  | letc _ _ _ _ _ = error "Unknown let state"
-fun constc _ (Const ("HOL.undefined", _)) = SOME (Const ("HOL.undefined", @{typ "nat"}))
-  | constc _ _ = NONE
-(* The converter for timing functions given to the walker *)
-val converter : term option converter = {
-        constc = constc,
-        funcc = funcc,
-        ifc = ifc,
-        casec = casec,
-        letc = letc
-    }
-fun top_converter is_rec _ _ = opt_term o (fn exp => plus exp (if is_rec then SOME one else NONE))
-(* Use converter to convert right side of a term *)
-fun to_time ctxt origin is_rec term =
-  top_converter is_rec ctxt origin (walk ctxt origin converter term)
-(* Converts a term to its running time version *)
-fun convert_term ctxt (origin: term list) is_rec (pT $ (Const (eqN, _) $ l $ r)) =
-  val (l_const, l_params) = strip_comb l
-    pT
-    $ (Const (eqN, @{typ "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"})
-      $ (list_comb (l_const |> fun_to_time ctxt origin |> Option.valOf, l_params |> conv_args ctxt))
-      $ (to_time ctxt origin is_rec r))
-  | convert_term _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: invalid term to convert"
-(* 3.5 Support for locales *)
-fun replaceFstSndFree ctxt (origin: term list) (rfst: term -> term) (rsnd: term -> term) =
-  (walk ctxt origin {
-          funcc = fn wctxt => fn t => fn args =>
-            case args of
-                 (f as Free _)::args =>
-                   (case t of
-                       Const ("", _) =>
-                        list_comb (rfst (t $ f), map (#f wctxt) args)
-                     | Const ("", _) =>
-                        list_comb (rsnd (t $ f), map (#f wctxt) args)
-                     | t => list_comb (t, map (#f wctxt) (f :: args)))
-               | args => list_comb (t, map (#f wctxt) args),
-          constc = Iconst,
-          ifc = Iif,
-          casec = Icase,
-          letc = Ilet
-      })
 (* 4. Tactic to prove "f_dom n" *)
 fun time_dom_tac ctxt induct_rule domintros =
   (Induction.induction_tac ctxt true [] [[]] [] (SOME [induct_rule]) []
@@ -542,211 +346,445 @@
     (if i <= length domintros then [Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Problem_Generate.combsN ctxt [List.nth (domintros, i-1)]] else []) @
     [Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Problem_Generate.combsN ctxt domintros]) i)))
-fun fix_definition (Const ("Pure.eq", _) $ l $ r) = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (l,r))
-  | fix_definition t = t
-fun check_definition [t] = [t]
-  | check_definition _ = error "Only a single definition is allowed"
-fun get_terms theory (term: term) =
-  val equations = Spec_Rules.retrieve theory term
-      |> map #rules
-      |> map (map Thm.prop_of)
-   handle Empty => error "Function or terms of function not found"
-  equations
-    |> map (map fix_definition)
-    |> filter (List.exists
-        (fn t => typ_comp (t |> get_l |> strip_comb |> fst |> dest_Const |> snd) (term |> strip_comb |> fst |> dest_Const |> snd)))
-    |> hd
-(* 5. Check for higher-order function if original function is used \<rightarrow> find simplifications *)
-fun find_used' T_t =
-  val (T_ident, T_args) = strip_comb (get_l T_t)
+(* Register timing function of a given function *)
+type time_config = {
+  print: bool,
+  simp: bool,
+  partial: bool
+datatype result = Function of | PartialFunction of thm
+fun reg_time_func (lthy: local_theory) (term: term list) (terms: term list) (config: time_config) =
+  let
+    (* some default values to build terms easier *)
+    (* Const (@{const_name ""}, HOLogic.natT) *)
+    val zero = if #partial config then @{term "Some (0::nat)"} else
+    val one = Const (@{const_name ""}, HOLogic.natT)
+    val natOptT = @{typ "nat option"}
+    val finT = if #partial config then natOptT else HOLogic.natT
+    val some = @{term "Some::nat \<Rightarrow> nat option"}
-  fun filter_passed [] = []
-    | filter_passed ((f as Free (_, Type ("",[Type ("fun",_), Type ("fun", _)])))::args) = 
-        f :: filter_passed args
-    | filter_passed (_::args) = filter_passed args
-  val frees = (walk @{context} [] {
-          funcc = (fn wctxt => fn t => fn args =>
-              (case t of (Const ("", _)) => []
-                  | _ => (if t = T_ident then [] else filter_passed args)
-                    @ List.foldr (fn (l,r) => (#f wctxt) l @ r) [] args)),
-          constc = (K o K) [],
-          ifc = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn cond => fn tt => fn tf => (#f wctxt) cond @ (#f wctxt) tt @ (#f wctxt) tf),
-          casec = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn cs => List.foldr (fn (l,r) => (#f wctxt) l @ r) [] cs),
-          letc = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn exp => fn _ => fn t => (#f wctxt) exp @ (#f wctxt) t)
-      }) (get_r T_t)
-  fun build _ [] = []
-    | build i (a::args) =
-        (if contains frees a then [(T_ident,i)] else []) @ build (i+1) args
-  build 0 T_args
-fun find_simplifyble ctxt term terms =
-  val used =
-    terms
-    |> find_used'
-    |> List.foldr (op @) []
-  val change =
-    Option.valOf o fun_to_time ctxt term
-  fun detect t i (Type ("fun",_)::args) = 
-    (if contains used (change t,i) then [] else [i]) @ detect t (i+1) args
-    | detect t i (_::args) = detect t (i+1) args
-    | detect _ _ [] = []
-  map (fn t => t |> type_of |> strip_type |> fst |> detect t 0) term
+    (* change type of original function to new type (_ \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> _ to _ \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> nat)
+        and replace all function arguments f with (t*T_f) if used *)
+    fun change_typ' used (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) = 
+          Type ("fun", [check_for_fun' (used 0) T1, change_typ' (fn i => used (i+1)) T2])
+      | change_typ' _ _ = finT
+    and check_for_fun' true (f as Type ("fun", [_,_])) = HOLogic.mk_prodT (f, change_typ' (K false) f)
+      | check_for_fun' false (f as Type ("fun", [_,_])) = change_typ' (K true) f
+      | check_for_fun' _ t = t
+    val change_typ = change_typ' (K true)
+    fun time_term ctxt s (Const (nm,T)) =
+    let
+      val T_nm = fun_name_to_time ctxt s nm
+      val T_T = change_typ T
+    in
+    (SOME (Syntax.check_term ctxt (Const (T_nm,T_T))))
+      handle (ERROR _) =>
+        case Syntax.read_term ctxt (Long_Name.base_name T_nm)
+          of (Const (T_nm,T_T)) =>
+            let
+              fun col_Used i (Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", _), Ts])) (Type ("fun", [T', Ts'])) =
+                (if is_Used T' then [i] else []) @ col_Used (i+1) Ts Ts'
+                | col_Used i (Type ("fun", [_, Ts])) (Type ("fun", [_, Ts'])) = col_Used (i+1) Ts Ts'
+                | col_Used _ _ _ = []
+              val binderT = change_typ' (contains (col_Used 0 T T_T)) T |> Term.binder_types
+              val finT = Term.body_type T_T
+            in
+              SOME (Const (T_nm, binderT ---> finT))
+            end
+           | _ => error ("Timing function of " ^ nm ^ " is not defined")
+    end
+      | time_term _ _ _ = error "Internal error: No valid function given"
-fun define_simp' term simplifyable ctxt =
-  val base_name = case Named_Target.locale_of ctxt of
-          NONE => ctxt |> Proof_Context.theory_of |> Context.theory_base_name
-        | SOME nm => nm
-  val orig_name = term |> dest_Const_name |> split_name |> List.last
-  val red_name = fun_name_to_time ctxt false orig_name
-  val name = fun_name_to_time' ctxt true true orig_name
-  val full_name = base_name ^ "." ^ name
-  val def_name = red_name ^ "_def"
-  val def = def_name
-  val canon = Syntax.read_term (Local_Theory.exit ctxt) name |> strip_comb
-  val canonFrees = canon |> snd
-  val canonType = canon |> fst |> dest_Const_type |> strip_type |> fst |> take (length canonFrees)
+    fun opt_term NONE = zero
+      | opt_term (SOME t) = t
+    fun use_origin (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) = HOLogic.mk_fst (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T)))
+      | use_origin t = t
+    (* Conversion of function term *)
+    fun fun_to_time' ctxt (origin: term list) second (func as Const (nm,T)) =
+    let
+      val origin' = map (fst o strip_comb) origin
+    in
+      if contains' const_comp origin' func then SOME (Free (func |> Term.term_name |> fun_name_to_time' ctxt true second, change_typ T)) else
+      if Zero_Funcs.is_zero (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (nm,T) then NONE else
+        time_term ctxt false func
+    end
+      | fun_to_time' _ _ _ (Free (nm,T)) =
+          SOME (HOLogic.mk_snd (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ' (K true) T))))
+      | fun_to_time' _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: invalid function to convert"
+    fun fun_to_time context origin func = fun_to_time' context origin false func
+    (* Convert arguments of left side of a term *)
+    fun conv_arg _ (Free (nm,T as Type("fun",_))) =
+        Free (nm, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ' (K false) T))
+      | conv_arg _ x = x
+    fun conv_args ctxt = map (conv_arg ctxt)
+    (* 3. Convert equations *)
+    (* Some Helper *)
+    val plusTyp = @{typ "nat => nat => nat"}
