back to simple 'defs' (cf. revision 1.79 of theory.ML);
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 00:59:00 +0200
changeset 17707 bc0270e9d27f
parent 17706 e534e39f3531
child 17708 6c6ecafd8c0e
back to simple 'defs' (cf. revision 1.79 of theory.ML); renamed 'finals' to 'specified', share bookkeeping with defs; added monomorphic;
--- a/src/Pure/defs.ML	Thu Sep 29 00:58:59 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/defs.ML	Thu Sep 29 00:59:00 2005 +0200
@@ -1,720 +1,108 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/General/defs.ML
+(*  Title:      Pure/defs.ML
     ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Steven Obua, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Makarius
-Checks if definitions preserve consistency of logic by enforcing that
-there are no cyclic definitions. The algorithm is described in "An
-Algorithm for Determining Definitional Cycles in Higher-Order Logic
-with Overloading", Steven Obua, technical report, to be written :-)
-Currently this implementation of the cycle test contains a bug of which the author is fully aware.
-This bug makes it possible to introduce inconsistent definitional cycles in Isabelle. 
+Global well-formedness checks for constant definitions.  Dependencies
+are only tracked for non-overloaded definitions!
 signature DEFS =
-  (*true: record the full chain of definitions that lead to a circularity*)
-  val chain_history: bool ref
-  type graph
-  val empty: graph
-  val declare: theory -> string * typ -> graph -> graph
-  val define: theory -> string * typ -> string -> (string * typ) list -> graph -> graph
-  val finalize: theory -> string * typ -> graph -> graph
-  val merge: Pretty.pp -> graph -> graph -> graph
-  val finals: graph -> typ list Symtab.table
-  datatype overloadingstate = Open | Closed | Final
-  val overloading_info: graph -> string -> (typ * (string*typ) list * overloadingstate) option
-  val monomorphic: graph -> string -> bool
+  type T
+  val monomorphic: T -> string -> bool
+  val define: string -> string * typ -> (string * typ) list -> T -> T
+  val empty: T
+  val merge: Pretty.pp -> T * T -> T
-structure Defs :> DEFS = struct
-type tyenv = Type.tyenv
-type edgelabel = (int * typ * typ * (typ * string * string) list)
-datatype overloadingstate = Open | Closed | Final
-datatype node = Node of
-         typ  (* most general type of constant *)
-         * defnode Symtab.table
-             (* a table of defnodes, each corresponding to 1 definition of the
-                constant for a particular type, indexed by axiom name *)
-         * (unit Symtab.table) Symtab.table
-             (* a table of all back referencing defnodes to this node,
-                indexed by node name of the defnodes *)
-         * typ list (* a list of all finalized types *)
-         * overloadingstate
-     and defnode = Defnode of
-         typ  (* type of the constant in this particular definition *)
-         * (edgelabel list) Symtab.table (* The edges, grouped by nodes. *)
-fun getnode graph = the o Symtab.lookup graph
-fun get_nodedefs (Node (_, defs, _, _, _)) = defs
-fun get_defnode (Node (_, defs, _, _, _)) defname = Symtab.lookup defs defname
-fun get_defnode' graph noderef =
-  Symtab.lookup (get_nodedefs (the (Symtab.lookup graph noderef)))
-fun table_size table = Symtab.fold (K (fn x => x + 1)) table 0;
-datatype graphaction =
-    Declare of string * typ
-  | Define of string * typ * string * string * (string * typ) list
-  | Finalize of string * typ
-type graph = int * string Symtab.table * graphaction list * node Symtab.table
-val chain_history = ref true
-val empty = (0, Symtab.empty, [], Symtab.empty)
-exception DEFS of string;
-exception CIRCULAR of (typ * string * string) list;
-exception INFINITE_CHAIN of (typ * string * string) list;
-exception CLASH of string * string * string;
-exception FINAL of string * typ;
-fun def_err s = raise (DEFS s)
-fun no_forwards defs =
-    Symtab.foldl
-    (fn (closed, (_, Defnode (_, edges))) =>
-        if not closed then false else Symtab.is_empty edges)
-    (true, defs)
-fun checkT' (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map checkT' Ts)
