fixed bugs, added caching
Wed, 15 Feb 2006 23:57:06 +0100
changeset 19064 bf19cc5a7899
parent 19063 049c010c8fb7
child 19065 82e2d66f995b
fixed bugs, added caching
--- a/src/HOL/Import/Generate-HOLLight/GenHOLLight.thy	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/Generate-HOLLight/GenHOLLight.thy	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
 theory GenHOLLight imports "../HOLLightCompat" "../HOL4Syntax" begin;
+;skip_import_dir "/home/obua/tmp/cache"
+;skip_import on
 ;import_segment "hollight";
 setup_dump "../HOLLight" "HOLLight";
@@ -24,9 +28,9 @@
- (* TYDEF_sum
+  TYDEF_sum
-  DEF_INR*);
   ind > Nat.ind
@@ -34,8 +38,8 @@
   fun > fun
   N_1 >  Product_Type.unit
   prod > "*"
-  num > nat;
- (* sum > "+";*)
+  num > nat
+  sum > "+";
   "==" > "eqeq"
@@ -74,10 +78,10 @@
   "*" > "op *" :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "-" > "op -" :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   BIT0 > HOLLightCompat.NUMERAL_BIT0
-  BIT1 > HOL4Compat.NUMERAL_BIT1;
- (* INL > Sum_Type.Inl
-  INR > Sum_Type.Inr
-  HAS_SIZE > HOLLightCompat.HAS_SIZE*)
+  INL > Sum_Type.Inl
+  INR > Sum_Type.Inr;
+ (* HAS_SIZE > HOLLightCompat.HAS_SIZE; *)
 (*import_until "TYDEF_sum"
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL4Compat.thy	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4Compat.thy	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
     Author:     Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
-theory HOL4Compat imports HOL4Setup Divides Primes Real begin
+theory HOL4Compat imports HOL4Setup Divides Primes Real 
 lemma EXISTS_UNIQUE_DEF: "(Ex1 P) = (Ex P & (ALL x y. P x & P y --> (x = y)))"
   by auto
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL4Setup.thy	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4Setup.thy	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
     Author:     Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
-theory HOL4Setup imports MakeEqual
-  uses "susp.ML" "lazy_seq.ML" "lazy_scan.ML"
-    ("proof_kernel.ML") ("replay.ML") ("hol4rews.ML") ("import_package.ML") begin
+theory HOL4Setup imports MakeEqual ImportRecorder
+  uses ("proof_kernel.ML") ("replay.ML") ("hol4rews.ML") ("import_package.ML") begin
 section {* General Setup *}
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOLLightCompat.thy	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOLLightCompat.thy	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -91,6 +91,16 @@
 lemma NUMERAL_BIT1_altdef: "NUMERAL_BIT1 n = Suc (n + n)"
   by (simp add: NUMERAL_BIT1_def)
+  sumlift :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'c) \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> 'c) \<Rightarrow> (('a + 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'c)"
+  "sumlift f g (Inl a) = f a"
+  "sumlift f g (Inr b) = g b"
+lemma sum_Recursion: "\<exists> f. (\<forall> a. f (Inl a) = Inl' a) \<and> (\<forall> b. f (Inr b) = Inr' b)"
+  apply (rule exI[where x="sumlift Inl' Inr'"])
+  apply auto
+  done
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/ImportRecorder.thy	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+theory ImportRecorder imports Main 
+uses  "susp.ML" "lazy_seq.ML" "lazy_scan.ML" "xml.ML" "xmlconv.ML" "importrecorder.ML"
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/HOL/Import/import_syntax.ML	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/import_syntax.ML	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 signature HOL4_IMPORT_SYNTAX =
     type token = OuterSyntax.token
+    type command  = token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list 
     val import_segment: token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
     val import_theory : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
@@ -22,6 +23,9 @@
     val const_moves   : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
     val const_renames : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val skip_import_dir : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val skip_import     : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
     val setup        : unit -> unit
@@ -29,6 +33,7 @@
 type token = OuterSyntax.token
+type command  = token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list 
 local structure P = OuterParse and K = OuterKeyword in
@@ -36,12 +41,20 @@
 val import_segment = >> set_import_segment
 val import_theory = >> (fn thyname =>
 			       fn thy =>
 				  thy |> set_generating_thy thyname
 				      |> Theory.add_path thyname
 				      |> add_dump (";setup_theory " ^ thyname))
+fun do_skip_import_dir s = (ImportRecorder.set_skip_import_dir (SOME s); I)
+val skip_import_dir : command = P.string >> do_skip_import_dir
+val lower = Char.toLower
+fun do_skip_import s = (ImportRecorder.set_skip_import (case lower s of "on" => true | "off" => false | _ => ()); I)
+val skip_import : command = P.short_ident >> do_skip_import
 fun end_import toks =
 	(fn thy =>
@@ -50,13 +63,21 @@
 		val segname = get_import_segment thy
 		val (int_thms,facts) = Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy
 		val thmnames = List.filter (not o should_ignore thyname thy) facts
-               (* val _ = set show_types
-                val _ = set show_sorts*)
+		fun replay thy = 
+		    let
+			val _ = ImportRecorder.load_history thyname
+			val thy = Replay.import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames thy
+			    handle x => (ImportRecorder.save_history thyname; raise x)
+			val _ = ImportRecorder.save_history thyname
+			val _ = ImportRecorder.clear_history ()
+		    in
+			thy
+		    end					
 		thy |> clear_import_thy
 		    |> set_segment thyname segname
 		    |> set_used_names facts
-		    |> Replay.import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames
+		    |> replay 
 		    |> clear_used_names
 		    |> export_hol4_pending
 		    |> Theory.parent_path
@@ -211,6 +232,12 @@
    OuterSyntax.command "end_import"
 		       "End HOL4 import"
 		       K.thy_decl (end_import >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "skip_import_dir" 
+                       "Sets caching directory for skipping importing"
+                       K.thy_decl (skip_import_dir >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "skip_import" 
+                       "Switches skipping importing on or off"
+                       K.thy_decl (skip_import >> Toplevel.theory),		      
    OuterSyntax.command "setup_theory"
 		       "Setup HOL4 theory replaying"
 		       K.thy_decl (setup_theory >> Toplevel.theory),
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/importrecorder.ML	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+signature IMPORT_RECORDER =
+    datatype deltastate = Consts of (string * typ * mixfix) list
+			| Specification of (string * string * bool) list * term
+			| Hol_mapping of string * string * string
+			| Hol_pending of string * string * term
+			| Hol_const_mapping of string * string * string
