Fri, 07 May 2010 15:12:53 +0200
changeset 36730 bca8762be737
parent 36729 f5b63d2bd8fa (current diff)
parent 36727 51e3b38a5e41 (diff)
child 36731 08cd7eccb043
--- a/src/Pure/General/download.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/General/download.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-Download URLs -- with progress monitor.
-package isabelle
-import{BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, FileOutputStream,
-  File, InterruptedIOException}
-import{URL, URLConnection}
-import java.awt.{Component, HeadlessException}
-import javax.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
-object Download
-  def stream(parent: Component, url: URL): (URLConnection, BufferedInputStream) =
-  {
-    val connection = url.openConnection
-    val stream = new ProgressMonitorInputStream(null, "Downloading", connection.getInputStream)
-    val monitor = stream.getProgressMonitor
-    monitor.setNote(connection.getURL.toString)
-    val length = connection.getContentLength
-    if (length != -1) monitor.setMaximum(length)
-    (connection, new BufferedInputStream(stream))
-  }
-  def file(parent: Component, url: URL, file: File)
-  {
-    val (connection, instream) = stream(parent, url)
-    val mod_time = connection.getLastModified
-    def read() =
-      try { }
-      catch { case _ : InterruptedIOException => error("Download canceled!") }
-    try {
-      val outstream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))
-      try {
-        var c: Int = 0
-        while ({ c = read(); c != -1}) outstream.write(c)
-      }
-      finally { outstream.close }
-      if (mod_time > 0) file.setLastModified(mod_time)
-    }
-    finally { instream.close }
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/General/event_bus.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/General/event_bus.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-Generic event bus with multiple receiving actors.
-package isabelle
-import scala.actors.Actor, Actor._
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-class Event_Bus[Event]
-  /* receivers */
-  private val receivers = new ListBuffer[Actor]
-  def += (r: Actor) { synchronized { receivers += r } }
-  def + (r: Actor): Event_Bus[Event] = { this += r; this }
-  def += (f: Event => Unit) {
-    this += actor { loop { react { case x: Event => f(x) } } }
-  }
-  def + (f: Event => Unit): Event_Bus[Event] = { this += f; this }
-  def -= (r: Actor) { synchronized { receivers -= r } }
-  def - (r: Actor) = { this -= r; this }
-  /* event invocation */
-  def event(x: Event) { synchronized { receivers.foreach(_ ! x) } }
--- a/src/Pure/General/markup.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/markup.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,24 @@
 object Markup
+  /* property values */
+  def get_string(name: String, props: List[(String, String)]): Option[String] =
+    props.find(p => p._1 == name).map(_._2)
+  def parse_int(s: String): Option[Int] =
+    try { Some(Integer.parseInt(s)) }
+    catch { case _: NumberFormatException => None }
+  def get_int(name: String, props: List[(String, String)]): Option[Int] =
+  {
+    get_string(name, props) match {
+      case None => None
+      case Some(value) => parse_int(value)
+    }
+  }
   /* name */
   val NAME = "name"
@@ -40,6 +58,14 @@
   val LOCATION = "location"
+  /* pretty printing */
+  val INDENT = "indent"
+  val BLOCK = "block"
+  val WIDTH = "width"
+  val BREAK = "break"
   /* hidden text */
   val HIDDEN = "hidden"
--- a/src/Pure/General/position.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/position.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -11,32 +11,22 @@
   type T = List[(String, String)]
-  private def get_string(name: String, pos: T): Option[String] =
-    pos.find(p => p._1 == name).map(_._2)
-  private def get_int(name: String, pos: T): Option[Int] =
-  {
-    get_string(name, pos) match {
-      case None => None
-      case Some(value) =>
-        try { Some(Integer.parseInt(value)) }
-        catch { case _: NumberFormatException => None }
-    }
-  }
+  def get_line(pos: T): Option[Int] = Markup.get_int(Markup.LINE, pos)
+  def get_column(pos: T): Option[Int] = Markup.get_int(Markup.COLUMN, pos)
+  def get_offset(pos: T): Option[Int] = Markup.get_int(Markup.OFFSET, pos)
+  def get_end_line(pos: T): Option[Int] = Markup.get_int(Markup.END_LINE, pos)
+  def get_end_column(pos: T): Option[Int] = Markup.get_int(Markup.END_COLUMN, pos)
+  def get_end_offset(pos: T): Option[Int] = Markup.get_int(Markup.END_OFFSET, pos)
+  def get_file(pos: T): Option[String] = Markup.get_string(Markup.FILE, pos)
+  def get_id(pos: T): Option[String] = Markup.get_string(Markup.ID, pos)
-  def get_line(pos: T): Option[Int] = get_int(Markup.LINE, pos)
-  def get_column(pos: T): Option[Int] = get_int(Markup.COLUMN, pos)
-  def get_offset(pos: T): Option[Int] = get_int(Markup.OFFSET, pos)
-  def get_end_line(pos: T): Option[Int] = get_int(Markup.END_LINE, pos)
-  def get_end_column(pos: T): Option[Int] = get_int(Markup.END_COLUMN, pos)
-  def get_end_offset(pos: T): Option[Int] = get_int(Markup.END_OFFSET, pos)
-  def get_file(pos: T): Option[String] = get_string(Markup.FILE, pos)
-  def get_id(pos: T): Option[String] = get_string(Markup.ID, pos)
+  def get_range(pos: T): Option[(Int, Int)] =
+    (get_offset(pos), get_end_offset(pos)) match {
+      case (Some(begin), Some(end)) => Some(begin, end)
+      case (Some(begin), None) => Some(begin, begin + 1)
+      case (None, _) => None
+    }
-  def get_offsets(pos: T): (Option[Int], Option[Int]) =
-  {
-    val begin = get_offset(pos)
-    val end = get_end_offset(pos)
-    (begin, if (end.isDefined) end else + 1))
-  }
+  object Id { def unapply(pos: T): Option[String] = get_id(pos) }
+  object Range { def unapply(pos: T): Option[(Int, Int)] = get_range(pos) }
--- a/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/pretty.ML	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 val str = String o Output.output_width;
 fun brk wd = Break (false, wd);
-val fbrk = Break (true, 2);
+val fbrk = Break (true, 1);
 fun breaks prts = Library.separate (brk 1) prts;
 fun fbreaks prts = Library.separate fbrk prts;
@@ -249,14 +249,14 @@
 (*Add the lengths of the expressions until the next Break; if no Break then
   include "after", to account for text following this block.*)
-fun breakdist (Block (_, _, _, len) :: es, after) = len + breakdist (es, after)
+fun breakdist (Break _ :: _, _) = 0
+  | breakdist (Block (_, _, _, len) :: es, after) = len + breakdist (es, after)
   | breakdist (String (_, len) :: es, after) = len + breakdist (es, after)
-  | breakdist (Break _ :: _, _) = 0
   | breakdist ([], after) = after;
 (*Search for the next break (at this or higher levels) and force it to occur.*)
 fun forcenext [] = []
-  | forcenext (Break _ :: es) = Break (true, 0) :: es
+  | forcenext (Break _ :: es) = fbrk :: es
   | forcenext (e :: es) = e :: forcenext es;
 (*es is list of expressions to print;
@@ -280,7 +280,6 @@
             (*if this block was broken then force the next break*)
             val es' = if nl < #nl btext then forcenext es else es;
           in format (es', block, after) btext end
-      | String str => format (es, block, after) (string str text)
       | Break (force, wd) =>
           let val {margin, breakgain, ...} = ! margin_info in
             (*no break if text to next break fits on this line
@@ -290,7 +289,8 @@
                   pos + wd <= Int.max (margin - breakdist (es, after), blockin + breakgain)
                 then text |> blanks wd  (*just insert wd blanks*)
                 else text |> newline |> indentation block)
-          end);
+          end
+      | String str => format (es, block, after) (string str text));
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
           Buffer.add bg #> Buffer.markup (Markup.block indent) (fold out prts) #> Buffer.add en
       | out (String (s, _)) = Buffer.add s
       | out (Break (false, wd)) = Buffer.markup (Markup.break wd) (Buffer.add (output_spaces wd))
-      | out (Break (true, _)) = Buffer.markup Markup.fbreak (Buffer.add (output_spaces 1));
+      | out (Break (true, _)) = Buffer.add (Output.output "\n");
   in out prt Buffer.empty end;
 (*unformatted output*)
@@ -317,8 +317,7 @@
     fun fmt (Block ((bg, en), prts, _, _)) = Buffer.add bg #> fold fmt prts #> Buffer.add en
       | fmt (String (s, _)) = Buffer.add s
-      | fmt (Break (false, wd)) = Buffer.add (output_spaces wd)
-      | fmt (Break (true, _)) = Buffer.add (output_spaces 1);
+      | fmt (Break (_, wd)) = Buffer.add (output_spaces wd);
   in fmt (prune prt) Buffer.empty end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/General/pretty.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/General/pretty.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Generic pretty printing module.