-  | checkT' (TFree (a, _)) = TVar ((a, 0), [])        
-  | checkT' (TVar ((a, 0), _)) = TVar ((a, 0), [])
-  | checkT' (T as TVar _) = raise TYPE ("Illegal schematic type variable encountered", [T], []);
-fun checkT thy = Compress.typ thy o checkT';
-fun rename ty1 ty2 = Logic.incr_tvar ((maxidx_of_typ ty1)+1) ty2;
+structure Defs (* FIXME : DEFS *) =
-fun subst_incr_tvar inc t =
-    if inc > 0 then
-      let
-        val tv = typ_tvars t
-        val t' = Logic.incr_tvar inc t
-        fun update_subst ((n, i), _) =
-          Vartab.update ((n, i), ([], TVar ((n, i + inc), [])));
-      in
-        (t', fold update_subst tv Vartab.empty)
-      end
-    else
-      (t, Vartab.empty)
-fun subst s ty = Envir.norm_type s ty
-fun subst_history s history = map (fn (ty, cn, dn) => (subst s ty, cn, dn)) history
-fun is_instance instance_ty general_ty =
-    Type.raw_instance (instance_ty, general_ty)
-fun is_instance_r instance_ty general_ty =
-    is_instance instance_ty (rename instance_ty general_ty)
-fun unify ty1 ty2 =
-    SOME (Type.raw_unify (ty1, ty2) Vartab.empty)
-    handle Type.TUNIFY => NONE
-   Unifies ty1 and ty2, renaming ty1 and ty2 so that they have greater indices than max and
-   so that they are different. All indices in ty1 and ty2 are supposed to be less than or
-   equal to max.
-   Returns SOME (max', s1, s2), so that s1(ty1) = s2(ty2) and max' is greater or equal than
-   all indices in s1, s2, ty1, ty2.
-fun unify_r max ty1 ty2 =
-    let
-      val max = Int.max(max, 0)
-      val max1 = max (* >= maxidx_of_typ ty1 *)
-      val max2 = max (* >= maxidx_of_typ ty2 *)
-      val max = Int.max(max, Int.max (max1, max2))
-      val (ty1, s1) = subst_incr_tvar (max + 1) ty1
-      val (ty2, s2) = subst_incr_tvar (max + max1 + 2) ty2
-      val max = max + max1 + max2 + 2
-      fun merge a b = Vartab.merge (fn _ => false) (a, b)
-    in
-      case unify ty1 ty2 of
-        NONE => NONE
-      | SOME s => SOME (max, merge s1 s, merge s2 s)
-    end
-fun can_be_unified_r ty1 ty2 = is_some (unify ty1 (rename ty1 ty2))
-fun can_be_unified ty1 ty2 = is_some (unify ty1 ty2)
-fun normalize_edge_idx (edge as (maxidx, u1, v1, history)) =
-    if maxidx <= 1000000 then edge else
-    let
-      fun idxlist idx extract_ty inject_ty (tab, max) ts =
-          foldr
-            (fn (e, ((tab, max), ts)) =>
-                let
-                  val ((tab, max), ty) = idx (tab, max) (extract_ty e)
-                  val e = inject_ty (ty, e)
-                in
-                  ((tab, max), e::ts)
-                end)
-            ((tab,max), []) ts
-      fun idx (tab,max) (TVar ((a,i),_)) =
-          (case Inttab.lookup tab i of
-             SOME j => ((tab, max), TVar ((a,j),[]))
-           | NONE => ((Inttab.update (i, max) tab, max + 1), TVar ((a,max),[])))
-        | idx (tab,max) (Type (t, ts)) =
-          let
-            val ((tab, max), ts) = idxlist idx I fst (tab, max) ts
-          in
-            ((tab,max), Type (t, ts))
-          end
-        | idx (tab, max) ty = ((tab, max), ty)
+(** datatype T **)
-      val ((tab,max), u1) = idx (Inttab.empty, 0) u1
-      val ((tab,max), v1) = idx (tab, max) v1
-      val ((tab,max), history) =
-          idxlist idx
-            (fn (ty,_,_) => ty)
-            (fn (ty, (_, s1, s2)) => (ty, s1, s2))
-            (tab, max) history
-    in
-      (max, u1, v1, history)
-    end
-fun compare_edges (e1 as (maxidx1, u1, v1, history1)) (e2 as (maxidx2, u2, v2, history2)) =
-    let
-      val t1 = u1 --> v1
-      val t2 = Logic.incr_tvar (maxidx1+1) (u2 --> v2)
-    in
-      if (is_instance t1 t2) then
-        (if is_instance t2 t1 then
-           SOME (int_ord (length history2, length history1))
-         else
-           SOME LESS)
-      else if (is_instance t2 t1) then
-      else
-        NONE
-    end
-fun merge_edges_1 (x, []) = [x]
-  | merge_edges_1 (x, (y::ys)) =
-    (case compare_edges x y of
-       SOME LESS => (y::ys)
-     | SOME EQUAL => (y::ys)
-     | SOME GREATER => merge_edges_1 (x, ys)
-     | NONE => y::(merge_edges_1 (x, ys)))
-fun merge_edges xs ys = foldl merge_edges_1 xs ys
-fun declare' (g as (cost, axmap, actions, graph)) (cty as (name, ty)) =