+			| Hol_move of string * string
+			| Defs of string * term
+			| Hol_theorem of string * string * term
+			| Typedef of string option * (string * string list * mixfix) * term * (string * string) option * term 
+			| Hol_type_mapping of string * string * string
+			| Indexed_theorem of int * term
+    datatype history = History of history_entry list
+	 and history_entry = ThmEntry of string*string*bool*history | DeltaEntry of deltastate list
+    val get_history : unit -> history
+    val set_history : history -> unit
+    val clear_history : unit -> unit
+    val start_replay_proof : string -> string -> unit
+    val stop_replay_proof : string -> string -> unit
+    val abort_replay_proof : string -> string -> unit
+    val add_consts : (string * typ * mixfix) list -> unit
+    val add_specification : (string * string * bool) list -> thm -> unit
+    val add_hol_mapping : string -> string -> string -> unit
+    val add_hol_pending : string -> string -> thm -> unit
+    val add_hol_const_mapping : string -> string -> string -> unit
+    val add_hol_move : string -> string -> unit
+    val add_defs : string -> term -> unit
+    val add_hol_theorem : string -> string -> thm -> unit
+    val add_typedef :  string option -> string * string list * mixfix -> term -> (string * string) option -> thm -> unit
+    val add_hol_type_mapping : string -> string -> string -> unit
+    val add_indexed_theorem : int -> thm -> unit
+    val set_skip_import_dir : string option -> unit
+    val get_skip_import_dir : unit -> string option
+    val set_skip_import : bool -> unit
+    val get_skip_import : unit -> bool
+    val save_history : string -> unit
+    val load_history : string -> unit
+structure ImportRecorder :> IMPORT_RECORDER  =
+datatype deltastate = Consts of (string * typ * mixfix) list
+		    | Specification of (string * string * bool) list * term
+		    | Hol_mapping of string * string * string
+		    | Hol_pending of string * string * term
+		    | Hol_const_mapping of string * string * string
+		    | Hol_move of string * string
+		    | Defs of string * term
+		    | Hol_theorem of string * string * term
+		    | Typedef of string option * (string * string list * mixfix) * term * (string * string) option * term 
+		    | Hol_type_mapping of string * string * string
+		    | Indexed_theorem of int * term
+datatype history_entry = StartReplay of string*string  
+		       | StopReplay of string*string
+		       | AbortReplay of string*string
+		       | Delta of deltastate list
+val history = ref ([]:history_entry list)
+val history_dir = ref (SOME "")
+val skip_imports = ref false
+fun set_skip_import b = skip_imports := b
+fun get_skip_import () = !skip_imports
+fun clear_history () = history := []
+fun add_delta d = history := (case !history of (Delta ds)::hs => (Delta (d::ds))::hs | hs => (Delta [d])::hs)
+fun add_replay r = history := (r :: (!history))
+    open XMLConvOutput
+    val consts = list (triple string typ mixfix)
+    val specification = pair (list (triple string string bool)) term
+    val hol_mapping = triple string string string
+    val hol_pending = triple string string term
+    val hol_const_mapping = triple string string string
+    val hol_move = pair string string
+    val defs = pair string term
+    val hol_theorem = triple string string term
+    val typedef = quintuple (option string) (triple string (list string) mixfix) term (option (pair string string)) term
+    val hol_type_mapping = triple string string string
+    val indexed_theorem = pair int term
+    val entry = pair string string
+    fun delta (Consts args) = wrap "consts" consts args
+      | delta (Specification args) = wrap "specification" specification args
+      | delta (Hol_mapping args) = wrap "hol_mapping" hol_mapping args
+      | delta (Hol_pending args) = wrap "hol_pending" hol_pending args
+      | delta (Hol_const_mapping args) = wrap "hol_const_mapping" hol_const_mapping args
+      | delta (Hol_move args) = wrap "hol_move" hol_move args
+      | delta (Defs args) = wrap "defs" defs args
+      | delta (Hol_theorem args) = wrap "hol_theorem" hol_theorem args
+      | delta (Typedef args) = wrap "typedef" typedef args
+      | delta (Hol_type_mapping args) = wrap "hol_type_mapping" hol_type_mapping args
+      | delta (Indexed_theorem args) = wrap "indexed_theorem" indexed_theorem args
+    fun history_entry (StartReplay args) = wrap "startreplay" entry args
+      | history_entry (StopReplay args) = wrap "stopreplay" entry args
+      | history_entry (AbortReplay args) = wrap "abortreplay" entry args
+      | history_entry (Delta args) = wrap "delta" (list delta) args
+val xml_of_history = list history_entry
+    open XMLConvInput
+    val consts = list (triple string typ mixfix)
+    val specification = pair (list (triple string string bool)) term
+    val hol_mapping = triple string string string
+    val hol_pending = triple string string term
+    val hol_const_mapping = triple string string string
+    val hol_move = pair string string
+    val defs = pair string term
+    val hol_theorem = triple string string term
+    val typedef = quintuple (option string) (triple string (list string) mixfix) term (option (pair string string)) term
+    val hol_type_mapping = triple string string string
+    val indexed_theorem = pair int term
+    val entry = pair string string
+    fun delta "consts" = unwrap Consts consts
+      | delta "specification" = unwrap Specification specification 
+      | delta "hol_mapping" = unwrap Hol_mapping hol_mapping 
+      | delta "hol_pending" = unwrap Hol_pending hol_pending
+      | delta "hol_const_mapping" = unwrap Hol_const_mapping hol_const_mapping
+      | delta "hol_move" = unwrap Hol_move hol_move
+      | delta "defs" = unwrap Defs defs
+      | delta "hol_theorem" = unwrap Hol_theorem hol_theorem
+      | delta "typedef" = unwrap Typedef typedef
+      | delta "hol_type_mapping" = unwrap Hol_type_mapping hol_type_mapping
+      | delta "indexed_theorem" = unwrap Indexed_theorem indexed_theorem
+      | delta _ = raise ParseException "delta"
+    val delta = fn e => delta (name_of_wrap e) e
+    fun history_entry "startreplay" = unwrap StartReplay entry 
+      | history_entry "stopreplay" = unwrap StopReplay entry
+      | history_entry "abortreplay" = unwrap AbortReplay entry
+      | history_entry "delta" = unwrap Delta (list delta)
+      | history_entry _ = raise ParseException "history_entry"
+    val history_entry = fn e => history_entry (name_of_wrap e) e
+val history_of_xml = list history_entry
+fun start_replay_proof thyname thmname = add_replay (StartReplay (thyname, thmname))
+fun stop_replay_proof thyname thmname = add_replay (StopReplay (thyname, thmname))
+fun abort_replay_proof thyname thmname = add_replay (AbortReplay (thyname, thmname))
+fun add_hol_theorem thyname thmname thm = add_delta (Hol_theorem (thyname, thmname, prop_of thm))