+package isabelle
+object Pretty
+  /* markup trees with physical blocks and breaks */
+  object Block
+  {
+    def apply(indent: Int, body: List[XML.Tree]): XML.Tree =
+      XML.Elem(Markup.BLOCK, List((Markup.INDENT, indent.toString)), body)
+    def unapply(tree: XML.Tree): Option[(Int, List[XML.Tree])] =
+      tree match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup.BLOCK, List((Markup.INDENT, indent)), body) =>
+          Markup.parse_int(indent) match {
+            case Some(i) => Some((i, body))
+            case None => None
+          }
+        case _ => None
+      }
+  }
+  object Break
+  {
+    def apply(width: Int): XML.Tree =
+      XML.Elem(Markup.BREAK, List((Markup.WIDTH, width.toString)), List(XML.Text(" " * width)))
+    def unapply(tree: XML.Tree): Option[Int] =
+      tree match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup.BREAK, List((Markup.WIDTH, width)), _) => Markup.parse_int(width)
+        case _ => None
+      }
+  }
+  val FBreak = XML.Text("\n")
+  /* formatted output */
+  private case class Text(tx: List[String] = Nil, val pos: Int = 0, val nl: Int = 0)
+  {
+    def newline: Text = copy(tx = "\n" :: tx, pos = 0, nl = nl + 1)
+    def string(s: String): Text = copy(tx = s :: tx, pos = pos + s.length)
+    def blanks(wd: Int): Text = string(" " * wd)
+    def content: String = tx.reverse.mkString
+  }
+  private def breakdist(trees: List[XML.Tree], after: Int): Int =
+    trees match {
+      case Break(_) :: _ => 0
+      case FBreak :: _ => 0
+      case XML.Elem(_, _, body) :: ts =>
+        (0 /: body)(_ + XML.content_length(_)) + breakdist(ts, after)
+      case XML.Text(s) :: ts => s.length + breakdist(ts, after)
+      case Nil => after
+    }
+  private def forcenext(trees: List[XML.Tree]): List[XML.Tree] =
+    trees match {
+      case Nil => Nil
+      case FBreak :: _ => trees
+      case Break(_) :: ts => FBreak :: ts
+      case t :: ts => t :: forcenext(ts)
+    }
+  private def standard(tree: XML.Tree): List[XML.Tree] =
+    tree match {
+      case XML.Elem(name, atts, body) => List(XML.Elem(name, atts, body.flatMap(standard)))
+      case XML.Text(text) =>
+        Library.separate(FBreak,
+          Library.chunks(text) CharSequence) => XML.Text(s.toString)))
+    }
+  def string_of(input: List[XML.Tree], margin: Int = 76): String =
+  {
+    val breakgain = margin / 20
+    val emergencypos = margin / 2
+    def format(trees: List[XML.Tree], blockin: Int, after: Int, text: Text): Text =
+      trees match {
+        case Nil => text
+        case Block(indent, body) :: ts =>
+          val pos1 = text.pos + indent
+          val pos2 = pos1 % emergencypos
+          val blockin1 =
+            if (pos1 < emergencypos) pos1
+            else pos2
+          val btext = format(body, blockin1, breakdist(ts, after), text)
+          val ts1 = if ( < forcenext(ts) else ts
+          format(ts1, blockin, after, btext)
+        case Break(wd) :: ts =>
+          if (text.pos + wd <= (margin - breakdist(ts, after)).max(blockin + breakgain))
+            format(ts, blockin, after, text.blanks(wd))
+          else format(ts, blockin, after, text.newline.blanks(blockin))
+        case FBreak :: ts => format(ts, blockin, after, text.newline.blanks(blockin))
+        case XML.Elem(_, _, body) :: ts => format(body ::: ts, blockin, after, text)
+        case XML.Text(s) :: ts => format(ts, blockin, after, text.string(s))
+      }
+    format(input.flatMap(standard), 0, 0, Text()).content
+  }
--- a/src/Pure/General/scan.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/scan.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import scala.collection.generic.Addable
+import scala.collection.IndexedSeq
 import scala.collection.immutable.PagedSeq
 import scala.util.parsing.input.{OffsetPosition, Position => InputPosition, Reader}
 import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
@@ -306,7 +307,7 @@
   /** read file without decoding -- enables efficient length operation **/
-  private class Restricted_Seq(seq: RandomAccessSeq[Char], start: Int, end: Int)
+  private class Restricted_Seq(seq: IndexedSeq[Char], start: Int, end: Int)
     extends CharSequence
     def charAt(i: Int): Char =
--- a/src/Pure/General/swing_thread.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/General/swing_thread.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
-Evaluation within the AWT/Swing thread.