+    fun plus (SOME a) (SOME b) = SOME ((if #partial config then @{term part_add} else Const (@{const_name ""}, plusTyp)) $ a $ b)
+      | plus (SOME a) NONE = SOME a
+      | plus NONE (SOME b) = SOME b
+      | plus NONE NONE = NONE
+    (* Partial helper *)
+    val OPTION_BIND = @{term "Option.bind::nat option \<Rightarrow> (nat \<Rightarrow> nat option) \<Rightarrow> nat option"}
+    fun OPTION_ABS_SUC args = Term.absfree ("_uu", @{typ nat})
+      (List.foldr (uncurry plus)
+        (SOME (some $ HOLogic.mk_Suc (Free ("_uu", @{typ nat})))) args |> Option.valOf)
+    fun build_option_bind term args =
+      OPTION_BIND $ term $ OPTION_ABS_SUC args
+    fun WRAP_FUNCTION t =
+      if (Term.head_of t |> Term.fastype_of |> Term.body_type) = finT
+      then t
+      else if #partial config
+            then some $ t
+            else @{term "the::nat option \<Rightarrow> nat"} $ t
-  val types = term |> dest_Const_type |> strip_type |> fst
-  val vars = Variable.variant_fixes (map (K "") types) ctxt |> fst
-  fun l_typs' i ((T as (Type ("fun",_)))::types) =
-    (if contains simplifyable i
-     then change_typ T
-     else HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T))
-    :: l_typs' (i+1) types
-    | l_typs' i (T::types) = T :: l_typs' (i+1) types
-    | l_typs' _ [] = []
-  val l_typs = l_typs' 0 types
-  val lhs =
-    List.foldl (fn ((v,T),t) => t $ Free (v,T)) (Free (red_name,l_typs ---> HOLogic.natT)) ( (vars,l_typs))
-  fun fixType (TFree _) = HOLogic.natT
-    | fixType T = T
-  fun fixUnspecified T = T |> strip_type ||> fixType |> (op --->)
-  fun r_terms' i (v::vars) ((T as (Type ("fun",_)))::types) =
-    (if contains simplifyable i
-    then HOLogic.mk_prod (Const ("HOL.undefined", fixUnspecified T), Free (v,change_typ T))
-    else Free (v,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T)))
-    :: r_terms' (i+1) vars types
-    | r_terms' i (v::vars) (T::types) = Free (v,T) :: r_terms' (i+1) vars types
-    | r_terms' _ _ _ = []
-  val r_terms = r_terms' 0 vars types
-  val full_type = (r_terms |> map (type_of) ---> HOLogic.natT)
-  val full = list_comb (Const (full_name,canonType ---> full_type), canonFrees)
-  val rhs = list_comb (full, r_terms)
-  val eq = (lhs, rhs) |> HOLogic.mk_eq |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-  val _ = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Defining simplified version:\n",
-                                        Syntax.pretty_term ctxt eq])
-  val (_, ctxt') = Specification.definition NONE [] [] ((def, []), eq) ctxt
-  ((def_name, orig_name), ctxt')
-fun define_simp simpables ctxt =
-  fun cond ((term,simplifyable),(defs,ctxt)) =
-    define_simp' term simplifyable ctxt |>> (fn def => def :: defs)
-  List.foldr cond ([], ctxt) simpables
-fun replace from to =
-  map (map_aterms (fn t => if t = from then to else t))
-fun replaceAll [] = I
-  | replaceAll ((from,to)::xs) = replaceAll xs o replace from to
-fun calculateSimplifications ctxt T_terms term simpables =
-  (* Show where a simplification can take place *)
-    fun reportReductions (t,(i::is)) =
-    (Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str
-      ((Term.term_name t |> fun_name_to_time ctxt true)
-        ^ " can be simplified because only the time-function component of parameter "
-        ^ (Int.toString (i + 1)) ^ " is used. "));
-        reportReductions (t,is))
-      | reportReductions (_,[]) = ()
-    val _ = simpables
-      |> map reportReductions
-    (* Register definitions for simplified function *)
-    val (reds, ctxt) = define_simp simpables ctxt
+    (* Handle function calls *)
+    fun build_zero (Type ("fun", [T, R])) = Abs ("uu", T, build_zero R)
+      | build_zero _ = zero
+    fun funcc_use_origin (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) =
+        HOLogic.mk_fst (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T)))
+      | funcc_use_origin t = t
+    fun funcc_conv_arg _ _ (t as (_ $ _)) = map_aterms funcc_use_origin t
+      | funcc_conv_arg _ u (Free (nm, T as Type ("fun",_))) =
+          if u then Free (nm, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, change_typ T))
+          else HOLogic.mk_snd (Free (nm,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T)))
+      | funcc_conv_arg wctxt true (f as Const (_,Type ("fun",_))) =
+          HOLogic.mk_prod (f, funcc_conv_arg wctxt false f)
+      | funcc_conv_arg wctxt false (f as Const (_,T as Type ("fun",_))) =
+          Option.getOpt (fun_to_time (#ctxt wctxt) (#origins wctxt) f, build_zero T)
+      | funcc_conv_arg wctxt false (f as Abs _) =
+           f
+           |> Term.strip_abs_eta ((length o fst o strip_type o type_of) f)
+           ||> #f wctxt ||> opt_term
+           |> list_abs
+      | funcc_conv_arg wctxt true (f as Abs _) =
+        let
+          val f' = f
+           |> Term.strip_abs_eta ((length o fst o strip_type o type_of) f)
+           ||> map_aterms funcc_use_origin
+           |> list_abs
+        in
+          HOLogic.mk_prod (f', funcc_conv_arg wctxt false f)
+        end
+      | funcc_conv_arg _ _ t = t
+    fun funcc_conv_args _ _ [] = []
+      | funcc_conv_args wctxt (Type ("fun", [t, ts])) (a::args) =
+          funcc_conv_arg wctxt (is_Used t) a :: funcc_conv_args wctxt ts args
+      | funcc_conv_args _ _ _ = error "Internal error: Non matching type"
+    fun funcc wctxt func args =
+    let
+      fun get_T (Free (_,T)) = T
+        | get_T (Const (_,T)) = T
+        | get_T (_ $ (Free (_,Type (_, [_, T])))) = T (* Case of snd was constructed *)
+        | get_T _ = error "Internal error: Forgotten type"
+      val func = (case fun_to_time (#ctxt wctxt) (#origins wctxt) func
+        of SOME t => SOME (WRAP_FUNCTION (list_comb (t, funcc_conv_args wctxt (get_T t) args)))
+         | NONE => NONE)
+      val args = (map (#f wctxt) args)
+    in
+      (if not (#partial config) orelse func = NONE
+      then List.foldr (uncurry plus) func args
+      else build_option_bind (Option.valOf func) args |> SOME)
+    end
+    (* Handle case terms *)
+    fun casecIsCase (Type (n1, [_,Type (n2, _)])) = (n1 = "fun" andalso n2 = "fun")
+      | casecIsCase _ = false
+    fun casecLastTyp (Type (n, [T1,T2])) = Type (n, [T1, change_typ T2])
+      | casecLastTyp _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case type"
+    fun casecTyp (Type (n, [T1, T2])) =
+          Type (n, [change_typ T1, (if casecIsCase T2 then casecTyp else casecLastTyp) T2])
+      | casecTyp _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case type"
+    fun casecAbs f (Abs (v,Ta,t)) = (case casecAbs f (subst_bound (Free (v,Ta), t))
+                                      of (nconst,t) => (nconst,absfree (v,Ta) t))
+      | casecAbs f t = (case f t of NONE => (false, opt_term NONE) | SOME t => (true,t))
+    fun casecArgs _ [t] = (false, [map_aterms use_origin t])
+      | casecArgs f (t::ar) =
+        (case casecAbs f t of (nconst, tt) =>
+          casecArgs f ar ||> (fn ar => tt :: ar) |>> (if nconst then K true else I))
+      | casecArgs _ _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case term"
+    fun casec wctxt (Const (t,T)) args =
+      if not (casecIsCase T) then error "Internal error: Invalid case type" else
+        let val (nconst, args') = casecArgs (#f wctxt) args in
+          plus
+            ((#f wctxt) (List.last args))
+            (if nconst then
+              SOME (list_comb (Const (t,casecTyp T), args'))
+             else NONE)
+        end
+      | casec _ _ _ = error "Internal error: Invalid case term"
+    (* Handle if terms -> drop the term if true and false terms are zero *)
+    fun ifc wctxt _ cond tt ft =
+      let
+        val f = #f wctxt
+        val rcond = map_aterms use_origin cond
+        val tt = f tt
+        val ft = f ft
+      in
+        plus (f cond) (case (tt,ft) of (NONE, NONE) => NONE | _ =>
+           if tt = ft then tt else
+           (SOME ((Const (@{const_name "HOL.If"}, @{typ "bool"} --> finT --> finT --> finT)) $ rcond
+              $ (opt_term tt) $ (opt_term ft))))
+      end
+    fun letc_lambda wctxt T (t as Abs _) =
+          HOLogic.mk_prod (map_aterms use_origin t, 
+           Term.strip_abs_eta (strip_type T |> fst |> length) t ||> #f wctxt ||> opt_term ||> map_types change_typ |> list_abs)
+      | letc_lambda _ _ t = map_aterms use_origin t
+    fun letc wctxt expT exp ([(nm,_)]) t =
+          plus (#f wctxt exp)
+          (case #f wctxt t of SOME t' =>
+            (if Term.used_free nm t'
+             then
+              let
+                val exp' = letc_lambda wctxt expT exp
+                val t' = list_abs ([(nm,fastype_of exp')], t')
+              in
+                Const (@{const_name "HOL.Let"}, [fastype_of exp', fastype_of t'] ---> finT) $ exp' $ t'
+              end
+             else t') |> SOME
+          | NONE => NONE)
+      | letc _ _ _ _ _ = error "Unknown let state"
+    fun constc _ (Const ("HOL.undefined", _)) = SOME (Const ("HOL.undefined", finT))
+      | constc _ _ = NONE
+    (* The converter for timing functions given to the walker *)
+    val converter : term option converter = {
+            constc = constc,
+            funcc = funcc,
+            ifc = ifc,
+            casec = casec,
+            letc = letc
+        }
+    fun top_converter is_rec _ _ =