+fun add_hol_mapping thyname thmname isaname = add_delta (Hol_mapping (thyname, thmname, isaname))
+fun add_consts consts = add_delta (Consts consts)
+fun add_typedef thmname_opt typ c absrep_opt th = add_delta (Typedef (thmname_opt, typ, c, absrep_opt, prop_of th))
+fun add_defs thmname eq = add_delta (Defs (thmname, eq)) 
+fun add_hol_const_mapping thyname constname fullcname = add_delta (Hol_const_mapping (thyname, constname, fullcname))
+fun add_hol_move fullname moved_thmname = add_delta (Hol_move (fullname, moved_thmname))
+fun add_hol_type_mapping thyname tycname fulltyname = add_delta (Hol_type_mapping (thyname, tycname, fulltyname))
+fun add_hol_pending thyname thmname th = add_delta (Hol_pending (thyname, thmname, prop_of th))
+fun add_specification names th = add_delta (Specification (names, prop_of th)) 
+fun add_indexed_theorem i th = add_delta (Indexed_theorem (i, prop_of th))
+fun set_skip_import_dir dir = (history_dir := dir)
+fun get_skip_import_dir () = !history_dir
+fun get_filename thyname = Path.pack (Path.append (Path.unpack (the (get_skip_import_dir ()))) (Path.unpack (thyname^".history")))
+fun save_history thyname = 
+    if get_skip_import () then
+	XMLConv.write_to_file xml_of_history (get_filename thyname) (!history)
+    else 
+	()
+fun load_history thyname = 
+    if get_skip_import () then
+	let 
+	    val filename = get_filename thyname
+	    val _ = writeln "load_history / before"
+	    val _ = 
+		if File.exists (Path.unpack filename) then					
+		    (history := XMLConv.read_from_file history_of_xml (get_filename thyname)) 
+		else
+		    clear_history ()
+	    val _ = writeln "load_history / after"
+	in
+	    ()
+	end
+    else
+	()
+datatype history = History of history_entry list
+     and history_entry = ThmEntry of string*string*bool*history | DeltaEntry of deltastate list
+exception CONV 
+fun conv_histories ((StartReplay (thyname, thmname))::rest) = 
+    let
+	val (hs, rest) = conv_histories rest
+	fun continue thyname' thmname' aborted rest = 
+	    if thyname = thyname' andalso thmname = thmname' then
+		let
+		    val (hs', rest) = conv_histories rest
+		in
+		    ((ThmEntry (thyname, thmname, aborted, History hs))::hs', rest)
+		end
+	    else
+		raise CONV 
+    in
+	case rest of 
+	    (StopReplay (thyname',thmname'))::rest =>
+	    continue thyname' thmname' false rest
+	  | (AbortReplay (thyname',thmname'))::rest =>
+	    continue thyname' thmname' true rest
+	  | [] => (hs, [])
+	  | _ => raise CONV
+    end
+  | conv_histories ((Delta ds)::rest) = (conv_histories rest) |>> (fn hs => (DeltaEntry (rev ds))::hs)  
+  | conv_histories rest = ([], rest)
+fun conv es = 
+    let
+	val (h, rest) = conv_histories (rev es)
+    in
+	case rest of
+	    [] => h
+	  | _ => raise CONV
+    end 
+fun get_history () = History (conv (!history))
+fun reconv (History hs) rs = fold reconv_entry hs rs
+and reconv_entry (ThmEntry (thyname, thmname, aborted, h)) rs =
+    ((if aborted then AbortReplay else StopReplay) (thyname, thmname)) :: (reconv h ((StartReplay (thyname, thmname))::rs))
+  | reconv_entry (DeltaEntry ds) rs = (Delta (rev ds))::rs
+fun set_history h = history := reconv h []
--- a/src/HOL/Import/lazy_scan.ML	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/lazy_scan.ML	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
     val --|      : ('a,'b) scanner * ('a,'c) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
     val |--      : ('a,'b) scanner * ('a,'c) scanner -> ('a,'c) scanner
     val ^^       : ('a,string) scanner * ('a,string) scanner
-		   -> ('a,string) scanner
+		   -> ('a,string) scanner 
     val ||       : ('a,'b) scanner * ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
     val one      : ('a -> bool) -> ('a,'a) scanner
     val succeed  : 'b -> ('a,'b) scanner
@@ -30,11 +30,14 @@
     val repeat   : ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b list) scanner
     val repeat1  : ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b list) scanner
     val ahead    : ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
-    val unless   : ('a LazySeq.seq -> bool) -> ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
+    val unless   : ('a, 'b) scanner -> ('a,'c) scanner -> ('a,'c) scanner
     val $$       : ''a -> (''a,''a) scanner
     val !!       : ('a LazySeq.seq -> string) -> ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
     val scan_full: ('a,'b) scanner -> 'a LazySeq.seq -> 'b LazySeq.seq
+    val scan_id : (string, string) scanner
+    val this : ''a list -> (''a, ''a list) scanner
+    val this_string : string -> (string, string) scanner
 structure LazyScan :> LAZY_SCAN =
@@ -203,4 +206,11 @@
 	LazySeq.make (fn () => F toks)
+val scan_id = one Symbol.is_letter ^^ (any Symbol.is_letdig >> implode);
+fun this [] = (fn toks => ([], toks))
+  | this (xs' as (x::xs)) = one (fn y => x=y) -- this xs >> K xs'
+fun this_string s = this (explode s) >> K s
--- a/src/HOL/Import/lazy_seq.ML	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/lazy_seq.ML	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
     val getItem : 'a seq -> ('a * 'a seq) option
     val nth : 'a seq * int -> 'a
     val take : 'a seq * int -> 'a seq
+    val take_at_most : 'a seq * int -> 'a list
     val drop : 'a seq * int -> 'a seq
     val rev : 'a seq -> 'a seq
     val concat : 'a seq seq -> 'a seq
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
 fun getItem (Seq s) = force s
 fun make f = Seq (delay f)
-fun null s = isSome (getItem s)
+fun null s = is_none (getItem s)
     fun F n NONE = n
@@ -148,6 +149,12 @@
     else F' s n
+fun take_at_most (s,n) = 
+    if n <= 0 then [] else
+    case getItem s of 
+	NONE => []
+      | SOME (x,s') => x::(take_at_most (s',n-1))
     fun F s 0 = s
       | F NONE _ = raise Subscript
--- a/src/HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
     val to_isa_thm : thm -> (term * term) list * Thm.thm
     val to_isa_term: term -> Term.term
+    val to_hol_thm : Thm.thm -> thm
     val REFL : term -> theory -> theory * thm
     val ASSUME : term -> theory -> theory * thm
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@
 fun hthm2thm (HOLThm (_, th)) = th 
+fun to_hol_thm th = HOLThm ([], th)
 datatype proof_info
   = Info of {disk_info: (string * string) option ref}
@@ -199,6 +201,8 @@
+exception SMART_STRING
 fun smart_string_of_cterm ct =
 	val {sign,t,T,...} = rep_cterm ct
@@ -207,8 +211,10 @@
 		   handle TERM _ => ct)
 	fun match cu = t aconv (term_of cu)
 	fun G 0 = Library.setmp show_types true (Library.setmp show_sorts true)
-	  | G 1 = Library.setmp show_all_types true (G 0)
-          | G _ = error ("ProofKernel.smart_string_of_cterm internal error")
+	  | G 1 = Library.setmp show_brackets true (G 0)
+	  | G 2 = Library.setmp show_all_types true (G 0)
+	  | G 3 = Library.setmp show_brackets true (G 2)
+          | G _ = raise SMART_STRING 
 	fun F n =
 		val str = Library.setmp show_brackets false (G n string_of_cterm) ct
@@ -219,6 +225,7 @@
 		else F (n+1)