-package isabelle
-import javax.swing.{SwingUtilities, Timer}
-import java.awt.event.{ActionListener, ActionEvent}
-object Swing_Thread
-  /* checks */
-  def assert() = Predef.assert(SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
-  def require() = Predef.require(SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
-  /* main dispatch queue */
-  def now[A](body: => A): A =
-  {
-    var result: Option[A] = None
-    if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { result = Some(body) }
-    else SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable { def run = { result = Some(body) } })
-    result.get
-  }
-  def future[A](body: => A): Future[A] =
-  {
-    if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) Future.value(body)
-    else Future.fork { now(body) }
-  }
-  def later(body: => Unit)
-  {
-    if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) body
-    else SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable { def run = body })
-  }
-  /* delayed actions */
-  private def delayed_action(first: Boolean)(time_span: Int)(action: => Unit): () => Unit =
-  {
-    val listener =
-      new ActionListener { override def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) { action } }
-    val timer = new Timer(time_span, listener)
-    timer.setRepeats(false)
-    def invoke() { if (first) timer.start() else timer.restart() }
-    invoke _
-  }
-  // delayed action after first invocation
-  def delay_first = delayed_action(true) _
-  // delayed action after last invocation
-  def delay_last = delayed_action(false) _
--- a/src/Pure/General/xml.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/xml.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -92,6 +92,12 @@
+  def content_length(tree: XML.Tree): Int =
+    tree match {
+      case Elem(_, _, body) => (0 /: body)(_ + content_length(_))
+      case Text(s) => s.length
+    }
   /* cache for partial sharing -- NOT THREAD SAFE */
--- a/src/Pure/General/yxml.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/yxml.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 package isabelle
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
 object YXML
   /* chunk markers */
@@ -17,29 +20,6 @@
   private val Y_string = Y.toString
-  /* iterate over chunks (resembles space_explode in ML) */
-  private def chunks(sep: Char, source: CharSequence) = new Iterator[CharSequence]
-  {
-    private val end = source.length
-    private var state = if (end == 0) None else get_chunk(-1)
-    private def get_chunk(i: Int) =
-    {
-      if (i < end) {
-        var j = i; do j += 1 while (j < end && source.charAt(j) != sep)
-        Some((source.subSequence(i + 1, j), j))
-      }
-      else None
-    }
-    def hasNext() = state.isDefined
-    def next() = state match {
-      case Some((s, i)) => { state = get_chunk(i); s }
-      case None => throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")
-    }
-  }
   /* decoding pseudo UTF-8 */
   private class Decode_Chars(decode: String => String,
@@ -83,30 +63,36 @@
     /* stack operations */
-    var stack: List[((String, XML.Attributes), List[XML.Tree])] = null
+    def buffer(): ListBuffer[XML.Tree] = new ListBuffer[XML.Tree]
+    var stack: List[((String, XML.Attributes), ListBuffer[XML.Tree])] = List((("", Nil), buffer()))
-    def add(x: XML.Tree) = (stack: @unchecked) match {
-      case ((elem, body) :: pending) => stack = (elem, x :: body) :: pending
+    def add(x: XML.Tree)
+    {
+      (stack: @unchecked) match { case ((_, body) :: _) => body += x }
-    def push(name: String, atts: XML.Attributes) =
+    def push(name: String, atts: XML.Attributes)
+    {
       if (name == "") err_element()
-      else stack = ((name, atts), Nil) :: stack
+      else stack = ((name, atts), buffer()) :: stack
+    }
-    def pop() = (stack: @unchecked) match {
-      case ((("", _), _) :: _) => err_unbalanced("")
-      case (((name, atts), body) :: pending) =>
-        stack = pending; add(XML.Elem(name, atts, body.reverse))
+    def pop()
+    {
+      (stack: @unchecked) match {
+        case ((("", _), _) :: _) => err_unbalanced("")
+        case (((name, atts), body) :: pending) =>
+          stack = pending; add(XML.Elem(name, atts, body.toList))
+      }
     /* parse chunks */
-    stack = List((("", Nil), Nil))
-    for (chunk <- chunks(X, source) if chunk.length != 0) {
+    for (chunk <- Library.chunks(source, X) if chunk.length != 0) {
       if (chunk.length == 1 && chunk.charAt(0) == Y) pop()
       else {
-        chunks(Y, chunk).toList match {
+        Library.chunks(chunk, Y).toList match {
           case ch :: name :: atts if ch.length == 0 =>
           case txts => for (txt <- txts) add(XML.Text(txt.toString))
@@ -114,7 +100,7 @@
     stack match {
-      case List((("", _), result)) => result.reverse
+      case List((("", _), body)) => body.toList
       case ((name, _), _) :: _ => err_unbalanced(name)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -14,6 +14,26 @@
   type State_ID = String
   type Command_ID = String
   type Document_ID = String
+  /* reports */
+  object Assign {
+    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[List[XML.Tree]] =
+      msg match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup.ASSIGN, Nil, edits) => Some(edits)
+        case _ => None
+      }
+  }
+  object Edit {
+    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[(Command_ID, State_ID)] =
+      msg match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup.EDIT, List((Markup.ID, cmd_id), (Markup.STATE, state_id)), Nil) =>
+          Some(cmd_id, state_id)
+        case _ => None
+      }
+  }
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/outer_keyword.ML	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/outer_keyword.ML	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 fun command_tags name = these ( tags_of (command_keyword name));
-(* report *)
+(* reports *)
 val keyword_status_reportN = "keyword_status_report";
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/outer_keyword.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/outer_keyword.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 object Outer_Keyword
+  /* kinds */
   val MINOR = "minor"
   val CONTROL = "control"
   val DIAG = "diag"
@@ -33,6 +35,9 @@
   val PRF_ASM_GOAL = "proof-asm-goal"
   val PRF_SCRIPT = "proof-script"
+  /* categories */
   val minor = Set(MINOR)
   val control = Set(CONTROL)
   val diag = Set(DIAG)
@@ -43,5 +48,25 @@
   val proof2 = Set(PRF_ASM, PRF_ASM_GOAL)
   val improper = Set(THY_SCRIPT, PRF_SCRIPT)
+  /* reports */
+  object Keyword_Decl {
+    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[String] =
+      msg match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup.KEYWORD_DECL, List((Markup.NAME, name)), _) => Some(name)
+        case _ => None
+      }
+  }
+  object Command_Decl {
+    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[(String, String)] =
+      msg match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup.COMMAND_DECL, List((Markup.NAME, name), (Markup.KIND, kind)), _) =>
+          Some((name, kind))
+        case _ => None
+      }
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/change.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/change.scala
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
+    Author:     Makarius
+Changes of plain text.
+package isabelle
+class Change(
+  val id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
+  val parent: Option[Change],
+  val edits: List[Text_Edit],
+  val result: Future[(List[Document.Edit], Document)])
+  def ancestors: Iterator[Change] = new Iterator[Change]
+  {
+    private var state: Option[Change] = Some(Change.this)
+    def hasNext = state.isDefined
+    def next =
+      state match {
+        case Some(change) => state = change.parent; change
+        case None => throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")
+      }
+  }
+  def join_document: Document = result.join._2
+  def is_assigned: Boolean = result.is_finished && join_document.assignment.is_finished
+  def edit(session: Session, edits: List[Text_Edit]): Change =
+  {
+    val new_id = session.create_id()
+    val result: Future[(List[Document.Edit], Document)] =
+      Future.fork {
+        val old_doc = join_document
+        old_doc.await_assignment
+        Document.text_edits(session, old_doc, new_id, edits)
+      }
+    new Change(new_id, Some(this), edits, result)
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/command.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/command.scala
+    Author:     Johannes Hölzl, TU Munich
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
+    Author:     Makarius
+Prover commands with semantic state.
+package isabelle
+import scala.actors.Actor, Actor._
+import scala.collection.mutable
+object Command
+  object Status extends Enumeration
+  {
+    val FINISHED = Value("FINISHED")
+    val FAILED = Value("FAILED")
+  }
+  case class HighlightInfo(highlight: String) { override def toString = highlight }
+  case class TypeInfo(ty: String)
+  case class RefInfo(file: Option[String], line: Option[Int],
+    command_id: Option[String], offset: Option[Int])
+class Command(
+    val id: Isar_Document.Command_ID,
+    val span: Thy_Syntax.Span)
+  extends Session.Entity
+  /* classification */
+  def is_command: Boolean = !span.isEmpty && span.head.is_command
+  def is_ignored: Boolean = span.forall(_.is_ignored)
+  def is_malformed: Boolean = !is_command && !is_ignored
+  def name: String = if (is_command) span.head.content else ""
+  override def toString = if (is_command) name else if (is_ignored) "<ignored>" else "<malformed>"
+  /* source text */
+  val source: String =
+  def source(i: Int, j: Int): String = source.substring(i, j)
+  def length: Int = source.length
+  lazy val symbol_index = new Symbol.Index(source)
+  /* accumulated messages */
+  @volatile protected var state = new State(this)
+  def current_state: State = state
+  private case class Consume(session: Session, message: XML.Tree)
+  private case object Assign
+  private val accumulator = actor {
+    var assigned = false
+    loop {
+      react {
+        case Consume(session: Session, message: XML.Tree) if !assigned =>
+          state = state.+(session, message)
+        case Assign =>
+          assigned = true  // single assignment
+          reply(())
+        case bad => System.err.println("command accumulator: ignoring bad message " + bad)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def consume(session: Session, message: XML.Tree) { accumulator ! Consume(session, message) }
+  def assign_state(state_id: Isar_Document.State_ID): Command =
+  {
+    val cmd = new Command(state_id, span)
+    accumulator !? Assign
+    cmd.state = current_state
+    cmd
+  }
+  /* markup */
+  lazy val empty_markup = new Markup_Text(Nil, source)
+  def markup_node(begin: Int, end: Int, info: Any): Markup_Tree =
+  {
+    val start = symbol_index.decode(begin)
+    val stop = symbol_index.decode(end)
+    new Markup_Tree(new Markup_Node(start, stop, info), Nil)
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/document.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Document as editable list of commands.