+      if #partial config
+      then (fn t => Option.getOpt (t, zero))
+      else (opt_term o (fn exp => plus exp (if is_rec then SOME one else NONE)))
+    (* Use converter to convert right side of a term *)
+    fun to_time ctxt origin is_rec term =
+      top_converter is_rec ctxt origin (walk ctxt origin converter term)
+    (* Converts a term to its running time version *)
+    fun convert_term ctxt (origin: term list) is_rec (pT $ (Const (eqN, _) $ l $ r)) =
+    let
+      val (l_const, l_params) = strip_comb l
+    in
+        pT
+        $ (Const (eqN, finT --> finT --> @{typ "bool"})
+          $ (list_comb (l_const |> fun_to_time ctxt origin |> Option.valOf, l_params |> conv_args ctxt))
+          $ (to_time ctxt origin is_rec r))
+    end
+      | convert_term _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: invalid term to convert"
+    (* 3.5 Support for locales *)
+    fun replaceFstSndFree ctxt (origin: term list) (rfst: term -> term) (rsnd: term -> term) =
+      (walk ctxt origin {
+              funcc = fn wctxt => fn t => fn args =>
+                case args of
+                     (f as Free _)::args =>
+                       (case t of
+                           Const ("", _) =>
+                            list_comb (rfst (t $ f), map (#f wctxt) args)
+                         | Const ("", _) =>
+                            list_comb (rsnd (t $ f), map (#f wctxt) args)
+                         | t => list_comb (t, map (#f wctxt) (f :: args)))
+                   | args => list_comb (t, map (#f wctxt) args),
+              constc = Iconst,
+              ifc = Iif,
+              casec = Icase,
+              letc = Ilet
+          })
+    (* 5. Check for higher-order function if original function is used \<rightarrow> find simplifications *)
+    fun find_used' T_t =
+    let
+      val (T_ident, T_args) = strip_comb (get_l T_t)
+      fun filter_passed [] = []
+        | filter_passed ((f as Free (_, Type ("",[Type ("fun",_), Type ("fun", _)])))::args) = 
+            f :: filter_passed args
+        | filter_passed (_::args) = filter_passed args
+      val frees = (walk lthy [] {
+              funcc = (fn wctxt => fn t => fn args =>
+                  (case t of (Const ("", _)) => []
+                      | _ => (if t = T_ident then [] else filter_passed args)
+                        @ List.foldr (fn (l,r) => (#f wctxt) l @ r) [] args)),
+              constc = (K o K) [],
+              ifc = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn cond => fn tt => fn tf => (#f wctxt) cond @ (#f wctxt) tt @ (#f wctxt) tf),
+              casec = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn cs => List.foldr (fn (l,r) => (#f wctxt) l @ r) [] cs),
+              letc = (fn wctxt => fn _ => fn exp => fn _ => fn t => (#f wctxt) exp @ (#f wctxt) t)
+          }) (get_r T_t)
+      fun build _ [] = []
+        | build i (a::args) =
+            (if contains frees a then [(T_ident,i)] else []) @ build (i+1) args
+    in
+      build 0 T_args
+    end
+    fun find_simplifyble ctxt term terms =
+    let
+      val used =
+        terms
+        |> find_used'
+        |> List.foldr (op @) []
+      val change =
+        Option.valOf o fun_to_time ctxt term
+      fun detect t i (Type ("fun",_)::args) = 
+        (if contains used (change t,i) then [] else [i]) @ detect t (i+1) args
+        | detect t i (_::args) = detect t (i+1) args
+        | detect _ _ [] = []
+    in
+      map (fn t => t |> type_of |> strip_type |> fst |> detect t 0) term
+    end
+    fun define_simp' term simplifyable ctxt =
+    let
+      val base_name = case Named_Target.locale_of ctxt of
+              NONE => ctxt |> Proof_Context.theory_of |> Context.theory_base_name
+            | SOME nm => nm
+      val orig_name = term |> dest_Const_name |> split_name |> List.last
+      val red_name = fun_name_to_time ctxt false orig_name
+      val name = fun_name_to_time' ctxt true true orig_name
+      val full_name = base_name ^ "." ^ name
+      val def_name = red_name ^ "_def"
+      val def = def_name
+      val canon = Syntax.read_term (Local_Theory.exit ctxt) name |> strip_comb
+      val canonFrees = canon |> snd
+      val canonType = canon |> fst |> dest_Const_type |> strip_type |> fst |> take (length canonFrees)
+      val types = term |> dest_Const_type |> strip_type |> fst
+      val vars = Variable.variant_fixes (map (K "") types) ctxt |> fst
+      fun l_typs' i ((T as (Type ("fun",_)))::types) =
+        (if contains simplifyable i
+         then change_typ T
+         else HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T))
+        :: l_typs' (i+1) types
+        | l_typs' i (T::types) = T :: l_typs' (i+1) types
+        | l_typs' _ [] = []
+      val l_typs = l_typs' 0 types
+      val lhs =
+        List.foldl (fn ((v,T),t) => t $ Free (v,T)) (Free (red_name,l_typs ---> HOLogic.natT)) ( (vars,l_typs))
+      fun fixType (TFree _) = HOLogic.natT
+        | fixType T = T
+      fun fixUnspecified T = T |> strip_type ||> fixType |> (op --->)
+      fun r_terms' i (v::vars) ((T as (Type ("fun",_)))::types) =
+        (if contains simplifyable i
+        then HOLogic.mk_prod (Const ("HOL.undefined", fixUnspecified T), Free (v,change_typ T))
+        else Free (v,HOLogic.mk_prodT (T,change_typ T)))
+        :: r_terms' (i+1) vars types
+        | r_terms' i (v::vars) (T::types) = Free (v,T) :: r_terms' (i+1) vars types
+        | r_terms' _ _ _ = []
+      val r_terms = r_terms' 0 vars types
+      val full_type = (r_terms |> map (type_of) ---> HOLogic.natT)
+      val full = list_comb (Const (full_name,canonType ---> full_type), canonFrees)
+      val rhs = list_comb (full, r_terms)
+      val eq = (lhs, rhs) |> HOLogic.mk_eq |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
+      val _ = Pretty.writeln (Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Defining simplified version:\n",
+                                            Syntax.pretty_term ctxt eq])
+      val (_, ctxt') = Specification.definition NONE [] [] ((def, []), eq) ctxt
+    in
+      ((def_name, orig_name), ctxt')
+    end
+    fun define_simp simpables ctxt =
+    let
+      fun cond ((term,simplifyable),(defs,ctxt)) =
+        define_simp' term simplifyable ctxt |>> (fn def => def :: defs)
+    in
+      List.foldr cond ([], ctxt) simpables
+    end
+    fun replace from to =
+      map (map_aterms (fn t => if t = from then to else t))
+    fun replaceAll [] = I
+      | replaceAll ((from,to)::xs) = replaceAll xs o replace from to
+    fun calculateSimplifications ctxt T_terms term simpables =
+    let
+      (* Show where a simplification can take place *)
+        fun reportReductions (t,(i::is)) =
+        (Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str
+          ((Term.term_name t |> fun_name_to_time ctxt true)
+            ^ " can be simplified because only the time-function component of parameter "
+            ^ (Int.toString (i + 1)) ^ " is used. "));
+            reportReductions (t,is))
+          | reportReductions (_,[]) = ()
+        val _ = simpables
+          |> map reportReductions
+        (* Register definitions for simplified function *)
+        val (reds, ctxt) = define_simp simpables ctxt
+        fun genRetype (Const (nm,T),is) =
+        let
+          val T_name = fun_name_to_time ctxt true nm |> split_name |> List.last
+          val from = Free (T_name,change_typ T)
+          val to = Free (T_name,change_typ' (not o contains is) T)
+        in
+          (from,to)
+        end
+          | genRetype _ = error "Internal error: invalid term"
+        val retyping = map genRetype simpables
+        fun replaceArgs (pT $ (eq $ l $ r)) =
+        let
+          val (t,params) = strip_comb l
+          fun match (Const (f_nm,_),_) = 
+                (fun_name_to_time ctxt true f_nm |> Long_Name.base_name) = (dest_Free t |> fst)
+            | match _ = false
+          val simps = List.find match simpables |> Option.valOf |> snd
+          fun dest_Prod_snd (Free (nm, Type (_, [_, T2]))) =
+                Free (fun_name_to_time ctxt false nm, T2)
+            | dest_Prod_snd _ = error "Internal error: Argument is not a pair"
+          fun rep _ [] = ([],[])
+            | rep i (x::xs) =
+          let 
+            val (rs,args) = rep (i+1) xs
+          in
+            if contains simps i
+              then (x::rs,dest_Prod_snd x::args)
+              else (rs,x::args)
+          end
+          val (rs,params) = rep 0 params
+          fun fFst _ = error "Internal error: Invalid term to simplify"
+          fun fSnd (t as (Const _ $ f)) =
+            (if contains rs f
+              then dest_Prod_snd f
+              else t)
+            | fSnd t = t
+        in
+          (pT $ (eq
+              $ (list_comb (t,params))
+              $ (replaceFstSndFree ctxt term fFst fSnd r
+                  |> (fn t => replaceAll (map (fn t => (t,dest_Prod_snd t)) rs) [t])
+                  |> hd
+                )
+          ))
+        end
+        | replaceArgs _ = error "Internal error: Invalid term"
+        (* Calculate reduced terms *)
+        val T_terms_red = T_terms
+          |> replaceAll retyping
+          |> map replaceArgs
+        val _ = print_lemma ctxt reds T_terms_red
+        val _ = 