 	    handle ERROR mesg => F (n+1)
+		 | SMART_STRING => raise ERROR ("smart_string failed for: "^(G 0 string_of_cterm ct))
       Library.setmp print_mode [] (Library.setmp Syntax.ambiguity_is_error true F) 0
@@ -1041,14 +1048,7 @@
-(* rotate left k places, leaving the first j and last l premises alone
-fun permute_prems j k 0 th = Thm.permute_prems j k th
-  | permute_prems j k l th =
-    th |> Thm.permute_prems 0 (~l)
-       |> Thm.permute_prems (j+l) k
-       |> Thm.permute_prems 0 l
+val permute_prems = Thm.permute_prems 
 fun rearrange sg tm th =
@@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@
       val new_name = new_name' "a"
       fun replace_name n' (Free (n, t)) = Free (n', t)
         | replace_name n' _ = ERR "replace_name"
-      (* map: old oder fresh name -> old free, 
+      (* map: old or fresh name -> old free, 
          invmap: old free which has fresh name assigned to it -> fresh name *)
       fun dis (v, mapping as (map,invmap)) =
           let val n = name_of v in
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@
 fun if_debug f x = if !debug then f x else ()
 val message = if_debug writeln
-val conjE_helper = Thm.permute_prems 0 1 conjE
+val conjE_helper = permute_prems 0 1 conjE
 fun get_hol4_thm thyname thmname thy =
     case get_hol4_theorem thyname thmname thy of
@@ -1286,6 +1286,8 @@
 			val hth as HOLThm args = mk_res th
 			val thy' =  thy |> add_hol4_theorem thyname thmname args
 					|> add_hol4_mapping thyname thmname isaname
+			val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_theorem thyname thmname (snd args)
+			val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_mapping thyname thmname isaname
 			(thy',SOME hth)
@@ -1351,6 +1353,7 @@
 	val rew = rewrite_hol4_term (concl_of th) thy
 	val th  = equal_elim rew th
 	val thy' = add_hol4_pending thyname thmname args thy
+	val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_pending thyname thmname (hthm2thm hth') 
         val th = disambiguate_frees th
 	val thy2 = if gen_output
 		   then add_dump ("lemma " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ": " ^ 
@@ -1903,34 +1906,45 @@
 	val csyn = mk_syn thy constname
 	val thy1 = case HOL4DefThy.get thy of
 		       Replaying _ => thy
-		     | _ => Theory.add_consts_i [(constname,ctype,csyn)] thy
+		     | _ => (ImportRecorder.add_consts [(constname, ctype, csyn)]; Theory.add_consts_i [(constname,ctype,csyn)] thy)
 	val eq = mk_defeq constname rhs' thy1
 	val (thms, thy2) = PureThy.add_defs_i false [((thmname,eq),[])] thy1
+	val _ = ImportRecorder.add_defs thmname eq
 	val def_thm = hd thms
 	val thm' = def_thm RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq_thm
 	val (thy',th) = (thy2, thm')
 	val fullcname = Sign.intern_const thy' constname
 	val thy'' = add_hol4_const_mapping thyname constname true fullcname thy'
+	val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_const_mapping thyname constname fullcname
 	val (linfo,tm24) = disamb_term (mk_teq constname rhs' thy'')
 	val rew = rewrite_hol4_term eq thy''
 	val crhs = cterm_of thy'' (#2 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of rew)))
 	val thy22 = if (def_name constname) = thmname andalso not redeclared andalso csyn = NoSyn
-			add_dump ("constdefs\n  " ^ (quotename constname) ^ " :: \"" ^ string_of_ctyp (ctyp_of thy'' ctype) ^ "\" " ^ (Syntax.string_of_mixfix csyn) ^ "\n  " ^ (smart_string_of_cterm crhs)) thy''
+			let
+			    val p1 = quotename constname
+			    val p2 = string_of_ctyp (ctyp_of thy'' ctype)
+			    val p3 = Syntax.string_of_mixfix csyn
+			    val p4 = smart_string_of_cterm crhs
+			in
+			    add_dump ("constdefs\n  " ^p1^ " :: \"" ^p2^ "\" "^p3^ "\n  " ^p4) thy''  
+			end
-			add_dump ("consts\n  " ^ (quotename constname) ^ " :: \"" ^ string_of_ctyp (ctyp_of thy'' ctype) ^
-				  "\" " ^ (Syntax.string_of_mixfix csyn) ^ "\n\ndefs\n  " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ": " ^ (smart_string_of_cterm crhs))
-				 thy''
+			(add_dump ("consts\n  " ^ (quotename constname) ^ " :: \"" ^ string_of_ctyp (ctyp_of thy'' ctype) ^
+				   "\" " ^ (Syntax.string_of_mixfix csyn) ^ "\n\ndefs\n  " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ": " ^ (smart_string_of_cterm crhs))
+				  thy'')
 	val hth = case Shuffler.set_prop thy22 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop tm24) [("",th)] of
-		     SOME (_,res) => HOLThm(rens_of linfo,res)
-		   | NONE => raise ERR "new_definition" "Bad conclusion"
+		      SOME (_,res) => HOLThm(rens_of linfo,res)
+		    | NONE => raise ERR "new_definition" "Bad conclusion"
 	val fullname = Sign.full_name thy22 thmname
 	val thy22' = case opt_get_output_thy thy22 of
-			 "" => add_hol4_mapping thyname thmname fullname thy22
+			 "" => (ImportRecorder.add_hol_mapping thyname thmname fullname; 
+				add_hol4_mapping thyname thmname fullname thy22)
 		       | output_thy =>
 			     val moved_thmname = output_thy ^ "." ^ thyname ^ "." ^ thmname
+			     val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_move fullname moved_thmname
+			     val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_mapping thyname thmname moved_thmname
 			     thy22 |> add_hol4_move fullname moved_thmname
 				   |> add_hol4_mapping thyname thmname moved_thmname
@@ -1981,6 +1995,7 @@
 			       val str = Library.foldl (fn (acc,(c,T,csyn)) =>
 						   acc ^ "\n  " ^ (quotename c) ^ " :: \"" ^ string_of_ctyp (ctyp_of thy T) ^ "\" " ^ (Syntax.string_of_mixfix csyn)) ("consts",consts)
 			       val thy' = add_dump str thy
+			       val _ = ImportRecorder.add_consts consts
 			       Theory.add_consts_i consts thy'
@@ -1988,9 +2003,11 @@
 	    val thy1 = foldr (fn(name,thy)=>
 				snd (get_defname thyname name thy)) thy1 names
 	    fun new_name name = fst (get_defname thyname name thy1)
+	    val names' = map (fn name => (new_name name,name,false)) names
 	    val (thy',res) = SpecificationPackage.add_specification NONE
-				 (map (fn name => (new_name name,name,false)) names)
+				 names'
+	    val _ = ImportRecorder.add_specification names' th
 	    val res' = Drule.freeze_all res
 	    val hth = HOLThm(rens,res')
 	    val rew = rewrite_hol4_term (concl_of res') thy'
@@ -2056,17 +2073,20 @@
 	    val tnames = map fst tfrees
 	    val tsyn = mk_syn thy tycname
 	    val typ = (tycname,tnames,tsyn)
-	    val (thy',typedef_info) = TypedefPackage.add_typedef_i false (SOME thmname) typ c NONE (rtac th2 1) thy
+	    val (thy',typedef_info) = TypedefPackage.add_typedef_i false (SOME thmname) typ c NONE (rtac th2 1) thy	    
+            val _ = ImportRecorder.add_typedef (SOME thmname) typ c NONE th2
 	    val th3 = (#type_definition typedef_info) RS typedef_hol2hol4
 	    val fulltyname = Sign.intern_type thy' tycname
 	    val thy'' = add_hol4_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy'
+	    val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_type_mapping thyname tycname fulltyname
 	    val (hth' as HOLThm args) = norm_hthm thy'' (HOLThm(rens,th3))