+package isabelle
+object Document
+  /* command start positions */
+  def command_starts(commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
+  {
+    var offset = 0
+    for (cmd <- commands.iterator) yield {
+      val start = offset
+      offset += cmd.length
+      (cmd, start)
+    }
+  }
+  /* empty document */
+  def empty(id: Isar_Document.Document_ID): Document =
+  {
+    val doc = new Document(id, Linear_Set(), Map())
+    doc.assign_states(Nil)
+    doc
+  }
+  // FIXME
+  var phase0: List[Text_Edit] = null
+  var phase1: Linear_Set[Command] = null
+  var phase2: Linear_Set[Command] = null
+  var phase3: List[Edit] = null
+  /** document edits **/
+  type Edit = (Option[Command], Option[Command])
+  def text_edits(session: Session, old_doc: Document, new_id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
+    edits: List[Text_Edit]): (List[Edit], Document) =
+  {
+    require(old_doc.assignment.is_finished)
+    /* unparsed dummy commands */
+    def unparsed(source: String) =
+      new Command(null, List(Outer_Lex.Token(Outer_Lex.Token_Kind.UNPARSED, source)))
+    def is_unparsed(command: Command) = == null
+    assert(!old_doc.commands.exists(is_unparsed))   // FIXME remove
+    /* phase 1: edit individual command source */
+    def edit_text(eds: List[Text_Edit], commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
+    {
+      eds match {
+        case e :: es =>
+          command_starts(commands).find {   // FIXME relative search!
+            case (cmd, cmd_start) =>
+              e.can_edit(cmd.source, cmd_start) || e.is_insert && e.start == cmd_start + cmd.length
+          } match {
+            case Some((cmd, cmd_start)) if e.can_edit(cmd.source, cmd_start) =>
+              val (rest, text) = e.edit(cmd.source, cmd_start)
+              val new_commands = commands.insert_after(Some(cmd), unparsed(text)) - cmd
+              edit_text(rest.toList ::: es, new_commands)
+            case Some((cmd, cmd_start)) =>
+              edit_text(es, commands.insert_after(Some(cmd), unparsed(e.text)))
+            case None =>
+              require(e.is_insert && e.start == 0)
+              edit_text(es, commands.insert_after(None, unparsed(e.text)))
+          }
+        case Nil => commands
+      }
+    }
+    /* phase 2: recover command spans */
+    def parse_spans(commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
+    {
+      // FIXME relative search!
+      commands.iterator.find(is_unparsed) match {
+        case Some(first_unparsed) =>
+          val prefix = commands.prev(first_unparsed)
+          val body = commands.iterator(first_unparsed).takeWhile(is_unparsed).toList
+          val suffix =
+          val sources = (prefix.toList ::: body ::: suffix.toList).flatMap(
+          val spans0 = Thy_Syntax.parse_spans(session.current_syntax.scan(sources.mkString))
+          val (before_edit, spans1) =
+            if (!spans0.isEmpty && Some(spans0.head) ==
+              (prefix, spans0.tail)
+            else (if (prefix.isDefined) commands.prev(prefix.get) else None, spans0)
+          val (after_edit, spans2) =
+            if (!spans1.isEmpty && Some(spans1.last) ==
+              (suffix, spans1.take(spans1.length - 1))
+            else (if (suffix.isDefined) else None, spans1)
+          val inserted = => new Command(session.create_id(), span))
+          val new_commands =
+            commands.delete_between(before_edit, after_edit).append_after(before_edit, inserted)
+          parse_spans(new_commands)
+        case None => commands
+      }
+    }
+    /* phase 3: resulting document edits */
+    val result = Library.timeit("text_edits") {
+      val commands0 = old_doc.commands
+      val commands1 = Library.timeit("edit_text") { edit_text(edits, commands0) }
+      val commands2 = Library.timeit("parse_spans") { parse_spans(commands1) }
+      val removed_commands = commands0.iterator.filter(!commands2.contains(_)).toList
+      val inserted_commands = commands2.iterator.filter(!commands0.contains(_)).toList
+      val doc_edits =
+ => (commands0.prev(cmd), None)) :::
+ => (commands2.prev(cmd), Some(cmd)))
+      val former_states = old_doc.assignment.join -- removed_commands
+      phase0 = edits
+      phase1 = commands1
+      phase2 = commands2
+      phase3 = doc_edits
+      (doc_edits, new Document(new_id, commands2, former_states))
+    }
+    result
+  }
+class Document(
+    val id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
+    val commands: Linear_Set[Command],
+    former_states: Map[Command, Command])
+  /* command ranges */
+  def command_starts: Iterator[(Command, Int)] = Document.command_starts(commands)
+  def command_start(cmd: Command): Option[Int] =
+    command_starts.find(_._1 == cmd).map(_._2)
+  def command_range(i: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
+    command_starts dropWhile { case (cmd, start) => start + cmd.length <= i }
+  def command_range(i: Int, j: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
+    command_range(i) takeWhile { case (_, start) => start < j }
+  def command_at(i: Int): Option[(Command, Int)] =
+  {
+    val range = command_range(i)
+    if (range.hasNext) Some( else None
+  }
+  /* command state assignment */
+  val assignment = Future.promise[Map[Command, Command]]
+  def await_assignment { assignment.join }
+  @volatile private var tmp_states = former_states
+  private val time0 = System.currentTimeMillis
+  def assign_states(new_states: List[(Command, Command)])
+  {
+    assignment.fulfill(tmp_states ++ new_states)
+    tmp_states = Map()
+    System.err.println("assign_states: " + (System.currentTimeMillis - time0) + " ms elapsed time")
+  }
+  def current_state(cmd: Command): Option[State] =
+  {
+    require(assignment.is_finished)
+    (assignment.join).get(cmd).map(_.current_state)
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/event_bus.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/event_bus.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Generic event bus with multiple receiving actors.
+package isabelle
+import scala.actors.Actor, Actor._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+class Event_Bus[Event]
+  /* receivers */
+  private val receivers = new ListBuffer[Actor]
+  def += (r: Actor) { synchronized { receivers += r } }
+  def + (r: Actor): Event_Bus[Event] = { this += r; this }
+  def += (f: Event => Unit) {
+    this += actor { loop { react { case x: Event => f(x) } } }
+  }
+  def + (f: Event => Unit): Event_Bus[Event] = { this += f; this }
+  def -= (r: Actor) { synchronized { receivers -= r } }
+  def - (r: Actor) = { this -= r; this }
+  /* event invocation */
+  def event(x: Event) { synchronized { receivers.foreach(_ ! x) } }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/markup_node.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/markup_node.scala
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
+    Author:     Makarius
+Document markup nodes, with connection to Swing tree model.