+            Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str "If you do not want the simplified T function, use \"time_fun [no_simp]\"")
+    in
+      ctxt
+    end
-    fun genRetype (Const (nm,T),is) =
-    let
-      val T_name = fun_name_to_time ctxt true nm |> split_name |> List.last
-      val from = Free (T_name,change_typ T)
-      val to = Free (T_name,change_typ' (not o contains is) T)
-    in
-      (from,to)
-    end
-      | genRetype _ = error "Internal error: invalid term"
-    val retyping = map genRetype simpables
-    fun replaceArgs (pT $ (eq $ l $ r)) =
-    let
-      val (t,params) = strip_comb l
-      fun match (Const (f_nm,_),_) = 
-            (fun_name_to_time ctxt true f_nm |> Long_Name.base_name) = (dest_Free t |> fst)
-        | match _ = false
-      val simps = List.find match simpables |> Option.valOf |> snd
-      fun dest_Prod_snd (Free (nm, Type (_, [_, T2]))) =
-            Free (fun_name_to_time ctxt false nm, T2)
-        | dest_Prod_snd _ = error "Internal error: Argument is not a pair"
-      fun rep _ [] = ([],[])
-        | rep i (x::xs) =
-      let 
-        val (rs,args) = rep (i+1) xs
-      in
-        if contains simps i
-          then (x::rs,dest_Prod_snd x::args)
-          else (rs,x::args)
-      end
-      val (rs,params) = rep 0 params
-      fun fFst _ = error "Internal error: Invalid term to simplify"
-      fun fSnd (t as (Const _ $ f)) =
-        (if contains rs f
-          then dest_Prod_snd f
-          else t)
-        | fSnd t = t
-    in
-      (pT $ (eq
-          $ (list_comb (t,params))
-          $ (replaceFstSndFree ctxt term fFst fSnd r
-              |> (fn t => replaceAll (map (fn t => (t,dest_Prod_snd t)) rs) [t])
-              |> hd
-            )
-      ))
-    end
-    | replaceArgs _ = error "Internal error: Invalid term"
-    (* Calculate reduced terms *)
-    val T_terms_red = T_terms
-      |> replaceAll retyping
-      |> map replaceArgs
-    val _ = print_lemma ctxt reds T_terms_red
-    val _ = 
-        Pretty.writeln (Pretty.str "If you do not want the simplified T function, use \"time_fun [no_simp]\"")
-  ctxt
-(* Register timing function of a given function *)
-fun reg_time_func (lthy: local_theory) (term: term list) (terms: term list) print simp =
-  let
     val _ =
       case time_term lthy true (hd term)
             handle (ERROR _) => NONE
@@ -758,6 +796,7 @@
       |> strip_comb |> snd
       |> length
+    (********************* BEGIN OF CONVERSION *********************)
     (* 1. Fix all terms *)
     (* Exchange Var in types and terms to Free and check constraints *)
     val terms = map
@@ -799,7 +838,7 @@
     val T_terms = map (convert_term lthy term is_rec) terms
       |> map (map_r (replaceFstSndFree lthy term fFst fSnd))
-    val simpables = (if simp
+    val simpables = (if #simp config
       then find_simplifyble lthy term T_terms
       else map (K []) term)
       |> (fn s => (term,s))
@@ -808,7 +847,7 @@
     (* Rename to secondary if simpable *)
     fun genRename (t,_) =
-        val old = fun_to_time lthy term t |> Option.valOf
+        val old = fun_to_time' lthy term false t |> Option.valOf
         val new = fun_to_time' lthy term true t |> Option.valOf
@@ -824,6 +863,7 @@
     fun pat_completeness_auto ctxt =
       Pat_Completeness.pat_completeness_tac ctxt 1 THEN auto_tac ctxt
     val specs = map (fn eq => (((Binding.empty, []), eq), [], [])) can_T_terms
+    val part_specs = (Binding.empty_atts, hd can_T_terms)
     (* Context for printing without showing question marks *)
     val print_ctxt = lthy
@@ -831,13 +871,13 @@
       |> Config.put show_sorts false (* Change it for debugging *)
     val print_ctxt = List.foldl (fn (term, ctxt) => Variable.add_fixes_implicit term ctxt) print_ctxt (term @ T_terms)
     (* Print result if print *)
-    val _ = if not print then () else
+    val _ = if not (#print config) then () else
           val nms = map (dest_Const_name) term
           val typs = map (dest_Const_type) term
           print_timing' print_ctxt { names=nms, terms=terms, typs=typs }
-            { names=timing_names, terms=can_T_terms, typs=map change_typ typs }
+            { names=timing_names, terms=can_T_terms, typs=map change_typ typs  }
     (* For partial functions sequential=true is needed in order to support them
@@ -849,7 +889,9 @@
         val fun_config = Function_Common.FunctionConfig
           {sequential=seq, default=NONE, domintros=true, partials=false}
-        Function.add_function bindings specs fun_config pat_completeness_auto lthy
+        if #partial config
+        then Partial_Function.add_partial_function "option" bindings part_specs lthy |>> PartialFunction o snd
+        else Function.add_function bindings specs fun_config pat_completeness_auto lthy |>> Function
     val (info,ctxt) = 
@@ -861,7 +903,7 @@
     val ctxt = if simpable then calculateSimplifications ctxt T_terms term simpables else ctxt
-    (info,ctxt)
+    (info, ctxt)
 fun proove_termination (term: term list) terms (T_info:, lthy: local_theory) =
@@ -904,11 +946,12 @@
             (auto_tac simp_lthy) lthy
-    (time_info, lthy')
+    (Function time_info, lthy')
-fun reg_and_proove_time_func (lthy: local_theory) (term: term list) (terms: term list) print simp =
-  reg_time_func lthy term terms print simp
-  |> proove_termination term terms
+fun reg_and_proove_time_func (lthy: local_theory) (term: term list) (terms: term list) (config: time_config) =
+  case reg_time_func lthy term terms config
+    of (Function info, lthy') => proove_termination term terms (info, lthy')
+     | r => r
 fun isTypeClass' (Const (nm,_)) =
   (case split_name nm |> rev
@@ -945,43 +988,60 @@
   | check_opts ["no_simp"] = true
   | check_opts (a::_) = error ("Option " ^ a ^ " is not defined")
-(* Convert function into its timing function (called by command) *)
+(* Converts a function into its timing function using fun *)
 fun reg_time_fun_cmd ((opts, funcs), thms) (ctxt: local_theory) =
   val no_simp = check_opts opts
   val fterms = map (Syntax.read_term ctxt) funcs
   val ctxt = set_suffix fterms ctxt
+  val config = { print = true, simp = not no_simp, partial = false }
   val (_, ctxt') = reg_and_proove_time_func ctxt fterms
     (case thms of NONE => get_terms ctxt (hd fterms)
                 | SOME thms => thms |> Attrib.eval_thms ctxt |> Thm.prop_of)
-    true (not no_simp)
+    config
 in ctxt'
-(* Convert function into its timing function (called by command) with termination proof provided by user*)
+(* Converts a function into its timing function using function with termination proof provided by user*)
 fun reg_time_function_cmd ((opts, funcs), thms) (ctxt: local_theory) =
   val no_simp = check_opts opts
   val fterms = map (Syntax.read_term ctxt) funcs
   val ctxt = set_suffix fterms ctxt
+  val config = { print = true, simp = not no_simp, partial = false }
   val ctxt' = reg_time_func ctxt fterms
     (case thms of NONE => get_terms ctxt (hd fterms)
                 | SOME thms => thms |> Attrib.eval_thms ctxt |> Thm.prop_of)
-    true (not no_simp)
+    config
     |> snd
 in ctxt'
-(* Convert function into its timing function (called by command) *)
+(* Converts a function definition into its timing function using definition *)
 fun reg_time_definition_cmd ((opts, funcs), thms) (ctxt: local_theory) =
   val no_simp = check_opts opts
   val fterms = map (Syntax.read_term ctxt) funcs
   val ctxt = set_suffix fterms ctxt
+  val config = { print = true, simp = not no_simp, partial = false }
   val (_, ctxt') = reg_and_proove_time_func ctxt fterms
     (case thms of NONE => get_terms ctxt (hd fterms) |> check_definition
                 | SOME thms => thms |> Attrib.eval_thms ctxt |> Thm.prop_of)
-    true (not no_simp)
+    config
+in ctxt'
+(* Converts a a partial function into its timing function using partial_function *)
+fun reg_time_partial_function_cmd ((opts, funcs), thms) (ctxt: local_theory) =
+  val no_simp = check_opts opts
+  val fterms = map (Syntax.read_term ctxt) funcs
+  val ctxt = set_suffix fterms ctxt
+  val config = { print = true, simp = not no_simp, partial = true }
+  val (_, ctxt') = reg_and_proove_time_func ctxt fterms
+    (case thms of NONE => get_terms ctxt (hd fterms) |> check_definition
+                | SOME thms => thms |> Attrib.eval_thms ctxt |> Thm.prop_of)
+    config
 in ctxt'
@@ -1001,4 +1061,8 @@
   "Defines runtime function of a definition"
   (parser >> reg_time_definition_cmd)
+val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword "time_partial_function"}
+  "Defines runtime function of a definition"
+  (parser >> reg_time_partial_function_cmd)
--- a/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Define_Time_Function.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Define_Time_Function.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
   keywords "time_fun" :: thy_decl
     and    "time_function" :: thy_decl
     and    "time_definition" :: thy_decl
+    and    "time_partial_function" :: thy_decl
     and    "equations"
     and    "time_fun_0" :: thy_decl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Time_Examples.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Author: Jonas Stahl
+Nonstandard examples of the time function definition commands.