-    (cost, axmap, (Declare cty)::actions,
-     Symtab.update_new (name, Node (ty, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty, [], Open)) graph)
-    handle Symtab.DUP _ =>
-           let
-             val (Node (gty, _, _, _, _)) = the (Symtab.lookup graph name)
-           in
-             if is_instance_r ty gty andalso is_instance_r gty ty then
-               g
-             else
-               def_err "constant is already declared with different type"
-           end
-fun declare'' thy g (name, ty) = declare' g (name, checkT thy ty)
-val axcounter = ref (IntInf.fromInt 0)
-fun newaxname axmap axname =
-    let
-      val c = !axcounter
-      val _ = axcounter := c+1
-      val axname' = axname^"_"^(IntInf.toString c)
-    in
-      (Symtab.update (axname', axname) axmap, axname')
-    end
+datatype T = Defs of
+ {consts: typ Graph.T,                                 (*constant declarations and dependencies*)
+  specified: (string * typ) Inttab.table Symtab.table, (*specification name and const type*)
+  monomorphic: unit Symtab.table};                     (*constants having monomorphic specs*)
-fun translate_ex axmap x =
-    let
-      fun translate (ty, nodename, axname) =
-          (ty, nodename, the (Symtab.lookup axmap axname))
-    in
-      case x of
-        INFINITE_CHAIN chain => raise (INFINITE_CHAIN (map translate chain))
-      | CIRCULAR cycle => raise (CIRCULAR (map translate cycle))
-      | _ => raise x
-    end
-fun define' (cost, axmap, actions, graph) (mainref, ty) axname orig_axname body =
-    let
-      val mainnode  = (case Symtab.lookup graph mainref of
-                         NONE => def_err ("constant "^mainref^" is not declared")
-                       | SOME n => n)
-      val (Node (gty, defs, backs, finals, _)) = mainnode
-      val _ = (if is_instance_r ty gty then ()
-               else def_err "type of constant does not match declared type")
-      fun check_def (s, Defnode (ty', _)) =
-          (if can_be_unified_r ty ty' then
-             raise (CLASH (mainref, axname, s))
-           else if s = axname then
-             def_err "name of axiom is already used for another definition of this constant"
-           else false)
-      val _ = Symtab.exists check_def defs
-      fun check_final finalty =
-          (if can_be_unified_r finalty ty then
-             raise (FINAL (mainref, finalty))
-           else
-             true)
-      val _ = forall check_final finals
-      (* now we know that the only thing that can prevent acceptance of the definition
-         is a cyclic dependency *)
+fun rep_defs (Defs args) = args;
-      fun insert_edges edges (nodename, links) =
-          (if links = [] then
-             edges
-           else
-             let
-               val links = map normalize_edge_idx links
-             in
-               Symtab.update (nodename,
-                               case Symtab.lookup edges nodename of
-                                 NONE => links
-                               | SOME links' => merge_edges links' links) edges
-             end)
-      fun make_edges ((bodyn, bodyty), edges) =
-          let
-            val bnode =
-                (case Symtab.lookup graph bodyn of
-                   NONE => def_err "body of constant definition references undeclared constant"
-                 | SOME x => x)
-            val (Node (general_btyp, bdefs, bbacks, bfinals, closed)) = bnode
-          in
-            if closed = Final then edges else
-            case unify_r 0 bodyty general_btyp of
-              NONE => edges
-            | SOME (maxidx, sigma1, sigma2) =>
-              if exists (is_instance_r bodyty) bfinals then
-                edges
-              else
-                let
-                  fun insert_trans_edges ((step1, edges), (nodename, links)) =
-                      let
-                        val (maxidx1, alpha1, beta1, defname) = step1
-                        fun connect (maxidx2, alpha2, beta2, history) =
-                            case unify_r (Int.max (maxidx1, maxidx2)) beta1 alpha2 of
-                              NONE => NONE
