Addition of compression, that is, sharing.
Uses refs and Symtab (binary search trees) to get reasonable speed.
Types and terms can be compressed.
--- a/src/Pure/term.ML Fri Dec 22 10:38:27 1995 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/term.ML Fri Dec 22 10:48:59 1995 +0100
@@ -593,6 +593,79 @@
fun rename_wrt_term t = rename_aTs (add_term_names(t,[]));
+(*** Compression of terms and types by sharing common subtrees. Currently
+ naive but could be made to run faster. Saves 50-75% on storage
+ requirements. As it is slow, should be called only for axioms, stored
+ theorems, etc. ***)
+(** Sharing of types **)
+(*Allow non-"fun" types??*)
+fun atomic_tag (Type (a,_)) = if a<>"fun" then a else raise Match
+ | atomic_tag (TFree (a,_)) = a
+ | atomic_tag (TVar ((a,_),_)) = a;
+fun type_tag (Type("fun",[S,T])) = atomic_tag S ^ type_tag T
+ | type_tag T = atomic_tag T;
+val memo_types = ref (Symtab.null : typ list Symtab.table);
+fun find_type (T, []: typ list) = None
+ | find_type (T, T'::Ts) =
+ if T=T' then Some T'
+ else find_type (T, Ts);
+fun compress_type T =
+ let val tag = type_tag T
+ val tylist = the (Symtab.lookup (!memo_types, tag))
+ handle _ => []
+ in
+ case find_type (T,tylist) of
+ Some T' => T'
+ | None =>
+ let val T' =
+ case T of
+ Type (a,Ts) => Type (a, map compress_type Ts)
+ | _ => T
+ in memo_types := Symtab.update ((tag, T'::tylist), !memo_types);
+ T
+ end
+ end
+ handle Match =>
+ let val Type (a,Ts) = T
+ in Type (a, map compress_type Ts) end;
+(** Sharing of atomic terms **)
+val memo_terms = ref (Symtab.null : term list Symtab.table);
+fun find_term (t, []: term list) = None
+ | find_term (t, t'::ts) =
+ if t=t' then Some t'
+ else find_term (t, ts);
+fun const_tag (Const (a,_)) = a
+ | const_tag (Free (a,_)) = a
+ | const_tag (Var ((a,i),_)) = a
+ | const_tag (t as Bound _) = ".B.";
+fun share_term (t $ u) = share_term t $ share_term u
+ | share_term (Abs (a,T,u)) = Abs (a, T, share_term u)
+ | share_term t =
+ let val tag = const_tag t
+ val ts = the (Symtab.lookup (!memo_terms, tag))
+ handle _ => []
+ in
+ case find_term (t,ts) of
+ Some t' => t'
+ | None => (memo_terms := Symtab.update ((tag, t::ts), !memo_terms);
+ t)
+ end;
+val compress_term = share_term o map_term_types compress_type;
open Term;