+theory Time_Examples
+imports Define_Time_Function
+fun even :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  and odd :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool" where
+  "even 0 = True"
+| "odd 0 = False"
+| "even (Suc n) = odd n"
+| "odd (Suc n) = even n"
+time_fun even odd
+locale locTests =
+  fixes f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b"
+   and  T_f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
+fun simple where
+  "simple a = f a"
+time_fun simple
+fun even :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b list" and odd :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b list" where
+  "even [] = []"
+| "odd [] = []"
+| "even (x#xs) = f x # odd xs"
+| "odd (x#xs) = even xs"
+time_fun even odd
+fun locSum :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+  "locSum [] = 0"
+| "locSum (x#xs) = x + locSum xs"
+time_fun locSum
+fun map :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b list" where
+  "map [] = []"
+| "map (x#xs) = f x # map xs"
+time_fun map
+definition "let_lambda a b c \<equiv> let lam = (\<lambda>a b. a + b) in lam a (lam b c)"
+time_fun let_lambda
+partial_function (tailrec) collatz :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool" where
+  "collatz n = (if n \<le> 1 then True
+                else if n mod 2 = 0 then collatz (n div 2)
+                else collatz (3 * n + 1))"
+text \<open>This is the expected time function:\<close>
+partial_function (option) T_collatz' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat option" where
+  "T_collatz' n = (if n \<le> 1 then Some 0
+                else if n mod 2 = 0 then Option.bind (T_collatz' (n div 2)) (\<lambda>k. Some (Suc k))
+                else Option.bind (T_collatz' (3 * n + 1)) (\<lambda>k. Some (Suc k)))"
+time_fun_0 "(mod)"
+time_partial_function collatz
+text \<open>Proof that they are the same up to 20:\<close>
+lemma setIt: "P i \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>n \<in> {Suc i..j}. P n \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>n \<in> {i..j}. P n"
+  by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff le_antisym not_less_eq_eq)
+lemma "\<forall>n \<in> {2..20}. T_collatz n = T_collatz' n"
+  apply (rule setIt, simp add: T_collatz.simps T_collatz'.simps, simp)+
+  by (simp add: T_collatz.simps T_collatz'.simps)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/HOL/Groups_List.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Groups_List.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -141,6 +141,12 @@
+lemma sum_list_of_nat: "sum_list (map of_nat xs) = of_nat (sum_list xs)"
+  by (induction xs) auto
+lemma sum_list_of_int: "sum_list (map of_int xs) = of_int (sum_list xs)"
+  by (induction xs) auto
 lemma (in comm_monoid_add) sum_list_map_remove1:
   "x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> sum_list (map f xs) = f x + sum_list (map f (remove1 x xs))"
   by (induct xs) (auto simp add: ac_simps)
@@ -171,7 +177,7 @@
 lemma (in comm_monoid_add) distinct_sum_list_conv_Sum:
   "distinct xs \<Longrightarrow> sum_list xs = Sum (set xs)"
-  by (induct xs) simp_all
+  by (metis local.sum.set_conv_list local.sum_list_def map_ident remdups_id_iff_distinct)
 lemma sum_list_upt[simp]:
   "m \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> sum_list [m..<n] = \<Sum> {m..<n}"
@@ -181,14 +187,14 @@
 lemma sum_list_nonneg: "(\<And>x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> x) \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> sum_list xs"
-by (induction xs) auto
+  by (induction xs) auto
 lemma sum_list_nonpos: "(\<And>x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> 0) \<Longrightarrow> sum_list xs \<le> 0"
-by (induction xs) (auto simp: add_nonpos_nonpos)
+  by (induction xs) (auto simp: add_nonpos_nonpos)
 lemma sum_list_nonneg_eq_0_iff:
   "(\<And>x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> x) \<Longrightarrow> sum_list xs = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>x\<in> set xs. x = 0)"
-by (induction xs) (simp_all add: add_nonneg_eq_0_iff sum_list_nonneg)
+  by (induction xs) (simp_all add: add_nonneg_eq_0_iff sum_list_nonneg)
@@ -197,24 +203,29 @@
 lemma sum_list_eq_0_iff [simp]:
   "sum_list ns = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>n \<in> set ns. n = 0)"
-by (simp add: sum_list_nonneg_eq_0_iff)
+  by (simp add: sum_list_nonneg_eq_0_iff)
 lemma member_le_sum_list:
   "x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> sum_list xs"
-by (induction xs) (auto simp: add_increasing add_increasing2)
+  by (induction xs) (auto simp: add_increasing add_increasing2)
 lemma elem_le_sum_list:
   "k < size ns \<Longrightarrow> ns ! k \<le> sum_list (ns)"
-by (rule member_le_sum_list) simp
+  by (simp add: member_le_sum_list)
 lemma (in ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff) sum_list_update:
   "k < size xs \<Longrightarrow> sum_list (xs[k := x]) = sum_list xs + x - xs ! k"
-apply(induction xs arbitrary:k)
- apply (auto simp: add_ac split: nat.split)
-apply(drule elem_le_sum_list)
-by (simp add: local.add_diff_assoc local.add_increasing)
+proof (induction xs arbitrary:k)
+  case Nil
+  then show ?case by auto
+  case (Cons a xs)
+  then show ?case
+    apply (simp add: add_ac split: nat.split)
+    using add_increasing diff_add_assoc elem_le_sum_list zero_le by force
 lemma (in monoid_add) sum_list_triv:
   "(\<Sum>x\<leftarrow>xs. r) = of_nat (length xs) * r"
@@ -276,8 +287,7 @@
 lemma sum_list_mono2: fixes xs :: "'a ::ordered_comm_monoid_add list"
 shows "\<lbrakk> length xs = length ys; \<And>i. i < length xs \<longrightarrow> xs!i \<le> ys!i \<rbrakk>
   \<Longrightarrow> sum_list xs \<le> sum_list ys"
-apply(induction xs ys rule: list_induct2)
-by(auto simp: nth_Cons' less_Suc_eq_0_disj imp_ex add_mono)
+  by (induction xs ys rule: list_induct2) (auto simp: nth_Cons' less_Suc_eq_0_disj imp_ex add_mono)
 lemma (in monoid_add) sum_list_distinct_conv_sum_set:
   "distinct xs \<Longrightarrow> sum_list (map f xs) = sum f (set xs)"
@@ -369,6 +379,29 @@
   thus ?case by simp
+(*Note that we also have this for class canonically_ordered_monoid_add*)
+lemma member_le_sum_list:
+  fixes x :: "'a :: ordered_comm_monoid_add"
+  assumes "x \<in> set xs" "\<And>x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> x \<ge> 0"
+  shows   "x \<le> sum_list xs"
+  using assms
+proof (induction xs)
+  case (Cons y xs)
+  show ?case
+  proof (cases "y = x")
+    case True
+    have "x + 0 \<le> x + sum_list xs"
+      by (intro add_mono order.refl sum_list_nonneg) (use Cons in auto)
+    thus ?thesis
+      using True by auto
+  next
+    case False
+    have "0 + x \<le> y + sum_list xs"
+      by (intro add_mono Cons.IH Cons.prems) (use Cons.prems False in auto)
+    thus ?thesis
+      by auto
+  qed
+qed auto
 subsection \<open>Horner sums\<close>
--- a/src/HOL/Nat.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Nat.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@
 lemma diff_is_0_eq' [simp]: "m \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> m - n = 0"
   for m n :: nat
-  by (rule iffD2, rule diff_is_0_eq)
+  by simp
 lemma zero_less_diff [simp]: "0 < n - m \<longleftrightarrow> m < n"
   for m n :: nat
@@ -1755,6 +1755,9 @@
     by simp
+lemma of_nat_diff_if: \<open>of_nat (m - n) = (if n\<le>m then of_nat m - of_nat n else 0)\<close>
+  by (simp add: not_le less_imp_le)
 text \<open>Class for unital semirings with characteristic zero.
--- a/src/HOL/Number_Theory/Cong.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Number_Theory/Cong.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -774,4 +774,35 @@
   finally show ?thesis .