-                            | SOME (max, sleft, sright) =>
-                              SOME (max, subst sleft alpha1, subst sright beta2,
-                                    if !chain_history then
-                                      ((subst sleft beta1, bodyn, defname)::
-                                       (subst_history sright history))
-                                    else [])
-                        val links' = List.mapPartial connect links
-                      in
-                        (step1, insert_edges edges (nodename, links'))
-                      end
+fun make_defs (consts, specified, monomorphic) =
+  Defs {consts = consts, specified = specified, monomorphic = monomorphic};
-                  fun make_edges' ((swallowed, edges),
-                                   (def_name, Defnode (def_ty, def_edges))) =
-                      if swallowed then
-                        (swallowed, edges)
-                      else
-                        (case unify_r 0 bodyty def_ty of
-                           NONE => (swallowed, edges)
-                         | SOME (maxidx, sigma1, sigma2) =>
-                           (is_instance_r bodyty def_ty,
-                            snd (Symtab.foldl insert_trans_edges
-                              (((maxidx, subst sigma1 ty, subst sigma2 def_ty, def_name),
-                                edges), def_edges))))
-                  val (swallowed, edges) = Symtab.foldl make_edges' ((false, edges), bdefs)
-                in
-                  if swallowed then
-                    edges
-                  else
-                    insert_edges edges
-                    (bodyn, [(maxidx, subst sigma1 ty, subst sigma2 general_btyp,[])])
-                end
-          end
-      val edges = foldl make_edges Symtab.empty body
-      (* We also have to add the backreferences that this new defnode induces. *)
-      fun install_backrefs (graph, (noderef, links)) =
-          if links <> [] then
-            let
-              val (Node (ty, defs, backs, finals, closed)) = getnode graph noderef
-              val _ = if closed = Final then
-                        sys_error ("install_backrefs: closed node cannot be updated")
-                      else ()
-              val defnames =
-                  (case Symtab.lookup backs mainref of
-                     NONE => Symtab.empty
-                   | SOME s => s)
-              val defnames' = Symtab.update_new (axname, ()) defnames
-              val backs' = Symtab.update (mainref, defnames') backs
-            in
-              Symtab.update (noderef, Node (ty, defs, backs', finals, closed)) graph
-            end
-          else
-            graph
-      val graph = Symtab.foldl install_backrefs (graph, edges)
-      val (Node (_, _, backs, _, closed)) = getnode graph mainref
-      val closed =
-          if closed = Final then sys_error "define: closed node"
-          else if closed = Open andalso is_instance_r gty ty then Closed else closed
-      val thisDefnode = Defnode (ty, edges)
-      val graph = Symtab.update (mainref, Node (gty, Symtab.update_new
-        (axname, thisDefnode) defs, backs, finals, closed)) graph
-      (* Now we have to check all backreferences to this node and inform them about
-         the new defnode. In this section we also check for circularity. *)
-      fun update_backrefs ((backs, graph), (noderef, defnames)) =
-          let
-            fun update_defs ((defnames, graph),(defname, _)) =
-                let
-                  val (Node (nodety, nodedefs, nodebacks, nodefinals, closed)) =
-                      getnode graph noderef
-                  val _ = if closed = Final then sys_error "update_defs: closed node" else ()
-                  val (Defnode (def_ty, defnode_edges)) =
-                      the (Symtab.lookup nodedefs defname)
-                  val edges = the (Symtab.lookup defnode_edges mainref)
-                  val refclosed = ref false
+fun map_defs f (Defs {consts, specified, monomorphic}) =
+  make_defs (f (consts, specified, monomorphic));
-                  (* the type of thisDefnode is ty *)
-                  fun update (e as (max, alpha, beta, history), (changed, edges)) =
