renamed Buffer.write to File.write_buffer;
added scalable iterator fold_lines;
--- a/src/Pure/General/file.ML Wed Aug 27 20:36:26 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/file.ML Wed Aug 27 20:36:27 2008 +0200
@@ -25,11 +25,13 @@
val open_input: (TextIO.instream -> 'a) -> Path.T -> 'a
val open_output: (TextIO.outstream -> 'a) -> Path.T -> 'a
val open_append: (TextIO.outstream -> 'a) -> Path.T -> 'a
+ val fold_lines: (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> Path.T -> 'a -> 'a
val read: Path.T -> string
val write: Path.T -> string -> unit
val append: Path.T -> string -> unit
val write_list: Path.T -> string list -> unit
val append_list: Path.T -> string list -> unit
+ val write_buffer: Path.T -> Buffer.T -> unit
val eq: Path.T * Path.T -> bool
val copy: Path.T -> Path.T -> unit
val copy_dir: Path.T -> Path.T -> unit
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@
the_default false (try OS.FileSys.isDir (platform_path path));
-(* read / write files *)
+(* open files *)
@@ -134,23 +136,52 @@
let val file = open_file path
in Exn.release (Exn.capture f file before close_file file) end;
-fun output txts file = (fn txt => TextIO.output (file, txt)) txts;
fun open_input f = with_file TextIO.openIn TextIO.closeIn f o platform_path;
fun open_output f = with_file TextIO.openOut TextIO.closeOut f o platform_path;
fun open_append f = with_file TextIO.openAppend TextIO.closeOut f o platform_path;
+(* input *)
+(*scalable iterator -- avoid size limit of TextIO.inputAll, and overhead of many TextIO.inputLine*)
+fun fold_lines f path a = open_input (fn file =>
+ let
+ val first_line = first_field "\n";
+ fun split str x =
+ (case first_line str of
+ SOME (line, rest) => split rest (f line x)
+ | NONE => read (Buffer.add str Buffer.empty) x)
+ and read buf x =
+ let val str = TextIO.input file in
+ (case first_line str of
+ SOME (line, rest) => split rest (f (Buffer.content (Buffer.add line buf)) x)
+ | NONE =>
+ if str = "" then (case Buffer.content buf of "" => x | line => f line x)
+ else read (Buffer.add str buf) x)
+ end;
+ in read Buffer.empty a end) path;
val read = open_input TextIO.inputAll;
+(* output *)
+fun output txts file = (fn txt => TextIO.output (file, txt)) txts;
fun write_list path txts = open_output (output txts) path;
fun append_list path txts = open_append (output txts) path;
fun write path txt = write_list path [txt];
fun append path txt = append_list path [txt];
+fun write_buffer path buf = open_output (Buffer.output buf) path;
+(* copy *)
fun eq paths =
(case try (pairself (OS.FileSys.fileId o platform_path)) paths of