+package isabelle
+import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
+case class Markup_Node(val start: Int, val stop: Int, val info: Any)
+  def fits_into(that: Markup_Node): Boolean =
+    that.start <= this.start && this.stop <= that.stop
+case class Markup_Tree(val node: Markup_Node, val branches: List[Markup_Tree])
+  private def add(branch: Markup_Tree) =   // FIXME avoid sort
+    copy(branches = (branch :: branches).sortWith((a, b) => a.node.start < b.node.start))
+  private def remove(bs: List[Markup_Tree]) =
+    copy(branches = branches.filterNot(bs.contains(_)))
+  def + (new_tree: Markup_Tree): Markup_Tree =
+  {
+    val new_node = new_tree.node
+    if (new_node fits_into node) {
+      var inserted = false
+      val new_branches =
+ =>
+          if ((new_node fits_into branch.node) && !inserted) {
+            inserted = true
+            branch + new_tree
+          }
+          else branch)
+      if (!inserted) {
+        // new_tree did not fit into children of this
+        // -> insert between this and its branches
+        val fitting = branches filter(_.node fits_into new_node)
+        (this remove fitting) add ((new_tree /: fitting)(_ + _))
+      }
+      else copy(branches = new_branches)
+    }
+    else {
+      System.err.println("ignored nonfitting markup: " + new_node)
+      this
+    }
+  }
+  def flatten: List[Markup_Node] =
+  {
+    var next_x = node.start
+    if (branches.isEmpty) List(this.node)
+    else {
+      val filled_gaps =
+        for {
+          child <- branches
+          markups =
+            if (next_x < child.node.start)
+              new Markup_Node(next_x, child.node.start, :: child.flatten
+            else child.flatten
+          update = (next_x = child.node.stop)
+          markup <- markups
+        } yield markup
+      if (next_x < node.stop)
+        filled_gaps ::: List(new Markup_Node(next_x, node.stop,
+      else filled_gaps
+    }
+  }
+case class Markup_Text(val markup: List[Markup_Tree], val content: String)
+  private lazy val root =
+    new Markup_Tree(new Markup_Node(0, content.length, None), markup)
+  def + (new_tree: Markup_Tree): Markup_Text =
+    new Markup_Text((root + new_tree).branches, content)
+  def filter(pred: Markup_Node => Boolean): Markup_Text =
+  {
+    def filt(tree: Markup_Tree): List[Markup_Tree] =
+    {
+      val branches = tree.branches.flatMap(filt(_))
+      if (pred(tree.node)) List(tree.copy(branches = branches))
+      else branches
+    }
+    new Markup_Text(markup.flatMap(filt(_)), content)
+  }
+  def flatten: List[Markup_Node] = markup.flatten(_.flatten)
+  def swing_tree(swing_node: Markup_Node => DefaultMutableTreeNode): DefaultMutableTreeNode =
+  {
+    def swing(tree: Markup_Tree): DefaultMutableTreeNode =
+    {
+      val node = swing_node(tree.node)
+      tree.branches foreach ((branch: Markup_Tree) => node.add(swing(branch)))
+      node
+    }
+    swing(root)
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/state.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/state.scala
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
+    Author:     Makarius
+Accumulating results from prover.
+package isabelle
+class State(
+  val command: Command,
+  val status: Command.Status.Value,
+  val rev_results: List[XML.Tree],
+  val markup_root: Markup_Text)
+  def this(command: Command) =
+    this(command, Command.Status.UNPROCESSED, Nil, command.empty_markup)
+  /* content */
+  private def set_status(st: Command.Status.Value): State =
+    new State(command, st, rev_results, markup_root)
+  private def add_result(res: XML.Tree): State =
+    new State(command, status, res :: rev_results, markup_root)
+  private def add_markup(node: Markup_Tree): State =
+    new State(command, status, rev_results, markup_root + node)
+  lazy val results = rev_results.reverse
+  /* markup */
+  lazy val highlight: Markup_Text =
+  {
+    markup_root.filter( match {
+      case Command.HighlightInfo(_) => true
+      case _ => false
+    })
+  }
+  private lazy val types: List[Markup_Node] =
+    markup_root.filter( match {
+      case Command.TypeInfo(_) => true
+      case _ => false }).flatten
+  def type_at(pos: Int): Option[String] =
+  {
+    types.find(t => t.start <= pos && pos < t.stop) match {
+      case Some(t) =>
+ match {
+          case Command.TypeInfo(ty) => Some(command.source(t.start, t.stop) + ": " + ty)
+          case _ => None
+        }
+      case None => None
+    }
+  }
+  private lazy val refs: List[Markup_Node] =
+    markup_root.filter( match {
+      case Command.RefInfo(_, _, _, _) => true
+      case _ => false }).flatten
+  def ref_at(pos: Int): Option[Markup_Node] =
+    refs.find(t => t.start <= pos && pos < t.stop)
+  /* message dispatch */
+  def + (session: Session, message: XML.Tree): State =
+  {
+    val changed: State =
+      message match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup.MESSAGE, (Markup.CLASS, Markup.STATUS) :: _, elems) =>
+          (this /: elems)((state, elem) =>
+            elem match {
+              case XML.Elem(Markup.UNPROCESSED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.UNPROCESSED)
+              case XML.Elem(Markup.FINISHED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.FINISHED)
+              case XML.Elem(Markup.FAILED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.FAILED)
+              case XML.Elem(kind, atts, body) =>
+                atts match {
+                  case Position.Range(begin, end) =>
+                    if (kind == Markup.ML_TYPING) {
+                      val info = body.head.asInstanceOf[XML.Text].content   // FIXME proper match!?
+                      state.add_markup(
+                        command.markup_node(begin - 1, end - 1, Command.TypeInfo(info)))
+                    }
+                    else if (kind == Markup.ML_REF) {
+                      body match {
+                        case List(XML.Elem(Markup.ML_DEF, atts, _)) =>
+                          state.add_markup(command.markup_node(
+                            begin - 1, end - 1,
+                            Command.RefInfo(
+                              Position.get_file(atts),
+                              Position.get_line(atts),
+                              Position.get_id(atts),
+                              Position.get_offset(atts))))
+                        case _ => state
+                      }
+                    }
+                    else {
+                      state.add_markup(
+                        command.markup_node(begin - 1, end - 1, Command.HighlightInfo(kind)))
+                    }
+                  case _ => state
+                }
+              case _ =>
+                System.err.println("ignored status report: " + elem)
+                state
+            })
+        case _ => add_result(message)
+      }
+    if (!(this eq changed)) session.command_change.event(command)
+    changed
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/text_edit.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/text_edit.scala
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
+    Author:     Makarius
+Basic edits on plain text.
+package isabelle
+class Text_Edit(val is_insert: Boolean, val start: Int, val text: String)
+  override def toString =
+    (if (is_insert) "Insert(" else "Remove(") + (start, text).toString + ")"
+  /* transform offsets */
+  private def transform(do_insert: Boolean, offset: Int): Int =
+    if (offset < start) offset
+    else if (is_insert == do_insert) offset + text.length
+    else (offset - text.length) max start
+  def after(offset: Int): Int = transform(true, offset)
+  def before(offset: Int): Int = transform(false, offset)
+  /* edit strings */
+  private def insert(index: Int, string: String): String =
+    string.substring(0, index) + text + string.substring(index)
+  private def remove(index: Int, count: Int, string: String): String =
+    string.substring(0, index) + string.substring(index + count)
+  def can_edit(string: String, shift: Int): Boolean =
+    shift <= start && start < shift + string.length
+  def edit(string: String, shift: Int): (Option[Text_Edit], String) =
+    if (!can_edit(string, shift)) (Some(this), string)
+    else if (is_insert) (None, insert(start - shift, string))
+    else {
+      val index = start - shift
+      val count = text.length min (string.length - index)
+      val rest =
+        if (count == text.length) None
+        else Some(new Text_Edit(false, start, text.substring(count)))
+      (rest, remove(index, count, string))
+    }
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -115,8 +115,6 @@
             [Pgml.Box {orient = NONE, indent = Properties.get_int atts Markup.indentN, content = content}]
           else if name = Markup.breakN then
             [Pgml.Break {mandatory = NONE, indent = Properties.get_int atts Markup.widthN}]
-          else if name = Markup.fbreakN then
-            [Pgml.Break {mandatory = SOME true, indent = NONE}]
           else content
   | pgml_terms (XML.Text text) = map (Pgml.Raw o Pgml.atom_to_xml) (pgml_syms text);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/download.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/System/download.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Download URLs -- with progress monitor.