-                      case unify_r max beta ty of
-                        NONE => (changed, e::edges)
-                      | SOME (max', s_beta, s_ty) =>
-                        let
-                          val alpha' = subst s_beta alpha
-                          val ty' = subst s_ty ty
-                          val _ =
-                              if noderef = mainref andalso defname = axname then
-                                (case unify alpha' ty' of
-                                   NONE =>
-                                   if (is_instance_r ty' alpha') then
-                                     raise (INFINITE_CHAIN (
-                                            (alpha', mainref, axname)::
-                                            (subst_history s_beta history)@
-                                            [(ty', mainref, axname)]))
-                                   else ()
-                                 | SOME s =>
-                                   raise (CIRCULAR (
-                                          (subst s alpha', mainref, axname)::
-                                          (subst_history s (subst_history s_beta history))@
-                                          [(subst s ty', mainref, axname)])))
-                              else ()
-                        in
-                          if is_instance_r beta ty then
-                            (true, edges)
-                          else
-                            (changed, e::edges)
-                        end
-                  val (changed, edges') = foldl update (false, []) edges
-                  val defnames' = if edges' = [] then
-                                    defnames
-                                  else
-                                    Symtab.update (defname, ()) defnames
-                in
-                  if changed then
-                    let
-                      val defnode_edges' =
-                          if edges' = [] then
-                            Symtab.delete mainref defnode_edges
-                          else
-                            Symtab.update (mainref, edges') defnode_edges
-                      val defnode' = Defnode (def_ty, defnode_edges')
-                      val nodedefs' = Symtab.update (defname, defnode') nodedefs
-                      val closed = if closed = Closed andalso Symtab.is_empty defnode_edges'
-                                      andalso no_forwards nodedefs'
-                                   then Final else closed
-                      val graph' =
-                        Symtab.update
-                          (noderef, Node (nodety, nodedefs', nodebacks, nodefinals, closed)) graph
-                    in
-                      (defnames', graph')
-                    end
-                  else
-                    (defnames', graph)
-                end
-            val (defnames', graph') = Symtab.foldl update_defs
-                                                   ((Symtab.empty, graph), defnames)
-          in
-            if Symtab.is_empty defnames' then
-              (backs, graph')
-            else
-              let
-                val backs' = Symtab.update_new (noderef, defnames') backs
-              in
-                (backs', graph')
-              end
-          end
-      val (backs, graph) = Symtab.foldl update_backrefs ((Symtab.empty, graph), backs)
+(* specified consts *)
-      (* If a Circular exception is thrown then we never reach this point. *)
-      val (Node (gty, defs, _, finals, closed)) = getnode graph mainref
-      val closed = if closed = Closed andalso no_forwards defs then Final else closed
-      val graph = Symtab.update (mainref, Node (gty, defs, backs, finals, closed)) graph
-      val actions' = (Define (mainref, ty, axname, orig_axname, body))::actions
-    in
-      (cost+3, axmap, actions', graph)
-    end handle ex => translate_ex axmap ex
-fun define'' thy (g as (cost, axmap, actions, graph)) (mainref, ty) orig_axname body =
-    let
-      val ty = checkT thy ty
-      fun checkbody (n, t) =
-          let