+text \<open>Thanks to Manuel Eberl\<close>
+lemma prime_cong_4_nat_cases [consumes 1, case_names 2 cong_1 cong_3]:
+  assumes "prime (p :: nat)"
+  obtains "p = 2" | "[p = 1] (mod 4)" | "[p = 3] (mod 4)"
+proof -
+  have "[p = 2] (mod 4) \<longleftrightarrow> p = 2"
+  proof
+    assume "[p = 2] (mod 4)"
+    hence "p mod 4 = 2"
+      by (auto simp: cong_def)
+    hence "even p"
+      by (simp add: even_even_mod_4_iff)
+    with assms show "p = 2"
+      unfolding prime_nat_iff by force
+  qed auto
+  moreover have "[p \<noteq> 0] (mod 4)"
+  proof
+    assume "[p = 0] (mod 4)"
+    hence "4 dvd p"
+      by (auto simp: cong_0_iff)
+    with assms have "p = 4"
+      by (subst (asm) prime_nat_iff) auto
+    thus False
+      using assms by simp
+  qed
+  ultimately consider "[p = 3] (mod 4)" | "[p = 1] (mod 4)" | "p = 2"
+    by (fastforce simp: cong_def)
+  thus ?thesis
+    using that by metis
--- a/src/HOL/ROOT	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/ROOT	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@
+    Time_Examples
   document_files "root.tex" "root.bib"
 session "HOL-Import" in Import = HOL +
--- a/src/HOL/Real_Vector_Spaces.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Real_Vector_Spaces.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -287,6 +287,9 @@
 lemma of_real_prod[simp]: "of_real (prod f s) = (\<Prod>x\<in>s. of_real (f x))"
   by (induct s rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto
+lemma sum_list_of_real: "sum_list (map of_real xs) = of_real (sum_list xs)"
+  by (induction xs) auto
 lemma nonzero_of_real_inverse:
   "x \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> of_real (inverse x) = inverse (of_real x :: 'a::real_div_algebra)"
   by (simp add: of_real_def nonzero_inverse_scaleR_distrib)
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Interpret_Test.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Interpret_Test.thy	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
             (warning (" test: file " ^ Path.print file ^
              " raised exception: " ^ Runtime.exn_message exn);
-             {gc = Time.zeroTime, cpu = Time.zeroTime, elapsed = Time.zeroTime})
       val to_real = Time.toReal
       val diff_elapsed =
         #elapsed t2 - #elapsed t1
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_config.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_config.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
   val print_setup: Proof.context -> unit
 structure SMT_Config: SMT_CONFIG =
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
   name: string,
   class: Proof.context -> SMT_Util.class,
   avail: unit -> bool,
-  options: Proof.context -> string list}
+  options: Proof.context -> string list};
 structure Data = Generic_Data
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 fun set_solver_options (name, options) =
   let val opts = String.tokens (Symbol.is_ascii_blank o str) options
-  in map_solvers (Symtab.map_entry name (apsnd (K opts))) end
+  in map_solvers (Symtab.map_entry name (apsnd (K opts))) end;
 fun add_solver (info as {name, ...} : solver_info) context =
   if defined_solvers context name then
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
     |> Context.map_theory (Attrib.setup ( (name ^ "_options"))
         (Scan.lift (\<^keyword>\<open>=\<close> |-- >>
           (Thm.declaration_attribute o K o set_solver_options o pair name))
-        ("additional command-line options for SMT solver " ^ quote name))
+        ("additional command-line options for SMT solver " ^ quote name));
 val all_solvers_of' = Symtab.keys o get_solvers';
 val all_solvers_of = all_solvers_of' o Context.Proof;
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
       if Context_Position.is_visible ctxt then
         warning ("The SMT solver " ^ quote name ^ " is not installed")
       else ()
-  | warn_solver _ _ = ()
+  | warn_solver _ _ = ();
 fun select_solver name context =
   if not (defined_solvers context name) then
@@ -139,79 +139,79 @@
     (warn_solver context name; put_solver name context)
   else put_solver name context;
-fun no_solver_err () = error "No SMT solver selected"
+fun no_solver_err () = error "No SMT solver selected";
 fun solver_of ctxt =
   (case get_solver ctxt of
     SOME name => name
-  | NONE => no_solver_err ())
+  | NONE => no_solver_err ());
 fun solver_info_of default select ctxt =
   (case get_solver ctxt of
     NONE => default ()
-  | SOME name => select (Symtab.lookup (get_solvers ctxt) name))
+  | SOME name => select (Symtab.lookup (get_solvers ctxt) name));
 fun solver_class_of ctxt =
   let fun class_of ({class, ...}: solver_info, _) = class ctxt
-  in solver_info_of no_solver_err (class_of o the) ctxt end
+  in solver_info_of no_solver_err (class_of o the) ctxt end;
 fun solver_options_of ctxt =
     fun all_options NONE = []
       | all_options (SOME ({options, ...} : solver_info, opts)) =
           opts @ options ctxt
-  in solver_info_of (K []) all_options ctxt end
+  in solver_info_of (K []) all_options ctxt end;
-val setup_solver =
-  Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>smt_solver\<close>
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup (Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>smt_solver\<close>
     (Scan.lift (\<^keyword>\<open>=\<close> |-- >>
       (Thm.declaration_attribute o K o select_solver))
-    "SMT solver configuration"
+    "SMT solver configuration");
 (* options *)
-val oracle = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_oracle\<close> (K true)
-val timeout = Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>smt_timeout\<close> (K 0.0)
-val reconstruction_step_timeout = Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>smt_reconstruction_step_timeout\<close> (K 10.0)
-val random_seed = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>smt_random_seed\<close> (K 1)
-val read_only_certificates = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_read_only_certificates\<close> (K false)
-val verbose = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_verbose\<close> (K true)
-val trace = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_trace\<close> (K false)
-val trace_verit = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_debug_verit\<close> (K false)
-val spy_verit_attr = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_spy_verit\<close> (K false)
-val spy_z3 = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_spy_z3\<close> (K false)
-val trace_arith_verit = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_debug_arith_verit\<close> (K false)
-val trace_verit_compression = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>verit_compress_proofs\<close> (K true)
-val statistics = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_statistics\<close> (K false)
-val monomorph_limit = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>smt_monomorph_limit\<close> (K 10)
-val monomorph_instances = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>smt_monomorph_instances\<close> (K 500)
-val explicit_application = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>smt_explicit_application\<close> (K 1)
-val higher_order = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_higher_order\<close> (K false)
-val native_bv = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>native_bv\<close> (K true)
-val nat_as_int = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_nat_as_int\<close> (K false)
-val infer_triggers = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_infer_triggers\<close> (K false)
-val debug_files = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>smt_debug_files\<close> (K "")
-val sat_solver = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>smt_sat_solver\<close> (K "cdclite")
-val cvc_experimental_lethe = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_cvc_lethe\<close> (K false)
+val oracle = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_oracle\<close> (K true);
+val timeout = Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>smt_timeout\<close> (K 0.0);
+val reconstruction_step_timeout = Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>smt_reconstruction_step_timeout\<close> (K 10.0);
+val random_seed = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>smt_random_seed\<close> (K 1);
+val read_only_certificates = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_read_only_certificates\<close> (K false);
+val verbose = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_verbose\<close> (K true);
+val trace = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_trace\<close> (K false);
+val trace_verit = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_debug_verit\<close> (K false);
+val spy_verit_attr = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_spy_verit\<close> (K false);
+val spy_z3 = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_spy_z3\<close> (K false);
+val trace_arith_verit = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_debug_arith_verit\<close> (K false);
+val trace_verit_compression = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>verit_compress_proofs\<close> (K true);
+val statistics = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_statistics\<close> (K false);
+val monomorph_limit = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>smt_monomorph_limit\<close> (K 10);
+val monomorph_instances = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>smt_monomorph_instances\<close> (K 500);
+val explicit_application = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>smt_explicit_application\<close> (K 1);
+val higher_order = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_higher_order\<close> (K false);
+val native_bv = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>native_bv\<close> (K true);
+val nat_as_int = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_nat_as_int\<close> (K false);
+val infer_triggers = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_infer_triggers\<close> (K false);
+val debug_files = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>smt_debug_files\<close> (K "");
+val sat_solver = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>smt_sat_solver\<close> (K "cdclite");
+val cvc_experimental_lethe = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>smt_cvc_lethe\<close> (K false);
 (* diagnostics *)
-fun cond_trace flag f x = if flag then tracing ("SMT: " ^ f x) else ()
+fun cond_trace flag f x = if flag then tracing ("SMT: " ^ f x) else ();
-fun verbose_msg ctxt = cond_trace (Config.get ctxt verbose)
-fun trace_msg ctxt = cond_trace (Config.get ctxt trace)
-fun statistics_msg ctxt = cond_trace (Config.get ctxt statistics)
+fun verbose_msg ctxt = cond_trace (Config.get ctxt verbose);
+fun trace_msg ctxt = cond_trace (Config.get ctxt trace);
