--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_namespace.ML Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_namespace.ML Sun Feb 23 10:33:43 2014 +0100
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@
val (module_name, base) = prep_sym sym;
Graph.default_node (module_name, (Code_Symbol.Graph.empty, []))
- #> (Graph.map_node module_name o apfst) (Code_Symbol.Graph.new_node (sym, (base, (true, stmt))))
+ #> (Graph.map_node module_name o apfst)
+ (Code_Symbol.Graph.new_node (sym, (base, (true, stmt))))
fun add_dep sym sym' =
@@ -110,7 +111,8 @@
val (module_name', _) = prep_sym sym';
in if module_name = module_name'
then (Graph.map_node module_name o apfst) (Code_Symbol.Graph.add_edge (sym, sym'))
- else (Graph.map_node module_name o apsnd) (AList.map_default (op =) (module_name', []) (insert (op =) sym'))
+ else (Graph.map_node module_name o apsnd)
+ (AList.map_default (op =) (module_name', []) (insert (op =) sym'))
val proto_program = build_proto_program
{ empty = Graph.empty, add_stmt = add_stmt, add_dep = add_dep } program;
@@ -125,8 +127,9 @@
|> fold (fn sym => declare sym (Code_Symbol.Graph.get_node gr sym))
(prioritize sym_priority (Code_Symbol.Graph.keys gr))
|> fst
- |> (Code_Symbol.Graph.map o K o apsnd)
- (fn (export, stmt) => Option.map (pair export) (modify_stmt stmt));
+ |> Code_Symbol.Graph.map_strong_conn (fn syms_bases_exports_stmts =>
+ map snd syms_bases_exports_stmts
+ |> (map o apsnd) (fn (export, stmt) => Option.map (pair export) (modify_stmt stmt)));
val flat_program = proto_program
|> (Graph.map o K o apfst) declarations;
@@ -177,6 +180,23 @@
apsnd o Code_Symbol.Graph.map_node (Code_Symbol.Module name_fragment) o apsnd o map_module_content
o map_module name_fragments;
+fun map_module_stmts f_module f_stmts sym_base_nodes =
+ let
+ val some_modules =
+ sym_base_nodes
+ |> map (fn (sym, (base, Module content)) => SOME (base, content) | _ => NONE)
+ |> (burrow_options o map o apsnd) f_module;
+ val some_export_stmts =
+ sym_base_nodes
+ |> map (fn (sym, (base, Stmt export_stmt)) => SOME ((sym, export_stmt), base) | _ => NONE)
+ |> (burrow_options o burrow_fst) (fn [] => [] | xs => f_stmts xs)
+ in
+ map2 (fn SOME (base, content) => (K (base, Module content))
+ | NONE => fn SOME (some_export_stmt, base) =>
+ (base, case some_export_stmt of SOME export_stmt => Stmt export_stmt | NONE => Dummy))
+ some_modules some_export_stmts
+ end;
fun hierarchical_program ctxt { module_name, reserved, identifiers, empty_nsp,
namify_module, namify_stmt, cyclic_modules, empty_data, memorize_data, modify_stmts } program =
@@ -209,23 +229,26 @@
val (name_fragments, base) = prep_sym sym;
- (map_module name_fragments o apsnd) (Code_Symbol.Graph.new_node (sym, (base, Stmt (true, stmt))))
+ (map_module name_fragments o apsnd)
+ (Code_Symbol.Graph.new_node (sym, (base, Stmt (true, stmt))))
+ fun add_edge_acyclic_error error_msg dep gr =
+ Code_Symbol.Graph.add_edge_acyclic dep gr
+ handle Graph.CYCLES _ => error (error_msg ())
fun add_dep sym sym' =
val (name_fragments, _) = prep_sym sym;
val (name_fragments', _) = prep_sym sym';
val (name_fragments_common, (diff, diff')) =
chop_prefix (op =) (name_fragments, name_fragments');
- val is_module = not (null diff andalso null diff');
+ val is_cross_module = not (null diff andalso null diff');
val dep = pairself hd (map Code_Symbol.Module diff @ [sym], map Code_Symbol.Module diff' @ [sym']);
- val add_edge = if is_module andalso not cyclic_modules
- then (fn node => Code_Symbol.Graph.add_edge_acyclic dep node
- handle Graph.CYCLES _ => error ("Dependency "
- ^ Code_Symbol.quote ctxt sym ^ " -> "
- ^ Code_Symbol.quote ctxt sym'
- ^ " would result in module dependency cycle"))
- else Code_Symbol.Graph.add_edge dep
+ val add_edge = if is_cross_module andalso not cyclic_modules
+ then add_edge_acyclic_error (fn _ => "Dependency "
+ ^ Code_Symbol.quote ctxt sym ^ " -> "
+ ^ Code_Symbol.quote ctxt sym'
+ ^ " would result in module dependency cycle") dep
+ else Code_Symbol.Graph.add_edge dep;
in (map_module name_fragments_common o apsnd) add_edge end;
val proto_program = build_proto_program
{ empty = empty_program, add_stmt = add_stmt, add_dep = add_dep } program;
@@ -248,20 +271,18 @@
val (nsps', nodes') = (nsps, nodes)
|> fold (declare (K namify_module)) module_fragments
|> fold (declare (namify_stmt o snd o the_stmt)) stmt_syms;
- fun select_syms syms = case filter (member (op =) stmt_syms) syms
- of [] => NONE
- | syms => SOME syms;
- fun select_stmt (sym, (export, SOME stmt)) = SOME (sym, (export, stmt))
- | select_stmt _ = NONE;
- fun modify_stmts' syms =
+ fun modify_stmts' syms_stmts =
- val (exports, stmts) = map_split (the_stmt o snd o Code_Symbol.Graph.get_node nodes) syms;
- val stmts' = modify_stmts (syms ~~ stmts);
- val stmts'' = stmts' @ replicate (length syms - length stmts') NONE;
- in map_filter select_stmt (syms ~~ (exports ~~ stmts'')) end;
- val stmtss' = (maps modify_stmts' o map_filter select_syms o Code_Symbol.Graph.strong_conn) nodes;
- val nodes'' = Code_Symbol.Graph.map (fn sym => apsnd (fn Module content => Module (make_declarations nsps' content)
- | _ => case AList.lookup (op =) stmtss' sym of SOME stmt => Stmt stmt | _ => Dummy)) nodes';
+ val stmts' = modify_stmts syms_stmts
+ in stmts' @ replicate (length syms_stmts - length stmts') NONE end;
+ fun modify_stmts'' syms_exports_stmts =
+ syms_exports_stmts
+ |> map (fn (sym, (export, stmt)) => ((sym, stmt), export))
+ |> burrow_fst modify_stmts'
+ |> map (fn (SOME stmt, export) => SOME (export, stmt) | _ => NONE);
+ val nodes'' =
+ nodes'
+ |> Code_Symbol.Graph.map_strong_conn (map_module_stmts (make_declarations nsps') modify_stmts'');
val data' = fold memorize_data stmt_syms data;
in (data', nodes'') end;
val (_, hierarchical_program) = make_declarations empty_nsp proto_program;