-            val (Node (_, _, _,_, closed)) = getnode graph n
-          in
-            case closed of
-              Final => NONE
-            | _ => SOME (n, checkT thy t)
-          end
-      val body = distinct (List.mapPartial checkbody body)
-      val (axmap, axname) = newaxname axmap orig_axname
-    in
-      define' (cost, axmap, actions, graph) (mainref, ty) axname orig_axname body
-    end
-fun finalize' (cost, axmap, history, graph) (noderef, ty) =
-    case Symtab.lookup graph noderef of
-      NONE => def_err ("cannot finalize constant "^noderef^"; it is not declared")
-    | SOME (Node (nodety, defs, backs, finals, closed)) =>
-      let
-        val _ =
-            if (not (is_instance_r ty nodety)) then
-              def_err ("only type instances of the declared constant "^
-                       noderef^" can be finalized")
-            else ()
-        val _ = Symtab.exists
-                  (fn (def_name, Defnode (def_ty, _)) =>
-                      if can_be_unified_r ty def_ty then
-                        def_err ("cannot finalize constant "^noderef^
-                                 "; clash with definition "^def_name)
-                      else
-                        false)
-                  defs
-        fun update_finals [] = SOME [ty]
-          | update_finals (final_ty::finals) =
-            (if is_instance_r ty final_ty then NONE
-             else
-               case update_finals finals of
-                 NONE => NONE
-               | (r as SOME finals) =>
-                 if (is_instance_r final_ty ty) then
-                   r
-                 else
-                   SOME (final_ty :: finals))
-      in
-        case update_finals finals of
-          NONE => (cost, axmap, history, graph)
-        | SOME finals =>
-          let
-            val closed = if closed = Open andalso is_instance_r nodety ty then
-                           Closed else
-                         closed
-            val graph = Symtab.update (noderef, Node (nodety, defs, backs, finals, closed)) graph
-            fun update_backref ((graph, backs), (backrefname, backdefnames)) =
-                let
-                  fun update_backdef ((graph, defnames), (backdefname, _)) =
-                      let
-                        val (backnode as Node (backty, backdefs, backbacks,
-                                               backfinals, backclosed)) =
-                            getnode graph backrefname
-                        val (Defnode (def_ty, all_edges)) =
-                            the (get_defnode backnode backdefname)
+fun disjoint_types T U =
+  (Type.raw_unify (T, Logic.incr_tvar (maxidx_of_typ T + 1) U) Vartab.empty; false)
+    handle Type.TUNIFY => true;
-                        val (defnames', all_edges') =
-                            case Symtab.lookup all_edges noderef of
-                              NONE => sys_error "finalize: corrupt backref"
-                            | SOME edges =>
-                              let
-                                val edges' = List.filter (fn (_, _, beta, _) =>
-                                                             not (is_instance_r beta ty)) edges
-                              in
-                                if edges' = [] then
-                                  (defnames, Symtab.delete noderef all_edges)
-                                else
-                                  (Symtab.update (backdefname, ()) defnames,
-                                   Symtab.update (noderef, edges') all_edges)
-                              end
-                        val defnode' = Defnode (def_ty, all_edges')
-                        val backdefs' = Symtab.update (backdefname, defnode') backdefs
-                        val backclosed' = if backclosed = Closed andalso
-                                             Symtab.is_empty all_edges'
-                                             andalso no_forwards backdefs'
-                                          then Final else backclosed
-                        val backnode' =
-                            Node (backty, backdefs', backbacks, backfinals, backclosed')
-                      in