 	    val _ = if has_ren hth' then warning ("Theorem " ^ thmname ^ " needs variable-disambiguating")
 		    else ()
 	    val thy4 = add_hol4_pending thyname thmname args thy''
+	    val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_pending thyname thmname (hthm2thm hth')
 	    val rew = rewrite_hol4_term (concl_of td_th) thy4
 	    val th  = equal_elim rew (Thm.transfer thy4 td_th)
@@ -2146,7 +2166,8 @@
 	    val tnames = sort string_ord (map fst tfrees)
 	    val tsyn = mk_syn thy tycname
 	    val typ = (tycname,tnames,tsyn)
-	    val (thy',typedef_info) = TypedefPackage.add_typedef_i false NONE typ c (SOME(rep_name,abs_name)) (rtac th2 1) thy
+	    val (thy', typedef_info) = TypedefPackage.add_typedef_i false NONE typ c (SOME(rep_name,abs_name)) (rtac th2 1) thy
+	    val _ = ImportRecorder.add_typedef NONE typ c (SOME(rep_name,abs_name)) th2
 	    val fulltyname = Sign.intern_type thy' tycname
 	    val aty = Type (fulltyname, map mk_vartype tnames)
 	    val abs_ty = tT --> aty
@@ -2161,9 +2182,11 @@
             val _ = if Drule.vars_of th4 = [] then () else raise ERR "type_introduction" "no term variables expected any more"
 	    val _ = message ("step 3: thyname="^thyname^", tycname="^tycname^", fulltyname="^fulltyname)
             val thy'' = add_hol4_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy'
+	    val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_type_mapping thyname tycname fulltyname
             val _ = message "step 4"
 	    val (hth' as HOLThm args) = norm_hthm thy'' (HOLThm(rens,th4))
 	    val thy4 = add_hol4_pending thyname thmname args thy''
+	    val _ = ImportRecorder.add_hol_pending thyname thmname (hthm2thm hth')
 	    val P' = P (* why !? #2 (Logic.dest_equals (concl_of (rewrite_hol4_term P thy4))) *)
 	    val c   =
--- a/src/HOL/Import/replay.ML	Wed Feb 15 21:35:13 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/replay.ML	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 structure P = ProofKernel
 open ProofKernel
+open ImportRecorder
 exception REPLAY of string * string
 fun ERR f mesg = REPLAY (f,mesg)
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@
 fun replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy =
+	val _ = ImportRecorder.start_replay_proof thyname thmname 
 	fun rp (PRefl tm) thy = P.REFL tm thy
 	  | rp (PInstT(p,lambda)) thy =
@@ -270,8 +272,13 @@
 		  | _ => rp pc thy
-	rp' prf thy handle e => (writeln "Exception in replay_proof"; OldGoals.print_exn e)
-    end
+	let
+	    val x = rp' prf thy handle e => (writeln "Exception in replay_proof"; OldGoals.print_exn e)
+	    val _ = ImportRecorder.stop_replay_proof thyname thmname
+	in
+	    x
+	end
+    end handle x => (ImportRecorder.abort_replay_proof thyname thmname; raise x)
 fun setup_int_thms thyname thy =
@@ -312,9 +319,77 @@
 	replay_fact (thmname,thy)
+fun replay_chached_thm int_thms thyname thmname =
+    let
+	fun th_of thy = setmp quick_and_dirty true (SkipProof.make_thm thy)
+	fun err msg = raise ERR "replay_cached_thm" msg
+	val _ = writeln ("Replaying (from cache) "^thmname^" ...")
+	fun rps [] thy = thy
+	  | rps (t::ts) thy = rps ts (rp t thy)
+	and rp (ThmEntry (thyname', thmname', aborted, History history)) thy = rps history thy	    
+	  | rp (DeltaEntry ds) thy = fold delta ds thy
+(*    datatype deltastate = Consts of (string * typ * mixfix) list
+			| Specification of (string * string * bool) list * term
+			| Hol_mapping of string * string * string
+			| Hol_pending of string * string * term
+			| Hol_const_mapping of string * string * string
+			| Hol_move of string * string
+			| Defs of string * term
+			| Hol_theorem of string * string * term
+			| Typedef of string option * (string * string list * mixfix) * term * (string * string) option * term 
+			| Hol_type_mapping of string * string * string
+			| Indexed_theorem of int * term
+	and delta (Specification (names, th)) thy = 
+	    fst (SpecificationPackage.add_specification NONE names (thy,th_of thy th))
+	  | delta (Hol_mapping (thyname, thmname, isaname)) thy = 
+	    add_hol4_mapping thyname thmname isaname thy
+	  | delta (Hol_pending (thyname, thmname, th)) thy = 
+	    add_hol4_pending thyname thmname ([], th_of thy th) thy
+	  | delta (Consts cs) thy = Theory.add_consts_i cs thy
+	  | delta (Hol_const_mapping (thyname, constname, fullcname)) thy = 
+	    add_hol4_const_mapping thyname constname true fullcname thy
+	  | delta (Hol_move (fullname, moved_thmname)) thy = 
+	    add_hol4_move fullname moved_thmname thy
+	  | delta (Defs (thmname, eq)) thy =
+	    snd (PureThy.add_defs_i false [((thmname, eq), [])] thy)
+	  | delta (Hol_theorem (thyname, thmname, th)) thy =
+	    add_hol4_theorem thyname thmname ([], th_of thy th) thy
+	  | delta (Typedef (thmname, typ, c, repabs, th)) thy = 
+	    fst(TypedefPackage.add_typedef_i false thmname typ c repabs (rtac (th_of thy th) 1) thy)
+	  | delta (Hol_type_mapping (thyname, tycname, fulltyname)) thy =  
+	    add_hol4_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy
+	  | delta (Indexed_theorem (i, th)) thy = 
+	    (Array.update (int_thms,i-1,SOME (P.to_hol_thm (th_of thy th))); thy)	    	    
+    in
+	rps
+    end
 fun import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames thy =
-	fun replay_fact (thy,thmname) =
+	fun zip names [] = ([], names)
+	  | zip [] _ = ([], [])
+	  | zip (thmname::names) ((ThmEntry (entry as (thyname',thmname',aborted,History history)))::ys) = 
+	    if thyname = thyname' andalso thmname = thmname' then
+		(if aborted then ([], thmname::names) else 
+		 let
+		     val _ = writeln ("theorem is in-sync: "^thmname)
+		     val (cached,normal) = zip names ys
+		 in
+		     (entry::cached, normal)
+		 end)
+	    else
+		raise ERR "import_thms" ("cached theorems are not in-sync, expected: "^thmname^", found: "^thmname')
+	  | zip (thmname::_) (DeltaEntry _ :: _) = 
+ 	    raise ERR "import_thms" ("expected theorem '"^thmname^"', but found a delta")
+	fun zip' xs (History ys) = 
+	    let
+		val _ = writeln ("length of xs: "^(string_of_int (length xs)))
+		val _ = writeln ("length of history: "^(string_of_int (length ys)))
+	    in
+		zip xs ys
+	    end
+	fun replay_fact thmname thy = 
 		val prf = mk_proof PDisk	
 		val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
@@ -323,7 +398,10 @@
-	val res_thy = Library.foldl replay_fact (thy,thmnames)
+	fun replay_cache (_,thmname, _, History history) thy = replay_chached_thm int_thms thyname thmname history thy
+	val (cached, normal) = zip' thmnames (ImportRecorder.get_history ())
+	val _ = ImportRecorder.set_history (History (map ThmEntry cached))
+	val res_thy = fold replay_fact normal (fold replay_cache cached thy)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/xml.ML	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/General/xml.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David Aspinall, Stefan Berghofer and Markus Wenzel
+Basic support for XML.