+package isabelle
+import{BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, FileOutputStream,
+  File, InterruptedIOException}
+import{URL, URLConnection}
+import java.awt.{Component, HeadlessException}
+import javax.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
+object Download
+  def stream(parent: Component, url: URL): (URLConnection, BufferedInputStream) =
+  {
+    val connection = url.openConnection
+    val stream = new ProgressMonitorInputStream(null, "Downloading", connection.getInputStream)
+    val monitor = stream.getProgressMonitor
+    monitor.setNote(connection.getURL.toString)
+    val length = connection.getContentLength
+    if (length != -1) monitor.setMaximum(length)
+    (connection, new BufferedInputStream(stream))
+  }
+  def file(parent: Component, url: URL, file: File)
+  {
+    val (connection, instream) = stream(parent, url)
+    val mod_time = connection.getLastModified
+    def read() =
+      try { }
+      catch { case _ : InterruptedIOException => error("Download canceled!") }
+    try {
+      val outstream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))
+      try {
+        var c: Int = 0
+        while ({ c = read(); c != -1}) outstream.write(c)
+      }
+      finally { outstream.close }
+      if (mod_time > 0) file.setLastModified(mod_time)
+    }
+    finally { instream.close }
+  }
--- a/src/Pure/System/gui_setup.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/gui_setup.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -12,15 +12,13 @@
 import scala.swing.event._
-object GUI_Setup extends GUIApplication
+object GUI_Setup extends SwingApplication
-  def main(args: Array[String]) =
+  def startup(args: Array[String]) =
-    Swing_Thread.later {
-      UIManager.setLookAndFeel(Platform.look_and_feel)
-      top.pack()
-      top.visible = true
-    }
+    UIManager.setLookAndFeel(Platform.look_and_feel)
+    top.pack()
+    top.visible = true
   def top = new MainFrame {
--- a/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * Isabelle session, potentially with running prover
- *
- * @author Makarius
- */
+/*  Title:      Pure/System/session.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Isabelle session, potentially with running prover.
 package isabelle
@@ -123,12 +123,12 @@
         result.body match {
           // document state assignment
-          case List(XML.Elem(Markup.ASSIGN, _, edits)) if target_id.isDefined =>
+          case List(Isar_Document.Assign(edits)) if target_id.isDefined =>
             documents.get(target_id.get) match {
               case Some(doc) =>
                 val states =
                   for {
-                    XML.Elem(Markup.EDIT, (Markup.ID, cmd_id) :: (Markup.STATE, state_id) :: _, _) <- edits
+                    Isar_Document.Edit(cmd_id, state_id) <- edits
                     cmd <- lookup_command(cmd_id)
                   } yield {
                     val st = cmd.assign_state(state_id)
@@ -139,11 +139,9 @@
               case None => bad_result(result)
-          // command and keyword declarations
-          case List(XML.Elem(Markup.COMMAND_DECL, (Markup.NAME, name) :: (Markup.KIND, kind) :: _, _)) =>
-            syntax += (name, kind)
-          case List(XML.Elem(Markup.KEYWORD_DECL, (Markup.NAME, name) :: _, _)) =>
-            syntax += name
+          // keyword declarations
+          case List(Outer_Keyword.Command_Decl(name, kind)) => syntax += (name, kind)
+          case List(Outer_Keyword.Keyword_Decl(name)) => syntax += name
           case _ => if (!result.is_ready) bad_result(result)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/swing_thread.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/System/swing_thread.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
+Evaluation within the AWT/Swing thread.
+package isabelle
+import javax.swing.{SwingUtilities, Timer}
+import java.awt.event.{ActionListener, ActionEvent}
+object Swing_Thread
+  /* checks */
+  def assert() = Predef.assert(SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
+  def require() = Predef.require(SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
+  /* main dispatch queue */
+  def now[A](body: => A): A =
+  {
+    var result: Option[A] = None
+    if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { result = Some(body) }
+    else SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable { def run = { result = Some(body) } })
+    result.get
+  }
+  def future[A](body: => A): Future[A] =
+  {
+    if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) Future.value(body)
+    else Future.fork { now(body) }
+  }
+  def later(body: => Unit)
+  {
+    if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) body
+    else SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable { def run = body })
+  }
+  /* delayed actions */
+  private def delayed_action(first: Boolean)(time_span: Int)(action: => Unit): () => Unit =
+  {
+    val listener =
+      new ActionListener { override def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) { action } }
+    val timer = new Timer(time_span, listener)
+    timer.setRepeats(false)
+    def invoke() { if (first) timer.start() else timer.restart() }
+    invoke _
+  }
+  // delayed action after first invocation
+  def delay_first = delayed_action(true) _
+  // delayed action after last invocation
+  def delay_last = delayed_action(false) _
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/change.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Changes of plain text
- *
- * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich
- * @author Makarius
- */
-package isabelle
-class Change(
-  val id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
-  val parent: Option[Change],
-  val edits: List[Text_Edit],
-  val result: Future[(List[Document.Edit], Document)])
-  def ancestors: Iterator[Change] = new Iterator[Change]
-  {
-    private var state: Option[Change] = Some(Change.this)
-    def hasNext = state.isDefined
-    def next =
-      state match {
-        case Some(change) => state = change.parent; change
-        case None => throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")
-      }
-  }
-  def join_document: Document = result.join._2
-  def is_assigned: Boolean = result.is_finished && join_document.assignment.is_finished
-  def edit(session: Session, edits: List[Text_Edit]): Change =
-  {
-    val new_id = session.create_id()
-    val result: Future[(List[Document.Edit], Document)] =
-      Future.fork {
-        val old_doc = join_document
-        old_doc.await_assignment
-        Document.text_edits(session, old_doc, new_id, edits)
-      }
-    new Change(new_id, Some(this), edits, result)
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/command.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- * Prover commands with semantic state
- *
- * @author Johannes Hölzl, TU Munich
- * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich
- */
-package isabelle
-import scala.actors.Actor, Actor._
-import scala.collection.mutable
-object Command
-  object Status extends Enumeration
-  {
-    val FINISHED = Value("FINISHED")
-    val FAILED = Value("FAILED")
-  }
-  case class HighlightInfo(highlight: String) { override def toString = highlight }
-  case class TypeInfo(ty: String)
-  case class RefInfo(file: Option[String], line: Option[Int],
-    command_id: Option[String], offset: Option[Int])
-class Command(
-    val id: Isar_Document.Command_ID,
-    val span: Thy_Syntax.Span)
-  extends Session.Entity
-  /* classification */
-  def is_command: Boolean = !span.isEmpty && span.head.is_command
-  def is_ignored: Boolean = span.forall(_.is_ignored)
-  def is_malformed: Boolean = !is_command && !is_ignored
-  def name: String = if (is_command) span.head.content else ""
-  override def toString = if (is_command) name else if (is_ignored) "<ignored>" else "<malformed>"
-  /* source text */
-  val source: String =
-  def source(i: Int, j: Int): String = source.substring(i, j)
-  def length: Int = source.length
-  lazy val symbol_index = new Symbol.Index(source)
-  /* accumulated messages */
-  @volatile protected var state = new State(this)
-  def current_state: State = state
-  private case class Consume(session: Session, message: XML.Tree)
-  private case object Assign
-  private val accumulator = actor {
-    var assigned = false
-    loop {
-      react {
-        case Consume(session: Session, message: XML.Tree) if !assigned =>
-          state = state.+(session, message)
-        case Assign =>
-          assigned = true  // single assignment
-          reply(())
-        case bad => System.err.println("command accumulator: ignoring bad message " + bad)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def consume(session: Session, message: XML.Tree) { accumulator ! Consume(session, message) }
-  def assign_state(state_id: Isar_Document.State_ID): Command =
-  {
-    val cmd = new Command(state_id, span)
-    accumulator !? Assign
-    cmd.state = current_state
-    cmd
-  }
-  /* markup */
-  lazy val empty_markup = new Markup_Text(Nil, source)
-  def markup_node(begin: Int, end: Int, info: Any): Markup_Tree =
-  {
-    val start = symbol_index.decode(begin)
-    val stop = symbol_index.decode(end)
-    new Markup_Tree(new Markup_Node(start, stop, info), Nil)
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/document.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
- * Document as editable list of commands
- *
- * @author Makarius
- */
-package isabelle
-object Document
-  /* command start positions */
-  def command_starts(commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
-  {
-    var offset = 0
-    for (cmd <- commands.iterator) yield {
-      val start = offset
-      offset += cmd.length
-      (cmd, start)
-    }
-  }
-  /* empty document */
-  def empty(id: Isar_Document.Document_ID): Document =
-  {
-    val doc = new Document(id, Linear_Set(), Map())
-    doc.assign_states(Nil)
-    doc
-  }
-  // FIXME
-  var phase0: List[Text_Edit] = null
-  var phase1: Linear_Set[Command] = null
-  var phase2: Linear_Set[Command] = null
-  var phase3: List[Edit] = null
-  /** document edits **/
-  type Edit = (Option[Command], Option[Command])
-  def text_edits(session: Session, old_doc: Document, new_id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
-    edits: List[Text_Edit]): (List[Edit], Document) =
-  {
-    require(old_doc.assignment.is_finished)
-    /* unparsed dummy commands */
-    def unparsed(source: String) =
-      new Command(null, List(Outer_Lex.Token(Outer_Lex.Token_Kind.UNPARSED, source)))
-    def is_unparsed(command: Command) = == null
-    assert(!old_doc.commands.exists(is_unparsed))   // FIXME remove
-    /* phase 1: edit individual command source */
-    def edit_text(eds: List[Text_Edit], commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
-    {
-      eds match {
-        case e :: es =>
-          command_starts(commands).find {   // FIXME relative search!