-                        (Symtab.update (backrefname, backnode') graph, defnames')
-                      end
-                  val (graph', defnames') =
-                      Symtab.foldl update_backdef ((graph, Symtab.empty), backdefnames)
-                in
-                  (graph', if Symtab.is_empty defnames' then backs
-                           else Symtab.update (backrefname, defnames') backs)
-                end
-            val (graph', backs') = Symtab.foldl update_backref ((graph, Symtab.empty), backs)
-            val Node ( _, defs, _, _, closed) = getnode graph' noderef
-            val closed = if closed = Closed andalso no_forwards defs then Final else closed
-            val graph' = Symtab.update (noderef, Node (nodety, defs, backs',
-                                                        finals, closed)) graph'
-            val history' = (Finalize (noderef, ty)) :: history
-          in
-            (cost+1, axmap, history', graph')
-          end
-      end
-fun finalize'' thy g (noderef, ty) = finalize' g (noderef, checkT thy ty)
-fun update_axname ax orig_ax (cost, axmap, history, graph) =
-  (cost, Symtab.update (ax, orig_ax) axmap, history, graph)
-fun merge' (Declare cty, g) = declare' g cty
-  | merge' (Define (name, ty, axname, orig_axname, body), g as (cost, axmap, history, graph)) =
-    (case Symtab.lookup graph name of
-       NONE => define' (update_axname axname orig_axname g) (name, ty) axname orig_axname body
-     | SOME (Node (_, defs, _, _, _)) =>
-       (case Symtab.lookup defs axname of
-          NONE => define' (update_axname axname orig_axname g) (name, ty) axname orig_axname body
-        | SOME _ => g))
-  | merge' (Finalize finals, g) = finalize' g finals
-fun merge'' (g1 as (cost1, _, actions1, _)) (g2 as (cost2, _, actions2, _)) =
-    if cost1 < cost2 then
-      foldr merge' g2 actions1
-    else
-      foldr merge' g1 actions2
-fun finals (_, _, history, graph) =
-    Symtab.foldl
-      (fn (finals, (name, Node(_, _, _, ftys, _))) =>
-          Symtab.update_new (name, ftys) finals)
-      (Symtab.empty, graph)
-fun overloading_info (_, axmap, _, graph) c =
-    let
-      fun translate (ax, Defnode (ty, _)) = (the (Symtab.lookup axmap ax), ty)
-    in
-      case Symtab.lookup graph c of
-        NONE => NONE
-      | SOME (Node (ty, defnodes, _, _, state)) =>
-        SOME (ty, map translate (Symtab.dest defnodes), state)
-    end
+fun check_specified c specified =
+  specified |> Inttab.forall (fn (i, (a, T)) =>
+    specified |> Inttab.forall (fn (j, (b, U)) =>
+      i = j orelse disjoint_types T U orelse
+        error ("Type clash in specifications " ^ quote a ^ " and " ^ quote b ^
+          " for constant " ^ quote c)));
-(* monomorphic consts -- neither parametric nor ad-hoc polymorphism *)
-fun monomorphicT (Type (_, Ts)) = forall monomorphicT Ts
-  | monomorphicT _ = false
+(* monomorphic constants *)
-fun monomorphic (_, _, _, graph) c =
-  (case Symtab.lookup graph c of
-    NONE => true
-  | SOME (Node (ty, defnodes, _, _, _)) =>
-      Symtab.min_key defnodes = Symtab.max_key defnodes andalso
-      monomorphicT ty);
-(** diagnostics **)
+val monomorphic = Symtab.defined o #monomorphic o rep_defs;
-fun pretty_const pp (c, T) =
- [Pretty.str c, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1,
-  Pretty.quote (Pretty.typ pp (Type.freeze_type (Term.zero_var_indexesT T)))];
-fun pretty_path pp path = fold_rev (fn (T, c, def) =>
-  fn [] => [Pretty.block (pretty_const pp (c, T))]
-   | prts => Pretty.block (pretty_const pp (c, T) @
-      [Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str ("depends via " ^ quote def ^ " on")]) :: prts) path [];
-fun defs_circular pp path =
-  Pretty.str "Cyclic dependency of definitions: " :: pretty_path pp path
-  |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.string_of;
-fun defs_infinite_chain pp path =
-  Pretty.str "Infinite chain of definitions: " :: pretty_path pp path
-  |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.string_of;
-fun defs_clash def1 def2 = "Type clash in definitions " ^ quote def1 ^ " and " ^ quote def2;
-fun defs_final pp const =