+fun statistics_msg ctxt = cond_trace (Config.get ctxt statistics);
-fun verit_msg ctxt (x : unit -> 'a) = if (Config.get ctxt trace_verit) then ignore(x ()) else ()
-fun verit_arith_msg ctxt (x : unit -> 'a) = if (Config.get ctxt trace_arith_verit) then ignore(x ()) else ()
+fun verit_msg ctxt (x : unit -> 'a) = if (Config.get ctxt trace_verit) then ignore(x ()) else ();
+fun verit_arith_msg ctxt (x : unit -> 'a) = if (Config.get ctxt trace_arith_verit) then ignore(x ()) else ();
-fun spy_verit ctxt  = Config.get ctxt spy_verit_attr
-fun spy_Z3 ctxt  = Config.get ctxt spy_z3
-fun compress_verit_proofs ctxt  = Config.get ctxt trace_verit_compression
+fun spy_verit ctxt  = Config.get ctxt spy_verit_attr;
+fun spy_Z3 ctxt  = Config.get ctxt spy_z3;
+fun compress_verit_proofs ctxt  = Config.get ctxt trace_verit_compression;
-fun use_lethe_proof_from_cvc ctxt  = Config.get ctxt cvc_experimental_lethe
+fun use_lethe_proof_from_cvc ctxt  = Config.get ctxt cvc_experimental_lethe;
 (* tools *)
@@ -222,9 +222,9 @@
 fun with_time_limit ctxt timeout_config f x =
   Timeout.apply (seconds (Config.get ctxt timeout_config)) f x
-    handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => raise SMT_Failure.SMT SMT_Failure.Time_Out
+    handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => raise SMT_Failure.SMT SMT_Failure.Time_Out;
-fun with_timeout ctxt = with_time_limit ctxt timeout
+fun with_timeout ctxt = with_time_limit ctxt timeout;
 (* certificates *)
@@ -237,46 +237,37 @@
     let val dir = Resources.master_directory (Context.theory_of context) + Path.explode name
     in SOME (Cache_IO.unsynchronized_init dir) end);
-val setup_certificates =
-  Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>smt_certificates\<close>
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup (Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>smt_certificates\<close>
     (Scan.lift (\<^keyword>\<open>=\<close> |-- >>
       (Thm.declaration_attribute o K o select_certificates))
-    "SMT certificates configuration"
+    "SMT certificates configuration");
-(* setup *)
-val _ = Theory.setup (
-  setup_solver #>
-  setup_certificates)
+(* print_setup *)
 fun print_setup ctxt =
-    fun string_of_bool b = if b then "true" else "false"
-    val names = available_solvers_of ctxt
-    val ns = if null names then ["(none)"] else sort_strings names
-    val n = the_default "(none)" (get_solver ctxt)
-    val opts = solver_options_of ctxt
-    val t = string_of_real (Config.get ctxt timeout)
+    val names = available_solvers_of ctxt;
+    val ns = if null names then ["(none)"] else sort_strings names;
+    val n = the_default "(none)" (get_solver ctxt);
+    val opts = solver_options_of ctxt;
+    val t = seconds (Config.get ctxt timeout)
     val certs_filename =
       (case get_certificates_path ctxt of
         SOME path => Path.print path
-      | NONE => "(disabled)")
-  in
-    Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "SMT setup:" [
-      Pretty.str ("Current SMT solver: " ^ n),
+      | NONE => "(disabled)");
+    val items =
+     [Pretty.str ("Current SMT solver: " ^ n),
       Pretty.str ("Current SMT solver options: " ^ implode_space opts),
       Pretty.str_list "Available SMT solvers: "  "" ns,
-      Pretty.str ("Current timeout: " ^ t ^ " seconds"),
-      Pretty.str ("With proofs: " ^
-        string_of_bool (not (Config.get ctxt oracle))),
+      Pretty.str ("Current timeout: " ^ (if Timeout.ignored t then "(none)" else Time.message t)),
+      Pretty.str ("With proofs: " ^ Value.print_bool (not (Config.get ctxt oracle))),
       Pretty.str ("Certificates cache: " ^ certs_filename),
-      Pretty.str ("Fixed certificates: " ^
-        string_of_bool (Config.get ctxt read_only_certificates))])
-  end
+      Pretty.str ("Fixed certificates: " ^ Value.print_bool (Config.get ctxt read_only_certificates))];
+  in Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "SMT setup:" (map (Pretty.item o single) items)) end;
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>smt_status\<close>
@@ -284,4 +275,4 @@
     \and the values of SMT configuration options"
     (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (print_setup o Toplevel.context_of)))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_solver.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_solver.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -60,35 +60,33 @@
-fun make_command command options problem_path proof_path =
-  Bash.strings (command () @ options) ^ " " ^
-    File.bash_platform_path problem_path ^
-    " > " ^ File.bash_path proof_path ^ " 2>&1"
 fun with_trace ctxt msg f x =
   let val _ = SMT_Config.trace_msg ctxt (fn () => msg) ()
   in f x end
-fun run ctxt name mk_cmd input =
+fun run ctxt name cmd input =
   (case SMT_Config.certificates_of ctxt of
     NONE =>
       if not (SMT_Config.is_available ctxt name) then
         error ("The SMT solver " ^ quote name ^ " is not installed")
       else if Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.debug_files = "" then
-        with_trace ctxt ("Invoking SMT solver " ^ quote name ^ " ...") ( mk_cmd) input
+        with_trace ctxt ("Invoking SMT solver " ^ quote name ^ " ...") ( cmd) input
           val base_path = Path.explode (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.debug_files)
           val in_path = Path.ext "smt_in" base_path
           val out_path = Path.ext "smt_out" base_path
-        in Cache_IO.raw_run mk_cmd input in_path out_path end
+          val _ = File.write in_path input
+          val result = cmd input
+          val _ = Bytes.write out_path (Bytes.terminate_lines (Process_Result.out_lines result))
+        in result end
   | SOME certs =>
       (case Cache_IO.lookup certs input of
         (NONE, key) =>
           if Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.read_only_certificates then
             error ("Bad certificate cache: missing certificate")
-            Cache_IO.run_and_cache certs key mk_cmd input
+            Cache_IO.run_and_cache certs key cmd input
       | (SOME output, _) =>
           with_trace ctxt ("Using cached certificate from " ^
             Path.print (Cache_IO.cache_path_of certs) ^ " ...") I output))
@@ -99,20 +97,23 @@
   | normal_return_codes "verit" = [0, 14, 255]
   | normal_return_codes _ = [0, 1]
-fun run_solver ctxt name mk_cmd input =
+fun run_solver ctxt name cmd input =
     fun pretty tag lines = Pretty.string_of (Pretty.big_list tag (map Pretty.str lines))
     val _ = SMT_Config.trace_msg ctxt (pretty "Problem:" o split_lines) input
-    val ({elapsed, ...}, {redirected_output = res, output = err, return_code}) =
-      Timing.timing (SMT_Config.with_timeout ctxt (run ctxt name mk_cmd)) input
+    val ({elapsed, ...}, result) =
+      Timing.timing (SMT_Config.with_timeout ctxt (run ctxt name cmd)) input
+    val res = Process_Result.out_lines result
+    val err = Process_Result.err_lines result
+    val return_code = Process_Result.rc result
     val _ = SMT_Config.trace_msg ctxt (pretty "Solver:") err
     val output = drop_suffix (equal "") res
     val _ = SMT_Config.trace_msg ctxt (pretty "Result:") output
-    val _ = SMT_Config.trace_msg ctxt (pretty "Time:") [Value.print_time elapsed ^ "s"]
-    val _ = SMT_Config.statistics_msg ctxt (pretty "Time:") [Value.print_time elapsed ^ "s"]
+    val _ = SMT_Config.trace_msg ctxt (pretty "Time:") [Time.message elapsed]
+    val _ = SMT_Config.statistics_msg ctxt (pretty "Time:") [Time.message elapsed]
     val _ = member (op =) (normal_return_codes name) return_code orelse
       raise SMT_Failure.SMT (SMT_Failure.Abnormal_Termination return_code)
@@ -136,23 +137,24 @@
-fun invoke memoize_fun_call name command options smt_options ithms ctxt =
+fun invoke memoize_fun_call name command cmd_options smt_options ithms ctxt =
-    val options = options @ SMT_Config.solver_options_of ctxt
+    val options = cmd_options @ SMT_Config.solver_options_of ctxt
     val comments = [implode_space options]
-    val (str, replay_data as {context = ctxt', ...}) =
+    val (input, replay_data as {context = ctxt', ...}) =
       |> tap (trace_assms ctxt)
       |> SMT_Translate.translate ctxt name smt_options comments
       ||> tap trace_replay_data
-    val run_solver = run_solver ctxt' name (make_command command options)
+    val cmd = Bash.script (Bash.strings (command () @ options))
+    val run_cmd = run_solver ctxt' name cmd
     val output_lines =
       (case memoize_fun_call of
-        NONE => run_solver str
-      | SOME memoize => split_lines (memoize (cat_lines o run_solver) str))
+        NONE => run_cmd input
+      | SOME memoize => split_lines (memoize (cat_lines o run_cmd) input))
   in (output_lines, replay_data) end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_systems.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_systems.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
   name = "z3",
   class = select_class,
   avail = make_avail "Z3",
-  command = make_command "Z3",
+  command = fn () => [getenv "Z3_SOLVER", "-in"],
   options = z3_options,
   smt_options = [(":produce-proofs", "true")],
   good_slices =
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/timeout.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/timeout.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   val end_time: Time.time -> Time.time
   val apply: Time.time -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
   val apply_physical: Time.time -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
-  val print: Time.time -> string
+  val message: Time.time -> string
 structure Timeout: TIMEOUT =
@@ -59,6 +59,6 @@
 fun apply timeout f x = apply' {physical = false, timeout = timeout} f x;
 fun apply_physical timeout f x = apply' {physical = true, timeout = timeout} f x;
-fun print t = "Timeout after " ^ Value.print_time t ^ "s";
+fun message t = "Timeout after " ^ Time.message t;
--- a/src/Pure/General/bytes.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/bytes.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
   val split_lines: T -> string list
   val trim_split_lines: T -> string list
   val cat_lines: string list -> T
+  val terminate_lines: string list -> T
   val read_block: int -> BinIO.instream -> string
   val read_stream: int -> BinIO.instream -> T
   val write_stream: BinIO.outstream -> T -> unit
@@ -190,6 +191,8 @@
 fun cat_lines lines = build (fold add (separate "\n" lines));
+fun terminate_lines lines = build (fold (fn line => add line #> add "\n") lines);
 (* IO *)
--- a/src/Pure/General/time.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/time.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/General/time.scala
     Author:     Makarius
-Time based on nanoseconds (idealized).
+Time based on nanoseconds (idealized), printed as milliseconds.