-            case (cmd, cmd_start) =>
-              e.can_edit(cmd.source, cmd_start) || e.is_insert && e.start == cmd_start + cmd.length
-          } match {
-            case Some((cmd, cmd_start)) if e.can_edit(cmd.source, cmd_start) =>
-              val (rest, text) = e.edit(cmd.source, cmd_start)
-              val new_commands = commands.insert_after(Some(cmd), unparsed(text)) - cmd
-              edit_text(rest.toList ::: es, new_commands)
-            case Some((cmd, cmd_start)) =>
-              edit_text(es, commands.insert_after(Some(cmd), unparsed(e.text)))
-            case None =>
-              require(e.is_insert && e.start == 0)
-              edit_text(es, commands.insert_after(None, unparsed(e.text)))
-          }
-        case Nil => commands
-      }
-    }
-    /* phase 2: recover command spans */
-    def parse_spans(commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
-    {
-      // FIXME relative search!
-      commands.iterator.find(is_unparsed) match {
-        case Some(first_unparsed) =>
-          val prefix = commands.prev(first_unparsed)
-          val body = commands.iterator(first_unparsed).takeWhile(is_unparsed).toList
-          val suffix =
-          val sources = (prefix.toList ::: body ::: suffix.toList).flatMap(
-          val spans0 = Thy_Syntax.parse_spans(session.current_syntax.scan(sources.mkString))
-          val (before_edit, spans1) =
-            if (!spans0.isEmpty && Some(spans0.head) ==
-              (prefix, spans0.tail)
-            else (if (prefix.isDefined) commands.prev(prefix.get) else None, spans0)
-          val (after_edit, spans2) =
-            if (!spans1.isEmpty && Some(spans1.last) ==
-              (suffix, spans1.take(spans1.length - 1))
-            else (if (suffix.isDefined) else None, spans1)
-          val inserted = => new Command(session.create_id(), span))
-          val new_commands =
-            commands.delete_between(before_edit, after_edit).append_after(before_edit, inserted)
-          parse_spans(new_commands)
-        case None => commands
-      }
-    }
-    /* phase 3: resulting document edits */
-    val result = Library.timeit("text_edits") {
-      val commands0 = old_doc.commands
-      val commands1 = Library.timeit("edit_text") { edit_text(edits, commands0) }
-      val commands2 = Library.timeit("parse_spans") { parse_spans(commands1) }
-      val removed_commands = commands0.iterator.filter(!commands2.contains(_)).toList
-      val inserted_commands = commands2.iterator.filter(!commands0.contains(_)).toList
-      val doc_edits =
- => (commands0.prev(cmd), None)) :::
- => (commands2.prev(cmd), Some(cmd)))
-      val former_states = old_doc.assignment.join -- removed_commands
-      phase0 = edits
-      phase1 = commands1
-      phase2 = commands2
-      phase3 = doc_edits
-      (doc_edits, new Document(new_id, commands2, former_states))
-    }
-    result
-  }
-class Document(
-    val id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
-    val commands: Linear_Set[Command],
-    former_states: Map[Command, Command])
-  /* command ranges */
-  def command_starts: Iterator[(Command, Int)] = Document.command_starts(commands)
-  def command_start(cmd: Command): Option[Int] =
-    command_starts.find(_._1 == cmd).map(_._2)
-  def command_range(i: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
-    command_starts dropWhile { case (cmd, start) => start + cmd.length <= i }
-  def command_range(i: Int, j: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
-    command_range(i) takeWhile { case (_, start) => start < j }
-  def command_at(i: Int): Option[(Command, Int)] =
-  {
-    val range = command_range(i)
-    if (range.hasNext) Some( else None
-  }
-  /* command state assignment */
-  val assignment = Future.promise[Map[Command, Command]]
-  def await_assignment { assignment.join }
-  @volatile private var tmp_states = former_states
-  private val time0 = System.currentTimeMillis
-  def assign_states(new_states: List[(Command, Command)])
-  {
-    assignment.fulfill(tmp_states ++ new_states)
-    tmp_states = Map()
-    System.err.println("assign_states: " + (System.currentTimeMillis - time0) + " ms elapsed time")
-  }
-  def current_state(cmd: Command): Option[State] =
-  {
-    require(assignment.is_finished)
-    (assignment.join).get(cmd).map(_.current_state)
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/markup_node.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- * Document markup nodes, with connection to Swing tree model
- *
- * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich
- * @author Makarius
- */
-package isabelle
-import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
-class Markup_Node(val start: Int, val stop: Int, val info: Any)
-  def fits_into(that: Markup_Node): Boolean =
-    that.start <= this.start && this.stop <= that.stop
-class Markup_Tree(val node: Markup_Node, val branches: List[Markup_Tree])
-  def set_branches(bs: List[Markup_Tree]): Markup_Tree = new Markup_Tree(node, bs)
-  private def add(branch: Markup_Tree) =   // FIXME avoid sort
-    set_branches((branch :: branches).sortWith((a, b) => a.node.start < b.node.start))
-  private def remove(bs: List[Markup_Tree]) = set_branches(branches -- bs)
-  def + (new_tree: Markup_Tree): Markup_Tree =
-  {
-    val new_node = new_tree.node
-    if (new_node fits_into node) {
-      var inserted = false
-      val new_branches =
- =>
-          if ((new_node fits_into branch.node) && !inserted) {
-            inserted = true
-            branch + new_tree
-          }
-          else branch)
-      if (!inserted) {
-        // new_tree did not fit into children of this
-        // -> insert between this and its branches
-        val fitting = branches filter(_.node fits_into new_node)
-        (this remove fitting) add ((new_tree /: fitting)(_ + _))
-      }
-      else set_branches(new_branches)
-    }
-    else {
-      System.err.println("ignored nonfitting markup: " + new_node)
-      this
-    }
-  }
-  def flatten: List[Markup_Node] =
-  {
-    var next_x = node.start
-    if (branches.isEmpty) List(this.node)
-    else {
-      val filled_gaps =
-        for {
-          child <- branches
-          markups =
-            if (next_x < child.node.start)
-              new Markup_Node(next_x, child.node.start, :: child.flatten
-            else child.flatten
-          update = (next_x = child.node.stop)
-          markup <- markups
-        } yield markup
-      if (next_x < node.stop)
-        filled_gaps ::: List(new Markup_Node(next_x, node.stop,
-      else filled_gaps
-    }
-  }
-class Markup_Text(val markup: List[Markup_Tree], val content: String)
-  private lazy val root =
-    new Markup_Tree(new Markup_Node(0, content.length, None), markup)
-  def + (new_tree: Markup_Tree): Markup_Text =
-    new Markup_Text((root + new_tree).branches, content)
-  def filter(pred: Markup_Node => Boolean): Markup_Text =
-  {
-    def filt(tree: Markup_Tree): List[Markup_Tree] =
-    {
-      val branches = tree.branches.flatMap(filt(_))
-      if (pred(tree.node)) List(tree.set_branches(branches))
-      else branches
-    }
-    new Markup_Text(markup.flatMap(filt(_)), content)
-  }
-  def flatten: List[Markup_Node] = markup.flatten(_.flatten)
-  def swing_tree(swing_node: Markup_Node => DefaultMutableTreeNode): DefaultMutableTreeNode =
-  {
-    def swing(tree: Markup_Tree): DefaultMutableTreeNode =
-    {
-      val node = swing_node(tree.node)
-      tree.branches foreach ((branch: Markup_Tree) => node.add(swing(branch)))
-      node
-    }
-    swing(root)