+signature XML =
+  val header: string
+  val text: string -> string
+  val text_charref: string -> string
+  val cdata: string -> string
+  val element: string -> (string * string) list -> string list -> string
+  datatype tree =
+      Elem of string * (string * string) list * tree list
+    | Text of string
+  val string_of_tree: tree -> string
+  val tree_of_string: string -> tree
+structure XML =
+structure Scan = LazyScan
+open Scan
+(** string based representation (small scale) **)
+val header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
+(* text and character data *)
+fun decode "&lt;" = "<"
+  | decode "&gt;" = ">"
+  | decode "&amp;" = "&"
+  | decode "&apos;" = "'"
+  | decode "&quot;" = "\""
+  | decode c = c;
+fun encode "<" = "&lt;"
+  | encode ">" = "&gt;"
+  | encode "&" = "&amp;"
+  | encode "'" = "&apos;"
+  | encode "\"" = "&quot;"
+  | encode c = c;
+fun encode_charref c = "&#" ^ Int.toString (ord c) ^ ";"
+val text = Library.translate_string encode
+val text_charref = translate_string encode_charref;
+val cdata = enclose "<![CDATA[" "]]>\n"
+(* elements *)
+fun attribute (a, x) = a ^ " = \"" ^ text x ^ "\"";
+fun element name atts cs =
+  let val elem = space_implode " " (name :: map attribute atts) in
+    if null cs then enclose "<" "/>" elem
+    else enclose "<" ">" elem ^ implode cs ^ enclose "</" ">" name
+  end;
+(** explicit XML trees **)
+datatype tree =
+    Elem of string * (string * string) list * tree list
+  | Text of string;
+fun string_of_tree tree =
+  let
+    fun string_of (Elem (name, atts, ts)) buf =
+        let val buf' =
+          buf |> Buffer.add "<"
+          |> fold Buffer.add (separate " " (name :: map attribute atts))
+        in
+          if null ts then
+            buf' |> Buffer.add "/>"
+          else
+            buf' |> Buffer.add ">"
+            |> fold string_of ts
+            |> Buffer.add "</" |> Buffer.add name |> Buffer.add ">"
+        end
+      | string_of (Text s) buf = Buffer.add (text s) buf;
+  in Buffer.content (string_of tree Buffer.empty) end;
+(** XML parsing **)
+fun beginning n xs = Symbol.beginning n (LazySeq.take_at_most (xs, n))
+fun err s xs =
+  "XML parsing error: " ^ s ^ "\nfound: " ^ quote (beginning 100 xs) ;
+val scan_whspc = Scan.any Symbol.is_blank;
+val scan_special = $$ "&" ^^ scan_id ^^ $$ ";" >> decode;
+val parse_chars = Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless ((* scan_whspc -- *)$$ "<")
+  (scan_special || Symbol.not_eof)) >> implode;
+val parse_cdata = Scan.this_string "<![CDATA[" |--
+  (Scan.repeat (Scan.unless (Scan.this_string "]]>") ( Symbol.not_eof)) >>
+    implode) --| Scan.this_string "]]>";
+val parse_att =
+    scan_id --| scan_whspc --| $$ "=" --| scan_whspc --
+    (($$ "\"" || $$ "'") :-- (fn s => (Scan.repeat (Scan.unless ($$ s)
+    (scan_special || Symbol.not_eof)) >> implode) --| $$ s) >> snd);
+val parse_comment = Scan.this_string "<!--" --
+  Scan.repeat (Scan.unless (Scan.this_string "-->") ( Symbol.not_eof)) --
+  Scan.this_string "-->";
+val scan_comment_whspc = 
+    (scan_whspc >> K()) --| (Scan.repeat (parse_comment |-- (scan_whspc >> K())));
+val parse_pi = Scan.this_string "<?" |--
+  Scan.repeat (Scan.unless (Scan.this_string "?>") ( Symbol.not_eof)) --|
+  Scan.this_string "?>";
+fun parse_content xs =
+  ((Scan.optional ((* scan_whspc |-- *) parse_chars >> (single o Text)) [] --
+    (Scan.repeat ((* scan_whspc |-- *)
+       (   parse_elem >> single
+        || parse_cdata >> (single o Text)
+        || parse_pi >> K []
+        || parse_comment >> K []) --
+       Scan.optional ((* scan_whspc |-- *) parse_chars >> (single o Text)) []
+         >> op @) >> List.concat) >> op @)(* --| scan_whspc*)) xs
+and parse_elem xs =
+  ($$ "<" |-- scan_id --
+    Scan.repeat (scan_whspc |-- parse_att) --| scan_whspc :-- (fn (s, _) =>
+      !! (err "Expected > or />")
+        (Scan.this_string "/>" >> K []
+         || $$ ">" |-- parse_content --|
+            !! (err ("Expected </" ^ s ^ ">"))
+              (Scan.this_string ("</" ^ s) --| scan_whspc --| $$ ">"))) >>
+    (fn ((s, atts), ts) => Elem (s, atts, ts))) xs;
+val parse_document =
+  Scan.option (Scan.this_string "<!DOCTYPE" -- scan_whspc |--
+    (Scan.repeat (Scan.unless ($$ ">")
+      ( Symbol.not_eof)) >> implode) --| $$ ">" --| scan_whspc) --
+  parse_elem;
+fun tree_of_string s =
+    let
+	val seq = LazySeq.of_list (Symbol.explode s)
+	val scanner = !! (err "Malformed element") (scan_whspc |-- parse_elem --| scan_whspc)
+	val (x, toks) = scanner seq
+    in
+	if LazySeq.null toks then x else error ("Unprocessed input: '"^(beginning 100 toks)^"'")
+    end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/xmlconv.ML	Wed Feb 15 23:57:06 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+signature XML_CONV =
+  type 'a input = XML.tree -> 'a
+  type 'a output = 'a -> XML.tree
+  exception ParseException of string
+  val xml_of_typ: typ output
+  val typ_of_xml: typ input
+  val xml_of_term: term output
+  val term_of_xml : term input
+  val xml_of_mixfix: mixfix output
+  val mixfix_of_xml: mixfix input
+  val xml_of_proof: Proofterm.proof output
+  val xml_of_bool: bool output
+  val bool_of_xml: bool input
+  val xml_of_int: int output
+  val int_of_xml: int input
+  val xml_of_string: string output
+  val string_of_xml: string input
+  val xml_of_list: 'a output -> 'a list output
+  val list_of_xml: 'a input -> 'a list input
+  val xml_of_tuple : 'a output -> 'a list output
+  val tuple_of_xml: 'a input -> int -> 'a list input
+  val xml_of_option: 'a output -> 'a option output
+  val option_of_xml: 'a input -> 'a option input
+  val xml_of_pair: 'a output -> 'b output -> ('a * 'b) output