-  (Pretty.str "Attempt to define final constant" :: Pretty.brk 1 :: pretty_const pp const)
-  |> Pretty.block |> Pretty.string_of;
+fun update_monomorphic specified c =
+  let
+    val specs = the_default Inttab.empty (Symtab.lookup specified c);
+    fun is_monoT (Type (_, Ts)) = forall is_monoT Ts
+      | is_monoT _ = false;
+    val is_mono =
+      Inttab.is_empty specs orelse
+        Inttab.min_key specs = Inttab.max_key specs andalso
+        is_monoT (snd (the (Inttab.lookup specs (the (Inttab.min_key specs)))));
+  in if is_mono then Symtab.update (c, ()) else Symtab.remove (K true) (c, ()) end;
-(* external interfaces *)
+(* define consts *)
+fun err_cyclic cycles =
+  error ("Cyclic dependency of constants:\n" ^
+    cat_lines (map (space_implode " -> " o map quote o rev) cycles));
-fun declare thy const defs =
-  if_none (try (declare'' thy defs) const) defs;
+fun define const_type name lhs rhs = map_defs (fn (consts, specified, monomorphic) =>
+  let
+    fun declare (a, _) = Graph.default_node (a, const_type a);
+    fun add_deps (a, bs) G = Graph.add_deps_acyclic (a, bs) G
+      handle Graph.CYCLES cycles => err_cyclic cycles;
+    val (c, T) = lhs;
+    val no_overloading = Type.raw_instance (const_type c, T);
-fun define thy const name rhs defs =
-  define'' thy defs const name rhs
-    handle DEFS msg => sys_error msg
-      | CIRCULAR path => error (defs_circular (Sign.pp thy) path)
-      | INFINITE_CHAIN path => error (defs_infinite_chain (Sign.pp thy) path)
-      | CLASH (_, def1, def2) => error (defs_clash def1 def2)
-      | FINAL const => error (defs_final (Sign.pp thy) const);
+    val consts' =
+      consts |> declare lhs |> fold declare rhs
+      |> K no_overloading ? add_deps (c, map #1 rhs);
+    val specified' =
+      specified |> Symtab.default (c, Inttab.empty)
+      |> Symtab.map_entry c (Inttab.update (serial (), (name, T)) #> tap (check_specified c));
+    val monomorphic' = monomorphic |> update_monomorphic specified' c;
+  in (consts', specified', monomorphic') end);
+(* empty and merge *)
-fun finalize thy const defs =
-  finalize'' thy defs const handle DEFS msg => sys_error msg;
+val empty = make_defs (Graph.empty, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
-fun merge pp defs1 defs2 =
-  merge'' defs1 defs2
-    handle CIRCULAR namess => error (defs_circular pp namess)
-      | INFINITE_CHAIN namess => error (defs_infinite_chain pp namess);
+fun merge pp
+   (Defs {consts = consts1, specified = specified1, monomorphic},
+    Defs {consts = consts2, specified = specified2, ...}) =
+  let
+    val consts' = (consts1, consts2) |> Graph.merge_acyclic (K true)
+      handle Graph.CYCLES cycles => err_cyclic cycles;
+    val specified' = (specified1, specified2)
+      |> Symtab.join (fn c => Inttab.merge (K true) #> tap (check_specified c) #> SOME);
+    val monomorphic' = monomorphic
+      |> Symtab.fold (update_monomorphic specified' o #1) specified';
+  in make_defs (consts', specified', monomorphic') end;
-fun tvar name = TVar ((name, 0), [])
-val bool = Type ("bool", [])
-val int = Type ("int", [])
-val lam = Type("lam", [])
-val alpha = tvar "'a"
-val beta = tvar "'b"
-val gamma = tvar "'c"
-fun pair a b = Type ("pair", [a,b])
-fun prm a = Type ("prm", [a])
-val name = Type ("name", [])
-val _ = print "make empty"
-val g = Defs.empty
-val _ = print "declare perm"
-val g = Defs.declare g ("perm", prm alpha --> beta --> beta)
-val _ = print "declare permF"
-val g = Defs.declare g ("permF", prm alpha --> lam --> lam)
-val _ = print "define perm (1)"
-val g = Defs.define g ("perm", prm alpha --> (beta --> gamma) --> (beta --> gamma)) "perm_fun"
-        [("perm", prm alpha --> gamma --> gamma), ("perm", prm alpha --> beta --> beta)]
-val _ = print "define permF (1)"
-val g = Defs.define g ("permF", prm alpha --> lam --> lam) "permF_app"
-        ([("perm", prm alpha --> lam --> lam),
-         ("perm", prm alpha --> lam --> lam),
-         ("perm", prm alpha --> lam --> lam),
-         ("perm", prm alpha --> name --> name)])
-val _ = print "define perm (2)"
-val g = Defs.define g ("perm", prm alpha --> lam --> lam) "perm_lam"
-        [("permF", (prm alpha --> lam --> lam))]