 signature TIME =
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
   val min: time * time -> time
   val max: time * time -> time
   val scale: real -> time -> time
+  val parse: string -> time
+  val print: time -> string
+  val message: time -> string
 structure Time: TIME =
@@ -22,4 +25,15 @@
 fun scale s t = Time.fromNanoseconds (Real.ceil (s * Real.fromInt (Time.toNanoseconds t)));
+fun parse s =
+  (case Time.fromString s of
+    SOME t => t
+  | NONE => raise Fail ("Bad time " ^ quote s));
+fun print t =
+  if t < Time.zeroTime then "-" ^ Time.toString (Time.zeroTime - t)
+  else Time.toString t;
+fun message t = print t ^ "s";
--- a/src/Pure/General/timing.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/timing.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
   include BASIC_TIMING
   type timing = {elapsed: Time.time, cpu: Time.time, gc: Time.time}
+  val zero: timing
   type start
   val start: unit -> start
   val result: start -> timing
@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@
 type timing = {elapsed: Time.time, cpu: Time.time, gc: Time.time};
+val zero: timing = {elapsed = Time.zeroTime, cpu = Time.zeroTime, gc = Time.zeroTime};
 (* timer control *)
@@ -83,9 +86,9 @@
   is_relevant_time gc;
 fun message {elapsed, cpu, gc} =
-  Value.print_time elapsed ^ "s elapsed time, " ^
-  Value.print_time cpu ^ "s cpu time, " ^
-  Value.print_time gc ^ "s GC time" handle Time.Time => "";
+  Time.message elapsed ^ " elapsed time, " ^
+  Time.message cpu ^ " cpu time, " ^
+  Time.message gc ^ " GC time" handle Time.Time => "";
 fun cond_timeit enabled msg e =
   if enabled then
--- a/src/Pure/General/value.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/value.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
   val print_int: int -> string
   val parse_real: string -> real
   val print_real: real -> string
-  val parse_time: string -> Time.time
-  val print_time: Time.time -> string
 structure Value: VALUE =
@@ -82,16 +80,4 @@
     | _ => s)
-(* time *)
-fun parse_time s =
-  (case Time.fromString s of
-    SOME x => x
-  | NONE => raise Fail ("Bad time " ^ quote s));
-fun print_time x =
-  if x < Time.zeroTime then "-" ^ Time.toString (Time.zeroTime - x)
-  else Time.toString x;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/runtime.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/runtime.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
           val msg =
             (case exn of
-              Timeout.TIMEOUT t => Timeout.print t
+              Timeout.TIMEOUT t => Timeout.message t
             | TOPLEVEL_ERROR => "Error"
             | ERROR "" => "Error"
             | ERROR msg => msg
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/markup.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -703,9 +703,9 @@
 val gcN = "gc";
 fun timing_properties {elapsed, cpu, gc} =
- [(elapsedN, Value.print_time elapsed),
-  (cpuN, Value.print_time cpu),
-  (gcN, Value.print_time gc)];
+ [(elapsedN, Time.print elapsed),
+  (cpuN, Time.print cpu),
+  (gcN, Time.print gc)];
 val timingN = "timing";
 fun timing t = (timingN, timing_properties t);
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 ML_file "General/value.ML";
 ML_file "General/properties.ML";
 ML_file "General/output.ML";
+ML_file "General/time.ML";
 ML_file "PIDE/markup.ML";
 ML_file "General/utf8.ML";
 ML_file "General/scan.ML";
@@ -94,7 +95,6 @@
 ML_file "General/long_name.ML";
 ML_file "General/binding.ML";
 ML_file "General/seq.ML";
-ML_file "General/time.ML";
 ML_file "General/timing.ML";
 ML_file "General/sha1.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/System/bash.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/System/bash.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
   val strings: string list -> string
   type params
   val dest_params: params ->
-   {script: string, input: string, cwd: Path.T option, putenv: (string * string) list,
+   {script: string, input: Bytes.T, cwd: Path.T option, putenv: (string * string) list,
     redirect: bool, timeout: Time.time, description: string}
   val script: string -> params
-  val input: string -> params -> params
+  val input: Bytes.T -> params -> params
   val cwd: Path.T -> params -> params
   val putenv: (string * string) list -> params -> params
   val redirect: params -> params
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 abstype params =
   Params of
-   {script: string, input: string, cwd: Path.T option, putenv: (string * string) list,
+   {script: string, input: Bytes.T, cwd: Path.T option, putenv: (string * string) list,
     redirect: bool, timeout: Time.time, description: string}
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 fun map_params f (Params {script, input, cwd, putenv, redirect, timeout, description}) =
   make_params (f (script, input, cwd, putenv, redirect, timeout, description));
-fun script script = make_params (script, "", NONE, [], false, Time.zeroTime, "");
+fun script script = make_params (script, Bytes.empty, NONE, [], false, Time.zeroTime, "");
 fun input input =
   map_params (fn (script, _, cwd, putenv, redirect, timeout, description) =>
--- a/src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -41,13 +41,15 @@
     val {script, input, cwd, putenv, redirect, timeout, description} =
       Bash.dest_params params;
     val server_run =
-      [Bash.server_run, script, input,
-        let open XML.Encode in YXML.string_of_body (option (string o absolute_path) cwd) end,
-        let open XML.Encode in YXML.string_of_body o list (pair string string) end
-          (("ISABELLE_TMP", getenv "ISABELLE_TMP") :: putenv),
-        Value.print_bool redirect,
-        Value.print_real (Time.toReal timeout),
-        description];
+     [Bytes.string Bash.server_run,
+      Bytes.string script,
+      input,
+      let open XML.Encode in YXML.bytes_of_body (option (string o absolute_path) cwd) end,
+      let open XML.Encode in YXML.bytes_of_body o list (pair string string) end
+        (("ISABELLE_TMP", getenv "ISABELLE_TMP") :: putenv),
+      Bytes.string (Value.print_bool redirect),
+      Bytes.string (Value.print_real (Time.toReal timeout)),
+      Bytes.string description];
     val address = Options.default_string \<^system_option>\<open>bash_process_address\<close>;
     val password = Options.default_string \<^system_option>\<open>bash_process_password\<close>;
@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@
             Exn.Res res => res
           | Exn.Exn exn => (kill maybe_uuid; Exn.reraise exn));
-        with_streams (fn s => (Byte_Message.write_message_string (#2 s) server_run; loop NONE s))
+        with_streams (fn s => (Byte_Message.write_message (#2 s) server_run; loop NONE s))
--- a/src/Pure/System/process_result.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/System/process_result.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 signature PROCESS_RESULT =
+  val startup_failure_rc: int
   val interrupt_rc: int
   val timeout_rc: int
   type T
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
 structure Process_Result: PROCESS_RESULT =
+val startup_failure_rc = 127
 val interrupt_rc = 130
 val timeout_rc = 142
--- a/src/Tools/cache_io.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:24:19 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/cache_io.ML	Sat Feb 08 17:44:04 2025 +0100
@@ -6,58 +6,18 @@
 signature CACHE_IO =
-  (*IO wrapper*)
-  type result = {
-    output: string list,
-    redirected_output: string list,
-    return_code: int}
-  val raw_run: (Path.T -> Path.T -> string) -> string -> Path.T -> Path.T -> result
-  val run: (Path.T -> Path.T -> string) -> string -> result
-  (*cache*)
   type cache
   val unsynchronized_init: Path.T -> cache
   val cache_path_of: cache -> Path.T
-  val lookup: cache -> string -> result option * string
-  val run_and_cache: cache -> string -> (Path.T -> Path.T -> string) -> string -> result
-  val run_cached: cache -> (Path.T -> Path.T -> string) -> string -> result
+  val lookup: cache -> string -> Process_Result.T option * string
+  val run: Bash.params -> string -> Process_Result.T
+  val run_and_cache: cache -> string -> Bash.params -> string -> Process_Result.T
+  val run_cached: cache -> Bash.params -> string -> Process_Result.T
 structure Cache_IO : CACHE_IO =
-(* IO wrapper *)
-val cache_io_prefix = "cache-io-"
-type result = {
-  output: string list,
-  redirected_output: string list,
-  return_code: int}
-fun try_read_lines path =
-  let
-    fun loop n =
-      (case try File.read_lines path of
-        SOME lines => lines
-      | NONE => if n > 0 then (OS.Process.sleep (seconds 0.05); loop (n - 1)) else [])
-  in if File.exists path then loop (if ML_System.platform_is_windows then 20 else 0) else [] end
-fun raw_run make_cmd str in_path out_path =
-  let
-    val _ = File.write in_path str
-    val (out2, rc) = Isabelle_System.bash_output (make_cmd in_path out_path)
-    val out1 = try_read_lines out_path
-  in {output = split_lines out2, redirected_output = out1, return_code = rc} end
-fun run make_cmd str =
-  Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file cache_io_prefix "" (fn in_path =>
-    Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file cache_io_prefix "" (fn out_path =>
-      raw_run make_cmd str in_path out_path))
-(* cache *)
 abstype cache = Cache of {
   path: Path.T,
   table: (int * (int * int * int) Symtab.table) Synchronized.var }
@@ -107,26 +67,47 @@
               else (i, xsp)
             val (out, err) =
               apply2 rev (snd (fold load (File.read_lines cache_path) (1, ([], []))))
-          in ((SOME {output = err, redirected_output = out, return_code = 0}, key), tab) end))
+            val result =
+              Process_Result.make {rc = 0, out_lines = out, err_lines = err, timing =}
+          in ((SOME result, key), tab) end))
-fun run_and_cache (Cache {path = cache_path, table}) key make_cmd str =
+fun run cmd input =
-    val {output = err, redirected_output=out, return_code} = run make_cmd str
-    val (l1, l2) = apply2 length (out, err)
+    val result = cmd
+      |> Bash.input (Bytes.string input)
+      |> Bash.redirect
+      |> Isabelle_System.bash_process
+    val rc = Process_Result.rc result
+  in
+    if rc = Process_Result.startup_failure_rc then
+      Process_Result.make
+       {rc = rc,
+        err_lines = Process_Result.out_lines result,
+        out_lines = [],
+        timing = Process_Result.timing result}
+    else result
+  end
+fun run_and_cache (Cache {path = cache_path, table}) key cmd input =
+  let
+    val result = run cmd input
+    val out_lines = Process_Result.out_lines result
+    val err_lines = Process_Result.err_lines result
+    val (l1, l2) = apply2 length (out_lines, err_lines)
     val header = key ^ " " ^ string_of_int l1 ^ " " ^ string_of_int l2
-    val lines = map (suffix "\n") (header :: out @ err)
+    val lines = map (suffix "\n") (header :: out_lines @ err_lines)
     val _ = Synchronized.change table (fn (p, tab) =>
       if Symtab.defined tab key then (p, tab)
         let val _ = File.append_list cache_path lines
         in (p+l1+l2+1, Symtab.update (key, (p+1, l1, l2)) tab) end)
-  in {output = err, redirected_output = out, return_code = return_code} end
+  in result end
-fun run_cached cache make_cmd str =
-  (case lookup cache str of
-    (NONE, key) => run_and_cache cache key make_cmd str
+fun run_cached cache cmd input =
+  (case lookup cache input of
+    (NONE, key) => run_and_cache cache key cmd input
   | (SOME output, _) => output)