+  val pair_of_xml: 'a input -> 'b input -> ('a * 'b) input
+  val xml_of_triple: 'a output -> 'b output -> 'c output -> ('a * 'b * 'c) output
+  val triple_of_xml: 'a input -> 'b input -> 'c input -> ('a * 'b * 'c) input
+  val xml_of_unit: unit output
+  val unit_of_xml: unit input
+  val xml_of_quadruple: 'a output -> 'b output -> 'c output -> 'd output -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) output
+  val quadruple_of_xml: 'a input -> 'b input -> 'c input -> 'd input -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) input
+  val xml_of_quintuple: 'a output -> 'b output -> 'c output -> 'd output -> 'e output -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) output
+  val quintuple_of_xml: 'a input -> 'b input -> 'c input -> 'd input -> 'e input -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) input
+  val wrap : string -> 'a output -> 'a output
+  val unwrap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a input -> 'b input
+  val wrap_empty : string output
+  val unwrap_empty : 'a -> 'a input
+  val name_of_wrap : XML.tree -> string
+  val write_to_file: 'a output -> string -> 'a -> unit
+  val read_from_file: 'a input -> string -> 'a
+structure XMLConv : XML_CONV =
+type 'a input = XML.tree -> 'a
+type 'a output = 'a -> XML.tree
+exception ParseException of string
+fun parse_err s = raise ParseException s
+fun xml_of_class name = XML.Elem ("class", [("name", name)], []);
+fun class_of_xml (XML.Elem ("class", [("name", name)], [])) = name
+  | class_of_xml _ = parse_err "class"
+fun xml_of_typ (TVar ((s, i), S)) = XML.Elem ("TVar",
+      ("name", s) :: (if i=0 then [] else [("index", string_of_int i)]),
+      map xml_of_class S)
+  | xml_of_typ (TFree (s, S)) =
+      XML.Elem ("TFree", [("name", s)], map xml_of_class S)
+  | xml_of_typ (Type (s, Ts)) =
+      XML.Elem ("Type", [("name", s)], map xml_of_typ Ts);
+fun intofstr s i = 
+    case Int.fromString i of 
+	NONE => parse_err (s^", invalid index: "^i)
+      | SOME i => i
+fun typ_of_xml (XML.Elem ("TVar", [("name", s)], cs)) = TVar ((s,0), map class_of_xml cs)
+  | typ_of_xml (XML.Elem ("TVar", [("name", s), ("index", i)], cs)) = 
+    TVar ((s, intofstr "TVar" i), map class_of_xml cs)
+  | typ_of_xml (XML.Elem ("TFree", [("name", s)], cs)) = TFree (s, map class_of_xml cs)
+  | typ_of_xml (XML.Elem ("Type", [("name", s)], ts)) = Type (s, map typ_of_xml ts)
+  | typ_of_xml _ = parse_err "type"
+fun xml_of_term (Bound i) =
+      XML.Elem ("Bound", [("index", string_of_int i)], [])
+  | xml_of_term (Free (s, T)) =
+      XML.Elem ("Free", [("name", s)], [xml_of_typ T])
+  | xml_of_term (Var ((s, i), T)) = XML.Elem ("Var",
+      ("name", s) :: (if i=0 then [] else [("index", string_of_int i)]),
+      [xml_of_typ T])
+  | xml_of_term (Const (s, T)) =
+      XML.Elem ("Const", [("name", s)], [xml_of_typ T])
+  | xml_of_term (t $ u) =
+      XML.Elem ("App", [], [xml_of_term t, xml_of_term u])
+  | xml_of_term (Abs (s, T, t)) =
+      XML.Elem ("Abs", [("vname", s)], [xml_of_typ T, xml_of_term t]);
+fun term_of_xml (XML.Elem ("Bound", [("index", i)], [])) = Bound (intofstr "Bound" i)
+  | term_of_xml (XML.Elem ("Free", [("name", s)], [T])) = Free (s, typ_of_xml T)
+  | term_of_xml (XML.Elem ("Var",[("name", s)], [T])) = Var ((s,0), typ_of_xml T)
+  | term_of_xml (XML.Elem ("Var",[("name", s), ("index", i)], [T])) = Var ((s,intofstr "Var" i), typ_of_xml T)
+  | term_of_xml (XML.Elem ("Const", [("name", s)], [T])) = Const (s, typ_of_xml T)
+  | term_of_xml (XML.Elem ("App", [], [t, u])) = (term_of_xml t) $ (term_of_xml u)
+  | term_of_xml (XML.Elem ("Abs", [("vname", s)], [T, t])) = Abs (s, typ_of_xml T, term_of_xml t)
+  | term_of_xml _ = parse_err "term"
+fun xml_of_opttypes NONE = []
+  | xml_of_opttypes (SOME Ts) = [XML.Elem ("types", [], map xml_of_typ Ts)];
+(* FIXME: the t argument of PThm and PAxm is actually redundant, since *)
+(* it can be looked up in the theorem database. Thus, it could be      *)
+(* omitted from the xml representation.                                *)
+fun xml_of_proof (PBound i) =
+      XML.Elem ("PBound", [("index", string_of_int i)], [])
+  | xml_of_proof (Abst (s, optT, prf)) =
+      XML.Elem ("Abst", [("vname", s)],
+        (case optT of NONE => [] | SOME T => [xml_of_typ T]) @
+        [xml_of_proof prf])
+  | xml_of_proof (AbsP (s, optt, prf)) =
+      XML.Elem ("AbsP", [("vname", s)],
+        (case optt of NONE => [] | SOME t => [xml_of_term t]) @
+        [xml_of_proof prf])
+  | xml_of_proof (prf % optt) =
+      XML.Elem ("Appt", [],
+        xml_of_proof prf ::
+        (case optt of NONE => [] | SOME t => [xml_of_term t]))
+  | xml_of_proof (prf %% prf') =
+      XML.Elem ("AppP", [], [xml_of_proof prf, xml_of_proof prf'])
+  | xml_of_proof (Hyp t) = XML.Elem ("Hyp", [], [xml_of_term t])
+  | xml_of_proof (PThm ((s, _), _, t, optTs)) =
+      XML.Elem ("PThm", [("name", s)], xml_of_term t :: xml_of_opttypes optTs)
+  | xml_of_proof (PAxm (s, t, optTs)) =
+      XML.Elem ("PAxm", [("name", s)], xml_of_term t :: xml_of_opttypes optTs)
+  | xml_of_proof (Oracle (s, t, optTs)) =
+      XML.Elem ("Oracle", [("name", s)], xml_of_term t :: xml_of_opttypes optTs)
+  | xml_of_proof (MinProof _) = XML.Elem ("MinProof", [], []);
+fun xml_of_bool b = XML.Elem ("bool", [("value", if b then "true" else "false")], [])
+fun xml_of_int i = XML.Elem ("int", [("value", string_of_int i)], [])
+fun xml_of_string s = XML.Elem ("string", [("value", s)], [])
+fun xml_of_unit () = XML.Elem ("unit", [], [])
+fun xml_of_list output ls = XML.Elem ("list", [], map output ls)
+fun xml_of_tuple output ls = XML.Elem ("tuple", [], map output ls)