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/state.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- * Accumulating results from prover
- *
- * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich
- * @author Makarius
- */
-package isabelle
-class State(
-  val command: Command,
-  val status: Command.Status.Value,
-  val rev_results: List[XML.Tree],
-  val markup_root: Markup_Text)
-  def this(command: Command) =
-    this(command, Command.Status.UNPROCESSED, Nil, command.empty_markup)
-  /* content */
-  private def set_status(st: Command.Status.Value): State =
-    new State(command, st, rev_results, markup_root)
-  private def add_result(res: XML.Tree): State =
-    new State(command, status, res :: rev_results, markup_root)
-  private def add_markup(node: Markup_Tree): State =
-    new State(command, status, rev_results, markup_root + node)
-  lazy val results = rev_results.reverse
-  /* markup */
-  lazy val highlight: Markup_Text =
-  {
-    markup_root.filter( match {
-      case Command.HighlightInfo(_) => true
-      case _ => false
-    })
-  }
-  private lazy val types: List[Markup_Node] =
-    markup_root.filter( match {
-      case Command.TypeInfo(_) => true
-      case _ => false }).flatten
-  def type_at(pos: Int): Option[String] =
-  {
-    types.find(t => t.start <= pos && pos < t.stop) match {
-      case Some(t) =>
- match {
-          case Command.TypeInfo(ty) => Some(command.source(t.start, t.stop) + ": " + ty)
-          case _ => None
-        }
-      case None => None
-    }
-  }
-  private lazy val refs: List[Markup_Node] =
-    markup_root.filter( match {
-      case Command.RefInfo(_, _, _, _) => true
-      case _ => false }).flatten
-  def ref_at(pos: Int): Option[Markup_Node] =
-    refs.find(t => t.start <= pos && pos < t.stop)
-  /* message dispatch */
-  def + (session: Session, message: XML.Tree): State =
-  {
-    val changed: State =
-      message match {
-        case XML.Elem(Markup.MESSAGE, (Markup.CLASS, Markup.STATUS) :: _, elems) =>
-          (this /: elems)((state, elem) =>
-            elem match {
-              case XML.Elem(Markup.UNPROCESSED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.UNPROCESSED)
-              case XML.Elem(Markup.FINISHED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.FINISHED)
-              case XML.Elem(Markup.FAILED, _, _) => state.set_status(Command.Status.FAILED)
-              case XML.Elem(kind, atts, body) =>
-                val (begin, end) = Position.get_offsets(atts)
-                if (begin.isEmpty || end.isEmpty) state
-                else if (kind == Markup.ML_TYPING) {
-                  val info = body.head.asInstanceOf[XML.Text].content   // FIXME proper match!?
-                  state.add_markup(
-                    command.markup_node(begin.get - 1, end.get - 1, Command.TypeInfo(info)))
-                }
-                else if (kind == Markup.ML_REF) {
-                  body match {
-                    case List(XML.Elem(Markup.ML_DEF, atts, _)) =>
-                      state.add_markup(command.markup_node(
-                        begin.get - 1, end.get - 1,
-                        Command.RefInfo(
-                          Position.get_file(atts),
-                          Position.get_line(atts),
-                          Position.get_id(atts),
-                          Position.get_offset(atts))))
-                    case _ => state
-                  }
-                }
-                else {
-                  state.add_markup(
-                    command.markup_node(begin.get - 1, end.get - 1, Command.HighlightInfo(kind)))
-                }
-              case _ =>
-                System.err.println("ignored status report: " + elem)
-                state
-            })
-        case _ => add_result(message)
-      }
-    if (!(this eq changed)) session.command_change.event(command)
-    changed
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/text_edit.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/Thy/text_edit.scala
-    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Munich
-    Author:     Makarius
-Basic edits on plain text.
-package isabelle
-class Text_Edit(val is_insert: Boolean, val start: Int, val text: String)
-  override def toString =
-    (if (is_insert) "Insert(" else "Remove(") + (start, text).toString + ")"
-  /* transform offsets */
-  private def transform(do_insert: Boolean, offset: Int): Int =
-    if (offset < start) offset
-    else if (is_insert == do_insert) offset + text.length
-    else (offset - text.length) max start
-  def after(offset: Int): Int = transform(true, offset)
-  def before(offset: Int): Int = transform(false, offset)
-  /* edit strings */
-  private def insert(index: Int, string: String): String =
-    string.substring(0, index) + text + string.substring(index)
-  private def remove(index: Int, count: Int, string: String): String =
-    string.substring(0, index) + string.substring(index + count)
-  def can_edit(string: String, shift: Int): Boolean =
-    shift <= start && start < shift + string.length
-  def edit(string: String, shift: Int): (Option[Text_Edit], String) =
-    if (!can_edit(string, shift)) (Some(this), string)
-    else if (is_insert) (None, insert(start - shift, string))
-    else {
-      val index = start - shift
-      val count = text.length min (string.length - index)
-      val rest =
-        if (count == text.length) None
-        else Some(new Text_Edit(false, start, text.substring(count)))
-      (rest, remove(index, count, string))
-    }
--- a/src/Pure/build-jars	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/build-jars	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@
 declare -a SOURCES=(
-  General/download.scala
-  General/event_bus.scala
+  General/pretty.scala
-  General/swing_thread.scala
@@ -39,7 +37,15 @@
+  PIDE/change.scala
+  PIDE/command.scala
+  PIDE/document.scala
+  PIDE/event_bus.scala
+  PIDE/markup_node.scala
+  PIDE/state.scala
+  PIDE/text_edit.scala
+  System/download.scala
@@ -48,14 +54,9 @@
-  Thy/change.scala
-  Thy/command.scala
+  System/swing_thread.scala
-  Thy/document.scala
-  Thy/markup_node.scala
-  Thy/state.scala
-  Thy/text_edit.scala
--- a/src/Pure/library.scala	Fri May 07 15:03:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/library.scala	Fri May 07 15:12:53 2010 +0200
@@ -13,6 +13,15 @@
 object Library
+  /* separate */
+  def separate[A](s: A, list: List[A]): List[A] =
+    list match {
+      case x :: xs if !xs.isEmpty => x :: s :: separate(s, xs)
+      case _ => list
+    }
   /* reverse CharSequence */
   class Reverse(text: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int) extends CharSequence
@@ -38,6 +47,30 @@
+  /* iterate over chunks (cf. space_explode/split_lines in ML) */
+  def chunks(source: CharSequence, sep: Char = '\n') = new Iterator[CharSequence]
+  {
+    private val end = source.length
+    private def next_chunk(i: Int): Option[(CharSequence, Int)] =
+    {
+      if (i < end) {
+        var j = i; do j += 1 while (j < end && source.charAt(j) != sep)
+        Some((source.subSequence(i + 1, j), j))
+      }
+      else None
+    }
+    private var state: Option[(CharSequence, Int)] = if (end == 0) None else next_chunk(-1)
+    def hasNext(): Boolean = state.isDefined
+    def next(): CharSequence =
+      state match {
+        case Some((s, i)) => { state = next_chunk(i); s }
+        case None => throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")
+      }
+  }
   /* simple dialogs */
   private def simple_dialog(kind: Int, default_title: String)