+fun xml_of_option output opt = XML.Elem ("option", [], case opt of NONE => [] | SOME x => [output x])
+fun wrap s output x = XML.Elem (s, [], [output x])
+fun wrap_empty s = XML.Elem (s, [], [])
+fun xml_of_pair output1 output2 (x1, x2) = XML.Elem ("pair", [], [output1 x1, output2 x2])
+fun xml_of_triple output1 output2 output3 (x1, x2, x3) = XML.Elem ("triple", [], [output1 x1, output2 x2, output3 x3])
+fun xml_of_quadruple output1 output2 output3 output4 (x1, x2, x3, x4) = 
+    XML.Elem ("quadruple", [], [output1 x1, output2 x2, output3 x3, output4 x4])
+fun xml_of_quintuple output1 output2 output3 output4 output5 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) = 
+    XML.Elem ("quintuple", [], [output1 x1, output2 x2, output3 x3, output4 x4, output5 x5])
+fun bool_of_xml (XML.Elem ("bool", [("value", "true")], [])) = true
+  | bool_of_xml (XML.Elem ("bool", [("value", "false")], [])) = false
+  | bool_of_xml _ = parse_err "bool"
+fun int_of_xml (XML.Elem ("int", [("value", i)], [])) = intofstr "int" i
+  | int_of_xml _ = parse_err "int"
+fun unit_of_xml (XML.Elem ("unit", [], [])) = ()
+  | unit_of_xml _ = parse_err "unit"
+fun list_of_xml input (XML.Elem ("list", [], ls)) = map input ls
+  | list_of_xml _ _ = parse_err "list"
+fun tuple_of_xml input i (XML.Elem ("tuple", [], ls)) = 
+    if i = length ls then map input ls else parse_err "tuple"
+  | tuple_of_xml _ _ _ = parse_err "tuple"
+fun option_of_xml input (XML.Elem ("option", [], [])) = NONE
+  | option_of_xml input (XML.Elem ("option", [], [opt])) = SOME (input opt)
+  | option_of_xml _ _ = parse_err "option"
+fun pair_of_xml input1 input2 (XML.Elem ("pair", [], [x1, x2])) = (input1 x1, input2 x2)
+  | pair_of_xml _ _ _ = parse_err "pair"
+fun triple_of_xml input1 input2 input3 (XML.Elem ("triple", [], [x1, x2, x3])) = (input1 x1, input2 x2, input3 x3)
+  | triple_of_xml _ _ _ _ = parse_err "triple"
+fun quadruple_of_xml input1 input2 input3 input4 (XML.Elem ("quadruple", [], [x1, x2, x3, x4])) = 
+    (input1 x1, input2 x2, input3 x3, input4 x4)
+  | quadruple_of_xml _ _ _ _ _ = parse_err "quadruple"
+fun quintuple_of_xml input1 input2 input3 input4 input5 (XML.Elem ("quintuple", [], [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5])) = 
+    (input1 x1, input2 x2, input3 x3, input4 x4, input5 x5)
+  | quintuple_of_xml _ _ _ _ _ _ = parse_err "quintuple"
+fun unwrap f input (XML.Elem (_, [], [x])) = f (input x)
+  | unwrap _ _ _  = parse_err "unwrap"
+fun unwrap_empty x (XML.Elem (_, [], [])) = x 
+  | unwrap_empty _ _ = parse_err "unwrap_unit"
+fun name_of_wrap (XML.Elem (name, _, _)) = name
+  | name_of_wrap _ = parse_err "name_of_wrap"
+fun string_of_xml (XML.Elem ("string", [("value", s)], [])) = s
+  | string_of_xml _ = parse_err "string"
+fun xml_of_mixfix NoSyn = wrap_empty "nosyn"
+  | xml_of_mixfix Structure = wrap_empty "structure"
+  | xml_of_mixfix (Mixfix args) = wrap "mixfix" (xml_of_triple xml_of_string (xml_of_list xml_of_int) xml_of_int) args
+  | xml_of_mixfix (Delimfix s) = wrap "delimfix" xml_of_string s
+  | xml_of_mixfix (InfixName args) = wrap "infixname" (xml_of_pair xml_of_string xml_of_int) args
+  | xml_of_mixfix (InfixlName args) = wrap "infixlname" (xml_of_pair xml_of_string xml_of_int) args
+  | xml_of_mixfix (InfixrName args) = wrap "infixrname" (xml_of_pair xml_of_string xml_of_int) args
+  | xml_of_mixfix (Infix i) = wrap "infix" xml_of_int i
+  | xml_of_mixfix (Infixl i) = wrap "infixl" xml_of_int i
+  | xml_of_mixfix (Infixr i) = wrap "infixr" xml_of_int i
+  | xml_of_mixfix (Binder args) = wrap "binder" (xml_of_triple xml_of_string xml_of_int xml_of_int) args
+fun mixfix_of_xml e = 
+    (case name_of_wrap e of 
+	 "nosyn" => unwrap_empty NoSyn 
+       | "structure" => unwrap_empty Structure 
+       | "mixfix" => unwrap Mixfix (triple_of_xml string_of_xml (list_of_xml int_of_xml) int_of_xml)
+       | "delimfix" => unwrap Delimfix string_of_xml
+       | "infixname" => unwrap InfixName (pair_of_xml string_of_xml int_of_xml) 
+       | "infixlname" => unwrap InfixlName (pair_of_xml string_of_xml int_of_xml)  
+       | "infixrname" => unwrap InfixrName (pair_of_xml string_of_xml int_of_xml)
+       | "infix" => unwrap Infix int_of_xml
+       | "infixl" => unwrap Infixl int_of_xml 
+       | "infixr" => unwrap Infixr int_of_xml
+       | "binder" => unwrap Binder (triple_of_xml string_of_xml int_of_xml int_of_xml)
+       | _ => parse_err "mixfix"
+    ) e
+fun write_to_file output fname x = File.write (Path.unpack fname) (XML.string_of_tree (output x))
+fun read_from_file input fname = 
+    let
+	val _ = writeln "read_from_file enter"
+	val s = (Path.unpack fname)
+	val _ = writeln "done: read file"
+	val tree = timeit (fn () => XML.tree_of_string s)
+	val _ = writeln "done: tree"
+	val x = timeit (fn () => input tree)
+	val _ = writeln "done: input"
+    in
+	x
+    end
+structure XMLConvOutput =
+open XMLConv
+val typ = xml_of_typ
+val term = xml_of_term
+val mixfix = xml_of_mixfix
+val proof = xml_of_proof
+val bool = xml_of_bool
+val int = xml_of_int
+val string = xml_of_string
+val unit = xml_of_unit
+val list = xml_of_list
+val pair = xml_of_pair
+val option = xml_of_option
+val triple = xml_of_triple
+val quadruple = xml_of_quadruple
+val quintuple = xml_of_quintuple
+structure XMLConvInput = 
+open XMLConv
+val typ = typ_of_xml
+val term = term_of_xml
+val mixfix = mixfix_of_xml
+val bool = bool_of_xml
+val int = int_of_xml
+val string = string_of_xml
+val unit = unit_of_xml
+val list = list_of_xml
+val pair = pair_of_xml
+val option = option_of_xml
+val triple = triple_of_xml
+val quadruple = quadruple_of_xml
+val quintuple = quintuple_of_xml